Pinho Et Al 2012 Material and Structural Response of Polymer Matrix Fibre Reinforced Composites

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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
46(19–20) 2313–2341
! The Author(s) 2012
Material and structural response Reprints and permissions:
of polymer-matrix fibre-reinforced DOI: 10.1177/0021998312454478

ST Pinho1, R Darvizeh1, P Robinson1, C Schuecker2 and

PP Camanho3

This paper presents a pressure-dependent three-dimensional constitutive law to predict failure for laminated composites.
The nonlinear constitutive response in shear and in the transverse and through-the-thickness directions, which is
measured experimentally, is incorporated directly into the model. In addition, secant stiffnesses are dependent on the
state of hydrostatic pressure and on the general state of strain. The failure criteria distinguish between matrix failure,
fibre kinking and fibre tensile failure. In-situ strengths are used for matrix failure. Propagation of failure takes into
consideration the fracture energy associated with each failure mode and, for matrix failure, the accumulation of
cracks in the plies. A detailed discussion is undertaken of the mismatch between the available experimental data and
the physical properties required to characterise the constitutive response up to final failure. The model is employed to
make blind predictions of the triaxial failure envelopes and stress–strain curves of all 12 test cases provided by the
organisers of the second World-Wide Failure Exercise.

WWFE-II, 3D model, pressure dependent, progressive failure

is that failure models and resulting criteria ought to

include as much as possible of the physics associated
This paper describes the contribution of the authors to with the failure process at the micromechanical level,
the second World-Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE-II). while still allowing for solutions to be computed for
The exercise aims at assessing the predictive capabilities laminae and laminates.
of existing failure criteria and models for laminated The current knowledge of the physics of failure in
polymeric-matrix fibre-reinforced composites consist- composites is incomplete. In some cases, the limitations
ing of unidirectional plies, and subjected to a three- on the understanding of the failure process, together
dimensional (3D) stress state. While most previous with the need to obtain a workable solution, require
publications in the area have focused on plane-stress, assumptions, approximations and heuristics. In other
many applications of composite structures typically cases, the data required to fully characterise the plies
involve 3D stress states. The out-of-plane stress com-
ponents can be due to the design of the component, e.g. 1
Department of Aeronautics, South Kensington Campus, Imperial
‘T’-joint, or to the application, e.g. hydrostatic pressure College London, London, UK
in marine or aircraft components. 2
Luxner Engineering ZT, Christian-Plattner-Str. 4, Imst, Austria
The approach presented here follows previous work DEMEGI, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr.
by the authors,1-4 and includes further developments. Roberto Frias, Porto, Portugal
The previous failure criteria published by the authors
Corresponding author:
were designated as LaRC02,5 LaRC036 and LaRC04,2 ST Pinho, Department of Aeronautics, South Kensington Campus,
and the ones presented in this paper can thus be desig- Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
nated as LaRC05. The philosophy behind the approach Email:
2314 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

(a) τ (b) σ (c)


γ II I II I ε

Figure 1. Typical response of a polymer; (a) three regions in a shear curve; (b) compressive loading and (c) brittle response
in tension.

is not available and has to be estimated. The compari- While the exact hardening curve depends on the
sons with experimental results will ultimately establish polymer, the response tends to be qualitatively simi-
whether the simplifications, assumptions and estima- lar for different data published in the literature.7-12
tions are appropriate, or whether they need to be reas- For shear and compressive loading, three different
sessed. Despite the current incomplete physical areas can be identified, Figure 1(a) and (b). In the
understanding of failure in composites, the physical first region, the polymer behaves linearly. In the
basis for the models provides a solid foundation second region, the entangled polymer chains
which not only allows for predicting the failure event straighten and move relative to each other, eventu-
but also the failure mode and the consequences of fail- ally breaking some cross-links in the process. In
ure in terms of residual materials properties. the third region, there is an added resistance to
This paper starts by discussing the nonlinear any further straightening, which might be caused
material response of composites, which is assumed by the cross links and entanglement of the polymer
to result exclusively from the nonlinear response of chains. For tensile loading, Figure 1(c), yielding is
the resin. The experimental findings show that the usually not as prominent because existing micro-
constitutive response of laminated composites is rela- cracks propagate and break the specimen before
tively complex, but the inclusion of this complexity in any substantial yielding takes place. Rabinowitz
a model is required to obtain an accurate stress field et al.13 and Schuecker et al.14 point out that there
for each ply of a laminate. In turn, an accurate stress are two different mechanisms competing for failure:
field is essential to accurately predict failure of a yielding and brittle fracture. For certain stress states,
laminate. Failure criteria are formulated at the ply failure results from excessive yielding, while in others
level and can distinguish between matrix cracking, brittle fracture occurs prior to any significant
fibre kinking and fibre tensile failure. The present yielding.
damage propagation model predicts the response of Under superimposed hydrostatic pressure, both
laminates from first ply failure until final laminate the Young’s modulus and the shear modulus
failure. In addition to any imperfections associated increase with pressure,12,15 see Figure 2(a). For
with the models presented, the ability of these most experimental data published, the dependence
models to predict the test cases of the WWFE-II of initial (linear elastic) moduli with pressure can
depends on the exact definition of the problems to be approximated reasonably with a linear function,
be simulated and on the knowledge of the relevant see e.g. Figure 2(b). However, many authors identify
material properties. The factors affecting the accuracy two separate regions with different slopes,13,15,17 with
of the models and respective predictions for each test the kink between the regions related to the depend-
case are presented. ence of the glass transition temperature on pressure.
The dependence of the elastic moduli on the hydro-
static pressure is probably related to the compress-
Nonlinear constitutive response ibility of the resin and the added resistance to
of unidirectional composite plies deformation of the entangled polymer chains when
hydrostatic pressure is superimposed. The linear
Nonlinear response of polymers
dependence of the moduli with hydrostatic pressure
Most polymers used in engineering respond linearly can be predicted with good accuracy for a wide
for low applied strains, after which yielding with range of polymers15 using a model proposed by
hardening occurs, as illustrated in Figure 1. Birch.18 Birch’s model is simple and only requires
Pinho et al. 2315

p = 690 MPa
200 550 MPa
415 MPa 0.5

Resin's shear modulus (GPa)

275 MPa
Compressive stress (MPa)

150 0.4
140 MPa

0.1 MPa 0.3




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 200 400 600
Compressive strain (%) Pressure (MPa)

Figure 2. Effect of pressure on (a) the compressive response of a polymer, after reference [16], and (b) the initial shear modulus,
after reference [11].

the moduli at atmospheric pressure and the Poisson’s response of the composite. Experimental data for sev-
ratio of the polymer: eral composites15 show a pressure-dependence of the
Young’s and shear moduli (see Figure 3), similar to
E ¼ Eo þ E pr with E ¼ 2ð5  4Þð1  Þ, the one observed in pure polymer. Therefore, the
3ð3  4Þ ð1Þ dependence of the moduli with pressure can be
G ¼ Go þ G pr with G ¼ , described using expressions analogous to those in equa-
2ð1 þ Þ
tion (1). As with pure resin, the most significant effects
where E and G are the initial Young’s and shear of hydrostatic pressure appear to be to shift the stress
moduli, respectively, Eo and Go are the Young’s and vs. strain curves up, and to allow larger plastic deform-
shear moduli (in the elastic region) at a reference pres- ation to occur before fracture. Any distortion or shift-
sure, respectively, pr is the pressure (relative to the pres- ing in the strain axis appears to be much less significant.
sure at which Eo and Go are measured) and  is the Just like for pure resin, these observations suggest that
Poisson’s ratio. Values of the slope parameters E and yielding is mainly controlled by the state of deviatoric
G measured experimentally for different polymer sys- strain rather than by the state of stress.
tems are shown in Table 1. The slope coefficients E and G for the composite
Figure 2(a) shows that, while the hydrostatic pres- can either be measured experimentally or deduced from
sure results in an increased yield stress, the yield strain the slope coefficients for the polymer using a suitable
is not significantly affected. In fact, the boundaries micromechanical model. Hine et al.17 compared the
between the three regions identified in Figure 1(a) and two approaches for a glass/epoxy using Wilczynski’s
(b) are almost unaffected by the superimposed hydro- model19 and obtained a good agreement. If the slope
static pressure. The effect of hydrostatic pressure is coefficients of the composite are obtained from the
essentially to shift the curves up, while any horizontal slope coefficients of the polymer, then those latter coef-
shifting appears to be less significant. These observa- ficients can be either measured experimentally or calcu-
tions suggest that the yielding in the resin is controlled lated using Birch’s model.18 Values of the slope
by the state of deviatoric strain, rather than by the state parameters E and G measured experimentally for dif-
of stress, which seems reasonable, as the yielding results ferent composites are shown in Table 1.
from the relative movement of the entangled polymer Yielding and matrix cracking are two different mech-
chains. anisms. While yielding is related to the deviatoric strain
state in the matrix, matrix cracking is a fracture mech-
anics problem. The amount of yielding that can take
Nonlinear response of composites
place before fracture initiation depends on the load case
For polymer-matrix fibre-reinforced composites, the and on the stacking sequence. For composites, unstable
nonlinear response of the matrix induces a nonlinear crack propagation can take place at early stages of
2316 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Table 1. Pressure coefficients for several composites and resins

