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A Research Study Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School
Rosales National High School
Rosales, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Inquires, Investigation and Immersion








Research Adviser

May 2024

Around the world, snacking is a common habit, and people are increasingly searching for

healthier substitutes for typical fried snacks. Chips has been a great snack for people around

the world. There’s nothing to compare to the deliciousness and crunchiness of chips. Despite

the wide range of chips, banana floral stem has drawn interest as a possible component for

making healthy snacks. Making chips out of banana floral stem can provide consumers with a

wholesome and delicious snack choice.

Due to the spread of chips as a snacks around the world, some chips are not even safe to

consume nowadays. According to study conducted by Mosia et al.,(2022), Food is a valuable

commodity due to its necessity to satisfy human hunger and enable human growth. One does

not frequently know what to eat and depend exclusively, on what they see and read about on a

product's label, and may end up consuming unsafe flavorings and coloring (Mosia et al.,2022).

This lead to the researchers to gain interest on the floral stem of a banana as a chip not only to

have a unique tasting chips, but to have a healthy snack. In the study conducted recently by

Maraña et al., (2023) shows that banana stems are high in fiber and aid in weight loss. Its high

fiber content causes a sensation of satiation, which minimizes food intake. It also aids with

constipation relief. Banana stems, like the fruit, are high in potassium and vitamin B6. Vitamin

B6 aids in the synthesis of haemoglobin and insulin. Banana stem boosts the body's ability to

fight illness. Potassium is essential for the efficient functioning of muscles, notably the heart

muscles. It also aids in the prevention of excessive blood pressure and the maintenance of fluid

balance inside the body. Banana stem is a diuretic that aids in detoxification. This basis

strengthens the acceptability of banana stems to be used in various processes and innovations

(Maraña et al., 2023). This study shows the benefits of consuming banana stem and according

to Maraña et al., (2023), Banana stem is also edible and tasty. However, its value in eating and

the use of it as an exchange ingredient for any cuisine, are hardly seen by many. Moreover,
most of the entire population only knows that the banana fruit, heart, and leaf are only the edible

parts, but banana stem is considered as equally important in terms of their nutritional and

nutraceutical contents and use as medicines to cure both infectious and degenerative diseases.

Also, the banana stem is edible and applicable for use as an ingredient in other types of

cuisines. (Maraña et al., 2023). Another study shows the other benefits of consuming banana

stem. According to Vinmec et al.,(2019), Banana stem is rich in fiber, which aids digestion and

helps manage weight. It also contains potassium, vitamin B6, and antioxidants, contributing to

heart health and immune function. Additionally, it may help regulate blood sugar levels and

promote kidney health due to its diuretic properties. It is also a rich food source of potassium

and vitamin B6 which helps in the production of insulin and haemoglobin. Eating banana stalks

once a week helps control high blood pressure. Banana stem also maintains fluid balance in the

body. It is a diuretic and helps to detoxify the body. Banana stem has many health benefits.

Mainly, its used to flush out Kidney stones. It helps in other issues like Anaemia, Diabetes,

Urinary tract infection, cholesterol, constipation, weight reduction and also detoxification. The

easiest way to consume it, is to make a juice out of it (Vinmec et al., 2019).

The production of banana in the Philippines is great. According to the study conducted,

Santiago (2021), The Philippines is the second top global banana exporter and the primary

supplier in the Japanese market. Approximately 37.3 percent of Philippine bananas, valued at

US $562 million, are exported to Japan under the global brands of Dole, Del Monte, Chiquita,

and Sumitomo (Santiago 2021).

The floral stem of banana, have long been cherished in the culinary heritage of Rosales,

Pangasinan, particularly in dishes like 'adobo.' The introduction of banana floral stem chips, a

unique twist on this beloved ingredient, could pique the curiosity of locals and ignite excitement.

With banana floral stem’s plentiful supply and nutritional value, this innovative snack has the
potential to not only tantalize taste buds but also enrich the community's culinary landscape,

offering a delightful fusion of tradition and innovation.

This study aimed to develop banana floral stem as a healthy snack alternative. Bamboo

shoots are also a good source of, It is generally crisp and also sensitive, similar to asparagus,

having a taste much like corn. Banana Floral Stem are high in potassium and vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 aids in the synthesis of haemoglobin and insulin. Banana stem boosts the body's

ability to fight illness. Potassium is essential for the efficient functioning of muscles, notably the

heart muscles. It also aids in the prevention of excessive blood pressure and the maintenance

of fluid balance inside the body. Banana stem is a diuretic that aids in detoxification, making

them a healthier alternative to traditional potato chips.

