Progress Report

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Progress Report is a type of special information report that records the history of an activity
from the time it has started up to the present date of writing.

SAMPLE OF PROGRESS REPORT: (extracted from Lannon, 1997) Progress Report (on the

Subject: Progress Report: Equipment for New Operations Building

Work Completed

Our training group has met twice since our May 12 report in order to answer the questions you
posed in your May 16 memo. In our first meeting, we identified the types of training we

Types of Trainings Anticipated

 Divisional Surveys
These are likely assessments or evaluations conducted within your division to
gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, or assess performance.

 Loan Officer Work Experience

This could involve shadowing experienced loan officers, gaining hands-on
experience in processing loans, understanding customer interactions, and learning
about the financial products offered.

 Divisional Systems Training

This training focuses on familiarizing you with the systems and software used
within your division, ensuring you can effectively use them in your work.

 Divisional Clerical Training (Continuing)

This is likely ongoing training for clerical staff within your division, covering
topics relevant to their roles and responsibilities.

 Divisional Clerical Training (New Employees)

Similar to continuing training but specifically designed for new clerical staff to
help them get up to speed with divisional procedures and processes.

 Divisional Management Training (Seminars)

These seminars are likely aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of
managers within your division, covering topics such as leadership, decision-
making, and team management.

 Special/ New Equipment Training

This training is designed to familiarize you with any new or specialized
equipment that your division may be using, ensuring you can use it safely and
effectively in your work.

In our second meeting, we considered various areas for the training room,

Training Room The frequency of training necessitates having a training room available daily.
The large training room in the Corporate Education area (10th floor) would be ideal. Before
submitting our next report, we need your confirmation that this room can be assigned to us.

To support the training programs, we purchased this equipment:

 Audio viewer
An audio viewer is a device used to play audio recordings, such as tapes or digital
files, with accompanying visual content.

 LCD monitor
LCD monitors are displays that use liquid crystal cells to produce images. They
are commonly used for computer displays and in presentations to show visual

 Videocassette recorder and monitor

A videocassette recorder (VCR) is a device used to play and record video tapes. It
is often paired with a monitor to display the video content.

 CRT(Cathode Ray Tube)

A CRT is a type of display device that uses electron beams to create images on a
phosphorescent screen. CRTs were commonly used in older television sets and
computer monitors.

 Software for computer-assisted instruction

This software is designed to facilitate learning through the use of computers. It
can include interactive tutorials, simulations, and educational games.
 Slide projector
A slide projector is a device used to display photographic slides. It projects the
image from the slide onto a screen for viewing by an audience.

 Tape recorder
A tape recorder is a device used to record and play back audio recordings on
magnetic tape.

This equipment will allow us to administer training in a variety of modes, ranging from
programmed and learner-centered instruction to group and workshops. Seminars

Work Remaining

To support the training, we need to furnish the room appropriately. Because the types of training
will vary, the furniture should provide a flexible environment. Outlined here are our anticipated
furnishing needs.

Tables and chairs that can be set up in many configurations. These would allow for individual or
group training and large seminars.

Portable room dividers. These would provide study space for training with programmed
instruction, and allow for simultaneous training.

Built-in stage for audio-visual equipment and training supplies. Ideally, this storage space should
be multipurpose, providing work and display purposes.

A flexible lighting system, important for audio-visual presentations and individualized study.

Independent temperature control, to ensure that the training room remains comfortable regardless
of group size and equipment used.

The project is on schedule. As soon as we receive your approval of these specifications, we will
proceed to the next step: sending our bids for room dividers, and having plans drawn for built-in
storage space.

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