Vaisakhi Assembly 2024 Complete Script

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Atharv: Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

tanisha: Sat Sri Akaal! Good morning, everyone!

Atharv Tondon: Today, I Atharv Tondon and (I Tanisha Dabas) along with
the students of XII SD are gathered here to celebrate the joyous occasion
of Baisakhi, a festival that holds immense significance for the Sikh
community and marks the beginning of the New Year in the Sikh
Tanisha: Baisakhi isn't just about welcoming the harvest season; it's a
time to reflect on the teachings of our Gurus and to renew our
commitment to their values of equality, justice, and service to humanity.
Atharv Tondon: Now we would like to call up on stage kartikeya poona to
present thought of the day presented ,tanishk for international
news ,Gaurav Chand for national news and vedant for the sports news
Tanisha: campus news by Arnav, Trinabh for the tech news , saumya for
weather report

kartikeya: “Ram Gayo, Ravan gayo,

Jaako bahu parivaar.
Kaho Nanak thir kuch nahi,
Supna Jo sansaar.”

Guru Nanak Ji says, the world is like a dream and that nothing lasts
forever. But sometimes, even in this dream, we live with a heavy heart.
Kayi Baar koi humare saath galat kar jata hai, we think that we will take
revenge from the other person when our time comes. Sometimes we
think that we will prove ourselves with our work. But, in all this, we forget
about forgiveness. Maaf karna sab ton vaddi gall hai. Forgiveness is the
key to opening our Heart Chakra.
Atharv Tondon: Baisakhi is not only a time for festivities but also a time
for spiritual rejuvenation. It reminds us of the birth of the Khalsa Panth,
when Guru Gobind Singh Ji established the Order of the Khalsa to uphold
righteousness and fight against oppression.
Tanisha: Throughout history, Baisakhi has been a symbol of courage and
unity. It was on this auspicious day in 1699 that Guru Gobind Singh Ji
initiated the first five beloved ones, known as the Panj Pyare, who
pledged their lives for the cause of righteousness and freedom.
Atharv Tondon: Their bravery and sacrifice continue to inspire us today.
Baisakhi teaches us the importance of standing up for what is right and
working together towards a better future for all.
Tanisha: Absolutely! It's a time to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of
Punjab, with vibrant dances like Bhangra and Giddha, melodious folk
music, and of course, delicious traditional food!
Tanisha: We now have a small skit prepared on the topic of Baisakhi
emphasizing on the notions of diverse perspectives on the festival
followed by a poem by Tanisha.

Mahi: (Excitedly) Trinabh, isn't it wonderful? We're all set for Baisakhi

Trinabh: (Nodding) Yes, indeed, Mahi. But remember, Baisakhi is not just
about decorations and feasting. It's about embracing our
traditions and spreading kindness.

Tanishk: (Interrupting) Hey, Trinabh! Can we skip the history lesson and
get to the fun part? Like, will there be dancing and food?
Trinabh: (Chuckling) Patience, Tanishk! But yes, there will be dancing,
feasting, and loads of fun. Now, let me tell you why we celebrate

Achyut: (Walking in) Trinabh, may I?

Trinabh: Of course, Achyut!

Achyut: (Addressing the audience) Baisakhi holds immense significance

for us, not just as a harvest festival, but also for its cultural and religious
importance. It marks the beginning of the Sikh New Year and
commemorates the formation of Khalsa Panth by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Kartikeya: (Distracted) Hey, what's up, guys? Whoa, these decorations

look lit!

Mahi: (Rolling her eyes) Kartikeya, Baisakhi is not just about Instagram-
worthy decorations. It's about connecting with our roots and making a
difference in people's lives.

Kartikeya: (Looking up) Oh, come on, Mahi! We can do both, you know.
Let's spice up these decorations with some funky LED lights!

Tara: (Smiling warmly) Mahi, here are some homemade sweets for
Baisakhi. May Waheguru Ji bless you with abundance and prosperity.
Mahi: (Gratefully) Thank you, Tara! Your sweets are always the best part
of Baisakhi!

Agrim: (Excitedly) Hey, guys! I brought some farm-fresh veggies for our
Baisakhi feast. Thought we could make some delicious sabzi together!

Kartikeya: (Impressed) Wow, Agrim! That's so thoughtful of you. Let's get


Achyut: (Addressing the audience) Baisakhi is a time for coming together,

sharing blessings, and spreading kindness. Whether it's through
traditional gestures like homemade sweets or modern acts of generosity,
the spirit of Baisakhi unites generations and bridges cultures.

Trinabh: (Reflectively) Indeed. As the old saying goes, (Khētī bādshāh ton
agē, bakhshīs shirīf ton agē), meaning "Farming is ahead of kingship, and
blessings are ahead of nobility."

Mahi: (Smiling) So, let's celebrate Baisakhi not just with pomp and show,
but with acts of kindness that honor our traditions and connect us with
each other.

Together: Baisakhi di aap sab nu lakh-lakh vadaiyaan!

Atharv Tondon: now we have Tanisha to recite us a poem on vaisakhi.
गहरे खेतों में सजता है बैशाखी का त्योहार,
सभी जोश और उत्साह से होता है प्यार।
सभा में जमा है सब, रंगों की बरसात,
खुशियों का सागर, हर पल नवाबत।
नृत्य और संगीत का है यहाँ महोत्सव,
खुशियों की धुन में रंगता है आकाश।
प्रकृ ति के संग, हर तरफ़ खुशबू
, बैशाखी की धूप में मिले सुख-शांति का फ़लू।
सभी मिलकर धन्यवाद अदा करें,
पुरानी परंपराओं को याद करें।
खुशियों का मेल, साथ मिलकर हम गाएं,
बैशाखी के इस पावन अवसर में, हम सभी नाचे और खेलें।

Atharv Tondon: That was a wonderful poem. Let’s also take a moment to
acknowledge the hard work of our farmers who toil tirelessly to bring
food to our tables. Baisakhi is a time to express gratitude for the bountiful
harvest and to remember the importance of respecting and preserving
our environment.
Tanisha: On behalf of everyone here, we extend our warmest wishes to
you and your families on this auspicious occasion of Baisakhi. May this
New Year bring you happiness, prosperity, and peace.
Atharv Tondon: Thank you all for joining us today. Let the celebrations
begin! Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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