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‘Compesies Part A 131 (2020) 105808 ae Feng ELSEVIER Contents lists available at ScienceDirect, Composites Part A i Journal homepage: ‘An accurate and easy to implement method for predicting matrix crack and plasticity of composites with an efficient search algorithm for LaRCOS criterion ‘Xiaodong Wang, Zhidong Guan’, Shanyi Du", Geng Han, Zengshan Li Sect of Ao Sece and Breen Beane Univer Being 1008, Cina 2 Polymeric composts OME) ‘Anumercal method by combining eaended Finite Element Method and anisotropic plastic model ln ABAQUS is proposed to simulate mate zack ad pasty of composites. The hydrostate pressure sensitivity is inwodueed {nce the method by sibroutine USDFLD based on Mob-Colomb theory. An efficent search sgonith ie pro Dose for LARCOS criterion, whose tine costs only 10% af that of ginal elgrthm. The, the aceureey of reposed method on anisotropic platy, hydrostatic pressure sensitivity, nlinear respons, fle strength fand crack behavior are proved by simulation unéer mula led. Thereafter, the fale Behaviors of Iosepeseu specimens with ferent fiber orentations and thicknes are simulated In al kinds of specimens, both failure modes and lod carves mateh wel with he experiment. The proposed method accra on predicting the matrxerck an plasty of unidirectional composites, and is easy to Be implemented in ABAQUS more 1, Introduction With the wide application of composites In varies industries, the ‘eficent and accurate numerical method as an analysis tool plays more {important role in the design and application of composites due to the ‘complex sireture and failure behavior of composites (1,2). The ap= plication of numerical simulation can reduce the desig period and ost realy. Recently, the finite element method based on continuum da- ‘mage mechanies (CDM) model is widely adopted to simulate the me ‘chanical response of composites (2-!], in which the material is as- sumed a continuum and the soften process after damage is implemented through stiffness reduction. The CDM can give an accu rate prediction on th falure of composite structures with linear e- sponte and brite fracture. However, there exist many sub-crtieal rages prior to the Final fallure in composites, sueh as matrix erack and plasticity, which have a signifiant influence on the failure behavior 5-8]. In continue long fiber reinforced composites, the matrix crack mainly extends along the fiber direction, eausing anisotrople post-da- mage behavior, For instance, in fosepescu shear test the failure beha- iors of unidirectional laminates specimens with fiber parallel to ot perpendicular to loading direction exhibited significant difference (8) The post-damage anisotropic behavior is complex, which brings great challenges in the simulation of compesite (10) ‘mall adérewe¢ (Guan, sydu@hiteds.en(. Du) aups//do org/101015/)compsitesa2020.105808 ‘The traditional CDM cannot capture the stress concentration at crack ip and the propagation path of erack due to its dependency on imesh size and orlentation of mesh lines. Hence, some special technal- ‘opies need to be adopted to simulate matex crack, sueh a8 controlling the mesh size and element shape in the pre-processing (12 or deact- ‘ating the crack initiation of the elements on both sides of crack path {rough subroutine [12]. These methods can be used to simulate erack but are not widely applied due to their complexity. Different with the CMD model, the constitutive models based on fracture mechanics theory have significant natural advantages on simulating crack behae vor. in there models, Virtual Crack Closure Techaique (VCCT) (13) and Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) [10] were widely adopted to characterize matrix erack for their simplicity. Neverheles, they both need to pre- scribe crack paths before simulation, and wil fil when the erack path is complex oF unpredictable, A a solution-dependent erick path method, the extend finite element (XFEM) exhibited @ good ability co capture the erack behavior in composites simulation (1-16). The XFEM can give accurate prediction on the stress concentration and complex erack path without predefining of erack path and mesh, The plastic behavior of composites has two important charaeter- istics different with the meta: anisotropy and hydrostatic pressure sensitivity, which significantly affect the mechanical