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Non-Employee Access Agreement Form

Version 2.1 (2018)

Non-Employee Access Agreement

Name: Date: Schlumberger Mailing Address:

Job Title: Email Address: Site Information Security Coordinator (SISC):

Outside Company: Outside Company Representative: Project:

User Responsibility Agreement Statement

By signing this Agreement, I acknowledge that the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement govern my use of the
access granted to Schlumberger information, systems, computing resources, IT facilities, and network (SINet). In accordance
hereof, I understand and accept the following terms and conditions:
• I will direct all questions pertaining to access to my company Sponsor or my Site Information Security Coordinator (SISC).I
acknowledge that the technical and business information to which I gain access constitutes valuable trade secrets belonging to
Schlumberger. This technical and business information is referred to as Schlumberger Information Assets (SIA), includes but is
not limited to: data; computer access telephone numbers; node names; communications protocols; personal identification
numbers (PINs); passwords; logon procedures; and access to voice mail systems In order to protect Schlumberger against any
unauthorized use or disclosure of SIA, and in exchange for Schlumberger’s promise to provide access to SIA and other
consideration received during the term of this Agreement, I agree to keep confidential, for five (5) years after termination of
this agreement, all SIA.
• I agree that SIA is owned by Schlumberger (or others). I agree that use or disclosure of SIA for any other reason would cause

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Schlumberger irreparable harm and injury for which no adequate remedy at law exists and in such case of improper use or
disclosure, Schlumberger shall be entitled to obtain injunctive relief, among other available remedies, to enjoin such breach or
threatened breach.
• I agree that Schlumberger has the right to monitor data or information which traverses SINet and Schlumberger computing or
information resources
• My passwords (including logon, voice mail, and electronic mail) will conform to Schlumberger standards; will be changed at
least once every six months; will not be incorporated or utilized in a pre-coded access routine; will not be shared, and will not
be utilized for access to non-Schlumberger sites or systems. I agree that Schlumberger retains the right to reset passwords
upon actual or threatened security breach or system vulnerability
• I will access and view the data/content on or through the access interface on my computer or other device and make use of
the access interface as well as the data/content only for legitimate business purposes related to my work with Schlumberger,
and only for a limited period as authorized by Schlumberger in relation to the above referenced Project.
• All work I perform will be backed up regularly to preserve all contracted work results. Backups not done on Schlumberger
provided backup facilities will be given to Schlumberger for safekeeping. All backups of contracted work will be given to
Schlumberger at the end of the contract.
• I will follow all site-specific security requirements, as supplied by my local Site Information Security Coordinator (SISC) or
Sponsor, as well as all Schlumberger Information Security policies and standards when using or accessing SIA, facilities, or
supplied resources.
• Schlumberger Information Security Standards can be found at: These specifically include the Information
Security User, Access, and Classification standards and are hereby incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
during the period of access granted hereunder, I will not:

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Non-Employee Access Agreement Form
Version 2.1 (2018)

o modify or copy any proprietary information [including intellectual property] owned by Schlumberger or any of its affiliates;
o attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained in Schlumberger information systems;
o remove any copyright or other proprietary notations or any legal notices
o copy, archive, store, reproduce, rearrange, modify, adapt, download, upload, create derivate works from, display, perform,
publish, distribute, redistribute or disseminate any data accessed hereunder;
o attempt to gain unauthorized access to Schlumberger’s computer systems or engage in any activity that disrupts,
diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of the remote access interface;
o develop, invoke, or utilize any code to disrupt, diminish the quality of, interfere with the performance of, or impair the
functionality of the remote access interface;
o authorize or encourage or permit any third party to use the remote access interface to facilitate any of the foregoing
prohibited conduct;
o in any manner, misuse the access granted herein or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other parts of Schlumberger
information systems;
o upload any content that causes a breach of security or any network or interfere with the proper working of Schlumberger
information systems; and
o circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security related features or features that prevent or restrict use or restrict
copying of any content including proprietary information or third-party content.
• I will utilize Schlumberger provided computer and network equipment solely for the purpose of conducting contracted work
unless separate arrangements are made in writing. This equipment will remain the property of Schlumberger after the
termination of the contract.
• I will report recognized or suspected violations of the Schlumberger Information Security Standards to my Sponsor or Site
Information Security Coordinator, including but not limited to last reported login date and time inconsistencies, unusually
functioning PC or IT System, suspected virus infection, missing hardware or software, and requests for information by an

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unknown person(s).
• I will secure all theft-sensitive items when not in use, including but not limited to registration cards, Identification and access
badges, laptops, mobile phones, flash storage devices, external drives, or other peripheral devices.
• Schlumberger is not liable for loss, corruption, or privacy of data stored in or transmitted through facilities provided here,
except for willful misconduct by Schlumberger.
• Schlumberger owns, solely and exclusively, all rights, title and interest in and to the remote access interface, all the content,
code, data and materials thereon, the look and feel, design and organization of the display, and the compilation of the content,
code, data and materials on, accessed or added through the remote access interface, including but not limited to any copyrights,
trademark rights, patent rights, database rights, moral rights and other intellectual property and proprietary rights therein,
excluding third party content. The authorization granted to me to access the data through the remote access interface and the
content therein does not grant me ownership of any content, code or materials I may access on or through the remote access
• I agree that information and other content added to Schlumberger information systems through the remote access interface
shall be deemed a “work made for hire” as that term is defined by the copyright laws of the United States.
• I agree to abide by all copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained herein and while accessing the information.
• Failure to comply with the terms of this agreement may result in immediate loss of all access privileges and the possible
termination of my contract agreement.

