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Today’s Philippine national security landscape is undergoing seismic

transformation. Globalization has connected us to the outside world like never before,
bringing prosperity across our land and reshaping our lives in many good ways. Yet this
same connectedness also tied us to some of our biggest worries in the modern era. It
sets out a more uncertain and volatile environment that directly impacts our economy,
political institutions, and our way of life. Our recent ordeals tell us that non-traditional
security issues—such as natural disasters, pandemics, poverty and rising costs of living,
food and energy insecurity, and cyber-based threat—are just as urgent as the traditional
ones linked to national defense, terrorism and insurgency, geopolitical tension, criminality
and public safety, and political stability.

In the face of these complex challenges, we must again re-examine the state of our
national security and prepare to step up our game. National security is the lifeblood of our
nation. It is a key foundation for the country’s survival, progress, and resilience. As we go
into the third decade of this century, our security imperatives will be to provide the
enabling environment for the full realization of the country’s development potential while
ensuring territorial integrity, public safety and internal security, national cohesion, and the
citizens’ welfare.

The National Security Policy 2023-2028 provides the guidelines for addressing our
national security needs in the next few years. It contains an assessment of the current
and future threats and opportunities facing the nation, both from within its borders and
beyond. It contains several goals aimed at providing the ideal security conditions towards
the fulfillment of the country’s medium- and long-term economic development plans. As
such, this document serves as basis for the crafting of security and departmental
strategies that will give flesh to the true spirit and intent of national security and national

I am aware that some of the goals set forth in this document are ambitious.
Perhaps not all will be completed during my term. My administration’s call for national
unity resonates throughout this document. We are reminded that the State is like a big
ship. My administration has been mandated by the Filipino people and the Philippine
Constitution to sit at the helm and steer the ship of State. Workers in government and all
Filipinos are rowers all. We are strongest together as a team --- collaborating,
complementing, relying, and trusting one another. The NSP 2023-2028 embodies our
ideas, motives, and actions so that we can reach our desired destination in the swiftest
possible time.


President of the Republic of the Philippines







National Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity 12

Political Stability, Peace and Public Safety 15
Economic Strength and Solidarity 19
National Identity, Harmony, and Culture of Excellence 24
Ecological Balance and Climate Change Resiliency 26
Cyber, Information, and Cognitive Security 28
Regional and International Peace and Stability 30


National Security Policy Framework 36

Executive Order No. ______ 37

Approving and Adopting the National Security
Policy 2023-2028


The National Security Policy (NSP) 2023-2028 is the Philippines’ third national security
policy document. It was crafted in response to modern-day challenges confronting the nation in
a rapidly changing and increasingly uncertain world. It contains the guiding principles and
interests, as well as a set of clearly defined and articulated goals aimed at protecting and
promoting national security. Set for a timeframe of five years, from 2023-2028, the new NSP
identifies policy objectives and priority areas where the state should devote its finite resources
and leverage its key strengths in order to optimize outcomes.

The goals set forth in the NSP 2023-2028 are anchored on a comprehensive national
security framework and the enduring values that have enabled Filipinos through the centuries to
cope and thrive. The new NSP seeks to improve national security governance aimed at effectively
addressing security threats while at the same time providing the enabling environment for
sustainable and inclusive economic and human development. Berthed on a vision of a free,
resilient, peaceful, and prosperous Philippines, the new NSP complements the medium-term
Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 as well as contributes to the realization of the long-term
national dream of a “Matatag, Maginhawa at Panatag na Buhay” by the year 2040.

The national security goals identified in the new NSP were based on an assessment of the
emerging strategic landscape and placed within the context of the country’s socio-political values,
fundamental laws, and core national interests. The new NSP features several national security
agenda under each of these core national security interests: National Sovereignty and Territorial
Integrity; Political Stability, Peace and Public Safety; Economic Strength and Solidarity; National
Identity, Harmony and Culture of Excellence; Ecological Balance and Climate Change Resiliency;
Cyber, Information and Cognitive Security; and, Regional and International Peace and Stability.

To implement the NSP 2023-2028, a set of guiding principles have been prescribed, to wit:
Fostering Inclusivity; Promoting Trust and Optimism and Strengthening Leadership Resolve;
Ensuring Strategic Alignment; Benchmarking Against International Norms and Best Practices;
Anticipating the Future and Being Proactive; Promoting Consistency and Continuity; Sustaining
Wealth Creation and Generation; Measuring Effectiveness and Feedback; and, Constituting
Oversight and Crafting Advocacy Plans.

To succeed, the NSP 2023-2028 relies on a whole-of-government, whole-of-nation

approach. All government departments, agencies and other government instrumentalities
should integrate and harmonize the NSP with their own plans, programs and strategies.
Policymakers can likewise use this document as guiding tool in crafting laws on matters affecting
national security. In the same vein, the government seeks the support and initiative of the Filipino
public to contribute in a meaningful way to the realization of the NSP’s vision and goals. Only
through national unity can the Filipino nation confidently look forward to a more prosperous,
secure and brighter future.

Chapter 1

The peace, security, and stability in our archipelago, mountains, air, space,
cyberspace, waters, seas, and shores are the essential foundation of sustainable
development. The long-term economic development vision of a “Matatag, Maginhawa,
at Panatag na Buhay” is founded on the nation’s core socio-political values and reflected
in the democratic way of life that calls for participatory governance, respect for human
rights and freedoms, equality of men and women, social justice, innovation, rule of law,
and equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities. These enshrined values embedded
in the fundamental laws, institutions, history, and shared consciousness underpin and
propel the country’s enduring national security vision through a healthy, educated, and
empowered citizenry with competencies that enable them to contribute meaningfully to
nation-building regardless of any current government-of-the-day.

The National Security Vision

The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 is the second medium-term

socioeconomic plan anchored on the long-term vision that “By 2040, the Philippines
shall be a prosperous, predominantly middle-class society where no one is poor;
our peoples shall live long and healthy lives, be smart and innovative, and shall
live in a high-trust society where families thrive in vibrant, culturally diverse, and
resilient communities.”

Complementing the PDP vision, the National Security Policy (NSP) 2023-2028
envisions a free, resilient, peaceful, and prosperous archipelagic and maritime
nation, at peace with itself and its neighbors, enabled and protected by reliable
defense and public safety systems. This vision allows the citizens to reach their full
potential through equitable and quality education, social cohesion and harmony, political
stability, sound environmental management, international peace and cooperation, and
economic progress through technology development, innovation and sustainable use of

A free, resilient, peaceful, and prosperous Philippines is characterized by its

independence, recognition and respect by members of the international community, and
contribution in promoting regional peace and security. It provides for prosperity where
inclusivity thrives and a level playing field exists. Such a Philippines ensures the lives,
liberty, and well-being of its citizens, including safeguarding Filipinos from natural, socio-
natural, and human-induced hazards, and other unforeseen serious threats both here and

abroad. In the community of nations, such is a Philippines that is able to pursue and
implement an independent foreign policy that takes into account the paramount
considerations stipulated in the Constitution – national sovereignty, national interest,
territorial integrity, and the right to self-determination.

The Philippines envisions a nation of God-fearing citizens in their roles as leaders

and members of society and a polity defined by unity, and national consensus, amidst a
long history of partisanship and personality politics.

The Philippines envisions a democracy whose practice of transparency and

accountability engenders trust, respect, collaboration, and confidence of the citizens to
government leaders and motivates them to work for the common good.

The Philippines envisions a political system whose avowed principles, enshrined

in the Constitution, work tirelessly for the welfare of the public at large. The Philippines
strives to create a culture of life-long quality learning and exploration, where channels of
information work to provide knowledge and wisdom that inspire creativity and uphold
human dignity.

The Philippines envisions a Government in collaboration with all sectors of

Philippine society and with the rest of the world in staying vigilant, ever prepared, and
capable of responding effectively to natural, socio-natural, and human-induced hazards,
and adapting to advances in technology. The Philippines wants an effective and efficient
Government that is adaptable, redirecting when goals are not met, providing stability, and
inspiring confidence in citizens as the international landscape changes.

