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“Micro Project Of Simple Calculator”

A Synopsis submitted
partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of
degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Engineering


Student Name :- Manav Pankaj Samatkar

Asst. Prof Kalyani Deshmukh

Department of Computer Engineering

Swaminarayan Siddhanta Institute of Technology, Kalmeshwar,
Session 2023-2024
Topic No. 1


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Related work
4. Aim and objectives
5. Methodology
6. Proposed plan of work
7. Our research work
8. References
1. Abstract
Designing a simple calculator as a micro project involves creating a basic application that can
perform fundamental arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division. The project can be implemented in various programming languages, but for the purpose
of this abstract, let's assume we are using Python due to its simplicity and readability.

 Design

The calculator will be a console-based application. It will prompt the user to enter two numbers
and the desired operation. The main features of the calculator will include:-

User Input: The application will accept numeric inputs and an operation choice from the user.

Operations: Functions will be defined for each arithmetic operation.

Error Handling: The application will handle common errors, such as division by zero and
invalid inputs.

User Interface: A simple text-based user interface in the console will guide the user through the
process of performing a calculation.

 Implementation

The implementation will involve the following steps:-

1. Setup:- Initialize a Python script and define the main function.

2. User Input:- Prompt the user for numbers and the operation using `input()`.

3. Operation Functions:- Implement functions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and


4. Perform Calculation:- Based on user input, call the appropriate function and display the

5. Error Handling:- Include try-except blocks to handle exceptions and display error messages.

6. Loop for Continuous Use:- Allow the user to perform multiple calculations without restarting
the program.

 Testing

The calculator will be tested with a variety of inputs, including positive and negative numbers,
zero, and invalid inputs to ensure that it handles all scenarios gracefully.

 Conclusion
This micro project will result in a functional simple calculator that can be executed in a Python
environment. It will demonstrate basic programming concepts and provide a foundational
understanding of how to structure a simple application. The project can be further expanded by
adding more complex features such as handling floating-point numbers, implementing a
graphical user interface, or adding more advanced mathematical operations.

2. Introduction

Creating a micro project of a simple calculator is a great way to learn basic programming
concepts. Here's a brief introduction and guide to what this project might involve:

 Project Overview
A simple calculator is a basic software application that performs arithmetic operations
like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This project is ideal for beginners
as it involves fundamental programming concepts such as variables, input/output
operations, and conditional statements.

 Tools and Languages

You can choose a programming language based on your familiarity. Common choices
- Python: Due to its simplicity and readability.
- JavaScript: If you want to make a web-based calculator.
- Java or C#: For a more traditional, object-oriented approach.

 Steps to Build the Calculator

1. Setup the Development Environment: Install necessary software (like Python, a text
editor, or an IDE).

2. Design the Interface:

- For a console-based calculator, design the text prompts and input/output format.
- For a GUI-based calculator, design the layout with buttons and a display area.

3. Implement Basic Operations:

- Write functions or methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Ensure that the operations handle different data types (e.g., integers, floats).

4. Create a User Input Loop:

- Prompt the user to enter numbers and select an operation.
- For GUI, this involves event handling for button clicks.

5. Result Calculation and Output:

- Calculate the result based on user inputs and selected operation.
- Display the result to the user.

6. Implement Error Handling:

- Handle scenarios like division by zero, invalid inputs, or invalid operation selections.

7. Testing:
- Test the calculator with various inputs to ensure it works correctly under different

8. Refinement and Additional Features(Optional):

- Improve the user interface.
- Add more complex operations like exponentiation, modulo, etc.
- Implement history or memory features.

3.Related Work
To help you with a micro project of a simple calculator, I need a bit more information. Are you
looking for a basic calculator that performs operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division? Also, would you like this calculator to be a web-based application, a mobile app,
or a simple script in a programming language like Python?

Here are a few ideas to get started:

1. Basic Calculator in Python: A simple script that can perform basic arithmetic
operations. It can take input from the user and return the result.
2. Web-based Calculator: Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can create a calculator
that works in a web browser. This could involve designing a user interface with buttons
for each digit and operation.
3. Mobile App Calculator: If you're interested in mobile app development, creating a
calculator app can be a great starter project. This could be done using platforms like
Android Studio or Swift for iOS.
4. Advanced Features: If you're looking for something more challenging, you could add
features like handling more complex mathematical operations (e.g., trigonometric
functions), memory functions, or even graphing capabilities.

