Work Lifebalance

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Work-Life balance of employees in Hyundai Motors India Limited, Chennai

Article in Restaurant Business · June 2019

DOI: 10.26643/rb.v118i6.7663


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2 authors:

Santhanalaxmi Karthikvel Chandramohan Samydoss

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Alagappa University


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Restaurant Business

Work-Life balance of employees in Hyundai

Motors India Limited, Chennai
K. Santhanalaxmi, Dr. S. Chandramohan

Abstract: In today’s world, organizations started designing K.Santhanalaxmi*, Research Scholar, Alagappa Institute
strategies for maintaining the work-life balance of their of Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu,
employees. It is necessary for both the employers and India. Email:
employees of the organisation. Employees are one of the Dr. S. Chandramohan, Professor, Alagappa Institute of
important assets of the organisation; hence the business Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi,Tamilnadu,
organisations have the sole responsibility of protecting India. Email:
their employees from mental and physical stress. This
issue is complicated and problematic as it will vary from A. Definition of Work-life balance
individual. WLB is one of the key approaches for
improving the productivity of the organisation and also Work – Life balance is characterized as keeping up an
employee retention. This paper revolves around the study equalization or balance between the individual and expert
of work-life balance of employees in Hyundai Motor India life. It includes time balance, contribution parity and
Limited (HMIL), Chennai to improve the productivity and achievement balance. The time balance alludes to the ideal
employee retention. The questionnaires are collected from opportunity for work and non-work jobs. The inclusion
the employees of the industry and tools like Chi-square, balance shows the psychological contribution in the work
ANOVA, and Correlation have been applied for the and life. Achievement balance characterizes the dimension of
analysis. achievement the individual accomplish in their life and
Keywords: Employee retention, Productivity,
Time-management, Work-life balance. B. Statement of the problem

WLB is necessary for establishing and
In today’s modern world, balancing the personal and maintaining a productive work culture in both public and
professional life became a challenging one. It is common for private sector. It is one of the important sources of
both employees and employers of most organisations all over dissatisfaction for the employees. Lack of WLB results in
the world. WLB affects primarily the employees than the increased employee turnover, absenteeism, conflict between
employers. The workforces are not ready to work where the the superior and the subordinate. Even though the
environment is not supporting for maintaining the balance organisations are started designing WLB schemes, the
between their family and career. Hence its necessary for the change in the lifestyle of the employees such as marriage of
organisation to implement WLB schemes to retain their birth of the child becomes the challenge in balancing their
valuable workforce as well as to maintain a good relationship work-life. Work from home is one of the simplest way but
with them. Flexible working hours, alternative work plans not the best option. The public and private sector introduced
and composed working hours, leave plans, family care various practices such as promotions, rewards, amenities,
responsibilities, employee assistance programs are the maintaining healthy work environment, monetary and
practices that have become a part of organisation in non-monetary benefits to stabilize and develop the
developed economies. Hence the WLB practices not only productivity and efficiency of the employee as well as the
benefit the employee but also their families, as a whole organisation. Hence an attempt has been made to analyse the
benefits the organisation and society. The lifestyle of the WLB of employees in an automobile company which is
people have been changed recent times such as increase in working in 24/7 manner.
nuclear families, higher range of women in the workforce,
dual-career couples, increasing number of single parents,
longer working hours results in work-life conflict. Here
arises the need for organisation to develop different WLB C. Objectives of the study
strategies for their employees to balance their life in a stress
less way.
 To analyse the impact of designation on pressure
Revised Manuscript Received on July 22, 2019.
of work in the organisation.
* Correspondence Author

