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preparatory college

Chemistry M and T course curriculum

Amount of hours

1st semester: 2 lessons per week 2nd

semester: 8 teaching hours per week

Topic areas

1st semester

- Matter, elements, compounds, mixtures

Definitions, conservation of mass in chem. Reactions, heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures,
separation processes (briefly)

- 2. Atomic construction, atomic models

electron, proton, neutron; atomic number, mass number, isotopes; Bohr's atom model,
knowledge of the subshells (orbitals) s, p, d, f

- 3. Atomic mass, amount of substance, moles, concentration

Mol, Avogadro number, molar volume of ideal gases under standard conditions, stoichiometric
calculations (amount of substance/mass/molar mass/volume of ideal gases)

- 4. Periodic table of elements (structure, main/(minor) groups)

period, (main) group; Ionization energy, atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity

- 5. Chemical bond (covalent, ionic, metal bond)Noble gas configuration (noble gas, octet
rule), non-polar/polar bonds, dipoles, salts

- 6. Intermolecular forces
Hydrogen bonds, dipole-dipole interaction, van der Waals interaction, hydrophobic

- 7. Concentration information/calculationsMass,
volume fraction, molar concentration

- 8. Acid/base, pH value
Definitions according to Brønsted, conjugate acid/base pairs, autoprotolysis (law of
mass action, if necessary) and ionic product of water, pH, pOH

2 semesters

(A) Natural products

- 1. Basic concepts/repetition

- 2. Types of binding
metallic (atomic core, electron gas), ionic (salt bond, AB, AB2 structures), covalent (atomic
bond), hydrogen bond, van der Waals bond, coordination (complexes, chelation effect)

- 3. Atomic construction

PSE (structure principle according to filling of the orbitals without exceptions, only general), change
of important properties in the PSE (ionization energy, electronegativity, atomic radius)

preparatory college

- 4. RedOx reactions
Definitions, oxidation numbers, setting up complex RedOx reactions by separating them into
two partial reactions (oxidation + reduction in alkaline and acidic environments),
comproportionation/disproportionation, electrochemistry (electrochemical cells, noble character
of metals, Daniell element, electrochemical voltage series, normal potentials, emf, electrolytic
and galvanic cells (principle, technical applications, electrical storage cells), Nernst equation,
concentration chains

- 5.Organic chemistry
Special position of carbon chemistry, alkanes (structure, homologous series, nomenclature,
extraction, meaning, physical properties, radical halogenation), alkenes (structure, homologous
series, nomenclature, radical and electrophilic addition, polymerization), alkynes (structure,
homologous series, nomenclature), functional groups, fats (unsaturated/saturated), carbohydrates
(definition, basic terms, classification, Fischer projection, polarimetry, chirality, HAWORTH
representation, di-/polysaccharides), amino acids (IEP), proteins (structural features, denaturation )

(B) Physical chemistry

- 1. Formal charges, mesomerism

- 2. Energetics of chemical reactions

Calorimetry, enthalpies of reaction, Hess's theorem, standard enthalpies of formation

- 3. Second law of thermodynamics

Entropy, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation

- 4. Chemical equilibriaEquilibrium constant, Le

Chatelier's principle

- 5. Acid-base balances
pH value calculations, strong/weak electrolytes, buffer systems, titration (practical),
titration curves


- (1) Zeeck, “Chemistry for Doctors”, Elsevier Verlag

- (2) Mortimer, “The Basic Knowledge of Chemistry”, VCH

Annotation:(1) is particularly suitable for M-course participants; (2) offers somewhat more comprehensive
information for T-course participants.

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