The Administration envisions a Philippines that is ready to move forward with the
mindset that the advantage lies in unity and moral consensus, and that national strengths
are leveraged best through the spirit of Bayanihan inherent in the Filipino culture.

Enduring Values

The comprehensive national security framework, product of years of policy review

and analysis of the country’s internal and external realities, defines national security as:
“a state or condition wherein the people’s welfare, well-being, ways of life;
government and its institutions; territorial integrity; sovereignty; and core values
are protected and enhanced.” Based on this definition, there are enduring values that
have enabled Filipinos through the centuries to cope and thrive.

The Philippines shall defend, preserve, and strengthen the enduring values for
national security, sustainable economic development, people empowerment, and a
globally competitive nation. These values are expressed concisely as: maka-Diyos (God-
fearing), makatao (humane), maka-kalikasan (pro-environment), at makabansa

Love of God. The Philippines respects differences in religious beliefs, lives in

harmony with others regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, and culture, and shows
adherence to ethical principles by upholding truth, honesty, compassion, and kindness.

Patriotism and Love of Country. The Philippines puts premium to education,

health, science and technology, arts, literature, culture, history, and sports to foster
patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote human liberation and
integral economic development. The quest for “Matatag, Maginhawa at Panatag na
Buhay” shall be supported by a citizenry willing and able to defend the national interest.

Rule of Law and Respect for Human Rights. The maintenance of peace and
order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and the promotion of the general welfare
are essential public services that the Government must provide. The Philippines
guarantees the adequate provision of these services and commits to promote, protect,
and defend human rights as enunciated in various international covenants. The
Government ensures that everyone is treated equally and that the administration of justice
and respect for the human rights redound to the empowerment of the Filipino people and
the well-being of the nation.

Common Good. The Philippines shall continue to assert its place in the
community of nations as a sovereign state that deserves international recognition and
respect for the Philippine territories and jurisdictions where the Filipino people are able to
exercise the rights and privileges due them. The preservation and protection of the
national environment and respect for the tenets of common heritage of mankind and
global public good shall be promoted.

The Philippines subscribes to fair and transparent global competition in trade and
commerce based on agreed rules and rejects economic coercion as a policy instrument,
pursuant to the Philippines’ commitment to a rules-based trading regime. The Philippines
supports the growth of free market, entrepreneurship and private enterprises with broad-
based ownership structures and welcomes foreign investments in key industries,
including public services.

Democracy and Freedom. The Philippines shall continue to promote a rules-
based international order anchored on multilateralism, ideals of sovereign equality of
States, peaceful settlement of disputes, and conduct of international relations without
threat to human security or use of force, as embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.

The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy and adheres to

the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
The Philippines shall use its stature and goodwill in promoting harmony, respect, and
understanding in the regional and global community.

Fortitude. The Philippines’ defense and public safety systems shall protect the
people, entrepreneurship and businesses, agriculture and manufacturing assets, public
and private utilities, and critical infrastructure against natural and human-induced threats,
as well as ensure the speedy recovery after a crisis.

Inclusivity. The Philippines seeks the broadest possible cooperation within

Philippine society and with other States to build a security environment favorable to the
pursuit of political, economic, defense, and national security interests of the country.

Social Justice. The Government ensures that individuals and communities in the
archipelago are accorded free and open expressions of individual, social, ethnic, cultural,
gender, and religious identities towards a stable foundation of a just and dynamic social

Innovation. The Philippines recognizes the role of research and development,

science and technology, and innovation in nation-building and sustainable economic
growth. The Philippines seeks to utilize these to increase productivity, introduce efficiency
in the national and global value chains, enhance access to quality education, and promote
knowledge transfer to positively shape society.

Chapter 2

“I see four challenges to the continued survival of our global

community: climate change, development of advanced technologies
that is rapidly transforming human life and experience, widening
geopolitical polarities and sharpening strategic competitions, and
inequalities and inequities within and among countries.”


77th UNGA, 21 September 2022

“Apart from climate change-related disasters, we are now confronted

with a different and complex security environment, it brings with it new
challenges that require us to adapt.”


87th AFP Anniversary, 19 December 2022

The Philippines is facing a convergence of security challenges both at the domestic

and international levels. These challenges represent a complex operating environment
which, if not handled properly, can create insecurity and instability. Mitigating the risks,
developing resilience, harnessing strengths, and staying focused on the national interest
are crucial to the country’s survival and future success. Any effort to formulate a National
Security Policy should therefore start with an awareness and assessment of the factors
and circumstances that can influence or shape the nation’s security outlook in the
foreseeable future.

Amid the rise of newly prosperous states, the global balance of power has tilted
into a more complex strategic environment involving multiple actors, including Middle
Powers. Widening polarities and the sharpening strategic competition between the United
States and China are realities permeating the global landscape. Heightened rivalries
among the major powers are contributing to a more tense geopolitical landscape, with
regional flashpoints potentially serving as tinderboxes for conflict. The situation has
become graver in light of the continued development of weapons of mass destruction,
resurgence of arms races, and the erosion and weakening of the rules-based international
order that has served as a guarantor of peace and continued economic growth and
development despite the creation of even more lethal weapons since World War II.

Geopolitical tensions reached a new height in February 2022 when Russia invaded
Ukraine, thereby signaling the return of major war between nations. Although the ongoing
conflict remains largely confined within Ukraine, its effects are felt globally in various
streams, including supply chain issues, a revisiting of geopolitical alignment, and an
increase in military spending. The war exacerbates the friction between the alliance of
Western democracies and their partners versus countries deemed establishing their own
spheres of influence by challenging the prevailing global order. Both Russia and Ukraine
are major food baskets, with the former being the world’s third largest supplier of oil. The
war created a new wave of global food and energy insecurity amid tight supply and
soaring international market prices.

The West Philippine Sea issue remains a primary national interest of the
Philippines. The Philippines exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over
the West Philippine Sea, under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea and by the final and binding South China Sea Arbitration Award of 12 July 2016.
Despite this being clear in international law, claimant states continue to lay claims on the
strategic waterway. The divergences of claims, as well as the claimants’ methods of
asserting their positions, continue to pose strategic challenges, endangering not only the
country’s territorial integrity, but also the Filipino people’s exercise of legitimate rights and
their safety and well-being.

Major concern is also seen in the Cross-Straits relations that has the potential to
be the flashpoint in the region. The Philippines is concerned about its economic stability,
a potential influx of refugees, and the welfare of overseas populations. Any military
conflict in the Taiwan Strait would inevitably affect the Philippines given the geographic
proximity of Taiwan to the Philippine archipelago and the presence of over 150,000
Filipinos in Taiwan.

Meanwhile, the persistent tensions in the Korean Peninsula continue to threaten

peace and stability in the region and the world.

The world is also grappling with a range of other threats. Global issues that no
country can resolve on its own such severe poverty and hunger, climate change and
environmental issues, pandemics, international terrorism, and overwhelming
humanitarian crises are increasingly serious human security concerns. Threats to the
universal commons and the people’s survival such as seas, marine resources, outer
space, and cyberspace have also become more widespread and serious. At the same
time, recurring episodes of financial crises trigger unrest and political instability in both
advanced and developing economies owing to the interconnectedness of the global
financial system.

The increasing significance of frontier technologies such as 5G communications,
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet-of-Things (IOT), drones, robotics, quantum technology,
and Big Data, have caused tectonic shifts in the political, social, cultural, and economic
fabric of human life. The deployment of such technologies has likewise magnified the
digital divide across societies, with those who have resources benefiting from them, while
those who are poor continuing to lag behind and are unable to capitalize on these
technologies to improve their quality of life. The digital divide within and across societies
were made more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic as governments and
businesses moved their services online.

The changes brought about by technology on warfare have, likewise, expanded

the attack surface to include critical infrastructure leaving societies highly vulnerable. The
emergence of remote-controlled drones and missile systems coordinated via satellite-
delivered data transmission has reshaped the field of warfare. This has led to an
increased value placed on technology from economies like Japan, South Korea and
Taiwan. Furthermore, frontier technologies, specifically in social media, have polarized
societies through fake news, disinformation, hate, and abuse.

