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Coursework Making a sunglasses holder

PPE gloves, safety googles, aprons Safety equipment fire extinguisher

Date 29/2/24 Written by Andrus Anish

Step Actions Hazards Safety measures

1 Examine and analyse the drawings. getting cut with paper. The paper's side should
not be ran across your

2 Create your design with CAD software. eye strain brought on by Always remember to take
extended computer use. a break from using a
device for extended
periods of time.

3 Configure the laser cutter CNC. Getting stuck with your You should avoid placing
hands inside the closed lid. your hands in any area
where they could close.

4 Prepare the jig holder stabbing your hand by Verify that your hand is
mistake. not facing the stapler.

5 Construct the support jig. Making cuts on your hand Before cutting, use a box
while resizing the cutter to mark the area
cardboard. you want to cut..

6 Build the locking plate jig. When you make the stops, Avoid placing your hands
you cut yourself. near any sharp items..

7 Use the CNC laser cutter Watch out for any fumes Ensure that there is
that the laser cutting adequate ventilation in the
plastic may emit. general area by opening
windows and doors.

8 Remove any sharp edges produced by the being sliced during the Make sure the file that
laser cutter. holder's filing down. you’re using isn’t broken.
9 Assess if the quality is adequate Being cut when filing down Make sure the file that
the holder. you’re using isn’t broken.
10 Assemble the sunglasses holder. The holder breaking and Be gentle with the holder
the pieces cutting you. as it could break.

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