response of com- posites (17) In the existing yield models, che Hill's potenil fonction Received 16 December 2019, Received ln revised form 21 Janvary 2020; Accepted 1 February 2020, Available online 03 Fdroary 2020 1269-835X/ © 2020 Elever id Al ight reserved Xing wat (@) Cracking region Cracked region * Original nodes 4 a © Plantom nodes © Equivalent fracture energy release rate Cohesive traction Crack open ig, 1. he dustraton of phantom nodes inthe enriched element, 6) eaeulaton of trations on certain plane ae e) raeton separation response onthe eect see ‘mode! (18,19) and Drucker-Prager model (20) were mainly adopted to characterize the anisotropy and hydrestatic pressure sensitivity of plastic behavior, respectively. These two models have been integrated Jn ABAQUS and can be directly adopted in simulation. However, they ‘annot be used together, which brings error on simulating composies plasticity. Based on these wo models, many methods considering to ‘characteristics ‘were proposed by researchers, which shown good ‘agreement with experiments (21-23). However, these methods usual need to be realized by writing complex material constitutive sub- routine, suchas UMAT and VUMAT, hindering the aplication ofthese Iethods. Therefore, an easy to implement plastie model eombining wo characteristics should be proposed, Besides, reliable failure eiterion is also importan in the accurate prediction of composites mechanical response. The Puck's theo - Dyn, =D o where 7, and, Tare the undegraded normal and shear tractions acted tn the crack surface predicted by the elastic tration separation behs- ‘ior with undamaged material properties, D isthe scalar damage Nariable that represents the averaged overall damage of the cracked elements, which determines the damage evolution ofthe crack. The D leeps O before eack inition and monotonically evolves fom 0 (0 1 upon farther lading ater the damage initiation. The D doesnot need to be defined by user, which is calculated by the buildin program in [ABAQUS based onthe damage evoltion lv. ‘The damage evolution is controlled by the material property: energy release rate. Considering the complex stress state atthe eracetip, the modesmix function for computing the equivalent fracture energy re- lease rte shouldbe selected. The widely used 8K law models adopted for modesmix state, whose function i as fllowe (25) Git Gu_\ = 60+ Om 80 5 te Ge) © where eis the ecitical energy release rate, and Gi correspond to the energy release rates in Mode 1 Mode I nd Mode Il respectively je and Gre ae the ertcal fracture energies required to cause failure in {he normal and the shear directions, respectively, 7 is the material Parameter, which determines the releace rate under the mix mode 22, Plastic model 22.1 Anisotropic plastic model ‘The significant plastic behavior of composites under longitudinal shear load is implemented in ABAQUS through anisotropic plastic ‘model: Hill's potential fenetion, Hill's potential function san extension ofthe Mises function, which introduces the concept of yield stress ratios into function resulting indifferent yield behavior in diferent material diretions. The yield stress ratio is the rato of yield stress under eertain singe stress state (othe reference ses, ‘The Hill's potential funetion can be expressed in terms of rectan- gular Cartesian stress components a \Fiess= 6a + Gta = ea HG ou + BL > MER + BNR o o Were Ray Ray Ray Ray iy and Ry are the yield stress ratios should be provided in ABAQUS, and they ate defined as follows. ® where is the vale of yelé stress when o isthe only nonzero stress in the sx stress components, isthe user-defined reference yield stress in ABAQUS, ‘The flow rule is defined as: ow, we ag FT ° (21) + Hen ~ 92) Flea ~ os) ~ Mou 20) Se ce 2a ao Inthis paper, the yield stress ratios are chosen as listed in Table In these parameters, the Ry ie selected large enough to ensure the linear responce under longitudinal tension and compression (21). The Ra ie ‘chosen as 7 because the stresestrain response under longitudinal shear load is tlected as the reference stesestrain relationship. 