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Vistas in Astronomy, 1980, Vol. 24, pp. 59-102.

Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain.

Editors: A. Beer, K. Pounds and P. Beer


Ichiro Hasegawa
1797-11 Saidaiji, Nara 631, Japan


One of the most complete surveys of the older records of comets and novae seems to be the
work by Pingr~ (1783). As to Chinese records, Pingr~ has used the texts translated by Jesuit
priests, Couplet, Gaubil and de Mailla. These texts are not free from mistakes in translations

The Chinese records of comets have also been collected and translated into European languages
by Biot (1846) and Williams (1871). Williams has collected records mainly from W~n Hsien
Thug K ~ o by Ma Tuan-Lin (1254), but Ma has made some mistakes in his compilation and
Williams himself has sometimes misunderstood Ma's texts. Baldet (1949) has compiled a
general list of comets from the works mentioned above. Recently, Hsi Ts~-Tsung (1955) and
Ho Peng Yoke (1962) have published new catalogues of Chinese comets and novae older than A.D.
1600, but they are also not quite complete.

The Korean observations of comets and novae from the ancient times to the 19th century have
been collected by R. Sekiguchi (1917). Ho (1962) has also collected Korean records
independently of Sekiguchi.

S. Kanda (1935, 1948 and 1960) has compiled Japanese astronomical records, and Kanda and Ohsaki
(1932) have collected some records in Ryukyu. Though Ho (1962) has translated some Japanese
records collected by Kanda briefly in his catalogue, the vast majority of almost all Japanese
records have not yet been translated into European languages.

Because it is rather difficult, when detailed descriptions are absent, to distinguish between
a star (nova) and a comet recorded from the ancient records, we do not reject the records of
the new stars from our catalogue.

For the use of statistical investigations of comets, we have compiled and added naked-eye
comets observed from A.D.1700 to our catalogue of ancient comets. The "naked-eye comet" here
means the comet which has become brighter than the sixth magnitude. When these so-called
naked-eye comets were treated with the ancient comets (observed by the naked eye), this
definition is to be discussed and examined more carefully.

60 I. Hasegawa


2.1. Chinese Records

Chinese comet records before Ch'ing dynasty (early in the 17th century) have been compiled in
the Ku Chin Thu Shu Chi Chh~ng (1728). These records have been compared with Ho's catalogue
(1962) and checked with Ma Tuan-Lin's W@n Hsien Thung Khao (1254), Williams' catalogue (1871),
and the Chinese records collected by Pingr~ in his Com@tographie (1783). Records of comets
observed between A.D.1607 and 1771 in Ch'ing dynasty have been taken from the Ch'ing Shih Kao
(1928). Hsi Ts&-Tsung (1955) has compiled a new catalogue of novae and in his catalogue, as
Ho has already indicated (1962), some records of comets rather than novae are included.
Chinese records not included in Williams' and Ho's catalogues are translated into English and
given in the Notes of the Table I. Some remarks and revisions to Pingr~'s and Baldet's
catalogues and to Ho's catalogue are given in the Table 2 and Table 3 respectively.

The Chinese comet in 1231 given only by Gaubil is doubtful. Its orbital elements have been
calculated by Pingr&. This record seems to be constructed by the mixture of some different
comet records or meteors. As to the other doubtful records, the causes of misinterpretations
are assumed and given in the Notes of the Table I.

2.2. Korean Records

Dr. R. Sekiguchi, former director of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, has collected Korean
records of comets and novae dated from B.C.49 to A.D.1884 and published them in the Annals
of the Government Observatory of Korea (1917, 1918), and in the Astronomical Herald of the
Astronomical Society of Japan. Ho Peng Yoke also gives Korean records in his catalogue (1962)
In ancient times, some Korean records seem to be taken from the Chinese official chronicles.
Though they give almost the same texts as each other, we give these records in our catalogue
as the different observations recorded independently in China and Korea. There have to be
further investigations on these records.

2.3. Japanese Records

S. Kanda (1935) has collected astronomical records in Japan from B.C.15 to A.D.1600 and
compiled (1960) a general list of comets observed in Japan from A.D.634 to 1862. Some comet
records not included in Kanda's collection (1935) have been found later by Kanda (1947). In
addition, we have collected a few comet records from Shiryo Sohran (The General Materials in
Japanese History)j compiled by the Historiographical Institute, Tokyo University.

Astronomical records in Ryukyu have been collected by Kanda and Ohsaki (1932) and fifteen
comets from A.D.1664 to 1862 have been included.

2.4. European Records

Most of the European records have been collected by Pingr~ in his Com~tographie (1783), and
some other records are found in Chamber's catalogues (1889, 1890 and 1909) and in Baldet's
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 61

Liste G~n~rale (1949). Although the identification of comet records in Europe with those
recorded in Asia mentioned above are rather difficult, all of the records have been inspected
and checked, and then the identifications have been decided as shown in Table |.

2.5. Naked-Eye Comets

The comets which have become brighter than the sixth magnitude have been taken from Vsekhsvy-
atskij's catalogue (1958), and from the report on comets for the Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Astronomical Society. Those comets observed from A.D.1701 to 1970 are given under the
other headings in Table I, which are expected to be useful for the surveys of the bright comets
observed from the early times to the present.


3.1. The First Part of Table I

Comets and novae recorded from the year B.C.2314 to A.D.1700 are given in the first part of
the Table | under the following headings:

No: The reference number of the object in the Table |. The asterisk attached indicates
that the Notes are given at the end of the Table ].

Date of discovery: The first date of the observation. The dates before A.D.1583 are given in
the Old Style.

Region of apparition: The constellation, the direction, etc. where the object was seen for
the first time. If necessary, the location of the moon or a planet related to the
object are taken from Tuckerman's ephemerides (1962, 1964).

Country: The country or the district where the object has been recorded. The following
abbreviations are used:
C, China; E, Europe; J, Japan; K, Korea; R, Ryukyu.

References: The bibliographic reference in which the detailed records are given. The
abbreviations are as follows:
B, Baldet (1949); CI, Chambers (1889); C2, Chambers (1909); C3, Chambers (|890);
CS, Chin Shu (Histo~ of the Chin Dynasty); CSK, Ch'ing Shih Kao (History of the
Ch'ing Dynasty); H, Ho Peng Yoke (|964); HHS, Hou Han Shu (History of the Later
Han Dynasty); Hsi, Hsi Tsa-Tsung (|955); K, Kanda (1935); K2, Kanda (1947);
K3, Kanda (1960); KO, Kanda and Ohsaki (1932); MN, Monthly Notice8 of the Royal
Astronomical Society (the number i~dicates the volume); P, Pingr~ (1783);
S, Sekiguchi (1917); T, Ku Chin Thu Shu Chi Chheng (The Great Imperial Encyclopaedia);
W, Williams (|871).

The number following the abbreviation refers to the page and the one in parentheses
refers to the number of the record in the references. The volume number of Pingr~'s
Com~tog~/phi~ is omitted, and pages greater than 245 refer to the pages in the first
62 I. Hasegawa

volume, otherwise they refer to those in the second volume.

Remarks: To the record which gives the details on the tail, the duration of apparition etc.,
the letter A is given. The classification of the object, such as nova, the name
of the periodic comet, etc. are also given.

3.2. The Last Part of Table ;

The naked-~ye comets observed from A.D.1701 to 1970 are listed.

No: The continuous number from the first part of the Table I. Number, Designation and
Date of the comet observed only in the southern hemisphere, not observed by the
naked eye in the northern hemisphere, are parenthesized.

Designation: The definitive Roman numeral is taken from Porter's (1961) and Marsden's (1966)
catalogue of cometary orbits. The preliminary number is given in the order of the

Date of max. brightness: The estimated date of the maximum brightness is given.

Maximum brightness: The observed length of the tail from Vsekhsvyatskij's catalogue (;958)
is given.

Reference and remarks: These are the same as in the first part of the Table I.

3.3. Table 2

Remarks or revisions of Pingr~ (1783) and of Baldet (1949) are given. Date is the entry of
the record, and the other headings are self-explanatory.

3.4. Table 3

Remarks or revisions of Ho (1962) are given. The headings are self-explanatory.

Table I. List of Naked-Eye Comets

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

I -2315 Crt C B(1)

2* -2296 C P245
3 -2287 Crt C B(3)
4 -2254 Soo C B(4)
5* -2241 C P245
6* -2;91 Cap Egypt P246
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 63

Table l (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

7* - 1930 Ar i Chaldea P246

8* -1820 Leo E P247
9 -1770 E P247
10* -1718 Sgr Arabia P248
ll -1531 Egypt P248
12* - 1495 Cap Syria, P248
13 14th Century Sco C H(1)
14 -1200 Aug. Gem Assyria P249
15 -1194 Tau Troy P249
16* - 1200 Ari Greece P251
17 -1140 N Babylonia C1(3), C2(l)
18* IIth Century C H(2)
19 -1001 Leo E P251
20 -975 Egypt P251
21 -974 Spring Leo-Vir C ~(3)
22 -632 C H(4)
23 -626 May C P252
24* -619 W Syria P253
25 -612 Aug. UMa C P254, w(1), H(5)
26 -531 Spring Aqr-Cap C P254, 573, w(2), H(6)
27 -524 Winter Sco C P254, U(7)
28 -515 C W(3), H(8)
29 -503 Rome P255
30 -499 C H(9)
31 -483 Rome P255
32 -481 Winter E C P255, w(4), H(10)
33 -480 Winter C P573, H(ll)
34 -479 Greece P255
35 -468 C H(12)
36* -466 C P574, W(5), H(13)
37 -465 Greece P255
38 -432 C P258, W(6), H(14)
39 -426 Winter N Greece P259
40 -400 Greece P259
41 -393 Greece B(36)
42* -371 Winter Near the Sun Greece P259
43 -370 CMa Greece P263
44 -360 W C P263, H(~5)
45 -356 Greece P264
46 -345 Rome P263
47 -344 Greece P264
48 -340 Leo Greece P264
64 I. Hasegawa

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

49 -366 Greece P264

50 -304 C P265, 574, W(7), H(16)
51 -302 C e265, 574, w(8), H(17)
52 -295 C P575, w(9), H(18)
53 -239 N-W C P265, 575, W(]0), H(19) A, P/Halley
54* -237 W-N C P575, W(II), H(20)
55 -233 Feb. E C P575, W(12), H(2|)
56 -220 Ari Syria P265
57* -216 Italy P265
58 -213 W C P265, W(13), H(22)
59 -203 Aug.-Sept. Boo C,E P265, W(15), H(23)
60 -202 Rome P266
61 -200 Cnc Italy P266
62 -196 Cap Italy P266
63 .-]96 Cnc Italy P266
64* -194 Italy P266
65 -183 Psc Italy P266
66 -176 Rome P266
67 -174 Ari Italy P266
68 -171 E C P266, W(16), H(24)
69 -168 Rome P266
70 -]66 Rome P267
71 -165 Rome P267
72 -162 Rome P267 P/Halley
73 -161 Feb. 6 sW C H(25)
74 -156 Oct. Sco C P267, 575, W(17), H(26) A
75 -154 Winter SW C P267 W(18), H(27)
76 -154 Sept. NE C P268 W(19), H(28)
77 -153 Feb. W C P268 W(20), H(29)
78 -147 May NW C P268 W(21), H(30)
79 -146 May 13 C P268 W(22), H(31)
80* -146 Aug. 6 Sco C, Syria P268 W(23), H(32)
81 -146 Oct. NW C P269 W(24), H(33)
82 -137 Apr. Hya C P269 577, W(25), H(34)
83 -137 May Her C P577 W(26), H(35)
84 -137 Aug. NE C W(27) H(36)
85 -136 Mar. Gem Rome P269
86 -136 Pergamon P270
87 -136 Asia Minor P270
88 -]36 Oct. NE C W(28), H(37)
89 -134 July N C P270, W(29), H(38)
90 -134 Sept. E C P270, W(30), H(39) A
91 -133 July Sco C W(31), H(40), Hsi(6) Nova
92 -]33 Sept. C H(4I)
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 65

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

93 -127 Rome P271

94 -119 S p r i n g E C P271, W(32), H(42)
95 - 1 1 8 May NW C, Asia P271, W(33), H(43)
96 -ll6 Cnc E P273
97* -If2 Cnc E P273
98 -I09 June Gem C P273, 578, W(34), H(44)
99* -109 UMa C P273, 578, W(34), H(44)
I00 -I08/-107 Gem C P579, W(35), H(45)
101* -101 Boo C P579, H(46)
102 -99 Rome P273
103 -95 Rome B(99)
105 -93 Rome P274
105 -91 Rome P274
106 -90 Vir Rome P274
107 -86 Aug. E C, Rome P274, W(36), H(47) P/Halley
108 -83 Mar. NW C P275, W(37), H(28)
I09" -82 W, Peg C H(49)
I0" -76 Oct.-Nov. UMa C W(38), H(50), Hsi(7) Nova?
II -75 May And-Ari C w(39), H(51)
12 -68 Feb. W C W(44), H(52)
13" -68 July 23 Vir C P276, H(53)
14 -68 Aug. 20 CrB C P276, H(54)
15 -62 W Rome P276
16 -60 July-Aug. E C P276, W(45), R(55)
17 -55 S Rome P276
18 -52 S Rome P276
19 -48 Apr. Cas C,K P277, W(46), H(56), S A
20 -47 May Sgr C W(47), H(57), Hsi(lO) Nova
21 -46 June Tau C w(48), H(58) A
122 -43 May-June Ori C, K P278, W(49), H(59), S A
123 -43 Sept. 26 UMa Rome P277
124 -42 Rome P279
125 -41 Rome P279
126 -40 Rome P279
127 -31 Feb. Peg C, Greece P279, W(50), H(60)
128 -29 Lib Rome P280
129 -23 Tau Rome P280
130 -18 Rome B(130)
131 -16 Rome P280
132 -II Aug. 26 Gem C, Rome P280, 580, W(51), H(61) A, P/Halley
133 - 9 Boo C H(62)
134 - 4 Mar. 5 Cap C P281, W(52), H(63)
135 - 3 Apt. Aql C, K P281, W(52), H(64), S
136 I Leo E P283
66 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

137 3 Rome B(137)

138 13 Dec. C P283, W(54), H(65)
139 22 Nov.-Dec. Hya C P283, W(55), H(66)
140" 29 (Her?) C H(67), Hsi(12)
141" 38 Gem Rome P284
142 39 Mar. 13 Tau-Peg C P284, W(56), H(68)
143 46Dec.-47Jan. S K H(69), S
144 54 June 9 N C, K, E P284 W(57), H(70), S A
145 55 Dec. 12 C P284 H(71)
146 60 Aug. 9 Per C, K, Rome P285. 582, H(72,73), S A
147 61 Sept. 27 Boo C, Rome P285 W(59), H(74)
148 64 May 3 Vir C, Rome P286 H(75)
149 65 July 29 Hya C P287 582, W(60), H(76)
150 66 Jan. 31 E C H(77
151 66 Feb. 20 Cap C P288, w(61), H(78) A, P/Halley
152" 69 Jerusalem P288
153 70Dec.-71Jan. Leo C P289, H(79)
154 7] Mar. 6 Tau C P289, W(62), H(80)
155 72 Lib E P289
156 75 July 14 Hya C P289, 582, W(63), H(81) A
157 76 Oct. 7 Ser C, Rome P289, 583, W(64), H(82) A
158 77 Jan. 23 Ari C P290, 583, W(65), H(83) A
159 79 Apr. E K, Rome P290, N(84), S
160 84 May 25 Arl C W(66), H(85) A
161" 85 June 1 Leo-Vir C, K HHA, H(86), S
162 I01 Jan. 12 Eri C W(67), H(87), B(163) A
163 I01 Dec. 30 Leo C H(88), Hsi(14) Nova
164 104 May 30 N C H(89)
165 107 Sept. 13 CMa C H(90), Hsi(15) Nova
166 110 Jan. Erl C P583, W(68), H(91) A
167 110 July 27 UMa C H(92) A
168" 117 Jan. 9 Aqr C P291, H(93)
169 125Dec.-126Jan. Ser C H(94)
170 126 Mar. 23 Com C H(95)
171 128 Sept.-Oct. K, Asia P291, H(96), S A
172 130 E P291
173" 132 Jan. 29 Cap C P291, W(69), H(97,98)
174 133 Feb. 8 Eri C H(99), (Biot) A
175 141 Mar. 27 Peg C P292, 584, W(70), H(lO0) A, P/Halley
176 145 Aqr Rome P292
177 126 Rome P292
178 149 Oct. 19 Ser C, K P293, 585, W(7I), H(101),
179 ]53 Nov. E N(]02), S
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 67

