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3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

Graeme E. Murch

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Newcastle, N.S.W. 2308, Australia

List of Symbols and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
3.2.1 Fick’s Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
3.2.2 Types of Diffusion Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Tracer or Self-Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Impurity and Solute Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Chemical or Interdiffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Intrinsic or Partial Diffusion Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Surface Diffusion Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
3.2.3 Phenomenological Equations of Irreversible Thermodynamics . . . . . . . 181 Tracer Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Chemical Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Einsteinian Expressions for the Phenomenological Coefficients . . . . . . 185 Relating Phenomenological Coefficients to Tracer Diffusion Coefficients . 185
3.2.4 Short-Circuit Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
3.3.1 Random Walk Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Mechanisms of Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 The Einstein Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Tracer Correlation Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Impurity Correlation Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Correlation Factors for Concentrated Alloy Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Correlation Factors for Highly Defective Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 The Physical or Conductivity Correlation Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Correlation Functions (Collective Correlation Factors) . . . . . . . . . . . 206
3.3.2 The Nernst – Einstein Equation and the Haven Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
3.3.3 The Isotope Effect in Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
3.3.4 The Jump Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 The Exchange Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Vacancy Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
3.4 Diffusion in Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
3.4.1 Diffusion in Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Self-Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Impurity Diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.4.2 Diffusion in Dilute Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Phase Transformations in Materials. Edited by Gernot Kostorz

Copyright © 2001 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim
ISBN: 3-527-30256-5
172 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids Substitutional Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Interstitial Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
3.4.3 Diffusion in Concentrated Binary Substitional Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.4.4 Diffusion in Ionic Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Defects in Ionic Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Diffusion Theory in Ionic Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
3.5 Experimental Methods for Measuring Diffusion Coefficients . . . . . . 231
3.5.1 Tracer Diffusion Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
3.5.2 Chemical Diffusion Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
3.5.3 Diffusion Coefficients by Indirect Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Relaxation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Nuclear Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
3.5.4 Surface Diffusion Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
3.6 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
3.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 173

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

a lattice parameter
b1 , b2 solvent enhancement factors
B1 , B2 solute enhancement factors
C, Ci concentration: particles per unit volume of species i
cA , cB , ci , cv , cp mole fractions of metal A, B, species i, vacancies, paired interstitials
D diffusion coefficient (in m2 s –1)
D¢ short-circuit diffusion coefficient
D̃ collective diffusion coefficient or interdiffusion coefficient
D* tracer diffusion coefficient
DAI , DBI , etc. intrinsic or partial diffusion coefficient of metal A, B, etc.
Dl lattice diffusion coefficient
Ds diffusion coefficient derived from the ionic conductivity
D0 pre-exponential factor
e electronic charge
Evf energy of vacancy formation
E b, E B binding energy of impurity to dislocation (impurity-vacancy binding energy)
f, f I ( fc ) tracer correlation factor, physical correlation factor
Fvf Helmholtz free energy for vacancy formation
g coordination
Gm Gibbs free energy of migration
Hvf enthalpy of vacancy formation
Hm enthalpy of migration
HR Haven ratio
J flux of atoms
k Boltzmann constant
K equilibrium constant
L phenomenological coefficients
l spacing between grain boundaries (average grain diameter)
l distance between dislocation pinning points
m mass

PAV vacancy availability factor
Q activation energy for diffusion
R vector displacement
DRi total displacement of species i
r, rq jump distance of atom, of charge q
Svf entropy of vacancy formation
Sm entropy of migration
t time
T temperature
TM.Pt. temperature of melting point
u mobility
·vÒ average drift velocity
V volume
174 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

x distance, coordinate
Xi , Xv driving force on species i, vacancies
Zi number of charges on i

g activity coefficient
G, Gq , Gi jump frequency (of charge q; of species i)
m chemical potential
n vibration frequency
s ionic conductivity
w exchange frequency

CASCADE computer code

DEVIL computer code
erf Gaussian error function
PPM path probability method
SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 175

“The elementary diffusion process is tance) in one direction of a certain species

so very fundamental and ubiquitous of atom, a flux J of atoms of the same spe-
in the art and science of dealing with cies is established down the concentration
matter in its condensed phase that it gradient. The law relating flux and concen-
never ceases to be useful but, at the tration gradient is Fick’s First Law, which,
same time, is a problem which is for an isotropic medium or cubic crystal
never really solved. It remains impor- can be expressed as
tant by any measure.”
D. Lazarus, 1984 J=−D (3-1)
The proportionality factor or “coefficient”
3.1 Introduction of ∂C/∂x is termed the “diffusion coeffi-
cient” or less commonly the “diffusivity”.
Many phenomena in materials science The recommended SI units for D are m2 s–1
depend in some way on diffusion. Common but much of the literature is still in the
examples are sintering, oxidation, creep, older c.g.s. units cm2 s–1. The negative sign
precipitation, solid-state chemical reac- in Eq. (3-1) arises because the flux is in the
tions, phase transformations, and crystal opposite direction to the concentration gra-
growth. Even thermodynamic properties dient. This negative sign could, of course,
and structure are sometimes dependent on have been absorbed into D, but it is more
diffusion, or rather the lack of it. Many of convenient for D to be a positive quantity.
these phenomena are the subjects of other When an external force such as an
contributions in this series. This contribu- electric field also acts on the system a more
tion is concerned with the fundamentals of general expression can be given:
the diffusion process itself.
The depth of subject matter is generally J=−D + 〈v 〉 C (3-2)
introductory, and no prior knowledge of ∂x
solid-state diffusion is assumed. Where
where ·vÒ is the average velocity of the
possible, the reader is directed to more de-
center of mass arising from the external
tailed texts, reviews, and data compila-
force on the particles. The first term in Eq.
(3-2) is thus the diffusive term, and the sec-
ond term is the drift term. Note the inde-
pendence of these terms. The external force
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion here is assumed to be applied gradually so
that the system moves through a series of
3.2.1 Fick’s Laws
equilibrium states. When the force is sud-
Although diffusion of atoms, or atomic denly applied the system can be thrown out
migration, is always occurring in solids at of equilibrium. These matters and the types
temperatures above absolute zero, for mac- of external force are considered by Flynn
roscopically measurable diffusion a gradi- (1972) in a general consideration of diffu-
ent of concentration is required. In the sion under stress.
presence of such a concentration gradient By itself, Fick’s First Law (Eq. (3-1)) is
∂C/∂x (where C is the concentration in, say, not particularly useful for diffusion mea-
particles per unit volume and x is the dis- surements in the solid state since it is virtu-
176 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

ally impossible to measure an atomic flux solution, C (x, t), of the diffusion equation
unless steady state is reached. Further, be- has been established, the diffusion coeffi-
cause solid-state diffusivities are generally cient itself is obtained as a parameter by
small, the attainment of steady state in fitting the experimental C (x, t) to the ana-
a macroscopic specimen can take a very lytical C (x, t). In the following we shall fo-
long time. In a few cases, where the solid- cus on some analytical solutions for some
state diffusivity is high, for example car- well-known initial and boundary condi-
bon diffusion in austenite (Smith, 1953), tions used in experimental diffusion stud-
the steady-state flux and the concentration ies.
gradient can be measured and the diffusiv- Let us first examine some solutions for
ity obtained directly from Eq. (3-1). Eq. (3-5). In a very common experimental
In order to produce a basis for measuring arrangement for “self” and impurity diffu-
the diffusion coefficient, Eq. (3-1) is usu- sion a very thin deposit of amount M of ra-
ally combined with the equation of con- dioactive isotope is deposited as a sand-
tinuity: wich layer between two identical samples
of “infinite” thickness. After diffusion for a
∂J ∂C
=− (3-3) time t the concentration is described by
∂x ∂t
to give Fick’s Second Law: C ( x, t ) = exp ( − x 2 / 4 Dt ) (3-8)
2 p Dt
∂C ∂ ⎛ ∂C ⎞
= ⎜D ⎟ (3-4) which is illustrated in Fig. 3-1. If the de-
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ posit is left as a surface layer rather than a
sandwich, C (x, t) is doubled.
If the diffusion coefficient is independent
In another experimental arrangement,
of concentration and therefore position,
the surface concentration Cs of the diffus-
then Eq. (3-4) reduces to
ing species is maintained constant for time
∂C ∂2 C t, perhaps by being exposed to an atmo-
=D 2 (3-5) sphere of it. Again, the substrate is thick or
∂t ∂x
mathematically infinite. The solution of the
The second-order partial differential equa- diffusion equation is
tion Eq. (3-5) (or (3-4)) is sometiems called
the “diffusion equation”. Eq. (3-2) can also C ( x , t ) − Cs
= erf ( x / 2 Dt ) (3-9)
be developed in the same way to give C0 − Cs

∂C ∂ ⎛ ∂C ⎞ ∂ where C0 is the initial or background con-

= ⎜D ⎟− ( 〈v 〉 C ) (3-6)
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂x centration of the diffusing species in the
substrate and erf is the Gaussian error func-
and, if ·vÒ and D are independent of C, then tion defined by
∂C ∂2 C ∂C 2
∫ exp ( − u ) du
= D 2 − 〈v 〉 (3-7) erf z = (3-10)
∂t ∂x ∂x p 0

In order to obtain a solution to the diffu- This function is now frequently available
sion equation, it is necessary to establish as a scientific library function on most
the initial and boundary conditions. Once a modern computers. Accurate series expan-
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 177

Figure 3-1. Time evolution of Eq. (3-8). Figure 3-2. Time evolution of Eq. (3-12).

sions can be found in mathematical func- diffusion coefficient can be expressed as

tion handbooks. (Boltzmann, 1894; Matano, 1933)
The total amount of diffusant S taken up C′
(or, in fact, lost, depending on the relative 1 ⎛ ∂x ⎞
D (C ′ ) = − ⎜ ⎟ ∫ x dC (3-13)
values of Cs and C (x, t)) from the substrate 2 t ⎝ ∂C ⎠ C ′ C1
is given by
S (t) = [2 /C0 – Cs )] /A (D t /p)1/2 (3-11) C0

where A is the surface area of the sample. ∫ x dC = 0 (3-14)

A further common experimental ar-
rangement is the juxtaposition of two “infi- A very detailed description of the use of
nite” samples, one of which has a uniform this analysis is given by Borg and Dienes
concentration C0 and the other a concentra- (1988).
tion C1 of the diffusing species. After time In many practical situations of interdif-
t the solution is fusion the relevant phase diagram traversed
C ( x , t ) − C0 1 will ensure that diphasic regions or new
= [1 − erf ( x / 2 Dt )] (3-12) phases will appear. This does not imply in-
C1 − C0 2
cidentally that all equilibrium phases will
This gives a time evolution of the concen- thus appear. The Boltzmann – Matano anal-
tration profile as shown in Fig. 3-2. ysis can still be applied within single phase
On many occasions where this experi- regions of the concentration profile. The
mental arrangement is used, we are con- growth of a new phase, provided it is dif-
cerned with diffusion in a chemical compo- fusion controlled, can usually be described
sition gradient. The relevant diffusion co- by a parabolic time law. These matters are
efficient (see Sec. is frequently de- dealt with in detail by Philibert (1991).
pendent on concentration, so Eq. (3-12) is The solutions of the diffusion equation
then inappropriate, and a solution to Eq. given here are among the more commonly
(3-4) where D = D (C ) must be sought. A encountered ones in solid-state diffusion
wellknown technique for this is the graphi- studies. Numerous others have been given
cal integration method, usually called the by Carslaw and Jaeger (1959) and Crank
Boltzmann – Matano analysis. The general (1975).
solution for the concentration-dependent
178 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

