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Influence and Debate:

Aquinas' Five Ways, including the First Way, had a profound impact on Christian theology and philosophy
during the Middle Ages and beyond.

His arguments were widely debated and discussed by theologians, philosophers, and scholars of various
religious traditions.

5. Post-Aquinas Developments:

Aquinas' arguments, including the First Way, continued to be discussed and refined by subsequent
theologians and philosophers within the Christian tradition.

Some philosophers, such as Duns Scotus and William of Ockham, offered their critiques and alternative
perspectives on these arguments.

6. Modern Interpretations:

In modern times, the First Way, along with the other Four Ways, remains a subject of interest and
discussion in philosophy of religion and Christian theology.

Contemporary philosophers and theologians have offered various interpretations, critiques, and
defenses of the argument in light of developments in philosophy and science.

In summary, the Argument from Motion (First Way) has its roots in Aristotle's philosophy but was
adapted and refined by Thomas Aquinas to fit within the framework of Christian theology. It has had a
lasting influence on Christian thought and continues to be a topic of philosophical and theological
discussion in contemporary scholarship.

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