Table ] (continued)

No. Date of Region o f Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

180 154 Jan. 3l K H(103), S

18l 158 Mar.-Apr. LIMa K, E P293, H(]04), S
182 16l June 14 Peg-Sco C, Rome P293, 595, W(72), H(|05) A
183 178 Sept. Vir C P294, 586, W(73), H(106) A
184 180 Winter CMa C P294, 586, W(74), H(107)
185" 182 Aug.-Sept. UMa C, K P294, W(75), H(108), S
186 185 Dec. 7 Cen C W(76), H(|09), Hsi(]7) Nova
187 186 Nov. NW K H(IIO), S
|88 188 Mar.-Apr. And C P294, W(77), H(III)
189 188 July 28 CrB C W(78), H(II2)
190 190 Rome P294
191 191 Oct. Vir C, K, Rome P295, 587, W(79), H(ll3), A
|92 193 Feb? Rome P295
]93 193 Apr. or May Rome P295
194 193 Nov. Vir C P295, 587, W(80), H(ll4)
195 195 Rome P295
|96 200 Nov. 6 Tau C, K P296, 587, W(8|), H(II5)
197 204Dec.-205Jan. Gem C, K, Rome P296, 587, W(82), H(I|6,
117), S
198 206 Feb. UMa C P296, 588, W(83), H ( l l 8 ) A
199 207 Nov. l0 Vir C P296, 588 W(84), H(|19)
200 2li Rome P296
201 213 Jan.-Feb. Gem C P296, W(85), H(120)
202 217 Pac Rome P296
203 217 Nov.-Dec. NE C, K HHS, H(121), S
204 218 Apr.-May E, W C, Rome P296, W(86), H(122) A, P/Halley
205 222 Nov. 4 Vir C P297. W(88), H(123)
206 225 Dec. 9 Leo C P589 W(89), H(|24)
207 232 Dec. 3 Crt C P297 589, W(90), H(125)
208 236 Nov. 30 UMA C P297. 589, W(9|), H(126) A
209 236 Dec. I Her C P297. 589, W(87,91), H(126)
210" 238 Aug. 21 Hya C P297 590, W(92), H(|27) A
211 238 Sept. 30 Aqr C P297 W(93), H(128)
212 240 Nov. 10 Sco C P298 590, W(94), H(|29) A
213 245 Sept. 18 Hya C P298 590, W(95), H(130) A
214 247 Jan. 16 Crv C P298 590, W(96), H(13I) A
2|5 248 Apr.-May Tau C P590 W(97), H(132) A
216 248 Aug.-Sept. Crt C P298 590, W(97), H(133) A
217 251 Dec. 2l Peg C P299 591, W(98), H(134)
218 252 Mar. 24 Ari C P299 592, W(99), H(|35) A
2|9 253Dec.-254Jan. Cry C P299 591, W(i00), H(136) A
220 254 Dec. Sgr C P591 H(137) A
221 255 Feb. Cap C P592 W(10|), H(138) A
222 257Dec.-258Jan. Vir C P592 W(|02), H(139)
68 I. Hasegawa

Table l (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

223 259 Nov. 23 Leo C W(]03)) H(140), (Biot)

224 260 July-Aug. E K H(]41), S
225 262 Dec. 2 Vir C P299 592, W(I04), H(|42)
226 265 June Cas C P592 W(|05), H(|43)
227 268 Feb. 18 Cry C P299 592, W(|06), H(]44)
228 269 Oct.-Nov. Vir C, K P299 592, H(145), S
229 275 Jan.-Feb. Crv C P593 W(I07), H(146)
230 276 June 23 Lib C P593 W(108), H(|47)
231 277 Feb.-Mar. W C P300 593, W(|09), H(148)
232 277 June-July E C P300 593, W(|09), H(148)
233 278 May-June Cnc C H(|49)
234 279 Apr. Hya C P594 W(|IO), H(150)
235 281 Sept. Hya C P594 W(|]I), H(|5I)
236 28l Dec. Leo C P594 W(|]2), H(153)
237 283 Apr. 22 SW C P594 W(I|3), H(153)
238 287 Oct.-Nov. Sgr C P300 594, W(I]4), H(~54) A
239 290 May N C P594 W(l|5), H(|55)
240 295 May And C P595 W(ll6), H(|56) P/Halley
241 299 Oct.-Nov. K H(I57), S
242* 300 Apr.-May S C W(II7), H(158), Hsi(20) ?

243 300Dec.-310Jan. Cap C, K P595, W(]18), H(159), S

244 30| May-June Cap C W(ll9), H(160)
245* 302 May-June C,K P595, W(120), H(16I), S
246 303 Apr. E C P595, W(12|), H(162)
247 304 June-July Tau C W(122), H(163), Hsi(2l) Nova
248 305 Sept. Tau C P300, 596, W(123), H(164)
249 305 Nov. 2l UMa C, Rome P300, 596, W(|24), H(|65),
250 315 Sept.-Oct. NE K H(166), S
251" 319 Vir Rome P300
252 329 Aug.-Sept. UMa C P596, W(125), H(]67)
253 336 Feb. 16 And C, K, Rome P301, 596, W(126), H(168),
254 340 Mar. 25 Leo C P30I, 597, W(127), H(169)
255 343 Dec. 8 Vir C P301, 597, W(I28), H(I70) A
256 349 Dec. 2 Vir C P302. W(|29), H(171) A
257* 350 Mar. 30 Vir C P597, H(15l), B(259)
258 358 June 26 Per C P597, W(130), H(172)
259 363 Aug.-Sept. Vir C, Rome P302, 597, W(131), H(173)
260* 365 Ari E P302
26l 369 Mar.-Apr. N C W(132), H(174), Hsi(24) Nova
262 374 Mar. 4 Aqr C P302, W(133), H(175) P/Halley
263* 374 Nov~ 19 Ser C W(133), H(175)
264 375 Rome P302
265 380 Lib E P303
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 69

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

266 383 Oct.-Nov. NW K, E H(176), S, P303

267 384 E P303
268 386 Apr.-May Sgr C P303, W(134), H(177), Nova
269 389 Aug. Tau Rome P303
270 390 Aug. 7 Gem C, K, Rome P305, 598, W(135), A
H(178), S
271 393 Mar. Sco C W(136), H(179), Hsi(26) Nova
272 395 Mar. NW K H(180), S
273 395 Oct. Aqr C P306, H(181) A
274 396 July-Aug. Tau C H(]82)
275 400 Mar. 19 And C, K, Rome P306, 598, W(137), A
H(183), S
276 400 Sept. E K P(|84), S
277 401 Jan. 2 CrB C P307, W(|38), H(185)
278* 402 Cas Rome P307
279 402 Nov.-Dec. Leo C W(139), H(186) A
280 408 Leo Rome P308
281 412 Summer Cap E P309
282 413 Vir E P309
283 414 July 20 Tau C H(187)
284 4]5 June 24 Ser C, K P598, W(140,159), H(188),
285 416 Oct.-Nov. UMa C H(189) A
286 416Dec.-417Jan. Cyg C H(190)
287 418 June 24 UMa C,E P309, 599, W(141), H(191)
288 418 Sept. 15 Leo C, E P309, 599, W(141), H(|91) A
289 419 Feb. 17 Leo C, K P600, W(142), H(192), S
290 420 May C P311, H(193)
291 421Jan.-Feb. Crt C,E P311, H(194)
292 422 Mar. 26 Aqr C, E P311, W(143), H(195)
293 422 Dec. 18 Peg C P600, W(144), H(196)
294 423 Feb. 13 Peg C P312, 600, W(145), H(197) A
295* 423 Dec. 13 Lib C P600, W(146), H(|98) A
296 423Dec.-424Jan. Cet C H(198)
297* 430 E P312
298* 435 June-July Leo C P600, T040-13-5
299 436 June 21 Sco C P312, H(199)
300* 437 Feb. 26 Gem C H(200), Hsi(30) Nova
301 442 Nov. lO UMa C,E P312, 600, W(147), H(201)
302 448 E P312
303 449 J u n e - J u l y Tau C H(202)
304 449 Nov. Vir C P312, 600, W(]48), H(203)
305 451 June-July Per C, Rome P312, W(149), H(204) P/Halley
306* 452 Rome P313 ?
307 453 Feb.-Mar. W. C, Rome? P313, H(205)
70 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

308 454 NW K H(206), S A

309 455 Rome P313
310" 457 England P313 ?
311 459 France P314 ?
312 460 Nov. Cet C H(207) A
313 461 Apr. 20 Cyg C H(208) A
314 464Dec.-465Jan. Lyr C H(209) A
315 467 Feb. 6 SW C,E H(120), P314 A
316" 480 E P314
317 483 Nov.-Dec. Ori C H(211)
318 488 E P314
319 498 Dec. Leo C, E H(212), P314
320 501 Feb. 13 C P601, W(150,151), H(213, A
321 504 England P314
322 507 Aug. 15 NE C P315, H(215)
323 519 Oct.-Dec? E Rome P315
324 520 Oct. 7 E C P315, H(126) A
325 524 Rome P315 Nova?
326 530 Aug. 29 Boo C, Rome P315, H(217) A, P/Halley
327 531 Constantin- P315
328 533 Mar. 1 C P602, W(152), H(218) A
329* 535 Apr. Leo C P318, 602, H(219)
330 537 Feb. N C H(220)
331 538 E P319
332 539 E P319
333 539 Nov. 17 Sgr C, E P319, 600, W(153), A
334 541Feb.-Mar. N C, France H(222), P321
335* 547 France P321 ?
336* 550 Rome P321
337 5~2 E P321
338 556 Nov. Byzantium P321
339 557 E P322
340 560 Oct. 9 W C P322, 603, W(154), H(223) A
341 561 Sept. 26 Crt C W(164), H(224)
342 563 France P322
343 565 Apr. 21 C P322, 604, W(160), H(225)
344 565 July 22 UMa C P322, 604, W(155,161, A
165), H(226)
345 566 E P322
346 568 July 20 Gem C P322, W(162,166), A
347 568 July 28 Lib C P323, W(|63), H(228) A
348 570 E P323
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 7!

Table | (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

349 574 Apr. 4 Au r P323, 605, W(167), A

350 574 May 3] N C P323, W(|68), H(230) A
351 575 Apr. 27 Boo C P605, W(157), H(231)
352 579 Nov. K H(232), S A
353 580 Easter? France P324
354 582 Jan. 15 SW C, France P324, 605, W(158), A
355 583 Feb. 20 C H(234) A
356 584 France P324 A
357 586 or 587 Constantin- P324
358 588 Nov. 22 Cap C P325, W(|69), H(235)
359 589 or 594 Arabia P325
360 59; Italy P325
361 595 Jan. 9 Aqr C, K, E P325, W(170), H(236), S
363 597 Arabia P326
363 599 Oct.-600 SW Syria C2(3)
364 602 Constantin- P326 A
365 605 Apr.-May E P326
366 605 Nov.-Dec. Constantin- P326
367 607 Feb. 28 Peg C P327, 606, w(]TI), A, P/Halley
H(237), B(357)
368 607 Apr. 4 W C P327, 606, W(172), A
369 607 June 25 UMa C P327, 606, H(238), B(359)
370 608 Oct. 22 Aur C P607, W(172), H(239)
37]* 614 Jerusalem P327
372 615 July UMa C P328, W(173), H(240) A
373 617 July Leo C P328, 628, W(174), H(241) A
374 617 Oct. Peg C P608, W(175), H(242)
375 622 E P328
376 626 Mar. 26 Ari C, E P328, 608, W(176), A
377 632 S Middle East P328
378 633 E P329
379 634 Sept. 32 Aqr C, J P329, 608, W(177), H(244),
380* 635 Feb. E J K475, B(372), H(244)
38;* 639 Mar. 5 NW J, K K476, B(373), H(245), S
382 639 Apr. 30 Tau C P329, 608, W(178), H(245)
383 641 Aug. l Leo C P329, 608, W(179), H(246)
384* 642 Aug. 9 J K476, H(247) ?
385 647 Sept. S K H(248), S

J.P.v.^.24/1 E
72 I. Hasegawa

Table I (continued)

NO. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

386 660 Sco E P330

387 662 Spring S K H(249), S
388 663 Sept. 29 Boo C P330, 609, W(180), H(250) A
389* 664 France P330
390* 666 Feb. 15 Leo C TO40-30-6
391 667 May 24 Aur C P330, 609, W(181), H(151)
392 668 May-June Aur C, K P330, H(252), S
393 672 Oct. N K H(253), S
394 674 E P331
395* 675 Nov. 4 C, E P331, W(182), H(254), A
396 676 Sept. 4 Gem C, K, J, E P331, 609, W(183), H(255), A
K476, S, B(388)
397 678 Aug. E England C2(6), B (389)
398 681 Oct. 17 Ser C, J P333, 609, W(184), A
H(256), K477
399 683 Apr. 20 Aur C, K P609, W(185), H(257), S
400 684 Sept. 6 W C, J P333, 609, W(186), A
H(258), K477, B(392)
401 684 Nov. ]I W P333, 609, W(187), A, P/Halley
N(258), B(393)
402 684 Dec.-685 Tau J, E P333, 609, K478, H(258) A
403 687 Feb. W England Cs(7), B(395)
404* 693 July 20 K H214, Tamura(43)
405 699 Mar. E K H(259), S
406 701Mar.-Apr. K H(260), S
407 706 Jan. England CI(243)
408 707 Nov. 16 W C P610, W(188), H(26l)
409 708 July 28 Tau C P610, W(189), H(262)
410 709 Sept. 16 N C P610, W(]90), H(263), B(398)
411 710 Oct.-71! Arabia P334
412 712 July-Aug. Leo C, E P334, W(191), H(264)
413 716 Middle East P334
414" 718 Dec. 8 Ari J K478, H(265)
415 719 Sqr E P334
416 722 Aug. 19 Cas J K478, H(266), Hsi(4l) Nova
417" 725 Feb. 11 Cas J K478, H(267)
418 729 Jan. E P335
419 730 June 30 Aur C P335, W(|92), H(26g)
420 735 E P335
421 738 Apr. 1 N C P335, W(193), H(269)
422 742 June N Constantin- P336
423 743 N Constantin- P336
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 73

Table I (continued)

