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Abenoja, Ian Kyle J.

The Improvement of Letting All Out
My life has always been laying and staying right on the borders of achievement
standards. I thought I will only live this life in simplicity; graduate, go to work, and live the
rest of my life in a bungalow house near the farm. It’s completely different from the majority
of this life, some want to explore the world through their ocean occupations, and some
passionately sharpen their skills in drawing for their dream to be a designer an architect or to
be an artist. Everyone wants to live their life to the fullest. I hope I can be like them, but I
believe I can’t as it’s not easy to be me. I also once have those ambitious goals but as time
passes, I slowly realized that my circumstances will not gonna let me reach that desired
result. I also realize that the universe didn’t want me to go that way and seems like it's trying
to convince me that even how much I tried to strive I will always be pushed back because I’m
the me that the universe has defined. That’s just how I see myself in this life and made me
think of staying on the traditional path of life. That’s when I met such strong-minded people
who shared their mix of passion and desperate eagerness to make way for themselves. That
opened my eyes optimistically and waken up my will to do or die.
I decided to take my dream career path and in a prestigious school, as I came up with
a new mindset in life believing this arduous journey would take me something in triumph.
However, right from the start, it was like a quick surge of challenges pressured me as I’m
taking this path. I was challenged lopsidedly and put weight on my back as I keep moving
forward. Subsequently, I decided to transfer schools for the sake of not being distant from
home I also didn’t want to leave my Grandma all alone on weekdays, especially with the
uncommon situation of the family. Moreover, I think my family wasn’t prepared for the
upcoming return to traditional learning. I gave consideration and continue my goal. I’m doing
fine right after, struggling but fine until that day in November. It's just that I felt that
everything had just fallen onto me, my school problems, my family, and personal problems. I
broke down in vexation and cried everything out loud. And then I blamed myself but blamed
more on my family telling myself out loud that I shouldn’t be living like this. I shouted all the
kept complaints I considered from the start asking why they left it all to me. Why did I even
bother making a way that should’ve been mine, how could they live peacefully knowing they
gave up something that shouldn’t be to reach that state? But then I calmed down and settled
my thoughts and decided to sleep it out. It took me days to think about it though until I just
accepted and faced this optimistically treating it as a new level of challenge that I hope I will
keep winning every single day.
Life will always give different challenges individually. And these challenges will be a
sign that you progressed and moved forward toward your goal. As everyone was saying,
there’s no need to quit if everything just falls on you all at the same time. Take a breather,
take a quick detour then go back to the main road. Rest is always important and it’s never
gonna be an excuse for weakness. Just take everything one step at a time and goals either big
or small, I know we’ll make it.

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