3.2.2 Types of Diffusion Coefficients Impurity and Solute Diffusion

For the non-specialist, the meaning and In order to measure the impurity diffu-
significance of the various diffusion coeffi- sion coefficient, the tracer is now the im-
cients used can be confusing because of in- purity and is different chemically from the
consistent terminology in the literature. An host. However, the concentration of impur-
attempt will be made here to clarify the sit- ity must be sufficiently low that there is not
uation as much as possible. a chemical composition gradient. Strictly,
of course, the tracer impurity should be Tracer or Self-Diffusion permitted to diffuse into the sample already
containing the same concentration of im-
Consider a well-annealed sample of a
purity. In practice, the concentration of
pure metal. Although atoms are diffusing
tracer impurity is normally kept extremely
about in the sample at a rate depending on
low, thereby making this step unnecessary.
temperature, from a macroscopic point of
Because the impurity is always in stable
view nothing appears to be happening. In
solid solution (unless implanted), is often
order to observe diffusion macroscopically
termed the solute and the impurity diffu-
we must impose a concentration gradient.
sion coefficient is sometimes also termed
For the case of a pure metal, a radioactive
the solute diffusion coefficient at infinite
tracer of the same metal is used. The result-
dilution. However, the terminology solute
ing diffusion coefficient is termed the
diffusion coefficient is often “reserved” for
tracer diffusion coefficient with the symbol
dilute alloys, where, in addition, we often
D*. Because the tracer is chemically the
measure the solvent diffusion coefficient.
same as the host, this diffusion coefficient
In the context of those experiments both
is also termed the self-diffusion coefficient,
solute and solvent diffusion coefficients
although sometimes this terminology is re-
frequently depend on solute content (see
served for the tracer diffusion coefficient
Sec. 3.4.2). In all of these experiments, as
divided by the tracer correlation factor, f
in self-diffusion, the chemical composition
(see Sec. The same idea is readily
of the sample must remain essentially un-
extended to alloys and compounds. How-
changed by the diffusion process, other-
ever, care must always be taken that a
wise it is a chemical diffusion experiment.
chemical composition gradient is not un-
wittingly imposed. For example, in order to Chemical or Interdiffusion
measure the oxygen self-diffusion coeffi-
cient in a nonstoichiometric compound So far, we have discussed diffusion coef-
such as UO2 + x , we can permit 18O (a stable ficients which are measured in the absence
isotope that can be probed later by nuclear of chemical composition gradients. Chemi-
analysis or Secondary Ion Mass Spectrom- cal diffusion is the process where diffusion
etry) to diffuse in from the gas phase, pro- takes place in the presence of a chemical
vided that the partial pressure of oxygen is composition gradient. It is the diffusion co-
already in chemical equilibrium with the efficients describing this process which
composition of the sample. Alternatively, a generate the greatest amount of confusion.
layer of U18O2 + x can be deposited on the It is helpful to look at several examples.
surface of a sample of UO2 + x provided that Consider first diffusion in a pseudo-one-
it has exactly the same chemical composi- component system. One example is the dif-
tion as the substrate. fusion of an adsorbed monolayer onto a
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 179

clean section of surface. Another is the dif- of its practical significance the interdiffu-
fusion between two metal samples differ- sion coefficient is the one often quoted in
ing only in their relative concentrations of metal property data books (Brandes, 1983;
a highly mobile interstitial species such as Mehrer, 1990; Beke 1998, 1999). See also
H. A further example is diffusion between the following section for further discussion
two nonstoichiometric compounds, e.g., of D̃.
Fe1– d O and Fe1– d ¢ O. In all of these cases
only one species of atom is involved in the Intrinsic or Partial Diffusion
diffusion process which brings the system
to a common composition (which is why it
can be considered a pseudo-one-compo- In contrast to the pseudo-one-component
nent system). Often the process can be pic- systems described above where the dif-
tured as the interdiffusion of vacant sites fusion rates of the atoms and vacant sites
and atoms. The diffusion coefficient de- are necessarily equal, in the substitutional
scribing this process is usually called the binary alloy the individual diffusion rates
chemical diffusion coefficient, sometimes of A and B are not generally equal since the
the interdiffusion coefficient, and occasion- corresponding self-diffusion coefficients
ally, the collective diffusion coefficient. are not. In the interdiffusion experiment
Generally the symbol used is D̃. For these this implies that there is a net flux of atoms
pseudo-one-component systems, the pre- across any lattice plane normal to the diffu-
ferred name is chemical diffusion coeffi- sion direction. If the number of lattice sites
cient. In general, the chemical diffusion co- is conserved, each plane in the diffusion re-
efficient does not equal the self-diffusion gion must then shift to compensate. This
coefficient because of effects arising from shift with respect to parts of the sample
the gradient of chemical composition, see outside the diffusion zone, say the ends of
Eq. (3-99). the sample, is called the Kirkendall effect.
Chemical diffusion in binary substitu- This effect can be measured by observing
tional solid solutions is frequently called the migration of inert markers, usually fine
interdiffusion. In a typical case pure metal insoluble wires which have been incorporat-
A is bonded to pure metal B and diffusion ed into the sample before the experiment.
is permitted at high temperature. Although The assumption is that the wires follow the
both A and B atoms move, only one con- motion of the lattice in their vicinity.
centration profile, say of A, is established The intrinsic diffusion coefficients of A
(the profile from B contains no new infor- and B, DAI and DBI , are defined with refer-
mation). The resulting diffusion coefficient ence to the fluxes of A and B relative to the
which is extracted from the profile, by the local lattice planes:
Boltzmann – Matano analysis (e.g., see Sec.
3.2.1) is termed the interdiffusion coeffi- JA′ = − DAI (3-15)
cient and is given the symbol D̃. Not infre- ∂x
quently, the diffusion coefficient for this and
situation is loosely called the chemical dif- ∂CB
fusion coefficient or the mutual diffusion JB′ = − DBI (3-16)
coefficient. This single diffusion coeffi-
cient is sufficient to describe the concentra- The diffusion coefficients are sometimes
tion profile changes of the couple. Because also termed partial diffusion coefficients.
180 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

If v is the velocity (Kirkendall velocity) Surface Diffusion Coefficients

of the lattice plane measured with respect
Surface diffusion refers to the motion of
to parts of the sample outside the diffusion
atoms, sometimes molecules, over the sur-
zone then the fluxes with respect to it are
face of some substrate. The diffusing spe-
JA = JA¢ + v CA (3-17) cies can be adsorbed atoms, e.g. impurity
metal atoms on a metal substrate (this is
and normally referred to as hetero-diffusion) or
JB = JB¢ + v CB (3-18) of the same species as the substrate (this is
usually referred to as self-diffusion).
where CA and CB are the concentrations at As a field, surface diffusion has evolved
the lattice planes. It should be noted that somewhat separately from solid-state dif-
the interdiffusion coefficient is measured fusion, perhaps because of the very differ-
in this frame of reference. Since ∂CA /∂x ent techniques employed. This separate-
= – ∂ CB /∂x, we easily deduce that ness has resulted in some inconsistencies in
nomenclature between the two fields. It is
v = ( DAI − DBI ) (3-19) appropriate here to discuss these briefly.
∂x For both self- and hetero-diffusion it is
and usual to refer to the motion of atoms for
short distances, where there is one type of
JA = − ( cA DBI + cB DAI ) (3-20) site, as “intrinsic diffusion”. When the con-
∂x centration of diffusion species is very low
where cA and cB are the mole fractions of the relevant diffusion coefficient is called
A and B. The term in parentheses in Eq. a “tracer” diffusion coefficient. This is not
(3-20) is the interdiffusion coefficient D̃ : in fact the diffusion coefficient obtained
with radioactive tracers but a single parti-
D̃ = cA DBI + cB DAI (3-21) cle diffusion coefficient. (A single particle
can be followed or traced.) At higher con-
The interdiffusion coefficient is seen to be
centrations, the relevant diffusion coeffi-
a weighted average of the individual (in-
cient is called a chemical diffusion coeffi-
trinsic) diffusion coefficients of A and B.
cient. Thus “intrinsic” diffusion is formally
With the aid of Eqs. (3-19) and (3-21) the
the same as diffusion in the pseudo-one-
intrinsic diffusion coefficients can be de-
component system, as described in Sec.
termined if D̃ and v are known. The compo-
sition they refer to is the composition at the
When the surface motion of atoms ex-
inert marker. Note that if there is no marker
tends over long distances, and many types
shift, Eq. (3-19) implies that the intrinsic
of site are encountered (this is macroscopic
coefficents are equal. The relationship of
diffusion in contrast with the microscopic
the intrinsic diffusion coefficient to the
or “intrinsic” diffusion discussed above)
tracer (self) diffusion coefficient is ex-
the relevant diffusion coefficient is called
plored in Sec.
a mass transfer diffusion coefficient. Fur-
From the form of Eq. (3-21) when
ther discussion of these and relationships
cA Æ 0, it can be seen that D̃ Æ DAI . It
among these diffusion coefficients are re-
should also be noted that in this limit DAI
viewed by Bonzel (1990).
reduces to the impurity diffusion coeffi-
cient of A in B.
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 181

3.2.3 Phenomenological Equations where Q k* is called the “heat of transport”

of Irreversible Thermodynamics for species k (Manning, 1968). This can
An implication of Fick’s First Law (Eq. be further related to the heat of transport
(3-1)) is that once the concentration gradi- derived from the actual heat flow. This
ent for species i reaches zero, all net flow subject is dealt with further by Manning
for species i stops. Although frequently (1968) and Philibert (1991). Sometimes it
correct, this is rather too restrictive as a is convenient to discuss the flux in an
condition for equilibrium. In general, net electric field occurring simultaneously with
flow for species i can cease only when all diffusion in a chemical potential gradient.
direct or indirect forces on species i are A simple example would be diffusion from
zero. This is conveniently handled by pos- a tracer source in an electric field – the so-
tulating linear relations between each flux called Chemla experiment (Chemla, 1956).
and all the driving forces. We have for flux In such a case, we write Xi as
i in a system with k components Xi = – grad m i + Z i e E (3-23)
J i = ∑ L i k X k + Li q X q (3-22) Now the phenomenological coefficient
L iq (Eq. (3-22)) describes the phenomenon
where the Ls are called phenomenological of thermal diffusion, i.e., the atom flow re-
coefficients and Xi is the driving force on sulting from the action of the Xq , i.e., the
component i and is written as – grad m i , temperature gradient (Soret effect). There
where m i is the chemical potential of spe- is also an equation analogous to Eq. (3-22)
cies i. Xi can also result from an external for the heat flow itself:
driving force such as an electric field. In
this case Xi = Z i e E, where Z i is the number Jq = ∑ Lqk Xk + Lq q Xq (3-24)
of changes on i, e is the electronic charge,
and E is the electric field. For ionic con- L qk is a heat flow phenomenological coef-
ductors Z i is the actual ionic valence. For ficient, i.e., the heat flow which accompa-
alloys Z i is an “effective” valence which is nies an atom flow (the Dufour effect). L qq
usually designated by the symbol Z i*. Z i* refers directly to the thermal conductivity.
consists of two parts, the first, Z iel , repre- The other phenomenological coeffi-
sents the direct electrostatic force on the cients, L ik in Eq. (3-22), are concerned
moving ion (Z iel is expected to be the ion’s with the atomic transport process itself.
nominal valence), and the second, Z iwd , The off-diagonal coefficients are con-
accounts for the momentum transfer be- cerned with “interference” between the at-
tween the electron current and the diffusing oms of different types. This may arise from
atom. A comprehensive review of all as- interactions between A and B atoms and/or
pects of Z i* and the area of electromigra- the competition of A and B atoms for the
tion has been given by Huntington (1975). defect responsible for diffusion, see Sec.
Xq is a driving force resulting from a tem- A most important property of the
perature gradient (if present). Xq is given phenomenological coefficients is that they
by – T –1 grad T. When referring to diffu- are independent of driving force. Further,
sion in a temperature gradient it is usual to the matrix of L coefficients is symmetric:
let L iq be expressed as this is sometimes called Onsager’s theorem
n or the reciprocity condition. That is,
Li q = ∑ Qk* Li k L ij = Lji (3-25)
k =1
182 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

The set of equations represented by Eq. e.g., the tracer correlation factor and the
(3-22) are normally called the “phenomen- vacancy-wind effect, can be conveniently
ological equations” or Onsager equations expressed in terms of the Ls. This can
and were postulated as a central part of the sometimes aid in understanding the nature
theory of irreversible processes. Details of of these complex correlations. A most im-
the theory as it applies to diffusion can be portant contribution to this was made by
found in many places but see especially the Allnatt (1982), who related the Ls directly
reviews by Howard and Lidiard (1964), to the microscopic behavior – see Sec.
Adda and Philibert (1966), and Allnatt and
Lidiard (1993). In the next sections we shall restrict our-
The phenomenological coefficients are selves to isothermal diffusion and focus on
sometimes said to have a “wider meaning” the relations which can be derived among
than quantities such as the diffusion coeffi- the Ls and various experimentally acces-
cients or the ionic conductivity. The wider sible transport quantities.
meaning comes about because the pheno-
menological coefficients do not depend on Tracer Diffusion
driving force but only on temperature and
composition. In principle, armed with a full Let us first consider tracer diffusion in a
knowledge of the Ls, the technologist pure crystal. The general strategy is (1) to
would have the power, if not to control the describe the flux of the tracer with the On-
diffusive behavior of the material, at least sager equations (Eq. (3-22)) and (2) to de-
to predict the diffusive behavior no matter scribe the flux with Fick’s First Law (Eq.
what thermodynamic force or forces or (3-1)) and then equate the two fluxes to
combination thereof were acting. find expressions between the diffusion co-
Unfortunately, the experimental determi- efficient and the phenomenological coeffi-
nation of the Ls is most difficult in the solid cients. We shall deal with this in detail to
state. This is in contrast, incidentally, to show the typical procedure (see, for exam-
liquids, where, by use of selectively perme- ple, Le Claire (1975)). We can identify two
able membranes, measurement of the Ls is components, A and its tracer A*. We write
possible. The reader might well ask then for the fluxes of the host and tracer atoms,
why the Ls were introduced in the first respectively,
place when they are essentially not amen- JA = LAA XA + LAA* XA* (3-26)
able to measurement! There are several
reasons for this. First, relations can be de-
rived between the Ls and the (measurable) JA* = LA*A* XA* + LA*A XA (3-27)
tracer diffusion coefficients – we will dis-
Strictly, the vacancies should enter as a
cuss this further in Sec. Further,
component but it is unnecessary here be-
the Onsager equations provide a kind of ac-
cause of the lack of a vacancy gradient.
counting formalism wherein an analysis
Since the tracer atoms and host atoms
using this formalism ensures that once the
mix ideally (they are chemically identical),
components and driving forces have all
it can easily be shown that the driving
been identified nothing is overlooked, and
forces are
that the whole is consistent; this will be
discussed in Secs. and k T ∂cA
XA = − (3-28)
Finally, many “correlations” in diffusion, cA ∂x
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 183