No o Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

424 744 Winter K, Syria P336, H(270), S A

425* 745 Jan. S And J K479, H(271)
426 745 Cnc E P336
427 759 Apr. K H(272), S
428 760 May 16 Ari C, E P336, W(194), H(273) A, P/Halley
429 760 May 20 S C P336, W(195), H(274) A
430 761 May-June K H(275), S
431 762 E Constantin- P337 A
432 764 Apr.-May SE K H(276), S
433 767 Jan. 21 Del C W(196), H(277) A
434 768 Spring NE K H(278), S
435 770 May 26 Aur C, K, J P611, W(197), H(279), A
S, K479
436 773 Jan. 15 Ori C, J P612, W(197), H(280), A
437* 776 Jan. II Del C TO40-33-2 A
438 79l Vir E P337
439 800 E P337
440 809 E P337
441 813 Aug. 4 Constantin- P337
442 814 Apr. 17 E C H(281)
443 815 Apr.-May Leo C, K P612, W(198), H(282), S A
444 827 Feb. 17 Tau C, E? P339, 612, W(199), A
445 818 E P339
446 812 Feb. 27 Crt C P612, W(200,201), H(284)
447* 821 July Tau C W(201)) H(285) A
448 823 Feb. 19 SW J K480, H(286)
449 824 E P339
450 828 Sept. 3 Boo C P339, 612, W(202), A
451 829 Nov. CMi C W(203), H(288), Hsi(46) Nova
452 830 Ari E P339
453 834 Oct. 9 Leo C P613, W(204), H(289) A
454 836 July-Aug. E K H(290), S
455 837 Mar. 22 Aqr C, J, E P339, 613, W(205-211), A, P/Halley
H(291), K480
456 838 Nov. ]0 Crv C, K, J P340, 614, W(212,213), A
H(292ab), K480, S
457 839 Feb. 7 Aqr C, J, E? P345, 614, W(3|4), H(292c),
458 839 Mar. 12 Per C, J P345, 614, W(215), A
H(292d), K480
459 840 Mar. 20 Peg C P346, 614, W(216), H(293)
460 840 Dec. 3 E C P346, 614, W(217), H(294)
46] 84] July-Aug. Aqr C P615, W(218), H(295)
74 I. Hasegawa

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remark~

discovery apparition

462 84] Dec. 22 PsA C, J, E P346, 615, W(219), H(295)

463 843 E P347
464 844 Arabia P347
465 852 Mar.-Apr. Ori C, J W(220), H(297), K482
477 855 Feb. 23 NE J, France? P347, H(298), K482
467 857 Sept. 22 Sco C W(221), H(299)
468 858 E Rome P347
469* 864 Apr. 23 Peg C, J, E P347, 615, W(222),
H(300), K482
470 866 Constantin- P347
471" 868 Jan. 21 UMa J, E P347, H(301), K483 A
472* 868 Jan. K H(302), S
473 868 Jan. 29 Ari C, E P348, 616, W(223), H(303)
474 869 Sept.-Oct. Per C, E P348, 616, W(224), H(304)
475 873 France P348
476 875 Mar.-Apr. E K H(305), S
477 875 June 5 Ari J, France P348, H(306), K483 A
478 877 Feb. l] Peg J K484, H(307)
479 877 June Lib C, E P349, 616, W(225)
480 882 Jan. 18 France P350 A
48] 885 Per C P616, W(226), H(309)
482 886 June 13 Sco C P616, W(227), H(310)
483 890 May E CI(288)
484 89] May 12 UMa C, J, E P350, 616, W(228), A
H(313), K484
485 892 June Sco C, E P351, 6]6, H(312) A
486 892 Nov.-Dec. Sgr C P617, W(229), T040/37/1,
487 893 May 6 UMa C P351, 6]7, W(230), H(315) A
488 894 Feb.-Mar. Gem C, J P617, W(23;), H(316), K485
489 894 Aug. C H(317) ?
490 896 Nov.-Dec. Aqr C H(318)
491 898 or 899 France P352
492 900 Feb. Her C, E P352, H(319)
493* 900 Aug. J K485
494 902 Feb.-Mar. Cas C, E P352, H(320)
495 904 July 15 E C TO40-37-4 A
496 904 Nov.-Dec. E Constantin- P352
497 905 May 18 Gem C, J P352, 617, W(232), A
H(321), K485
498 906 E P353
499* 907 Apr. 7 Ari J K486, H(322) A
500 908 Mar. E K H(323), S
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 75

Table l (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

501 911 June Her C, E P353, H(324)

502 912 May 15 Hya C, J, Egpyt P353, 618, W(233), P/Halley
H(325), K487
503 913 Sco E P354
504 9|6 England CI(304)
505 918 Nov. 7 SW J K488, H(326)
506 923 Nov. Cnc C P354, H(327) A
507 928 Dec. 13 SW C P354, W(234), H(328) A
508 930 June Aqr J, E? K488, H(329), P354
509 934 Dec. 19 Aqr C H(331)
510 936 Sept. 21 Aqr C P618, W(235), H(332) A
511 938 Jan. 31 N C H(333)
512" 939 Feb. 24 J K488
513 939 July Italy P354 A
514 941 Apr. W J K488, H(334) A
515 941Aug. Sept. Ser C, E P354, 619, W(236,270), A
516 942 Oct. 18 W France P355 A
517 943 Nov. 5 Vir C, E P355, W(327), H(336) A
518 945 France P356 A
519 947 Feb. 20 W J K489, H(337)
520 947 Sept. 12 E C H(338) A
521" 948 Mar. 2 SW J K489, H(339) A
522 956 Mar. 13 Ori C P619, W(238), H(340) A
523* 957 Mar. 6 J K489 A
524 959 May Arabia P356
525 959 Oct. 17 Constantin- P356
526 961 Mar. 16 SW J K489, H(341)
527 962 Jan. 28 Oph C H(342)
528 964 E P357
529* 965 Mar. 12 S J K489, H(343) Meteor?
530 967 Jan. 8 S J K490, H(344)
531 968 E P357
532 971 E P357 ?

533 972 Feb. ] Gem J K490, H(345) A

534 975 Aug. 3 Hya C, J, E P357, 620, W(239,240), A
H(346), K491
535* 977 Mar. 16 NE J K491, H(347)
536* 977 Mar. 16 SE J J491, H(347)
537 979 Vir E P358
538 981 Autumn Rome P358
539 983 Apr, 3 Leo C, E P358, H(348)
540 985 Rome P358
541 989 July 6 Gem C, J P358, H(349), K492 A
76 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued>

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

542 989 Aug. 13 Gem C, K, J P358, 620, W(241), A, P/Halley

H(350), S
543 990 Feb. 2 Crv C H(351)
544 990 N E P359
545 995 Aug. France P359
546 997 or 1005- S E P360
547 998 F e b . 23 Peg C, J P360, 620, W(242), A
H(352), K493
548 1000 Dec? Vir? France P360
549 1003 F e b . Near the sun E P362
550 1003 Dec. 21 Gem C, E P362, 621, W(243), A
551 1005 O c t . 4 Dra C,E P362, H(355) A
552 1006 A p r . 3 Lup C, J, E P363, H(356), (Blot), Nova
K493, Goldstein, AJ70,
553 1006 K H(357), S
554 1007 E P365
555 1009 May S E P365
556 1010 E P365
557 1011 F e b . 8 Sgr C m(35S)
558 1012 S E P365 ?

559 1014 F e b . 12 Aur C, K, J, E P366, W(271), H(359, A

353), K495, S
560 1017 E P366
561 1018 Aug, 3 UMa C, K, J, E P366, W(244), H(360,
362), K495, S
562 1019 Feb. 6 Oph K, E P366, H(361), S
563 1020 J a n . 26 Oph K H(363), S
564 1021 May 25 Leo C, K H(364)
565 1023 Autumn Leo France P368
566 1024 Poland P368
567 1025 E P369
568 1027 E P369
569 1028 Russia P369
57O 1031 E P369
571 I032 J u l y 15 NE C, E P369, H(366)
572 1033 Mar. 5 E C, J, E P369, H(365,367), K496
573 1034 S e p t . 20 Hya C, K, J, E P370, 622, W(245),
H(368), K496, S
574 1035 J a n . 15 Cet C P622, W(246), H(369)
575* 1037 Mar. 19 K H(370),S
576 1038 E P370
577 1041 S e p t . E K H(371), S
578 1041 Nov. E K, E P371, H(372), S
579 1042 O c t . 6 Constantin- P371
Catalogue o f Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 77

Table l (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

580 I043 E P371 ?

581 1046 France P371
582 1049 Mar. I0 Aqr C P371, W(247), H(373)
583 1053 Feb. 25 Cen K, E P372, H(374), S A
584 1054 May-June Tau C, J H(375), K497 Nova
585 1056 Aug.-Sept. N C, J P372, 623, W(248), A
H(376,377), K497
586* 1056 Dec. Cry K S
587* 1058 Spring Poland P372
588 1060 Dec. 22 8 J, France P372, K498, H(378) A
589 I062 E P373
590* I063 June 8 Boo K S
591" I063 Aug. 22 Lib K S A
592* I063 Dec? Oph K S
593 I064 E P373 ?
594 1065 Sept. II Hya C, K, E? P373, H(379), S
595 I066 Apr. 2 Peg C, K, J, E P373, 623, W(249), A, P/Halley
H(380), K499, S
596 1067 May Constantin- P378
597 1968 Constantin- P378
598 1069 July 12 Sgr C H(381)
599 I070 Dec. 25 Cet C H(382)
600 I071 S E P378
601" I072 Oct. 14 Peg K S
602* I073 Sept. 10 Peg K H(383), S A
603 1074 Aug. 19 Peg K H(384), S
604 I075 July-Aug. Morocco CI(351)
605 I075 Nov. 17 Cry C, K, J P378, 624, W(250), A
H(385), K499, S
606 1077 Apr. 9 Near the sun E P379, C2(9) Venus?
607* ]080 Jan. 6 Sco C,K W(273), H(386), S
608 1080 Aug. I0 Com C, J P379, 625, W(251), A
H(387), KS00
609* 1084 June E P379
610" 1090 Mar. 31 J KSO0, H(388)
611 1092 Jan. 8 Ori C H(389)
612 1096 Oct. 7 S E P380 A
613 1097 Oct. 2 Lib C, K, J P381, 626, W(252,274), A
H(390), K500, S
614 1098 June 3 Asia Minor P382
615 1099 E P383
616 1103? E C2(10)
617 1104 E P383 Nova?
618 1106 Feb. 10 C, K, J, E P384, 389, 626, W(253), A
H(391), KSOI, S
78 I. Hasegawa

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

619 1106 Dec. 14 K H(392), S

620 1109 Dec. Milky Way E P389 A
612 1110 May 29 And C, K, J, E P390, 629, W(254), A
H(393), K505, S
622 1110 Dec. 24 E E P390 Nova?
623* 1113 Aug. 15 Peg K, E P391, H(394), S
624 1114 May E P391 A
625* 1115 June E P39 ]
626* 1118 Apr. 23 J K507 ?
627 1123 Aug. II UMa K H(395), S
628 1125 Bohemia P391
629 1126 July 19 N C, J, E P391, W(255), H(396), A
630 1127 Jan. 8 Leo-Vir C P392, 627, W(256), H(397)
631 1130 Dec. 30 Aur K H(398), S A
632 I131 Sept.-Oct. Ari C P627, W(257), H(399) A
633 1132 Jan. 5 Ari C P627, W(258), H(400)
634 1132 Oct. 7 Ari C, K, J, E P392, 627, W(259, 275), A
H(401), K508, S
635 1138 June-July Ari C H(402)
636 1138 Sept. 3 C, J P393, H(403), K509 A
637 1139 Mar. 23 Vir C H(404)
638 1141 E P393
639 1143 Nov.-Dec. J K510 Nova?
640 1145 Apr. 15 C, K, J, E P393, 627, W(260, 261), A, P/Halley
"H(406), K510, S
641 1146 Dec. 29 Aqr C, J P393, W(262), H(407), A
642 1147 Feb. 8 Aqr C, J, E P394, 628, W(263), A
H(408), K513
643 1155 May 5 E P394
644 1156 July 25 Gem C, K, J P394, 628, W(264), A
H(409), K514, S
645 1157 Nuremberg C2(11)
646 161 July 22 UMa C H(401)
647 163 Aug. I0 Psc K H(411), S
648 165 Aug. Lib E P394
649 165 Aug. N E P394
650 166 May I Vir C, J H(412), K515 A
651" 171 Dec. W E P395, C2(12)
652 175 Aug. I0 CrB C P629, H(413)
653 178 Jan. 14 SE J K515, H(414)
654 181 Aug. 6 Cas C, K, J, E P395, H(415), K519, Nova
655 1184 May 1 E P396
656* 1185 Feb. 2 Hya J K519, H(416) A
657 1188 England CI(384)
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 79

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

658 1189 Mar. 16 Com J K520, H(417) A

659* 1189 Apr. 17 UMa J K520 A
660* 1192 Nov. 24 j K52]
661 1198 Nov. England P396
662* 1202 Mar. 1 Sco J, E P397, K521, H(418)
663 1203 July 28 Sco C H(419), (Blot), Nova
664 1204 Constantin- P397
665 1208 W E P397
666 1210 Feb.-Mar. N C H(420)
667 1210 Oct. 19 W J K521, H(421) A
668* 1211 May Hya E, K P397, S
669 1214 or 1215 E E P397
670 1217 Autumn SW E P398 A
671 1220 Jan. 25 Peg J, E P399, K524, H(422), A
672 ;220 Feb. 6 Sco K H(423), S A
673* 1220 Mar. 21 Leo K S
674 1221 Jan. UMa K H(424), S
675* 1221 Mar. 30 C TO41-2-5
676 1222 Sept. 10 Lib C, K, J, E P399, 629, W(265,276), A, P/Halley
H(425), K525, S
677 1223 July W E P400
678 ]224 July 11 Sco C H(427), Hsi(69) Nova
679 1224 E P400
680* 1225 Mar. 29 J K526
681 1227 E CI(394)
682 1230 Dec. 4 Oph C, J, E P400, H(428), K527
683 1232 Oct. 17 Vir C, J P402, W(266,277), A
H(429), K529
684 1238 or 1239 E E P402
685* 1239 May 27 NW J, E P403, K523, H(431) A
686 1240 Jan. 25 Peg E, C, J P403, W(267,268), A
H(432), K532
687 1240 Aug. 17 Sco C H(433), Hsi(73) Nova
688 1242 Mar. 28 NW J K536 A
689 1245 Feb. 24 Oph J, E K537, H(435), C3 334 A
690 1250 Dec. E P404
691 1253 Sept. 18 E P405 ?
692 1254 or 1255 E P405
693 1256 E P405
694 1258 E P405
695 Early in 1261 E E P405
80 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

