Information Management Unit 5

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Knowledge management systems (KMS) play a vital role in businesses by facilitating the creation,

sharing, and utilization of knowledge assets within an organization. They are integral to enhancing
productivity, innovation, and decision-making processes. When integrated into the value chain,
KMS can streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, and drive competitive advantage.

Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) play a crucial role in adding value to every step of
the value chain within a business.
1. Primary Activities:
• Inbound Logistics: KMS helps in managing supplier information, inventory
levels, and logistics data, ensuring smooth operations.
• Operations: It aids in standardizing processes, sharing best practices, and
providing access to relevant knowledge for efficient production or service delivery.
• Outbound Logistics: KMS can optimize distribution channels, track shipments,
and provide real-time information to customers.
• Marketing and Sales: It assists in gathering market intelligence, managing
customer relationships, and sharing sales strategies across teams.
• Service: KMS supports customer service by providing access to product/service
information, troubleshooting guides, and FAQs.
2. Support Activities:
• Firm Infrastructure: KMS facilitates organizational learning, strategic planning,
and decision-making by centralizing knowledge resources.
• Human Resource Management: It supports training and development, knowledge
sharing among employees, and talent management processes.
• Technology Development: KMS aids in R&D by sharing technical knowledge,
patents, and innovations across departments.
• Procurement: It helps in supplier evaluation, contract management, and
knowledge sharing related to procurement processes.
Expert Systems
These are computer systems that emulate the decision-making ability of a human expert in
a specific domain. They work by encoding the knowledge and reasoning processes of
human experts into a set of rules or a knowledge base, which is then used to provide advice
or make decisions. Expert systems were popular in the 1980s and 1990s but have largely
been surpassed by more advanced AI techniques like neural networks.
Neural Networks
Neural networks are a class of machine learning algorithms inspired by the structure and
function of the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," arranged
in layers. Each connection between neurons has a weight associated with it, which
determines the strength of the connection. Neural networks are capable of learning complex
patterns and relationships in data and are widely used in tasks such as image recognition,
natural language processing, and predictive modeling.
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms are a type of optimization algorithm inspired by the process of natural
selection. They work by maintaining a population of candidate solutions to a problem and
iteratively evolving them over successive generations using techniques such as selection,
crossover, and mutation. Genetic algorithms are particularly well-suited for optimization
problems where the search space is large and complex, and the objective function is
difficult to evaluate analytically.
Neural Language Processing
This refers to the application of neural networks and other machine learning techniques to
natural language processing tasks, such as speech recognition, language translation,
sentiment analysis, and text generation. Neural language processing has seen significant
advancements in recent years, driven by the availability of large datasets, improvements in
neural network architectures, and advances in computational resources.

Intelligent agents in robotics

Intelligent agents in robotics are essentially software or hardware systems that can perceive their
environment and act upon it to achieve certain goals. These agents often incorporate various
artificial intelligence techniques to make decisions and adapt to changing situations.
Types of Decisions:
1. Navigation Decisions: These decisions involve determining the robot's path through its
environment. This includes obstacle avoidance, path planning, and trajectory optimization
to reach a specific destination.
2. Manipulation Decisions: In tasks involving manipulation of objects, decisions need to be
made regarding grasping, lifting, moving, and releasing objects. This includes determining
the best approach for manipulation based on object properties and environmental
3. Task Planning Decisions: These decisions involve higher-level planning of tasks or
actions to achieve specific goals. Task planning decisions may include sequencing actions,
allocating resources, and coordinating with other agents or entities.
4. Perception Decisions: Decisions related to perception involve processing sensor data to
understand the robot's surroundings. This includes object recognition, scene understanding,
and sensor fusion to make sense of complex environments.
5. Safety Decisions: Safety is paramount in robotics, and decisions need to be made to ensure
safe operation. This includes detecting and avoiding hazards, emergency stop decisions,
and compliance with safety regulations and constraints.