4.Aim and objectives

Creating a micro project for a simple calculator involves defining a clear aim and setting
specific objectives. Here's a breakdown to help you structure your project:

 Aim
The primary aim of the simple calculator micro project is to develop a user-friendly application
that can perform basic arithmetic operations. This application aims to provide a convenient tool
for users to perform calculations quickly and accurately.

 Objectives

1. Functionality Development:
o To implement basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
o To ensure the calculator can handle decimal numbers and provide precise results.
2. User Interface Design:
o To design an intuitive and easy-to-navigate user interface.
o To create a layout that clearly displays numbers, operations, and results.
3. Error Handling and Validation:
o To incorporate error handling to manage invalid inputs or operations (like
division by zero).
o To validate user inputs to ensure they are appropriate for the calculations.
4. Testing and Quality Assurance:
o To rigorously test the application for accuracy in calculations.
o To test the user interface for ease of use and responsiveness.
5. Documentation and Help Features:
o To provide clear documentation on how to use the calculator.
o To include help features within the application for user assistance.
6. Cross-Platform Compatibility (Optional):
o To ensure the application works across different platforms (e.g., Windows,
macOS, mobile devices) if applicable.
7. Scalability and Upgrades (Optional):
o To design the application in a way that allows for easy updates, such as adding
more complex functions in the future.

 Deliverables

 A working calculator application.

 User manual or documentation.
 Test cases and results.
 Source code and any related development files.

By achieving these objectives, the micro project will fulfill its aim of delivering a functional and
user-friendly simple calculator application.

5. Methodology
Creating a simple calculator is a great micro project for learning programming and understanding
basic software development methodologies. Here's a step-by-step methodology to guide you
through this project:
1. Define the Requirements:
o Determine what functions your calculator will perform (e.g., addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division).
o Decide if it will be a command-line interface (CLI) or a graphical user interface
o Determine any additional features, like handling decimals, parentheses, or error
2. Choose a Programming Language and Tools:
o Based on your skill level and the project requirements, choose a programming
language. Common choices include Python, JavaScript, Java, or C#.
o Set up your development environment with necessary tools like an IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) and any libraries or frameworks you
might need.
3. Design the Calculator:
o Sketch out the user interface if you're building a GUI, or plan the user input and
output flow for a CLI.
o Design the logic for each calculator function. This might include writing
pseudocode or flowcharts.
4. Implement the Calculator:
o Start by setting up a basic structure for your project (like creating files and basic
setup code).
o Develop each function one by one. For instance, start with addition, then move to
subtraction, and so on.
o Test each function as you go to ensure it works correctly.
5. Integrate and Test:
o Once all individual parts are developed, integrate them into a single application.
o Perform thorough testing to catch and fix any bugs. This includes testing for edge
cases and incorrect inputs.
6. Refine the User Interface:
o If you're building a GUI, this is where you refine it for usability and aesthetics.
o For a CLI, ensure the instructions and outputs are clear and user-friendly.
7. Document Your Project:
o Create documentation that explains how your calculator works and how to use it.
o Include comments in your code to explain complex parts for future reference or
other developers.
8. Review and Refactor:
o Review your code for efficiency and readability.
o Refactor any parts of the code that could be improved.
9. Deploy/Share Your Calculator:
o If it's a web-based calculator, deploy it to a web server.
o If it's a desktop application, create an executable file.
o Share your project on platforms like GitHub or with your peers for feedback.
10. Reflect and Learn:
o Reflect on what you learned from this project.
o Identify any areas for improvement or new techniques you could apply in the
Remember, the key to a successful project is incremental development and testing. Build and test
each part of your calculator separately before integrating them, which makes it easier to identify
and fix bugs.