696 1262 E P405

697 1264 J u l y 26 Hya C, K, J, E P405, W(269,278),
H(436), K541, S
698 1265 A u t u m E P411
699 1266 Jan. 18 SW J K545, H(437), (P413)
700 1266 Aug. Tau Constanti- P413
701 1268 Aug. 13 N J, Russia P630, K547, H(438)
702 1269 Aug. E Scotland P415
703 1273 Feb. 5 W J, K K547, H(439), S A
704 1273 Apr. 9 Tau C P415, H(439) A
705* 1273 Apr. 12 NW J K547, H(439) Nova?
706 1273 Oct. 17 W J K548, H(439)
707 1274 Feb. Italy P416
708 1277 Mar. 8 NE C, K, J P416, W(279), H(440), A
K549, S
709 1282 E P41.6
710 1285 Apr. 5 E E P416 A
711 1293 Nov. 7 N C, K, J P417, W(280), H(441), A
K549, S
712" 1294 E P417
713 1296 E P417
714 1297 Mar. 13 Gem K, J H(442), K(550), (P417?)
715 1297 S e p t . 14 And C, J H(443), K550, (P4177) A
716 1298 N E P418
717 1299 Jan. 6 Col C, K, J, E P418, W(281), H(444), A
K551, S
718 1299 O c t . 23 SE J K551, H(445) A
719" 1301 S e p t . 15 E C, K, J, E P420, W(282), H(446), A, P/Halley
K552, S
720 1301 Nov.-Dec. Aqr E P423
721 1302 July N Italy P423
722* 1303 July 27 NE J, E? P424, K552 A
723* 1304 Feb. 3 Peg C, K, J P424, W(283), H ( 4 4 7 ) , A
K552, S
724* 1304 Dec. 4 Aqr K, J H(448), K553, S A
725 1305 Apr. E P424 A
726* 1305 June 19 NE J K553
727* 1307 Mar. 20 J K553
728 1307 Aug. 24 Sco K, E? P425, H(440), S
729 1311 France P425
730 1312 E P425
731 1313 Apr. 13 Gem C, K, J, E P425, W(284), H ( 4 5 0 ) , A
K553, S
732 1314 Oct. Vir E P426
733 1315 Oct. 29 N C, J, E P426, W(285), H(450), K554
734 1316 May? E E P428
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 81

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

735 1317 E P428

736* 1330 Apr. 7 NW J K555
737 1333 June E P428
738* 1337 May 4 Cas C, K P429, W(286), H(454), S,
739* 1337 June 26 Tau C, K, J, E P429, W(287), H(455), A
K555, S, H(452)
740 1337 Cnc E P432
741" 1338 Apr. 15 Gem E, J P433, K555 A
742* 1340 Mar. 24 Sco C, K, J, E P434, W(288), H(456), A
K556, S, H(453)
743 1345 July UMa E, K, J P435, H(457), K556, S A
744 1347 Aug. Tau E P435
745* 1348 Sept. 7 J K558
746 1349 Jan.-Feb. J K558, H(458) ?
747 1351 Nov. 24 And C, E P437, W(289), H(459)
748 1352 Oct. 12 E P437
749 1353 E P438 ?
750 1356 May 3 Gem K H(460), S Nova?
751 1356 Sept. 21 Hya C P438, W(290), H(461) A
752 1360 Mar. 18 E C, E P438, W(291), H(462)
753 1362 Mar. 5 Aqr C, J P438, W(292), H(463) A
754 1362 Apr. 25 Peg C H(464) A
755* 1362 June 29 N C, K) J P440, W(293), H(465) A
K560, S
756 1363 Mar. 16 E C P440, W(294), H(466)
757* 1364 Mar. 30 K, E? P441, H(467), S A
758* 1366 Oct. 25 UMa C, K, J P441, W(295), H(468) A
K560, S
759* 1367 Feb. 20 K S
760* 1368 Feb. 7 Tau C, K, J, E P441, 630, W(296), H(469),
K560, S
761" 1368 Apr. 8 NW C, K, J . W(297), H(470), K562, A
762 1370 Jan. 31 NE K H(471), S
763 1371 Jan. ]5 N E P442 A
764* 1373 May N C W(298), H(472)
765* 1374 Mar. 11 E K, J H(473), K562, S A
766* 1375 Nov. Sgr C TO41-16-5
767 1376 June 12 Cet C, K, J P442, W(345), H(474), A
K563, S
768* 1378 Sept. 26 Aur C, K, J P442, W(346), H(475), A, P/Halley
K563, S
769* 1379 Apr. E J P442, K564, H(476)
770* 1379 Sept. 23 J K564
771 1381 Nov. 7 Lib K, J, E P443, H(477), I(564, S A
772 1382 Mar. 11 N K, E P443, H(478), S
82 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

773 382 Aug. 19 NW E, K P443, H(4b0), S A

774 382 Dec. W E P444
775* 384 Sept.-Oct. Crt C T041-16-6
776* 385 Oct. 23 Leo C, J P444, W(347), H(481), K565
777* 386 Sept. 27 E P445
778 388 Mar. 29 Peg C W(348), H(482)
779* 389 June-July Oph C T041-16-6 A
780 390 E P445
781 391 May Dra C, K W(229), H(483), S
782 1391 May C am C, K, E P445, W(299), H(483), S
783 1392 Mar. 18 K H(484), S
784 1394 E P445
785 1397 Dec. 25 NW J K565, H(485)
786* 1399 Jan. 5 Sgr K S Nova?
787* 1399 Oct. 7 S J, France P445, K566, H(486)
788 1402 Feb. 8 SW E, K, J P446, H(487), K567, S A
789 ;402 June W E P449 A
790 1403 Jan.-Apr. E P451 ?
791 1403 Dec. 30 NE K H(488), S
792 1404 Mar. 1 E K H(489), S
793 1404 Nov. 14 Lyr C H(490), Hsi(78) Nova
794 ;406 Jan.-June W Germany P452
795 1407 Dec. 15 C W(300), H(491)
796 1408 July 14 J K570, H(492)
797 1408 Oct. E P452
798 1410 Mar. I0 E P452
799* t410 Dec. 23 K, Belgium S, P452
800* 1413 Aug. 18 K S

801 1414 Apr. 8 J, E K570, H(493), P452

802 1415 Sept. Sgr C H(494)
8O3 ]416 July 29 J K570, H(495)
804* 1417 Mar. 18 E K S

805 1419 June 12 NE J K571, (H496) A

806 1421 Jan. 9 NW J K571, H(497) A
807 1421 Dec. 27 J K57], H(498)
8O8 1416 June 9 Belgium P453
809 1430 Sept. 9 CMi C P453, W(439), H(500), Nova
810 1430 Nov. 14 Psc C W(350), H(501)
811 1431 Jan. 4 Eri C W(351), H(502), Hsi(80) Nova?
812 1431 May 15 Gem C P453, W(301), H(503) A
813 1432 Feb. 2 E E, C P453, W(302), H(504) A
814" 1432 Feb. 29 W C W(303), H(504)
815 1433 Sept. 15 Boo C, K, J, P453, W(304), H(505), A
Poland K571, S
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 83

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

816 1434 Apr. 14 E J, E P454, K475, H(506)

817 1434 Sept. 11 E J K574, H(507)
818 1436 Autumn Scotland P454
819 1437 Mar. II Sco K H(508), S Nova
820 1438 Mar. 16 J, E K574, H(509), C2(14)
821 1439 Mar. 25 Hya C, K, J, E P454, W(305), H(510), A
K574, S
822 1439 July 12 Tau C W(306), H(511) A
823 1443 May 3 J K576, H(512)
824 1444 Aug. 6 Leo C, K, J, E P454, W(307), H(513), A
825 1449 Dec. 20 Oph C, K P455, W(308,309), A
H(514), S
826 1452 Mar. 21 Tau C P455, W(310), H(515)
827 1453 Jan. 4 Cnc C P456, W(352), N(516)
828 !454 Summer W E P456 A
829 1456 May 27 Ari C, K, J, E P459, W(311), H(517), A, P/Halley
K578, S
830 1457 Jan. 14 Tau C, J, E P464, W(312), H(518), A
K2, 35
831 1457 June 15 Aqr" C, K, J, E P464, W(313), H(519), A
K579, S
832 1457 Oct. 26 Vir C, K, E P465, W(314), H(520), S A
833 1458 July Tau E P466
834 1458 Dec. 24 Hya C, K w(353), ~(521), s A
835 1460 Aug. 2 Scotland P466 A
836 1461 July 30 Oph C, E P466, W(354), H(522)
837 1461 Aug. 5 Gem C W(354), H(523)
838 1462 June 29 Cas C W(355), H(524)
839 1465 Mar. NW C P466, W(316), H(525) A
840 1467 Oct. Psc E P467
841 1468 Sept. 18 Hya C, K, J, E P467, W(317), H(526), A
K580, S
842 1469 Mar.-Apr. J K582, H(527) Nova?
843 1469 Sept. 3 E J, K K583, H(528)
844* 1471 Mar.-Apr. Vir C P469, T041-18-5
845 1471 May 20 J K583, H(529) Nova?
846 1471 Autumn Vir Poland P469
847 1471 Dec. 25 Vir E, C, K, J P471, W(318), H(530), A
K583, S
848 1472 Mar. Ari E P476
849 1473 Jan. E P476
850 1476 Jan. -Feb. J K586, H(531)
851 1476 De c. E P477
852 1477 Dec. E P477
853 1478 Sept. E P477 A
854 1479 Arabia P477
84 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

855* 1480 Mar. 17 SE J K586, H(532)

856 1482 June-July E J K586, H(533)
857* 1489 C T041-20-2
858 1490 Dec. 31 Cyg C, K, J P477, W(319), H(534), A
K586, S
859 1491 Jan. 17 Oph C, K P478, W(356), H(535), S
860 1491 Jan. 20 Cet K H(534), S
861 1492 E P478
862 1495 Jan. 7 Oph C, E P478, W(357), H(536)
863 1499 Aug. 16 Oph C, K W(358), H(537), S
864 1500 Apr. E, C, K, J P479, W(320), H(538), A
K588, S
865 1502 Nov. 28 Hya C W(359), H(539)
866 1503 Aug. E P479 A
867 1505 Apr. Ari E P480
868 1506 July 31 N C, K, J, E P481, W(321,322), H(540), A
K589, S
869 1507 E P482
870 1508 Oct. E P482
871 1510 E P482
872 1511 May 30 Leo Egypt, P482
Arabia, etc.
873 1512 Mar. E P483
874 1513 Dec. Cnc E P483
875 1514 E P483
876 1516 (Jan.) E P483
877 1517 Leo E P484
878 1518 (Mar.) E P484
879 1520 Feb. C W(323), H(541)
880 1521 Feb. 7 SE C P485, W(360), H(542) ?

881 1521 Apr. Cnc E P485 A

882 1522 W France P485
883 1523 July-Aug. Oph C W(324), H(543)
884 1523 Oct. 28 Italy P485
885 1524 Dec. 9 E P485
886 1525 E P485
887 1526 Aug. 23 E P485
888* 1527 Apr. 5 Tau C TO41-22-2 Nova?
889 1528 Jan. Pse Sicily P486
890 1529 Feb. 9 C W(361), H(544)
891 1529 Aug. C, E? P486, W(361), H(545)
892 1530 Nov. 30 E P486
893 1531 Feb. 5 J K590, H(546)
894 1531 July Gem E, C, K, J P487, W(325), H(547), A, P/Halley
K591, S
895 1531 Sept. 8 Italy P489
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 85

Table I (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

896 1532 Mar. 9 SE C W(362), H(548) A

897 1532 June 21 NE J K593, H(549)
898 1532 Sept. 2 Gem C, K, J, E P491, W(326), H(550), A
K593, S
899 1533 July I Aur C, K, J, E P496, W(327), H(551), A
K594, S
900 1534 June 12 Cyg C, E P498, W(363), H(552)
901 1535 (Oct.) Milan P498
902 1536 Mar. 24 Dra C W(364), H(553)
903 1537 Mar. 8 NW J K594, H(554)
904 1538 Jan. 9 Psc J, K) E P498, K595, H(555), S A
905 1538 Jan. E P499 ?
906 1539 Apr. 30 Leo C, K, J, E P500, W(328), H(556), A
K595, S
907 1541 Aug. 21 E P501
908 1544 Mar. 6 E C2(16)
909 1545 Dec. 26 Dra C,E P501, W(365), H(557)
910 1548 Constanti- P501
911 1549 Mar. 7 NE K H(558), S
912 1554 June 23 C, K, E P501, W(329), H(559), S A
913" 1555 Oct.-Nov. Tau C, E? T041-23-2, P501
914 1556 Mar. I Vir C, K, J, E P502, W(330), H(560), A
K596, 8
915" 1556 Aug. W C TO41-23-2
916 1557 Oct. I0 Oph C, K, E P507, W(331), H(561) A
917 1558 July 14 Leo E, K, J P507, K597, H(562), S A
918 1559 May 17 E France P509
919 1559 NOV. E P509
920 1560 Dec. France P509
921 1564 E P509
922 1566 E P509
923 1566 E P509
924 1567 Jan. 19 8 K H(563), S A
925 1569 Nov. 9 Oph C,E P509, W(332), H(564)
926 1570 Nov. 17 E P510
927 1572 Nov. Cas C, K, E H(565), S4 Nova
928* 1573 July Psc C,E P5ll, TO41-23-3
929* 1576 Sept. C,K H(566), S
930 1577 July-Aug. K H(567), S
931 1577 Nov. I SW E, C, K, J P511, W(333), H(568), A
K597, S
932* 1578 Nov.-Dec. Aqr C, K, E T041-23-4, H(569), A
K520, S
933* 1579 C, E TO41-23-4, P520
934 1580 Oct. 1 SE C, K, J, E P521, W(334), H(570), A
K600, S
86 I. Hasegawa

Table 1 (continued)

No. Dateof Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

935* 1581 Sept. W C, E P540, TO41-23-4

936 ;582 Mar. Tau Rome P541 A
937 1582 May 12 E, C, J P544, W(335), H(571), A
938* 1582 Sept.-Oct. C TO41-23-4 A
939* ;583 C TO41-23-5
940 1584 July II Sco C W(367), H(572)
941 1585 Oct. 13 Aqr C, K, J, E P550, W(336), H(573), A
K601, S
942 1587 Aug. 30 J K601, H(574) Nova?
943 1587 Oct. W K H(575) A
944* 1590 Mar. 5 Psc E, C P554, TO41-23-5
945 1591 Apr. 13 NW C W(337), H(576) A
946* ;592 C P557, TO41-23-5
947 1593 July 30 Gem C, K, J, E P557, W(338), H(578), A
K601, S
948 1596 Aug. 5 NW C, K, J, E P560, W(339), H(579), A
K602, S
949 1600 Sept. 2 UMa K H(580), S(42)
950 1600 Dec. 14 Sco K H(581) Nova?

From No. 950 on Table 1 onwards, narrower linespacing has been used. This will also show up
any repetitions with the work of Pingr~, Baldet and Ho. In several cases the remarks will
supplement the notes of the preceding part of Table I. The following lists in narrow llne-
spacing therefore comprise: the remainder of Table 1 (which summarizes mainly the naked-eye
comets, which are today considered of no special importance), and the whole of Table 2 (p. 97)
and Table 3 (p. I01).

Perhaps on another occasion the author might provide a complete English translation of
Chinese and Japanese records on comets observed in the period 1601-1884.

