GSCM Assessment Presentation

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Assessment Due Dates

No Title Due Date Grades Word Count

1 Formative Assessment 07/10/2022 by 16:00 Formative 1000
2 Report (Final Assessment) 28/10/2022 by 16:00 100% 3000
Assessment 1 (07/10/2022)
Formative Assessment Task Details and Instructions

Consider you are a start-up business in the UK.

1. Introduce your start-up business idea (200 words maximum).
2. Discuss how and where you will source materials, transform those into products and services, and then
distribute them to retailers or customers (500 words Maximum)
3. Draw and discuss a diagram demonstrating your business’s supply chain based on your inputs, including
suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers (300 words Maximum).
Assessment 1 (07/10/2022)
Formative Assessment- What is Expected?
Consider you are a start-up business in the UK.
1. You must introduce a start-up business idea that is of your interest (200 words maximum).
• Describe a start-up business idea.
• Give details about the business idea.
• Why do you think this is a viable start-up business for the UK market?
(Give citations and evidence with examples, where possible, in this section)
Assessment 1 (07/10/2022)
Formative Assessment- What is Expected?
1. Discuss how and where you will source materials, transform those into products and services, and then
distribute them to retailers or customers (500 words Maximum)
• You must consider the components of a supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers,
distributors, retailers, and consumers.
• Consider how you will source material, transform those into products and services and then
distribute them to your customers.

Notes for this section:

• You should critically analyse all options while considering the components of the supply chain.
• Give citations and evidence with examples, where possible, in this section
Assessment 1 (07/10/2022)
Formative Assessment- What is Expected?
1. Draw and discuss a diagram demonstrating your
business’s supply chain based on your inputs,
including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and
customers (300 words Maximum).
1. Draw a diagram that presents a sketch of your supply
2. You must explain the diagram briefly, focusing on
suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and
customers network.
3. You should use an application such as Draw.oi, MS
Visio to draw the SC diagram.

Read this Article:

Assessment 1 (07/10/2022)
Formative Assessment- Useful Notes
A supply chain is akin to blood in a body. It's essential for life, and the entire system suffers when it
does not flow properly.
All business ideas are unique; a robust supply chain is critical to a healthy business.

• You must think critically to make informed choices. For example: Why will you source material
from Ghana instead of a wholesaler in England? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
• Not all start-up businesses require manufacturing; you may choose to trade readymade goods
only. For example, you may decide to sell fashion items on Amazon, and for that, you may only
need small quantities. In this case, you can source products from local or international suppliers. If
such is the case, your supply chain may not require manufacturing components. However, you
must make an informed decision between make vs source.

DUE DATE: 28/10/2022

Assessment 2 (28/10/2022)
Final Assessment (Report) Assessment task details and instructions
The outbreak of COVID-19 has drawn attention to the vulnerability of global supply chains. The disease
has revealed how critical it is for businesses to have reliable and efficient supply chains to maintain
continuity of operations. COVID-19 has also shown that disruptions in the supply chain can cause
significant financial losses and even threaten the viability of businesses. Several businesses have
reported that the outbreak has cost them significantly.
In addition to the COVID-19, the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022 has further disrupted the supply chain of
goods and services globally. The conflict has caused delays and higher costs for companies that rely on
transporting goods across the border. Many companies have had to reroute their shipments to avoid the
conflict zone, which has added extra time and cost to their operations. Some companies have had to
suspend operations altogether due to the disruptions.
Assessment 2 (28/10/2022)
Final Assessment (Report) Assessment task details and instructions
Based on the above statement, you are asked to choose a sector/industry (e.g., food, steel,healthcare,
retail, services, automotive), and critically:

i. Assess the effects of the recent challenges in the supply chain structure of your chosen industry.
ii. Evaluate how the industry dealt with (or coping with) supply chain management issues between the
year 2020 to date. (35%)
iii. Access and suggest how can advanced technologies be used to rehabilitate the supply chain
challenges of the specific industry. (35%)
Assessment 2 (28/10/2022)
Final Assessment (Report) What is expected?
Based on the above statement, you are asked to choose a sector/industry (e.g., food, steel,healthcare,
retail, services, automotive), and critically:

• Assess the effects of the recent challenges in the supply chain structure of your chosen industry.
• Access (Evaluate and Estimate) the recent changes (since 2020 till date) in the supply chain of the selected
Assessment 2 (28/10/2022)
Final Assessment (Report) What is expected?
Based on the above statement, you are asked to choose a sector/industry (e.g., food, steel,healthcare,
retail, services, automotive), and critically:

• Evaluate how the industry dealt with (or coping with) supply chain management issues between the
year 2020 to date. (35%)
Assessment 2 (28/10/2022)
Final Assessment (Report) What is expected?
Based on the above statement, you are asked to choose a sector/industry (e.g., food, steel,healthcare,
retail, services, automotive), and critically:

• Access and suggest how can advanced technologies be used to rehabilitate the supply chain
challenges of the specific industry. (35%)
Marking Scheme

Criteria Marks
Use of theory/reference to course ideas 30
Knowledge and Understanding of the subject matter 30
Examples 10
Quality of argument 10
Executive summary/Conclusions 10
Citation and References 10
ü Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief summary of your report for anexecutive to read?)
ü Establishment of relevant theory (e.g. how supply chain environments are differentiated in the current
ü Examples (is the examples focused on the current context and supply chain environments)
ü Allocation of credit and sources used (have I included references and citations to the material I have used?)
ü Clarity of argument (is the arguments clear and focused on the questions and the context given)
ü Understanding of the matter (does the report demonstrates your Knowledge and Understanding of the current
context and supply chain environments)
ü Quality of Conclusions (does it give a summary of your main findings and suggestions)
ü Overall report presentation, including spelling and grammar (is the overall report presentation is as per the
ü Adherence to the nominated word limit (3000 words +/- 10%)
ü Word processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space)
ü Fully referenced (Harvard Referencing System). Please refer to the reading list and academic sources issued in
Blackboard and other sources.
Recommended Structure of the report
• Title Page
• Executive Summary
• Table of Content
• List of Tables and Figures
• Introduction
• Introduction of the issues and industry
• Main Body
• Task 1:
• Challenges in SCM
• SC Challenges in specific industry since 2020
• Task 2
• Critically evaluate how the industry delt with those challenges since 2020
• Task 3
• Evaluate advance technologies to rehabilitate challenges
• Recommend the most relevant technologies the industry should adopt to rehabilitate challenges
• Conclusions
• List of References
Important tips
Submission deadline: 28/10/2022 by 16:00
Do not wait till the last minute, the submission portal can go very slow after 15:00 due to excess

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