The flames of ethnic and religious strife are stoked by these technologies, resulting
in cultural divides and undermining social tolerance between people that further serves
the purpose of extremism. While the influence of Daesh and al-Qaeda on local militants
is dwindling, their brand of extremism cannot be ruled-out completely, given the porous
borders, and new technologies readily available in the market. With the Daesh’s and al-
Qaeda’s violent extremist ideology and narratives remaining pervasive in cyberspace,
these groups will likely continue to attract, exploit, and radicalize those who are at risk,
vulnerable, and easily influenced and wanting to belong. These technologies are also
utilized to undermine institutions that are indispensable to a democratic government and
society. With the aid of algorithmic technology, disinformation and propaganda are
spewed to instigate distrust and discontent. The autonomy of individuals over their own
thinking and perception are attacked through these technologies, particularly through the
unethical use of cognitive technologies.

Climate change and extreme weather patterns are cascading threats to 60 percent
of the country’s population particularly those who live along the hazard prone areas and
are vulnerable to massive flooding, typhoons, and storm surges. Despite contributing only
0.3 percent to the world’s total greenhouse gas emission, the country loses 1.0 percent
of the average annual GDP or an estimated US$3.5 billion a year due to losses and
damages resulting from climate change and extreme weather patterns. This does not
consider the thousands of lives lost and billions of properties and productive outputs
decimated, as a result of around 25 tropical cyclones hitting the country every year. The

country, being part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, is also prone to large scale geophysical
hazards related to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption. Local Government Units
(LGUs) have improved their capacities in response, recovery, and rehabilitation
programs, but there are still shortfalls in preparedness and mitigation. The multiple
entities involved in disaster management as well as local and national agencies require
stronger coordination and synergy of efforts.

In addition, the country’s dependence on carbon-based energy sources, such as

coal, oil, and natural gas, accounts for 78 percent of the country’s 2021 power generation
mix and is seen to be a contributing factor in the increase of the country’s greenhouse
gas emissions. This reality in the energy sector likewise makes the economy susceptible
to the volatility of fuel and coal prices in the global market as both energy sources are
imported from abroad. Moreover, this scenario must be measured against the backdrop
of declining share of renewable energy sources, such as geothermal, hydro, wind, solar,
and biomass in the energy mix from 34 percent of the power generation mix in 2004 to
just 21 percent in 2021 due to increased reliance on fossil-based resources, particularly
coal. Meantime, the incidence of natural hazards and extreme weather events highlights
the need to monitor and prepare for the potential impacts on public health which include
the emergence and spread of food- and water-borne diseases, increased frequency of
cardio-respiratory diseases due to higher concentrations of ground-level ozone related to
climate change, altered spatial distribution of some infectious disease vectors, injuries
and premature deaths, and threats to mental health.

Social and economic inequities are continuously pushing the poor, vulnerable, and
marginalized sectors of society to the peripheries, creating grievances, unrest, and
instability. The social and economic inequities have made the Communist Party of the
Philippines (CPP) and its propaganda attractive to some citizens. Decades of combining
peace talks, amnesties, better intelligence, focused military operations, socio-economic
programs, aggressive information campaign on the empty promises of communism, and
the whole-of-nation approach have now greatly decimated the Communist Terrorist
Groups (CTGs)

The gains achieved by the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed
Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) continue to flourish as it implements various interventions.
However, there remains a bottleneck in sustaining the gains and facilitating efficient,
effective, and convergent provisions of measures and programs towards the reintegration
and transformation of former CTG combatants and non-combatants, their families, and
communities. The delays in the provision of security, healing and reconciliation,
confidence-building, and socio-economic interventions in transformation programs could
erode the accomplishments.

Further, impediments to the completion of the peace processes with the Cordillera
Bodong Administration – Cordillera Peoples Liberation Army (CBA-CPLA) and the
Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa ng Pilipinas / Revolutionary Proletarian Army
/ Alex Boncayao Brigade (RPM-P/RPA/ABB) may result in decreased confidence in the
process, trigger factionalism in the aforementioned groups, threaten the peace and
transformation in the program areas, including the autonomy initiatives in the Cordilleras.
There is still the challenge of ensuring sustainability of the gains achieved in the
transformation of RPA and CPLA members into people’s organizations and social

In the southern Philippines, the implementation of both the political and

normalization tracks of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB),
signed between the Philippine government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and
the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) is gaining headway and has contributed much to
peace and stability in Mindanao. However, the two Bangsamoro Peace Processes still
face challenges in their implementation. These include issues in the representation and
inclusivity in the Bangsamoro Transition Authority and the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), which is seen to potentially implicate the relations
between the Moro Fronts—the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Moro National
Liberation Front (MNLF)—and other sectors and inhabitants of the Bangsamoro region.

There is also the existence of inter- and intra-group violence and threats from
criminal elements, and the presence of lawless / extremist groups such as Bangsamoro
Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and Dawlah Islamiya, including CTGs, rido, and other
horizontal conflict (e.g. armed conflict between the members of the Moro Fronts, and
political clans). These are potential setbacks to the overall peace and security in the
Region. The delays in the fulfillment of the remaining deliverables under the CAB may
potentially spur discontent and be used by groups still espousing secessionist ideology.

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic is a major disruption that continues to bring

a magnitude of repercussion to all facets of development and security. The economic
environment has not adequately enabled the poor to be lifted from poverty with the same
scale, speed, and velocity, as compared to some Southeast Asian neighbors. Corruption,
smuggling, illegal drugs and organized crime, environmental crimes, transnational
crimes, and intense political rivalries and warlordism have prevented progress in political
maturity and socio-economic development. These widened even further the already
glaring socio-economic gap and thus necessitate transformational changes at all levels
to satisfy societal needs.

Despite some discouraging features of the prevailing security environment, few
can deny that the world has entered an exciting new era of prosperity and fresh
opportunities. The trends of globalization, rapid technological innovation, and enhanced
economic, social, and cultural interconnectedness are driving global economic
productivity to new heights, creating more wealth and enhancing the quality of life
everywhere. The Philippines has an adequate number of innovative leaders and problem-
solvers to fill positions in both existing and future industries. By ensuring that everyone
has access to educational tools and other instruments of national power, national security
and the economy will be strengthened and will thrive, technology will improve, innovation
will flourish in every sector, and people will be able to overcome socioeconomic obstacles.
The Philippines must learn to harness its energies in a positive way and work more closely
together to overcome challenges, while creating the conditions for a more prosperous,
peaceful, and secure future for all.

Chapter 3

“We all want peace in our land. You and your children want a good
chance at a better life; in a safer, more prosperous country. All that is
within reach from a hardworking, warm, and giving race.”

“Let us all be part of the solution that we choose; in that lies the power to
get it done. Always be open to differing views but ever united in our
chosen goal. Never hesitating to change it, should it prove wanting.
That is how agile, resilient republics are made.”


Inauguration, 30 June 2022

“Let me also reiterate that, for this Administration, the welfare of our
people and the improvement of their lives are of utmost importance[.]”


49th CESB Founding Anniversary, 22 November 2022

Given the enduring vision and strategic environment, the NSP affirms the
intersection of development and security and serves as a comprehensive framework and
guidance so that all instruments of national power are used for strengthening Philippine
national security.

The NSP shall strengthen the whole-of-government pillar of the Whole-of-Nation

approach, where the implementation of strategies and courses of action at all levels of
government is aligned.

Towards this end, the following are the long term and enduring national security
interests and goals necessary for the security, welfare, and well-being of the nation and
the Filipino people.


The Philippines shall ensure the inviolability of its national territory, including land,
seas, air, space, and cyberspace. The policies to promote this interest demand strategic
measures, legislation, and programs that would improve, enhance, and strengthen
national sovereignty.

