Values Ed RP

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THEME: Fear-centered


Evelyn Gabrielle (Dana)
Host of the show (Jian)

Teacher (Mia)
Evelyn Gabrielle (Dana)
Robin (Russ)
Kyle (Andre)


Father of Evelyn (Jozsh)
Mother of Evelyn (Micha)
Evelyn Gabrielle (Dana)
Erica Gabrielle (Stephanie)

Teacher (Mia)
Evelyn Gabrielle (Dana)
Robin (Russ)
Kyle (Andre)

Father of Evelyn (Jozsh)
Mother of Evelyn (Micha)
Evelyn Gabrielle (Dana)
Erica Gabrielle (Stephanie)


Evelyn Gabrielle (Dana)
Kyle (Andre)

Narrator (Stephanie)

Narrator: Good morning, everyone! We are group 1 and the theme for our roleplay is called
“fear-centered”. We hope everyone to be serious enough to understand it since some roleplay
may be too much, but still we hope you guys enjoy.

Host: ...And welcome back everyone to “Talk that Talk show”! For our next guest today, let us
welcome... Evelyn Gabrielle!

Evelyn Gabrielle: Hi guys! Thank you so much for having me here, sir.

Host: Oh come on! Enough with the formal, glad to have you here. How are you?

Evelyn Gabrielle: I’m doing fine. I’ve been just busy with tour, music, and all. But it’s been

Host: That’s wonderful to hear. Speaking of music, we heard you just released your new song.

Evelyn Gabrielle: Ahh yeah actually, it’s called “Get over it”.

Host: Oh wow, care to tell us what got you to be inspired to create that song?

Evelyn: ...

Host: Miss Gabrielle?

Evelyn: Oh! Uhm... well, it started during back in my days...


Teacher: ...Alright class, everyone please settle down. You all will have your final quiz
tomorrow, so I expect for everyone to study well. That is all.

*the teacher left, and everyone starts to have a conversation*

Kyle: Sup servants.

Robin: Aren’t you tired talking to yourself?

Kyle: Geez, whatever. So... party at my house?

Evelyn: Sorry. Can’t come.

Kyle: Oh come on! It’s my birthday, and you’re not going?

Evelyn: Awe... is our baby pouting? I just can’t. You know how my parents are? I would rather
stay up all night studying than to face my worst nightmare.

Robin: It’s Evelyn, what do you expect her to say when our teacher just announced we will have
an upcoming quiz tomorrow?

Evelyn: I’ll just treat us an ice cream when we all have time to go out at the park.

Kyle: You better promise that.

Evelyn: I promise.


Erica: Mom! Dad! We’re home!

Father: Here are my two girls, finally both home.

Evelyn: Hi dad :)

Mother: Erica! Glad my daughter is home and safe.

Erica: Hey mom.

Mother: How was school?

Erica: Tiring, so I might need to take a quick nap first.

Mother: Alright. Once you wake up, I’ll bring you some snacks.

Erica: Okay, thanks mom.

Mother: How about you Evelyn?

Evelyn: Uhm well, I have an upcoming quiz tomorrow-

Mother: Then you better study right away now. You need to get full perfect marks, so no
distraction alright? I’ll check up on you later.
Evelyn: ...Yes, of course mom. I will.

Mother: Good girl.


Narrator: Evelyn would always be stuck in her room studying all night, especially if it’s a quiz or
a test. She would do anything to try her best and to never failed disappointing her parents,
especially her mother. On the other side her sister Erica is born with pure intelligence since
their parents are both doctors, she was lucky to inherit the skill and thinking. Evelyn was more
into music and creativity, but she does whatever it takes to make her parents proud even if it
meant losing her friends or even herself.


Teacher: ...Before we start the test, remember class, no cheating is allowed so better focus on
your own paper. And don’t rush to answer it since we have enough time. You all may start now.

Narrator: All the students finally begin to take the test. Apparently, Evelyn was having a hard
time answering it since a lot of overthinking suddenly strike through her. Until the teacher had
to collect it so they can grade it right away.

Teacher: I can see everyone did a good job with their final quiz, no one failed today so
congratulations. Here are your papers :)

Kyle: Sweet! I passed the quiz with 70% of my score. I know God was listening to me.

Robin: Sure... whatever you say when I saw you peeking through my paper.

Kyle: No, I wasn’t. I was just being a good friend checking if you’re doing well. What did you get

Robin: Perfect 100% score of course. Ha! Take that!

*the two friends started to bicker except Evelyn was quiet and only looking at her paper*

Robin: Everything alright there Evelyn? You seem awfully quiet today...

Evelyn: I- I need to go home now.

Robin: Wait what-


*Evelyn comes home and sneaks to go through her room without her parents seeing her*

Father: You’re home early today, Evelyn. Where’s your sister?

Evelyn: Oh hey dad! Our class just ended early today and I’m tired, so I need to go to my room

Mother: Evelyn? You’re already about to go to your room without saying a greet to your mom.

Evelyn: Hi mom... sorry I’m just really tired.

Mother: Fine, how’s the test? I can see you holding your paper so that must be it, let me see.

*evelyn was in hesitant but still gives the paper*

Mother: 90%?! What is this?! Please tell me at least you were the student with the highest

Evelyn: No. It’s my friend, Robin-

*her mom suddenly slaps her and erica just came in time to witnessed it*

Erica: Mom! What happened here?! Why did you slap my sister?!

Mother: Why can’t you do a simple task?! You could’ve done so much better! I swear it’s your
friends who are distracting you!

Father: That’s enough- Evelyn did a great job honey, it’s a good score!

Mother: No! She could do better! Why can’t you just be like your sister Erica?!

*Evelyn had enough and decided to leave the house*

Erica: Evelyn!

Mother: No, let your sister go.


*Evelyn was panicking, the only person she could call, and trust right now is Kyle*

Evelyn: Please pick up. Pick up. Pick up. Please...

Kyle: Hello?

Evelyn: Please come to me right now. I don’t know what to do. I- I don’t know what I did. I tried
my best but- please... Where are you? -

*Before Evelyn could ask more, Kyle was already in front of her. He runs towards Evelyn and
hugs her for comfort*

Evelyn: I- I tried my best... Why wasn’t it enough? When will I be never enough?

Kyle: Shh... I’m here.

Narrator: Fears are not just based on insects, heights, and simple things. Fears can come from
people we know, or through our studies and our worth. To face our fears, all we need is to have
an open discussion with the people we trust. Or for the best or might the worst case, we need
to confront and face our fears since we can’t keep it alone forever.


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