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Divisibility and the division algorithm are closely related concepts in number theory.

While divisibility refers to

the property of one integer being divisible by another without leaving a remainder, the division algorithm
provides a systematic method for performing division and obtaining both the quotient and remainder.
Here’s how divisibility and the division algorithm are connected:
1. Divisibility:
- Divisibility is a property that determines if one integer is divisible by another without leaving a
- If b divides a (denoted as b | a), it means there exists an integer c such that a = b * c.
- Divisibility is a fundamental concept used to study the relationships between integers and their
2. Division Algorithm:
- The division algorithm is a method used to divide one integer by another and obtain a quotient and
- It states that for any two integers a and b, where b is not equal to zero, there exist unique integers q
(quotient) and r (remainder) such that a = bq + r.
- The quotient q represents the number of times the divisor can be subtracted from the dividend
without resulting in a negative number, and the remainder r is the amount left over after dividing as
much as possible.
- The division algorithm guarantees the existence and uniqueness of the quotient and remainder when
dividing integers.
The division algorithm provides a systematic way to perform division and obtain both the quotient and
remainder, while divisibility determines if one integer is divisible by another without leaving a remainder. The
division algorithm relies on the concept of divisibility to determine the quotient and remainder.
Together, these concepts play a fundamental role in number theory, allowing us to analyze factors, multiples,
and relationships between integers, as well as perform division operations accurately.

In number theory, integer divisibility refers to the property of one integer being divisible by another integer
without leaving a remainder. It is a fundamental concept used to study the relationship between integers and
their factors.
Formally, let a and b be integers, with b ≠ 0. We say that a is divisible by b, or b divides a, denoted as b | a, if
there exists an integer c such that a = b * c. In this case, b is called a divisor or factor of a, and a is called a
multiple of b.
Here are a few key properties of integer divisibility in number theory:
1. Divisibility by 1: Every integer is divisible by 1. For any integer a, we have 1 | a.
2. Divisibility by itself: Every integer is divisible by itself. For any non-zero integer a, we have a | a.
3. Divisibility by 0: Zero is divisible by every non-zero integer. For any non-zero integer b, we have b | 0.
4. Transitive property: If a is divisible by b, and b is divisible by c, then a is divisible by c. In other words, if
b | a and c | b, then c | a.
5. Multiplication property: If a is divisible by b, then a multiplied by any integer is also divisible by b. In
other words, if b | a, then for any integer k, b | (a * k).
6. Addition property: If a is divisible by b, and c is divisible by b, then the sum of a and c is also divisible by
b. In other words, if b | a and b | c, then b | (a + c).
Properties of integer divisibility include:
- Every integer is divisible by 1.
- Every integer is divisible by itself.
- Zero is divisible by every non-zero integer.
These properties of integer divisibility are essential in number theory, as they allow us to analyze the factors,
multiples, and relationships between integers. They form the basis for many important concepts and
theorems in number theory, such as prime numbers, greatest common divisor, and modular arithmetic.

To determine if an integer is divisible by another integer using the modulo operator, follow these steps:
1. Choose the two integers: Let’s call the integer being divided the “dividend” and the integer dividing it the
2. Use the modulo operator (%): Apply the modulo operator to the dividend divided by the divisor. The
modulo operator returns the remainder when the dividend is divided by the divisor.
3. Check the remainder: If the remainder is zero, then the dividend is divisible by the divisor. This means that
the dividend can be divided evenly by the divisor without leaving any remainder.
4. Interpret the result: If the remainder is not zero, then the dividend is not divisible by the divisor. This means
that the dividend cannot be divided evenly by the divisor and will leave a remainder.

Here’s an example to illustrate the process:

Let’s determine if 15 is divisible by 3 using the modulo operator.

Step 1: Choose the integers: The dividend is 15, and the divisor is 3.
Step 2: Apply the modulo operator: Divide 15 by 3 and calculate the remainder:
15 % 3 = 0
Step 3: Check the remainder: Since the remainder is zero, we can conclude that 15 is divisible by 3.
In this example, 15 is divisible by 3 because the remainder is zero when we use the modulo operator.
By following these steps, you can determine if an integer is divisible by another integer using the modulo
operator. Remember, if the remainder is zero, then the dividend is divisible by the divisor.
Example 1:
Is 15 divisible by 3?
To determine if 15 is divisible by 3, we check if there exists an integer quotient when dividing 15 by 3. In this
case, 15 divided by 3 equals 5 with no remainder. Therefore, 15 is divisible by 3.

