Personal Statement

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In this personal reflection, I will inform about

the group and what I have contributed. The topic
is obesity. At first, I didn’t think that this topic
was a big issue. After doing this project,
especially researching for effect of obesity I
realized obesity is quite dangerous. In this
project, I’m responsible for making slides and
writing team reports.
I can say that I like working in a team because we
can share our ideas with other people. The same
thing happened to me. Also, my group came up
with great ideas but there were also some
problems. Initially, the members of my group
were very active in group work, but gradually
some members became discouraged and refused
to cooperate.
At first, my team chose the issue of obesity and
a healthy diet. I think we had plenty of time to do
this, but then caused conflict so my team didn’t
do it on time so we needed to cancel the topic
healthy diet. However, when just doing the topic
of obesity my team do it very fast.
I noticed that my behavior change, while working
in a team. I started to concentrate more and I
tried to include everyone in our convestation. It
wasn’t hard. After this project I was learn many
new think. I love to do team work.

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