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QUARTER 3- Module 4
Connecting to the World
What I Need to Know
Figures of speech beautify and improve the quality of a literary piece. It may also
be an effective way of expressing an emotion in speech or in writing. If used properly, it enhances its
meaning and reaches the eloquence of speech.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this module you should be able to:

1. identify the types of figures of speech;

2. cite what figures of speech are used in sentences; and

3. use figures of speech effectively in writing sentences

Most Essential Learning Competency: Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the
ideas presented in the material viewed
What I Know

Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Identify whether the statement is true or false. Write
your answer on your paper.

_______1. A figure of speech has to be interpreted by the reader or listener.

_______2. Simile and metaphor are two figures of speech that involve a comparison.
_______3. Oxymoron is a figure of speech that makes an obvious exaggeration
_______4. The words “like” and “as” typically appear in metaphor.
_______5. Knowing the type of figure of speech is more important than understanding the
meaning of it.
_______6. A figure of speech is something only writers use.
_______7. Figures of speech mean exactly what the words say.
_______8. When words are literal, they mean exact.
_______9. Non-human or non-living things are spoken about as if they were human in
_______10. A figure of speech is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using
words in a distinctive way

Lesson With Fortitude and Determination


What’s In
Have you always made the best decisions? What would your life be if you
decided differently? What if you were consistently able to make wise decisions, wouldn’t the
quality of your life improve? Whether you are now in the process of making an important
decision or just want to hone your skills, you will find something valuable in this lesson.

In this journey you will be able to link yourself from the past to the modern
times to be able to evade making decisions at fast pace.
What’s New
Directions: Read and analyze the lines of Romeo and Juliet taken from
the famous balcony scene.

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That thou her maid art far more fair than she.”

My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.

What is It
Figure of speech is a word or phrase using figurative language—language that has other
meaning than its literal definition.

Types of Figures of Speech

1.Simile -common figure of speech that uses the words “like” and “as” to compare two things
that are not related by definition.
 Her eyes are like stars.
 His love for Juliet is as deep as sea.
2. Metaphor - compares two different things without the use of the terms “like” or “as.”
 Juliet is the sun and moon of Romeo.
3 .Euphemism - replaces words or phrases that considered harsh, impolite, or unpleasant.
 Romeo and Juliet passed away (died) because of a forbidden love.
4. Oxymoron – two words that have contradictory meanings.
 The visitors in Capulet’s hall gather a small crowd for Lord Capulet’s speech
5. Personification- an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or
 Death, not Romeo, take my maiden head.
6. Hyperbole is a figure of speech that utilizes extreme exaggeration to emphasize a certain
quality or feature.
 Juliet was told to marry Paris a million times.
What’s More
Directions: Determine what type of figure of speech is present in the following

1. Romeo heard the wind whistling while lurking in Capulet’s backyard. _____________
2. In the end, they both passed away. . _____________
3. Their love story is music to my ears. _____________
4. I’ll die if he doesn’t marry Juliet.. _____________
5. Juliet is as beautiful as a blooming flower. _____________
6. Parting is such sweet sorrow. _____________

What I Have Learned

I have learned that


What I Can Do
Directions: Construct your own sentence using the different figures of speech
that you have learned.

Simile Hyperbole

________________________ _________________________

Figures of
Metaphor Speech Oxymoron
________________________ _________________________

Personification Euphemism

_______________________ ________________________
Directions: Identify the correct answers to the questions below. Write your answer on your

1. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill.

a. simile c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
2.What does the quote below mean?
“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.”
a. It is important to strive for success.
b. It is wrong to work hard for success.
c. You should plant crops where you plan to harvest them.
d. To be successful, you must first work hard.
3. Which of these creates an exaggeration?
a. simile c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
4. The clock is telling him to start dinner.
a. oxymoron c. personification
b. hyperbole d. euphemism
5. What does the quote below mean?
“The best university of all is a collection of books.”
a. All universities should have a large book.
b. A university can be judged by the size of its book collection
c. People who want to attend a university should first read a large collection of books.
d. Reading a books can provide a person with an excellent education.
6. Her cheeks are big red apples from the cold.
a. simile c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
7.Life is like a box of chocolates, You never know what you’re going to get.
a. simile c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
8. The leaves danced in the wind.
a. simile c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
9. Juliet is like a rich jewel.
a. simile c. personification
b. metaphor d. hyperbole
10. Tybalt’s aggressive behavior caused his collateral damage.
A .oxymoron c. personification
b. hyperbole d. euphemism
Answer Key

What I Know- True or False

2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True

What’s More

1. Personification
2. Euphemism
5. Simile
6. Oxymoron


1. a 6. b
2. d 7. a
3. d 8. c
4. c 9. a
5. d 10. d

Online References : speech_1&q=10

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

Grade/Section: _______________________________ Score:____________
Most Essential Learning Competency: Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the
ideas presented in the material viewed

A. Directions: Determine what type of figure of speech is present in the following

statement. Choose your answer inside the box.

Simile Oxymoron Personification

Metaphor Hyperbole Euphemism

__________1. This suitcase weighs a ton.

__________2. Juliet's love is a boundless sea.
__________3. Juliet and Romeo passed away because of their forbidden love.
__________4. She is a star in the sky.
__________5. The water danced across her window.
__________6.He is willing to love all her perfect imperfections.
__________7. Romeo dearly departed using poison while Juliet was asleep.
__________8. Her hair was like gravy, running brown off her head and clumping up on her
__________9. He is so much in love with her that he considers her as his end and his
__________10. The bird hummed in the background.

B. Directions: Identify what figure of speech is being described in each item. Write
your answer on your paper.

______1. It replaces words or phrases that considered harsh, impolite, or unpleasant.

______2.It is a common figure of speech that uses the words “like” and “as” to compare two
things that are not related by definition.
______3 It refers to two words that have contradictory meanings.
______4. It is an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.

______5. It is a figure of speech that utilizes extreme exaggeration to emphasize a certain

quality or feature.
______6. It is a comparison of two things that are basically dissimilar in which one is
described in terms of the other.

C. Directions: Construct your own two sentences using the figures of speech listed
1. Simile 4. Hyperbole
2. Oxymoron 5. Personification
3. Metaphor 6. Euphemism
Answer Key

A. 1. hyperbole

2. metaphor

3. euphemism

4. metaphor

5. personification

6. oxymoron

7. euphemism

8. simile

9. oxymoron

10. personification

B. 1. Euphemism

2. simile

3. oxymoron

4. personification

5 . hyperbole

6. metaphor

C. Answers may vary

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