and an expression for the Haven ratio HR (see

k T ∂cA* also Sec. 3.3.2).
XA* = − (3-29) We consider the system of A and A* in
cA* ∂x
an electric field. We will assume that the
where ci is the mole fraction. This leads A and A* are already mixed. We will now
immediately to let XA = XA* = Z e E, where Z is the number
(3-30) of charges carried by each atom. From Eq.
k T ∂cA* k T ∂cA (3-27) the flux of A* is
JA* = − LA*A* − LA*A
cA* ∂x cA ∂x
JA* = ZA* e E (LA*A* + LA*A) (3-36)
It is convenient to introduce the quantity The drift mobility uA* is related to the flux
Ci (= N ci /V ) which is the number of atoms by
of type i per unit volume and N is the num-
ber of entities (A + A*), and V is the vol- JA* = CA* uA* E (3-37)
ume. Since there must be a symmetry con-
and so
dition ∂cA /∂x = – ∂ cA* /∂x, we now find that
ZA* eV ⎛ LA*A* + LA*A ⎞
∂C k TV ⎛ LA*A LA*A* ⎞
uA* = ⎜ ⎟ (3-38)
JA* = A* − N ⎝ cA* ⎠
⎜ ⎟ (3-31)
∂x N ⎝ cA cA* ⎠
The mobility uA is equal to uA* since A and
However, Fick’s First Law, Eq. (3-1), states A* are chemically identical.
that By means of the so-called Nernst – Ein-
stein equation (Eq. (3-130)), the mobility
JA* = − DA* (3-32) can be converted to a dimensionally correct
∂x diffusivity, Ds , i.e.,
and so the tracer diffusion coefficient is
given by Ds = ( LA*A* + LA*A ) (3-39)
N cA*
k TV ⎛ LA*A* LA*A ⎞
DA* = ⎜ − ⎟ (3-33) As is discussed in detail in Sec. 3.3.2, Ds
N ⎝ cA* cA ⎠ does not have a meaning in the sense of
When cA* Æ 0, which is the usual situation Fick’s First Law (Eq. (3-1)). Its meaning is
when tracers are used experimentally, we the diffusion coefficient of the assembly of
find that ions as if the assembly itself acts like a sin-
gle (hypothetical) particle. It is conven-
DA* = k T V LA*A* /cA* N cA* Æ 0 (3-34) tionally related to the tracer diffusion coef-
ficient by the Haven ratio HR which is de-
Since the fluxes JA and JA* are always
fined as:
equal but opposite in sign, then going
through the above procedure, but now for DA*
HR ≡ (3-40)
JA , leads to the relation Ds
LAA + LA*A LAA* + LA*A* Using the equation for DA* we find, after
= (3-35)
cA cA* letting cA* Æ 0, that

Now let us relate the diffusion coefficient LA*A*

HR = (3-41)
to the ionic conductivity in order to obtain LA*A* + LA*A
184 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

For a pure crystal and where the vacancy Following the same kind of procedure as
concentration is very low, HR can be iden- before (see Sec., but recognizing
tified directly with the tracer correlation that generally A and B do not ideally mix,
factor f (see Sec. 3.3.2) and we find that rather than by Eq. (3-28), Xi is
now given by
HR = f = (3-42) k T ∂ci ⎛ ∂ ln g ⎞
LA*A* + LA*A Xi = − ⎜1 + ⎟ (3-49)
ci ∂x ⎝ ∂ ln c ⎠
Note that if LA*A = 0, i.e., there is no inter-
ference between tracer and host, then where g is the activity coefficient of either A
HR = 1. More generally, when the defect or B. We find that the diffusion coefficient
concentration is high and there are corre- of, say A, actually an intrinsic diffusion co-
lations in the ionic conductivity (see Sec. efficient (see Sec., is given by, we find that k T V ⎛ LAA LAB ⎞ ⎛ ∂ ln g ⎞
DAI = ⎜ − ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟ (3-50)
LA*A* N ⎝ cA cB ⎠ ⎝ ∂ ln c ⎠
HR = f / f I = (3-43)
LA*A* + LA*A If we want to find a relation between DAI
and f I is the physical correlation factor. and the tracer diffusion coefficient, say
DA* , we would need to introduce A* for-
mally into the phenomenological equations Chemical Diffusion which would now become (Stark, 1976;
For chemical diffusion between A and B Howard and Lidiard, 1964)
when, say, the vacancy mechanism is oper- JA = LAA XA + LAA* XA* + LAB XB (3-51)
ating (see Sec., the Onsager equa-
tions are written as (Howard and Lidiard, JA* = LA*A* XA* + LA*A XA + LA*B XB (3-52)
1964) JB = LBB XB + L BA XA + L BA* XA* (3-53)
JA = LAA XA + LAB XB (3-44) These equations can be developed to give
JB = LBB XB + L BA XA (3-45) k TV ⎛ LA*A* LA*A ⎞
DA* = ⎜ − ⎟ (3-54)
Strictly, the vacancies should enter here as N ⎝ cA* cA ⎠
another species, so that we would write and
JA = LAA XA + LAB XB + LAV XV (3-46) k TV ⎛ LAA + LA*A LAB + LA*B ⎞
DAI = ⎜ − ⎟
JB = LBB XB + L BA XA + L BV XV (3-47) N ⎝ cA cB ⎠

and, because of conservation of lattice ⎛ ∂ ln g ⎞

× ⎜1 + ⎟ (3-55)
sites, ⎝ ∂ ln c ⎠
JV = – (JA + JB ) (3-48) When these two equations are combined
The usual assumption is that the vacancies we find that
are always at equilibrium and XV = 0. For ⎛ ∂ ln g ⎞
this to happen the sources and sinks for va- DAI = DA* ⎜ 1 + ⎟ (3-56)
⎝ ∂ ln c ⎠
cancies, i.e., the free surface, dislocations,
or grain boundaries, must be effective and ⎡ cA* ⎛ LA*A LAB ⎞ ⎤
× ⎢1 + ⎜ − ⎟⎥
sufficiently numerous. ⎣ LA*A* cA ⎝ cA* cB ⎠ ⎦
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 185

This is in fact the so-called Darken equa- placement of the system of species i as if
tion (Darken, 1948), relating the intrinsic that system were a particle itself. The diag-
diffusion coefficient to the tracer diffusion onal phenomenological coefficients derive
coefficient but with the addition of the term from correlations of the system of species i
in brackets. This term is sometimes called with itself, i.e., self-correlations. This does
the “vacancy-wind-term” and does not not mean tracer correlations here: they are
vary much from unity. Note that it results correlations in the random walk of an atom.
from non-zero cross terms LA*A and LAB . The correlations here are in the random
The approach from the phenomenological walk of the system “particle”. The off-diag-
equations has told us only of the formal ex- onal terms derive from interference of the
istence of this term, but an evaluation of it system of species i with the system of spe-
requires consideration of the detailed mi- cies j. In effect it is mathematically equiva-
croscopic processes which generate the lent to two systems i and j being treated
correlations contained in the cross terms. like two interfering “particles”.
This is considered in Sec. Eq. (3-57) has been very useful for cal-
These examples suffice to show how the culating the L ij by means of computer sim-
phenomenological equations are useful in ulation – see the pioneering calculations
presenting a consistent and unified picture by Allnatt and Allnatt (1984). Much of that
of the diffusion process, no matter how com- material has been reviewed by Murch and
plex. For further information on the subject, Dyre (1989). A brief discussion is given in
the reader is directed to the classic review by Sec.
Howard and Lidiard (1964) and also many
other treatises, such as those by Adda and Relating Phenomenological
Philibert (1966), Le Claire (1975), Stark Coefficients to Tracer Diffusion
(1976), Kirkaldy and Young (1987), Phili- Coefficients
bert (1991), and Allnatt and Lidiard (1993).
For the case of multi-component alloys,
Manning (1968, 1970, 1971) derived expres- Einsteinian Expressions for sions relating the phenomenological coeffi-
the Phenomenological Coefficients cients to tracer diffusion coefficients. The ex-
An important development in the area of pressions were developed for a particular
solid-state diffusion was the fact that the model for concentrated alloys, the so-called
phenomenological coefficients can be ex- random alloy model. In this model the atomic
pressed directly in terms of atomistic Ein- components are randomly distributed over
steinian formulae (Allnatt, 1982). the available sites, the vacancy mechanism is
assumed and the exchange frequencies of the
Lij = lim lim (6 V k T t ) −1 atomic components with the vacancies de-
V→ ∞ t→ ∞
pend only on the nature of the atomic compo-
× 〈 DR (t ) ⋅ DR( j ) (t )〉
(i )
(3-57) nents and not on their environment.
where DR i (t) is the total displacement of For a binary system the relations are
species i in time t, V is the volume, and the N
Dirac brackets denote a thermal average A. LAA = cA DA* (3-58)
It is important to note that DR(i) is the sum
⎡ (1 − f0 ) cA DA* ⎤
of the displacements of the individual par- × ⎢1 + ⎥
ticles of type i. In effect, DR(i) is the dis- ⎢⎣ f0 ( cA DA* + cB DB* ) ⎥⎦
186 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

N (1 − f0 ) cA DA* cB DB* A most important consequence of Eqs.

LAB = (3-59)
kT f0 ( cA DA* + cB DB* ) (3-58) and (3-59) is the Darken – Manning
expression which relates the interdiffusion
where f0 is the tracer correlation factor in coefficient D̃, the tracer diffusion coeffi-
the lattice of either pure component, see cients DA* and DB* and the thermodynamic
Sec. The relation for L BB is ob- factor (1 + ∂ ln g /∂c):
tained from LAA by interchanging B with A.
Lidiard (1986) showed that Eqs. (3-58) ˜ = ( cB DA* + cA DB* ) ⎛⎜ 1 + ∂ ln g ⎞⎟ S (3-60)
and (3-59) can in fact be obtained without ⎝ ∂c ⎠
recourse to the random alloy model, on the where the vacancy wind factor S is given by
basis of two microscopic assumptions
which, although intuitive in nature, are in- (1 − f0 ) cA cB ( DA* − DB* )2
S =1+
dependent of any microscopic model ex- f0 (cA DA* + cB DB* ) (cB DA* + cA DB* )
cept for the inclusion of the tracer correla- (3-60 a)
tion factor in the pure lattice f0 , which is
dependent on mechanism and structure. Eq. (3-60) is not only appropriate for
Lidiard’s findings immediately suggested random alloys, but also for ordered alloys/
that Eqs. (3-58) and (3-59) are probably ap- intermetallic compounds with B1 and B2
propriate for a much wider range of alloys structures. Recent computer simulations
than are reasonably represented by the ran- have also shown that Eq. (3-60) is a good
dom alloy model itself. Bocquet (1987) approximation for ordered alloys/intermet-
also found relations of the same form for allic compounds with L12 , D03 , and A15
the random alloy when interstitial mecha- structures (Murch and Belova, 1998).
nisms are operating. With Monte Carlo Further discussion on relations between
computer simulation, Zhang et al. (1989 a) phenomenological coefficients and tracer
and Allnatt and Allnatt (1991) explored the diffusion coefficients, and impurity diffu-
validity of Eqs. (3-58) and (3-59) in the sion coefficients, can be found in the re-
context of the interacting binary alloy views by Howard and Lidiard (1964), Le
model described in Sec. It was Claire (1975), and Allnatt and Lidiard
found that Eqs. (3-58) and (3-59) apply (1987, 1993).
very well except, perhaps surprisingly, at
compositions approaching impurity levels.
3.2.4 Short-Circuit Diffusion
The breakdown there is readily traced to
the fact that these equations have built into It is generally recognized that the rate at
them the requirement that w4 = w0 (see Sec. which atoms migrate along grain boundar- for the impurity frequency nota- ies and dislocations is higher than that
tion). For many cases w3 also equals w0 through the lattice. From an atomistic point
and so this is equivalent to a condition of of view it is very difficult to discuss, in a
no vacancy-impurity binding. This is not precise way, the diffusion events in such
surprising given that the equations origi- complex and variable situations. Much of
nated with the random alloy model where the understanding has been gained from
this requirement is automatically fulfilled. computer simulations using the Molecular
Eqs. (3-58) and (3-59) have also been Dynamics and Lattice Statics methods;
derived for B1 and B2 ordered alloys (Be- see, for example, Kwok et al. (1984) and
lova and Murch, 1997). Mishin (1997). In this section we shall dis-
3.2 Macroscopic Diffusion 187

