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I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude

towards M. VYSHNAVI MAM, who gave our team
this magnificent opportunity to do this project with
FOUNDATION. We got exposed to many different
aspects of life which has done nothing but increase
our wisdom and experience. And I also thank my
fellow teammates and friends for being supportive
and participative in all the events we’ve executed. It
wouldn’t have been a success without their
Apart from my efforts the success of this internship
depends largely on the encouragement and
guidelines of many others. I would like to express
my gratitude for the concerns that have been
instrumental in the successful completion of this

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Gurkiran

Kaur Makkar for her consistent encouragement,
benevolent criticism, and inseparable suggestions
which were the main reasons for bringing this work
into present shape.

I take this opportunity to convey my sincere regards

to our beloved Principal Sri. Ch. S. GOPAL
KRISHNA MURTHY, Prism Degree & P.G.
College for this inspiration, timely help in the
official clearances, and valuable suggestions
throughout my course.

Finally, I would like to thank other faculty members

for their extended cooperation & suggestions which
have helped a lot.
S.No Contents Page.No

1 Introduction 1

2 CBTH Foundation 2

3 Foundation Vision 3

4 Services Provided by the Foundation 4

5 Source of Funds 6

6 Activity-1 (Food Distribution) 7

7 Activity-2 (Awareness Program) 9

8 Activity-3 (Plantation) 10

9 Activity-4 (Art Supplies Distribution) 11

10 Objectives 12

11 Findings 13

12 Learnings 14

13 Suggestions 15

14 Conclusion 17

15 Biblography 18

Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, are non-profit groups

that operate independently of any government. They are also known as
civil society organizations, as they represent the interests and values of
various segments of society. NGOs can work at local, national, or
international levels, and they can focus on a wide range of issues, such as
human rights, environmental protection, health care, education, poverty
reduction, and political participation.
The term NGO was first used in 1945, in article 71 of the United
Nations charter, to refer to organizations that were not part of the
government or the UN. Since then, the number and diversity of NGOs have
grown significantly, especially in the last few decades. According to the
World Bank, there are more than 10 million NGOs worldwide, with an
estimated annual budget of over $1 trillion.
NGOs play a crucial role in the development of society, the
improvement of communities, and the empowerment of citizens. They can
provide essential services, such as health care, education, and humanitarian
aid, that may not be adequately provided by the government or the market.
They can also advocate for social or political change, by raising awareness,
mobilizing public opinion, influencing policy, and holding governments
accountable. NGOs can also foster cooperation and dialogue among
different stakeholders, such as governments, businesses, academia, media,
and other civil society groups.
However, NGOs also face many challenges and limitations, such as
lack of funding, transparency, accountability, legitimacy, and effectiveness.
NGOs may have to compete for resources and attention, or deal with
corruption, bureaucracy, and political interference. NGOs may also have to
balance their autonomy and independence with their collaboration and
coordination with other actors. Moreover, NGOs may have to cope with the
complexity and uncertainty of the global and local contexts in which they
In conclusion, NGOs are important actors in the contemporary world,
as they contribute to the social, economic, and political development of
society. However, NGOs also have to overcome various obstacles and
dilemmas, as they strive to fulfill their missions and goals.

CBTH Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that was
founded in 2019 by Vyshnavi M in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is a
community of selfless people who work for various humanitarian causes,
such as donating food and clothes, raising funds for education and life, and
celebrating festivals with the poor. CBTH stands for Creatures Born to
Help, which reflects the vision and mission of the organization.
The organization operates in several regions across India, such as
Srikakulam, Vizag, Kakinada, Rajahmundry, Guntur, Ananthapur,
Nandhyal, Kurnool, Rajampet, Mahanandi, Tirupati, Kadapa, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, and Mumbai. It also collaborates with other NGOs and
government agencies to serve the needy people and society. The
organization depends on donations and sponsorships from individuals and
corporates for its funding and resources.

