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Practical Research 2

Research Proposal

A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of using

Organic Turmeric and Aloe Vera as an Alternative Back
Pain Treatment

DV: Effectiveness in Alternative Back Pain Treatment of Turmeric and Aloe Vera
IV: Turmeric and Aloe Vera

Prepared by: GROUP2 - STEM201


We all know nowadays we usually experience back pain because of the pandemic,
people rarely go outside their home. It is relevant now because they just stay at
home sitting in front of their laptops and cellphones doing online classes or work
for the adults. The turmeric and aloe vera can be used as a medicinal plants
because these plants have strong anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce
inflammation, joint pain and arthritis. The purpose of comparing turmeric and aloe
vera is that we will know what are the components of turmeric and aloe vera that
treats back pain and what is more effective for treating back pain.


1. What are the different components of turmeric and aloe vera that relives back
Explanation: as the researchers we know that turmeric and aloe vera has an ability
to relieve back pain, in addition we want to know what are these components of
turmeric and aloe vera are responsible in treating back pain.

2. Which part of back pain alternative treatments of turmeric and aloe vera can be
effective to use?
3. Which alternative treatment between organic turmeric and aloe vera provides
faster relief to back pain?

Explanation: Basically, we don't only want to differentiate the different

components of turmeric and aloe vera that relieves back pain. This study also aims
which of the two alternative back pain treatment is more effective and provides
faster relief.


H0: There is no significant difference between the components of aloe vera and
turmeric that relieves back pain
H1: There is a significant difference between the components of aloe vera and
turmeric that relieves back pain.

Intro: The study is significant to the following people: To the Students, To the
Community/Society, To the Researchers, and to the Future Researchers because
this will give them more information about organic turmeric and aloe vera.

To the Students

Explanation: In this study covers useful information to the students on how does
turmeric and aloe vera can be useful or effective as an alternative back pain

To the Community/Society

Explanation: In this study will help the society determine which alternative back
pain treatment is more effective. Through this research, the community will also
determine which of the two back pain treatment is faster in treating back pains.

To the Researchers

Explanation: The researchers in this study will help to widen their knowledge
about the effectiveness of turmeric and aloe vera as an alternative back pain

To the Future Researchers

Explanation: The researchers will provide reference to the future researchers who
will conduct a similar study about organic turmeric and aloe vera as an alternative
pain treatment.

The study focuses on the effectiveness of organic turmeric and aloe vera as
an alternative back pain treatment, this focuses to identify various components of
turmeric and aloe vera that treats back pain.

The research focuses in identifying which of the two alternative treatment is

more effective in terms of relieving back pain.

The research will be conducted to 50 randomly selected students of STI

College Caloocan

The product of the researchers are going to implement will not consist other
kinds of compounds/components/chemicals.

The study only covers the implementation of the product in treating back
pains only.

The researchers limits respondents that's allergic to turmeric and aloe vera.


Intro: our research design is quantitative, what do we mean by a quantitative

research design?

Quantitative is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data.

Explanation: it can also be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions,
test causal relationships, and generalize results.

Our research is an experimental research

Experimental research design is a type of research method in which you

manipulate one or more independent variables and measure their effect on one or
more dependent variables. (Bevans, 2020)

Explanation: there are 2 types of experimental design, first is the true experimental
and the other one is quasi-experimental design. In our research, we will be using
true experimental design so that it is free from bias.


The sampling method we are going to use is simple-random sampling but first
what do we mean by random sampling?

Simple-random sampling is a type of sampling technique in which each sample has

an equal probability of being chosen.

Now the researchers will have a fair selection to gather 50 respondents.

Explanation: The researchers are going to do is they are going to gather the master
list of each selected population from STI College Caloocan then all of the names of
students will put their names on a paper by the researchers since it's online class
the researchers won't able to visit every population/students at STI College

The study will be conducted online at Samson Rd, Caloocan City, Metro Manila at
STI College Caloocan.

The researchers will be implementing the usage of Google Forms which it collects
information via personalized quizzes or surveys.

The study will be conducted in the first semester of academic year 2020-2021 at
STI College Caloocan.


Target respondents are students of STI College Caloocan from grade 11 to College

The respondents may be male or female, any strand, or any course.

The respondents must be ages of 15-21 years old and must not have any allergies
on taking organic products.


A questionnaire is a method consisting of question for the purpose of gathering

information from the respondents. (Saul McLeod, 2018)

The researchers will be using non-standardize questionnaires.

Non-standardized questionnaires means that the researchers created their own set
of questions.

And our

Questions consist of multiple choice which has 4 choices and contingency

questions which are the questions that are intended only for specific respondents

STEP 1: The researchers decided to conduct a survey about the effectiveness of

using organic turmeric and aloe vera as an alternative back pain treatment.
STEP 2: The researchers constructed twenty (20) non-standardized survey
questionnaires related to the effectiveness of turmeric and aloe vera in relieving
back pain. The survey questionnaire consists of
multiple-choice and dichotomous type of questions.
STEP 3: Using random sampling, the researchers selected the respondents. The
respondents must be students of STI College Caloocan aged 15 to 21 years. The
respondent must be no allergies in any kind of organic products.
STEP 4: The survey questionnaires prepared by the researchers are answered by
the respondents.
STEP 5: The researchers collect all the answers of the respondents to the
questionnaires and carefully tally or tabulate the data.


1. Medical Uses of Aloe Vera Leaf
• According to Subramaniam S. (2006). Aloe vera has been traditionally used
worldwide as a folk medicine for various diseases because of its multiple
biological activities
• According to Mclntruff, J.E. (2005). Aloe vera is not only used for cosmetics, but
can also be used in treating back pains.
• In this rrl, it states that the primary component responsible in anti-inflammatory
properties of aloe vera is its “novel protein”, “C-glucosyl chromone” and the “anti-
inflammatory properties of molecular weight 14kDa”
• Provides additional information/evidences to the researchers that will help the
researchers strengthen their research

2. Effects of Turmeric’s Component – Curcumin

• According to Webb (2015), you can use turmeric root to relieve pain and turmeric
also known as a traditional medicine for inflammatory conditions.
• This rrl also provides the primary component of Turmeric that is responsible for
the anti-inflammatory effects which is “Curcumin”.
• Curcumin also has the ability to treat many pain and inflammation and this
includes back pain, arthritis, etc.
• Provides additional information/evidences to the researchers that will help the
researchers strengthen their research

1. Ethnomedicinal Knowledge of Turmeric/Luyang Dilaw
• According to Docusin, M.B. (2017), healing effects of 109 plant species
including Turmeric are used medicinally and help local medicine in healing against
categories of ailments.
• This study also states that herbal medicines are still useful and functional. And
this study states that turmeric/luyang dilaw are usually usef for body pain,
backache/back pain, arthritis and etc.
• Provides/demonstrated the steps/preparation on how can you use turmeric/luyang
dilaw in treating back pains
• It preserves the culture of using herbal medicines.


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