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Restaurant Business

 To find out the effect of shift timings on II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE

employees’ WLB.
The recent trends and research in the area of the
 To analyse the effectiveness of leave policy of current study are as follows:
employees with respect to WLB in Hyundai
Motors India Limited (HMIL). Murthy, (2014) in his paper compared the
working experience of the employees with their work-life
 To study how the years of working experience balance. The paper concluded that the impact of stress on
influence the WLB of employees. work-life is varying for different work-experience groups.
D. Significance of the study Goyal & Agarwal, (2015) reviewed and reported
that the investment in the different schemes of Work-Life
The advancement in technology has made the life
balance helps the organisation in increasing the efficiency,
easier in many ways. It is applicable to the professional life
lower turnover, attaining better customer services, good
also. The flexibility in the career makes no difference
health, adaptable working with a satisfied workforce in the
between personal and work life. In the darker side it has
banking industry.
become the greatest issue which results in stress, burnout,
and imbalance in the non-work and work roles. Hence it Edison & Julius, (2015) in their study on has
creates an environment of lower productivity in the concluded that the participants below 2 years of working
employee’s career. Hence it is the responsibility of the experince do not have any perception on their existing work
management to save their employees from stress. They also life balance, and those who have the experience between two
need to make their workforce understand the importance of to eight years stated that they are able to manage their
work-life balance to enjoy their personal life for which they work-life balance.
are working hard.

E. Methodology
This study is the combination of both primary and
secondary data. The primary source of data has been
collected through well structures questionnaire from
employees of HMIL. The analysis of various fcators which
influnence the work-life balance of the employees are
F. Description of sample
discussed under this section.
The study was conducted among the
employees of HMIL. A sample of 120 was randomly selected A. Designation and Work pressure
and of them 106 completely filled questionnaires were
collected. The sample consists of respondents of four shifts
such as general, A, B and C shift. The general shift The common phenomenon is that the
employees have the working hours from 8 A.M to 6 P.M., lower level employee have less pressure than the higher
the A shift has the working time 7 A.M – 3 P.M, the B shift category level. The work pressure depends on the
timing is 4 P.M to 12 A.M and the C shift starts from 12 designation. The relation between designation and work
A.M to 6 A.M. The HR managers, HOD are in the general pressure is done by Chi-square test. The null hypothesis is
shift; the B and C shift consists only of supervisors and that the designation has no significant association on work
workers. The Head of Section will present in General and A presure.
shift and in some cases have their duty on B shift also. The
female employees only present in general shift.

G. Description of the tool used

The questionnaire consists of 20 items. Seven
items are based on the demographic characters of the sample.
Five items are based on working hour and the WLB policy of
the company where the options for the answers are 5 point
scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Five
items are based on the way the employee use their time, the
career growth and their satisfaction about the WLB policy of
HMIL, with the options yes or no. 1 item based on the
pressure of work in the organisation and the final item is the
suggestion for improving the WLB policy of the company.

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Restaurant Business

The calculated value is less than 0.05; therefore there is

significant association between designation and work
pressure. The designation has an impact over the pressure of
work in the organization. The workers of the organization
faces frequent pressure in the organization. The Head of
Section have rarely faces pressure of work in the
organization. Next to the workers it is the supervisors and
HR managers who face pressure frequently in the
organization.There is a significant relation between
designation of employees and the pressure of work in the

B. Experience and work-life balance in HMIL

In general, employees who have more years of working

experience are able to balance personal and professional life
effectively, whereas employees who are fresher find it
difficult to balance the work and social life. The impact of
work-life balance on experience of the employees is
determined by Chi-square test. The null hypothesis is that the
years of working experience do not influence the WLB of the
e m p l o y e e s .

Fig.1. Relation between designation and

pressure of work in the organisation.

Designation: emp-employee; sup- supervisor;
hr-HR manager; hos- Head of Scetion; hod- Head of
Pressure of work: vo-ver often; fre-frequently;
neu-neutral; r-rare; sr-seldom rare
Table-I: Chi-square test for designation and work
pressure of the employees

Degree Asymptoti
s of c
freedo Significanc
Chi-Square Value m (df) e (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 62.535

16 .000
a Chi-square value degrees Asymptotic
test of significanc
Likelihood Ratio 68.210 16 .000 freedo e (2-sided)
33.454 1 .000 Pearson 36.825 3 0
Association Chi-Square a

N of Valid Cases 106 Likelihood 36.571 3 0


Linear-by-L 25.281 1 0
i n e a r

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Restaurant Business

N of Valid 106

Table – II: Chi-square test for experience of employees and

work-life balance in HMIL

Calculated value is lower than 0.05, therefore there is

significant association between experience and the WLB of
the employees. The respondents with working experience
from 0- 5 years are not having work- life balance in the
company. Most of the employees who have experience more
than 5 years are satisfied with the work- life balance in the
company. It shows that those who are not satisfied with the
work- life balance is mainly due to the lack of experience and
hence they are not able to balance the personal and
professional life in the company. There is a significant
relation between experience of the employees and the work
life balance in the organization. H0 is accepted.

