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Chapter 2

Structure of Atom
1. Answer (1) 5. Answer (3)
h h
O= 1 ª1 1º
p mv RHZ2 « 2 – 2 »
O «¬ n1 n2 »¼
6.63 u 10 34
or O = 0.4 nm
1.67 u 10 27 u 103
2. Answer (2) ª1 1º ª 1 1 º
? (1)2 « 2 – 2 » (2)2 « 2 – 2»
¬« n1 n2 »¼ ¬ (2) (4) ¼
' p ˜ 'x t
1 1 3
h 2
– 2
'x n1 n2 4
4 S ˜ m 'V
Ÿ n1 = 1, n2 = 2
6.6 u 1034 u 100
= 6. Answer (1)
4 u 3.14 u 9.1u 1031 u 600 u 0.005
= 1.92 × 10–3 m 7. Answer (1)

3. Answer (1) E1 2.178 u1018 J

O § 1·
E2 2.178 u1018 ¨ ¸ J
242 u103
E J / atom
6.023 u1023
hc 3
E2  E1 2.178 u u10 18
242 u10 3
6.6 u10 34 8
u 3 u10 O 4
6.023 u1023 O
6.62 u10 34 u 3 u108 u 4
19.8 u10 26 u 6.023 u1023 O 1.214 u10 7 m
O 0.494 u10 6 2.178 u 3 u10 18
242 u103
8. Answer (2)
= 494 nm
4. Answer (3) Na(g) oNa  (g)  e, 'HIE 5.1 eV
EHe ZHe 

2 Na  (g)  e oNa(g), 'Heg 5.1 eV

ELi2 ZLi2

19.6 u10 18 4 9. Answer (1)

ELi2 9 37 o 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p65s1

9 So last electron enters 5s orbital

ELi2 u19.6 u10 18
= 4.41 × 10–17 J/atom Hence n = 5, l = 0, ml = 0, ms r
? Energy of orbit of Li+2 is –4.41 × 10–17 J/atom
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10. Answer (3) (d) As l increases , the peak of \ vs r shifts

towards higher ‘r’ value.
Energy of excited state is negative and correspond
to n > 1. 3s Node
3p 3d Node
–13.6 –13.6
n= = = 4 =2
Eexcited state –3.4 0

11. Answer (3) 5 a0 10 a0 15 a0

Kinetic energy of electron is = e × V 15. Answer (4)
As per de-Broglie's equation
hQincident hQ th  KE

h h KE is independent of intensity and number of

O photoelectrons does not depend on frequency of
2mEk 2meV

h Ÿ KE = hQincident – hQ th
? 2meV
O 16. Answer (2)
12. Answer (2) Energy in nth state as per Bohr’s model

n2 = 13.6 u eV
r = a0 = 0.529 ×4 = 2.12 Å n2
? 2nd excited state
Ÿ n=3
13. Answer (4)
? E3 ,He 13.6 u eV
§ 1 1· 32
Q RH ¨ 2 – 2 ¸ Z2 Z 1
¨n ¸
© 1 n2 ¹ –6.04 eV
17. Answer (4)
§ 1 1 ·
Q RH ¨ 2  2 ¸ 1 § 1 1·
©n 8 ¹ R¨ 2  2 ¸
O © n1 n2 ¹
RH RH n1 3, n2 f
Q 2

n 64
1 § 1· 9 9
R¨ ¸ Ÿ O 9 u 10 5 cm
y = mx + c O ©9¹ R 105
= 900 nm
x= , m = –RH (slope) 18. Answer (3)
According to de-Broglie wavelength equation
14. Answer (1)
h 1
O Ÿ Ov
nh mv v
(a) Angular momentum (L) =
2S From photoelectric effect.