6. Proposed plan of work

Developing a simple calculator as a micro project is an excellent way to learn programming
concepts and develop practical skills. Here's a proposed plan of work for creating a basic
calculator application:

1. Define Project Requirements:

o Determine the functionality of the calculator (e.g., basic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division).
o Decide if it will handle more complex operations (e.g., square root,
o Establish the user interface requirements (command-line, graphical, web-based,
2. Choose the Technology Stack:
o Select the programming language (Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, etc.).
o Decide on any frameworks or libraries (for GUI or web-based applications).
o Set up the development environment.
3. Plan the Design:
o Sketch the user interface layout if it's a GUI or web application.
o Design the workflow of the application (how the user inputs data and receives
o Outline the functions needed for various operations.
4. Implement the Core Functionality:
o Code the basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
o Test these functions to ensure accuracy.
5. Expand Features (Optional):
o Add additional operations like square root, exponentiation, etc.
o Implement error handling (e.g., division by zero, invalid input).
6. Develop the User Interface:
o For a GUI, design and implement the layout using the chosen framework.
o For a command-line interface, ensure clear prompts and easy user input/output.
o For a web application, develop the front-end using HTML/CSS and potentially
7. Integration:
o Integrate the user interface with the core functionality.
o Ensure that user inputs are correctly passed to the calculation functions and the
results are displayed appropriately.
8. Testing:
o Conduct thorough testing to find and fix bugs.
o Test the calculator with various input scenarios to ensure reliability and accuracy.
9. Documentation:
o Document the code with comments for clarity.
o Create a user manual or guide if necessary.
10. Feedback and Refinement:
o Gather feedback from users or peers.
o Refine the application based on the feedback.
11. Deployment (if Web or Mobile Application):
o Deploy the application to a web server or app store if it's a web or mobile
12. Maintenance and Updates:
o Maintain the application by fixing any bugs that arise.
o Update the application with new features or improvements based on user

Remember, the complexity of the project can vary based on your skill level and goals. Start with
the basic functionalities and gradually add more features as you become more comfortable.

7. Our research work

To create a micro project for a simple calculator as part of your research work, you'll want to
define a few key aspects:

1. Objective: Determine the purpose of the calculator. Will it perform basic arithmetic
operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, or will it have more
advanced features like handling exponentiation, square roots, or trigonometric functions?
2. Platform and Technology: Decide where and how the calculator will be implemented.
Will it be a web application, a mobile app, or a desktop application? What programming
languages and frameworks will you use? For example, a web calculator can be built with
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A Python-based calculator is great for a desktop
3. User Interface Design: Sketch out the layout of the calculator. How will the buttons be
arranged? What will the display look like? The design should be user-friendly and
4. Functionality: Define the functionalities clearly. For a basic calculator, this would
involve implementing functions for each arithmetic operation. If you are making a more
advanced calculator, plan out the additional functionalities.
5. Development Steps: Break down the project into smaller, manageable steps. For
example, start with setting up the environment, then move on to designing the UI,
implementing basic operations, testing, and finally adding advanced features if needed.
6. Testing and Validation: Plan how you will test the calculator. Consider different test
cases to ensure that the calculator works correctly in all scenarios. This may include
testing edge cases in calculations.
7. Documentation: Keep track of your development process, challenges, solutions, and
learning outcomes. Good documentation is essential for any research project.
8. Reflection and Improvement: After completing the initial version, reflect on its
performance and user feedback. Think about potential improvements or additional
I found several resources that provide detailed information on creating simple calculator projects
using various microcontrollers:

1. PIC16f877 Based Simple Calculator Project: This project uses a PIC16F877

microcontroller, a keypad for input, and an LCD for output. It implements basic arithmetic
functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The project includes a
schematic diagram and C code for the microcontroller, explaining how to interface with the
keypad and LCD, and handle calculations

2. Simple Calculator with ATmega32 Microcontroller: This resource offers a detailed guide
on building a simple calculator using an ATmega32 microcontroller. It includes code for
handling keypresses from a keypad, as well as LCD header and C program code for controlling
the LCD display. The project also uses an sbit header program file for bit manipulation

3. Designing a Simple Calculator with 8051 Microcontroller: This project involves creating a
simple calculator using the 8051 microcontroller. It details the entire process, including the
initialization of circuits, LCD setup, key reading, and handling arithmetic operations. The code is
well-commented and includes functions for displaying numbers and errors on the LCD

4. Calculator using Pic16f877a Microcontroller: This is another project that uses the
Pic16f877a microcontroller. It details the project code, including the initialization of the LCD
and keypad, as well as functions for performing calculations and displaying results on a 16x2
LCD. The project code is written in C Language using MP-LAB IDE and High-tech C compiler

Each of these projects offers a unique approach to building a simple calculator using different
microcontrollers. They provide comprehensive guides, including code samples and explanations,
which are helpful for anyone looking to undertake a similar microproject.

