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Leo Matthew Akut

Ramon Magsaysay (7th President of the Philippines) Magsaysay's administration was considered
as one of the cleanest and most corruption-free in modern Philippine history; his rule is often
cited as the Philippines' "Golden Years". Trade and industry flourished, the Philippine military
was at its prime, and the country gained international recognition in sports, culture, and foreign
affairs. The Philippines placed second on a ranking of Asia's clean and well-governed countries.

His presidency is seen as people-centered as government trust was high among the Filipino
people, earning him the nickname "Champion of the masses" and his sympathetic approach to
the Hukbalahap rebellion that the Huk rebels were not Communists; they were simple peasants
who thought that rebellion was the only answer to their sufferings. He also gained nationwide
support for his agrarian reforms on farmers and took action on government corruption that his
administration inherited from prior administrations.

President Magsaysay foresaw many Agrarian Reforms for the Philippines. To amplify and
stabilize the functions of the Economic Development Corps (EDCOR), President Magsaysay
worked for the establishment of the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration
(NARRA). This body took over from the EDCOR and helped in giving some sixty-five thousand
acres to three thousand indigent families for settlement purposes. Again, it allocated some other
twenty-five thousand to a little more than one thousand five hundred landless families, who
subsequently became farmers. As a further aid to the rural people, the president established the
Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration (ACCFA). The idea was for this
entity to make available rural credits. Records show that it did grant, in this wise, almost ten
million dollars. This administration body next devoted its attention to cooperative marketing.
Along this line of help to the rural areas, President Magsaysay initiated in all earnestness the
artesian wells campaign. A group-movement known as the Liberty Wells Association was formed
and in record time managed to raise a considerable sum for the construction of as many artesian
wells as possible. The socio-economic value of the same could not be gainsaid and the people
were profuse in their gratitude. Finally, vast irrigation projects, as well as enhancement of the
Ambuklao Power plant and other similar ones, went a long way towards bringing to reality the
rural improvement program advocated by President Magsaysay.

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