So, as n increases, L increases. 1

hQ– hQ0 = mv 2
(b) r v v v (Q – Q0)1/2
h ? Ov 1/2
(c) For n = 1, L =
Q  Q0

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19. Answer (2) 23. Answer (1)

12400 Q v 'E
Ephoton 3.1 eV
For H-atom,
1 1
KE e mv 2 u 9 u 10 31 u 36 u 1010 J
2 2 ª1 1º
Q R« 2  2 »
1.62 × 10–19 J  1 eV ¬« n1 n2 »¼
? Work function 3.1 – 1 2.1 eV
For Lyman series,
20. Answer (3)
nO = 2Sr § 1·
Q (max) v 13.6 ¨ 1  ¸
© f¹
r a0
§ 1·
Q (min) v 13.6 ¨ 1  ¸
2Sa0n 2
© 4 ¹
§ 1·
2Sa0n2 ? Qmax  Qmin v 13.6 ¨ ¸
O ©4¹
For Balmer series,
1.5Sa0 2Sa0
§1 1·
Q (max) v 13.6 ¨  ¸
n 3 ©4 f¹
z 4
21. Answer (1) § 1 1·
Q (min) v 13.6 ¨  ¸
n+l ©4 9¹

(I) n = 4 l=2 4d 6
§ 1·
(II) n = 3 l=2 3d 5 ? Q min  Q min v 13.6 ¨ ¸
(III) n = 4 l=1 4p 5
(IV) n = 3 l=1 3p 4 Q Lyman 9
more is n + l value, more is energy Q Balmer 4
3p < 3d < 4p < 4d
24. Answer (4)
22. Answer (2)
The total energy of the electron is minimum when it
In photoelectric effect, is at a distance a0 from the nucleus for 1s orbital.

hc 25. Answer (2)

= w + KE of electron
O The given probability density curve is for 2s orbital
It is given that KE of ejected electron is very high in because it has only one radial node. Among other
comparison to w. given orbitals, 1s and 2p do not have any radial node
and 3s has two radial nodes.
hc hc P2
KE Ÿ radial node
O O 2m
New wavelength <2

hc (1.5P)2 4
Ÿ Oc O r
O1 2m 9

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26. Answer (3) 32. Answer (3)

Shortest wavelength means n2 = f According to Bohr’s model

1 1 2 rn ua0 (a 0 1st Bohr radius)
Lyman series QL 1312 u u1 Z
OL 12
' 2Sr nO (using de-Broglie relation)

Paschen series QP
1312 u
u 12 42
Ÿ 2S u ua0 4O
OP 32 1
Ÿ O 8Sa 0
QP OL 33. Answer (2)
Explanation of variation of internal energy of Ar with
27. Answer (1) temperature (Straight line and U v T) is not a direct
Probability of finding an electron is given by 4Sr2dr manifestation of the quantum nature of atoms.
< 2 and it will have maximum value at both ‘a’ While explanation of absorption spectrum, nature of
and ‘c’. emission of radiation from hot bodies (black body
28. Answer (2) radiation) and photoelectric effect are direct
manifestation of the quantum nature of atoms.
As the value of Z (atomic number) increases, energy
34. Answer (1)
of orbitals decreases (becomes more –ve value)
2 subshells are associated with n = 4 and
? order of energy of 2s orbital is m = –2.
H > Li > Na > K 35. Answer (3)
29. Answer (3) In the hydrogen spectrum,

The number of orbitals possible in a shell with Balmer series lies in visible region.
principal quantum number ‘n’ is ‘n2’. 36. Answer (4)

30. Answer (1) Shortest wavelength o Max energy (f o 1) (Lyman

In Balmer series of H-atom, the electronic
1 ª1 º
transitions take place from higher orbits to 2nd orbit R H (1) 2 « – 0»
O1 ¬1 ¼
and the longest wavelength will correspond to
transition from 3rd orbit to 2nd orbit. 1 1
? n1 = 2 and n2 = 3 for longest wavelength. O1 O1
As wavelength decreases the lines in the Balmer For Balmer series,
series converge. The correct statements are (I), (II)
1 ª 1 1 º 1 §94·
and (III). = R H (2) 2 « – » Ÿ = R H (4) ¨ ¸
O ¬2 2 2
3 ¼ O © 36 ¹
31. Answer (1)
1 5R H 9 9O 1
= Ÿ O=
n2 O 9 5R H 5
r 0.529 Å
37. Answer (3)
Bohr’s radius for hydrogen atom (a0) = 0.529 Å
Bohr’s radius of Li+2 ion for n = 2 rn a0
a0 n2
Z rn v
4a 0
'R 1 Z 2
3 He 
? 'R 2 Z 3
Li 2 