Defense and Military Security

The Government aims for a State that is capable of protecting and defending its
national sovereignty and territorial integrity on land, at sea, on air, in outer space, and
even in cyberspace, including its maritime entitlements, by building a strong deterrence.
The Government shall strive to achieve self-reliance by continuous investment and
expenditure in defense modernization and the acquisition of state-of-the-art military
assets responsive to the requirements of an archipelagic nation. Building up the country’s
military capability on cyber defense shall be a priority in response to the rapidly shifting
and continuously evolving international landscape and to ensure cyber sovereignty. As a
member of the international community, the Philippines is committed to observing and
upholding established norms on responsible state behavior in cyberspace.

Given the wide range of internal and external security concerns, the Government
shall: integrate all domains of military (land, air, maritime, cyber, and space) and non-
military (economic, technological, and informational) spectrums; integrate with partner
agencies in the security and public safety sectors in tackling the threats that seek to alter
the status quo in ways that harm Philippine national interests below the threshold of
armed conflict; integrate across all government sectors the instruments of national power,
such as diplomacy, intelligence, economic, and social tools, among others; integrate with
allies and partners through interoperability exercises, capacity development, and
planning with diplomatic and economic approaches; and integrate the reservist system
as an important component of defense and military planning. Reserve force development
will be pursued as multipliers to the armed forces’ internal security, humanitarian
assistance, and disaster relief (HADR) operations.

The Government shall revitalize the Self-Reliance Defense Posture (SRDP)

Program, incentivize private sector participation in the defense industry, modernize the
defense through rationalized acquisition, promote in-country manufacturing, and muster
Filipino talents, skills, and ingenuity to foster the progressive growth of the defense and
security sector. Investment in shipbuilding and ship repair shall be strengthened to bolster
the state external deterrent force. Aerospace development shall be pursued through joint
and active collaboration between the government and the private sector. There is also a

necessity for the government to transition the internal security operations (ISO) from the
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to the Philippine National Police (PNP) to allow
the AFP to effectively protect the country’s territories and boundaries.

The Government shall strengthen military relations with other states, particularly in
areas of military exercises aimed at confidence and capability-building, technology
transfers, interoperability, information exchanges, and joint patrols.

Maritime, Air, Land, and Space Security

The Philippines is an archipelago composed of vast seas with numerous islands

and connecting waters. The Government shall enforce its sovereign rights to explore and
exploit the resource-rich marine environment and its freedom of movement in air, sea,
and space. The Government shall strengthen maritime law enforcement operations
against piracy and unlawful acts such as smuggling; poaching; illegal, unreported and
unregulated fishing; all forms of marine pollution; and trafficking in persons / migrants,
people smuggling, and drug trafficking at sea. The Government shall harmonize
mandates and functions of various agencies relative to coastal management and maritime
security to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in addressing maritime security threats.

The Government shall innovate and modernize maritime, air, and space systems
and security operations through the use of space science and technology applications,
and integration of AI. The Government shall strengthen the capacity of maritime agencies’
maritime domain awareness, and subsequent acquisition of air search radars and
satellites, including measures to incentivize scientists to stay in the Philippines. The
Government shall enhance defense cooperation and security arrangements with other
countries to harness a collective deterrence against potential existential threat to the
State’s sovereign spaces, explore space defense and applications, and promote
technology development that is beneficial to all Filipinos.

Border Security

The Philippines’ inherent challenge, as an archipelagic nation, is its extensive

porous maritime borders. Protecting the borders from unlawful trade and travel and entry
of illegal small arms and light weapons, illegal migrants, illegal aliens, illegal drugs, and
contraband is essential not only in promoting national security and economic prosperity
but also for regional peace and stability. The Government shall implement effective
security procedures and control measures to protect the country’s borders. To strengthen
the readiness and capability-building for border control security, the Government shall
enhance the maritime defense forces’ maritime domain awareness capabilities in

conjunction with intelligence and law enforcement sectors and shall implement strategies
to effectively maintain the integrity of the Philippine border and sovereign space. The
Government shall pursue the institutionalization of the Philippine Navy Maritime
Situational Awareness Systems to sustain the effective and accurate provision of
common and timely maritime operating picture.

The Government shall develop a unified system to remove redundant processes

from numerous agencies that delay in the enforcement of border control. The Government
shall prohibit the use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, in
keeping with the Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty, strengthen its
border and monitoring systems to secure the country from chemical, biological,
radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats, including smuggling or theft of hazardous
materials by non-state actors, and develop national capacity to deter and address
potential CBRN attacks and/or accidents.


Human security and economic development can only prosper in a peaceful and
safe environment. The Philippines must deal with violent threats from criminality, armed
conflicts, illegal drugs, and terrorism with the full force of the law and in strict observance
of civil and human rights, and the international humanitarian law (IHL).

Addressing the ideological, socio-economic, and political causes of the communist

insurgency is a vital part of the solution and must be sustained. The Philippines must heal
the many rifts that divide the nation and achieve peace and harmony among all Filipinos,
regardless of religion, creed, ethnicity, or social status. The Peace process will always be
preferred over war. Local peace engagements and transformation programs such as
basic education, livelihood, financial literacy, cooperativism, and healing and
reconciliation for former rebels, their families and communities, shall be pursued and
institutionalized, as part of the efforts to strengthen the threat assessment and response
protocols of national and local agencies.

The conflict-sensitive, peace-promoting and gender-responsive implementation of

the peace agreements borne out of these peace negotiations such as the Bangsamoro
peace agreements (i.e., MILF and MNLF) and the peace agreements with the CTG-
splinter groups (e.g., RPMP-RPA-ABB and CPLA), shall be relentlessly pursued until
completion, including addressing the root causes of armed conflict through a
comprehensive and inclusive normalization programs, and promoting initiatives that
foster healing, reconciliation and unity.

Honesty, integrity, and accountability in public service shall be promoted at all

times and at all levels to ensure public trust and confidence. The Philippines shall protect
and preserve the sanctity of the democratic political system and keep the doors open for
participative governance and multi-sectoral engagement in formulating public policies and
pursuing bureaucratic and security sector reforms, in nurturing a culture of peace, and in
safeguarding public safety. Thus, democratic values remain to be the guiding principles
of the polity.

Political Security

The Government shall strengthen democratic institutions and promote a strong

Civil Service free from partisan political interests. Towards this end, the Government shall
promote the professionalization and retooling of the Civil Service, eliminate graft and
corruption, and increase accountability and transparency in Government. It shall also
encourage the active participation of non-government and civil society organizations in

governance. The Government shall promote electoral security, particularly transparency,
fair participation, accountability, and freedom from foreign interference. The Government
shall educate and develop national security leaders who will take an active and important
role in nation-building.

The Government shall likewise promote an understanding and appreciation of the

principles of democracy and the country’s political system among the populace, as a way
to shape societal norms that strengthen stability and cohesion. In addition, the
Government shall dismantle all private armed groups and ensure the protection and
security of all government institutions and instrumentalities.

Public Safety, Peace and Justice

The Government shall strengthen the whole-of-nation approach in attaining

inclusive and sustainable peace, particularly in crafting the sustainability roadmap that
will mainstream peace and development in both national and local development
processes. The efforts of the NTF-ELCAC, the Regional Peace and Order Councils
(RPOCs), National Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (NALECC), the Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Council (DRRMC), the National Action Plan on
Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAP-PCVE), and the National Counter
Terrorism Strategy (NCTS) shall be vigorously supported to further weaken and defeat
the local terrorist groups, curtail the continuous propagation of violent extremism
narratives, and achieve strategic victory over the CPP-NPA-NDF within the current
administration. The Government shall enhance its capacity and capabilities in targeting
the financial apparatus of terrorists in the country.

The Government shall strengthen the coordinated and convergent efforts of the
Inter-Cabinet Cluster Mechanism on Normalization (ICCMN), National Task Force for
Disbandment of Private Armed Groups (NTF-DPAGs), and Intergovernmental Relations
Body (IGRB), in the implementation of the normalization programs, including programs
on the reduction of arms and disbanding private armed groups, and addressing horizontal
armed conflicts in the Bangsamoro region, and in the smooth and effective transition of
the political and fiscal powers to the BARMM government.