CBTH Foundation works on various projects and initiatives that

focus on education, health, environment, and social welfare. Some of the
projects include providing free education and books to underprivileged
children, distributing food and clothes to homeless people, planting trees
and cleaning public places, and organizing blood donation camps and
health awareness programs2. CBTH Foundation also celebrates festivals
and special occasions with orphanages, old age homes, and slum areas,
spreading joy and happiness among the peopleCBTH Foundation aims to
provide basic needs, food, clothing, blood, environmental drives, social
empowerment, and happiness to the people who lack them. It also strives to
raise human consciousness and awareness among the public. The
organization welcomes anyone who wants to join as a volunteer and
contribute to the noble cause of helping others.

The vision of CBTH Foundation is to create a society where
everyone is born to help each other. It is a vision that inspires the
organization to work selflessly for various humanitarian causes, such as
providing basic needs, food, clothing, blood, environmental drives, social
empowerment, and happiness to the people who lack them. It is a vision
that reflects the values and principles of the organization, such as
compassion, generosity, solidarity, and service.

The vision of CBTH Foundation is also to empower the youth to

become proactive, conscious, and responsible human beings who can
change the world for the better. It is a vision that guides the organization to
model good behavior for the youth by taking up social responsibility and
helping all those who are in need. It is a vision that enables the organization
to create a platform where the youth can feel a sense of belonging and have
all the necessary tools to take action. It is a vision that carves a pathway for
the youth that believes in a better tomorrow by giving a voice to unuttered
words, unaccepted relations, and unexpressed feelings.

The vision of CBTH Foundation is not just a dream, but a mission

that the organization pursues with passion and dedication. It is a mission
that results from the vision and gives joy to the organization. It is a mission
that evolves and grows deeper as the organization takes on key objectives
and challenges. It is a mission that requires hard work, struggle, stress,
opposition, and criticism, but also teaches the organization how much the
vision is worth and what it is willing to sacrifice for it. It is a mission that
never gives up on the vision, even when it faces difficulties and obstacles.

To say one is better is to misunderstand their purpose. You cannot

have a true mission without a vision. Your mission is the result of your
vision. The mission is the joy of pursuing the vision. The vision evolves
and grows deeper as the mission begins to take on key objectives, the
cornerstone of what it is all about. Vision in and of itself is just a dream.
The mission is the hard part— the process of struggle, stress, opposition,
detractors, and haters along the way as one moves toward his vision.


CBTH Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that

provides various services to the people who are in need and the society at
large. Some of the services provided by the CBTH Foundation are:

Food distribution: The CBTH Foundation organizes food distribution

activities for the people who face hunger and malnutrition in the
community. The
organization arranges
food for at least 20 people
at a time and distributes it
to them with compassion
and generosity. The
organization also
celebrates festivals and
special occasions with the
people who lack food and

Clothing drives: The CBTH

Foundation collects and distributes
clothes to the people who are homeless,
poor, or affected by natural disasters.
The organization also provides
blankets, shoes, and other essential
items to the people who need them.
The organization aims to provide
warmth and comfort to the people who
suffer from cold and harsh weather

Blood donations: The CBTH Foundation conducts blood donation camps

and awareness programs to encourage people to donate blood and save
lives. The organization also collaborates with other NGOs and government
agencies to ensure the availability and quality of blood for the people who
require transfusions. The organization hopes to create a culture of voluntary
blood donation and reduce the shortage of blood in the country.

Fund raising: The CBTH Foundation raises funds for various causes, such
as education, health, environment, and social welfare. The organization
solicits donations and sponsorships from individuals and corporates who
want to support the noble cause of helping others. The organization also
organizes events and campaigns to generate funds and awareness for the
causes it supports.

Environmental drives: The CBTH

Foundation participates in
environmental drives, such as planting
trees, cleaning public places, recycling
waste, and promoting green energy.
The organization also educates the
public about the importance of
environmental protection and
conservation. The organization strives
to create a greener and cleaner planet
for the present and future generations.

Social empowerment: The CBTH Foundation works for social

empowerment, especially for the children, women, and elderly. The
organization provides education, health care, vocational training, and legal
aid to the people who are marginalized, oppressed, or discriminated. The
organization also advocates for human rights, gender equality, and social
justice. The organization aims to empower the people to become self-
reliant and socially conscious.