cuss short-circuit diffusion from a pheno- volume diffusion, then this condition
menological point of view. D¢/D > 106 is usual for temperatures below
Fisher (1951) was probably the first to about half the melting temperature. This is
introduce a distinct diffusion coefficient why experiments where lattice diffusion
for material migrating along the short-cir- only is of interest tend to be made at tem-
cuit path. For grain boundaries, each one is peratures above about half the melting tem-
conceived as a slab of width d for which perature.
the average diffusion coefficient is D¢. For Impurities are often bound to short-cir-
dislocations, each one is conceived as a cuit paths, in which case the Hart Equation
pipe of diameter 2 a for which the average (Eq. (3-60)) is written as
diffusion coefficient is D¢.
D¢ = ᑠ D¢ exp (Eb /k T ) + (1 – ᑠ ) Dl (3-62)
For conventional diffusion experiments
it has been usual to distinguish three dis- where Eb is the binding energy of the im-
tinct regimes, depending on the magnitude purity and the diffusion coefficients refer
of the lattice diffusion length ÷Dl t, where to impurities. The Hart Equation can be
Dl is the lattice diffusion coefficient and t is shown to be fairly accurately followed
--- ---
time (Harrison, 1961). when l /÷Dl t ≤ 0.3 and also for l /÷Dl t ≥ 100
Regime A: ÷Dl t is much larger than the (this corresponds to Regime C – see the
spacing l between the short-circuit paths. next paragraph) (Murch and Rothman,
For grain boundaries l is the average diam- 1985; Gupta et al., 1978).
eter of the grains and for dislocations l is Regime C: It is convenient to discuss the
the distance between dislocation pinning other limit out of sequence. When ÷Dl t is
points. Diffusion from adjacent short cir- much smaller than the distances l between
cuits overlap extensively. This condition the short-circuit paths, we have Regime C
is met for small-grained materials or very kinetics. In this instance, all material
long diffusion times. Hart (1975) proposed comes down the short-circuit paths and the
that an effective diffusion coefficient Deff measured diffusion coefficient is given en-
can be introduced which still satisfies solu- tirely by D¢.
tions to Fick’s Second Law and can be Regime B: In this intermediate case, it is
written as assumed that ÷Dl t is comparable to l so
that material which is transported down a
Deff = ᑠ D¢ + (1 – ᑠ ) Dl (3-61)
short-circuit path and which diffuses out
where ᑠ is the fraction of all sites which into the lattice is unlikely to reach another
belong to the short-circuit paths. Eq. (3-61) short-circuit path.
is usually called the Hart Equation. Le There are various solutions of Fick’s
Claire (1975) has given a rough calculation Second Law available to cope with tracer
using Eq. (3-61). For typical dislocation diffusion in the presence of short-circuit
densities in metals, ᑠ = 10– 8. The disloca- paths, but space prevents us from dealing
tion contribution to a measured or effective with these in any detail: they are discussed
D will then exceed 1% when D¢/D > 106. at length by Kaur, Mishin and Gust (1995).
Because the activation energy for lattice Suzuoka (1961) and Le Claire (1963) have
diffusion in metals is about 34 TM. Pt. , given a solution for the grain boundary
where TM.Pt. is the melting temperature problem for the usual case when there is a
and the activation energy for short-circuit finite amount of tracer originally at the sur-
diffusion is generally about half that of face, see Eq. (3-8). It is found, among other
188 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

things, that and provided near-exact solutions to Fick’s

5/ 3 Second Law for both an isolated disloca-
⎛ d ln C ⎞ 4 Dl ⎞ 1/ 2
=⎛ ( D′ d ) −1 0.66 (3-63) tion pipe and arrays of dislocation pipes.
⎝ dx 6 / 5 ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ The profiles generally are not unlike the
Hence the product D¢ d can be found by de- grain boundary ones except that a linear re-
termining the slope of the linear region gion in a plot of ln C versus x is now found,
(penetrations reached by grain boundary i.e.,
diffusion) in a plot of ln C versus x 6/5 (not d ln C A (a)
the usual x 2 ) and also with a knowledge of =− (3-64)
dx [( D′ / Dl − 1) a 2 ]1/ 2
Dl itself. It can be difficult, however, to ob-
tain the two diffusion coefficients in one where A is a slowly varying function of
experiment; the practicalities of this and a/(D t)1/2. An example of such a tracer pen-
alternatives are discussed by Rothman etration plot with a clear contribution from
(1984). An example of a tracer penetration dislocation pipe diffusion (x dependence)
plot with a clear contribution from grain is shown in Fig. 3-4.
boundary diffusion (x 6/5 dependence) is For further details on grain boundary
shown in Fig. 3-3. diffusion we refer to reviews by Peterson
Le Claire and Rabinovitch (1984) have (1983), Mohan Rao and Ranganathan
addressed the dislocation pipe problem (1984), Balluffi (1984), Philibert (1991),

Figure 3-3. Tracer concentration

profiles of 203Pb into polycrystal-
line Pb showing a contribution
from grain boundaries (Gupta and
Oberschmidt, 1984).
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 189

erence to the discrete atomic events which

give rise to macroscopically observable
diffusion. To describe the atomic events, a
wholly separate theory, termed “Random
Walk Theory” has been formulated. This
theory is based on the premise that macro-
scopic diffusion is the net result of many
individual atomic jumps. The theory at-
tempts to relate the quantities such as the
diffusion coefficients, the ionic conductiv-
ities, or, more generally, the L ij , in terms of
lattice and atomic characteristics, notably
jump frequencies. Although originally
quite precise in use (Howard, 1966), the
term “Random Walk Theory” is now used
rather loosely to describe any mathematical
approach that focuses on the sequence of
jumps of atoms in the solid state. Inextri-
cably linked with this theory is the exis-
tence of correlated random walks of atoms,
Figure 3-4. Tracer concentration profiles of 22Na
into single crystal NaCl showing a contribution from in other words, walks where there is an ap-
dislocations (Ho, 1982). parent memory between jump directions.
Much of random walk theory is concerned
with describing such correlations.
Kaur et al. (1995), Mishin et al. (1997). For
dislocation pipe diffusion we refer to Le Mechanisms of Diffusion
Claire and Rabinovitch (1984) and Phili-
bert (1991). As a prelude to a discussion of random
walk theory, in this section we will briefly
discuss the common mechanisms of solid-
state diffusion.
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion
3.3.1 Random Walk Theory Interstitial Mechanism
We have already seen in Sec. 3.2 that the In the interstitial mechanism, see Fig.
phenomenological or continuum theory of 3-5, sometimes called the direct intersti-
diffusion is set up in terms of quantities tial mechanism, the atoms jump from one
such as the diffusion coefficients, the ionic interstice to another without directly in-
conductivities, or more generally, the phen- volving the remainder of the lattice. Since
omenological coefficients, L ij . For the ma- the interstitial atom does not need to “wait”
terials technologist this theory provides a to be neighboring to a defect in order to
perfectly suitable formalism to describe the jump (in a sense it is always next to a va-
macroscopic features arising from the dif- cancy), diffusion coefficients for atoms mi-
fusion of atoms in solids. By its very na- grating with this mechanism tend to be
ture, this macroscopic theory makes no ref- fairly high. As would be expected, atoms
190 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

small and their contribution to diffusion is

unimportant in most cases. However, for
plastically deformed or irradiated metals
the concentration of interstitials (besides
vacancies) can be appreciable. It should be
Figure 3-5. Interstitial diffusion mechanism. noted that the interstitial thus formed is not
located on an interstice, but in a dumbbell
split configuration. The migration possibil-
such as H, N, O, and C diffuse in this way ities of dumbbells have been discussed by
in metals. It should also be noted that with- Schilling (1978).
out the defect being required to affect the As a result of measurements of the
jump, no defect concentration term and Haven ratio (see Sec. 3.3.2), the interstis-
therefore defect formation energy enters tialcy mechanism appears to be highly
the activation energy for diffusion; see Sec. likely for silver diffusion in AgBr (Friauf,
3.3.4. 1957). Note that with the interstitialcy
mechanism, say the collinear version, a
Interstitialcy Mechanism tracer atom moves a distance r whereas the
charge apparently moves a distance 2 r.
In the interstitialcy mechanism, see Fig. This needs to be taken into account in the
3-6, sometimes called the indirect intersti- interpretation of the Haven ratio. The inter-
tial mechanism, two atoms, one an intersti- stitialcy mechanism probably occurs rela-
tial and the other an atom on a regular lat- tively frequently in ionic materials, espe-
tice site, move in unison. The interstitial cially those with open lattices such as the
atom moves to a regular site, whereas the anion lattice in the fluorite structure or
regular site atom moves to an interstice. those which are highly defective. Nonethe-
Collinear and non-collinear versions are less, there is often so much attendant local
possible depending on constraints imposed relaxation around the interstitial that far
by the lattice. more complex quasi-interstitialcy mecha-
Because the interstitial formation energy nisms could well operate. An example is
is generally very high in metals, the equi- oxygen diffusion in UO2 + x , where the ex-
librium concentration of interstitials is very cess oxygen is located as di-interstitials
with relaxation of two oxygen atoms from
regular sites to form two new interstitials
and two new vacancies. The actual mecha-
nism of oxygen transport is not known
but a quasi-interstitialcy mechanism is un-
doubtedly responsible (Murch and Catlow,
We should also mention that the interstit-
ialcy mechanism appears to be very impor-
tant in self-diffusion in silicon and possibly
certain substitutional solutes in silicon are
also transported via this mechanism (Frank
et al., 1984).
Figure 3-6. Interstitialcy diffusion mechanism.
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 191

Vacancy Mechanism utors to tracer diffusion in alkali halides

(Bénière et al., 1976).
The most important diffusion mecha-
nism of all is undoubtedly the vacancy
Interstitial-Substitutional Mechanism
mechanism, shown in Fig. 3-7. A substitu-
tional solute atom or an atom of the solvent On occasion, solute atoms may dissolve
diffuses simply by exchanging places with interstitially and substitutionally. These
the vacancy. There can be attractive or re- solute atoms may diffuse by way of the
pulsive interactions of the solute with the dissociative mechanism (Frank and Turn-
vacancy, which can have a profound in- bull, 1956) and/or the kickout mechanism
fluence on the diffusion coefficient of the (Gösele et al., 1980). In both mechanisms
solute and to a lesser extent the solvent the interstitial solute diffuses rapidly by the
by way of correlation effects. This is dis- interstitial mechanism. In the dissociative
cussed in Secs. and 3.4.2. The va- mechanism the interstitial combines with a
cancy mechanism is definitely the pre- vacancy to form a substitutional solute. At
ferred mechanism for metals and alloys for a later time this substitutional can dissoci-
both host and substitutional solutes. In ate to form a vacancy and an interstitial so-
most other materials the vacancy appears lute (really a Frenkel defect). The anoma-
to play the major diffusion role except lously fast diffusion of certain solutes, e.g.,
when the concentration of interstitials pro- Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Zr, and Pd in Pb, appears
duced by nonstoichiometry or doping (in to have a contribution from the dissocia-
oxides) or irradiation (in metals) is so high tive mechanism (Warburton and Turnbull,
that contributions from interstitialcy or 1975; Bocquet et al., 1996). In the kickout
similar mechanisms become dominant. mechanism, on the other hand, the solute
Aggregates of vacancies such as the interstitial uses the interstitialcy mecha-
divacancy or trivacancy can also contribute nism to involve the regular site lattice. In
to diffusion. These appear to be important the process a host interstitial is formed and
at high temperatures in metals where their the interstitial solute then occupies a sub-
contribution has been largely inferred from stitutional site. This process can be re-
curvatures of the Arrhenius plot (log D vs. versed at a later stage. The kickout mecha-
1/T ); see, for example, the f.c.c. metals nism appears to operate for rapid diffusion
(Peterson, 1978) (see Sec. Bound of certain foreign atoms, such as Au in Si
vacancy pairs, i.e., a cation vacancy bound (Frank et al., 1984).
to an anion vacancy, are important contrib-
Exchange Mechanism
The exchange mechanism, in which two
neighboring atoms exchange places, has in
the past been postulated as a possible diffu-
sion mechanism. The existence of the Kir-
kendall effect in many alloy interdiffusion
experiments (this implies that the respec-
tive intrinsic diffusion coefficients are un-
equal, which is not possible with the ex-
change mechanism, see Sec. and
Figure 3-7. Vacancy mechanism. the very high theoretical activation ener-
192 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