22.2. Hydrostatic presse effect Te plastic behavior controlled by Hill's potential function is in- dependent of the hydrostatic pressure, which is diferent with the plastic behavior of fiber reinforced polyzmer composites (22). Based on ‘Mohr-Coulomb theory, the friction effect is introduced to the plastic model to consider the influence of hydrostatic pressure. In this plastic model, the yield stress ratios of Hills potential function are not constant and change with the sess state. When the normal traction on the most “ris fracture plane is neglected, the yield stress ratios wil multiply by 4 factor greater than one to characterize the additional resistance due to hydrostatic pressure. The factor is controlled by afield variable in user subroutine USDFLD [3], and the field variable is caeulated by the Following equation. felt = an where o(8) i the normal traction on the most “risk” fracture plane Te comparison of proposed plastic model and original Hill's po- tential fanetion ae ilusrated in Vig 2. The red dash Lines represent the yield surface of original Hill’ potential function, while the blue lines fare the yield surface of proposed plastic model. With the increase of hydrostatic pressure, the yield stress of proposed model increases, ‘hich is consistent with the real behavior of composites (22). The stressstrain curves of two plastic mode! at same stress state (as the black dot line in Fig. 2a) are plotted in Fig. 2b. The failure stain of proposed plastic model is significantly smaller than that of original Hill's potential function, indleating the important influence of hydeo- state pressure HAO 1 Ma), (6) <0 1, (8) 20 2.2.3. Nonlinear reference svess-stain relationship Tae nonlinear stresestrain relationship in this research is ‘a ig, 2. The comparison of proposed plastic model an orignal Hills potential function (2) ye surace of wo plastic models unde ial load and () responses eft plastic models under same ses state, represented by the Rammberg-Osgood constitutive equation [36], and an example showing the relationship between 4, and x, is a follows Tan TF™ * a2 were Gy isthe longitudinal shear modulus, $ refers othe longitudinal shear strength and nis the shape factor of stese-strain curve. The parameters §and n are determined by fitting to the experimental data 2. Search algorithm for LaRC0S criterion 31. Characteristic analy of LaRCOS criterion the Selective Range Golden Section Search (SRGSS) algorithm (28) asaneflcient and reliable method in the application of Puck's citer was adopted to develop the new search algorithm for LARCOS filsre xiterion. The basic theory of SRGSS is to adda preliminary sereening process before the Golden Section Search (GSS) algorithm to determine the preliminary ranges of all local maxima, so that the search results of (GSS will not convergence to local maximum. The basis of SRGSS is that the flue index vs orientation curve has some characteristics, suchas the shortest cistance between local maxima ie lager than 25° in Puck's axiterion [28] ‘To develop algorithm for LARCOS criterion, the failure index curve characteristis of this eiterion should be analyzed. Monte Carlo sim- lation was implemenced ia MATLAB to obtain the characteristics at 3D stress state, due tothe complexity of failure ctterion and stress state (One millon ses of sires states were generated and adopted to calculate the failure index curves, The cumulative probability density of the shortest loeal maxima distance of LaRCOS eriterion and Puck's criterion ae listed in Fig. a, As reported in Ref (28), the shortest distance of Pucks criterion is mainly larger than 25°, However, the shortest di tance of LARCOS criterion is about 5°, which greatly reduces the ad- vantages of SRGSS algorithm over traditional algorithm. The typical failure index curves of two failure criterions under same sires state are plotted in Fig. 3b. Is easy to find that che curve of LaRCOS criterion is Similar to Puck's eriterion curve, but with more dramatic change than Puck's criterion curve. Inthe curve of aRCOS, there exists maximum on each side near the orientation where, = 0, while only one maximum in the euve of Puck. This isthe reason thatthe cumulative probability density ofthe shortest distance of LaRCOS is obviowsly smaller than Puck. The curve characteristics of LaRCOS indicates the SRGSS algo- rithm is not appropriate for this criterion. However, the curves of LaRC(+) and LaRC(—) (he equations are shown in Ea. (13) exhibit & ood characteristic for SRGSS algorithm, as shown in Fig. Sb, For ac- curate analysis, the cumulative distribution densities of LARC(+) and LARC) are presented in Fig. Ja The results announce