 Raising funds through events.

 Network fundraising.
 Personal solicitation.
 Online fundraising.
 Volunteering.
 Periodic donation through the adoption of a project.
 Raising money from young people and in schools.
 Donations in kind.
 Collections.
 Corporate partnerships.
 Product sales.
 Crowdfunding.
 Raising money from corporates under CSR.
 Raising money under government schemes.
 Fundraising from social media.
 Fundraising from abroad, in the case of NGOs holding FCRA
(Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) certificate.


In today's world, where regular access to three meals a day is commonplace,

the desire for a better life persists. However, there exist individuals who
yearn for a single daily meal, a basic need denied to them. Obtaining even
one meal becomes a divine blessing for such people, serving as a vital
lifeline offering nourishment and hope. For those facing starvation, food is
not just sustenance but a source of survival, countering the destructive
effects of hunger. The significance of food is profound, as it can determine
the line between life and death, emphasizing the urgent humanitarian
challenge of addressing global food insecurity.

As social servants (volunteers), we embarked on our mission, marking it as

our inaugural accomplishment. Together with our team, we identified those
in dire need and devised a budget to determine how many individuals we
could assist in one go. Through combined efforts and funds from our NGO,
we decided to provide food for at least 20 people. On August 9, 2023, we
executed our service plan, which proved highly successful. Witnessing the
joy-filled faces of those we helped brought immense satisfaction,
reaffirming the beauty of humanity. This experience served as a poignant
reminder of the potency of compassion and the importance of giving back
to our community. Our time spent serving and making a positive impact
was fulfilling, and we eagerly anticipate continuing these acts of kindness
in the future.


Awareness and awareness programs hold a pivotal role in society,

providing education on various crucial issues to individuals and
communities. They serve as the bedrock for informed decision-making and
proactive initiatives, fostering empathy, promoting inclusivity, and
combating ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination. The ultimate
significance of awareness and awareness programs lies in their capacity to
instigate positive change, mobilize collective efforts toward solutions, and
construct a more informed and compassionate society.

Driven by a collective
concern for our
community's digital well-
being, our group of
volunteers drew inspiration
to launch an awareness
campaign focused on digital
citizenship and online safety.
Recognizing the urgent need to empower individuals with knowledge and
skills for responsible navigation of the digital realm, our motivation
intensified with the realization of online vulnerabilities many face. United
by our shared purpose, we directed our skills into a well-structured
campaign utilizing social media, workshops, and informative content.

Observing heightened
awareness and the adoption
of safer online practices
strengthened our
commitment to creating a
secure digital environment
for all. On August 21, 2023,
we conducted an awareness
session on digital
citizenship and online
safety at Brilliant World
School, a private school. The
interaction session was highly engaging, leaving us with a sense of
responsibility as citizens contributing to society.


Plantation is imperative for cultivating a

sustainable future. Trees play a crucial role in
absorbing carbon dioxide, providing oxygen,
combating climate change, and supporting
biodiversity. They enhance air and water quality,
prevent soil erosion, and offer invaluable
resources. The act of planting trees is an essential
measure in preserving the environment, ensuring
clean air, and fostering a healthier planet for
future generations.

Plantation campaigns are not only profoundly

practical but also emotionally resonant. They
symbolize hope for a healthier planet, eliciting
feelings of responsibility, love for nature, and a
shared desire for a better future. Each planted tree signifies a small act of
kindness toward the Earth, stirring emotions of fulfillment, connection, and
optimism for a brighter tomorrow. As social service volunteers, we are
moved by the environmental challenges facing our communities, inspiring
us to address the plight of barren landscapes and affected individuals.

Confronting these concerns becomes a way to heal our wounded Earth,

embodying a profound act of love for the planet and all its inhabitants. It is
a heartfelt duty to ensure a better, more sustainable world for future
generations. On August 21, 2023, we, along with our remaining members,
undertook a plantation campaign and
successfully planted 10 teak plants in our
surroundings. The careful nurturing of
these plants has not only deepened our
love and responsibility for nature but has
also strengthened the sense of
brotherhood and teamwork among us.

