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Social Psychology terms person research

Sociology Positive psychology

- Human society and social behavior - How human strengths and virtues
at the group level influence feelings, thoughts and
- Examines social institution, behaviors
society, social processes and - Study of strengths, traits and
structure of social units cognitive processes that help
- Social problems, structures & people thrive
functions Kurt Lewin
Psychology - Father of social psychology
- Study of individual and their - Says that behavior is a function of
behavior person and environment
- Addresses human learning, Norman Triplett
perception, memory, intelligence, - In 1897 he pioneered a soc psych
emotion, motivation and experiment studying effects of
personality others on cycling performance
Social Psychology Max Ringelmann
- How people influence each other’s - A french agricultural engineer
thoughts, feelings and behavior - In 1913, he published individual
Social influence can be: effort decreases when one works in
- Obvious and Subtle a cooperative group rather than
3 main focus of Soc Psych alone (Ringelmann effect)
- Social influence Interactions
- Social thinking - Combination of several influences
- Social behavior on an outcome, such as the
Anthropology influence of both personality and
- Study of culture and human environment on behavior
behavior over time Nature
- Societies from past to present - Come from biology or physiology.
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Such as, genetics, hormones and
- Helps people who have brain differences
maladaptive or problematic Nurture
thoughts and behaviors - Come from life circumstances, how
a person raised, experiences and
environment in general
Social Psychology terms person research

False Dichotomy Social Desirability Bias

- Two opposing and mutually - People present themselves in a
exclusive options when both generally favorable fashion
options may work together Correlational Design
Theory - Determine the relationship of 2 or
- Set of principles that explain and more variable
predict observed events Longitudinal Design
Hypothesis - Type of correlational research;
- Testable proposition that describes usually observational, in contrast
the relationship that may exist with cross-sectional research
Archival Studies - Single group of people is tested to
- Primary sources held in an see treatment has an effect
archives, a special collections True Experiments Design
library or other repository - Gold standard/Best methodology
- Ex: Diary, Census, Newspaper, for most soc psych studies
letters, social media platforms, - Able to make claims about causes
maps & statistics and effects
Naturalistic Observation Quasi-Experimental Design
- Observing subjects in their natural - Outcomes are compared across
environment without intervention different groups that have not been
- Reactivity; subject may behave formed through random assignment
differently than usual when they but instead occur naturally
know they are being observed Laboratory Experiment
- Participant Observation; subject - Deliberately introduces some
becomes actively involved in change into a setting, while holding
activities of the people being all other factors constant, to
studied examine the consequences of that
Survey change
- Researchers collect data by asking Field Experiment
participants to respond to questions - Observes “naturally occurring
or statements behavior” with no attempt to
change or interfere with it
Social Psychology terms person research

Declaration of Helsinki Informed consent

- Published by World Medical - Statement that participation is
Association to guide the protection voluntary, summary of
of human participants in medical purpose-duration-procedures,
research reasonable risks or discomforts,
- Was adopted in 1964 by the 18th expected benefits & alternative
WMA General assembly at procedures
Helsinki - Contains process and key elements
Belmont Report Self
- By national commission for - Internal narrative about themselves
protection of human subjects of Functional fiction
biomedical and behavioral research - William Swann & Michael
APA Guidelines Buhrmester (2012)
5 principles Solitary Self = Social Self because it
- Beneficence & Non-maleficence, involves family, friends, neighborhood &
Fidelity & Responsibility, culture
Integrity, Justice and Respect for Self Awareness (Self Recognition)
People’s rights & dignity - Understand that we are separate
Beneficence entity from other people and
- Minimize risk and maximize objects in our world
possible benefits to individuals - Testing; mirror self-recognition or
Non-Maleficence the mark test
- Do no harm/wrong (physical, Mirror recognition test
psychological, social, economic - Behavioral
etc.) - Developed by Gordon Gallop Jr.
Respect for Person (1970)
- Recognize the dignity of the - Attempt to determine whether
individual animal possess human self
- What is best and can be done recognition
- Honor one’s choices Self concept
- Protect vulnerable - Personal summary of who we
Justice believe we are, positive and
- Give what they deserve; Fairness in negative qualities, relationship to
burdens and benefits of research others & beliefs in opinions
Social Psychology terms person research