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38. Answer (2) V

Frequency of revolution v
\ (probability density) can be zero for 3p orbital
other than infinite distance. It has one radial node. v
n u n2
39. Answer (222)
w, work function of sodium metal v
= 4.41 × 10–19 J
mV 2
O, wavelength of incident light = 300 nm Force of attraction
= 3 × 10–7 m
According to photoelectric effect Force of attraction v
w  KE Z2 u z
O v
n2 u n2
6.63 u 10 u 3 u 10 8
4.41u 10 19  KE
3 u 107 Z3
6.63 × 10–19 = 4.41 × 10–19 + KE n4

KE = 2.22 × 10–19 J = 222 × 10–21 J Correct statements : (A) and (D).

40. Answer (2) 42. Answer (2)

3s orbital has 2 radial nodes
h h
de-Broglie wavelength (O) = mV Number of radial nodes = n – (l + 1)
? Graph (A) can be for 1s
When a charge particle is accelerated by potential Graph (B) can be for 2s
difference (V) then increase in
K.E. = q.V Graph (C) can be for 2p
Graph (D) can be for 3s
2 u mp u 8.3 u 3 u V 43. Answer (181)
Ionisation energy of an atom of metal
h A = Quantum energy of radiation of wavelength 663
2 u mp u 1u V nm

OLi h 2 u mp u V 1 6.63 u 10 34 u 3 u 108

? u  J 3 u 10 19 J
Op 2 u 24.9 u mp u V h 5 663 u 10 9
= 2 × 10–1 Ionisation energy per mol
41. Answer (2) = 3 × 10–19 × 10–3 × 6.02 × 1023
In Bohr’s atomic theory:
= 180.6 kJ mol–1 181
Z2 44. Answer (3)
K.E. v
Number of radial nodes = (n – l – 1)
Velocity (v) v Number of angular nodes = l
? V.n v Z for 5d; n = 5, l = 2
5d orbital has two radial nodes and two angular
Frequency of revolution nodes
2 Sr
So, the correct option should be (3)
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45. Answer (1) 49. Answer (49)

According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle Fe(Z = 26)
Electronic configuration : 4s23d6
'x'p t

'x ( 'P m'V)
4Sm'V n=4

?P 4 42 24 BM
6.63 u 10 34 Js
4 u 3.14 u 10 u 10 3 kg u 90 ms 1 u 0.05 = 4.89
| 49 × 10–1 BM
= 1.173 × 10–33 m
50. Answer (2)
= 1 × 10–33 m
Bohr’s theory is applicable for unielectronic species
46. Answer (9)
Incident energy of Work function of  K.E. of Li+ has two electrons
photon metal photoelectron
Bohr’s theory could not explain the splitting of
hQ = hQ0 + KE spectral lines in the presence of external magnetic
field (Zeeman effect)
6.63 u 10 34 Js u 3 u 108 ms 1 Statement I – false
9 19 1
3.0  K. E.
248 u 10 m u 1.6 u 10 J eV
Statement II – true
K. E. = 2.0 eV 51. Answer (3)
3s has no angular node two radial nodes.
h 6.63 u 1034
O 52. Answer (0)
2m K. E. 2 u 9.1u 1031 u 2 u 1019 u 1.6
Ga – 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p1
= 8.68 × 10–10 m|9Å Ga+ – 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10
47. Answer (03) 4s2 are the valence electrons, so l = 0.
n=5 53. Answer (6)
Possible values of A = 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Wavelength of electron is given by
mA = 2 is possible for A = 4, 3 & 2
as mA takes values from (– A to A) 2mqV
? Possible orbitals (n, A, mA) : (5, 4, 2) (5, 3, 2)
Here q = charge on electron, V = potential
(5, 2, 2)
48. Answer (0)
6.63 u 10 –34
The orbital having n = 4 and mL = –3 is 4f. O
2 u 9.1u 10 –31 u 1.6 u 10 –19 u 40 u 103
The number of radial nodes is an orbital is given by
Number of radial nodes = n – mL –1
6.63 u 10 –34
6.144 u 10 –12 | 6 × 10–12
=4–3–1 –47
1164.8 u 10