This experience has become deeply

rooted in our hearts as a cherished
memory and a significant

Supporting private schools, specifically Brilliant World School,

holds significant value for our volunteer group. Private schools,
with their structured environment and resources, provide a unique
advantage. They cater to students from diverse backgrounds,
making our contributions crucial in assisting those facing economic
challenges. Engaging with these institutions strengthens
community bonds, offering insights into local needs and fostering
connections with residents. One notable aspect is the potential for a
lasting positive impact, enhancing student attendance, academic
performance, and overall well-being. Collaborating with private
school authorities ensures sustainable assistance, guaranteeing the
continuity of our work.

On August 9, 2023, our

team of volunteers visited
Brilliant World School,
for a meaningful
engagement. We
organized a drawing
competition for
approximately 40
enthusiastic lower-class
students, showcasing their unending zeal. To boost their courage, we
provided prizes for the competition, creating an environment of happiness
and excitement. The remaining students received sets of art supplies,
including coloring books and chocolates, to encourage their creative
expression. This experience highlighted that a small step towards those in
need can bring about significant positive changes, impacting both them and
us. Our team members ensured the success of this initiative, once again
demonstrating their commitment as responsible citizens.


The objectives driving the foundation aligned with my project theme are as

1. Striving for Societal Betterment:

- Aim to contribute positively to societal well-being.

2. Understanding CBTH Foundation's Approach:

- Learn about CBTH Foundation's strategies in dealing with diverse
sections of the population.

3. Exploring CBTH Foundation's Activities:

- Investigate how CBTH Foundation conducts its initiatives to support
those in need.

4. Reinforcing Personal Values:

- Remind oneself of the core values and principles represented by the

5. Promoting Social Service:

- Actively participate in and encourage community service.

6. Fostering Social Responsibility:

-Develop a sense of responsibility towards society through experiential

7. Real-time Experience in a Non-profit Setting:

- Gain practical exposure to the workings of a non-profit organization.

8. Facing the Mundane:

- Learn to navigate and contribute meaningfully in a seemingly routine

9. Citizens' Well-being:
- Prioritize the overall well-being of citizens in society.

10. Understanding Daily Lifestyles:

- Explore and comprehend the routine lifestyles of individuals.

Through my experience, I acquired valuable insights and skills:

1. Adaptability to Diversity:
- Dealing with people from diverse social backgrounds, religions, and
cultures enhanced my ability to adapt to new environments.

2. Effective Communication Skills:

- Recognizing the importance of interaction, I learned how to
communicate effectively, ensuring clear understanding by the

3. Motivational Impact of the Foundation:

- Witnessing the foundation's role in motivating and transforming lives
provided a profound learning experience.

4. Community Care and Support:

- Observing the caring environment where individuals looked out for
each other highlighted the importance of community support.

5. Navigating Challenges in the Normal World:

- Understanding how individuals faced and competed with challenges
in the 'normal' world provided a perspective on resilience.

6. Selfless Contribution to Welfare:

- Working for the welfare of people without selfish motives taught me
the true meaning of altruism.

7. Understanding Poverty:
- Immersing myself in the experience deepened my understanding of
the harsh realities and true meaning of poverty.

8. Efficient Resource Management:

- Learning to manage available resources, including time and money,
demonstrated practical skills in resource efficiency.

9. Appreciating the Value of Money and Family:

- Recognizing the significance of both money and family underscored
their importance in shaping one's perspective.

10. Cultivating Responsibility:

- Developing a sense of responsibility emerged as a significant virtue,
emphasizing its importance in all situations and places.


Working with an NGO like Creatures Born to Help Foundation was an

emotionally resonant experience, revealing several profound aspects:

1. Dedication to Basic Amenities:

- The foundation earnestly strives to fulfill the basic needs of those in
need, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing their quality of life.

