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Identify a regular time for prayerful reading

and studying the Bible. Reflect on one (1) Time: 6:00 P.M
scriptural reading one day at a time Date: October 03, 2022

Psalm 16:8
Begin by selecting and praying an Dear God, thank you for always
appropriate passage from the Book of
staying by my side. God, I may not see
you but I always feel that you are here
with me especially during my lost
times. God, be my happiness that bring
positivity when I am down. Lord may
this prayer not only bless me but also
to my family, friends, and to others as
well. Lord, I know that it is you who
will guide us always for you oh Lord in
the one who knows our path. In Jesus
name I pray. Amen.
Use your imagination to put yourself
inside Mark 10:46-52
some of the gospel stories.
Seeing someone who puts faith in Jesus and is
1. You are a bystander in the crowd healed by him just deepens my faith. Jesus is
watching Jesus heal the blind man undoubtedly a source of hope for everyone;
Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52). all we need to do is put our trust and faith in
him. He gives us both salvation and healing.
2. You are the Samaritan woman at the Jesus can make what seems impossible
well happen. Witnessing such an event. I've come
when Jesus comes along (John 4:4-42). to understand that because Jesus lives within
us, we should never lose hope.
3. You are one of the disciples walking
Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke

Pay attention to what comes to mind and

write your reflections.
John 4: 4-42

Being that Samaritan woman while

telling the world about our savior may
feel odd at first, but as I try to speak
with our savior, my problems with
trust will diminish. He has the power to
remove all our worries and doubts for
he is our saviour and our Lord.

Luke 24: 13-32

While walking with Jesus I felt that he

will never abandon me, as well as the
world. That Jesus gives us fresh
understanding of transforming the
grace and to form friendships that
foster faith and support each other’s
spiritual maturity. He also gives
blessing in disguise and will never
make us feel alone.

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