Signature: Date:
__________________________________________ __________________

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Non-Employee Access Agreement Form
Version 2.1 (2018)

Outside Company Representative Statement:

• I agree to notify the Schlumberger sponsor(s) immediately (within twenty-four (24) hours, in writing, if the above-signed
employee ceases to be employed by my Company or no longer requires access to Schlumberger information.

• I am responsible for proper information security training, according to Schlumberger guidelines, and the subsequent actions or
omission of the personnel supplied on this contract.

Outside Representative Signature: Date:

__________________________________________ __________________
Printed Name: Company and Title:

__________________________________________ _________________________________

Schlumberger Sponsor Signature: Date:

___________________________________________ ___________________

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Non-Employee Access Agreement Form
Version 2.1 (2018)

Instructions for Administering

Non-Employee Access Agreement

This document describes how to establish and enforce the terms under which a non-Schlumberger employee may access and use
computer-based information or Schlumberger IT Facilities.

Definition of Company Sponsor

Schlumberger employees who oversee ‘outsiders’, (third-party/contractor/non-employee) activity are called "Sponsors." Contract
companies, consulting firms, vendors, customers, and other parties who have a business need to access Schlumberger computing and
telecommunications resources are called "Outside Companies." Individuals within an outside company are called "Outside
Individuals." Each Outside Individual must be assigned to a specific Sponsor as documented below.

Security Training Responsibility

Training of Outside Individuals is the responsibility of the Outside Company. Sponsors must provide the Outside Company with the
guidelines and materials for training, as set forth in the standard agreement form, and verify training with assistance from the Site
Information Security Coordinator (SISC). In the case that the Outside Individual is the sole employee, Sponsors are responsible for their
training. Sponsors and Site Security Officers must not approve access until training is verified as sufficient. Sponsors are responsible
for the actions of the Outside Individuals they sponsor while these individuals are using Schlumberger facilities.
In addition to the requirements defined within the agreement, the following checks shall be performed:
• Review of the Information Security User, Access and Classification Standards; review of the Schlumberger Information Security
Policy; review of additional processes, procedures, and standards which may apply with Outside Individuals. Additional policies
must be reviewed as applicable to the contracted tasks. A signed agreement form shall be filed with the executed access
agreement stating that all applicable policies and standards have been read, understood, and agreed to with the relevant party

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or parties.
• Computers used by Outside Individuals must conform to Schlumberger standards for virus control and storage or transmission
of any SLB classified information.
• All Site-specific security requirements must be met, as supplied by the Site Information Security Coordinator.

Access Agreement Processing and Storage

Only one agreement is necessary to be signed by a company representative per Outside Company, however each Outside Individual
and Sponsor must sign an agreement. A Sponsor must obtain and store a signed Access Agreement from the Outside Company
according to the following procedure:
• The Sponsor must check whether an Access Agreement already exists with the Outside Company. If not, prepare two originals
from the standard template. Use the Outside Company's complete legal name.
• The Outside Company must sign both copies of the agreement and return them to the Sponsor. Schlumberger’s legal staff must
approve any negotiation resulting in modification to the standard agreement.
• If an agreement is already in place with the Outside Company, only the Individual and the Sponsor need to sign. The individual
must sign both originals in all cases.
• The Sponsor must sign both originals. One is forwarded to the Outside Company and the other is forwarded to the Site Security
Officer to be filed with local customer/vendor/consulting agreements. Access should not be provided to individuals for whom a
signed agreement is not on file.

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Non-Employee Access Agreement Form
Version 2.1 (2018)

Access Restrictions and Time Limitations

All non-employee access (third-party/contractor/non-employee) must conform to the limitations described in the Information
Security Access Standard.
• Outside Individuals may have access to only those resources necessary to the contracted tasks, regardless of the access method.
This is referred to as principle of least privilege.
• All access and accounts will be removed or disabled, upon termination or expiration of the agreement.
• Directory records must be managed by the Personnel function and list the Sponsor as the Manager. Records are to be
expired/removed at the end of the agreement term, or every six months. Sponsors must request periodic renewal of Outsider
Individual’s Directory records to keep them.
• Outsider Individuals may not use non-Schlumberger email accounts for their Directory records if tasks include handling of
information classified as Confidential or Secret.

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