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彰化縣伸東國小 110 學年度第二學期期中學業評量英語科試卷 聽力卷 班級:五年_____班 座號:______ 姓名:___________

聽力題共有 4 大題,每一題只念兩次,請小朋友專心並安靜的聆聽。聽力測驗結束後 三、Listen and Choose 請聽完問題後,選出正確答案,6%

1.( ) ○
A Yes, it does.
一、 Listen and Choose 請選聽到的發音,18% ○
B Yes, they do.

C No, it doesn’t.
2.( ) ○
A They’re my shoes.
1.( ) ○
A sp ○
B st

B It’s my jacket.
2.( ) ○
A hard c ○
B soft c ○
C They’re his shorts.
3.( ) ○
A She’s going to the theater.
3.( ) ○
A gr ○
B gl

B He’s going to the theaterr.
4.( ) ○
A hard c ○
B shoft c ○
C I’m going to the theater.

5.( ) ○
A sp ○
B st

6.( ) ○
A gr ○
B gl
四、Listen and Choose 請聽完對話後,選出正確答案,8%
1.( ) ○
A It’s Lily’s cap.
二、Listen and Number 請填數字 1~3,18% ○
B It’s Brady’s cap.

C It’s Tony’s cap.
2.( ) ○
A The supermarket is on Red Street.

B The bookstore is on Red Street.
1. ○
C The supermarket is on Yellow Street.

A ○
B ○
C 3.( ) ○
A It’s Jack’s pencil.

B It’s Betty’s pencil.
( ) ( ) ( ) ○
C It’s Mandy’s pencil.
4.( ) ○
A The dumplings smell bad.

B The dumplings taste good.

B ○
C ○
C The noodles taste good.

( ) ( )
( )
3. 聽力卷收回後請發下讀寫卷。

A ○
B ○
( ) ( ) ( )
彰化縣伸東國小 110 學年度第二學期期中學業評量英語科試卷 讀寫卷 班級:五年_____班 座號:______ 姓名:___________
聽力(50 分): 分 讀寫(50 分): 分 總分(100 分): 分

一、 Look and Write 請寫出正確單字(字母須寫在正確格線),12% 三、Cloze 請選出正確答案,10%

Superman: Good morning, Spiderman.
1._________________________ 2. _________________________ Spiderman: Good morning, Superman. Where are you going?
Superman: I’m going 1. the police station. I can’t find my mask.
Spiderman: Where is the police station?
3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ Superman: It’s 2. Blue Street.
( Spiderman looks at a box.)
Spiderman: Is that 3. mask?
5. _________________________ 6. _________________________
Superman: Yes, it’s my mask.
Spiderman: How about the T-shirt in the box? Whose T-shirt is 4. ?
二、Look and Choose 請依照圖片順序選出正確答案,18% Superman: Oh, it’s 5. T-shirt.
 police station 警察局 mask 面具 box 箱子

1.( ) A to
○ B at
○ ○
C in
2.( ) A in
○ B on
○ ○
C at
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
3.( ) A his
○ B my
○ ○
C your
4.( ) A those
○ B this
○ ○
C that

A Whose T-shirt is this?
1.( ) ○
B Whose shoes are those? 5.( ) A Danny
○ B Danny’s
○ ○
C he

C Whose shoes are these?

A It’s Andy’s jacket.
四、Reading Comprehension 請回答正確答案,10%
2.( ) ○
B They’re Benson’s shorts. Jack 是個美食評論家,今天他到一家餐廳用餐,並給予餐點評論,請依據評

C They’re Jack’s pants.

A Where is the library?
3.( ) ○
B Where is the zoo?

C Where is the restaurant?

A The hamburger tastes good.
4.( ) ○
B The soup tastes good.

C The ice cream tastes bad.

A The apples taste good.
5.( ) ○
B The French fries smell good.

C The cookies taste good.

A The theater is on White Street.
6.( ) ○
B The theater is on Yellow Street.

C The theater is on Green Street.
Part 1 Mark Circle Or Cross Out,6%
1. ( ) The beef smells bad.
2. ( ) The beef and the dumplings taste good.
3. ( ) The dumplings smell bad.

Part 2 Write 每題 2 分,4% (每錯一個字或書寫規則扣一分,扣完為止)

1. Does the soup taste good? (請依照評論表回答完整句子)

2. How does the soup smell? (請依照評論表回答完整句子)

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