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INT – interrogation room

Leon sits down in the chair on one side of the table (high shot).
Oliver leans on the table with both hands and they begin to talk
(low shot).
“Why’d you bring me here”
“I’m going to ask you some questions regarding a problem we’ve been
having. “
“I only came here with you because you will give me answers”
“And you’ll get your answers after the questioning.”
Just as Oliver finished talking a new person walks through the door
and into the interrogation room. Leon looks confused and wonders who
just entered the room. Oliver and the new person whisper to each
other (Leon can’t hear what they’re saying). Rick who is the person
who just walked in nods his head at Oliver. Rick turns his head to
Leon and he activates his power.
“What’s he doing”
Oliver sits down opposite Leon
“Don’t he will be reading your memory’s as I’m asking you some
questions. Just to make sure you’re not lying.”
“Where were you last Tuesday at 4:00pm – 8:00pm.”
“I was on my way home from college and then I just stayed at home
for the rest of the day.”
Oliver turns to look at Rick who looks back at Oliver and slightly
nods his head.
“Have you seen or ever been in contact with these people?”
Oliver sides images of two people across the table. Leon looks at
these pictures before responding.
“I’ve never seen them before.”
“Are you sure?”
Leon responds by shacking his head. Oliver once again turns to Rick
as rick nods his head an says.
“He’s not lying”
Oliver lets out a sigh and rubs his face. He then stands up and
turns towards rick.
“Keep reading his memory’s go back as far as you can and see what
you can find”
Rick just kind of looks at Oliver with a concerned face before just
nodding and then continues to look at Leon. There is a small silence
before Leon says something.
What exactly happened.
“Oliver just stares at Leon before deciding to tell him about the
situation they’re in. Oliver lets out a sort of saddening sigh”
“The two people you saw in the picture where like us and they’ve
gone missing. Last week we lost contact with them”
“Ok but what’s that got to do with me”
“One of my guys has the power of clairvoyance. You probably saw him
as we brought you in.”
INT- Outer room
Camera cut to the clairvoyance guy sat outside the interrogation
room where we see him using his power to look around different areas
of the city to try and find the missing people. (Next line are said
in voice over)
“His power allows him to see all sorts of things and when we were
looking for our missing people, his eyes showed us you.”

Voice over ends and we cut back to the interrogation room

INT – interrogation room

“We had no idea why his power showed you but it was our only lead
and that was the catalyst for yesterday’s incident.”
“Yeah about powers its about time you tell me about the powers we
“Yeah fine, I did promise you after all.”

Leon mutters under his breath “finally” as he rolls his eyes.

Oliver goes on to talk about the powers but as this dialog slowly
fades and gets quiet as the camera starts to focus on rick. The
audio gets quieter as we see ricks eyes widen as if he’s surprised
and then his eyes start to bleed up.
He starts to scream in pain as he grasps his eyes. Oliver and Leon
instantly turn around to see ricks eyes bleeding he continues to
scream. Oliver calls out to him but he passes out. Oliver quickly
goes to check on rick shaking his and whipping the blood of his
face. Leon just stands in shock. Max runs into the room.
“What happened”
“QUICKLY go get a first aid kit”

Max sees the unconscious rick on the floor and without saying a word
he just nods and runs out.
Oliver softly lays rick down then aggressively walks over to Leon
and pins him up to the wall.
Oliver (aggressively)
“The fuck did you just do to him.”
Tell me!!
“wait I didn’t do anything”
“oh yeah then what happened, cause he wouldn’t start bleeding on his
own so what did you do to him.”
“I didn’t do it, you where watching me all the time and you didn’t
see my eyes change did you!?”
“So it couldn’t have been me”

Oliver continues to angrily look at Leon before putting him down and
moves back over to ricks side.
Camera cuts back out in the corridor where Max is coming back with
the first aid kit as he is coming back he sees a future and in this
vision he sees a mysteries figure and then a vision of the building
exploding. He panics and rushes back in to where rick and Oliver are
and explain the what he saw.
“We got to get out of here”
“Why what happened”
“I had a vision, the place is going to explode”
“Yeah, so let’s leave”
“Ok ill carry rick you go wake up Chris” (Ellis is the clairvoyance
Max hands Oliver the first aid kid to Oliver and then leaves the
Oliver looks to Leon and says
“You’re coming with us now that your involved.”
Leon looks around and focuses on the fallen rick and after a little
bit of thought he agrees to go with him
Cut back to Max where he shakes Ellis to wake him up and they leave
the building
Ext - street
Oliver is carrying the fallen rick as they leave the building moving
down the street.
As they are walking Ellis hears a sound calling out for help and he
walks over to it.
As he turns the corner he sees one of the missing people injured and
laying down up againsed a wall.
The moment Ellis sees him a faint white light appears on his eye.
Surprised and worried Ellis quickly moves to his side.
“John is that you, are you alright, what happened”

As john speaks you see a similar white glow in his eye

“You got to help me man. He’s coming after me, after us”
“Who is? What’s going on?”
“There was a guy wearing black and a mask he tried to take me but I
got away”
“Are you aright”
“Yeah I’m ok”
“Ok I’m going to call Oliver and he’ll come and help you.”
Ellis turns around and gets his phone out and looks around to check
the area. He gets his phone and starts to call Oliver. As the camera
focuses on Ellis using his phone john sneakily and suspiciously
moves behind Ellisjust before stuffing a cloth over this mouth.
Ellis turn arounds to see that john was not john and what he saw was
an illusion. Suddenly standing behind his the mysterious black
clothed and masked figure that “john” described and the same figure
that Max saw in his vision.
Ellistries to get out of the figures grasp but fails and passes out.
Mysterious figure
“Can’t even trust your own eyes, can you”
The mysterious figures eyes has a white hue similar to what you saw
earlier. Christ passes out and collapses. The mysterious figure
pulls out his phone and makes a call
Mysterious figure
“Hello Doc, I got another one for you.”
The camera zooms out on the scene and then cuts back to the rest of
the group where they’ve rested by a bench. Rick is laying down and
Max is tending to him. Oliver is trying to calling call Ellis but
it’s not working.
“He’s not answering his phone, something must of happened.”
Theres a bit of silence

“Hey, clearly someone or something is out there and they are taking
us because of our powers.”
“So let me help you find your missing crew.”
“Yeah your right someone is definitely after us.”
“And if you want to join us you’re welcome to. From what I think
happened yesterday you might have a strong power. It will be useful
if we want to find the kidnappers.”
“Yeah cool, glad to help.”
“Once rick is all good we’ll find somewhere safe to stay and then.”
“Then we can start hunting for the kidnapper”

Leon nods confidently as the scene ends. The camera zooms out from a
wide shot as it fades to black.

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