Decision-Making Process:
1. Perception: The decision-making process starts with perception, where the robot gathers
information about its environment through sensors such as cameras, LIDAR, or depth
2. State Representation: The collected sensor data is processed to create a representation of
the robot's current state and the state of its environment. This representation often takes the
form of maps, object models, or symbolic representations.
3. Goal Specification: Based on the task at hand, the robot's intelligent agent determines the
goals it needs to achieve. These goals may be predefined tasks, objectives specified by a
human operator, or dynamically generated based on the current situation.
4. Action Selection: The intelligent agent evaluates possible actions that the robot can take
to progress towards its goals. This involves considering the robot's current state, the
environment, and any constraints or objectives. The agent selects the most appropriate
action or sequence of actions to execute.
5. Execution: Once the action is selected, the robot's actuators are commanded to carry out
the chosen actions. This may involve controlling motors, manipulators, or other physical
components of the robot.
6. Feedback and Adaptation: Throughout the execution of actions, the robot continuously
receives feedback from its sensors and monitors its progress towards the goals. If
necessary, the decision-making process may be adjusted based on new information or
changes in the environment.

High-velocity automated decision making

High-velocity automated decision making (HVADM) refers to the process of making rapid and
automated decisions using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine
learning (ML), and real-time data processing. This approach enables organizations to quickly
analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns, and make decisions without human intervention
or with minimal human involvement.
HVADM systems typically rely on algorithms and models that are trained on historical data to
predict outcomes or recommend actions in real-time. These systems can be applied across various
industries and domains, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, to streamline
operations, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making processes.

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the technologies, applications, and practices for the collection,
integration, analysis, and presentation of business information. The primary goal of BI is to support
better decision-making within organizations by providing insights into historical, current, and
predictive views of business operations. BI encompasses a wide range of tools and techniques,
including data warehousing, data mining, reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP),
dashboards, and data visualization.
Key components:
1. Data Sources: BI systems gather data from various sources, including internal systems
(such as ERP, CRM, and SCM), external sources (such as market research reports and
social media), and other data repositories.
2. Data Warehousing: Data warehouses are central repositories that store structured data from
multiple sources. They are designed for querying and analysis rather than transaction
3. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): ETL processes involve extracting data from source
systems, transforming it into a consistent format, and loading it into the data warehouse or
other target systems.
4. Data Analysis: BI tools provide capabilities for querying, analyzing, and visualizing data
to identify trends, patterns, and insights. This can involve ad-hoc querying, predefined
reports, OLAP analysis, and data mining techniques.
5. Reporting and Dashboards: BI systems often include reporting tools that allow users to
create, customize, and distribute reports and dashboards containing key performance
indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics.
6. Data Visualization: Visual representations such as charts, graphs, and maps help users
understand complex data more easily and make data-driven decisions.

Analytics Capability Balanced Scorecard

The Analytics Capability Balanced Scorecard (ACBS) is a strategic management tool used to
measure and manage an organization's analytics capabilities. It provides a framework for
evaluating and improving the various aspects of analytics within an organization, encompassing
both technical and organizational elements. The scorecard typically consists of key performance
indicators (KPIs) grouped into different perspectives, such as Financial, Customer, Internal
Processes, and Learning & Growth.
When it comes to group decision support systems (GDSS) within the context of ACBS, the focus
is on assessing the organization's capabilities in leveraging collaborative tools and technologies to
facilitate decision-making processes that involve multiple stakeholders. Here's how GDSS can be
integrated into the Analytics Capability Balanced Scorecard:
1. Learning & Growth Perspective:
• Training and Skill Development: Measure the extent to which employees are
trained in using GDSS effectively for collaborative decision-making.
• Technological Infrastructure: Assess the organization's investment in GDSS
technologies and infrastructure to support collaborative analytics.
2. Internal Processes Perspective:
• Decision-making Efficiency: Evaluate how GDSS contributes to streamlining
decision-making processes, reducing time and resources required for group
• Collaborative Analysis: Measure the effectiveness of GDSS in facilitating
collaborative analysis of data and insights among stakeholders.
3. Customer Perspective:
• Stakeholder Satisfaction: Assess stakeholder satisfaction with the decision-
making process facilitated by GDSS, including factors such as transparency,
participation, and outcomes.
4. Financial Perspective:
• Cost Savings: Measure the cost savings or cost avoidance achieved through the use
of GDSS in decision-making processes, such as reduced meeting expenses or
improved resource allocation.