Reference Material E G L

[11] Carbon T300 epoxy PR319 60% 0.19–0.21 0.082

[17] E Glass–epoxy 15.1–17.1 0.08–0.19
[20] Glass–epoxy 60% 0.2
[21] Kevlar Epoxy 12.2
[15] Epoxy PR319 0.48 0.073
[17] Epoxy MY750/HY917/DY063 100:85:2 6.2
[22] CA 5.1
[22] PC 4.1
[15] PCTFE 3
[23] PE 4.1
[23] PI 3
[24] POM 0.07
[23] PP 4.1
[24] PP 0.21
[17] PTFE 3.3
[23] PVC 3.2

(a) 180 (b) 1.6

p = 600 MPa
Composite's shear modulus (GPa)

500 MPa
Shear stress (MPa)

120 1.4
300 MPa
100 200 MPa
100 MPa 1.3
80 0.1 MPa

60 1.2


0 1
0 5 10 15 20 0 200 400 600 800
Shear strain (%) Pressure (MPa)

Figure 3. Effect of pressure on (a) the whole shear response of a composite, and (b) the initial shear modulus, after reference [12].

deformation, due to existing microscopic defects in the stacking sequence. This explains for instance why a
composite. Therefore, the amount of yielding and the 45 ASTM D3518 standard specimen for the deter-
matrix-related strengths of the composite are very mination of shear properties25 exhibits more yielding
dependent on these initial defects, particularly when than a V-notched rail shear specimen.26 While the
the state of stress includes no significant compression small individual layer thickness in the 45 specimen
to close existing microcrack tips. This argument has limits the maximum defect size, and the bounding
two main implications. Firstly, because the magnitude layers restrict unstable crack propagation, the unidirec-
of the initial defects depends on the type of specimen tional rail shear specimen can accommodate large man-
and stacking sequence, the amount of yielding before ufacturing defects, and the stacking sequence is such
fracture also depends on the type of specimen and that cracks can propagate unstably throughout the
Pinho et al. 2317

thickness of the laminate. The second implication is and G are slope coefficients for the transverse
that, under conditions that tend to close the initial Young’s and shear moduli, respectively. Because the
microcracks, the amount of yielding before failure stress in the fibre direction is mainly supported by the
should increase. This explains why there is more yield- fibres, the variable p, which corresponds to the hydro-
ing at higher hydrostatic pressures, as demonstrated in static pressure pr in equation (1), is redefined here as the
Figure 3(a). As a result, it appears clear that these two transverse hydrostatic pressure
mechanisms – yielding and matrix cracking – have to be
represented by two separate models. The model for 2 þ 3
p¼ : ð5Þ
the nonlinear constitutive response with yielding and 2
that for the fracture of the matrix are presented below.
As discussed above, the secant Young’s and shear
Nonlinear constitutive model for unidirectional moduli for zero (or atmospheric) hydrostatic pressure,
Eo2 and Go12 , are functions of the strain state, since they
composite plies
are affected by yielding. Since the second invariant of
Pressure dependence and yielding. The strains e in a com- the deviatoric strain tensor includes terms in "1 , which
posite ply are related to the stresses p in the same ply is considered here not to contribute significantly to
through Hooke’s law for orthotropic materials yielding, a modified version of the invariant that
excludes terms in "1 is empirically chosen to define an
8 9 equivalent strain
8 9 2 3> 
"1 1=E1 12 =E1 13 =E1 0 0 0 >> 1>>
> >
> > > > qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> 6 7>>
> 2 >
> "2 >
6 1=E2 23 =E2 0 0 0 7
7>> >
> > "eq ¼ ð"2  "3 Þ2 þ12 2 þ 2 þ 2 ð6Þ
> >
> 6 7> >
23 31
> >
> 6 >
< >
< "3 = 6 1=E3 0 0 0 7
7 3
¼6 7 ,
> 12 >> 6
7> > such that, under monotonic loading, Eo2 and Go12 are
> 6
1=G12 0 0
7>> 12 >
> defined as:
> >
> 6 7>> > >
> >
> 6 7> >
 23 > 4 sym: 1=G23 0 5> >
> 23 >
> >
: >
; > >
1=G31 :
; Eo2 ¼ Eo2 "eq
31   ð7Þ
Go12 ¼ Go12 "eq :
The nonlinear curves defined by equation (7) are
or, in short, determined experimentally under uniaxial loading con-
ditions. The experimental curves are assumed to remain
e ¼ Dp: ð3Þ valid for all combinations of loading conditions when
expressed in terms of
 equivalent strain
 "eq . Since the
Assuming transverse isotropy in equation (2), functions Eo2 ¼ Eo2 "eq and Go12 ¼ Go12 "eq are only
E3 ¼ E2 , G13 ¼ G12 , 13 ¼ 12 and G23 ¼ 2ð1þ 23 Þ
. To known at points, and not as a mathematical function,
completely define the constitutive law, the dependence spline-interpolations of these curves were implemented
of five material properties with loading needs to be for the range of experimental data (in a stand-alone
established: E1 , E2 , G12 , 12 and 23 . However, the program for the unidirectional test cases and in a
variation of E1 , 12 and 23 is less significant than the finite element program for the laminate test cases).
variation of E2 and G12 . Therefore, only the depend- Because the composite can withstand for specific load
ence of E2 and G12 on the stress and strain state combinations higher strains than those verified by uni-
is considered here. By virtue of their dependence on axial testing, an extrapolation of the experimental data
E2 and G12 (due to the assumed transverse isotropy), is also necessary. The extrapolations of the curves for
the moduli E3 , G13 and G23 also depend on the stress the five material systems used in the exercise are shown
and strain states. in Figure 4. It should be noted that the extrapolation is
To represent the effect of pressure on the moduli subjective, particularly on what concerns the inflection
detailed above, the following expressions for E2 and points visible in Figure 4. Ideally, the extrapolation
G12 are proposed: ought to be guided by suitable multi-axial data for
each material system.
E2 ¼ Eo2 þ E p
G12 ¼ Go12 þ G p ,
Unloading. The test cases proposed by the present exer-
where Eo2 and Go12 are the secant Young’s and shear cise do not require the capability to model unloading.
moduli at atmospheric pressure, respectively, and E However, material healing during unloading can be
2318 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

150 300
T300/ PR319 T300/ PR319

Compressive transverse stress

Shear stress (MPa)
100 200

50 Experimental points 100
Interpolation and extrapolation

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4
Shear strain (%) Compressive transverse strain (%)
150 300
E-Glass/ MY750 E-Glass/ MY750

Compressive transverse stress

Shear stress (MPa)

100 200

50 100

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4
Shear strain (%) Compressive transverse strain (%)
150 300
S Glass/ Epoxy Compressive transverse stress S Glass/ Epoxy
Shear stress (MPa)

100 200

50 100

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4
Shear strain (%) Compressive transverse strain (%)
150 300
A-S Carbon/ Epoxy A-S Carbon/ Epoxy
Compressive transverse stress
Shear stress (MPa)

100 200

50 100

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4
Shear strain (%) Compressive transverse strain (%)
150 300
IM7/ 8551-7 IM7/ 8551-7
Compressive transverse stress
Shear stress (MPa)

100 200

50 100

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 1 2 3 4
Shear strain (%) Compressive transverse strain (%)

Figure 4. Extrapolation of the experimental longitudinal shear and transverse compression curves.
Pinho et al. 2319