951" 1601 Dec. 20 NE K S(43) A

952* 1602 Aug. 26 UMa K S(44) A
953 1604 Oct. 10 Sco C, E P2, W(368), Hsi(85) Nova
954 1607 Sept. 21 Gem C, K, J P3, W(340), K2 47, P/Halley
K3, S(45)
955* 1607 Oct. 26 E C CSK
956* 1607 Nov.-Dec. UMa K, C S(46), T041-24-4 A
957 1609 SW C, E P3, W(369)
958 1612 Nov. 18 SE England ~2(17) A
959* 1615 Aug.-Sept. C TO41-24-3 A
960* 1618 Aug. 25 SE E, C, K, J P4, TO41-24-4, S(47), A
961" 1618 Oct. 22 Vir K, C, E P7, T041-24-4, S(48) A
962 1618 Nov. I0 SE E, C, K P5, W(370), CSK, S(48) A
963* 1618 Nov. 16 Lib E, C, K, J P8, W(341), S(49), K3 A
964* 1618 Nov. 27 E C, K, J W(371), S(50), K3
965 1619 Feb.-Mar. SE C W(342) A
966* ;621 Jan. 22 K S(51)
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 87

Table 1 (continued)

No. Date of Region of Country References Remarks

discovery apparition

967* 1621 Feb. 8 K S(52)

968* 1621 May 22 E C W(372), Hsi(87)
969* 1623 Nov. 24 W J Shiryo Sohran
970* 1624 Juiy-Aug. S C,J TO41-24-5, Shiryo Sohran
971 1625 Jan. 26 E P/Crommelin,
972* 1627 Summer K s(53)
973* 1628 Aug. 13 SE J, E Shiryo Sohran, CI(503)
974* ]629 Nov. 13 K S(54)
975* 1630 Jan.-Feb. NW J, E Shiryo Sohran, CI(504)
976 1633 E C2(18)
977* 1638 June-July K s(55) A
978* 1639 Oct. 26 Ori K, C, E w(343), s(56), c1(505) A
979 ]640 Dec. 21 C, E w(344), ci(506)
980 1647 Sept. 29 CrB P9 A
981 1652 Dec. 18 Ori E, C P9, CSK m=4, A
982* 1653 Aug. 21 K S(57) A
983* 1656 Sept. 2 K s(58) A
984 1661 Feb. 3 E, g PI0, S(59) m=4, A
985* ]661 Dec. 16 K s(60)
986 1664 Nov. 17 Crv E, C, K, J, PIO, CSK, 8(61), K3, KO m=2, A
987 1665 Mar. 26 SE E, C, K, J P22, CSK, S(62), K3 m=O, A
988* 1666 Feb. Ceylon, K P23, 8(63) A
989 1668 Mar. 5 SW E, C, K, J P22, CSK, 8(64), K3 m=l, A
990 1672 Mar. 2 E P23 re=l, A
991" 1673 Mar. lO Ari C CSK
992 1676 Feb. 14 Eri E, C P23, CSK, Hsi(88) m=3
993 1677 Apr. 27 Ari E, C, K P24, CSK, S(65) m=O) A
994 1678 Sept. II E P24 m=5, P/La
995 1680 Nov. Vir E, C, K, J P25, CSK, S(66), K3 m=2, A
996 1682 Aug. Gem E, C, K, J, P28, CSK, S(67), K3, KO P/Halley
997 1683 July 20 Aur E, C P28, CSK m=4, A
998 1684 July l Cry E, C P28, CSK m=5
999* 1686 Aug. E E, C, K P28, CSK, S(68) In=1
I000" 1688 Nov. 2 And C CSK, Hsi(89)
I001 1689 Dec. E, J P29, K3 m=3, A
1002" 1690 Oct. 23 Sgr C CSK, Hsi(90)
1003 1695 Nov. E, K, J, R P33, S(69), K3, KO m=O, A
1004 1698 Sept. E P36 m=2, A
1005 1699 Feb. E P36 m= 2
1006 1699 Oct. 26 Pup (Kirch) P36 P/Temple-

No. Designation Date of max. Maximum Length References Remarks

brightness brightness of tail

1007" 1701a 1701 Mar. Im? Long S(70)

1008 1701 1701 Nov. 5 4° P36, S(71)
1009 1702a 1702 Feb. 0 40 P37, S(72), K3
1010 1702 1702 Apr. 4 P38
1011 1706 1706 Mar. 4 P38
1012 1707 1707 Nov. 2 P40, S(73)
]013 1708a 1708 Feb. 23 5? P40
1014 1718 1718 J a n . l P41
1015 1723 1723 Oct. 3 7 P42, CSK, S(74)
1016 1726a I726 Jan. 29 0 P42
1017 1729 1729 Aug. 4 P42
1018 1737 1 1737 Feb. 0 7 P45, S(75)
1019 1737 II 1737 July 3 CSK, Hind(1874)
1020 1739 1739 July 3 2 P46
J.P.V,A. 24/1--V
88 I. Hasegawa

Table I (continued)

No. Designation Date of max. Maximum Length References Remarks

brightness brightness of tail

I021 1742 1742 Mar. 1 5 P47, CSK, S(76), K3, KO P/Grigg-

1022 1743 1 1743 Feb. 3 P49, S(77) P/Grisehow
1023 1743 II 1743 Aug. 3 P51
1024 1744 1744 Feb. 0 Long P52, CSK, S(78), K3, KO
1025" 1744 b 1744 Nov. 5? S(79)
1026 1746 1746 Feb. 2 P56
1027 1747 1746 Aug. 5 P56
I028 1748 a 1748 May P60
1029 1748 1 1748 May 3 1 P58, CSK, S(80)
1030 1748 II 1748 May 4 P59
I031" 1749 a 1749 June CSK
]032 1750 a 1750 Jan. 5? P61
1033 ]757 1757 Oct. 2 P61
I034 1758 a 1758 Jan. 5? P62
1035 1758 758 June 0 P62, K3
1036 1759 1 759 Apr. 0 Long P63, CSK, 8(81), K3, KO P/Halley
1037 1759 II 760 Jan. 5 P68
1038 1759 III 760 Jan. 2 4 P70, CSK, S(82)
1039 1762 762 May-June 4 P7I
1040 1763 763 Oct. 5 P73
1041 1764 764 Jan. 3 2 P74
1042 1766 I 766 Mar. 6 P75
1043 1766 II 766 Apr. 3 7 P76, K3 P/Helfenz-
1044 1769 769 Sept. 3 lO0 P83, CSK, S(83), K3, KO
1045 1770 a 770 Mar. 19 C1(516)
1046 1770 I 770 June 2 P85, CSK, S(84), K3 P/Lexell
I047 1770 II 771 Jan. 6 6 P90, CSK, K3
1048 1771 771 Apr. 4 Pgl
1049 1773 773 Nov. 6 P92
1050 1774 774 Sept. 6 P93
1051 1779 779 Jan. 6 P94
1052 1780 I 780 Nov. 6 P95
1053 1780 II 780 Oct. 6 P95
1054 1781 I 781 July 5 P98
1055 1781 II 781 Oct. 5 4 P98
1056 1784 784 Jan. 5 3 Pii512, S(85), K3
1057 1785 II 785 Mar. 4 8
1058 ]786 I 786 Jan. 5 P/Encke
1059 1786 II 786 Aug. 5
1060 1787 787 Apr. 6
106l 1788 I 788 Nov. 5
1062 1790 II 790 Jan. 6 P/Turtle
1063 1790 II 790 May 4 4
1064 1792 II 1792 Jan. 2
1065 1793 I 1793 Oct. 5
1066 1795 1795 Nov. 5 P/Encke
1067 1797 1797 Aug. 3
1068 1799 I 1799 Sept. 5 4
1069 1799 II 1800 Jan. 3 7
1070 1805 1805 Oct. 5 3 P/Encke
107l 1806 I 1806 Dec. 4 P/Biela
1072 1806 II 1807 Jan. 5
]073 1807 1807 Oct. 2 10 S(86), K3
1074 1811 I 1811 Oct. 0 Long S(87), K3, KO
1075 1812 1812 Aug. 4 2 P/Pons-
1076 1813 II 1813 Apr. 2
1077 1815 1815 Apr. 5 1 P/Olbers
1078 1818 III 1818 Dec. 4
I079 1819 I 1818 Dec. 6 P/Encke
1080 1819 II 1819 July 1 8 K3
1081 1821 1821 Mar. 3 7 S(88)
1082 1822 I 1822 May 4
1083 1822 III 1822 May 4
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 89

Table l (continued)

No. Designation Date of max. Maximum Length References Remarks

brightness brightness of tail

1084 1822 II 1822 June 4 P/Encke

1085 1822 IV 1822 Aug. 3
I086 1823 1824 Jan. 3 5 S(89), K3
1087 1824 I 1824 July 5
1088 1825 II 1825 Aug. 6
1089 1925 II 1825 Aug. 5 K3 P/Encke
1090 1825 IV 1825 Oct. 2 14 S(90), KO
1091 1826 I 1826 Mar. 5 B/Biela
1092 1826 IV 1826 Sept. 5
1093 1826 V 1826 Dec. 4 8
1094 1827 I 1827 Jan. 5
1095 1827 II 1827 June 5 P/Pons-
1096 1827 III 1827 Aug. 4
1097 1829 1829 Dec. 4 P/Encke
1098 1830 I 1830 Apr. 3 2
1099 1830 II 1831 Jan. 2 3 S(91), K3, KO
1100 1834 1834 Mar. 3
1101 1835 III 1835 Oct. 1 20 S(92), K3, KO P/Halley
1102 1838 1838 Nov. 5 P/Encke
1103 1840 I 1839 Dec. 4
1104 1840 III 1840 Mar. 5
1105 1842 I 1842 Apr. 5 P/Encke
1106 1843 I 1843 Feb. 0 Long K3, KO
1107 1843 III 1843 Nov. 6 P/Faye
1108 1844 I 1844 Sept. 5 P/de Vico-
(1109) ( 1844 II) (1844 Nov.) (5)
(111o) ( 1844 III) (1845 Jan.) (0) (I0)
llll 1845 III 1845 June 0 5
1112 1846 II I~46 Mar. 6 P/Biela
lll3 1846 IV 1846 Mar. 5 P/de Vico
Ill4 1846 VII 1846 May 5
lll5 1847 I 1847 Mar. 0 4
Ill6 1847 Vl 1847 Oct. 3 2
lilt 1848 II 1848 Oct. 4 2 P/Encke
1118 1849 I 1849 Jan. 5
Ill9 1849 II 1849 Apr. 6
1120 1849 III 1849 Apr. 5
ll21 1849 c 1849 Nov. l l M.N., IO0, 122, 192,
1122 1850 I 1850 July 5
1123 1851 IV 1851 Oct. 4 1
1124~ 1852 IV 1852 Oct. 4 P/Westphal
1125 1853 II 1853 Apr. 6
1126 1853 III 1853 Aug. 0 13 S(93), K3, KO
127 1853 IV 1853 Oct. 4 4
128 1854 1854 Mar. l 5 S(94)
129 1854 III 1854 June 4 2
130 1855 IV 1855 Dec. 6
31 1857 I 1857 Apr. 5
32 1 8 5 7 II 1857 Apr. 5 P/Brorsen
33 857 III 1857 July 5
34 857 V 1857 Sept. 3 2
35 858 VI 1858 Oct. 0 40 S(95), K3
36 858 VII 1858 Oct. 5
37 859 1859 May 4
138 860 III 1860 June 1 20 S(96)
139 861 I 1861 May 2 3
140 1861 II 1861 July l 120 S(97), K3, KO
141 1861 I 1862 Jan. 5 P/Encke
142 1862 II 1862 July 5 S(98), K3, KO
143 1862 III 1862 Aug. 25 P/Swift-
1144 1863 III 1863 Apr. 3 I
1145 1863 II 1863 May 5 3
90 I. Hasegawa

Table I (continued)

No. Designation Date of max. Maximum Length References Remarks

brightness brightness of tail

1146 1863 IV 1863 Nov. 4 5 S(99)

1147 1863 V 1864 Jan. 6 2
1148 1864 I I 1864 Aug. 2 40
(1149) (1865 I) (1865 Jan.) (3) (25)
1150 1866 I 1866 Jan. 5 P/Tempel-
1151 1868 I I 1868 June 5 3
1152 1871V 1871 Dec. 5 P/Encke
1153 1873 V 1873 Sept. 4 3
1154 1874 I I I 1874 July l 40 s(ioo)
1155 1877 I 1877 Feb. 5
1156 1877 I I 1877 Apr. 5 2
(1157) (1880 I ) (1880 Feb.) (3) (40)
158 1880 III 1880 Oct. 6 2
159 1880 V 1880 Dec. 5
160 1881111 1881 July l 20 S(I01)
161 1881V 1881 Aug. 3 10 P/Denning I
162 1881 V I I 1881 Nov. 5 P/Encke
163 1882 I 1882 May 0 45
164 1882 I I 1882 Sept. 0 30 s(i02)
165) (1883 c) (1883 Dec.) (0) A.N., No.2591(1884)
166 1884 I 1884 Jan. l 6 S(I03) P/Pons-Brook:
167 1885 I 1885 Feb. 5 P/Encke
168 1886 1 886 Apr. 0
169 1886 I I 886 May 5 4
170 1886 I I I 886 May 4
171 1886 IX 886 Nov. 3 30
172) (1887 I ) ( 887 Jan. ) ( l) (40)
173 1888 I 888 Apr. 4 2
174 1889 I 889 Jan. 5 6
175) (1889 IV) (1889 July) (3)
176 1891111 1891 Oct. 5 P/Encke
177 1892 I 1892 Apr. 3 3
178 1892 I I I 1892 Dec, 5 P/Holmes
179 1892 IV 1892 Nov. 5 2 P/Pons-
1180 1893 II 1893 July 3 15
1181 1894 II 1894 May 5 4
1182 1895 I 1895 Jan. 5 I P/Eneke
1183 1895 IV 1895 Nov. 5 1
1184 1899 I 1899 May 3
(1185) ]901 I) (1901 Apr.) (0) (Long)
1186 1902 II 1902 Oct. 4 I
1187 1903 I 1903 Mar. 4
1188 1903 IV 1903 July 3 I
1189 1906 I 1906 Jan. 4 1
1190 1907 IV 1907 Aug. 2 3
1191 1908 III 1908 Oct. 5 10
1192 1910 I 1910 Jan. I I0
1193 1910 II 1910 May 2 I00 P/Halley
1194 1911 II 1911 July 5 1
1195 1911 v 1911 Sept. 1 15
1196 1911 IV 1911 Oct. 2 7
1197 1911 Vl 1911 Oct. 5 3
1198 1912 II 1912 Oct. 5 5
1199 1914 I 1914 May 5 1
(1200) 1914 iv) (1914 Sept. ) (3)
1201 1914 V ~914 Sept. 3 9
1202 1915 II 1915 May 5 1
(1203) 1916 III) (1916 May) (0)
1204 1917 I 1917 Apr. 5 I P/Mellish
1205 1919 III 1919 Sept. 5 1 P/Brorsen-
1206 1921 I I 1921 May 5
1207 1921 e 1921 Aug. 7 0 Very near
the Sun
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 91

Table 1 (continued)