gies in close-packed solids suggest that this plus higher order terms. In Eq. (3-65), C (x0 )
mechanism is unlikely. It may, however, is the concentration of the diffusing atoms
occur in liquids and in quenched-liquids at x0 , ·XÒ is the mean displacement or drift,
such as amorphous alloys (Jain and Gupta, and ·X 2 Ò is the mean squared displacement.
1994). Ring versions of the exchange The Dirac brackets · Ò denote an average
mechanism certainly have lower theoreti- over all possible paths taken in time t.
cal activation energies but require substan- In a situation where diffusion properties
tial cooperation among the atoms, which do not depend on position, e.g., diffusion
seems unlikely. of tracer atoms in a chemically homogene-
ous system, the third term in Eq. (3-65) is
Surface Diffusion Mechanisms zero. The term containing the drift ·XÒ is
A number of mechanisms for surface also zero because in a chemically homoge-
diffusion on metals (by far the most studied neous system the probability that, say, a
class of material) have been postulated. tracer atom migrates some distance + X in
They include activated hopping of ad- time t (starting from x0 ) equals the prob-
sorbed atoms from one surface site to an- ability that an atom migrates a distance – X.
other, where the jump distance is simply Similarly, other odd moments are zero.
the distance between sites. Similarly, a va- Provided that other higher-order terms can
cancy in a terrace, i.e., surface vacancy, be neglected, Eq. (3-65) reduces to
can also move in the same sort of way ∂C 〈 X 2 〉
within the terrace. At low temperatures and Jx = (3-66)
∂x 2 t
rough surfaces, exchange between an ad-
sorbed atom and an atom in the substrate is By comparison with Fick’s First Law, Eq.
predominant. At high temperatures non-lo- (3-1), Eq. (3-66) immediately gives
calized diffusion and surface melting are
also possible. The mechanisms for surface 〈X2 〉
Dx* = (3-67)
diffusion are discussed further in the book 2t
edited by Vu Thien Binh (1983) and in the Eq. (3-67) is called the Einstein Equation,
reviews by Rhead (1989) and Bonzel probably the single most important equa-
(1990). tion in the theory of diffusion kinetics. The
superscript * indicates that the diffusion The Einstein Equation coefficient refers to tracer atom diffusion
Let us consider atoms (of one chemical in a chemically homogeneous system.
type) diffusing in their concentration gradi- Equations for Dy* and Dz* have the same
ent in the x direction. It can readily be form as Eq. (3-67). For three-dimensional
shown (see, for example, Adda and Phili- isotropic crystals the tracer diffusion coef-
bert, 1966; Manning, 1968; Le Claire, ficient is the same in every direction and
1975) that the net flux of atoms across a
〈 R2 〉
given plane x0 is given by D* = (3-68)
〈 X 〉 ∂C 〈 X 2 〉
J x = C ( x0 ) − where R is the vector displacement of an
t ∂x 2 t atom in time t. For two-dimensional situa-
∂C ∂ 〈 X 2 〉 tions the factor 6 in Eq. (3-68) is replaced
− C ( x0 ) (3-65)
∂x ∂C 2 t by 4.
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 193 Tracer Correlation Factor

Either Eq. (3-67) or (3-68) can provide
the starting point for a discussion of corre-
lation effects in the diffusion walk. For
convenience we shall use Eq. (3-68). Let us
consider the atomistic meaning of the dis-
placement R. It is simply the sum of n suc-
cessive jump vectors, r1 , r2 , r3 , …, rn
R = ∑ ri (3-69)
i =1

The squared displacement R2 is then simply

n n −1 n − i
R2 = ∑ ri2 + 2 ∑ ∑ ri ⋅ ri + j (3-70)
i =1 i =1 j =1

The average of the squared displacement

·R2 Ò equals of course the sum of the aver-
ages and we have
n n −1 n − i
〈 R2 〉 = ∑ 〈 ri2 〉 + 2 ∑ ∑ 〈 ri ⋅ ri + j 〉 (3-71)
i =1 i =1 j =1
Figure 3-8. (a) Correlation effects arising from the
For a complete random walk, i.e., where vacancy mechanism – see text. (b) Correlation ef-
each direction is unrelated to the previous fects arising from the interstitialcy mechanism (see
one, the second term in Eq. (3-71) is zero text).
because for any product ri · ri + j there will
always be another of opposite sign. We
now have probability of doing this is in fact exactly
n 2/g where g is the lattice coordination
〈 R2 〉 = ∑ 〈 ri2 〉 (3-72) (Kelly and Sholl, 1987). On the other hand,
i =1 the tracer has a reduced probability of con-
Because in most cases atoms require the tinuing in the direction of the first jump,
assistance of point defects in order to move since this requires the vacancy to migrate
about (see Sec., there is generally to point A. In other words, there is a mem-
an unavoidable memory or correlation ef- ory or correlation between directions of
fect between jump directions. In order to tracer jumps. In no way does this imply
appreciate this, let us focus on Fig. 3-8 a that the vacancy somehow favors the tracer
where the vacancy mechanism is shown. In atom. In fact, in this example atoms sur-
this figure one atom symbol is shown filled rounding the vacancy jump randomly with
to indicate that it is a tracer and can be fol- the vacancy so that the vacancy itself
lowed. Let us assume that the tracer and the moves on an uncorrelated random walk
vacancy have just exchanged places. Be- with no memory or correlation whatsoever
cause the vacancy is still neighboring to the between its jump directions. It should be
tracer the next jump of the tracer is quite noted that weaker correlations in the tracer
likely to cancel out the previous jump. The jumps also come about as long as the va-
194 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

cancy remains in the vicinity of the tracer It should be noted that the limit n Æ • is
and can approach the tracer from a non- applied to Eq. (3-74) to ensure that all pos-
random direction. sible correlations are included.
Let us consider Fig. 3-8 b, where the col- There have been numerous publications
linear interstitialcy mechanism is assumed. concerned with the calculation of the tracer
Let us assume that the tracer is in the inter- correlation factor. The earlier work has been
stitial position. The first jump (a pair of reviewed in detail by Le Claire (1970),
atoms move) will take the tracer immedi- more recent work has been covered by All-
ately to a regular lattice site and a new natt and Lidiard (1993). Table 3-1 gives
atom, formerly at a regular lattice site, some values of f for various mechanisms
takes up a position as the interstitial. The and lattices. It should be noted from Table
pair of atoms which next moves possibly 3-1 that the correlation factor for the inter-
again involves the tracer atom and in doing stitial mechanism is unity. For this mecha-
so will cancel out the previous tracer jump. nism the interstitials, which are considered
Like the vacancy mechanism, the memory to be present at a vanishingly small concen-
or correlation between successive tracer tration, move on an uncorrelated random
atom jump directions comes about purely walk, very much like the vacancy in the va-
because of the proximity of the defect. Un- cancy-assisted diffusion mechanism. Accord-
like the vacancy diffusion mechanism, ingly, the second term in Eq. (3-71) drops out
however, in this case the correlation comes and f = 1. If the interstitial concentration is
about only for consecutive pairs of tracer increased, the interstitials impede one an-
jumps of the type interstitial site Æ regular other and correlations are introduced; as a
lattice site Æ interstitial site. result, the tracer correlation factor de-
In the presence of correlation between creases from unity. In fact, it continues to
jump directions, the sum of the dot prod- decrease until only one interstice is left va-
ucts ·ri · ri + j Ò no longer averages out to cant. The situation now is identical to that
zero. A convenient way of expressing these for vacancy-assisted diffusion. The varia-
correlations quantitatively is to form the tion of f with vacancy (or vacant interstice)
ratio of the actual ·R2 Ò to the ·R2 Ò result- concentration in the f.c.c. lattice is shown
ing from a complete random walk, i.e., in Fig. 3-9. Of course, in the unphysical sit-
·R2 Òrandom : uation where the interstitials do not “see”
one another, i.e., multiple occupancy of a
〈 R2 〉 site is permitted, the interstitials continue
f= (3-73)
〈 Rrandom
〉 to move on a complete random walk at all
concentrations, and f always equals unity.
where the quantity f is called the tracer cor-
For cubic lattices all the jumps are of the
relation factor or simply the correlation
same length. Then we have that | ri | = r :
factor. Sometimes the terminology “corre-
lation coefficient” is used, but this is to be
discouraged. With Eqs. (3-71) and (3-72) ∑ 〈 ri2 〉 = n r 2 (3-75)
i =1
we have
n −1 n − i Then we have, with Eqs. (3-68), (3-71),
2 ∑ ∑ 〈 ri ⋅ ri + j 〉 and (3-75)
i =1 j =1
f = lim 1 + (3-74)
n→∞ n n r2 f G r2 f
∑ 〈 ri2 〉 D* =
i =1
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 195

Table 3-1. Some correlation factors (at infinitely low defect concentrations) from Le Claire (1970), Manning
(1968), and Murch (1982 d).

Lattice Mechanism f

Honeycomb Vacancy 1/3

Square planar Vacancy 1/(p – 1)
Triangular Vacancy 0.56006
Diamond Vacancy 1/2
B.c.c. Vacancy 0.72714
Simple cubic Vacancy 0.65311
F.c.c. Vacancy 0.78146
F.c.c. Divacancy 0.4579 ± 0.0005
All lattices Interstitial 1
NaCl structure Collinear interstitialcy 2/3
CaF2 structure (F) Non-collinear interstitialcy 0.9855
CaF2 structure (Ca) Collinear interstitialcy 4/5
CaF2 structure (Ca) Non-collinear interstitialcy 1

The tracer correlation factor itself can be

expressed as
〈 R2 〉
f = lim (3-77)
n→∞ n r2
This equation has been very useful for di-
rect computer simulation calculations of f;
see the review by Murch (1984 a).
We see that f normally acts to decrease
the tracer diffusion coefficient from its ran-
dom walk ( f = 1) value. The inclusion of f
in the expression for D* is necessary for a
Figure 3-9. Tracer correlation factor vs. vacancy
concentration for non-interacting vacancies in the
complete description of the atomic diffu-
f.c.c. lattice; after Murch (1975). sion process. From Table 3-1, however, it
can be seen that for many 3 D lattices f
really only decreases D* by some 20 –
where G is the jump frequency. The jump 30%. This is not much more than the preci-
frequency is further discussed in Sec. 3.3.4. sion routinely obtainable in measurements
This partitioning of the diffusion coeffi- of the tracer diffusion coefficient (Roth-
cient into its uncorrelated (G r 2/6) and cor- man, 1984) and, given the difficulty in cal-
related ( f ) parts is very basic to random culating the jump frequency G (see Sec.
walk theory. Other partitionings are cer- 3.3.4), may not appear to be particularly
tainly possible, e.g., only jumps which are significant. There are, however, many rea-
not immediately cancelled contribute to the sons why a study of correlation effects in
jump frequency, i.e., an “effective jump” diffusion is sufficiently important that it
frequency, but the partitioning here seems has consumed the energies of many re-
to be the most natural. searchers over almost a 40-year period.
196 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

First, as can be seen from Table 3-1, the impurity. We shall deal with this subject in
tracer correlation factor is quite sensitive to the following section.
the mechanism of diffusion operating. Al-
though f, by itself, is not measurable, mea- Impurity Correlation Factor
surements of the Haven ratio (see Sec.
We first consider that the impurity con-
3.3.2) and the isotope effect (see Sec. 3.3.3)
centration is sufficiently dilute that there is
(which are closely related to f ) in favorable
not a composition-dependent impurity dif-
cases can throw considerable light on the
fusion coefficient. Accordingly, each im-
mechanism(s) of diffusion that are operat-
purity atom is considered to diffuse in pure
ing. Identification of the diffusion mecha-
host. The jump frequency of the impurity is
nism is surely the most important ingredi-
given by w 2 whereas the jump frequency of
ent in understanding the way atoms mi-
the host atoms is given by w 0 . The signifi-
grate in solids and how it can be controlled.
cance of the subscripts will be apparent
Much of our discussion so far has been
later. The vacancy mechanism is assumed.
concerned with pure solids with few de-
The “tracer” now is the impurity. The
fects. There are, however, a large number
result for the impurity correlation factor f 2
of solids where the apparent defect concen-
in the f.c.c. lattice as a function of w 2 /w 0
tration can be fairly high, e.g., highly non-
is shown in Fig. 3-10. When w 2 < w 0 (upper
stoichiometric compounds, fast ion con-
curve), the impurity motion becomes
ductors, and certain concentrated intersti-
considerably decorrelated since, after an
tial solid solutions. In such cases the de-
impurity/vacancy exchange, the vacancy
fects interact and correlation effects tend to
does not trend to remain in the vicinity of
be magnified and become highly tempera-
the impurity. When the impurity is next
ture dependent. Then the apparent activa-
tion energy for tracer diffusion includes an
important contribution directly from the
correlation factor. Clearly, an understand-
ing of f is a very important part of the
understanding of the diffusion process in
such materials. We shall deal further with
this subject in Sec. In ordered
binary alloys, the correlation factor can
become very small since atoms which
make a jump from the “right” lattice to the
“wrong” lattice tend to reverse, i.e., cancel
that jump. As a result, the tracer diffusion
coefficient can become abnormally small,
largely because of this strong memory ef-
fect. We shall deal further with this subject
in Sec.
Another important case of correlation ef-
Figure 3-10. Impurity correlation factor in the f.c.c.
fects is impurity diffusion. The correlation
lattice as a function of w 2 /w 0 : points by computer
factor for the impurity is highly dependent simulation (Murch and Thorn, 1978), solid lines
on the relative jump frequencies of the im- from the formalism of Manning (1964); after Murch
purity and host atoms in the vicinity of the and Thorn (1978).
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 197