Table 2. Failure criteria for polymers

50 Criterion Equationa
k (MPa) (deviatoric component)

Mohr-Coulomb fp ¼ S  n

Modified Tresca max ¼ S  h
Modified von Mises k ¼ ko  h
Raghava [29] k2 ¼ ðT  CÞh þ TC=3
20 Experimental fp is the shear stress acting on a potential fracture plane; n is the
Raghava normal traction acting on a potential fracture plane; max is the maximum
Input data for Raghava shear stress; ko and  are parameters which depend on the criterion and
10 Modified von Mises can be calculated from uniaxial test data; S is the shear strength and k is
Input for modified von Mises
defined in equation (12).
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50
σh (MPa) (hydrostatic component)

Figure 5. Experimental failure points for an epoxy resin, after Experimental data can be predicted with good accur-
reference [22], and predictions using Raghava and modified von acy using different pressure-dependent criteria, such as
Mises criteria. the Mohr-Coulomb, modified Tresca, modified von
Mises, Raghava,29 Li-Wu30 and Altenbach-Tushev28
criteria. Some of these are summarised in Table 2.
The criterion proposed by the authors for the failure
prevented by simply defining the history field variable  exercise is the Raghava29 criterion:
at time t as  
  3 k2  ðT  CÞh
ðtÞ ¼ max "eq ðt Þ ð8Þ FIp ¼ , ð10Þ
 t t

where T is the tensile strength of the resin, C is the

and the Young’s and shear moduli for no superposed compressive strength of the resin, h is the hydrostatic
hydrostatic pressure Eo2 and Go12 are defined as function stress defined as
of the maximum equivalent strain in the loading
history, 3h ¼ x þ y þ z ð11Þ

Eo2 ¼ Eo2 ðÞ and k is defined as

Go12 ¼ Go12 ðÞ , ð9Þ
6k2 ¼ ðP1  P2 Þ2 þðP2  P3 Þ2 þðP3  P1 Þ2 , ð12Þ
instead of being calculated by equation (7).
with Pi being the principal stresses. The Raghava cri-
terion is chosen because it is able to capture the change
Failure model at the ply level in slope verified experimentally at high pressures, while
still remaining relatively simple.
Failure of polymers
Strength of polymers is greatly affected by the hydro-
static pressure. Experimental data shows that the fail-
Matrix failure
ure stress increases linearly with pressure until a given In-situ effects. The strengths associated with matrix-
pressure, after which the growth rate appears to dominated failure in a composite should not be
decrease,12,27,28 see Figure 5. expected to be material properties. They are structural
Physically, the increase in strength with pres- properties, dependent on the thickness of the ply, and
sure12,27,28 can be attributed to two separate factors. on the neighbouring plies in the laminate. Under the
Firstly, the compressive stresses close micro-crack tips same stress state (averaged over ply thickness), the con-
thus allowing for both friction and mechanical locking ditions for the propagation of micro-cracks are much
between the faces of the microcracks, resulting in a more favourable for the case of a UD laminate than for
strengthening effect. Secondly, the volumetric deform- a thin ply in a multi-axial laminate neighboured by 0
ation induced by the hydrostatic pressure increases the plies. The thickness of the ply and the presence of
entanglement of the polymer chains, which might fur- neighbouring plies change the boundary conditions of
ther restrict crack growth. the fracture mechanics problem for crack growth.
2320 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

(a) (b)

2 a0 L h 2 a0
2 a0

(c) (d)

h 2 a0 L
h 2a
L 2 a0

Figure 6. Slit crack considered for in-situ effects. (a) Ply in a UD laminate; (b) thin outer ply; (c) thin embedded ply and (d) thick
embedded ply.

This observation is at the root of the in-situ effects on represent the area under the strain versus stress curve
the strength presented in this section. up to the point ð", Þ, and are thus defined as
Consider the different types of plies presented in
Figure 6, which include an equivalent slit crack. The Z "ð  Þ
equivalent slit crack is an equivalent crack of a well- x2 ð  Þ ¼ 2 d"2
defined shape and orientation which purposes to repre- 0
Z  ð Þ
sent the existing microcracks in the ply, resulting from
xL ð Þ ¼ L dL ð14Þ
manufacturing. The conditions for crack propagation 0
can be related to the longitudinal and transverse critical Z  ð Þ
energy release rates for mode I and mode II by (see also xT ð Þ ¼ T dT :
References [2,6,31,32]): 0

GIc ¼ Y 4x2 YisT The function x2 ð Þ is obtained from a standard
ao  is  transverse tensile test. The function xL ð Þ is obtained
GLIIc ¼Y x S ð13Þ from a longitudinal shear test and the function xT ð Þ
m L L
ao  is  is obtained from a transverse compressive test.
GTIIc ¼Y x S
m T T However, the functions are not derived directly from
the tests but rather from the spline curves with inter-
where GIc , GLIIc and GTIIc are the mode I and mode II and extrapolation shown in Figure 4. The variables L
(longitudinal and transverse) fracture toughness, and T are the longitudinal and transverse shear stresses
respectively, Y is a geometry-dependent factor, m is (see Figure 7), and their significance is discussed in the
equal to either 2, for unstable propagation in the trans- next section. The fracture mechanics solutions for the
verse direction, or 4, for unstable propagation in the four types of plies are summarised in Table 3 (see also
longitudinal direction. The strengths YisT , SisL and SisT are References [1,2,6]).
the in-situ transverse tensile strength, longitudinal shear
strength and transverse shear strengths, respectively. Matrix failure criterion. Matrix-dominated failure in com-
These strengths are in-situ because they depend on posites has similarities to that of pure polymer. This
the thickness of the ply and on the location of the ply would indicate that criteria analogous to Raghava’s29
in the laminate (inner or outer ply). The functions xð Þ would be amongst the most suitable to predict matrix
Pinho et al. 2321

(a) (b)
3 2 αo
2.6mm 2α o ST
−Y −Y

(c) 3 (d)
α τT τL


Figure 7. Traction components acting on the matrix fracture plane, from reference [2].

Table 3. Formulae for in-situ strengthsa

Transverse tensile strength Longitudinal shear strength Transverse shear strength

Linear Nonlinear Linear Nonlinear Linear Nonlinear

YT SL cosð o Þ
ST ¼ YC cosð o Þ sinð o Þ þ
tanð2 o Þ

Thick embedded pffiffiffi   pffiffiffi pffiffiffi

1:12 2YT x1 2
2 1:12 2xðYT Þ 2SL x1
L ð2xðSL ÞÞ 2ST x1
T ð2xðST ÞÞ

Thin embedded qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  L  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  L  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  L 

8GIC L = h x1
2 2GIC = h 8GIICL G = h x1
L 4GIIC = h 8GIICL G = h x1
T 4GIIC = h
12 12

Thin outer qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  T  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  T  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  T 

4GIC T = h x1
2 GIC = h 4GIICT G = h x1
L 2GIIC = h 8GIICT G = h x1
T 2GIIC = h
12 12

a 1 221
with  ¼ 2 E2  E1 and h0 ¼ h=cos o.

failure in a composite. However, to predict the conse- UD composite plies. The failure index for matrix failure
quences of failure in composites knowing the fracture is defined as:
angle becomes extremely important. Variations of the
 2  2  
Mohr-Coulomb criterion, first proposed for composites T L hN iþ 2
by Puck and co-workers,33-37 have proven to be capable FIM ¼ þ þ ,
SisT  T N SisL  L N YisT
of predicting matrix failure under multi-axial stress
states and have the added advantage that the fracture
angle comes directly with the prediction. For these rea-
sons, the criterion proposed here for matrix failure is an with failure being predicted when FIM  1. The last
adaptation of the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for term in the criterion represents the contribution from
2322 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

