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Name - ________________ Std - ______ Div - ______ Roll no. - ______ Date - ________
Subject: Environmental Studies Topic: Water and its importance Signature:

Q.1 Fill in the blanks in the space given below.

groundwater , rain , clean , water , reusing

a) There are many uses of __water_.

b) Rain is the main source of water.

c) Rainwater that goes underground and get stored is called __groundwater_.

d) We should always store water in ___clean__ and covered containers.

e) We can save water by ___reusing__ it.

Q.2 State whether following the statements are True or False:

a) We should use water carefully. True

b) Clean water has taste, smell or colour. False

c) We cannot collect rain water. False

d) Earthen pots keep drinking water cool. True

e) We should keep the tap running while brushing our teeth. False

Q. 3 Answer the following question:

a) Why do we need water?

We need water to live.

b) Write any two uses of water.
The two uses of water are cooking, bathing, brushing, cleaning.
c) Name any two properties of water.
The two properties of water are it has no colour and smell.

d) Name the sources of water.

The sources of water are rain, rivers , lakes , ponds .

Q.4 Observe the given images and name the activity.

bathing , cleaning , drinking , brushing

Drinking Bathing

Cleaning Brushing

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