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54. Answer (12) 59. Answer (2)

Vanadium (Z = 23)
vn 2.18 u 106 u m/s
V = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 4s2 n
Number of electrons in p-orbital are 12 Qualitatively the magnitude of velocity of electron
55. Answer (2) increases with increase of positive charge on the
nucleus and decreases with increase of principal
E = nhQ
quantum number.

n u 6.626 u 10–34 u 3 u 108 60. Answer (5)

1000 –9
400 u 10
hQ hQ 0  me v 2
n = 20.122 × 1020 photons incidented on metal 2
surface in 10 seconds
6.63 u 10 34 u 3 u 108
n = 2.0122 × 1020 photon incidented on metal
surface in 1 second 500 u 10 9

Number of electrons ejected equal to number of

34 1
photon incidented.
= 6.63 u 10 u 4.3 u 10  u 9 u 10 31 u v 2
56. Answer (58)
v | 5 u 105 ms1
Uncertainty in speed of electron = u 5 u 106 61. Answer (3155)

= 103 ms–1 Kinetic energy of an electron in nth orbit of Bohr

h 1 mv n2 h2
m'v × 'x = mv 2
atom 2 2m
4S 2 4S2 mr 2

For 2nd orbit of H-atom

6.63 u 10 –34
'x =
4 u 3.14 u 9.1 u 10 –31 u 103 n = 2 and r = 4a0

h2 h2
5.80 u 10 –8 m = 58.00 × 10–9 m ? KE 2
8S m × 4a02 315.5 ma02
57. Answer (4)
? x = 315.5; 10x = 3155
One of the drawback of Rutherford model is that,
it says nothing about the electronic structure of 62. Answer (50)
atom. It cannot explain the line spectra of hydrogen Power = 1 mW
= 10–3 J in 1 sec.
Since uncertainty principle rules out existence of
= 10–4 J in 0.1 sec.
definite paths or trajectories of electrons and other
similar particles. So Bohr’s model contradicts nhc
H.U.P. ? Energy =
58. Answer (2)
According to thompson model of atom, the mass n u 6.63 u 10 34 u 3 u 108
of each gold atom is uniformly distributed. And as 1000 u 10 9
the D-particles had enough energy to pass directly
n = 50.2 × 1013
through such mass, it slowed down with small
changes in its directions. ? x | 50

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63. Answer (7) hc

' E
Ge (32) = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 O
4s2 3d10 4p2
9 6.63 u 1034 u 3 u 108
2.2 u 10 18 u
ml = 0 1s, 2s, 2pz, 3s, 3pz, 4s, 3d
4 O

64. Answer (2) O 4 u 10 8 m

E = nhQ 69. Answer (3)
50 watt bulb emits 50 J energy per second. The minimum energy possessed by photons will be
equal to the work function of the metal.
n u 6.63 u 1034 u 3 u 108
795 u 10 9 Hence,

w0 = hQ0
50 u 795 u 10 9
6.63 u 1034 u 3 u 108 = 6.6 × 10–34 × 1.3 × 1015

= 8.58 × 10–19 J
n | 2 u 1020
70. Answer (2)
65. Answer (2)
For degenerate orbitals, only the value of m must be n2
rn r0
different. The value of ‘n’ and ‘l’ must be the same.

Hence, the pair of electrons with quantum numbers 42

r4 r0 u
given in (B) are degenerate. 1

66. Answer (3) 32

and r3 r0 u
Wavelength of radiation = 300 nm
r4 42 16
hc Therefore Ÿ r4 r3
Photon energy = r3 32 9
71. Answer (1)
34 8
6.63 u 10 u 3 u 10 n 4d n=4 l=2
300 u 109
Radial nodes =n–l–1
= 6.63 × 10–19 J
Energy of 1 mole of photons
= 6.63 × 10–19 × 6.02 × 1023 × 10–3
Angular nodes = l
= 399 kJ
67. Answer (4)
72. Answer (22)
O2–, Mg2+ and Al3+ are isoelectronic. All have 10
electrons. 'v 2.4 u 1026 m s1
68. Answer (4)
'x 10 7 m
Energy required for ionisation of Li atom
? mt
9 4S( 'x)( 'v)
= 2.2 × 10–18 × J [Assume this formule is
6.626 u 1034
True for Li atom] t
4 u 3.14 u (10 7 )(2.4) u 10 26