the positive normal traction in opening the cracks. bands are triggered by localised matrix failure next to
Therefore, this criterion is intended to be applicable misaligned fibres.41,42 Both streams have in common
for both tensile and compressive matrix failure. that they do not predict directly how kink bands
In equation (15), L , T and N are the traction com- form but rather predict an event (microbuckling or
ponents in the (potential) fracture plane, see Figure 7, matrix failure) which triggers the formation of kink
and are obtained by stress transformation: bands.
The micrographs in Figure 8 show different stages of
2 þ 3 2  3 kink-band formation in a T300/913 specimen. Matrix
N ¼ þ cosð2 Þ þ 23 sinð2 Þ
2 2 splitting in between the fibres can be identified in
2  3 ð16Þ Figure 8(b) and is the result of the high shear stresses
T ¼  sinð2 Þ þ 23 cosð2 Þ
2 introduced by failure in the neighbouring plies. In gen-
L ¼ 12 cosð Þ þ 31 sinð Þ eral, the high localised shear stresses can also be intro-
duced by manufacturing defects, such as fibre
where is the angle that maximizes FIM and is obtained misalignments. The splitting promotes further bending
numerically by evaluating the function at selected of the fibres, which in turn results in more splitting,
angles in the interval 0  5 180 as per References Figure 8(c). The bent fibres eventually break due to
[2,5,38]. The particular value of for pure transverse the combination of bending and compressive stresses,
compression, o, is a material property that can be first at one end and then at the other, finally resulting in
measured experimentally. Several sources have a kink band, Figure 8(d). Experimental observations, as
observed that the fracture angle for either glass or shown in Figure 8, suggest that kink bands are pre-
carbon composites is typically 51  o  55 .2,4,36 ceded by matrix failure and that microbuckling is not
The slope or friction coefficients T and L in equa- necessarily the triggering factor for failure.
tion (15) are introduced to account for the effect of Following the previous observations, fibre kinking is
pressure on the failure response. Their effect is that of assumed to result from shear-dominated matrix failure
increasing the respective shear strengths in the presence in a misaligned frame, under significant longitudinal
of a compressive normal traction and reducing the compression. However, if the longitudinal compression
respective shear strengths in the presence of a tensile is not significant, the shear-dominated matrix failure on
normal traction. The slope or friction coefficient T is the misaligned frame results in fibre splitting but not
obtained from the pure transverse compression test as a necessarily in fibre kinking. Experimental data for com-
function of o,2 bined longitudinal compression and inplane shear for a
carbon/epoxy T300/LY556-HY917-DY07043 suggests
1 that fibre kinking only takes place for an absolute
T ¼  , ð17Þ
tanð2 o Þ value of longitudinal compression greater than XC/2.
However, for longitudinal compression combined
while the slope or friction coefficient L is an independ- with transverse tension, experimental results for T800/
ent material property that needs to be measured 92444 indicate that no kink bands are formed if the
experimentally, see Table 1. Finally, the McCauley magnitude of the longitudinal compression is lower
brackets hiþ in equation (15) are defined as than XC.
hxiþ ¼ maxf0,xg. The criteria proposed here for fibre kinking and
for splitting use the same failure index equation
written as
Fibre kinking failure  m
2  m
23 12
The physics of axial compressive failure are arguably FIKINK ¼ FISPLIT ¼ is þ is
ST  T 2m SL  L 2m
less understood than for any other failure mode in com- !2
posites. The experimental fact is that kink bands are 2m þ
þ : ð18Þ
observed in the material after failure. Although similar YisT
kink bands appear in different materials and at different
scales, the reasons for their formation, at least for poly- The two failure modes are then distinguished based
mer-matrix fibre-reinforced composites, seems far from on the magnitude of longitudinal compression with
agreed upon by all researchers in the area. While a 1  XC =2 indicating fibre kinking and 1  XC =2
stream of researchers follows the hypothesis from signifying fibre splitting. This distinction is relevant for
Rosen39 according to which kink band failure is some- the propagation of failure.
how the final result of the microbuckling of the fibres, The rotated coordinate systems relevant for the
another stream follows Argon40 and argues that kink description of a kink band are shown in Figure 9.
Pinho et al. 2323

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8. Sequence of events during kink-band formation. The laminate is being loaded in compression in the vertical direction.
(a) Misalignment introduced by a matrix crack in an adjacent layer. (b) Matrix-fibre splitting exists throughout (see zoom); the first fibre
failures are indicated. (c) Further fibre failure. (d) Final kink band. Legend. K Matrix cracking; L Fibre failure.
2324 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Kink plane 3
1 m m
ϕ 1

3ψ n

l 2
3ψ 2ψ
3 ψ 2

3ψ Figure 10. Coordinate system aligned with the crack.

The strain mo is a function of the corresponding

shear stress, mo , as
mo ¼  ðmo Þ: ð22Þ
The initial misalignment angle ’o is a material prop-
Matrix fracture plane erty which can be obtained from the longitudinal com-
pressive strength solving the following iterative
Figure 9. Physical model for kink-band formation. equation:
The relevant stress rotation equations are for rotation 1
’o ¼ ’c   sinð2’o ÞXC , ð23Þ
to the kink-band plane : 2
>  ¼ cos2 2 þsin2 3 þ2sin cos 23 where ’c is given by Reference [2]
> 2
<  ¼ 12 cos þ31 sin rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
12 0
> 1  1  4 XSLC þ L XSLC C
> 23 ¼ sin cos 2 þsin cos 3 þðcos2 sin2 Þ 23 B
: ’c ¼ arctanB
A ð24Þ
31 ¼ 31 cos 12 sin 2 XSLC þ L

and for the subsequent rotation to the misalignment

Fibre tensile failure
8 m
The maximum stress failure criterion has been shown to
>  ¼ sin2 ’ 1 þ cos2 ’ 2  2 sin ’ cos ’ 12 correlate well with existing experimental data45 regard-
< 2
ing fibre tensile failure. Therefore, the maximum stress
12 ¼  sin ’ cos ’ 1 þ sin ’ cos ’ 2 þ ðcos2 ’  sin2 ’Þ 12
> criterion here is used to predict this failure mode:
: m
23 ¼ 23 cos ’  31 sin ’
ð20Þ h1 iþ
FIFT ¼ : ð25Þ

The angle of the kink band, , is found numerically

in the range 0  5 180 so as to maximise the failure
index (FI) in equation (18). The misalignment angle, ’,
Propagation of failure
is the sum of the initial misalignment angle ’o (manu- When any of the failure indices reaches 1, the constitu-
facturing defect) and the shear strain mo expressed in a tive law is modified to simulate the formation
coordinate system aligned with the manufacturing and propagation of cracks/damage in the composite.
defect: Propagation of failure is processed differently for
different failure modes, taking into account their
’ ¼ sign 12 ’o þ mo : ð21Þ specificities, but following a common approach. More
specifically, the components of the traction acting on
Pinho et al. 2325

σ σo
d = 1−

U crack σ o ε f −ε
d = 1−
σ ε f −ε d

d =0

U delam

ε el
ε o
εd ε f
d =1

Figure 11. Progressive cracking for an angle ¼ 0.

the predicted fracture plane are reduced to zero. The The McCauley brackets in the first term indicate that
reduction of tractions is performed in such a way that the normal component of the traction is degraded in
the energy dissipation predicted by the numerical model tension but not in compression. The nominal stresses
per unit area of created surface equals the fracture expressed in the coordinate system aligned with the
toughness of the material for the respective failure fracture plane are
mode. The stresses obtained from Hooke’s law are
n oT
designated effective stresses, as they are the stresses
p‘mn ¼ ‘ m 1  d hnniþ n ‘m ð1  dÞmn ð1  dÞn‘ :
that act on the effective resisting area of the material
once failure started propagating. The stresses which are ð27Þ
in fact applied to the material, dependent on damage,
are designated nominal stresses. This nominal stress vector is then rotated back to the
The effective stress tensor in the material coord- material axes.
inate system p 123 is rotated to a coordinate sys- The evolution of the damage variable d defines how
tem aligned with the fracture plane, as shown in much energy is dissipated by damage. To assess this
Figure 10, thus defining p ‘mn ¼ f ‘ m energy, the non-elastic component of the strain due to
n ‘m mn n‘ gT . The effective traction vector is yielding is first removed from the total strain. The elas-
given as t ¼ f n mn n‘ gT . The presence of the tic strain, in the material coordinate system, is given by
crack/damage is simulated by degrading the traction the expression
components, such that the nominal tractions are
defined as eel123 ¼ Del1 p 123 , ð28Þ
n oT
where Del is similar to D defined in Equation 3, but
t¼ 1  d hnniþ n ð1  dÞmn ð1  dÞn‘ : ð26Þ
using the initial moduli instead of the moduli affect
2326 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

σo σ o ε f −ε
d = 1−
σ ε f −ε d

d =0

d =1
εo εf ε el
Figure 12. Wedge effect for an angle 6¼ 0.