that the shortest distances of the two equations are larger than that of Puck's criterion and about 36° atthe most time. This phenomenon points out that the SRGSS algorithm can be implemented to search the maximum of LaRCOS criterion with some developments, ©) Xing wat TO om : LaRC(+)- ~~ -LaRC(- Berm fo a Poon ba ; dof i Boon gs a] é Son] ° 5 O t0%. o% ° ve 7 of § Bs. 2 ° 00 TS SS Eee eh ew See ee ee ee (©) (a) ig. 5. The fallure index curve characteris of Puck’ ererion and LaROOSexteron (a) cumulative dsibution density ofthe shatest local maxima dtance and {) pel falc index carve; Special coniins of fale inde for CLGSS (calle dex eve of LARCI+),() determination of evaluation point. tanec) (5m) + (aia) +( rc )=(5-2225)' + (g82m) as) 3.2. Development of search algorithm for LaRCOS Based on the curve characteristic analysis the interval of evaluation points is chosen as 18" inthe algorithm for LaRCDS criterion. To verify, ‘the applicability of SRGSS algorithm for searching maximum in LaRC( +) and 1aRC(—), a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted to ‘compare the results of SRGSS algorithm and original algorithm (solve 180 times for each degre). The results show that RGSS algorithm can tive accurate results for LaRC(—), while give wrong results for TARCC+) in some special stess states. For analysis, a failure index ‘curve of one special sires state is shown in Fig. Se, There are two local maxima in the failure index curve and the distance between them are larger than 36° However, the SRGSS algorithm only distinguishes one ‘maximum, die to thatthe file indexes ofthe evalvation points near the second maximum are continuously decreasing. To avoid this special coneition the equation of LaRC(+) is changed a follows. cnc {(e38a) + (eta) +68): <0 (0. (6) <0 an ‘The new adopted equation solves the above question, but brings another question. As illustrated in Fig. 3d, when the range of s(8) > 0 |s smaller chan 18° and the range is just located between wo evaluation points, the results of LaRC(+) are all zero. Then, the algorithm wil ‘miss the maximum of LARC(+), To solve this question, the position of| ‘maximum normal traction is adopted as starting point of the evaluation points (29). The verified results of the Monte Carlo simulation indicate {he molifed algorithm gives an accurate prediction for LaRC(+), 4, ( 2p, ) ae (Es as) ‘A-new algorithm for searching filure index maximum of LaRCOS cxiterion in composites was proposed. The algorithm is named as Clatsified Local Golden Section Search (CLGSS) algorithm consicering {he classified search base onthe sign of normal rations i caleulation process ‘The detailed process of CLGSS is explained with Mustration shown tn Pig 4. The first step is to calculate the orientation where the nermal \waction reaches the maximum, which will serve as the starting point for evaluation points. Then, in the next step, the failure indexes of ten Xing et 10. Postion of maxim of (6) na ~— LaRCe) 02) ——LaRC(+) °2) Evaluation points © Evaluation points © Laeal maximum © Local maximum oo oo Orientation (°) Orientation (*) @) ©) ° A i LaRC(+) 1.0: = Global maximum. 2 GSS points oo Be TY Local maximum] ™ 08: os Zor Eos. § i § Boo. | 2 ‘ z oe : os} -—Lare ' 5 Le Ta + aRC(+) 1 E a e Ta 02: T 7 0. Tete tey noses] = = =LaRCG) f t =. Tn = © Local maximum | ‘ os. ]sesten drecton i at searchdvesion| \ we Wo 10s 015 ps 10s TS 4 a oh te & me io Orientation (°) Orientation (°) () @ Fig 4, Some steps of CLGSS algorithm (e determining search ranges of LaRO(+) (b) determining search anges of laRC(—) (9 alulting local maximum by 685. algorithm and (@ determining global maximum ‘evaluation points will be obtained by equations of LaRC(+) and TARC(—, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4n and b, The local maximum ranges will be determined by comparing the failure indexes of certain ‘evaluation point and the two neighbor points, as the gray regions Presented in Fig, 4a and b, In the third step, the GSS algoritim wil be ‘adopted in each determined range to find the local maximum. The il- lustration of the GSS algorithm are presented in Fig. e, and the algo- rithm will be iterated until a, < 1. In CLGSS algorithm, the GSS algo- rithm need 7 additional evaluation point in each determined range to ive the accurae results with error of 1 In the last step of CLGSS, the flobal maximum of failure index and