approached by the vacancy, it will tend

to be from a random direction, with the
result that the impurity correlation factor
f 2 Æ 1.0, thereby signifying a less corre-
lated random walk.
Conversely, when w 2 > w 0 (lower curve),
the impurity and vacancy tend to continue
exchanging places in a particular configu-
ration. Many impurity jumps are thereby
effectively cancelled and f 2 Æ 0.0, i.e.,
the jumps are more correlated. Of course,
when w 2 = w 0 the “impurity” is now a
tracer in the host, and in effect it can be
considered to have a different “color” from Figure 3-11. Five-frequency model for impurity dif-
fusion in the f.c.c. lattice (see text), figure taken from
the host. The impurity correlation factor
Murch and Thorn (1978).
now is the tracer correlation factor, which
in this example is 0.78146 (see Table 3-1).
The diffusion coefficient can be consid- nearest neighbor position of the impurity,
ered to be the product of an uncorrelated i.e., the reverse of w 3 . All other host jumps
and a correlated part (Eq. (3-76)). In this occur with the frequency w 0 .
example, when w 2 > w 0 , the reduced im- We have mentioned “associative” and
purity correlation factor acts to reduce the “dissociative” jumps of the vacancy. These
impurity diffusion coefficient from that ex- are directly related to the impurity – va-
pected on the basis of w 2 alone. Similarly, cancy binding energy EB at the first nearest
when w 2 < w 0 the raised impurity correla- neighbor separation by
tion factor acts to increase the impurity dif- w 4 /w 3 = exp (– EB /k T ) (3-78)
fusion coefficient from that expected on
the basis of w 2 alone. Note that EB is negative for attraction
In general, the presence of the impurity between the impurity and the vacancy.
atom in the host also influences the host Manning (1964) has shown that the im-
jump frequencies in the vicinity of the im- purity correlation factor f 2 is given rigor-
purity so that they differ from w 0 . For the ously for the five-frequency model by
f.c.c. lattice the usual model adopted is the f 2 = (2 w1 + 7 F w 3 )/(2 w 2 + 2 w1 + 7 F w 3 )
so-called five-frequency model and is de- (3-79)
picted in Fig. 3-11. The frequency w1 is
where F is the fraction of dissociating va-
the host frequency for host atom/vacancy
cancies that are permanently lost from a
jumps that are both nearest neighbors to the
site and are uncompensated for by return-
impurity. This jump is often called the “ro-
ing vacancies. F is given to a very good ap-
tational jump” because in effect the host can
proximation by
rotate around the impurity. The frequency
w 3 refers to a “dissociative” jump, i.e., a 7F = 7 (3-80)
host atom jump which takes the vacancy ⎡ 10 a + 180.5a + 927 a + 1341a ⎤
4 3 2
away from the impurity. Finally w 4 (not −⎢ 4 ⎥
⎣ 2 a + 40.2 a + 254 a + 597 a + 436 ⎦
3 2
shown) is the “associative” jump, which is
a host jump that brings the vacancy to the and a = w 4 /w 0 .
198 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

Other more accurate expressions for F nearest neighbor by means of the assump-
have been reviewed by Allnatt and Lidiard tions w 3 = w 3¢ = w ≤3 and w 5 = w 6 = w 0 . This
(1987, 1993). For many practical purposes also implies that w 4 = w 4¢ = w ≤4 .
the extra rigor is probably unwarranted. Model I leads to the expression (Man-
Extension to the case where there are va- ning, 1964; Le Claire, 1970)
cancy – impurity interactions at second
7w 3′ F
nearest neighbors has been considered by f2 = (3-84)
Manning (1964). 2 w 2 + 7w 3′ F
In the b.c.c. lattice the second nearest with F given by
neighbor is close to the nearest neighbor
(within 15% in fact). In a formal sense we 2 a 2 + 5.1817 a + 2.476
7F = (3-85)
need to consider dissociative jumps for a a + 0.8106
vacancy, jumping from the first to the sec- and a = w 3 /w 4¢ .
ond, third (not the fourth), and fifth nearest Model II leads to the expression
neighbors: these are denoted by w 3 , w 3¢ ,
and w ≤3 . 7w 3 F
f2 = (3-86)
The corresponding reverse associative 2 w 2 + 7w 3 F
jumps are w 4 , w 4¢ , and w ≤4 . We also need to
where F is given by
consider dissociative jumps from the sec- (3-87)
ond nearest neighbor to the fourth (w 5 ) and 3a + 33.43a + 97.38 a + 66.06
3 2

the reverse of this (w 6 ). There is no rota- 7F =

a 3 + 8.68 a 2 + 18.35a + 9.433
tional, i.e., w1 , jump.
The binding energy EB1 between the im- and a = w 4 /w 0 .
purity and the vacancy at first nearest Correlation factors for impurity diffu-
neighbor is expressible as (see, for exam- sion via vacancies in the simple cubic lat-
ple, Bocquet et al., 1996) tice (Manning, personal communication,
cited by Murch, 1982 a) and the diamond
w 4¢ /w 3¢ = w ≤4 /w ≤3 = exp (– EB1 /k T ) (3-81) structure have also been calculated (see
The binding energy EB2 between the im- Manning, 1964), as well as the h.c.p. struc-
purity and the vacancy at second nearest ture (see Huntington and Ghate (1962) and
neighbors can be expressed as Ghate (1964)). Correlation factors for im-
purity diffusion by interstitialcy jumps
w 6 /w 5 = exp (– EB2 /k T ) (3-82) have also been reported for the f.c.c. lattice
We also have that and the AgCl structure (Manning, 1959).
In many cases of impurity diffusion the
w 4 w 4 /w 5 w 3 = w 4¢ /w 3¢ (3-83) expression for the impurity correlation fac-
In order to proceed it has been usual to re- tor is of the form
duce the large number of jump frequencies u
f2 = (3-88)
by making certain assumptions. There are w2 + u
two basic models. In the first, usually
called Model I, it is assumed that w 6 = w 0 = where u contains only the host frequencies;
w 4¢ = w ≤4 . This implies that w 3¢ = w ≤3 and e.g., for vacancy diffusion in the f.c.c. lat-
w 3 w 5 = w 3¢ w 4 . In the second, Model II, tice u is given by
on the other hand, the impurity – vacancy w3
u = w1 + F (w 4 /w 0 ) (3-89)
interaction is in effect restricted to the first 2
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 199

This form for the impurity correlation fac- troduced which limit the number of jump
tor is especially relevant to the isotope ef- frequencies but only as a result of some
fect in diffusion (see Sec. 3.3.3) where for loss of realism.
self-diffusion the isotopes are tracers of the The first of these is the “random alloy”
host but, being isotopes, actually have model introduced by Manning (1968,
slightly different jump frequencies from 1970, 1971). The random alloy is of con-
the host and can be classified as “impur- siderable interest because, despite its sim-
ities”. We might also mention that for im- plicity, it seems to describe fairly well the
purity diffusion experiments the isotopes diffusion behavior of a large number of al-
can additionally be of the impurity. loys. The atomic components (two or
As a closing remark for this section, it more) are assumed to be ideally mixed and
should be remembered that because of its the vacancy concentration is assumed to be
mathematical form, the impurity correla- very low. The atomic jump frequencies,
tion factor will be temperature dependent. e.g., wA and w B , in a binary alloy are expli-
Over a fairly small temperature range the citly speficied and neither changes with
temperature dependence can frequently be composition or environment. In the very
approximated by an Arrhenius-like expres- dilute limit this model formally corre-
sion, i.e., sponds, of course, to specifying a host
jump frequency w 0 and an impurity jump
f 2 ≈ f 20 exp (– Q¢/k T ) (3-90)
frequency w 2 with all other host jump fre-
where Q¢ is some activation energy for the quencies equal to w 0 . However, it should
correlation process (this has no particular be appreciated for this model that physi-
physical meaning), k is the Boltzmann con- cally, although not mathematically, the
stant, and f 20 is a “constant”. It should be jump frequencies wA and w B are conceived
noted that Q¢ will be unavoidably included to be “average” jump frequencies. The
in the activation energy for the entire im- average jump frequency of the vacancy, wv ,
purity diffusion process and is not neces- was postulated to be given by
sarily unimportant.
wv = cA wA + cB w B (3-91) Correlation Factors for where cA and cB are the atomic fractions
Concentrated Alloy Systems of A and B. Manning (1968, 1970, 1971)
finds that
The impurity correlation factors dis- (3-92)
S + ( 2 − 3 x0 + cB ) w B /w A + ( cA − x0 )
cussed in the previous section are probably fA =
appropriate for impurity concentrations up 2 {S + (1 − x0 ) w B /w A + x0 }
to about 1 at.%. At higher concentrations where
the impurities can no longer be considered
independent in the sense that the correla- S = {[(cB – x 0 ) wB /wA + (cA – x 0 )]2
tion events themselves are independent. + 4 x 0 (1 – x 0 ) wB /wA }1/2 (3-92 a)
This presents a special difficulty because
there is no easy way of extending, say, the and
five-frequency model into the concentrated x0 = 1 – f (3-92 b)
regime without rapidly increasing the num-
ber of jump frequencies to an unworkable and f is the correlation factor for vacancy
number. As a result, models have been in- diffusion in the pure metal A or B.
200 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

Early Monte Carlo calculations indi- not given explicitly as in the random alloy
cated that Eq. (3-92) was a very good ap- model but are expressed in the following
proximation over a wide range of wA /w B way in terms of the interaction energies
but more recently it has been found that (bonds) for a given atom in a given config-
this was largely illusory (Belova and uration:
Murch, 2000). Eq. (3-92) is actually only a
reasonable approximation when the ex- wi = n i exp (– Ui /k T )
change frequency ratio is within about an ¥ exp [(gi Eii + g j Ejj )/k T ], (3-94)
order of magnitude of unity. A much better i = A, B i( j
approximation to the problem is that given
by Moleko et al. (1989), but unfortunately where Eij < 0, n i is the lattice vibration fre-
the equations are much more cumbersome quency, Ui is the reference saddle point en-
to use. ergy in the absence of interactions, gi is the
A different approach to diffusion in con- number of atoms of the same type which
centrated systems has been taken by Kiku- are nearest neighbors of the given atom and
chi and Sato (1969, 1970, 1972). They de- g j is the number of atoms of the other type
veloped their Path Probability Method which are nearest neighbors of the given
(PPM) to cope specifically with the prob- atom. Other forms of wi are also possible
lems of diffusion in concentrated systems. but have not been developed in this con-
The method can be considered to be a time- text.
dependent statistical mechanical approach. In the PPM a path probability function
They started with the so-called binary alloy is formulated and maximized, a process
analogue of the Ising antiferromagnet which is said to be analogous to mini-
model. In this model, sometimes called the mizing the free energy in equilibrium sta-
“bond” model, interactions EAA , EBB , and tistical mechanics. The first calculations
EAB are introduced between nearest neigh- were made using what was called a time-
bor components of the type A-A, B-B, and averaged conversion. The results were in
A-B, respectively. Equilibrium properties poor agreement with later Monte Carlo
of this model are well known; see for ex- computer simulation results. Subsequently,
ample, Sato (1970). It is convenient to fo- substantial improvements were made
cus on the ordering energy E defined by (Sato, 1984) and the PPM results are now
in fairly good agreement with computer
E = EAA + EBB – 2 EAB (3-93)
simulation results. A typical comparison of
(note that in the literature there are other the earlier results with Monte Carlo results
definitions of the ordering energy which from Bakker et al. (1976) is shown in Fig.
differ from this one by either a negative 3-12. Note the bend at the order/disorder
sign or a factor of 2). When E > 0, there is transition. The lower values of the correla-
an ordered region in the b.c.c. and s.c. lat- tion factors on the ordered side can be
tices (the f.c.c. lattice is more complicated ascribed generally to the higher probability
but has not been investigated by the PPM). of jump reversals as an atom which jumps
The ordered region is symmetrically placed from the “right” sublattice to the “wrong”
about cA = 0.5. When E < 0, there is a two- sublattice tends to reverse the jump while
phase region at lower temperatures (this the vacancy is still present. This cancella-
side has not been investigated by the PPM). tion of jumps obviously leads to small val-
The exchange frequencies wA and wB are ues of f.
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 201

mechanism, which we shall now briefly

discuss. This sequence is interspersed, of
course, with jump reversals.
It became clear at an early stage that dif-
fusion in fully ordered structures poses cer-
tain difficulties. A purely random walk of
the vacancy will lead to large amounts of
disorder and inevitably to a great increase
in the lattice energy of the solid. Hunting-
ton (see Elcock and McCombie, 1958)
seems to have been the first to suggest that net
migration of atoms in, say, the B2 structure
Figure 3-12. Arrhenius plot of the tracer correlation could occur by way of a specific sequence
factor for B in the alloy A 0.6 B0.4 for various values of
of six vacancy jumps with only a relatively
U = (EAA – EBB )/E. Points from Bakker et al. (1976),
lines from Kikuchi and Sato (1969, 1970, 1972); af- slight increase in energy. This sequence is
ter Murch (1984 a). The abscissa is in units of E/k. illustrated in Fig. 3-13 a for the ordered
square lattice (Bakker, 1984), and sche-
matic energy changes for the sequence are
Although there is no particular reason shown in Fig. 3-13 b. The starting and fin-
for assuming that the correlation factor ishing configurations have the same energy
should follow an Arrhenius behavior, e.g., but there has been a net migration of atoms.
Eq. (3-90), these results nonetheless show The correlation factor for the six-jump
it quite well. The contribution to the total cycle sequence alone has been calculated
activation energy is difficult to determine by Arita et al. (1989). The six-jump cycle
directly because Ui is a “spectator quan- sequence is contained in the earlier path
tity” in these calculations and the vacancy probability method calculations and the
formation energy has not been calculated Monte Carlo computer simulations (Bak-
in the same work, although the latter can be ker, 1984). The correlation factors calcu-
determined separately in this model (Lim lated in those calculations are statistical av-
et al., 1990). In a recent application of this erages over all possible sequences in addi-
model to self-diffusion in b -CuZn (Belova tion to the jump reversals which tend to
and Murch, 1998), the contribution to the predominate.
total activation energy for, say, Cu tracer Further detailed discussion of the corre-
diffusion was variously estimated at 22 – lation factors in concentrated alloy systems
40%. It is clear that for a complete analysis can be found in the detailed reviews by
of diffusion in such materials the assess- Bakker (1984), Mehrer (1998), Murch and
ment of the contribution of the tracer corre- Belova (1998).
lation factor to the activation energy is es-
sential. Correlation Factors for
We have mentioned that cancellation of
Highly Defective Systems
jumps leads to small values of f. There are,
however, special sequences of jumps in the Many solids, such as nonstoichiometric
ordered structure which lead to effective compounds, intercalation compounds, and
diffusion. The most important of these se- fast ion conductors, appear to have a very
quences is the so-called six-jump cycle high concentration of defects. Manning
202 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