This research investigates the approval and potential advantages of utilizing banana floral

stem chips as an innovative snack. Banana floral stem chips provide consumers with an

exclusive combination of flavor and nutritional value, presenting a healthier choice for snacking.

Packed with essential nutrients, these chips are an appealing option for individuals focused on

their health, offering a delightful and nourishing alternative.

Perfect for households, banana floral stem chips serve as a flexible snack suitable for every

family member, including those children who may shy away from conventional vegetables.

Introducing banana floral stem chips provides families with a wholesome and guilt-free snacking

alternative. Upcoming entrepreneurs and researchers can leverage the insights from this study

as a valuable asset for exploring and advancing unconventional snacks in the future.
Statement of the problem
This study aims to determine the acceptability of banana floral stem as chips.

The following questions are what the researchers were looking to solve:

1. What is the nutritional content of banana floral stem?

2. What is the level of acceptability of the banana floral stem as chips that are technologically

dehydrates in terms of:

2.a. aroma

2.b. taste

2.c. texture

2.d. appearance

3. Is there a significant difference on the level of acceptability of banana floral stem as chips

across the difference flavors

3.a. cheese

3.b. sour cream

3.c. barbeque

Null Hypothesis
H0: There is no significant difference in the level of acceptability of banana floral stem as chips

across the different flavors of cheese, sour cream, and barbeque.

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to determine the acceptability of banana floral stem as chop. This

experimental study is limited only to evaluate the effectiveness of banana floral stem as snack.
The respondents will be given a questionnaires to determine the acceptability of banana

floral stem as chip. At least 30 grade 12 STEM students will serve as the respondents, 6

students per section will be randomly selected through simple random sampling. The

researchers will conduct this study inside the Rosales National High School in Rosales,

Pangasinan, during the second semester of the school year 2023-2024. The researchers will

utilize questionnaires to determine the acceptability of banana floral stem as chip

Significance of the Study

This study aims to provide valuable information about the acceptability of banana flower

stem as chips.

The following will benefit from this study:

Consumers – by purchasing banana floral stem chips, Banana floral stem will provide them

with several health benefits.

Students - it’s affordable for the students and it’s also healthy to them.

Farmers - The farmer will benefit to the floral stem of the banana. It can be an extra income in

them when the banana will get, also to not a waste the floral stem of the banana.

Family - it will be ideal for every family member. Even kids who don't eat or don't like vegetables

can like it. they can also obtain the nutrients that are present in banana floral stem.

Entrepreneurs - If a large number of people will enjoy and support the product. It will be

beneficial for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs for expanding their source of income

through banana floral stem as chips.

Future researchers – to future researchers who wish to investigate this subject will find this

study to be a useful source of information along with relevant publications. Successful

researchers will be able to draw inspiration from the current investigation.

Definition of terms

Snacking - eating different kinds of foods while doing activities with peers and families or alone.

Chips - fruit or vegetable that is sliced to thin pieces and being dehydrated and fried to create a

crispy snack

Banana floral stem - Inner part of bananas stem/ trunk that is edible.

flavorings – natural or chemical additives added to some foods to give or add and enhance

taste of different types of foods

edible - Something that people can consume or can be eaten by human without harming

human health

cuisine - Different types on how to cook foods

Ingredients - Additives or different pieces that placed on any foods to make the dish or the


Innovation - New product that is being made or the result of the researchers study.

Food Coloring – natural or chemical additives that added to foods to enhance its color

This section provides an overview of the relevant literature following extensive and

meticulous research conducted by the investigators. It aims to assist researchers in shaping

their study. Additionally, the content of this chapter aids in understanding both contrasting and

analogous aspects to the current research.

A. Related Literature

A.1. Foreign literature

One may refer to banana stems as superfoods. Its high fiber content helps with

constipation relief, weight loss, and gut health. It is also high in iron and vitamin B6, which helps

control blood sugar levels and enhances hemoglobin synthesis in the body, which tangentially

lowers bad cholesterol. Consuming banana stem helps lower blood pressure because it

contains a high potassium content. In addition to these benefits, regular use of banana stem can

lower the risk of kidney stones, prevent UTIs, and aid in blood detoxification. It is a non-woody,

herbaceous portion of the banana tree. That' s why people use it in varied ways in a meal. Being

a rich source of nutrients, it finds a place in every household for its affordability, medicinal

benefits, and convenience (shah et al., 2023).