the corresponding fracture or lentation will be determined by comparing all the Tocal maxima, as shown in Fig Ad 38.3. Calculation efficiency and accuracy To verify the efficiency and accuracy of CLOSS algorithm, the cost, time and incorrect solution of this algorithm were investigated by (MATLAB. For comparison, Puek’s eritrion with original algocithm, Puck's erterion with SRGSS algorithm and LaRCOS eriteion with ore inal algorithm were caleulated with same stress states, The ost times ‘of four methods for solving 1,000,000 sets of stress states are listed in Table 2. The results indicate that CLGSS algorithm is significantly ef [icient for solving LARCOS criterion, whose cost time is only about 1056 ‘Table ‘The clelalion flleney of four methods (Orga RGSS (Origin) (LOSS) Twokimes 5063s] 75208 1509 of cost time of Pucks criterion with original algorithm. ‘The accuracy of proposed algorithm is investigated by comparing the failure index maximum and corresponding orientation searched by CCLGSS algorithm with the results obtained from original algorithm. Considering the results of original algorithm may not be the maximum due to the incremental step of 1°, the conditions for determining the Incorrect solution of CLGSS algorithm areas follows Fexas 2 ae) ‘The results indicate there are 19 incorrect solutions in 1,000,000 sete of stress states, while the incorrect soltions of SRGSS algorithm for Pucks criterion with same stress states are 130, CLGSS algorithm is high-efficiency and accurate to solve LaRCOS criterion in 3D stress + cLoss seponthgn [Sess state Yo USDFLD Crack initiation ‘uomcinil+ No Crack Enea, propagation Fig. 5. The flowchart of proposed numerical method 4, Numerical method for simulating composites 4.1. Description of numerical method ‘A new numerical method was proposed based on the methods mentioned above to simulate the matrix erack and plasticity of com- posites. The flowchart of proposed method is presented in Fig. 5. In ‘each time increment step, the failure index maximum of LaRCOS eri- terion and corresponding orientation wil be calculated firstly by CLGSS algorithm based on the stress state. Thereafter, the yield stress ratios will be caleulated in user subroutine USDPLD based on the normal traction on the most “isk” plane, The plastic behavior of the compo- sites will be determined by Hills potential funetion model with yield ‘sees ratios and reference nonlinear stress-strain relationship. Then, the -XPEM wall be called to simulate the matrix erack behavior, When the failure index of stress state in certain element reaches one, the crack will appear in thi element with diceeton along the erientation ob- tained from CLGSS algorithm. The determination of crack initiation and ‘rack direction ie conducted in the urersubrovtine UDMGINI, After the initiation of crack, the clement will enter crack propagation stage ‘hich is dominated by the energy release rate. The above procedure illiterate one step by one step until the simulation is finished 42. Verification of proposed method 42.1 Hydrostancpresie sensitiv plasiciy To verify the accuracy of the proposed plastic method, the long- tudinal shear responses under hydrostatic pressure were simulated and ‘compared with experimental results (17) In this simulation, the XPEM ‘was nonacivated to obtain more plastic response. The longitudinal shear stress-strain curves under different hydrostatic pressures of #- mulation and experiment are shown in Fig 63. The nonlinear stress- strain response and hydrostatic pressure effect both match well with ‘experimental results, indicating the proposed plastie method can give Accurate prediction forthe plastic response of composites [17] 4.22, Fale criterion and matrix crack The failure strengths and fare modes under blaxil load were s- ulated and compared with experiments (37,38) t evaluate propoted 10d. The failure strength envelope curve under biaxial load and failure modes under uniaxial load are showa in Pig. 6b, The prediction strengths and crack directions ofthe cell model under three uniaxial loads are all well consistent withthe input values, reflecting the accu- racy of this method under uniaxial load, At the biaxial stress state, the envelope curve can be divided into three kinds of failure modes based on dominatefalure stress and crack direction [24), shown in Fig 6b. [At mode A, the failure is dominated by tensile