Building Information System (BIS)

• BIS refers to a computerized system that collects, processes, stores, and distributes
information related to the construction or architecture industry.
• It integrates various data sources and processes to provide valuable insights and
support decision-making throughout the lifecycle of a building project, from initial
planning to construction, operation, and maintenance.
• BIS typically includes components such as CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
software, project management tools, database systems, and collaboration platforms.
• The primary goal of a BIS is to enhance efficiency, productivity, and collaboration
among stakeholders involved in building projects.
System Analysis and Design (SAD)
• SAD is a systematic approach to examining, defining, and designing information
systems to meet specific business needs or objectives.
• It involves studying existing systems, identifying shortcomings or areas for
improvement, and proposing solutions through the design of new systems or
enhancements to existing ones.
• SAD encompasses various phases, including requirements gathering, feasibility
analysis, system design, implementation, and maintenance.
• Techniques and methodologies commonly used in SAD include data modeling,
process modeling, entity-relationship diagrams, and use case diagrams.
• The ultimate aim of SAD is to create efficient, scalable, and user-friendly
information systems that align with organizational goals and facilitate business

Structured Methodology
• Structured methodology is an approach to software development that emphasizes a
systematic, step-by-step process for designing and implementing software.
• It typically involves breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable
modules or functions, and then developing these modules incrementally.
• Structured methodologies often use techniques such as top-down design, which
involves starting with a high-level overview of the system and progressively
refining it into more detailed designs.
• Common structured methodologies include Structured Systems Analysis and
Design Method (SSADM), Waterfall model, and the V-Model.
Object-Oriented Development
• Object-oriented development (OOD) is an approach to software development that
revolves around the concept of objects, which are instances of classes that
encapsulate data and behavior.
• It focuses on modeling real-world entities as objects and representing their
interactions through well-defined interfaces.
• Key principles of object-oriented development include encapsulation, inheritance,
and polymorphism.
• OOD promotes code reusability, modularity, and maintainability by organizing
code into reusable objects and hierarchies of classes.
• Common object-oriented programming languages include Java, C++, and Python.

Computer Aided Software Engineering

Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) plays a vital role in information management by
providing tools and methodologies to streamline the development and maintenance of software
systems. In the realm of information management, which involves organizing, storing, and
retrieving data efficiently, CASE tools offer several benefits:
1. Improved Productivity: CASE tools automate many repetitive tasks involved in software
development, such as code generation, documentation, and testing. This automation frees
up developers to focus on higher-level tasks, leading to increased productivity.
2. Consistency and Quality: By enforcing coding standards and best practices, CASE tools
help maintain consistency across the software development process. This consistency leads
to higher-quality software products and reduces the likelihood of errors and bugs.
3. Faster Development Cycles: With features like code generation and automatic testing,
CASE tools can significantly speed up the development cycle. This is particularly
beneficial in information management projects where rapid iterations and updates are
necessary to keep up with changing data and requirements.
4. Documentation and Traceability: CASE tools often include capabilities for generating
and maintaining documentation, as well as tracing requirements to design elements and
code. This ensures that the software remains well-documented and aligned with the
intended functionality throughout its lifecycle.
5. Risk Management: By providing tools for analysis, modeling, and simulation, CASE tools
help identify potential risks early in the development process. This allows developers to
mitigate these risks proactively, reducing the likelihood of costly issues later on.