No. Designation Date of max. Maximum Length References Remarks

brightness brightness of tail

1208 1924 II 1924 Sept. 5

1209 1926 III 1926 Feb. 5
1210 1927 VII 1927 June 4 P/Pons-
1211 1927 IX 1927 Dec. 0 3
1212 1930 III 1930 Mar. 5 |
1212 1931 IV |93| Aug. 3 2
1214 1932 V 1932 Aug. 5
|215 |936 III 1936 July 4 2
12|6 |936 II I936 Aug. 3 5
12|7 1937 V |937 July 4 4
1218 1937 VI 1937 Dec 5 P/Encke
;219 1939 1 1939 Feb. 6 3
|220 |939 III 1939 Apr. 3 5
1221 1941 1 1940 Dec. 4
(1222) (1941 IV) (1941 Feb.) (2) (6)
1223 1943 1 1943 Jan. 4 6
1224 1946 II 1946 May 6 I
1225 |947 II |947 Nov. 5 P/Encke
(1226) (|947 XII) (1947 Dec.) (0) (25)
1227 1948 1 1948 Mar. 6 I
1228 1948 c 1948 Mar, 5
|229 1948 IV 1948 June 3 2
1230 1948 XI 1948 Nov. 2 15
;231 1952 III 1952 Feb. 5 P/Schaumasse
1232 1955 III 1955 June 4 I
|233 1955 V 1955 Aug. 5
1234 1957 III 1957 Apr. 3 20
1235 1957 V 1957 Aug. ! 2
1236 1957 IX 1957 Oct. 5
1237 1959 VI 1959 Sept. 5
1238 |960 II 1960 Apr. 4 I
1239 196| V 1961 July 3 20
1240 1961 VIII 1961 Oct. 5
1241 |962 III 1962 Apr. 3 3
1242 |963 1 1963 Feb. 3
|243 1963 III 1963 May 4
1244 |963 V 1963 Sept. 6 2
|245 1964 Vl 1964 June 4 7
1246 |964 VIII 1964 Aug. 4
|247 |965 VIII 1965 Oct. 0 20
(1248) (1967 VII) (1967 July) (3)
1249 1968 VI 1968 Sept. 5
1250 1969 IX 1969 Dec. 6
|251 1970 1 1970 Feb. 5 2
1252 ;970 II 1970 Mar. 0 5
(1253) (1970 VI) (1970 May) (0)
|254 |970 XV 1970 Sept. 6

Notes on Table I

2 Or in -2197 or -2284.
5 Or in -2284 or -2269 or -2225.
6 Or in -2024.
7 Or in -1920 or -1949.
8 Or in -1841.
I0 Jupiter was at Sgr in -1718.
12 Or in -1515.
16 Or in -1175.
i8 Probably in -1054.
24 Or in -618.
42 Pingr~ estimated very small q, perihelion to be in Vir and Lib, and i nearly 150 ° .
54 Single comet or two.
92 I. Hasegawa

Notes (continued)

57 Uncertain object. Aurora?

64 Date uncertain.
80 S. Kanda determined: T=-]46 June 28 GMT, ~=254 o, fl=30lo, i=87 o (Eq. -146.0), q=0.380
97 Or in -Ill or -I]0.
99 Williams and Ho regarded this to be same as No. 98. Pingr~ considered this to be another
101 Around -]0] (-103 to -]00).
]09 Around -82 (-85 to -8]).
]I0 Someone regarded this as a nova.
]]3 Probably not the same as No. ]14, Peirce's orbit of comet -68 seems to be uncertain.
140 Doubtful record.
]41 Or in 40.
152 Two comets?
]68 Ho gives a wrong date.
173 Ho gives a wrong date.
]85 Sekiguchi gives a wrong year of 200 instead of ]82.
210 Wei Shih gives the Kuei Chhou day of the eight month (Aug. 2]).
242 Uncertain object.
245 Visible im daytime, possibly belonged to the sungrazing group.
251 Date uncertain, 307 to 323.
257 The second comet given in W(]29), and a comet in Chronicle of Mu-Ti given in H(]7]) is
probably the same.
260 Or in 370.
263 The second comet in W(133) and in H(175).
278 Or in 403 or 40].
295 The year is misprinted in H(198).
297 Or in 434.
298 A Chinese records says, "During the fifth month of the first year of the Thai-Yue reign-
period, a comet appeared at the Hsien-Yuan (Leo)".
300 The month is misprinted in H(200).
306 Probably the same comet of No. 305.
310 Probably the same comet of Np. 32].
3]6 There are some comets in 480.
329 The T Kives ]'the third month)" in T040-24-6.
335 Doubtful object
336 Or in 546 or in 547.
37] During 614 to 6]7.
380 Another record gives "the third month" (635 Apr.).
381 This date is given in the Japanese record. The Chronicle of Paekche gives the date 640
Feb. Ho gives a wrong year. A record given by Pingr~ (tom. l, p.329) is doubtful.
384 The Japanese record says, "A guest star trespassed against the Moon ~'. This is a doubtful
389 Or in 673.
390 A Chinese record says, "On a kuei-yu day in the first month of the first year of the
Chhien-F~ng relgn-period (666 Feb. 15) a comet appeared at Thai-Wei".
395 The date given in T040-31-] is, "On a jen-wu day in the tenth month (675 Nov. 4)".
404 A scribbling in the five-storied Pagoda of Horyu-ji Temple says, "In the sixth month a
comet appeared". Though it does not give the year, someone regarded it to be the comet
of No. 404,
4]4 A Japanese record says, "A comet appeared near the Moon". The Moon was in Ari on the
417 A Japanese record says, "A comet appeared in Hua-Kai (north of Cas.)".
425 A Japanese record says, "A comet appeared in (Thien-Ta-) Chlang-ChHn(And)".
437 A Chinese record says, "On a i-hal day in the ]2th month of the tenth year of the Ta-Li
reign-period a comet appeared at Hu Kua (a, ~, u Del). It was several feet in length,
after 20 days it disappeared. It trespassed Huan-che (near a Her)".
447 Ho gives a wrong year.
469 It is difficult to decide whether there were two comets or one comet during Apr.-June,
471 The month is uncertain. Kanda presumes it is the 12th month instead of the ]]th month,
giving 868 Jan. 2].
472 Venus was in Sgr and Cap, so that this "guest star" was not the comet of No. 473.
493 A Japanese record says, "In autumn, during the seventh month of the third year of the
Shyotai reign-period a comet was seen".
499 Venus was in Ari on the date.
5]2 A Japanese records says, "On the third day in the second month of the second year of the
Tenkei reign-period a long star was seen in the sky".
52] The year misprinted in H(319).
523 A Japanese record says, "On the second day in the second month of the first year of the
Tentoku reign-period, a white comet was seen. It was I0 or 20 ft in length, two or three
inches in width".
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 93

Notes (continued)

529 The month misprinted in H(343). A Japanese record says, "A guest star was seen from SW
to NE". It seems likely to be a meteor.
535,536 A Japanese record says, "At 8 p.m., two comets were seen in NE and in SE (K491)".
575 A Korean record says. "Five comets each measuring 5 to 6 ft were seen".
586 The Korean says, "During thel llth month of the tenth year of Munjong a comet was seen
at the Chen (the 28th lunar mansion)".
587 Or in 1059.
590 The Korean says, "On a keng-hsu day in the fifth month of the 16th year of Munjong, a
comet appeared at the Ta-Chio and located at the Ti (the third lunar mansion)".
591 The Korean says, "On a i-chhou day in the seventh month of the 17th year of Munjong, a
comet was seen at the Ti (the third lunar mansion). Its tail was several ft in length".
592 The Korean says, "On a chi-ssu day in the tenth month of the 17th year of Munjong, a
comet appeared in the Thien-Shih, then moved to the Wei and the Chi (the sixth and t h e
seventh lunar mansions). Its size was like a measure (bowl)". The chi-ssu day was not
in the tenth month.
601 The Korean says, "On a ping-wu day in the ninth month of the 26th year of Munjong, a star
appeared. It was like fire, trespassed the Ying-Shih (the 13th lunar mansion)",
602 Ho gives an incorrect d a t e .
607 A Korean record says, ,'In the night of a ping-tzu day in the first month of the 34th
year of Munjong (1080 Feb. 5) a white vapour ran through from the Mao to the I and Chen
(the 18th, 27th, and 28th lunar mansions)".
609 Or in III0-II|I?
610 A Japanese record gives three comets.
623 The Korean gives a comet in Aug., and Pingre gives one in May.
625 A Chinese comet recorded by De Mailla (Viii 377, P391). is doubtful and likely to be
comet No.635.
626 A Japanese record says, "On the first day in the fourth month of the sixth year of the
Eikyu reign-period a comet was seen only on one night".
651 Or in 11677
656 A Japanese record gives the Chang (the 26th lunar mansion) for a location of the comet.
659 The Japanese says, "On the 30th day in the third month of the fifth year of the Bunji
reign-period a white vapour appeared in the sky and pierced the Big Dipper. Its length
was about 5 ft".
660 A Japanese record says, "On the 18th day in the tenth month of the third year of the
Kenkyu reign-period there were invocations for a comet".
662 Pingr~ gives a comet appearing in Sco in this year.
668 Pingr~ gives a comet appearing in May, 1211. A Korean record says, "In the evening of
a ting-ssu day in the fifth month of the seventh year of Hsi-jong (1211 June 18) a
white vapour appeared in the Hsing, Chang, I, Chen (25th, 26th, 27th and 28th lunar
mansions), Thai-Wei and Pei-Tou, then disappeared".
673 A comet of March 21 recorded in Korea is it seems another one, not the same as No. 672.
675 A Chinese record says, "On a keng-yin day in the third month of the 14th year of the
Chia-Ting reign-period (1221 Mar. 30) a comet was seen".
680 A Japanese record says, "On the 19th, 21st and 23rd day in the third month of the first
year of the Karoku reign-period (11225 Mar. 29, 31 and Apr. 2) a comet was seen".
685 Ho gives an incorrect date. Pingr~ gives a European record of June 3.
705 A Japanese record says, "On the 23rd day in the third month of the tenth year of Bun-el
reign-period (1273 Apr. 12) a guest star was seen in the NW". This star seems to be
not the same as comet No.704.
712 Pingr~ gives three comet records in 1294.
719 Ho gives no Japanese records. A Japanese record says, "In the morning of the 13th day
in the eighth month of the third year of the Shyoan reign-period (1301 Sept. 15) a
comet appeared at the E. Its rays was 3 ft over in length, becoming brighter and
extended to I0 ft in length".
722 A Japanese record says, "On the 13th day in the sixth month of the first year of the
Kagen reign-period (1303 July 27) a comet was seen in the NE. It was about 1 ft in
length, white in colour". Pingr~ gives a European record of a comet in autumn which is
723 A Japanese record says, "On the 28th day in the 12th month of the first year of the
Kagen reign-period (1304 Feb. 4) a comet appeared. At 8 p.m. on the first day in the
first month of the second year the comet appeared in the SW measuring about 2 ft in
length" (K552).
724 A Japanese record says, "In the evening of the 27th day in the llth month of the second
year of Kagen reign-period (1304 Dec. 26) a comet was seen in W, located at the south
of a south star of the HsU (the llth lunar mansion). Its vapour was about 1 ft in
length, pointing eastward, white in colour".
726 A Japanese record says, "At 4 a.m., on the 27th day in the 5th month of the third year
of the Kagen reign-period a comet was seen in NE. After the ninth day of the sixth month
(1305 Ju!y I) it was not seen".
727 A Japanese record says, "On the 16th day in the second month of the second year of the
Tokuji reign-period there were invocations for a evil star. The star disappeared on the
third day of the praying".
94 I. Hasegawa

Notes (continued)

736 A Japanese record says, "In the evening on the 19th day in the third month of the second
year of Gentoku reign-period a comet was seen in the NW. On the 23th day (1330 Apr. 12)
it was seen".
738, 739 Ho gives a wrong year of 13]9 to the Korean record of H(452). The Korean record
says, "In the sixth year of the second reign-period of Ch'ungsuk Wang (1337)". Ho
regards that all the records are for one comet. According to Chinese records of comets
in 1337, we regard these Korean records as two comets.
741 A Japan6se record says, "On the fourth day in the fourth month of the third year of the
Engen reign-period (1338 Apr. 24), the invocations for a guest star were held".
742 Ho gives a wrong year of 1331 in the Korean record of H(453). Korean says, "In the first
year of the second reign-period of Ch'unghye Wang (1340)". A Japanese record says, "A
comet was in the Thai-Wei Enclosure on the fourth day in the third month of the third
year of Rekio reign-period (1340 Apr. 1)".
745 A Japanese record says, "On the |4th day in the eighth month of the third year of the
Shuohei reign-period a comet appeared in the evening".
755 A Japanese record says, "In the eighth month of the 17th year of the Shyohei reign-
period (1362 Aug., Sept.) the invocations for a comet were held".
757 Four comets?
758 A Japanese record says, "On a hsin-chhou day, or the 22nd day in the ninth month of the
Shyohei reign-period (1366 Oct. 26) a guest star appeared at night. It was like the moon
in size". This comet is supposed to be identical with P/Temple-Tuttle.
759 A Korean record says, "On a wu-hsU day in the first month of the 16th year of Kongnim
Wong (1367 Feb. 20) a comet was seen in the horizon".
760, 761 A Japanese record says, "On a Jen-chhen day or the 22nd day in the third month of the
23rd year of the Shyohei reign-period (1368 Mar. 8) a comet appeared in the NW, its ray
was very long". "On the third day in the fourth month (1368 Apr. 20) a comet was seen".
Another Japanese record says, "On the third day of the fifth month of the 23rd year of
the Shyohei reign-period (1368 May 19) a red star appeared".
764 Three comets? Ho considers a comet entered the Tzu-Wei three times.
765 Kanda gives the date of 1374 Mar. I].
766 A Chinese record says, "During the tenth month of the eighth year of the Hung-Wu reign-
period a comet appeared at the Man-Tou". A European record given by Pingr~ is doubtful.
768 The Korean says, "On a chi-mao day in the ninth month of the fourth year of the Sin-u
r e i g n - p e r i o d (1378 Oct. I) a comet appeared at the west side of the Tzu-Wei Enclosure,
trespassed against the Ssu-Fu, went out from the east side of the Tzu-Wei, trespassed
the Thien-Phou and the Thien-Chi". A Japanese record says, "On a chi-mao day or ninth
day in the ninth month of the fourth year of Tenju reign-period (1378 Sept. 30) a comet
appeared in the N. last night".
769 The Japanese records a comet in the E°
770 A Japanese record says, "On the ]2th day in the eight month of the fifth year of the Tenju
reign-period a comet appeared".
771 A Japanese record says "From the 22nd day in the tenth month of the first year of the
Kowa reign-period (1381 Nov. 8) a comet appeared in the E, its ray extended about 15
or 16 ft. It disappeared nearly on the 15th day in the ]Ith month (Dec. II)".
775 A Chinese record says, "In the ninth month of the ;7th year of the Hung-Wu reign-period
a comet swept the I (the 27th lunar mansion) at night".
776 The Japanese records a comet in the second year of the Gen chyu reign-period (1385).
777 Or in 1385.
779 A Chinese record says, "On a hsin-ssu day in the sixth month of the 22nd year of the
Hung-Wu reign-period a comet was seen at the side of the Tzu-Wei. It was in the 90
minutes (in longitude) of the Niu (the ninth lunar mansion). It was white in colour
and one chang (10 ft) or more in length".
786 A Korean record says, "On a k~ng-tzu day in the ]Ith month of the seventh year of Thai-
Ti a guest star trespassed against the moon". The moon was in Sgr on the date.
787 The Japanese records, "From the eighth day in the ninth month of the sixth year of the
Oh-ei reign-period (1399 Oct. 7) a guest star was seen in the southern sky". Pingr@
gives a French record, "In November an extraordinary bright star was seen, its tall was
turned towards the W., it lasted only a week".
799 The Korean says, "On a k~ng-yin day in the ;Ith month of the tenth year of T'aejong
(1410 Dec. 23) a guest star appeared". Pingr~ gives a comet seen in 1410-1411.
800 The Korean says, "On a chi-hai day in the seventh month of the 13th year of T'aejong
(1413 Aug. 18) a comet appeared".
804 A Korean record says, "On a ting-hai day in the third month of the 17th year of
T'aejong (1417 Mar. 18) a comet was seen at the E".
814 Probably two comets appeared in ;432, one was seen on Feb. 2 at the E. (No.813), and
the other on Feb. 29 at the W.
844 A Chinese record says, "In winter of the seventh year of the Chh~ng-Hua reign-period
a comet was seen in the E". Another says, "In the third month a comet appeared at
Thien-tian". Gaubil's record of a comet seen in Vir in the year of 1463 (Pingr@
tom. l, p.466) seems to be identical with this comet.
855 The month is misprinted in H(532).
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 95