 Software Requirements:-
Creating a simple calculator software involves specifying a set of requirements that outline the
functionality, performance, and constraints of the project. Here are some typical requirements
you might consider for a micro project involving a simple calculator:

1. Functional Requirements:
o Basic Arithmetic Operations: Ability to perform addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
o Number Input: Capability to handle both integer and decimal numbers.
o Clear Function: Ability to clear the current input or all inputs.
o Error Handling: Display error messages for invalid operations (like division by
o User Interface: A simple and intuitive interface for inputting numbers and
2. Non-Functional Requirements:
o Performance: Responses to user input should be prompt with minimal delay.
o Reliability: The calculator should provide accurate results consistently.
o Usability: The interface should be user-friendly and easy to navigate.
o Accessibility: Consideration for users with disabilities (e.g., screen reader
3. Design Constraints:
o Platform: Specify the operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, mobile OS) or
web browsers the calculator will support.
o Programming Language: Define the programming language(s) to be used (e.g.,
Python, JavaScript).
o Development Tools: Identify any specific IDEs, libraries, or frameworks required.
4. Security Requirements:
o Input Validation: Ensure that the input provided by users is validated to prevent
errors or security issues.
o Data Handling: If any data is stored or transmitted, ensure its security and
5. Quality Requirements:
o Testability: The design should enable easy testing of all functionalities.
o Maintainability: The code should be well-documented and structured for easy
maintenance and updates.
6. Legal and Compliance Requirements:
o Compliance with relevant software standards and legal requirements.
o Licensing of any third-party components used in the software.
7. Scalability and Extensibility:
o Consider future enhancements, such as adding more complex mathematical
functions or graphing capabilities.

Remember, the specific requirements can vary based on the scope of your project and the target
audience. These are just general guidelines to get started.

 Technology Used:-
For a micro project involving a simple calculator, you would typically use a combination of
frontend and backend technologies. Here's a basic outline of how you might structure this


1. HTML: For structuring the calculator's interface. This would include buttons for digits
(0-9), operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide), and other functions like clear or equals.
2. CSS: To style the calculator, making it visually appealing. You can style the buttons,
display area, and the overall layout of the calculator.
3. JavaScript: To handle the calculator's logic. JavaScript would capture user inputs,
perform calculations, and update the display. You might use event listeners for button
clicks and then update the display based on the input.

1. Node.js: A popular JavaScript runtime that can be used for the backend. It's lightweight
and efficient, making it suitable for a simple project like a calculator.
2. Express.js: A framework for Node.js to handle HTTP requests. You can use Express to
set up routes that the frontend can communicate with to perform calculations.
3. API: Create an API using Express.js that receives calculation requests from the frontend
(like a POST request with two numbers and an operation) and returns the result.

How it Works Together

 The user interacts with the HTML/CSS interface in their browser, clicking buttons to
input numbers and operations.
 JavaScript captures these inputs and sends a request to the backend when the user presses
the equals button.
 The backend (Node.js/Express.js) receives this request, performs the calculation, and
sends back the result.
 JavaScript then updates the HTML display with the result of the calculation.

Additional Considerations

 Validation: Ensure inputs are valid (e.g., preventing non-numeric input) both on the
frontend and backend.
 Error Handling: Gracefully handle errors, such as divide-by-zero errors.
 UI/UX: Design a user-friendly interface. Consider responsiveness for different screen
 Testing: Write tests for both frontend and backend logic to ensure reliability.

This project can be a great way to learn full-stack development, covering essential aspects of
both frontend and backend technologies.
 Circuit Diagram Of Simple Calculator:-

 Coding:-
def add(x, y):
return x + y

def subtract(x, y):

return x - y

def multiply(x, y):

return x * y

def divide(x, y):

if y == 0:
return "Error: Cannot divide by zero."
return x / y

def calculator():
print("Simple Calculator")
print("Select operation:")
print("1. Add")
print("2. Subtract")
print("3. Multiply")
print("4. Divide")

choice = input("Enter choice (1/2/3/4): ")

if choice in ('1', '2', '3', '4'):

num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))
if choice == '1':
print(num1, "+", num2, "=", add(num1, num2))

elif choice == '2':

print(num1, "-", num2, "=", subtract(num1, num2))

elif choice == '3':

print(num1, "*", num2, "=", multiply(num1, num2))

elif choice == '4':

print(num1, "/", num2, "=", divide(num1, num2))
print("Invalid Input")


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