Example 2:
Is 28 divisible by 7?
To determine if 28 is divisible by 7, we check if there exists an integer quotient when dividing 28 by 7. In this
case, 28 divided by 7 equals 4 with no remainder. Therefore, 28 is divisible by 7.

Example 3:
Is 10 divisible by 4?
To determine if 10 is divisible by 4, we check if there exists an integer quotient when dividing 10 by 4. In this
case, 10 divided by 4 equals 2 with a remainder of 2. Therefore, 10 is not divisible by 4.

Example 4:
Is -18 divisible by 6?
To determine if -18 is divisible by 6, we check if there exists an integer quotient when dividing -18 by 6. In this
case, -18 divided by 6 equals -3 with no remainder. Therefore, -18 is divisible by 6.

Example 5:
Is 100 divisible by 9?
To determine if 100 is divisible by 9, we check if there exists an integer quotient when dividing 100 by 9. In this
case, 100 divided by 9 equals 11 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, 100 is not divisible by 9.

These examples demonstrate how to determine the divisibility of one integer by another. If the division results
in an integer quotient with no remainder, then the first integer is divisible by the second integer. Otherwise, it
is not divisible.
In number theory, the division algorithm is a fundamental concept that establishes the existence and
uniqueness of the quotient and remainder when dividing one integer by another.

The division algorithm in number theory can be stated as follows:

For any two integers a and b, where b is a positive integer, there exist unique integers q (quotient) and r
(remainder) such that:

A = bq + r
Where 0 ≤ r < |b|.
Here, a is the dividend, b is the divisor, q is the quotient, and r is the remainder.
The division algorithm in number theory guarantees that when dividing an integer a by a positive integer b, we
can always find a unique quotient q and a remainder r that satisfy the equation. The remainder r is always
non-negative and strictly less than the absolute value of the divisor.
This concept is used extensively in number theory to study properties of integers, such as divisibility, prime
numbers, modular arithmetic, and congruences. It forms the basis for various important theorems and
algorithms in number theory.
Let’s use the division algorithm to divide 83 by 7 and obtain the quotient and remainder.
Step 1: Set up the equation:
We have a = bq + r, where a is the dividend (83), b is the divisor (7), q is the quotient, and r is the remainder.
Step 2: Perform the division:
Divide 83 by 7:
83 ÷ 7 = 11 remainder 6
Step 3: Interpret the result:
The quotient is 11, and the remainder is 6.
Therefore, when we divide 83 by 7 using the division algorithm, we get a quotient of 11 and a remainder of 6.
In equation form, this can be written as:
83 = 7 * 11 + 6
The quotient represents the number of times the divisor (7) can be subtracted from the dividend (83) without
resulting in a negative number, and the remainder is the amount left over after dividing as much as possible.
Example 1:
Divide 27 by 5.
Using the division algorithm, we have:
27 = 5 * 5 + 2
In this case, the quotient is 5 and the remainder is 2.

Example 2:
Divide -42 by 8.
Using the division algorithm, we have:
-42 = 8 * -6 + 6
In this case, the quotient is -6 and the remainder is 6.

Example 3:
Divide 1001 by 7.
Using the division algorithm, we have:
1001 = 7 * 143 + 0
In this case, the quotient is 143 and the remainder is 0.

Example 4:
Divide 39 by 4.
Using the division algorithm, we have:
39 = 4 * 9 + 3
In this case, the quotient is 9 and the remainder is 3.

Example 5:
Divide -17 by 3.
Using the division algorithm, we have:
-17 = 3 * -6 + 1
In this case, the quotient is -6 and the remainder is 1.

These examples demonstrate how the division algorithm can be used to find the quotient and remainder
when dividing one integer by another. The remainder is always non-negative and less than the absolute value
of the divisor.

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