by yielding. In other words, Del does not include the

effect of yielding on the moduli but does include the
Matrix failure
effect of hydrostatic pressure. The mechanical response of a composite ply during
If only traction vector components are degraded, matrix failure propagation depends on the angle of
the dissipated energy can be computed from the fracture and on the type of ply (ply in a UD specimen,
internal product of the elastic strain vector on the embedded ply, or outer ply). For a multidirectional
fracture plane, "eln mn el
nlel , and the traction laminate, two different situations can be distinguished
vector, t. This is equivalent to projecting the elastic regarding the fracture angle . If the angle is equal to
fracture plane strain vector onto the direction of zero, then the formation of the first crack is followed by
the traction vector and multiplying the magnitude the formation of further cracks, until a saturation level
of the projected vector, designated here as "el , with is reached at which delamination occurs, see Figure 11.
the magnitude of the nominal traction vector, . This saturation level can be determined experimentally
From that it is clear that  and "el are work-con- or obtained using a shear lag model.46 If the angle is
jugate, and the energy per unit volume dissipated by not zero, as it is typically the case in compression, then
failure  can be visualized by the area under the a wedge effect will trigger delamination after the first
"el ,  curve. The damage variable d is finally crack is created, see Figure 12.
defined for each failure mode as a function of "el
and the magnitude of the effective traction vector, ,  Multidirectional laminates with fracture angle ¼0
in such a way that the energy absorbed by failure
equals the fracture toughness for the respective fail- Embedded ply. In a multidirectional laminate, after
ure mode as outlined in the following sections. the formation of the first matrix crack with equal to
The damage propagation model presented here zero, stresses can still be transmitted to the failed ply by
includes three independent damage variables: one for shear from the neighbouring plies. Because of this, the
matrix failure, one for fibre kinking and one for fibre effect of a crack on the stress field will vanish at rela-
tensile failure. tively small distances from this crack and further cracks
Pinho et al. 2327

τL Udelam ¼ 0:5 o "f , as indicated by the shaded triangle

in the right in Figure 11. However, the energy dissi-
pated by delamination should be the area of delamin-
h ation multiplied by the mode II interlaminar critical
energy release rate GIIc , which results in the following
expression for "f :
"f ¼ , ð31Þ
τL o t
S Lis where t is the thickness of the element.
To reproduce the shape of the stress vs. strain
response in Figure 11, the damage variable d for
matrix failure in embedded plies with equal to zero
− S Lis
is then defined as the maximum value in time of

σ2 inst o  o "f  "el
d ¼ max 0, min 1  , 1  ,1 ,
YTis   "f  "d
d ¼ max dinst
Figure 13. Shear lag model.

will be formed. During this period of crack accumula- Outer ply. For the purpose of accumulation of
tion, it is here assumed that the nominal stress remains matrix cracks, outer plies differ from embedded plies
constant with increased strain. Eventually, the number because shear from neighbouring plies are only trans-
of cracks will saturate as the distance between neigh- mitted from one side of the ply. Applying a shear lag
bouring cracks becomes too small to transmit stresses model for outer plies results in a crack saturation dens-
to the layer. The saturation crack density, n, can be ity half of that for embedded plies:
calculated from a shear lag model by assuming constant
shear stresses at the interface equal to the shear strength SisL
(see Figure 13), as n¼ : ð33Þ

SisL Damage propagation for outer plies is processed in

n¼ , ð29Þ
hYisT the same way as for embedded plies, but with the sat-
uration density given by equation (33).
where h is the total thickness of the plies with the same
orientation clustered together. The energy per unit Multidirectional laminates with fracture angle 6¼ 0. If a
volume dissipated
 by the formation of these cracks is matrix crack is formed in a multidirectional laminate
Ucrack ¼ 0:5 o "d  "o , as indicated by the shaded tri- with different from zero, a wedge effect will promote
angle on the left in Figure 11. On the other hand, the delamination. The traction vs. strain curve for this
total energy required for the formation of the new damage mode is assumed to be bilinear, as shown in
cracks in an element of volume V is nVGc , where Gc Figure 12. The energy per unit volume dissipated by the
is the critical energy release rate for the failure mode. model is 0:5 o "f while the energy dissipated by the
Therefore, the strain "d at the onset of delamination crack is the area of fracture multiplied by the critical
(see Figure 11) can be determined as energy release rate for that failure mode. This results in
the following expression for "f :
"d ¼ "o þ , ð30Þ
o Gc =L þ GIc =t
"f ¼ 2 : ð34Þ
where  o is the magnitude of the traction at the onset of
failure. When the strain "d is reached, further loading In equation (34), L is a characteristic length related
will result in delamination, as shown in Figure 11. The to the mesh size (ratio of the volume of the element to
energy per unit volume dissipated by the model is the area of the fracture surface) and is calculated using
2328 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

the algorithm detailed in Reference [3]. Gc is calculated General considerations

using the power law according to Reference [3].
To reproduce the shape of the stress vs. strain
Yielding of the resin
response in Figure 12, the damage variable d for As pointed out in Section 0, specimens used for char-
matrix failure in multidirectional laminates with frac- acterising the composite lamina include little informa-
ture angle different from zero is then defined as the tion on the yielding response of the resin, and the
maximum value in time of corresponding nonlinear curves have to be extrapo-
lated. The implications of this extrapolation can be
 very significant for loading cases with considerable
 o "f  "el
dinst ¼ max 0, min 1  ,1 , yielding.
 "f  "o
d ¼ max dinst :
Effect of hydrostatic pressure
The slope coefficients for the elastic properties and
UD laminates. For UD laminates, there is no accumula- shear strengths (longitudinal and transverse) of a ply
tion of cracks regardless of the fracture angle and a are intrinsic material properties. In this exercise, they
bilinear curve is assumed.
 the energy dissi- have to be assumed (note that although T was calcu-
pated by the element 0:5 o "f V to the energy dissi- lated from o , the latter was assumed), but they should
pated by fracture ðGc AÞ, the following expression for ideally be measured experimentally for each material
"f is obtained: system.

Gc =L Residual thermal stresses

"f ¼ 2 : ð36Þ
Thermal stresses can potentially have a significant effect
on the failure mode and failure load of a laminate. For
The damage variable d is defined by equation (35). the predictions contained in this paper, it is assumed
that the laminates were stress-free at the cure tempera-
ture and that testing occurred at 20 C, without any
Fibre kinking
relaxation of stresses having taken place.
In this work, kink bands are simulated as localised
bands of failed material similar to fracture planes. A
bilinear law is used to degrade the traction components
Edge effects
acting on the equivalent fracture plane. For the defin- Delamination and edge effects may trigger failure of a
ition of the bilinear law, "f is given by equation (36) laminate. The failure stresses become therefore struc-
(with Gc in this case being equal to the critical energy tural properties, and their prediction requires knowing
release rate for fibre kinking) and the damage variable d the geometry of the specimen tested. Without this
is defined by equation (35). knowledge, edge effects cannot realistically be
accounted for, compromising any predictions made
for multidirectional laminates. Following the guidelines
Fibre tensile failure from the organisers of the WWFE-II,49 edge effects are
Fibre tensile fracture planes are assumed to be normal not taken into account in this part of the exercise,
to the fibre direction. It is worth noticing that recent which might result in an inappropriate representation
results47,48 indicate that a softening relation defined by of the specimens actually tested.
two softening curves might be required to accurately
represent the different energy dissipation mechanisms
associated with longitudinal fracture. Using more
than one softening law requires the identification of
In-situ effects
the transition strength as well as the partition of the For the matrix-dominated failure modes, the strength
fracture energy. These material properties are not avail- of a ply depends on its thickness and on the existence
able for the material used here. Therefore, a bilinear and orientation of the neighbouring plies. For this
law is also used for this failure mode, where "f is reason, it is essential for strength predictions of multi-
given by equation (36) (using the critical energy release directional laminates to know the thickness of each
rate for fibre tensile failure for Gc ) and the damage individual ply, as well as the exact stacking sequence.
variable d is defined by equation (35). For this exercise, the thickness of each ply is not given
Pinho et al. 2329