The Government and local communities must strengthen efforts to ensure that
peace gains are sustained through more focused development interventions in all cleared
barangays and communities. These include improving access to education, health care,
and social protection programs especially for vulnerable groups such as women, children,
indigenous peoples and the poor. The Government shall strengthen its action against the

legal fronts of the CPP-NPA-NDF to stop recruitment, cut financial sources, and debunk
their propaganda.

The campaign against illegal drugs shall be sustained and pursued through
vigorous law enforcement operations. Equal importance shall be given to the promotion
and respect for human rights, the prevention of the use of banned substances, and the
rehabilitation of drug-dependent individuals. Crime prevention and law enforcement, as
well as other pillars of the criminal justice system, shall be strengthened and
complemented by just, humane, and speedy adjudication of cases. The Government shall
also strengthen the capabilities of law enforcers and enhance intelligence sharing and
cooperation, both domestic and with other countries in the region. The national efforts to
address illicit trafficking of firearms and proliferation of loose firearms shall be enhanced
through inter-agency collaboration and cooperation, in partnership with the civil society,
the community, and the industry.

The Government shall implement a whole-of-nation approach in disaster risk

reduction, response against disruptive events, and preparedness for polycrisis. This
includes stepping up the education and awareness of all LGUs and vulnerable
communities, accompanied by focused public investments, not only in disaster response,
recovery, and rehabilitation, but moreso in preparation and mitigation.

The Government shall also develop a comprehensive strategy in addressing

terrorism, insurgency, and criminality involving trans-regional boundaries.

Health and Biosecurity

A healthy society improves public safety and cultural cohesion and contributes to
higher productivity. The Government shall treat health security as one of the priority
concerns in national security. Improving the health and quality of life of Filipinos shall be
the cornerstone of the country’s health care system. The Government shall strengthen
the health security policy framework and action plan, health institutions, health diplomacy,
health information systems, and public health and medical personnel preparedness for
health hazards and emergencies. The Government shall ensure that all Filipinos,
especially the poor, are guaranteed equitable access to quality and affordable health care
facilities, goods, and services, and protected against financial risk and conditions. These
are all necessary for the realization of the highest attainable standard of health as
provided in the Universal Health Care Act and Magna Carta of the Poor.

The Government commits to achieving health security for all by leading public
health surveillance initiatives, activities, and programs for diseases and health events and
the development of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) towards One
Health Approach and International Health Regulations (IHR) initiatives. The Government
shall strengthen intelligence and law enforcement activities against the importation,
distribution, sale, or possession of counterfeit pharmaceutical products, as these activities
undermine the economy, affect the price of medicines, and pose a danger to the health
of the people.

The Government shall establish electronic health services and shall strengthen
public health interventions prioritizing poor communities in geographically isolated and
disadvantaged areas (GIDAs), and underserved, unserved, and low-income
communities, especially in the deployment of health professionals and health workers and
provision of medical and health infrastructure, equipment, and supplies as provided by
the Magna Carta of the Poor. The Government shall pursue research and development
for treatments and vaccines, and shall encourage more investments in medical care and
tourism, traditional medicines, pharmaceuticals, and the development of associated
industries that produce quality health care products and provide employment

The Government shall install and secure facilities of molecular laboratories used
in the detection and prevention of emerging and re-emerging biological pathogens. The
Government shall invest in the protection of genomic data of the Filipino population by
enhancing security of repositories of such information as well as the training of the
personnel handling them.


The Philippines shall vigorously pursue policies and programs on inclusive growth,
sustainable economic and technological development, and responsible
entrepreneurships based on shared prosperity, respect for the dignity of labor, and public
interest. The Philippines shall advance an economic regime where the people take
command of their own lives, livelihoods, and economic destiny. Although private sector-
driven growth is crucial, the role of the State is essential in creating the enabling
environment for investments. The Philippines endeavors to increase access and
economic opportunities in all regions.

The Philippines shall promote gainful employment opportunities, advance workers’

welfare, maintain industrial peace by promoting harmonious and stable employment
relations, and promote a culture of excellence in its workforce. The Philippines shall
provide adequate social and psychosocial services to all Filipinos, particularly during
crisis situations and in conflict-affected areas. The Philippines shall continue to build
economic resilience to better prepare regions to anticipate, withstand, and recover from
any shocks that they may experience. The Philippines, through relevant laws and new
legislation, shall remain vigilant and proactive against threats, including the threat of
physical or virtual foreign control and manipulation, to critical and strategic infrastructures
in information and communication or other public utilities vital to national security and
economic well-being.

The Philippines recognizes that a prosperous country equates to a strong military.

A sustainable growth in the economy shall mean greater allocation for defense
expenditure. The Philippines shall also forge partnerships and joint investments in
strategic industries between and among countries that are important for promoting the
country’s economy and to generate resources to keep pace with other countries’ military

Economic, Infrastructure, and Financial Security

The Government shall ensure strong macroeconomic fundamentals. The role of

the security sector is to create a safe and secure business environment to promote
investment confidence. The Government shall ensure stability in the country’s financial
and banking systems and shall manage systemic risks. The Government shall remain
committed to achieving inclusive economic growth.

The Government must enhance sea-based planning and management to
complement the land-based framework of economic development policymaking and
programming. The Government shall closely monitor domestic and external
developments to assess the situation and thereafter design appropriate interventions to
cushion the adverse impact on ordinary Filipinos. The Government shall strengthen the
national security review of foreign investments in national strategic industries, especially
those involving, cyber infrastructure, telecommunication, pipeline transportation, and
other military-related industries.

The economic security of people affected by climate change, armed conflict, and
other crises or hazards shall be guaranteed through a rationalized land use plan and
comprehensive hazard mapping. The tourism sector shall be strengthened, secured and
promoted to ensure its sustainability, resilience, and global competitiveness. The
Government shall guide the young and abundant human capital towards nation-building
by creating the conditions that will allow them to seize the opportunities in the blue
economy and the globalized economic order.

The Government shall develop a globally competitive labor force by enhancing the
education and values formation of the young population. Aside from being equipped with
the tools that can foster a science and technology-capable economy, the Filipino labor
force both here and abroad shall be encouraged to live by the principles of civic virtue,
patriotism, and love for the country.

Food, Nutrition, and Water Security

Food security, as defined in the 1996 World Food Summit, exists when all people,
at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food
that meet their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. The
Government shall prioritize the increased availability, accessibility, affordability, and
safety of all food groups, staple or not, that are needed for a balanced and varied diet and
that will ultimately support the health outcomes of individual and communities.

The strategic policy directions shall be aligned with the Agriculture and Fisheries
Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1992, Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act of 2016 (R.A. 10845),
Food Safety Act of 2013 (R.A.10611), The Price Act (R.A. 7581), and the medium-term
interventions set in the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN) 2023-2028. The
impact of climate change on agriculture and fishery is a primordial factor in national

The Government shall ensure productivity and resilience of the agriculture and
fisheries (A&F) sectors to increase their contribution to the economy; sustain access to
affordable, safe, and nutritious food for the growing population; prevent the causes of
food shortage and low productivity; and apply integrated water resource management in
planning and management. The Government shall modernize A&F processes, streamline
the value chain, eliminate cartels, set up a seed bank for high-value crops and indigenous
plants / trees, boost the local capability of farmers and fisherfolk groups and cooperatives
on the production of A&F inputs, and integrate agricultural technology innovation.

The Philippines, being an archipelagic and maritime nation, shall work towards
increasing the output of captured fisheries and reap the benefits of its vast maritime
wealth especially from the West Philippine Sea. The Government shall also prioritize the
elimination of smuggling, price manipulation through hoarding and cartel leading to
economic sabotage, and effect prosecution of all perpetrators. It shall also diversify food
supply sources by augmenting domestic supply through international trade and
maximizing the use of non-traditional agricultural areas. It shall also reduce the country’s
dependence on imports of agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and staple food items like
rice and sugar.

The Government shall attain nutrition security through promotion of healthy

lifestyle and providing all Filipinos, especially vulnerable groups, access to essential
health and nutrition service at all times.