Theories on how we acquire Self Self Discrepancy Theory

Concept: - A mismatch exist between 3 selves
Social Comparison Theory (actual, ideal & ought self)
- Idea of individual how they Actual Self
compare themselves to other - How we think we are
people Ideal Self
- Use of social comparison to - Person we would like to be
construct self-concept Ought
- Developed by Leon Fasinjur - Expectation of others towards us
Upward Social Comparison Self Expansion Theory
- Comparing self to better than them - All humans have a basic
- To improve motivation to grow, improve,
Downward Social Comparison enhance specifically through close
- Comparing self to lower than them social relationship
- To feel better Self presentation/Impression management
Social Identity Theory - Adjust self for varying others to
- Developed by Tajfel Turner 1986 gain social influence
- Categorize each other to form Ingratiation
in&out groups that validate their - Short term impression management
perceptions of themselves in tactic where people compliment
flattering and useful way other and seem to admire them to
Culture crates expectation on how we increase liking to gain social
actually behave influence
Self-Schema Theory Self Promotion
- Cognitive and mental structure for - Uses positive statements about self
organizing the world around us to convey self competence
- Summarize & organize beliefs Self enhancement
about self-relevant information - Person’s accomplishment is crucial
- By Hazel markus 1977 para mas gumanda yung pangalan
Self Perception Theory nila
- Self concept by observing own Entitlement
behavior to infer own motivations, - Person takes credit na hindi siya
attitudes, values and core traits part nang process
- Watch > infer > display
Social Psychology terms person research

Conspicuous Consumption Self Esteem

- Publicly displaying the use of - Subjective, personal evaluation of
expensive products to impress their self including judgements
others made about self worth
Brain Damage Self Esteem is not the same as:
- Can limit self presentation ability Self compassion
Self insight - Care for oneself
- Self observe and evaluate own Narcissism
behavior - Excessive self love based on
Low Self Monitor unwarranted belief
- Act the same way whenever they Self Efficacy
are and who is around them - Believe that they are capable of
High Self Monitor completing task or achieve goal
- Change how they act all the time Social Cognition
depending on the situation - Combination of intuition and logic
Optimal Margin to process social info
- Proposes a slight to moderate range Intuition
of healthy distortions of reality - To know quickly and automatically
improves psycho and physio - Gut feeling
wellbeing Logic
Positive illusion - Use reason, think systematically
- Beliefs that depart from reality to and consider evidence about
remain optimistic possible futures
- Form of self deception to have Individualism
favorable attitude - Giving priority to one’s goal,
Self Serving Cognitive Biases identity over group goals, identities
- Cognitive distortions that enhance - Western cultures tend to be
people’s self concept by perceiving individualistic
they are a little better than they are Collectivism
- Biased views of our own traits, - Giving priority to one’s group
behaviors, feedback about self identity; goals over individual’s
Subjective age own identity
- How old feel compared to their
chronological age
Social Psychology terms person research

Memory Structures Downward Counterfactual

- Form the mind and organize and - Worse than reality
helps to understand social info Upward Counterfactual
Script - Better than reality
- Type of schema that guides Optimistic Bias
common social behaviors and - Unrealistic expectations
expectations Planning Fallacy
- Provides with an order of events - Unjustified confidence
Stereotype Principle of Parsimony
- Oversimplified & overgeneralized - Prefer for simplest answer (straight
schema that occurs when to the point)
individual assumes everyone has Mental Accessibility
same traits - Ease with an idea comes to mind
Outgroup Homogeneity Mental Availability
- Members of outgroup are identical - Information already salient in mind
to each other Semantic Network
Maximizer - Collection of mental concepts and
- Person take heavier cognitive load connected by common
Cognitive Miser characteristics
- Take mental shortcuts to minimize Priming
cognitive load - Allows related ideas to come more
Satisficing easily to mind
- Practical solution to problem of Heuristic
information overload when takes - Makes it easier to solve difficult
mental shortcuts problems
Magical Thinking Algorithm
- Beliefs based on assumptions that - Systematic & logical that search
do not hold up to reality for a solution
If Only Anchoring & Adjustment Heuristic
- Wishes - Makes a decision within a problem
Counterfactual Thinking that unduly influence final answer
- Imagine alternative facts that lead Availability Heuristic
to a different future - Overestimate the frequency or
importance of information
Social Psychology terms person research

Representative Heuristic
- Makes a decision that resembles
“typical” case
Confirmation Bias
- Search evidence that confirms their
Hindsight Bias
- Believes that they could have
predicted the outcome of past event
False Belief
- “I knew it all along”
Negativity Bias
- Automatic tendency to remember
negative info than positive info

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