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79. Answer (1758)

6.626 u 101
4 u 2.4 u 3.14 h h
Oe , ON
me u Ve mN u VN
t 0.02198 kg
? Mass of the particle  22 g Oe ON When Ve xVN
73. Answer (2) 1 1
me Ve mN u VN
The correct sets of Quantum numbers are, (02)
mN Ve
n=3 l=2 ml = –2 x
me VN
and n = 2 l=1 ml = +1
1.6 u 10 –27
x = 0.17582 × 104
I can have values from 0 to (n – 1) and m can have 9.1u 10 –31

values from –l..... 0 ......+l (2l + 1)  1758

74. Answer (3) 80. Answer (4)

Possible values of l for a given ‘n’ = 0,1,2 …(n – 1) 48 3 

Number of electrons in 22 X is 25.

For l = 5, total orbitals = 2l + 1 Number of neutrons = 48 – 22 = 26.

% increase in the number of neutrons over
= 2(5) + 1 = 11 orbital
Hence A, C and D are correct statements § 26  25 ·
= ¨ ¸ 100 4%
75. Answer (4) © 25 ¹
Cr = (Ar)3d54s1 ? a=4
M = +l to –l 81. Answer (1)

As per Aufbau principle, orbitals are filled in As the atomic number increases then the potential

increasing order of energy. energy of electrons present in same shell becomes

more and more negative. And therefore total energy
Total number of nodes = (n – 1)
also becomes more negative.
76. Answer (2)
2s Etotal 13.6 eV
radial node = n – l – 1 ? Energies of the orbitals in the same subshell
decreases with increase in atomic number.
82. Answer (1)
Energy of an orbital is directly proportional to the
It will have one radial node (n + l) value
77. Answer (3)
(n + l)
If n = 3, then possible values of l = 0, 1, 2
(A) n = 3, l=0 3
But in option (3), the value of l is given ‘3’, this is
not possible. (B) n = 4, l=0 4
78. Answer (4)
(C) n = 3, l=1 4
Since there is a single hydrogen atom, so only
(D) n = 3, l=2 5
5 o 4, 4 o 3, 3 o 2, 2 o 1 lines are obtained.

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If n + l value is same then the orbital with lower 85. Answer (548)
value of ‘n’ will have lower energy.
'x.'v t
? correct order of energy 4Sm
'x = 2 × 52.9 × 10–12 m
83. Answer (4)

Atomic orbital is characterised by the quantum 6.63 u 10 –34

'v t
numbers n, l and m. 4 u 3.14 u 9.1u 10 –31 u 2 u 52.9 u 10 –12
Hence option D is incorrect.
'v t 5.48 u 10 –4 u 109 m/s

84. Answer (2)

'v t 548 km/s (Rounded off to the nearest
h integer)
86. Answer (2)

34 m2 Energy of the sub-shell is given by, (n + l) rule.

h 6.626 u 10 kg u sec
Ÿ mv = = sec 2
3.3 u 10 10 m (n + l)

For, A 5
6.626 u 1024
mv = 2 u 1024 kg m sec 1
3.3 B 5

1 C 6
Kinetic energy = mv 2
D 4
mv Hence, the correct order of increasing energy is
2m D <A< B < C

2 87. Answer (300)

2 u 10 24
2 u 9.1u 10 31 kg hc
' E
= 2.18 × 10–18 J

= 21.8 × 10–19 J
6.63 u 10 34 u 3 u 108
Total energy = Ionization + Kinetic 6.63 u 1019
absorbed energy energy

= (21.76 + 21.8) × 10–19 O 3 u 10 7 m

= 300 × 10–9 m
= 43.56 × 10–19 J
= 300 nm
| 2 times of 21.76 × 10–19 J


Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456

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