The Government shall promote water security by investing in and monitoring water
infrastructure facilities and services, ensuring access to safe water and sanitation, and
preserving ecosystems in land, water, and coastal resources. The Government shall
align water security policy with the directions set in the National Environmental Health
Action Plan (NEHAP) 2023-2030.

Energy Security

The Government supports the country’s inclusive and equitable economic growth
through the provision of reasonably priced, reliable, resilient, clean/climate-centered, and
accessible forms of energy resources. The Government shall diversify its energy portfolio
with the use of more indigenous resources that are less affected by price distortion and
supply disruptions. The use of clean and energy efficient alternative fuels and
technologies shall be prioritized to manage the country’s energy demand and to transition
the country towards a low carbon economy. Threats to energy security, such as the
protection of critical energy infrastructures against the effects of climate change and
human-induced hazards, shall be addressed.

The Government shall ensure that the country’s energy infrastructure is resilient
from energy supply threats including those in cyberspace, price shocks and distortions,
and disruptions caused by natural and human-induced hazards. The Government is
committed to securing and protecting energy supply throughout the country, sustaining
and developing existing energy resources, diversifying the energy mix, developing
renewable energy sources in order to support the growing demands and contribute to
global efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and promoting energy efficiency and
conservation as a way of life.

The Government must plan for the long term to achieve an energy flow that is
sustainable, stable, sufficient, accessible, safe, reasonably priced and above all, secure.
Investments in renewable energy, such as geothermal, wind, solar, hydro and biomass,
as well as energy efficiency projects and technologies, shall be increased. The
Government shall also accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future through the
expansion of the use of energy-efficient appliances and the penetration of electric
vehicles in the market to minimize dependence on imported fossil-based fuels that are
subject to volatile prices. Given that the Philippines is an archipelago, marine and tidal
sources of energy shall be protected and advanced through science, technology, and
infrastructure investments.

The Government shall explore development of the untapped energy reserves in

the country’s offshore areas including in the West Philippine Sea to help reduce
dependence on imported energy. The Government shall also develop expertise and
technical knowledge to extract offshore oil and gas.

Transportation and Port Security

Airports, seaports, and transportation systems are gateways to nations and are
heavily relied on by the Filipino people for trade and mobility. These systems are crucial
to national security, thus, their full modernization is essential. Aside from their direct
contributions to the country’s economy and tourism, they are catalysts for peace and
development in the countryside. The Government shall streamline the security
procedures within and across the land, sea and air sectors. The Government shall
develop integrated and sustainable transportation and port network systems that can
move goods, people, and services more efficiently.

The Government shall prioritize the construction of national roads that can also
serve as landing zones for Government air assets during national emergencies or states
of calamity. These roads should be strategically located, well-maintained, and easily
accessible for swift mobilization. When constructing mass transportation systems, such

as subways or bullet trains, the Government shall consider building emergency shelters
and evacuation sites alongside them. These transportation facilities should have built-in
back-up storage for essential resources, including medical supplies, food, and other
critical items.

The Government shall continuously upgrade and improve the country’s aviation,
port and cargo, and immigration facilities, civilian air and coastal signal, and radar
monitoring systems, while ensuring the implementation of more thorough security
measures and border control protocols with the goal of meeting international standards.


The Philippines shall promote moral consensus and a strong sense of nationhood
in order to motivate the citizenry to participate vigorously in the pursuit of national goals
and objectives. Although moral consensus is difficult to achieve in a country as culturally
heterogeneous as the Philippines, having a clearly defined national identity coupled with
strong and purposeful leadership, can transcend religious, ethnic, and linguistic barriers.
All Filipinos must believe and live by a common set of shared values and beliefs grounded
on high moral and ethical standards, drawn from traditions and cultural heritage, and
embodying the Filipino identity and way of life.

The Philippines shall constantly harness and nurture a culture of excellence within
the individual and society as a whole, until it becomes a pattern of thinking, feeling and
acting. The Government must invest in capabilities that foster a culture of excellence in
the entire bureaucracy; in schools; in the manufacture, export and service sectors; in
business operations; and other workplaces.

Moral and Spiritual Consensus

Where there is moral and spiritual consensus, the people can develop a strong
sense of national identity and solidarity on the wisdom and righteousness of the national
vision. Promoting national consensus and unity should therefore start by inculcating love
of country and patriotism. Political leaders must not only articulate their programs and
vision for the country but also implement them to rally public support. The Philippines
shall promote moral values and the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the
framework of national unity and development.

The Philippines shall strengthen moral education which comprises ethical thinking
and learning of virtues such as love of God, honesty, responsibility, patriotism, equality,
fortitude, fairness, gratitude, compassion, cooperation, humility, and respect for others in
the basic education system.

The Government shall take heed of the current strategic environment where
advancements in online and digital learning technologies are engendering cultural divides
and social conflicts. Today’s colonization does not just occur through inter-governmental
and global action but also on a societal level through individuals’ thoughts, actions and
interactions. Online platforms shall be utilized to accelerate the acquisition of holistic
knowledge and experience and to understand what is meaningful and valuable.

Socio-Cultural Cohesiveness

The Philippines shall foster greater cultural understanding among the regions;
promote equality before the law; address sociological issues, such as employment,
migration and immigration, and overseas Filipino workers, that impact national security;
bolster social welfare and development programs and services aimed at reducing poverty,
improving health and nutrition, promoting social justice, and protecting vulnerable
individuals and families; and enhance tolerance and dialogue in a climate of
understanding and tolerance.

The Philippines shall preserve and propagate Filipino heritage, culture, and values
towards fostering a strong sense of community, building national identity, and
demonstrating creativity. Traditional literature, art, music, dance, food, writing, poetry,
sculpture, theatre, architecture, and sports shall be promoted, encouraged, and
developed. The traditional iconic symbols such as jeepney, nipa hut, balangay, vinta,
and others shall be recognized as part of our long history and the old, religious, and
biblical landmarks shall be protected and promoted.

The Government shall promote a whole-of-region approach, encouraging

cooperation and understanding towards a team mindset that consolidates friendship and
cultural links between state actors. With peace dividends among its core objectives, such
an approach is a potent counterforce to the catastrophic trajectory of military conflict of

The Government shall cultivate empathy and prosocial behavior among its
citizenry and develop them to become active agents and advocates for national security.
The Government shall promote equitable and integral education and reinforce the
education sector in protecting the young generation and inculcating in their young minds
the importance of our national interests and the culture of excellence. The Government
shall enhance greater participation of civil society groups in the implementation of policies
that impact the welfare of the citizens.


National survival rests upon the capacity of the government and the community to
effectively conserve and manage the environment and natural resources to sustain a
healthy and liveable Philippines amidst industrialization, environmental crimes, rapid
urbanization, and population growth. The country must build resilience from climate-
induced and geological hazards that destabilize socio-political and economic systems.
The Philippines must enhance climate and disaster preparedness and prevent
environmental degradation to reduce negative shocks to people’s well-being, a vital
component of national security. The Philippines must build national resiliency by
enhancing disaster preparedness protocols and programs and putting in place preventive
and mitigating mechanisms. The Philippines shall adopt a policy of sustainable
development where it will vigorously pursue its current economic goals and priorities while
protecting and preserving the country’s environment as well as land and marine
ecosystems. The Philippines shall strengthen law enforcement operations to address the
prevailing environmental crimes.

The Philippines shall continue to pursue and intensify efforts on climate change
and disaster prevention, adaptation, and mitigation. The focus on disaster response,
recovery, and rehabilitation is still crucial, but the overall policy direction should be shifted
towards disaster preparedness and avoidance to prevent the loss of lives and properties.
The Philippines shall modernize climate-resilient health care facilities and health systems
to ensure continuous delivery of health services during health emergencies and disasters.

Educating people about disaster risks shall be incorporated into national security
planning and advocacy. Environmental consciousness, including awareness on the
concept of a circular economy and proper waste disposal, shall be included in the
country’s basic education. Ecosystem protection, rehabilitation, and management shall
be strengthened to maximize the ability to protect communities against the adverse
impacts of climate change and other natural and human-induced hazards (e.g. illegal,
unreported, and unregulated fishing, illegal wildlife trade, poaching, and logging).