C. Shift of the employees and the work pressure in

the organisation

The employees’ work pressure in the organisation is

influenced by the shift in which the employees are working.
One way ANOVA is used to determine the relation between
shift and the work pressure in the organisation. The null
hypothesis is that there is no significant difference in opinion
of the respondents with the shift and work pressure in the

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Restaurant Business

o r g a n i s a t i o n . employees and the pressure of work in the

organization shows that the shift the employee
engaged to results in pressure of work in the
organization. The employee in both A and C shift
experiences more pressure of work in the
organization. Next to that general shift employee also
faces frequent pressure of work in the
organization.There is a significant association
between the shift the employees are working and the
pressure of work in the organization.

D. Effectiveness of the company’s leave policy

Formulating company’s leave policy is important

for retaining the employee in the company. Among
the various leave policy, maternity and paternity
forms a major part as most of the employees are
married. Hence its consideration is vital.

Table – V: Percentage analysis for effectiveness of

company’s leave policy

Fig.3. Relation between shift of employees Responses No. of No. Of

and pressure of work in the organisation Respondents Respondents

*Fig note: (%)

Strongly Agree 5 5
Shift: General, A,B and C
Agree 37 35
Table – III: Chi-square test for employees working shift and
Neutral 53 50
pressure of work in the organisation
Disagree 10 9.1
Degrees Asymptotic Strongly 1 0.9
of Significance
Chi-square test Value freedom (2-sided)
Total 106 100
Pearson Chi-Square 12.890a 12 .003

Likelihood Ratio 14.686 12 .013 5% of the respondents fully satisfied with the
company leave policy, 35% satisfied with the policy
Linear-by-Linear and almost 50% neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with
4.514 1 .034 the leave policy. Remaining 11% do not agree with
Association the company’s paternity and maternity leave
policy.This variation in satisfaction with the paternity
N of Valid Cases 106 and maternity leave is due to the fact that only the
low grade employees like workers and supervisors
Pressure of work: vo-very often; fre-frequently; have paternity leave and the other grade employees
neu-neutral;r-rare;sr- seldom rare. do not have such allowances. This is major reason for
the dissatisfaction among the employees on the
company’s leave policy.

The calculated significance value is lower than 0.05, IV. FINDINGS

therefore there is significant difference in opinion of
the respondents based on shift and pressure of work The major findings of the study are reported
as follows:
in the organisation. The analysis on shift of the

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 Through Chi-square test, it is found

that designation and pressure of work have significant
relationship at 5% significant level.
 It is found through Chi-square test,
that the experience of the respondents has significant
relationship because the null hypothesis is rejected.
 Through one way ANOVA it is
found that the experience of the employees and their
challenges in work-life balance shows that the
respondents with the working experience more than 5
years have no difficulties in work-life balance.
 The shift of the employees have impact on
the pressure of work in the organisation is found
through one way ANOVA which reveals that the
general and A shift employees have experienced more
pressure of work in the organisation.

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2. Goyal, & Agarwal. (2015). Issues and Challenges

of Work Life Balance in Banking Industry in
V. SUGGESTIONS India. Pacific Business Review International,
8(5), 113-118.
The employees need training in time management. The
working hours of the organisation must be considered, as 3. Murthy. (2014). Impact of Interpersonal
the employees who belongs to general shift work for more Relations and Perceived Stress on Work-Life
than 10 hours. It is recommended that the employees need Balance: A Qualitative Study. Review of HRM,
to be known about the WLB policy of the company and
III, 93-104.
most of the employees are not satisfied with the paternity
policy of the company. Hence revising the paternity leave 4. C.R. Kothari: Research Methodology - Methods
policy helps to satisfy the employees. Employees also and Techniques (2nd ed.). new age international
should try to find out way in which they can balance both publishers.
personal and professional life. Organisation must take
additional care on new employee in maintaining good 5. Rao, P. S. (n.d.). Personal and human resource
relation with them in order to retain the employees. The management- text and cases (8th ed.). Himalaya
HR and the workers of the company frequently faces
Publishing House.
pressure of work in the organisation which causes mainly
due to the time allotted to them in order to complete their
assigned task. Hence the time allotted to them must be
considered and it is suggested that they should be given a
reasonable time for completing the work allotted to them.
Employees also should try to find out way in which they
can balance both personal and professional life.


