Reporting Governmentagency

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In every aspect of our lives, there are always laws involve.

Be it in our education, our livelihood, environment and many

more. So of course, there are also laws regarding people’s health. These laws are used to protect us and keep us safe
from any harm, neglect, and abuse.

The significance of these health-related laws was discussed by the former groups. So let us now think of this question.
Who are in charge of implementing and enforcing the law? What government agencies are involved?

Today, we are here to answer those questions.

First let’s start with…


We as consumers need to be educated thoroughly. We need to know basic and complicated information so that we
know what we’re getting ourselves into. How can we know what products to purchase, how and when to use them if the
schools didn’t teach us properly. How can we make proper decisions if our knowledge is lacking. SEX EDUCATION


This agency ensures that the markets are fair, orderly, and efficient. It evaluates the financial statements filed by
corporations to make sure that their financial performance is up to the standards. It also protects investors, especially
first-time investors. As the economy continues to struggle, more and more young people are trying to invest in different
businesses to earn more money. The SEC oversees the security of these transactions to ensure its legitimacy.

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