and neither is the exact stacking sequence. A less

Manufacturing method
accurate estimation of the in-situ strengths can result Many mechanical properties of a composite are consid-
in the predicted failure envelopes being offset with erably dependent on the manufacturing method. For
respect to the experimental ones. instance, the strength associated with fibre kinking
depends greatly on existing defects such as fibre mis-
alignments, non-uniform fibre distribution, micro-
Statistical effects cracks, voids, etc. The strengths associated with the
The mechanical properties of a composite – both elastic matrix-dominated failure modes, particularly in ten-
and strength – vary from point to point in a specimen. sion, are also greatly affected by defects such as micro-
There is therefore an intrinsic limitation in predicting cracks and voids. Therefore, if the manufacturing
the deterministic strength of a laminate based on the method used to manufacture the specimens for the
deterministic strength of the plies. Ideally, the distribu- test cases is not the same as the manufacturing
tion of the probability of failure of a laminate could be method used for the material characterisation, the ply
obtained provided the distribution of ply properties strengths might not be entirely representative of the
and geometry and size of the specimen are known. laminate’s strengths. For this reason, it is important
Since the distribution of ply properties is not known, to guarantee that, to the extent possible, all specimens
and neither are the size of the specimens, statistical are manufactured using the same method.
effects cannot be taken into account.
Application of accurate boundary conditions
Fracture toughness
For the test cases involving laminates under 3D stress
The in-situ strengths for the matrix-dominated failure states (test cases 8 to 12), the correct representation of
modes depend on the matrix intralaminar fracture the boundary conditions and the stress state in the
toughnesses and the progressive failure of a lamin- laminate is here achieved using an implementation of
ate depends on the fracture toughness for each fail- the failure model described in a finite element code. For
ure mode taking place. Because the fracture each test case, laminates with 16 plies, each 0.25 mm
toughnesses for each failure mode are not known, not- thick, are modelled, and appropriate boundary condi-
ably for the fibre-dominated failure modes, typical tions are applied to the models.
values obtained from literature and from the authors’
experience are used. However, there is in some cases
little data available and a better knowledge of the
values of these properties could improve the The test cases for WWFE-II are summarised in Table 4
predictions. and full details of the lay-ups, materials and loading

Table 4. Details of the 12 test cases used in WWFE-II49

Test Case Laminate lay-up Material Description of Required Prediction

1 Resin MY750 epoxy  x versus  z (with  y ¼  z) envelope

2 0 T300/PR319  12 versus  2 (with  1 ¼  2 ¼  3) envelope
3 0 T300/PR319 g12 versus  2 (with  1 ¼  2 ¼  3) envelope
4 0 T300/PR319 Shear stress strain curves ( 12  g12)
(for  1 ¼  2 ¼  3 ¼ 600 MPa)
5 90 E-glass/MY750 epoxy  2 versus  3 (with  1 ¼  3) envelope
6 0 S-glass/epoxy  1 versus  3 (with  2 ¼  3) envelope
7 0 A-S carbon/epoxy  1 versus  3 (with  2 ¼  3) envelope
8 35 E-glass/MY750 epoxy  y versus  z (with  x ¼  z) envelope
9 35 E-glass/MY750 epoxy Stress-strain curves ( y "x and  y "y)
at  z ¼  x ¼ 100 MPa
10 (0 /90 /45 )s IM7/8551-7  yz versus  z (with  y ¼  x ¼ 0) envelope
11 (0 /90 )s IM7/8551-7  yz versus  z (with  y ¼  x ¼ 0) envelope
12 (0 /90 )s IM7/8551-7 Stress-strain curves ( z  "z,  z  "x and  z  "y)
for  y ¼  x ¼ 0
2330 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Table 5. Material properties used49

E-glass/ A-S carbon/

T300/PR319 MY750epoxy S-glass/epoxy epoxy IM7/8551-7

E1 (GPa)a 129 45.6 52 140 165

E2 (GPa)a 5.6 16.2 19 10 8.4
G12 (GPa)a 1.33 5.83 6.7 6 5.6
12 a 0.318 0.278 0.3 0.3 0.34
23 a 0.5 0.4 0.42 0.49 0.5
E b 16 16 16 16 16
G b 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
L b 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082
XT (MPa)a 1378 1280 1700 1990 2560
XC (MPa)a 950 800 1150 1500 1590
YT (MPa)a 40 40 63 38 73
YC (MPa)a 125 145 180 150 185
o ( ) 53 53 53 53 53
SL (MPa)a 97 73 72 70 90
GIc (kJ/m2)b (matrix) - 0.165 - - 0.21
GIIc (kJ/m2)b (matrix) - 0.8 - - 0.8
GIc (kJ/m2)b (fibre tensile) 45 92
GIc (kJ/m2)b (kinking) 40 80
6  a
L (10 / C) - 8.6 - - -1
6  a
T (10 / C) - 26.4 - - 18
T ( C)a - 100 - - 157
h (mm)a 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Given by organisers, Reference [49].
Estimated from the authors’ experience and from literature.

conditions are provided in Reference [49]. The mater-

ial properties used for the predictions are This section is divided in the test case for resin (test case
summarised in Table 5. The predictions for test cases 1), the test cases for UD laminates (test cases 2 to 7) and
1 to 12 are presented in Figure 14 to Figure 25, the test cases for multidirectional laminates (test cases 8
respectively. to 12). The test case for pure resin is naturally different
For the test cases corresponding to UD plies, the since it does not correspond to the failure of a composite.
predictions were carried out using a simple explicit The division between UD and multidirectional
implementation of the constitutive response using a laminates arises because prediction of the strength for
stand-alone Fortran code. For the test cases corres- the latter requires considering in-situ effects, residual
ponding to multidirectional laminates, a 3D explicit thermal stresses and propagation of failure, while
finite element implementation was used to calculate prediction of strength for the former does not. As
the ply stresses, since these cannot be obtained from mentioned above, the predictions for UD plies were car-
classical lamination theory. For each of the test ried out with a stand-alone explicit implementation of
cases 8 to 12, a simple model of the laminate was the model, while the predictions for multidirectional
created with suitable boundary conditions so that laminates were carried out with an explicit finite element
the ply stresses would be calculated from laminate implementation.
stresses by the FE code. Being explicit, the imple-
mentations only require secant stiffnesses to be com-
puted, and all material nonlinearities measured at
Pure resin
the ply level could be included. The explicit imple- Failure of pure resin appears to be fairly well under-
mentation avoids the convergence problems typical stood, and several publications in the literature succeed
of implicit implementations. in predicting failure of pure resin accurately.
Pinho et al. 2331


σy = σz (MPa)


Data given
Modified von Mises
Modified Tresca
–800 –600 –400 –200 0 200
σx (MPa)

Figure 14. Predicted envelope for test case 1 – shear failure of MY750 epoxy resin under superimposed hydrostatic pressure.



τ12 (MPa)


Predictions, matrix cracking with α = 0

50 Experimental Shin&Pae1992 (90 degrees tubes)
Experimental Shin&Pae1992 (0 degrees tubes)
Data given

–800 –700 –600 –500 –400 –300 –200 –100 0 100
σ1 = σ2 = σ3 (MPa)

Figure 15. Predicted envelope for test case 2 – 12 vs. 2 failure envelope with 1 ¼ 2 ¼ 3 for T300/PR319.

The pressure-dependent strength of pure resin is and that it predicts no failure for pure hydrostatic
approximately linear, at least for low superimposed compression.
hydrostatic pressures, and needs to be characterised
experimentally. The proposed prediction for test
UD laminates
case 1 is shown in Figure 14. It can be seen
that using the Raghava criterion leads to a slightly non- Test case 2. In test case 2, the 12 vs. 2 failure enve-
linear influence of hydrostatic pressure on strength lope with 1 ¼ 2 ¼ 3 for T300/PR319 is requested.
2332 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Predictions, matrix cracking with α = 0

Experimental Shin&Pae1992 (0 degrees

0.5 tube)
Experimental Shin&Pae1992 (90 degrees
Data given




–800 –700 –600 –500 –400 –300 –200 –100 0 100
σ1 = σ2 = σ3 (MPa)

Figure 16. Predicted envelope for test case 3 – 12 vs. 2 failure envelope with 1 ¼ 2 ¼ 3 for T300/PR319.


Experimental (single specimen) Shin&Pae1992


τ12 (MPa)

50 σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = –600 MPa

0 0.05 0.1 0.15

Figure 17. Predicted stress vs. strain response for test case 4 – 12 vs. 12 with 1 ¼ 2 ¼ 3 ¼ 600 MPa for T300/PR319.