The investigation uncovers that Work-life balance

remains an issue that requires impressive consideration
from society. The changing idea of the worldwide
economy, where associations regularly work on a day in
and day out timetable and mechanical advances have made
it feasible for a representative to be associated consistently,
has introduced work-life balance issue into the cutting
edge of the brains of many. Work-life balance programs
have been shown to affect representatives as far as
enlistment, maintenance/turnover, responsibility and
fulfilment, non-attendance, efficiency and mishap rates.
From the examination it very well may be inferred that the
workers of HMIL have great profession development
which demonstrates that the organization gives numerous
approaches to improving the productivity of the
representatives which straightforwardly impacts the
organization development in a worldwide situation. It
additionally plans numerous strategies for keeping up the
WLB of the representative and furthermore discovers ways
for its advancement. At long last, self-administration is
significant; individuals need to control their very own
conduct and assumptions about work-life balance.

1. Edison, A., & Julius, S. (2015). Working Father
and their Perceived Work – Life Balance with
Special Reference to Hyundai Motors (I) Private
Limited at Chennai. International Journal of
Advanced Scientific Research and Development,
2(1), 54-63.

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Restaurant Business

HMIL : Hyundai Motors India Limited
WLB: Work-Life Balance


First Author: K. Santhanalaxmi

Designation: Research Scholar
Education details: i. Ph.D in Management (Pursuing)
ii. MBA in Alagappa Institute of Management , Alagappa University (2016-18)
iii. B.Tech Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore(2012-16)
Research Work: Talent Management for Sustainable Growth of Star Hotels in Tamilnadu
Achievements: i. Secure Gold Medal for scoring the 1st rank in MBA
ii. UGC NET qualified in the year 2018
Publications: i. “Talent Management: A tactic to develop organizational performance for sustainable
business”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review; ISSN No: 2279-543X; Vol.8; Issue 1,January 2019; 420- 426.
ii. “Talent Management in Educational Institutions for Promoting Entrepreneurship”,
IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT:IJRHAL);
ISSN(P):2347-4564;Vol 7; Issue 2; Jan 2019; 292-297.
iii. “Significance of Talent Management in Selected Hotels of Tamilnadu”, Trends In Digital
Marketing, ISBN: 978-93-88393-62-6
iv. “Digital India – Challenges and Opportunities”, Impact of Digitalisation on Indian
Economy, ISBN: 978-93-84734-68-8

Second Author: Dr. S. Chandramohan

Designation: Professor
Education details: i. Ph.D in Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore (2002)
ii. MBA in Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore (1995)
iii. B.Com in Erode Arts College(1991)
iv. PGDCA in Bharathiyar University
Membership: i. Member board of studies Bharathiar University, CBE.
ii. Member board of studies Vellalar College for Women, Erode.
iii. Member, National Science Forum, Erode.
Recent Publication: i. Factors Effecting Patient satisfaction in Multispecialty Hospitals. - International Journal of
Advance and Innovative Research. (Dec 2018). Vol 5, Issue 4.

ii. Impact of Corporate Governance on Sustainability and Outreach of Microfinance

Institutions: Empirical Evidence from India. - International Journal- South Asian Academic Research Journals (ISSN:
2249-7137), (IF: SJIF 2017=6.049) Vol.8, Issue-11. (Nov-2018)

iii. Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Company Identification,

Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Evidence from India.- International Journal of Social Science and Economic
Research. (ISSN: 2455-8834), Vol 3: No:11, Nov 2018.

iv. Corporate Social Responsibility of Educational Sector - Social Responsibility- Mayas

Publication- June 2018

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