The Philippines shall ensure that national policies on Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) are harmonized to achieve better results from key initiatives that
are implemented at both the local and national levels. While traversing the path towards
a low-carbon and disaster-resilient society, the Philippines shall enjoin national
government agencies, LGUs, and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. business and private
sector, non-government organizations) to pursue the transition to a green economy,
generate more green jobs, establish climate-resilient infrastructure, and achieve local
community resilience.

The Philippines shall manage and mitigate the various impacts of climate change
and extreme weather events on social determinants of health, such as access to clean
air and drinking water, food security, safe and resilient shelters and infrastructures, and
livelihood and sources of income.


The overall goal of cybersecurity is national cyber resilience. The Philippines shall
ensure the sustainable growth of a digital Philippine economy. The Philippines shall
protect online users and ensure an open and safe Philippine cyberspace. The COVID-
19 pandemic has accelerated the digital age and the use and inventions of new
communication and computational technologies. More and more people are in the
cyberspace for various reasons, which include communications, entertainment, business,
and personal transactions.

On the one hand, the convenience and efficiency of digital platforms provided
impetus for the Philippines’ digital transformation initiatives. In particular, it benefits the
economy and elevates the level of competitiveness of the country. The emergence of
frontier technology such as AI, machine learning techniques and tools, big data, and IoT,
among others, has redefined how individuals, companies, and states decide and interact
with one another. On the other hand, the human thought processes that apply these
platforms have also created risks and expanded the threat landscape, with data and
information being susceptible to threat, compromise, and exploitation. In all, the cyber
age has provided both risks and opportunities to the country’s approach for innovation,
data integration and management, and response to potential security threats and

To seize the opportunities of the digital world, the Philippines shall institutionalize
the shift to e-governance, invest in high-speed internet and digital technologies
nationwide, explore satellite technologies, and support scientific and technological
research and inventions in information and communications technology (ICT), AI, and
data science. The Philippines shall put valuable investment on technological
advancement alongside cybersecurity to ensure not only effectiveness of government
initiatives toward digital transformation but also public service continuity. The Philippines
shall strengthen ICT training and education related to the fight against cybercrime, critical
infrastructure protection, cybersecurity awareness, cyber-attack alertness and
eradication, and cyber incident response.

At the same time, the Philippines must protect the country from the associated
risks of computer or cyber-based attacks that could cause damage to the economy,
banking and financial systems, communications, aviation, transportation, energy, and
other critical infrastructures and vital global technologies such as submarine cables, cable
landing stations, and satellites. The Philippines shall institute appropriate measures to
shield classified action plans and programs, sensitive government information and state
secrets from espionage and other hostile actions.

The Philippines’ cybersecurity readiness and capability shall be improved by
amending laws, ensuring network security, and institutionalizing cybersecurity task forces
to effectively assess and respond to vulnerabilities and risks to the country’s cyberspace
domain. The Philippines shall enhance stakeholders’ engagement and build citizens’
resilience against disinformation, especially among the youth, on the terrorist activities in
the cyberspace. Today’s students taking Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
(STEM), classes will be the future cybersecurity professionals who will defend our
infrastructure from crippling cyberattacks. The Philippines shall develop innovative
strategies in understanding and combatting threats in the parallel digital world and
highlight the importance of acknowledging the role of generation Z (Gen-Z) in national
security and nation-building. The Philippines shall also create an agile bureaucracy that
is responsive to the needs of the general public.


Enhancing foreign relations and international collaboration is important for the

country’s survival. The world is increasingly interconnected and nations learn to
collaborate despite their differences. The Philippines aspires to optimize its engagements,
cultivate new ties, seek comprehensive and strategic partnerships with other countries,
and strengthen partnerships with its allies. Promoting development through vigorous
diplomacy, protecting the rights, safety and welfare of Filipinos overseas, and staying
committed to strengthening the Philippines’ role in ensuring regional and global peace,
security, and prosperity are important considerations in crafting the country’s foreign
policy and advancing national interests. The Philippines shall continue to utilize “soft
power” assets in extending its influence across continents, as it aspires to become a
Middle Power in a multi-polar world.

The present global political and economic paradigms are in a state of flux, and the
continually evolving peace and security landscape underscores the pursuit and
implementation of an independent foreign policy. The Philippines shall stand by its
cherished values as a sovereign nation that subscribes to multilateralism and rules-based
international order. The Philippines shall remain steadfast in its commitment to UNCLOS
and in upholding the final and binding South China Sea Arbitration Award of 12 July 2016.
The Philippines shall sustain efforts in safeguarding the Philippine maritime zones,
especially in the West Philippine Sea and Philippine Rise, and shall strengthen the
National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) to come up with better
measures to cope with the changing security environment in the maritime region.

As a founding member of the ASEAN and the United Nations, the Philippines
shares with like-minded states in the region and the world, the global norms of universal
human rights, the rule of law, market economics, and rules-based international order. The
Philippines shall continue to pursue bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation. The
same approaches shall be pursued in addressing emerging and hybrid challenges with
respect to AI, cybersecurity, quantum computing, and other emerging technologies. The
Philippines holds that ASEAN Centrality, as a regional norm in the Asia-Pacific and the
wider Indo-Pacific region, is of utmost importance in managing regional security issues.

The Philippines shall strengthen the Mutual Defense Treaty between the Republic
of the Philippines and the United States of America that was signed on 30 August 1951,
along with other existing cooperation mechanisms with regional partners, to achieve a
credible defense capability. Cooperation shall be extended to include the safety, welfare,
interests, and rights of the Filipino diaspora, placing due importance on Overseas Filipino
Workers (OFWs). The Philippines must sustain the promotion and fulfillment of its

international commitments and obligations to serve as an impetus for the advancement
of the country’s credibility and global stature. It shall sustain its contribution to ensuring a
stable and secure international environment for the country to allow people to thrive,
politically, economically, socially, and ecologically. The Government shall highlight the
Philippines’ experiences in building peace particularly in the BARMM region and in forging
new paths of cooperation with the international communities in achieving peace,
reconciliation, and unity.

The overall programs of the Government shall be geared towards articulating

Philippine strategic interests and promoting a free, peaceful, prosperous, and rules-based
international order. The Philippines shall remain committed to the implementation of
policies on non-proliferation and disarmament and on preventing the spread of weapons
of mass destruction by working and engaging with partners and like-minded nations to
further advance non-proliferation, biological threat reduction and chemical security
capacity building initiatives, and CBRN security.

The Government shall work towards building an inclusive regional security

architecture that promotes dialogue among countries, as well as forging practical
cooperation and multinational engagements to address common security challenges.
Diplomacy, guided by the national interest and the steadfast pursuit of peace, shall guide
Philippine engagements with key allies and partners in addressing these challenges.


The principles in this Policy shall guide Government actions in unifying and
executing its efforts towards peace, security, resiliency and prosperity.

Fostering Inclusivity

Achieving the vision and shaping the strategic environment require a “whole-of-
nation” paradigm where all instruments of national power work in close coordination to
tackle the increasingly complex and cross-cutting national security concerns. The national
security policies and their strategies should consider the intersecting approaches and be
inclusive of the voices of all segments of society. Inclusive policy formulation and
development should generate a positive state-citizen connection and ownership. This
requires channeling all efforts of the national government, including LGUs, private
enterprises, and civil society groups, towards the fulfillment of the vision and the
Philippines’ vital national interests. To deepen the commitment of the people to the
political system, broader and more institutionalized people participation in governance
should be pursued.

Promoting Trust and Optimism, and Strengthening Leadership Resolve

The stability and resiliency of the Philippines depends on the willingness of the
Filipino people to cooperate with the Government in addressing internal and external
security challenges. The actions of the Government must continue to show confidence in
the capabilities of the institutions and the Filipino people. A strong and healthy state-
citizen relationship is a prerequisite for nurturing this optimism. All efforts must be made
to strengthen and maintain this bond so that no internal or external challenge can upset
the national resolve. In perilous times, the cohesion of efforts hinges on clear and
unequivocal resolutions of the national leadership, demonstrated by their ability to guide
and direct all instruments of national power through critical decision points.