The pseudo stem accounts for 75% of the waste, with the rest accounting for 25%. The

purpose of this paper is to raise important awareness about the bioactive chemicals found in

banana pseudo stems hence they can be considered as sustainable foods and their

applications as culinary raw materials and in other sectors. Even though bulk waste is

biodegradable, it causes many problems in our environment, so sustainable waste usage with

proper management and utilization of the residues can not only help in the utilization of the

bioactive and nutrient compounds present but also increase the economic and environmental

issues associated with the problem. The banana pseudo stem is used in various businesses as
culinary ingredients, fibers, and hazardous removers. Even when used for heavy metal

treatment in wastewater, the fiber in it is strong enough to manufacture cardboard and food

packaging materials. Some pseudo stem types can even be extracted for pectin and used as

food additives. The powdered pseudo stem is used to boost the nutritional content of numerous

recipes. In summary, the banana pseudo stem can be divided into two first the central core part

that can be used as food raw material and other outer sheaths in various different industries

(Pillai e al., 2024).

The edible part of the banana stem is the inner portion of the fibrous stalk called as

banana center core. Banana stem is rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin B6 which aid in the

treatment of ulcers and in the development of a sport drink, that together benefit the muscles

and production of hemoglobin and insulin. In Ayurvedic practices, banana pseudo stem is used

in weight loss and is also said to be beneficial for overall health in terms of diuretic and to

prevent kidney stones. There are reports on the traditional uses of banana stem juice for

treating diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes and antioxidant actions. Banana center core juice is well

known remedy for urinary disorders, helps in the treatment for removal of stones in the kidney,

gall bladder and prostate, in nervous disorders like epilepsy and hysteria. Several value-added

products viz., fibre, yarn, fabrics, vermin compost, liquid fertilizer, quality papers, candy and

pickles from banana pseudo stem have been developed. Equipment package for post-harvest

processing of banana pseudo stem and central core viz., banana central core slicer, dicer, fiber

extraction unit, surface water removal, juicer/grinder and juice squeezer are available. The

technology has been developed for minimal processing of banana central core and RTS

beverage juice, candy and pickles from banana central core. Studies also have reported

microbial fermentation of pseudo stem core for bio-ethanol production (Munishamanna et al.,

This chapter deals with the fiber extracted from the pseudo-stem of the banana plant. It

discusses the production of banana pseudo-stem fiber, which includes plantation and

harvesting; extraction of banana pseudo-stem fiber; retting; and degumming of the fiber. It also

deals with the characteristics of the banana pseudo-stem fiber, such as morphological, physical

and mechanical, durability, degradability, thermal, chemical, and antibacterial properties.

Several potential applications of this fiber are also mentioned, such as the use of this fiber to

fabricate rope, place mats, paper cardboard, string thread, tea bags, high-quality textile

materials, absorbent, polymer/fiber composites, etc (Subagyo

nutritious and sugar-rich Banana pseudo stem core (BPS) served as a novel substrate

for developing fermented beverages involving reference microorganisms, Saccharomyces

ellipsoideus (RY4) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (RLAB4) along with other indigenous isolates

of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. The results indicated that the performance of the reference

organisms was significantly better, as compared to BPS isolates. It was observed that beverage

using RY4 produced highest alcohol content of 7.03% after 6 days. Further, a desirable

microbial population for probiotic beverages was attained in RLAB4 (4.5 x 106 cfu ml-1

beverage). Additionally, treatment with RLAB4 also exhibited highest vitamin C (0.38 mg 100 ml-

1) (Puranik et al., 2023).

B. Related Study

B2. Foreign Study

According to the study conducted by Adisti et al., (2023) People mostly have not used

banana stems, so the stems have no economic value. Therefore, making innovations from

banana stem is interesting. With this innovation in making banana stem chips, banana stem

waste can provide economic benefits and, at the same time, a healthy snack for the community.

nutritional content in banana tree trunks are tannins, saponins, and flavonoids. These three
chemical compounds are very good for boosting our body's immune system. Banana stems are

also fiber-rich, contain vitamins such as Vitamins A, B and C, and are rich in nitrogen and

potassium (Adisti et al., 2023).

In the study conducted by Liebl et al., (2019) The effect of dehydrated fiber size (30

mesh, 3 cm, and 15 cm) on the saccharification of the biomass with subsequent alcoholic

fermentation of the must was investigated using two different concentrations of reducing sugars

(RS = 40 and 90 g/L). In the pretreatment by drying, the temperature (T) was the variable that

showed the greatest effect on the productivity of the process (Qd), followed by fiber length (L)

and T by L interaction. The use of dehydrated fibers in the form of bran (30 mesh granulometry)

in the saccharification process provided the best theoretical average yield based on the

stoichiometric conversion of cellulose and hemicellulose in RS (YRS = 37.87%) (Liebl et al.,


In the study conducted by Ma, Jun (2015), As fresh banana pseudostems have limited

shelf life, drying the stems using cabinet dryer using several conditions such as, drying at 40 C

and 50 C with/without blanching, were compared with regard to drying time, colour as well as

quality of the dried product in terms of the retention of nutrients. Drying at 50 C without

blanching provided the whitest colour and shortest drying time. Thus the optimum condition for

drying was established at 50 C without blanching based on nutrient retention (Ma, Jun 2015).