Notes (continued)

857 A Chinese record says, "In the second year of the Hung-Chih reign-period a comet was
888 A Chinese record says, "On a hen-wu day in the third month of the sixth year of Chia-
Ching reign-period a guest star entered into the moon". The moon was in Tau on the
913 A Chinese record says, "In the tenth month of the 34th year of the Chia-Ching reign-
period a comet appeared at Pleiades. It moved north to Pei-Tou (the great bear)".
Pingr~ gives a European record of a comet seen in 1555.
915 A Chinese record says,, "In the seventh month of the 35th year of the Chia-Ching reign-
period a comet appeared. It was some ft in length, and disappeared at the end of the
928 A Chinese record says, "During the sixth month of the first year of the Wan-Li reign-
period a comet was seen".
929 The Korean says, "On a k~ng-wu day in the eighth month of the ninth year of S~njo (1576
Sept. 2) a comet was seen". Ho gives a Chinese record of a comet in July-Aug. H(566).
932 A Chinese record says, "In autumn of the sixth year of the Wan-Li reign-period a comet
was seen in the E. Its tail was 50-60 ft in length, a white vapour stretched across
the sky. It disappeared in the end of the l|th month". A Chinese star given by Ho
H(569), seems to be a fire-ball.
933 A Chinese record says, "During the seventh year of the Wan-Li reign-period a comet was
935 A Chinese record says, "During the eighth month of the ninth year of the Wan-Li reign-
period a comet was seen in the W. Its light shone the earth. After more than 30 days
it went out of sight".
938 A Chinese record says, "During the ninth month of the tenth year of the Wan-Li reign-
period a comet was seen. It stretched across the heavens. Its colour was blue,
pointing to the NW. After about 49 days it disappeared".
939 A Chinese record says, "During the llth year of Wan-Li reign-period a comet was seen".
944 A Chinese record says, "During the 18th year of Wan-Li relgn-period a comet was seen in
the SE. After more than 10 days it disappeared". This is Comet 1590 discovered by
Tycho Brahe on Mar. 5, 1590.
946 A Chinese record says, "During the 20th year of the Wan-Li reign-period a comet was
seen" .
951 A Korean record says, "On the 26th day in the llth month of the 34th year of S6njo a
comet was seen in the NE. Its tail was long".
952 A Korean record says, "On a i-ssu (probably chi-ssu) day in the seventh month of the
35th year of S6njo a comet was seen between San-Thai and the north pole. It moved below
Lang-Wai. Its tail was 7-8 ft in length, and lasted for a long time".
955 A Chinese record says, "On a ping-shen day in the ninth month of the ting-wei year of
Thai-Zu of Chin a comet was seen in the E".
956 A Korean record says, "During the tenth month of the 40th year of S~njo a comet was
seen at San-Thai". A Chinese record says, "During the llth month of the 35th year of
Wan-Li reign-period a comet was seen in the W. Its tail was red, pointing to the E".
959 A Chinese record says, "During the eighth month of the 43rd year of Wan-Li reign-period
a comet was seen in the morning, its shape was like a broom".
960 A Chinese record says, "During the eiRhth month of the 46th year of Wan-Li reign-period
a comet appeared in the SE, its ray was very long". A Korean record says, "On a i-wei
day in the seventh month of the tenth year of Kwang-haegun (1618 Aug. 28) a comet was
seen below the Chung-Thai, its tail was I0 ft more in length, blue-white in colour".
This comet is 1618 I.
961 A Korean record says, "In the morning of a K~ng-yin day in the ninth month of the
tenth year of Kwang-haegun (1618 Oct. 22) a white vapour, like a comet appeared, its
was 4-5 ft in length". A Chinese record says, "On a kuei-chhou day in the ninth month
of the 46th year of Wan-Li reign-period (1618 Nov. 14) a comet appeared in the Chio and
the Khang (The first and second lunar mansions), its tail pointing to the Khuei, the hou
and the Pi (The 15th, 16th and 14th lunar mansions)".
962 Discovered in Europe on 1618 Nov. I0. A Korean record says, "On a i-mao day in the
ninth month of the tenth year of Kwang-haegun (1618 Nov. 16), a white vapour appeared
in E horizon, pierced Chhang-Ho pointing to the I (the 27th lunar mansion). It was l~ke
a comet and 6-7 ft in length". Williams gives a wrong date of 1618 Nov. 24 instead of
1618 Nov. 16.
963 Discovered in Europe on 1618 Nov. 16. A Korean record says, "On a chi-ssu day in the tenth
month of the tenth year of Kwang-haegun (1618 Nov. 30) a comet was seen in the E, its
length was several ft and one inch in width". This comet is 1618 II. Williams gives a
wrong date of 1618 Nov. 16 instead of 1618 Nov. 26.
964 A Korean record says, "On a ping-tzu day in the tenth month of the tenth year of Kwang-
haegun (1618 Dec. 7) a blue-white vapour appeared, superposed Thai-tsun, trespassed
Shang-Thai and passed through Wu-Chu-Hou". Williams gives a wrong date of 1618 Dec. 5
instead of 1618 Nov. 27.
966 A Korean record says, "On a kuei-yu day in the 12th month of the ]2th year of Kwang-
baegun (1621 Jan. 22) a comet was seen".
96 I. Hasegawa

Notes (continued)
967 A Korean record says, "On a keng-yin day in the first month of the 13th year of Kwang-
haegun (1621 Feb. 8) a comet appeared".
968 Uncertain object. Williams seems to give a Julian calendar date.
969 A Japanese record says, "On the third day in the tenth month of the ninth year of the
Gen-na reign-period a comet was seen in the W".
970 A Chinese record says, "During the sixth month of the fourth year of the Thien-Chhi
reign-period a c h i n g hsing (a large star) entered the moon". A Japanese record says,
"During the sixth month of the first year of the Kan-ei reign-period a comet appeared in
the S".
972 A Korean record says, "In the summer of the fifth year of Injo a comet appeared with the
973 A Japanese record says, "On the 14th day in the seventh month of the fifth year of the
Kan-ei reign-period a comet was seen in the SE".
974 A Korean record says, "On a k~ng-hsU day in the ninth month of the seventh year of Injo
a comet appeared".
975 A Japanese record says, "During the 12th month of the sixth year of the Kan-ei reign-
period a comet was seen in the NW".
977 A Korean record says, "During the fifth month of the 16th year of Injo a comet appeared.
Its light was very red, lasting for a month".
978 A Korean record says, "On a chia-shen day in the tenth month of the 17th year of Injo a
guest star appeared in the E of the Shen (the 2ist lunar mansion), on a i-yu day (1639
Oct. 27) moved to the lower part of the Shen, and covered an unknown star".
982 A Korean record says, "On a jen-hsu day in the seventh month of the fourth year of
Hyojong a comet appeared outside of the western boundary of Tzu-Wei, became small at the
Pei-Ho, then moved to below the Pa-Kuh. Its tail pointed to the SW, 7-8 inches in
length, blue-white in colour, on the 25th day in the eighth month (1653 Sept. 15)
disappeared". Pa-Kuh, 31 Cam, 37 Lyn (Cam), 6, ~ Aur, 7, 9, 2 and 235B Cam.
983 A Korean record says, "On a k~ng-shen day in the sixth (probably seventh) month of the
seventh year of Hyojong a comet was seen in the Ching (the 22nd lunar mansion), it was
like the great star of the Wu-chh~ (~ Aur), its tail was 2-3 inches in length, blue-
white in colour. It disappeared on the 29th day of the seventh month (1656 Sept. 17)".
985 A Korean record says, "On a hsin-wei day in the tenth month of the second year of Hy~n-
jong a guest star was at the five degree of Nu (the tenth lunar mansion), at 102 degrees
from the pole. On a i-hal day (1661 Dec. 20) the star was at the first degree of
Hs~ (the llth lunar mansion), at 97 degrees from the pole". Another Korean record says,
"The star disappeared on a ting-hai day of the llth month (1662 Jan. I)".
988 A Korean record says, "A comet was seen in winter of the seventh year of Hy~njong".
991 A Chinese record says, "On a kuei-ssu day in the second month of the 12th year of the
K'ang-Hsi reign-period a strange star appeared at the Lou (the 16th lunar mansion). It
was like a peach in size, white in colour. Its tail was one inch more in length, pointing
to the E. On a chia-wu day (1673 Mar. II) it was seen".
999 A Chinese record says, "On a k~ng-yin day in the seventh month of the 25th year of the
K'ang-Hsi reign-period (1686 Aug. 26) a strange star appeared in the E, near horizon,
white in colour, moved to the E slowly. On a ting-yu day (1686 Sept. 2) it moved 16
degrees to the Liu (the 24th lunar mansion). It had a very faint tail. On a jen-yin
day (1686 Sept. 7) it arrived at the Chhi-Hsing (the 25th lunar mansion) then
A Korean record says, "On a chi-yu day (1686 Sept. 14) a comet appeared at the Chang
(the 26th lunar mansion)".
1000 Hsi regards this a nova, but probably it is a comet.
1002 Hsi regards this a nova, but probably it is a comet. Hsi gives a wrong date.
1007 A Korean record says, "On a ting-chhou day in the second month of the 27th year of
Sukjong (1701 Mar. 28) a comet was seen in the Wei and Ying-Shih (the 12th and 13th lunar
mansions). Its tail was 2 ft more in length. It was like the great star of the Wu-chh~
(~ Aur), white in colour and moved to the Khuei (the 15th lunar mansion). It
disappeared on the fourth day of the third month (1701 Apr. II)".
1025 A Korean record says, "In the evening of a ting-ssu day of the tenth month of the 20th
year of Young-jo a guest star was seen in the longitudes of the Chio (the first lunar mansion)
It had a tail".
1031 A Chinese record says, "On a chia-yin day in the fifth month of the 14th year of the
Chhien-Lung reign-period (1749 June 21) a felicitous star was seen in the E. it was
like an egg in size, oval in shape, yellow-white in colour. It was brilliant. It
moved slowly and went out from the Thien-Chin to the Tsoo Kaou (E, ~, o, 0 Cet)".
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 97

Table 2. Remarks on Pinata' s Com~to~r~ohie and Baldet's Liste G~n~rale des Commies

Date Page in No. in Remarks

Pingr~ Baldet

610 July - 21 Should be -612 Aug.

533 Dec. 254 22 Should be -531 Spring.
530 Winter 573 23 Should be -531 Spring.
50] Dec. - 27 Should be -481 Dec.
360 263 39 A Japanese record is doubtful.
232 51 Misinterpreted by W. See H(22").
2|6 265 53 Aurora? Doubtful object.
154 July 268 72 Should be -154 Sept.
153 Jan. 268 73 Should be -153 Feb.
148 Oct. 268 75 Should be -147 May.
138 Autumn 269 78 Should be -137 Aug.
•133 June - 87 Should be -133 July.
133 270 88 Doubtful object.
109 March 273 94 Should be -I09 June. See notes for No.99 in Table I.
105 273 Meteor?
-87 274 Meteor?
-76 I05 Should be -76 Oct.-Nov.
-75 275 I07 Meteor?
"72 May I0 - ]08 Mercury. See H(51"*)
-71 Aug. 20 - I09 Mercury. See H(51"**)
-69 Aug. 4 - ll0 Mercury. See H(bl****)
-62 276 ll4 A Chinese comet given by de Mailla is identical to the
comet in -60 July-Aug.
-60 July 115 Should be -60 July-Aug.
-48 Apr. 277 119 Should be -47 May.
-47 Apr. 120 Should be -47 May.
-46 June 121 Region Of apparition should be Tau.
-14 28O 132 Doubtful record.
10 283 138 Doubtful object, meteor in the Suinin era?
19 283 140 Doubtful record.
54 Aug? 284 144 Should be 54 June 9.
55 June 4 284 145 Should be 54 June 9.
55 Nov. 285 146 Should be 55 Dec. 12.
62 285 149 Probably identical to the comet in 61 Sept.
65 June 287 151 Should be 65 July 29.
76 Aug. 9 289 158 Should be 76 Oct. 7.
102 Jan. 7 163 Should be 101 Jan. 12.
108 July 25 166 Should be ]I0 July 27.
I15 Nov. 16 168 Identical to the comet in 117 Jan.
123 Dec. 170 Should be 124 Dec.-126 Jan.
131 173 Identical to the comet in 132 Jan.
131 Feb. 293 181 Should be |6I June 14. De Mailla gives a wrong date.
162 293 183 Meteor?
168 293 184 Doubtful record.
173 Dec. 10 185 Doubtful record. Probably identical to the nova in
180 Aug. 586 187 S h o u l d b e 182 Aug.-Sept.
180 NOv. 294, 586 188 Should be 180 Winter.
182 June 30 586 189 Identical to the comet in 188 July.
188 July 29 193 Should be ]88 July 28.
192 Oct. 295, 587 195 Should be 191 Oct.
200 Nov. 7 296 2O0 Should be 200 Nov. 6.
232 Dec. 4 297 2]0 Should be 232 Dec. 3.
236 Dec. 15 297 213 Identical to the comet of 236 Dec. I.
238 Sept. 297 214 Should be 238 Aug. 21.
238 Nov. 29 297 215 Should be 238 Sept. 30.
240 Nov. 5 298 216 Should be 240 Nov. I0.
252 Mar. 25 299 222 Should be 252 Mar. 24.
257 Dec. 592 226 Better 257 Dec.-258 Jan.
268 299 231 Pingr~ gives the year of 268, it should he
269 Oct.-Nov.
276 June 24 593 233 Should be 276 June 23.
278 June 3O0 235 Probably identical to the comet in 277 June-July.
287 Sept. 300 240 Should be 287 Oct.-Nov.
304 May 248 Should be 304 June-July.
306 3O0 251 Probably identical to the comet in 305 Nov.
98 I. Hasegawa

Table 2 (continued)