extremes, provided the vacancies are ran-

domly distributed, roughly linear behavior
of the correlation factor is found (Fig. 3-9).
When the vacancies are not randomly
distributed, which is usually the case be-
cause of atom – atom repulsion, the behav-
ior of the correlation factor becomes more
complicated. The calculations that have
been performed are for the so-called lattice
gas model. In this, the atoms occupy dis-
crete sites of a rigid lattice, typically a
nearest neighbor interaction being speci-
fied between the atoms. For nearest neigh-
bor attractive interactions, at low tempera-
tures a two-phase region develops symmet-
rically about the concentration 0.5. Con-
versely, with nearest neighbor repulsion an
ordered region centered about a concentra-
tion 0.5 develops for the simple lattices
such as honeycomb, square planar, or sim-
ple cubic. The face centered cubic and tri-
angular lattices are rather more compli-
cated, but have not been investigated. We
shall focus on repulsion here because it is
the most likely. In a manner similar to that
for the concentrated alloy, the exchange
frequency of a given atom with a vacancy
is written for a given configuration as
Figure 3-13. (a) Six-jump cycle in the ordered square
lattice: the upper figure shows the path of the va- w = n exp (– U/k T ) exp (gnn fnn /k T ) (3-95)
cancy, the lower figure shows the displacements re-
sulting from the complete cycle, after Bakker (1984). where gnn is the number of atoms which are
(b) Schematic representation of energy changes dur- nearest neighbors to the given atom, U is
ing the six-jump vacancy cycle, after Bakker (1984).
the activation energy for diffusion of an
isolated atom, n is the vibration frequency,
and fnn is the atom – atom interaction en-
(1968) was probably the first to note that the ergy. It can be seen that nearest-neighbor
correlation factor could increase if more repulsion between atoms works to diminish
vacancies are present. In effect, the extra the activation energy. Other forms of the
vacancies decorrelate the reverse jump of a exchange frequency are also possible, but
tracer atom; see the discussion in Sec. most calculations have used this one. As more vacancies are added we Obviously lattice gas models cannot
reach the limit of a single atom remaining generally be very realistic in their diffusion
(for convenience, the tracer) and the corre- behavior. The interest in them comes about
lation factor is unity as befitting a complete primarily because they exhibit behavior
random walk of an interstitial. Between the which is rich in physics and likely to occur
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 203

to a greater or lesser extent in real materi- from the right lattice to the wrong lattice it
als. Surprisingly, some materials such as tends to reverse that jump, thereby giving
interstitial solid solutions are described low values of the correlation factor. As in
fairly well by the lattice gas model even the ordered alloy, there are sequences of
with only nearest neighbor interactions. jumps which lead to long-range diffusion.
This must be a result of short-range inter- By and large these sequences are based
actions being by far the most important. around interstitialcy progressions, but
Sato and Kikuchi (1971) have employed rather than two atoms moving in unison as
the PPM to good effect in the lattice gas in the actual interstitialcy mechanism, here
model. Extensive calculations have been they are separated in time.
made, especially for the honeycomb lattice. The temperature dependence of f in the
Equally extensive Monte Carlo calcula- lattice gas, like the alloy, is fairly strong.
tions have also been made both for this lat- Again, it is usual to write f in an Arrhenius
tice and many others; see the review by fashion, e.g., Eq. (3-90), but there is no
Murch (1984 a). A typical result is shown known physical reason for assuming that f
in Fig. 3-14. The pronounced minimum in must really take this form. Fig. 3-15 shows
the correlation factor is due to the effects of the behavior in the square planar lattice
the ordered structure. This ordered struc- gas. The Arrhenius plot is in fact curved
ture consists of atoms and vacant sites ar- above and below the order/disorder tem-
ranged alternately. The wide composition perature, though in an experimental study
variability of the ordered structure at this this would be overlooked because of a
temperature (indicated by the arrows) is ac- much smaller temperature range. This acti-
commodated by vacant sites or “intersti- vation energy will be included in the ex-
tials” as appropriate. When an atom jumps perimental tracer diffusion activation en-
ergy. This is likely to be a significant con-
tribution which (like in the ordered alloy)
cannot be ignored.
The subject of tracer correlation effects
in defective materials with high defect con-

Figure 3-14. PPM results for the dependence of the Figure 3-15. Arrhenius plot of the tracer correlation
tracer correlation factor on ion site fraction ci in the factor gained from Monte Carlo simulation of a
honeycomb lattice with nearest neighbor repulsion. square planar lattice gas with 50% particles and 50%
T * = k T /fnn ; after Murch (1982 d). vacant sites (Zhang and Murch, 1990).
204 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

tent is dealt with at length in a number of

places; see, for example, Murch (1984 a)
and Sato (1989). The Physical or Conductivity

Correlation Factor
In Sec. we have seen that tracer
correlation effects are conventionally em-
bodied in the so-called tracer correlation
factor. In this way the correlation factor ap-
pears as a correction factor in the random
walk expression for the tracer diffusion co-
efficient Eq. (3-76).
In 1971 Sato and Kikuchi showed that Figure 3-16. PPM results for the dependence of the
the ionic conductivity should also include a physical correlation factor on ion site fraction ci in
correlation factor, now called the physical the honeycomb lattice with nearest neighbor repul-
or conductivity correlation factor and sion and site inequivalence. T * = k T /fnn and the site
given the symbol f I , sometimes f c . In the difference a priori is 5 fnn ; after Murch (1982 d).
usual hopping model expression for the
d.c. conductivity s (0), we have
s (0) = C (Z e)2 Gq rq2 f I /6 k T (3-96) Historically, the atomistic meaning of f I
has taken quite some time to determine,
where C is the concentration of charge car- principally because the calculations (path
riers per unit volume, Z is the number of probability and Monte Carlo methods)
charges, e is the electronic charge, Gq is the were based on the calculation of a flow of
jump frequency, rq is the jump distance of charge.
the charge, k is the Boltzmann constant, It is now known that the physical corre-
and T is the absolute temperature. lation factor can be expressed as
It should be noted that f I does not be-
come nontrivial, i.e., 71, until a relatively f I = lim 〈 DR2 〉 / n r 2 (3-97)
high defect concentration is present and
ion – ion interactions and/or trapping sites where DR is the total displacement of the
are present. A model containing these was system after a total of n jumps in time t.
explored by Sato and Kikuchi (1971) in This differs from Eq. (3-77) only in the im-
their pioneering work. Their results for f I in portant points that DR refers to the dis-
the lattice gas model of nearest neighbor placement of the entire system and not a
interacting atoms diffusing on a honey- single particle. DR is simply the sum of the
comb lattice with inequivalent sites ar- individual particle displacements R occur-
ranged alternately are shown in Fig. 3-16. ring in time t:
This work was the starting point for the DR = ∑ Ri (3-98)
development of the new area of correla- all
tion effects in ionic conductivity. This area
has been reviewed by Murch and Dyre We can now see that whereas f encom-
(1989). passes correlation effects of a single (tracer)
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 205

particle, f I encompasses correlation effects

of the entire system in a collective sense.
The correlation factor f I of the system is
manifested in the d.c. ionic conductivity,
Eq. (3-96). It is also manifested in chemi-
cal diffusion (see below), but not in tracer
What is sufficient to make f I 71? First,
a relatively high concentration of defects
is required (see Fig. 3-16). Next, inequality
of lattice sites (and therefore a variable Figure 3-17. Arrhenius plot of the physical correla-
jump frequency), or mutual interactions tion factor gained from Monte Carlo simulation of a
among the ions, or differences in acces- square planar lattice gas with 50% particles and 50%
vacant sites (Zhang and Murch, 1990).
sibilities of ions: all are sufficient, with a
high concentration of defects, to give a
nontrivial value for f I .
The importance of f I in materials with duction. However, f I also occurs in the ex-
high defect concentrations cannot be over- pression for the chemical diffusion coeffi-
stated. For example, in a calculation of f I cient in the one-component system, i.e.,
in a model for CeO2 doped with Y2O3
(to obtain a high concentration of anion va- D̃ = G r 2 f I (1 + ∂ ln g /∂ ln c)/6 (3-99)
cancies), it was found that at 455 K f I or, with Eq. (3-76)
changed from unity at low Y 3+ content to
only 0.05 at high Y 3+ content, correspond- D* ⎛ ∂ ln g ⎞
= f I ⎜1 + ⎟
ing to 14% of the anion sites being vacant f ⎝ ∂ ln c ⎠
(Murray et al., 1986). This very low value
of f I came about primarily because of the where g is the activity coefficient of the
trapping effects of the Y 3+ ions. The phys- particles with the term in parentheses be-
ical correlation factor is also temperature coming the “thermodynamic factor”. This
dependent, but there is no known physical equation applies to interstitial solid solu-
reason why f I should take an Arrhenius tions and intercalation compounds such as
form. Fig. 3-17 shows a typical result for a TiS2 intercalated with Li where the atomic
lattice gas above and below the order/dis- mobility on the defective lattice is rate
order transition. Both regions are slightly determining. It does not apply to ionic
curved in fact, although this could be over- conductors, however, since – for change
looked in an experiment over a small tem- balance reasons – compositional changes
perature range. The activation energy asso- are controlled by atomic mobility or hole-
ciated with f I will be included in the overall electron hopping on another lattice. For
activation energy for d.c. ionic conduction. example, in the oxygen ion conductor
This contribution cannot be ignored. In the calcia stabilized zirconia, compositional
model for CeO2 doped with Y2O3 , the con- changes of the oxygen ion vacancy concen-
tribution is of the order of 30% very high tration are probably controlled by the
Y 3+ contents. dopant calcium ion mobility on the cation
Most of the contributions to the applica- lattice.
tion of f I have centered around ionic con-
206 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids Correlation Functions where DRA is the displacement of the

(Collective Correlation Factors) system of particles of type A, i.e., DRA is
the vector sum of the displacements of all
There are a number of other correlation
the atoms of type A and nA is the total
phenomena in diffusion. In order to discuss
number of jumps of the species A. Thus the
these in a unified fashion, say for a binary
group of particles of type A in the system is
system, it is convenient first to introduce
treated itself like a (hypothetical) particle,
correlation functions or collective correla-
and fAA is its correlation factor.
tion factors. They represent the correlated
parts of the phenomenological coefficients
(see Sec. 3.4). For the diagonal coefficients fAB = ·DRA · DRB Ò/nA r 2 i = A, B (3-104)
we write (Allnatt and Allnatt, 1984) (i)
Thus fAB expresses correlations between
L ii = L0ii fii i = A, B (3-100) the vector sum of the displacements of all
where L0ii is the uncorrelated part of L ii , the atoms of type A with the corresponding
i.e., quantity for atoms of type B.
An alternative way of looking at the fij
L ii = Ci Gi r 2/6 k T i = A, B (3-101) is in terms of the drifts in a driving force.
where Ci is the number of species i per unit Let us consider a “thought experiment”
volume, Gi is the jump frequency of species for a binary system AB where an external
i, and r is the jump distance, k is the Boltz- driving force Fd is directly felt only by
mann constant, and T is the absolute tem- the A atoms. It is straightforward to show
perature. For the off-diagonal terms (we (Murch, 1982 a) that fAA is given by
note the Onsager condition LAB = L BA ), we 2 k T 〈 XA 〉
write fAA = (3-105)
Fd nA r 2
(0) (A) (0) (B)
LAB = LAA fAB = LBB fAB (3-102)
where ·XA Ò is the average drift distance of
This partitioning of the L ij into these parts the A atoms in the driving force and nA is
might appear arbitrary. The choice comes the number of jumps of a given A atom
about largely by analogy with the tracer in time t. However, although only the A
diffusion coefficient which is partitioned as atoms feel the force directly, the B atoms
a product of an uncorrelated part, contain- feel it indirectly because they are compet-
ing the jump frequency etc., and a corre- ing for the same vacancies as the A atoms.
lated part, containing the tracer correlation Accordingly, there is also a drift of the
factor (see Eq. (3-76) and associated dis- B atoms, smaller than the drift of the A
cussion). (i)
atoms. The correlation function fAB is re-
Some physical understanding of the fij is lated to this drift by
appropriate here. There are two equivalent
expressions for the fij . First, Allnatt (1982) (i ) 2 k T 〈 XB 〉
fAB = (3-106)
and Allnatt and Allnatt (1984) showed that Fd Gi t r 2
the fij have Einsteinian forms reminiscent
of the expression for the tracer correlation where ·XB Ò is the average drift distance of
factor (see Eq. (3-76)). Thus they write for the B atoms.
a binary system A, B
fAA = ·DRA2 Ò/nA r 2 (3-103)
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 207