Practical System Life Cycle

1. Identification of Requirements: Prototyping typically begins after the initial
requirements gathering phase. Once the basic needs of the system or product are
understood, prototyping starts to provide a tangible form to these requirements.
2. Prototype Development: During this phase, developers create a simplified version of the
system or product. The prototype might not have all the features of the final product, but it
serves to demonstrate key functionalities and gather feedback.
3. Feedback and Iteration: Once the prototype is developed, it is presented to stakeholders
for feedback. This feedback is crucial for identifying any gaps or issues in the design. Based
on this feedback, iterations of the prototype are created, refining it further with each
4. Evaluation: The prototype is evaluated against the initial requirements and objectives.
This evaluation helps ensure that the prototype aligns with the desired outcomes and
addresses the identified needs.
5. Decision Making: Depending on the feedback and evaluation, decisions are made
regarding whether to proceed with the current prototype, make further iterations, or pivot
to a different approach.
6. Final Development: Once the prototype is deemed satisfactory, it serves as a blueprint for
the final development phase. Developers use the insights gained from the prototyping
process to inform the development of the complete system or product.
7. Testing and Deployment: The final product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its
functionality, reliability, and usability. After successful testing, the product is deployed for
use by end-users.
End-user development
End-user development (EUD) refers to the involvement of end-users in the creation,
customization, or modification of software applications to better suit their specific needs, without
necessarily requiring programming expertise.
1. Identification of Needs: End-user development often starts with the identification of
specific needs or requirements that are not adequately addressed by existing off-the-shelf
software solutions. These needs may arise from unique workflows, specialized tasks, or
evolving user preferences.
2. Tool Selection: End-users typically select tools or platforms that support some level of
customization or adaptation without extensive programming knowledge. These tools might
include spreadsheet software, visual programming environments, or low-code
development platforms.
3. Application Creation or Customization: End-users then create or customize software
applications using the selected tools. This process can involve a range of activities, such as
defining data structures, creating user interfaces, specifying business logic, and configuring
integrations with other systems.
4. Testing and Iteration: End-users test their applications to ensure that they meet their
requirements and perform as expected. Feedback from testing is used to iterate on the
design and functionality of the applications, refining them to better meet user needs.
5. Integration with Workflows: End-user-developed applications are integrated into
existing workflows or processes to support specific tasks or activities. Integration may
involve data import/export, interoperability with other software systems, or automation of
routine tasks.
6. Maintenance and Support: End-users are responsible for maintaining and supporting the
applications they develop or customize. This includes addressing issues, implementing
updates or enhancements, and providing training or documentation for other users.

Rapid Application Development

1. Quick Planning: Instead of spending a lot of time on detailed planning upfront, RAD starts
with a basic idea and then develops the software in quick cycles called iterations.
2. User Involvement: RAD emphasizes involving end-users throughout the development
process. Their feedback helps shape the software as it's being built, ensuring it meets their
3. Prototyping: RAD often involves creating prototypes—simplified versions of the
software—to demonstrate key features and gather feedback early on. These prototypes
evolve with each iteration, getting closer to the final product.
4. Reusable Components: RAD encourages the use of pre-built components and tools to
speed up development. Developers can leverage existing code libraries, frameworks, and
templates to build the software more efficiently.
5. Iterative Development: RAD breaks the development process into small, manageable
chunks. Each iteration focuses on delivering a specific set of features, allowing for
continuous improvement and refinement over time.
6. Parallel Development: RAD promotes parallel development, where different parts of the
software are developed simultaneously by different teams or individuals. This parallelism
accelerates the overall development process.
7. Flexible Adaptation: RAD is adaptable to changes in requirements or priorities. If new
insights or needs emerge during development, the software can be adjusted quickly to
accommodate them.
8. Continuous Testing: Testing is integrated throughout the development cycle in RAD.
Developers conduct frequent tests to identify and address issues early on, ensuring the
software's quality and reliability.
9. Collaborative Environment: RAD fosters collaboration among developers, designers,
and stakeholders. Clear communication and teamwork are essential for the success of RAD
Agile development
Agile development is a software development methodology that emphasizes iterative
development, collaboration, flexibility, and customer feedback. It aims to deliver high-quality
software incrementally, with a focus on responding to change rather than following a rigid plan.
Key principles of agile development include:
1. Iterative Development: The project is divided into small increments or iterations,
typically 2-4 weeks long, where a potentially shippable product increment is produced at
the end of each iteration.
2. Collaboration: Agile teams encourage close collaboration among team members,
including developers, testers, designers, and product owners. Communication is typically
face-to-face or through frequent virtual meetings.
3. Customer Involvement: Agile methodologies stress the importance of involving
customers or stakeholders throughout the development process. Feedback from customers
is gathered regularly to ensure that the product meets their needs.
4. Flexibility: Agile processes are designed to be flexible and adaptable to change.
Requirements and priorities can evolve over the course of the project, and the team is
expected to respond accordingly.
5. Continuous Improvement: Agile teams prioritize continuous improvement and
reflection. They regularly review their processes and practices to identify areas for
improvement and make adjustments as needed.

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