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Republic of the Philippines


Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra

Work and Financial Plan for the conduct of FBI

Name of CP Applicant:
Nature of the Project:
Location of Project:
Area of coverage (Has):

Materials/ Transportation/ Responsible

Activity Objectives Output Duration Amount
Supplies Accommodation Persons
1. Gathering and
assessment of
secondary data
2. Pre FBI-Conference 1. To orient the applicant on
the requirements of the FBI - Legal documents 1 day Transportation allowance of IP >Provincial
process attesting capacity of representatives of the FBI Team: Officer/Community Service
2. Applicant to introduce their the CP applicant Center Heads
proof of legal capacity and - Approved and 7 IPMR x 500.00 = 3,500.00 >Proponent
the proposed project Conformed WFP 7 Elder x 500.00 = 3,500.00 >FBI team
3. To agree on the expenses to P 7,000.00 >IP Community rep to FBI
be incurred during the FBI Team
3. Notification of the To give notice to the concerned - Duly received notice 3 days Bond paper: =800.00 Per Diem:
Areas representative/s, ICCs/IPs on the conduct of FBI by the area rep. & 3 staff x 900 for 3 days = 8,100.00 Assigned FBI member
PCB, LGUs adjacent areas reps. Transportation allowance:
3 staff x 500.00 for 3 days
= 3,000.00 11,100.00
4. Conduct of Field- 1. Ascertain whether the site is 1.Documentation of the 11 trips to cover the Supplies: Transportation & Per diem:
Based Investigation within AD opinions and views of 11 municipalities: Yellow paper: FBI Team
2. To ascertain presence of IPs key informants: 1 pad = 20.00 T1: Bangued to ________ vv
3. To get estimate of IP and a. ADAR Trip1: 3 days Ballpen 5 x ____x 2 = _______
non-IP population b. IPO rep Inclusive of travel 4 pcs x 6 = 24.00 5 x ______ = ________
4. On site preparation of the Tribal Council Photo printing:
WFP for the FPIC activities representative Trip2: 3 days = 200.00
when deemed necessary. d. Other VIPs in the area Inclusive of travel Batteries = 130.00 Transportation & Incidental
Blank Tapes Expenses: (IP Community rep to
Signed WFP for the Trip3: 3 days = 250.00 FBI Team)
upcoming FPIC Inclusive of travel Total = 624.00
activities (if applicable) 2 pax X 500 X 7 days =7,000.00
Trip4: 3 days X 11 trips = 6,864.00
Inclusive of travel =

Meals & Snacks of Participants:

T1: 1__ pax x 350 =

6. Submission of 1. Printing/ Packaging/ Lump sum 3,000.00 FBI Team

Report notarization fee =3,000.00
Total P
Total cost to be deposited to NCIP Account P
Total amount to be paid directly by proponent to the community for meals & snacks during FBI P
Total amount to be paid directly by proponent to 2 community representatives to the FBI Team P
Date Submitted: Nov. 03, 2021

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


FBIT Member Provincial Officer - FBI Team Leader Regional Director

Community Representatives: Approved for funding by:

Municipal IPMRs Proponent/ CP Applicant


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