stress, and the fracture plane is perpendicular tothe loading direction. The dominated failure stress of mode B is longitudinal shear stress, and the fracture angle is same with mode A, I should be noted thatthe failure strength increases ‘withthe increase of transverse compressive stress, whieh isthe results of friction effet acting on the fracture plane brought by normsl com pressive stress, As the compressive stress increases continuously, the failure mode transfers to made C with fracture angle increases from O° 053", The strength envelope curve and failure modes predicted by this 11 match well with experiment [38], thus showing the accuracy of this method. Besides, itis easy to find that the stress responses are nonlinear only i he longitudinal shear stress is large. This ressl proves the plastic behavior predicted by the proposed method is anisotropic. In summary, the simulation results indicate that the anisotropic plastic behavior, hydrostatic pressure sensitivity and nonlinear re- sponse of proposed plate model, the strength predicted by LaCROS failure criterion and erack path simulated by XFEM are accurate 4.3 Application of proposed method in simulation of shear west The proposed method is adopted to study the mechanical responses of composites under shear load. To guarantee the accuracy of simula- ‘on, the method should be verified by comparing the simulated results with reported test, Inthe numerous reported tests, only one test i = lected as the reference considering the similar failure behavior in these experiments and the length limitation of mantscript. The experiment in Ref, (39) is chosen asthe reference duet ts detailed description on the ‘material mechanical properties and experimental results, which provide enough information for verifying the proposed method. Six groups of Tosepescu shear specimens with diferent fiber directions and thickness were manufactured by CCF300/5228a, whose mechanical properties axe listed in Toble 3. Two kinds of shear responses were considered in this experiment: responses under longitudinal shear stesso; and re- sponses under wansverse shear stress djs. Besides, the scale effet was Investigated in each kind of shear responses with the specimens’ thickness of 3 mm, § mm and 8 mm. 4.3.1, Pte element models aualsize finite element models were modeled in ABAQUS, as shovin in Fig, 7a and b In the analysis of XFEM, che potential regions of «rack iitation and propagation shouldbe specified as enriched featsre Fegions with corresponding properties. Ie should be noted that there only appears one crackin a single enriched region generally (34) So, the models were partitioned into some regions according to the pe- tential crack distribution in the specimens. In longitudinal shear tess the models were divided into several equal space pats with height of 11mm, as presented in Fig. 7a, In the transverse shear tests, :wo en- riched regions were specified onthe two sides of notches (ig. 75). The Finite elements models were meshed by C3D8 elements. Surface to surface contacts were applied between the specimens and fixtures, and the displacement load was conducted on the atures. 43:2. Mechanical properties and sealing effect The simulation results of six types of teste ae listed in Table 4 with experimental results for comparison The simulation rells match well with the experiments in all sx types of tests and the errors are mainly anos ar 181 2020) 105808 a an) TF experiment data a 10 er = 100 Fe ae @ s LT mul ey: 1S Mode B ¢ ee el 48 acl ae, 20 Lo BE 8°] ogee “KOSS 3 ge- eee ae a” fe : i i“ 204 gos a” 2 0 experiment | 204 2} ir | 7] P SS ° 0 7 % a i500 a ‘Shear strain (%) (a) 50 022 (MPa) (b) Fig 6 Vrication of proposed method (a) the sessstran curves under longitudinal shear and hydrostatic pressure, () the flue envelope curve and fale ‘modes of composts under biail lad Tables ‘The material properties af rite element made! 39) (ora Bag = By GP) mae on ” Gerry or S00) sures rear) same extra Guim) " ™ a la Enriched regions 1 nviched regions 2 (b) ». . * z 3 =” 5 g 3 Boo i 0. 10. 