Figure 15 shows that the predicted envelope is open for exercise. Nevertheless, any deviation from linearity of
2 5 0, and the composite is thus not expected to fail the experimental data would indicate a limitation of the
under hydrostatic compression. The failure model current model.
(equation (15)) predicts for this case a constant slope Coincidentally, this loading condition and material
of the 12 vs. 2 failure envelope for 2 5 0. The mag- has been studied by Shin and Pae.3,11,12 They tested
nitude of the slope of the envelope is defined by the composite tubes under torsion and hydrostatic pres-
material property L , which is not provided for this sure, with fibres at 0 and at 90 to the axial direction.
Pinho et al. 2333



α = 53°
σ1 = σ3 (MPa)

–300 90

–400 Pure hydrostatic

pressure Predictions (matrix

–450 –400 –350 –300 –250 –200 –150 –100 –50 0 50
σ2 (MPa) Data given

Figure 18. Predicted envelope for test case 5 – 2 vs. 3 failure envelope for E-glass/MY750 epoxy with 1 ¼ 3 .


Splitting Matrix cracking

σ2 = σ3 (MPa)


Fibre tensile failure

k in
k in


Pure hydrostatic
–600 pressure

–2500 –2000 –1500 –1000 –500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
σ1 (MPa) Data given

Figure 19. Predicted envelope for test case 6 – 1 vs. 3 failure envelope for S-glass/epoxy with 2 ¼ 3 .

The experimental results are also shown in Figure 15. factors are responsible for the different strengths mea-
The in-plane shear strength is different for the 0 and sured. Another aspect worth mentioning is that, for
90 specimens, although it could be expected that it moderate compression, the slope for both types of spe-
should be one single property. It is likely that the dif- cimens appears to be the same. This coincidence might
ferent manufacturing required by the different stacking be because the compression closes any previously exist-
sequences results in different initial defects in the mater- ing micro-cracks (and therefore the slope is less sensi-
ial. Furthermore, the rotation of the fibres during load- tive to the magnitude of manufacturing imperfections)
ing is different for the different specimens. Both these and the nonlinear geometric effects are not yet very
2334 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

Splitting Matrix cracking


Fibre tensile failure

σ2 = σ3 (MPa)

k in Predictions
k in

Pure hydrostatic pressure

–3000 –2000 –1000 0 1000 2000
σ1 (MPa) Data given

Figure 20. Predicted envelope for test case 7 – 1 vs. 3 failure envelope with 2 ¼ 3 for A-S carbon/epoxy.


Spl 90°
Initial failure
Final failure

45° < α < 90°

σy (MPa)

re k
–400 Fib
g ,α
–600 c k in
Hydrostatic Ma

–900 –800 –700 –600 –500 –400 –300 –200 –100 0 100
σx = σz (MPa)

Figure 21. Predicted envelope for test case 8 – y vs. z (with x ¼ z ) envelope for a 35 laminate of E-glass/MY750 epoxy.

significant. For higher compressive loads, the strength Because the specimens with fibres at 90 should not
and thus strain to failure increases, and the geometric suffer fibre rotation during the application of shear, the
effects are therefore more significant. Geometric effects parameter L used in the predictions was obtained by
might explain why the strengths for 0 and 90 speci- best fitting the corresponding experimental data.
mens becomes different again. The different response Therefore, while the linear dependence of the shear
of specimens that are conceptually identical illustrates strength on the hydrostatic pressure is a characteristic
well the problem of predicting failure in composites. of the model, the good agreement with the experimental
Pinho et al. 2335

–0.05 –0.04 –0.03 –0.02 –0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03

σy (MPa)

εy εx

8 plies model
Initial failure

50 plies model


Figure 22. Predicted stress vs. strain response for test case 9 – y vs. "x and y vs. "y at z ¼ x ¼ 100 MPa for a 35 laminate of
E-glass/MY750 epoxy.


30° <α< 60°


α = 60°
τyz (MPa)

60° <α< 90°

Initial & final failure (outer ply)



α = 30°
α = 90°
-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100
σz (MPa)

Figure 23. Predicted envelope for test case 10 – yz vs. z envelope for a (0 /90 /45 )s laminate of IM7/8551-7.

data presented is also due to the fact that L was previously, allowing for a 12 vs. 2 envelope to be
obtained from the same data set. drawn, as shown in Figure 16. This figure also shows
the predictions of the current model, requested for test
Test case 3. Shin and Pae11,12 also measured the strain case 3. It can be seen that the model predicts an almost
to failure for the T300/PR319 specimens mentioned linear dependence of the shear strain to failure on 2 .
2336 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)


30° <α< 60°


α = 60°
τyz (MPa)

60° <α< 90°


Initial & final failure (outer ply)


α = 30° α = 90°
–600 –500 –400 –300 –200 –100 0 100
σz (MPa)

Figure 24. Predicted envelope for test case 11 – yz vs. z envelope for a (0 /90 )s laminate of IM7/8551-7.

No experimental failure strain-related information linear. The lack of interaction between 2 and 3 for
from Shin and Pae11,12 was used for the case of this positive values of both stress components is an interest-
envelope, and any agreement between experimental ing feature of the predicted envelope. The failure enve-
and numerical results is fully predictive. Given a pre- lope is symmetrical about the pure hydrostatic pressure
diction for the strength of the specimen, the aspects of line. For the load combinations in test case 5, the fail-
the model that determine the predicted strain to failure ure mode is always matrix failure. In particular, fibre
are those related to the nonlinear response and include kinking is never predicted as the first failure mode to
the pressure-dependence of G12 (equation (4)), the def- occur. However, it should be noted that, for matrix
inition of the equivalent strain used (equation (6)) and failure under considerable superposed hydrostatic pres-
the necessary extrapolation of the experimental shear sure, the stress state in the specimen after matrix failure
stress vs. strain curve (Figure 4). can in principle lead to subsequent fibre kinking,
depending on the specimen and on how the load is
Test case 4. The curve 12 vs. 12 for applied. The angle of matrix failure changes from
1 ¼ 2 ¼ 3 ¼ 600 MPa is requested in test case 4 ¼ 0 to ¼ 53 , the latter being an input value ( o ).
for the same material T300/PR319 which was also mea- In the first quadrant, the change in angle ¼ 90 to
sured by Shin and Pae,11,12 see Figure 17. This figure ¼ 0 occurs at a stress ratio 2 =3 ¼ 1. In the
also shows the predictions from the current model. As second quadrant, the change in angle ¼ 53 to

for the previous test case, the experimental curve from ¼ 90 occurs for stress ratios 2 =3 in the approxi-
Shin and Pae11,12 is not used in any way for the predic- mate range ½2:75,  1:73 . In the fourth quadrant, the
tions, and any agreement between experimental and change in angle ¼ 37 to ¼ 0 occurs for stress
numerical is fully predictive. The aspects of the model ratios 2 =3 in the approximate range ½0:58,  0:36 .
that are relevant for this prediction are the strength
prediction (equation (15)) and the nonlinear aspects Test case 6. The 1 vs. 3 failure envelope for S-glass/
of the model as explained in the discussion of test epoxy with 2 ¼ 3 is requested for test case 6. The
case 3. predicted failure envelope, shown in Figure 19, is
again open for pure hydrostatic pressure. On the left
Test case 5. Test case 5 requests the 2 vs. 3 failure part of the envelope, it can be seen that an increase in
envelope for E-glass/MY750 epoxy with 1 ¼ 3 . The fibre-kinking strength is predicted with hydrostatic
predictions, shown in Figure 18, indicate that the enve- pressure. The exact (non-constant) slope of the enve-
lope is open under pure hydrostatic pressure. The seg- lope in this region results from the combination of
ments adjacent to the open part of the envelope are many features of the model, including nonlinear
Pinho et al. 2337

–0.04 –0.035 –0.03 –0.025 –0.02 –0.015 –0.01 –0.005 0 0.005 0.01


σz (MPa)



εy = εx


Figure 25. Predicted stress vs. strain response for test case 12 – z vs. "z and z vs. "x ¼ "y for a (0 /90 )s laminate of IM7/8551-7.