Ensuring Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment is a process to unify all aspects of the Policy towards fulfilling
the national security goals and objectives. This is important because it will improve
Government performance by allocating appropriate resources to achieve the goals and
evaluating the effectiveness of systems and processes. Understanding the national,
societal, business, academic, and geopolitical dimensions of strategic alignment can

increase collaboration between and among agencies, contribute to making informed
decisions, and build strong commitment to national strategies. Strategically aligned
processes motivate security actors to improve productivity and engage in purposeful
initiatives to fulfill the national security goals. In the area of geopolitics, the Government
should carefully balance the principle of alignment in a way that promotes the country’s
national interest based on the welfare and security of the Filipino people; recognition of
the country as a responsible member of the international community; and contribution to
peace, stability and prosperity of the region.

Benchmarking Against International Norms and Best Practices

Successful policy implementation requires a culture of introspection that is open to

re-examining existing approaches and adopting best practices towards ensuring national
security. The introspection must be coupled with a realistic approach that puts emphasis
on national interests. Introspection must necessarily be coupled with dynamism so that
the Philippines’ approach to national security decision-making is sound, responsive, and
pragmatic to better enhance the people’s welfare and well-being and to uphold vital
national interests.

Anticipating the Futures and Being Proactive

In a complex and fluid global environment, fast-changing geopolitical realities

invariably churn out new challenges as well as opportunities. Through an approach
guided by modern information technologies and long-term strategic thinking and scenario-
planning, the Government must proactively identify the wide range of emerging and
evolving threats. The Government must also capitalize on the opportunities, while
mitigating risks and preparing its responses to potential harm and dangers. The National
Intelligence Estimate (NIE) produced by the National Intelligence and Coordinating
Agency (NICA) shall serve as one of the analytical tools to assess the strategic
environment and guide the decision and policy makers in the crafting of the national
security policies and strategies and in organizing, planning, and preparing for the potential
crises and opportunities. The NIE shall undergo verifiable inter-agency processes.

The NSP must respond to security threats and identify possible future threats in
the country and within the region that will affect the country. It must also prepare
contingency plans to address and mitigate said security threats.

Promoting Consistency and Continuity

The Philippines promotes policy continuity in navigating the strategic environment

and turning challenges into opportunities. While new and emerging threats and
opportunities may require adjustments in policy direction, overarching policy consistency
and continuity should be ensured through appropriate legislation and/or Presidential
issuances. Congress, which holds the power of the purse, must support the NSP and the
derivative sectoral security policies and strategies. Component programs and projects
supportive of the defined national security objectives must be given budgetary support.
Bills that are geared towards the accomplishment of these goals should be a priority of

Sustaining Wealth Creation and Generation

The Philippines shall ensure a national capital accounting of all natural and
physical assets of the country. The extraction of natural resources shall be balanced with
ecological security and environmental protection. The Government’s vision of a free,
resilient, peaceful, and prosperous country that is capable of ensuring and promoting the
well-being of Filipino citizens shall be sustained through wealth creation and generation
in key national security strategic industries. The continuous development of the national
security system is intended to not only effectively respond to the security threats, but also
to help create the conditions that will enable the citizens to seize opportunities that are
beneficial to the national interests. Understanding the link between the development of
human resources and wealth creation is key to the sustainability of the national security

Measuring Effectiveness and Feedback

The NSP acknowledges the importance of metrics and performance indicators to

evaluate success and assess the crucial link between the strategic goals of the decision-
makers and the operational initiatives of the implementers. The NSC Secretariat, in
coordination with the intelligence community and relevant bodies from both the
Government and private sectors, shall develop measures in implementing, monitoring,
and evaluating the NSP and their derivative strategies and programs. The National
Intelligence Board (NIB), as the main coordinating arm of the NSC for national security
and intelligence matters, shall be the main body for coordinating and overseeing the
implementation of the Policy and for monitoring and evaluating the performance of NIB
members and support agencies.

As Chair of the NIB, the National Security Adviser shall formulate performance
monitoring and evaluation instruments to assess the status and effectiveness of the
programs and priority action points identified in this Policy. In addition, implementing
agencies shall submit updates and other reports as may be required or as needed.

Constituting Oversight and Creating Advocacy Plan

The National Security Adviser / Director-General of the National Security Council

Secretariat (NSCS) shall coordinate, advocate and oversee the implementation of the
NSP. All national government agencies, government-owned and controlled corporations
(GOCCs), other government instrumentalities including LGUs, shall implement the NSP,
consistent with their mandates, in their respective spheres and areas of jurisdiction. The
NSCS shall develop a strategic communication plan and collaborate with the country’s
premier national security educational institutions, national government agencies, and
local government units for advocacy. Whenever necessary, the NSCS, in partnership with
the academe, think tanks, and the like, shall provide technical assistance and support to
other departments and agencies in the formulation of sectoral / departmental policies and
strategies which influence national security. The Council Proper chaired by the President
shall review NSP issues and concerns and formulate positions and/or solutions for
consideration by the NSC.

Annex A

Annex B

Executive Order No. ___







WHEREAS, the prime duty of government is to serve and protect the people;

WHEREAS, consistent with the President’s national security vision of a free, united,
secure, peaceful, resilient, and prosperous archipelagic nation, the National Security Policy
(NSP) 2023-2028 was formulated, providing guidance and comprehensive approach in
improving security sector governance while effectively addressing national security

WHEREAS, to ensure the achievement of the Administration’s national security vision,

the national security policies and their strategies, plans and programs require the whole-of-
nation approach where all the instruments of national power work together to confront the
increasingly complex and intersecting internal and external security challenges;

WHEREAS, to ensure the successful implementation of the NSP 2023-2028, there is

a need that the national security related strategies, plans and programs of all government
departments and agencies, including government-owned and controlled corporations and
local government units, are consistent with the NSP 2023-2028;

WHEREAS, there is a need to harmonize the national security efforts of the

government and ensure that it is responsive and complementary to the development goals
and objectives set forth in the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., President of the Republic of

the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

Section 1. Adoption, Alignment and Implementation of NSP 2023-2028. All

national government departments and agencies, including Government-Owned and
Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and Local Government Units (LGUs), are hereby directed
to formulate and align their security-related strategies and programs with the NSP 2023-2028.

Section 2. Oversight and Implementation. The National Security Adviser

(NSA)/Director General of the National Security Council Secretariat (DG-NSCS) shall
oversee the implementation of the NSP 2023-2028. For this purpose, the NSA/DG-NSCS is
hereby authorized, upon consultations with and concurrence of relevant government
agencies, GOCCs, and LGUs, to propose memoranda, circulars and other orders to
implement and monitor the implementation of NSP 2023-2028, for the President’s approval.

Section 3. Support from all Sectors. All national government agencies, GOCCs,
other government instrumentalities including LGUs, shall encourage all sectors of society to
participate in the implementation of the NSP 2023-2028 towards achieving a holistic approach
in addressing national security issues and priorities, consistent with their mandate, in their
respective spheres and areas of expertise or jurisdiction.

Section 4. Technical Assistance. Whenever necessary, the NSCS, in partnership

with the academe, think tanks, and the like, shall provide technical assistance and support to
other departments and agencies in the formulation of sectoral/departmental policies and
strategies affecting national security.

Section 5. Report. The National Security Adviser shall provide a periodic

assessment and updates on the NSP’s implementation to the President and the Council
Proper, and coordinate with the various departments and agencies, GOCCs, and LGUs in
the preparation thereof.

Section 6. Funding. The appropriations necessary for the implementation of this

Order shall be prepared by concerned departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the
national government, in accordance with the government budget procedures and shall be
included in the budget of the concerned departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the
national government, under the annual General Appropriations Act.

Section 7. Separability Clause. If any section or part of this Order is held

unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions not otherwise affected shall remain
in full force and effect.

Section 8. Repealing Clause. All other orders, guidelines, rules, regulations, and
issuances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 9. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this ___ day of _____ in the year of Our Lord, Two
Thousand and Twenty-Three.

By the President:

Executive Secretary

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