00 08 15 20 v0 Displacement (rom) (c) Fig, 7. The nite element models of (longitudinal shea test) transverse shear et shea tet 00 02 08 oe oe Displacement (mm) (d) and sess isplacement curves of) longitudinal shear test (@) ansrerse Tete perenne MPa ——SilatonPa ier smaller than 3%, indicating that the proposed method can give accurate prediction strengths for composites under shear load. In each load ‘ondtion, the shear strengths of specimens with different thikness are similar. Besides, the stressaisplacement curves of different thickness specimens also match well with each other, ax shown in Fig. 7e and d ‘The results reveal that chere was no scaling effect inthis unidirectional ‘composite in there tests, which ie consistent with the assumption of 1ARCOS criterion [25] 4.3.3. Mechanical response and failure mode ‘The load-displacement curves and fete modes simulated by pro- posed method were compared withthe experimental results. In each kind of shear est, the results of specimens with thickness of 5 mm are selected and analyzed in detail, considering the similar behavior of specimens with different thicknesses longitudinal shear test The simulation results of longitudinal shear specimen with 5 mm thickness are presented ing. 8a with the corresponding experimental results. 1s obvious thatthe loaddlsplacement curve predicted by proposed method matches well withthe experiment on both the peak Toad and nonlinearity. Inthe hole test process, four moments were chosen to analyze the failure process in conjunction with stain distribution. Among them, Moment B is the middle time of elastic stage. There ig no crack ap. pearance in the specimen, and the strain concentration mainly exis at the notches and the postion contacted with fixture. At moment C, due to the high transverse tensile stress near the notches, two cracks 2u- Cleate there companied with the fist load drop in the test With the increase of load, the cracks gradually propagate along the fer direc- tion. At moment D whes the loa-displacement curve second drops, the shear stress in the specimen near the notches satisfies the fallure er- terion and new cracks appear there, The erack density and erack length inthe specimen increase as the load increases, and then reach the ere eal state at moment (the pesk land), Finally the specimen loses the carrying capacity, The failure mode similated under longitdinal shear load is consisted of wo open cracks onset from the two notches and several parallel shear cracks between two notches, which is consistent with the experimental failire mode. The compared results of load-i- placement curve and failure modes pronounce that the proposed 6 Experiment 013-5 mm 5] Simulation z Ro 10 Displacement (mm) @ [1 6.00 5.25 450 3.00 225 1.50 7s 3. ‘9 Maximum principal strain oS mm — Experiment —— Simulation Load (kN) be 0.40 024 20 00 02 Displacement (mm) ® Fig 8.15 23 experimental and smslated loudisplacemeat curves and fre modes of (0) longitudinal shear tet (b) aneverse shear ts Xing wat cess Parc 131 (2020) 105008 36. 10. — o13-3mm-Experiment = 013-€mm-Experment 0] ——013-3mm-Simulation ——013-8mm-Simulation Load tN) Load (KN) 40. os. oa oe 2 te os To 7 ze Displacement (mm) Displagement (mm) (a) (b) 20 . —c23-amm-Experiment e238 Experiment —c22-3mm-Simulation —e23-8mn-Simulation 19 4 Zu Zs = 4, oa 1 00 0 a0 o os we 2 00 oe Se ee age 8 Dicplacement (mm) isplacement (mm ‘e) a Fig. 9. The experimental and simulated londaiplacement curves of specimens with thicknes f (8) mim and (b) & mm ander longivdinal shear lon, and specimens with thickness of) 3mm and () 8 mm under transverse shea load ; ‘ —aeieterat — Feenstra econ ,| —aeectpy — Fema Without matrix crack 5: : ‘ $ ; 4 3 F : 7 1 WIL Fiber econ . ‘| Dilectnt(nm) aes mp (a) (b) anh pe a acute son he emp fa der The tn rand he tpi elf tne Bape dein ex ines cnes Pecans oh lect ‘Transverse shear test with the dramatically load drop after the peak loadin experiment the load-dsplacement curve of simulation decreases smoothly due to the need of convergency. However, the curve before the peak load Is good agreement withthe experiment and the peak values of the two curves ae als similar with relative error of ~0.829%, Different with longitudinal shear tes, the transverse shear specimen. shows less progresive failure process. With the increase of displace ‘ment, the strain concentration at the notches increases gradually. At ‘moment E (the peak load), two eracks crack near the notches and propagate rapidly along about 45" into the specimen with the load drop. ‘The failure mode ofthe simlation is consistent with the failure modein ‘experiment. The compared results of load-

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