response, slope coefficients on the elastic properties and failure modes are expected to provide a validation of
shear strengths, definition of equivalent strain, and the general model assumptions.
extrapolation of the nonlinear stress vs. strain curves.
Test case 8. Test case 8 requires the y vs. z (with
Test case 7. Test case 7 is the same as test case 6, but for x ¼ z ) envelope for a 35 laminate of E-glass/
A-S carbon/epoxy instead of S-glass/epoxy. The predic- MY750 epoxy, as shown in Figure 21. It can be
tions, shown in Figure 20, are qualitatively similar, and observed that the envelope is open for pure hydrostatic
the same discussion as for test case 6 applies, since the pressure. Depending on the load combination, the spe-
proposed model does not distinguish between carbon cimen can fail by matrix cracking, fibre splitting or fibre
and glass fibre composites. Although glass fibres tend kinking. The matrix fracture angle within each individ-
to exhibit some nonlinear response, this effect is not ual ply, ¼ 45 , is interesting, as it has not appeared in
considered to be significant and is not taken into previous envelopes; it is the result of shear-dominated
account. matrix failure, with some transverse compression.
Notice that, due to the multidirectional nature of the
laminate, the macroscopic fracture angle of the lamin-
Multidirectional laminates ate is not 45 . However, the 45 fracture on each ply
In the present model, the strength for the matrix- should be observable using microscopy.
dominated failure modes depends on the thickness of
the plies in the laminate, which is here assumed to be Test case 9. The stress vs. strain curves for compression
0.25 mm. Furthermore, their accurate evaluation in y-direction, y vs. "x and y vs. "y at
requires assuming the values of the respective fracture z ¼ x ¼ 100 MPa are requested in test case 9 for
energies and the extrapolation of experimental non- the same laminate as in test case 8, see Figure 22. The
linear constitutive curves. Finally, the effect of weaker pronounced nonlinearity for high strains can be
outer plies on the final failure of the laminate depends observed very clearly. This nonlinearity results from
on the number of plies, which is here unless otherwise the nonlinear matrix response, and hence depends on
stated assumed to be 16. As a result, there is consider- the extrapolation of the constitutive response
able scope for the properties used and laminate simu- (Figure 4). Two curves are shown in Figure 22; one
lated not corresponding exactly to the experimental corresponding to an 8-ply model and another corres-
tests; consequently, some deviation might be expected ponding to a 50-ply model. The initiation of failure is
regarding quantitative predictions. Qualitative results predicted in both cases for the same stress at the outer
such as the shape of failure envelopes and predicted plies. However, the effect of the failure of the outer plies
2338 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

in the subsequent response of the laminate can be complexity of a model and its predictive capability is
observed to be more pronounced for the model with 8 not always straightforward to define.
plies only. Both models predict a matrix fracture angle 4. In this paper, a nonlinear constitutive model for lami-
within each individual ply ¼ 45 . nated composites which includes failure prediction is
proposed. The application of the model to the test
Test case 10. Test case 10 requests the yz vs. z envelope cases allows predicting not only failure itself but
for a (0 /90 /45 )s laminate of IM7/8551-7. The speci- also the failure modes and orientation of fracture
men fails by matrix failure in the outer ply for all load planes. The model appears to have captured interest-
combinations, without clear separation between initial ing physical phenomena, such as open envelopes for
and final failure, see Figure 23. Moderate through-the- hydrostatic compression, and the influence of hydro-
thickness compression is seen to improve the strength of static pressure on compressive fibre failure. While it is
the laminate. The ply to fail first is the outer ply, which expected that the model captures the relevant phys-
restricts how further load can be applied to the speci- ical mechanisms and their effects appropriately, there
men, given the z component of the loading. The fracture are several issues that interfere with an accurate pre-
angles range from 30 to 90 , as indicated in Figure 23. diction of failure stresses and the amount of nonli-
nearity. First, material properties which are
Test case 11. Test case 11 is the same as test case 10, determinants for the initiation and propagation of
but for a (0 /90 )s laminate. The results, presented in failure, such as intralaminar fracture toughnesses,
Figure 24, are qualitatively similar to test case 10. are not always available or readily measurable.
Second, multidirectional laminates are structures on
Test case 12. The stress–strain curves z vs. "z and z vs. their own right, and their failure strength is deter-
"x ¼ "y for the same laminate as the one in test case 11 mined not only by the material properties of the indi-
are requested in test case 12. The nonlinearity that can vidual plies and generic stacking sequence but also by
be observed in Figure 25, in particular the stiffening at a the total number of plies in the laminate and the
stress of about 200 MPa, depends largely on the number of plies clustered together.
extrapolation of the constitutive shear curves. More
evolved processes for extrapolating the constitutive
curves for cases which exhibit more plasticity than in Funding
the tests used to measure material properties ought to This research received no specific grant from any
be investigated in the future. funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
The predictions from this model are compared with sectors.
those involved in the WWFE-II in Reference [50].
ST Pinho would like to acknowledge the support from the
Conclusions Royal Society through the Research Grants Scheme, and of
the EPSRC through Overseas Travel Grant EP/F020872/1.
1. The mechanical response of fibre-reinforced lami- PP Camanho would like to acknowledge the support from
nated composites is nonlinear and pressure-depen- the Royal Society through the International Incoming Short
Visits programme. All authors would like to acknowledge Dr
dent. At the microscopic scale, different mechanisms
C Dávila’s invaluable contribution through many discussions
such as deformation of polymer chains and breakage and in proof-reading this manuscript.
of cross-links, crazing or void formation and propa-
gation of micro-cracks compete for damage and fail-
Conflict of interest
ure of the matrix. For fibre kinking, the respective
micromechanics are not yet clearly understood. None declared.
2. At a mesoscopic scale (ply level), the presence of
neighbouring plies influences the propagation of
microcracks, thus resulting in an in-situ strength
which is different from the strength measured on a Lowercase Roman letters
unidirectional specimen.
3. The understanding of all of these phenomena is not
complete yet, but significant progress has been made ao equivalent slit crack dimension
in the past decades. The relation between complexity d damage variable
of a phenomenon and its relevance in terms of dinst instantaneous value of the damage variable
material response is not always easy to assess, and h total thickness of a group of 90 plies clus-
therefore the most appropriate compromise between tered together
Pinho et al. 2339

k measure of deviatoric stress state e strain tensor

n crack saturation density "eq equivalent strain
p hydrostatic pressure eel123 elastic strain tensor in material coordinate
t dimension of a finite element in the thickness system
direction "i direct strain in direction i
t effective traction vector "d strain at onset of delamination
t nominal traction vector "o strain at onset of damage
"f strain at complete decohesion
mo shear strain in the initial fibre misalignment
Uppercase Roman letters ij shear strain in plane ij
E slope coefficient for Young’s modulus
G slope coefficient for shear modulus
C compressive strength of a polymer L slope coefficient for longitudinal shear
D constitutive tensor strength
Del elastic constitutive tensor T slope coefficient for transverse shear strength
E Young’s modulus ’ fibre misalignment angle
Eo Young’s modulus for no superposed hydro- ’o initial fibre misalignment angle
static pressure ’c fibre misalignment angle at failure for pure
Ei Young’s modulus in direction i longitudinal compression
Eo2 Young’s modulus in the inplane transverse  maximum value in time of "eq
direction for no superposed hydrostatic  Poisson’s ratio of a polymer
pressure ij Poisson’s ratio in plane ij
FIp failure index for a polymer p stress tensor
FIM failure index for matrix failure in a composite N normal component of the traction
FIKINK failure index for fibre kinking i direct stress in direction i
i direct stress in direction i in a coordinate
FISPLIT failure index for splitting system rotated by (see Figure 9)
FIFT failure index for fibre tensile failure ij shear stress in plane ij in a coordinate system
G shear modulus rotated by (see Figure 9)
Go12 inplane shear modulus for no superposed im direct stress in direction i in a coordinate
hydrostatic pressure system rotated by ’ (see Figure 9)
Gc critical energy release rate ijm shear stress in plane ij in a coordinate system
Gij shear modulus in plane ij rotated by ’ (see Figure 9)
GIc mode I critical energy release rate h hydrostatic stress
GIIc mode II critical energy release rate Pi principal stress i
Go shear modulus for no superposed hydrostatic p 123 effective stress tensor in material coordinate
pressure system
S shear strength of a polymer p ‘mn effective stress tensor in crack coordinate
SisL in-situ longitudinal shear strength system
SL inplane shear strength p‘mn nominal stress tensor in crack coordinate
SisT in-situ transverse shear strength system
T tensile strength of a polymer o magnitude of traction at onset of failure
XC longitudinal compressive strength  magnitude of the effective traction vector
XT longitudinal tensile strength p123 nominal stress tensor in material coordinate
Y geometry-dependent factor system
YisT in-situ inplane transverse tensile strength T transverse shear component of the traction
ij shear stress in plane ij
fp shear stress acting on a potential fracture
Greek letters plane
max maximum shear stress
mo shear stress in the initial fibre misalignment
matrix fracture angle frame
o matrix fracture angle for pure inplane trans- L longitudinal shear component of the traction
verse compression x2 area under the curve ð2 , "2 Þ
2340 Journal of Composite Materials 46(19–20)

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