In this study conducted by Maraña et al., (2023), the objective of the study is to

determine whether utilizing banana stem as a substitute ingredient in Korean food is acceptable.

kimchi for diet. Purposive sampling was employed, and the researchers adopted an

experimental research design. to choose fifty participants for the research. According to the

study, using banana stems to make kimchi is okay. and it gives Asian cooking a fresh taste. The

three kimchi samples were compared using the Kruskal Wallis Test. constructed from banana

stems, and the findings revealed no discernible variation between the three samples based on
the assessment of the participants. According to the study, banana stems can be a good

substitute item for Korean kimchi food that maintains its acceptability in terms of flavor profile

(Maraña et al., 2023).

Based on the study conducted by Zaini, N. F. H. (2022), The creation of banana stem

drinks is an attempt to address the issue of nutrient-poor and energy-dense beverages on the

market. This drink will guarantee that consumers may both enjoy a refreshing beverage and

obtain a range of nutrients from the banana stem. The purpose of the study is to create a low-

calorie banana stem drink and assess its sensory qualities. Additionally, the objective of this

study is to examine the nutritional makeup, physicochemical characteristics, and antioxidant

activity of the banana stem drink. Banana stems from three different types of bananas—

Berangan, Jackfruit, and Rhino Horn—went through a sample preparation process in order to

create a banana stem extract for the beverage (Zaini, N. F. H. 2022).


This section presents the research procedures that the investigators will employ to

conduct the investigation. The research design, sampling strategy, data collection instrument,

and statistical analysis of the data are some of these methods.

Research Design

True experimentation in research design was employed in this study. Finding causal

correlations between the variables under investigation is made easier with the use of a true-

experimental study design. By manipulating an independent variable, assigning participants to

different groups at random, and evaluating the dependent variable, this method works. This

research type was most appropriate for the perceived condition, which involved the random

assignment of participants to different treatment conditions.

Research Population and Sampling Procedure

In this study, respondents were selected at random from Rosales National High School's

Grade 11 STEM students using simple random sampling. A particular type of probability

sampling called simple random sampling gives every response an equal chance of being

chosen. The thirty (30) respondents were chosen at random by the researchers after listing

each Grade 12 STEM student's name on a card. The study's target group, STEM students, was

selected because they possessed the knowledge and abilities needed to comprehend and
assess complicated data about food and sustainability, were generally receptive to new

concepts and innovations, and had an interest in science and technology.

Data Gathering Instrument and Procedures

The researchers designed a survey questionnaire for data collection, which underwent

validation by the research advisor and pertinent experts. Quantitative surveys served as the

means to gather closed-ended responses from participants. Subsequently, the questionnaire

was randomly distributed to thirty (30) Grade 11 STEM students at Rosales National High

School, employing simple random sampling.

The researchers evaluated the acceptability of various banana flowery stem chip flavors

using a 5-point hedonic difference scale as part of the sensory evaluation component.

In an effort to ensure that everyone could complete the questionnaire fully aware of their

responsibilities as participants, the researchers defined any terms or instructions and explained

to the selected respondents the significance of their involvement in the study. To maintain the

survey's accuracy and objectivity throughout, the researchers took care to guarantee that each

respondent's identity and personal information remained private. Lastly, the survey

questionnaire was printed up and given by the researchers. Following respondents' completion

of the questionnaire, the researchers gathered the forms and totaled the information for

Experimental Flowchart

1 Preparation of materials

2 Dehydration of banana floral stem

3 Preparation for treatment

4 frying

5 Sensory evaluation

6 Interpretation

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used a one-way ANOVA to determine if there were any statistically

significant variations between the means of the three study samples. This will test the significant
difference between the treatments used in the study. The opinions and attitudes of respondents

on the product or service under study were measured using a Likert scale.

Acceptability Chart


Flavor of 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1






Scale Range of Scores Levels of Acceptability

5 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptable
4 3.41-4.20 Acceptable
3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Acceptable
2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Acceptable
1 1.00-1.8 Not Acceptable

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