Date Page in No. in Remarks

Pingr4 Baldet

340 Mar. 5 301 255 Should be 340 Mar. 25.

349 Nov. 23 302 257 Should be 349 Dec. 2.
350 Jan. 302 258 Probably identical to the comet in 349 Dec,
350 Feb. 597 259 Probably identical to the comet in 349 Dec.
358 July 1 597 260 Should be 358 June 26.
363 Aug. 302 261 Better 363 Aug.-Sept.
369 Mar. 263 Better 369 Mar.-Apr.
373 Mar. 9 598 264 Should be 374 Mar. 4, identical to P/Halley in 3 7 4
374 Jan. 302 265 Should be 374 Mar. 4.
386 Apr. 303 267 Better 386 Apr.-May.
390 Aug. 22 305 269 Should be 390 Aug. 7, according to Ho Peng Yoke.
392 305 270 Doubtful record.
395 Aug. 306 272 Probably identical to the comet in 395 Oct.
416 Jan. 26 281 Should be 582 Jan. 15.
416 June 16 599 282 Should be 415 June 24.
418 Sept. 15 309 284 Region of apparition should be Leo.
419 Feb. 7 600 285 Should be 419 Feb. 17.
421 311 286 The Chinese comet should be 420 May, the European
comet should be 421.
422 Mar. 21 311 287 Should be 422 Mar. 26.
422 Dec. 17 600 288 Should be 422 Dec. 18.
423 Oct. 15 6O0 290 Should be 423 Dec. 13.
432 600 292 Should be 435 June-July.
442 Nov. 1 60O 294 Should be 442 Nov. I0.
451 May 17 312 297 Should be 45] June-July.
532 J a n . 16 316 Should be 533 Mar. I.
534 318 318 Should be 535 Apr.
560 Oct. 4 322 328 Should be 560 Oct. 9.
568 July 21 322 335 Should be 568 July 20.
568 Sept. 3 323 336 The same comet of 568 July 28.
577 323 341 Probably a meteor.
581 Jan. 605 343 Should be 582 Jan. 15.
594 Nov. I0 350 Should be 595 Jan. 9.
607 Mar. 13 327 357 Should be 607 Feb. 8.
607 Oct. 21 359 Should be 607 June 25.
616 July 363 Should be 617 July.
616 364 Should be'617 Oct.
635 Jan. 372 Should be 635 Feb.
638 329 Should be 639.
639 Mar. 6 373 Should be 639 Mar. 5.
640 329 375 Doubtful object.
642 July 22 608 377 Should be 641 Aug. I.
648 329 378 Doubtful record.
673 331 384 Aurora?
675 331 386 Probably the same comet of 675 in China.
676 Jan. 3 331 387 Should be 675 Nov. 4.
676 July 7 331 388 Should be 676 Sept. 4.
684 July 8 333 392 Should be 684 Sept. 6.
684 Sept. 12 333 393 Should be 684 Nov. II. Not a meteor.
684 Oct. I] 609 394 Should be 684 Nov. ;I.
684 Christ- 333 Probably the same comet in Japan.
708 Mar. 30 610 397 Should be 708 July 28.
708 Sept. 21 610 398 Should be 709 Sept. 26.
710 399 Should be 712 July-Aug.
711 334 400 Better 710 Oct. 29-711 Oct. 18.
712 Aug. 334 401 Better 712 July-Aug.
760 May 15 336 412 Should be 760 May 20.
767 Jan. 12 61; 415 Should be 767 Jan. 22.
770 June 15 611 417 Probably the same comet of 770 May 26.
821 Mar. 7 612 427 Probably the same comet of 821 Feb. 27.
828 July 5 339 429 Should be 828 Sept. 3.
837 Mar.- 345 433-437 Probably the same comet as P/Halley. Further
Sept. discussions needed.
838 Nov. 21 614 439 Probably the same comet of 838 Nov. I0.
851 Apr. 448 Should be 852 Mar.-Apr.
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets 99

Table 2 (continued)

Date Page in No. in Remarks

Pingr~ Baldet

856 Sept. 27 450 Should be 857 Sept. 22.

867 347 454 Probably the Japanese comet in 868 Jan.
876 349 459 Probably the same comet in 875 June.
891 Mar. 21 350 464 Probably the same comet in 891 May.
892 Nov. 23 6]7 466 Should be 892 Nov.-Dec.
892 Dec. 28 617 467 Probably the same comet of 892 Nov.-Dec.
928 Oct. 14 481 Should be 928 Dec. 13.
936 Oct. 28 483 Should be 936 Sept. 21.
944 355 488 Probably the same comet in 939 July.
975 Apr. 497 Probably the same comet in 975 Aug.
984 358 502 Doubtful object.
989 Feb. I0358 504 Should be 998 Feb. 23.
990 359 508 A Chinese record given by Couplet is doubtful.
992 359 509 Probably the same comet in 892 June.
996 360 511 Doubtful record.
1004 Jan. 362 517 Probably the same comet in 1003 Dec.
1008 Easter 365 521 Meteor or Venus.
1015 Feb. 366 527 Probably the same comet in 1014 Feb.
1019 July 3 0 367 530 Probably the same comet in 1018 Aug.
1029 Oct. 31 369 536 Meteor?
1035 Sept. 15 622 541 Should be 1034 Sept. 20.
1035 Nov. 1 1 622 542 Should be 1035 Jan. 15.
1036 Jan. 14 543 Should be 1035 Jan. 15.
1061 372 554 Probably the same comet in 1060.
1097 Dec. 6 572 Should be 1097 Oct. 2, the same comet of 1097.
1100 Feb. 24 383 575 Meteor?
1101 Jan. 31 383 576 Probably the same comet in 1106 Feb.
1105 Feb. 383 579 Probably the same comet in 1106 Feb.
1107 389 581 Probably the same comet in 1106 Feb.
1108 389 582 Probably the same comet in 1106 Feb.
1112 390 586 Probably the same comet in 1113 or 1114.
1113 May 391 587 Probably the same comet in 1114 May.
1115 Aug. 391 589 Should be 1115 June. A Chinese record given by de
Mailla is doubtful, probably the same as of 1138?
1117 391 590 Meteor?
1119 391 591 Probably the same comet in 1106 Feb.
1126 May 20 593 Should be 1126 July 19.
1127 392 595 Doubtful record. Comet in 1126?
1131 Sept. 596 Better 1131 Sept.-Oct.
1132 Aug. 14 598 Should be 1132 Oct. 7.
1133 Sept. 29 599 Probably the same comet in 1132 Oct.
1137 392 600 Probably the same comet in 1132 Oct.
1142 Dec. 393 605 Doubtful record.
1144 393 606 Probably the same comet in 1145, P/Halley.
1145 June 4 628 608 P/Halley in 1145. looks like a star.
1147 Jan. 6 394 610 Better 1146 Dec. 29.
1147 Aug. 7 394 612 Should be 1147 Feb.
1151 Aug. 21 613 Should be 1156 July 25.
1152 Aug. 15628 614 Probably the same comet in 1156 July.
1162 Nov. 13394 617 Doubtful record.
1167 395 620 Probably the same comet in 1171 Dec.
1173 395 621 Meteor?
1174 Aug. 15 629 622 Should be 1175 Aug. 20.
1179 Aug. 1 395 623 Meteor?
1182 395 625 Meteor?
1221 399 635 Probably the same comet in 1220 Jan.
1222 Sept. 15 629 636 Better 1222 Sept. I0.
1224 Aug. 24 638 Probably the same comet in 1224 July.
1226 Sept. 13 639 Should be 1222 Sept. I0.
1230 4OO 64O Probably the same comet in 1230 Dec.
1231 Feb. 6 401 642 The record given by Gaubil is very doubtful.
1237 Sept. 21 644 Should be 1232 Oct. 17.
1238 4O2 645 Probably the same comet in 1239.
1239 Feb. 402 646 A Chinese record is doubtful.
1239 June 3 4O3 647 Probably the same comet seen in Japan, in 1239 May.
1263 July 406 656 Probably the same comet in 1264 July.
100 I. Hasegawa

Table 2 (continued)

Date Page in No • in Remarks

Pingr4 Baldet

1266 Aug. 413 659 A comet recorded in China and Japan in 1266 is
the same comet in 1266 Jan.
1273 Dec. 5 415 662 Should be 1273 Apr. 9.
1275 416 664 Doubtful record. Conjunction of stars?
1283 416 667 Probably the same comet in 1298.
1297 417 Doubtful record.
1300 Sept. 420 674 Probably the same comet in 1301, P/Halley.
1314 May 426 685 Probably the same comet in 1314 Oct.
1315 Nov. 28 426 686 Better 1315 Oct. 29.
1318 428 Meteor?
1334 Aug. 429 690 Probably the same comet in 1340 Mar.
1352 Oct. 15 437 699 Should be 1352 Oct. 12.
1360 Mar. 12 438 702 Should be 1360 Mar. 18.
1260 Apr. II - 703 Probably the same comet in 1360 Mar.
1375 442 712 Doubtful object.
1380 442 Should be 1379.
1399 Nov. 445 726 Probably the same comet in 1399 Oct.
1400 Feb. 446 727 Probably the same comet in 1402 Feb.
1401 Feb. 446 728 Probably the same comet in 1402 Feb.
1407 At the 452 733 Probably the same comet in 1406.
1407 Dec. 14 - 734 Should be 1407 Dec. 15.
1431 Jan. 3 - 742 Should be 1431 Jan. 4.
1432 Feb. 3 453 744 Should be 1432 Feb. 2.
1450 Jan. 19 455 754 Probably the same comet in 1449 Dec.
1458 June 466 762 Recorded only in Europe, not in China.
1461 June 29 466 765 Should be 1461 July 30.
1463 466 768 Probably the same comet in 1471Mar.-Apr.
1464 Spring 466 769 Doubtful record.
1468 Feb. 467 772 Probably the same comet in 1472.
1468 Oct. 468 774 Probably the same comet in 1468 Sept.
1469 Oct. 16 469 775 Probably the same comet in 1469 Sept.
1470 Jan. 13 469 776 Probably the same comet in 1472.
1505 Aug. 480 795 Doubtful object.
1506 Apr. 481 796 Doubtful object.
1506 Aug. lO - 798 Probably the same comet in 1506 July.
1513 483 8O2 Meteor?
1520 May 17 484 809 Meteor?
1527 Aug. II 485 818 Meteor?
1529 Feb. 5 - 820 Should be 1529 Feb. 9.
1529 July 486 821 Probably the same comet in 1529 Aug.
1530 June? 486 822 Should be 1530 Nov. 30.
1542 501 835 Doubtful object.
1568 Aug. 30 509 849 Meteor?
1578 Feb. 22 - 854 Meteor?
1578 Oct. 520 855 Probably the same comet in 1578 recorded in China and
1584-1621 The Dates of Nos 861, 862, 866, 867, 868, 869 and
878 in Baldet's L~8te are referred to the Julian
1618 Dec. 5 - 876 Better 1618 Nov. 27.
1640 Dec. 12 - 884 Should be 1640 Dec. 21.
Catalogue of Ancient and Naked-Eye Comets ]01

Table 3. Remarks on Ho Pen~ Yoke's List

No. Date Remarks

H(53) 23rd July, B.C.69 Hsi gives no record on the date.

H(73) 9th Aug., 60 Probably the same as Table I, H(72)
H(93) 15th Jan., I16 Should be 9th Jan., 117.
H(97) 29th Jan., 131 Should be 29th Jan., 132.
H(98) 131 Probably the same comet as that on 29th Jan., 132.
H(II6) Nov.-Dec., 204 Probably the same comet as that in Dec.-Jan., 204/205 of
H(198) 13th Dec., 473 Misprinted. Should be 13th Dec., 423.
H(200) 26th Jan., 437 Misprinted. Should be 26th Feb., 437.
H(285) June-July, 82l Should be July-Aug., 822 (3rd July-lst Aug.).
H(301) 22nd Dec., 867 Better 21st Jan. 868.
H(308) (June, 877) The full text is fallen off.
H(311) 16th Nov., 886 Probably a meteor.
H(330) 3rd Oct., 932 Probabl~ a meteor, as Ho mentioned.
H(333) 31st Jan., 928 Misprinted. Should be 31st Jan., 938.
H(339) 2nd Mar., 946 Misprinted. Should be 2nd Mar., 948.
H(343) 12th May, 965 Misprinted. Should be 12th Mar., 965.
H(353) 23rd Feb., I001 The same comet as that in 1014. Ho misreads the name of
H(362) 30th July, 1019 Probably the same comet as that in Aug., 1018.
H(365) 17th Feb., 1029 The same comet as that in Mar., 1033. Ho(367)
H(377) 5th Sept., 1057 The same comet as that in Aug.-Sept., 1056.
H(405) Aug., I]44 Doubtful record, to be rejected.
H(426) 28th Aug., 1223 Should be 7th Sept., 1222, the same comet as H(425).
H(430) 30th Oct., 1234 Doubtful record, to be rejected.
H(431) Jan.-Feb., 1239 Better 27th May, 1239.
H(434) 17th Feb., 1241 Doubtful record, to he rejected.
H(452) 31st May, 1319 Should be 25th June, 1337. See Notes for No. 739 in
Table I.
R(453) 13th Mar., 1331 Should be 25th Mar., 1340. See Notes for No. 742.
H(479) 5th Sept., 1382 Doubtful object.
H(499) Oct., 1423 Doubtful object. Aurora? mentioned by Ho.
H(51I) 25th Mar., 1439 Misprinted. Should be H(510).
H(512) 3rd Mar., 1443 Misprinted. Should be 3rd May, 1443.
H(532) 17th May, 1480 Misprinted. Should be 17th March, 1480.
H(544) Page 210, 8th Mar., Misprinted. Should be H(554).
H(566) July-Aug., 1576 Probably the same comet as Korean comet in Sept., 1576.
H(569) 22nd Feb., 1578 The Chinese object likely to be a fire-ball, however,
the Korean object seems to be a comet.
H(577) 28th Nov. and Probably a variable star, likely × Cet, according to
2nd Dec., 1592 R. Sekiguchi (The Astronomical Herald, Vol.ll, 123,
(1918), in Japanese).
102 I. Hasegawa


Baldet, F. (1949) Liste g~n~rale des com~tes de l'origine ~ 1948, Annuaire Bur. Long., (1950)
Blot, E. (1846) Catalogue des com~tes observ~es en Chine depuis l'an 1230 jusqu'~ l'an 1640
de notre ~re, Connais. Temps, Additions, p.44.
Chambers, G. F. (1889) A Handbook of Descriptive and Practical Astronomy, 4th ed., Vol.l,
p.511, London.
Chambers, G. F. (1890) A Handbook of Descriptive a ~ Practical Astronomy, 4th ed., Vol.lll,
p.332, London.
Chambers, G. F. (1909) The Story of the Comets, London.
Ho Peng Yoke (1962) Ancient and mediaeval observations of comets and novae in Chinese sources I
vistas in Astronomy, ~, 127.
Hsi Ts~-Tsung (1955) A new catalogue of ancient novae, Acta Astr. Sinica, ~, 183 = Smithsonian
Contr. to Astrophys., ~, 109 (1958).
Kanda, S. (1935) Nihon Temmon Shiryo (Astronomical Materials in Japanese History), Tokyo (in
Kanda, S. (1947) Nihon no Temmon Kishyo Shiryo (Astronomical and Meteorological Materials in
Japanese History), Tokyo (in Japanese).
Kanda, S. (1960) Japanese History of Astronomy before Meiji, p.447, Tokyo (in Japanese).
Kanda, S. and Ohsaki, M. (1932) The Astronomical Herald, 25, 221 (in Japanese).
Ma Tuan-Lin (1254) W~n Hsien Thung Khao (Historical Investigation of Public Affairs).
Marsden, B. G. (1966) Mem. Br. Astr. Assoc., 40, No. 2.
Pingr& (1783) Com~tographie ou Trait~ historique et th@orique des Cometes, tome I (1783)
tome II (1784) Paris.
Porter, J. G. (;96;) Mem. Br. Astr. Assoc. 39, No. 3.
Sekiguchi, R. (1971) Report on Ancient Astro-nomical Observations in Korea (in Japanese).
Sekiguchi, R. 1917) The Astronomical Herald, I0, Nos 8 and 9 (in Japanese).
Tuckerman , B. 1962) Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions, B.C.601 to A.D.I, Mem. Am. Phil.
Soc. 56.
Tuckerman, B. 1964) Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions, A.D.2 to A.D.1649, Mem. Am. Phil.
Soc. 59.
Vsekhsvyatskij, S. K. (1958) Fizicheskie Kharakteristiki Komet, Moscow = Physical Characteris-
tics of Comets, (1964) Jerusalem.
Williams, J. (1871) Observations of Comets, from B.C. 611 to A.D. 1640, extracted from the
Chinese Annals, London.

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