2. Instilling Hope in the Hopeless:

- Through its initiatives, the foundation serves as a beacon of hope for
individuals who might otherwise feel hopeless, imparting a sense of

3. Resourcefulness Despite Limited Government Support:

- Despite limited financial support from the government, the foundation
actively explores various avenues to secure funds for the smooth operation
of shelters, showcasing resilience and resourcefulness.

4. Identification and Assistance of Needs:

- Recognizing that everyone has needs, the foundation emphasizes the
importance of identifying these needs and providing assistance where

5. Supporting Talented Individuals:

- Acknowledging the existence of talented individuals who lack
resources, the foundation underscores the necessity of offering the right
motivation and support to unlock their potential.

This experience has left a lasting impact, illustrating the power of

compassion and the potential for positive change even in challenging


1. Transparency in Needs and Wants:

- Clearly communicate the organization's needs and desires to
stakeholders, fostering an environment of openness and trust.

2. Quality over Quantity:

- Emphasize the importance of quality in initiatives and services,
ensuring meaningful impact rather than a sheer quantity of activities.

3. Optimal Fund Utilization:

- Strategically allocate funds for maximum impact, promoting
efficiency and accountability in resource usage.

4. Leveraging Technology and Social Media:

- Harness the power of technology, social media, and a well-maintained
website to enhance outreach, communication, and engagement with the

5. Building Relationships with NGOs:

- Establish strong partnerships and collaborations with non-government
organizations, fostering a supportive network for shared goals.

6. Feedback Focus:
- Prioritize feedback mechanisms to continuously evaluate and improve
programs, ensuring responsiveness to the needs of beneficiaries.

7. Engaging Potential Donors:

- Actively approach potential donors, conveying the organization's
mission, impact, and the importance of their support.

8. Avoiding Untrustworthy Sponsorships:

- Exercise caution and diligence to steer clear of untrustworthy or fake
sponsorships, maintaining the integrity of the organization.

9. Enhancing Communication Skills:

- Invest in improving communication skills at all levels, internally and
externally, to convey messages effectively and build strong connections.

10. Regular Fund Awareness Campaigns:

- Conduct regular campaigns to create awareness about the
organization's fundraising needs, keeping supporters informed and engaged.

11. Effective Planning:

- Implement effective and proper planning for all activities, ensuring
that resources are utilized optimally and goals are achieved.

12. Motivation and Awareness Campaigns:

- Inspire and motivate both internal and external stakeholders, creating
awareness about the organization's mission and the impact it aims to

13. Widespread NGO Promotion:

- Promote the NGO widely through various channels to increase
visibility, attract support, and amplify the reach of its initiatives.


Working at CTBH Foundation was an immensely valuable experience that

provided me with a conducive environment for learning and self-discovery
within the NGO landscape. The management ensured ample opportunities
for personal and professional growth, unveiling both my strengths and
areas for improvement. This experience not only bolstered my confidence
in a professional setting but also instilled a more positive attitude,
emphasizing the importance of teamwork.

I extend my gratitude to the entire team at CTBH Foundation for their

unparalleled support, making my work experience truly fulfilling. This
journey highlighted my social skills, deepening my understanding and
interaction with both children and society. Throughout the internship, I
recognized the significance of love, care, affection, and kindness that every
child deserves.

The project within Creatures Born to Help Foundation led me to several


1. Diverse Interactions:
- The internship program provided a great opportunity for me to interact
with a diverse range of people, enriching my perspectives.

2. Understanding Social Problems:

- The experience deepened my understanding of various social
problems, allowing me to comprehend the complexities of societal

3. Contribution to Nation Building:

- Recognizing the impactful work done by the NGO, I understood its
crucial role in contributing to nation-building.

4. Insight into NGO Activities:

- The internship offered a comprehensive understanding of the intricate
processes involved in NGO activities, broadening my knowledge of the

In conclusion, my time at Creatures Born to Help Foundation was not only

a learning experience but also a journey of self-discovery and realization of
the profound impact NGOs can have on individuals and society as a whole.




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