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Science, Technology, and Society

Auralyn V. Tamundong
BSIT 202

1. As a student, how can you sustain focus and attention with technology
distracting you from things that matter (academics, personal relationships,
community involvement)?
To stay focused on academics, I'll set up a study routine, turn off
notifications, and find a quiet place to study. For quality time with loved ones
and community, I'll put my phone away from me, keep it in silent mode, and
be mindful during interactions. Balancing tech with mindfulness helps me with
focus and connections.

2. Should we abandon developing autonomous and sentient robots? Why or why

Yes, we should stop developing autonomous and sentient robots. Yes,
robots are a big help to humans in making our lives easier but making a robot
that feels emotion and thinks as human is not a good idea because It can
cause job displacement, loss of human autonomy, and existential risks if not
properly controlled.

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