Calculation of the Correlation Functions and

Calculations have been made for various (A)
fAB = 2 cA cB w A w B fA fB (3-109)
impurity models, the random alloy model −1
⎛ ⎞
and interacting or (bond) models for alloys. × ⎜ cA w A M0 ∑ ck w k fk ⎟
For impurity systems, the area has been re- ⎝ k = A,B ⎠
viewed exhaustively by Allnatt and Lidiard
where M0 = 2 f (1 – f ) and f is the tracer cor-
(1987, 1993). Here we shall restrict our-
relation factor in the pure lattice of either
selves to a discussion of the results for the
five-frequency impurity model in the f.c.c.
The correlation functions have also been
lattice; see Fig. 3-11 and associated text for
calculated in interacting bond models (see
details of the model.
Sec., especially with the PPM and
Inspection of Eq. (3-103) indicates that
by computer simulation. Some results of
when the A atoms (say) are the infinitely
the latter are shown in Figs. 3-18 and 3-19
dilute impurities in B, i.e., cA Æ 0, the
for the simple cubic lattice with ordering
system of atoms of type A reduces to a
between A and B.
single A atom. Accordingly the diagonal
A brief discussion of the behavior of
correlation function fAA reduces to the im-
these quantities is appropriate here. First,
purity correlation factor, fA . We have al-
with respect to fAA , as cA Æ 0, the A atoms
ready given Manning’s (1964) expression
behave like impurities in the B matrix, and
for fA for the five-frequency model in the
fAA does in fact reduce to the impurity cor-
f.c.c. lattice (see Eq. (3-78)). Manning
relation factor fA . At cA ≈ 0.5, the minima
(1968) showed that the cross correlation
(A) are further manifestations of the prepon-
function fAB can be calculated by a careful
derance of jump reversals in the diffusion
analysis of the various impurity jump tra-
(A) process in the ordered alloy. As cA Æ 1, all
jectories in a field. He found that fAB is
curves converge on unity and the correla-
given by
fAB = 2 fA (3-107)
F ) (w 4 − w 0 )w 4−1 ] −
w 3 [3 − 7 (1 − 2w1
2w1 + 7 F w3

where F is the fraction of dissociating va-

cancies that are permanently lost from a
site and are uncompensated for by return-
ing vacancies and is given by Eq. (3-80).
Let us move on to the binary random
alloy model described in detail in Sec.; explicit expressions have been de-
rived by Manning (1968). He found that
fAA is given by
⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤ Figure 3-18. Monte Carlo results for the diagonal
fAA = fA ⎢1 + 2 cA w A fA ⎜ M0 ∑ ck w k fk ⎟ ⎥ correlation factor fAA in the simple cubic alloy as a
⎢⎣ ⎝ k = A,B ⎠ ⎥⎦ function of cA at various values of the ordering en-
(3-108) ergy; after Zhang et al. (1989 a).
208 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

current there are correlations or interfer-

ence between the two ionic conductivities.
When there are two ionic species and the
vacancy mechanism is operating, the ex-
pressions for the d.c. ionic conductivities
are (Murch and Dyre, 1989)
e 2 ZA2 CA GA r 2 ⎛ ZB ( A ) ⎞
sA = ⎜ fAA + f ⎟
6kT ⎝ ZA AB ⎠
e 2
ZB2 CB GB r 2 ⎛ ZA ( B) ⎞
sB = ⎜ fBB + fAB ⎟
Figure 3-19. Monte Carlo results for the off-diago- 6kT ⎝ ZB ⎠
nal correlation factor f AB in the simple cubic alloy as
a function of cA at various values of the ordering en- where e is the electronic charge, ZA (B) is the
ergy; after Zhang et al. (1989 a). number of charges on A (B), CA (B) is the
concentration of A (B), GA (B) is the jump
frequency of A (B) and r is the jump dis-
tion effects contained in fAA disappear en-
(A) tance.
tirely. Next, let us discuss fAB . As cA Æ 0,
Sometimes the bracketed terms are called
again A behaves like an impurity in B. The
(A) the binary conductivity correlation factors;
physical meaning of fAB has been dis-
they are, in fact, formally binary analogues
cussed earlier, see Eq. (3-106). At this limit
of f I in Eq. (3-96). Eqs. (3-110) and (3-111)
the B atoms have maximum interference
on A. Similar to fAA , minima develop at
cA ≈ 0.5 as a result of jump cancellations. sA = e 2 Z A
CA Gi r 2 f IA /6 k T (3-112)
As cA Æ 1, all curves converge on zero as 2
sB = e Z B2 CB Gi r 2 f IB /6 k T (3-113)
the B atoms, now in the minority, no longer
have much effect on the diffusion of A. For those readers familiar with Man-
With the correlation functions in hand, ning’s (1968) treatment of impurity ionic
we can form the various correlation terms conductivity, f IA (where A is the impurity
that commonly occur in ionic conductivity in B) is expressed as
and chemical diffusion. We shall restrict
⎛ Z ⎞
ourselves to binary systems. Unary sys- f IA = fA ⎜ 1 + B 〈 n p 〉⎟ (3-114)
tems are dealt with in Sec., where it ⎝ ZA ⎠
is seen that the physical correlation factor
where fA is the impurity correlation factor
is really a correlation function for a one-
and ·n p Ò is a complex kinetic parameter
component system.
introduced by Manning. Eq. (3-114) as en-
visaged by Manning (1968) applies only to
Correlations in Ionic Conductivity
situations where the vacancy concentration
(Binary Systems)
is very low. Often the term in parentheses
When ionic conductivity occurs in a ma- in Eq. (3-114) is loosely called a vacancy-
terial where two or more ionic species wind factor, although this terminology is
sharing the same sublattice (and therefore frequently applied to the whole of f IA . In
competing for the same defects) carry the the special case where the impurity is a
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 209

tracer of the host and where, of course,

ZA = Z B , the term in parentheses reduces to
fA–1 with the result that f IA = 1 and there are
no correlations in the ionic conductivity.
However, it is emphasized that this result
applies only where the defect concentration
is very low. For high concentrations of de-
fects which in general cannot be randomly
distributed there are still residual correla-
tions arising from non-ideal effects. These
are encompassed in f I (see Eq. (3-96)).
For the five-frequency model, see Sec., for certain combinations of the
jump frequencies it is possible to make f IA
(Eq. (3-114)) negative. Specifically this
can occur when the vacancy and impurity Figure 3-20. PPM results for the quantities f IA and
are tightly bound together, i.e., when f IB as a function of concentration r A in the two-com-
w4 > w3 . Vacancies that are bound to im- ponent conductor with 20% vacancies at half the or-
purities can be transported around the im- der – disorder temperature. The dashed line shows the
case where the development of long-range order is
purity by the host atom flux. The probabil-
artificially suppressed; after Murch and Dyre (1989).
ity of the impurity moving upfield can then
be larger than the probability of moving
downfield. The impurity may then actually
move upfield, opposite to its “expected” stronger as the dimensionality is lowered
direction. For further details, see Manning (in fact all correlation effects do), and may
(1975). It is also possible in the five-fre- be a major contributor to the so-called
quency model to make f IA for the impurity mixed-alkali effect. This effect is charac-
exceed unity, even when Z B = ZA . terized by a substantial decrease in the d.c.
For concentrated interacting systems, the ionic conductivity at intermediate mixed
calculation of the f IA (and f IB ) is of some compositions without any obvious physical
interest, especially in the case of mixed fast cause. This subject is dealt with further by
ion conductors such as Na,K b -alumina. Murch and Dyre (1989) and Sato (1989).
An example of the results of calculation of
f IA and f IB , by way of the PPM, is shown in Correlations in Chemical Diffusion
Fig. 3-20. This lattice gas model contains (Binary Systems)
two species A and B (ZA = Z B ) with 20% The usual equation of practical interest
vacancies on a honeycomb lattice. The for chemical diffusion in a binary system is
model approximates the fast ion conductor the Darken equation. This equation relates
Na,K b -alumina, although it is probably the intrinsic diffusion coefficient of a par-
also a reasonable description of some sili- ticular component to its tracer diffusion
cate glasses. Note the minima in f IA and coefficient. The original Darken equation
f IB . These are caused by what is called a (which neglects correlations) is written as
“percolation difficulty” in the flow created
by ordered arrangements. Physically, many ⎛ ∂ ln g A ⎞
DAI = DA* ⎜ 1 + ⎟ (3-115)
jumps are reversed. This effect seems ⎝ ∂ ln cA ⎠
210 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

where gA is the activity coefficient of A. where f is the tracer correlation factor for
However, it is straightforward to show that diffusion in the pure crystal, i.e., pure A or
the rigorous equation is Eq. (3-56) which pure B. It turns out that the maximum in rA
can be rewritten in terms of the correlation in this model occurs when cA Æ 1. In the
functions (Le Claire, 1975; Murch, 1982 a; extreme case when the jump frequency of
Stark, 1976): A is much larger than that of B, then
⎛ ∂ ln g A ⎞ rA Æ f0–1. Therefore, when f0 = 0.78146 (va-
DAI = DA* ⎜ 1 + ⎟ cancy diffusion on the f.c.c. lattice, see Ta-
⎝ ∂ ln cA ⎠
ble 3-1), rA can only enhance chemical dif-
⎡⎛ (A) cA ⎞ ⎤ fusion by a factor of 1.28.
× ⎢⎜ fAA − fAB ⎟ fA ⎥ (3-116)
⎣⎝ cB ⎠ Manning’s equation (Eq. (3-117)) seems

to have more general significance than
The fA in the denominator is the correlation application to the random alloy. Murch
factor for the actual composition of the al- (1982 a) showed that this equation performs
loy and not some impurity limit. In the lit- very well indeed for an interacting alloy
erature the term derived from correlations model that can exhibit short and long-range
[ ] is sometimes called a vacancy-wind fac- order. This suggests that this equation can
tor and is given the symbol rA . As it turns be used almost with impunity. This subject
out, however, this term cannot vary much arises again in the “Manning relations”
from unity since the original Darken equa- which relate the phenomenological coeffi-
tion is reasonably well obeyed. The behav- cients to the tracer diffusion coefficients
ior of rA is not especially transparent. The (see Sec.
vacancy flux in chemical diffusion is al- The subject of the experimental check of
ways in the same direction as that of the rA has been discussed by Bocquet et al.
slower moving species (and opposite to (1996). They pointed out that in most cases
that of the faster moving species). The va- the Manning formulation for rA and rB
cancy-wind effect always tends to provide (Eq. (3-117)) improves the agreement be-
a given atom with an enhanced probability tween experimental and calculated values
of flowing in a direction opposite to that of of the Kirkendall shift and the ratio of
the vacancy flow. When A is less mobile the intrinsic diffusion coefficients DAI /DBI .
than B, the vacancy-wind factor rA effec- However, the individual experimental val-
tively makes DAI even smaller. Conversely, ues of DAI and DBI often tend to be quite a
when A is more mobile than B, the va- bit higher than the calculated values. The
cancy-wind factor rA effectively makes DAI experimental Kirkendall shift also has a
even larger. But how much? This can be tendency to be higher than the calculated
partially answered in the following. value. Carlson (1978) points out that the
Although we have given Manning’s problem could be due to the random alloy
(1968) expressions for the individual fij assumption in the Manning formulation.
and the correlation factor fA for the random However, the success of the Manning for-
alloy (Eqs. (3-108) and (3-109)), it may not mulation for the interacting alloy model
be immediately obvious that rA is in fact mentioned above seems to vindicate the
given in this model by (see also Sec. random alloy assumption and so the reason for the discrepancy probably should be
f DB* + cA ( DA* − DB* ) sought elsewhere.
rA = (3-117)
f ( cA DA* + cB DB* )
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 211

3.3.2 The Nernst – Einstein Equation When the external force is the result of an
and the Haven Ratio electric field E we have
The Nernst – Einstein equation relates Fd = Z e E (3-123)
the d.c. ionic conductivity to a diffusion
where Z is the number of charges (ionic
coefficient. Probably no other equation in
valence) and e is the electronic charge.
diffusion has generated more misunder-
The mobility u is defined as the velocity
standing than this one. Let us consider the
per unit field and so we have
standard derivation (see, for example,
Batchelor (1976)), and discuss its implica- u Ze
= (3-124)
tions in detail. ˜ kT
We consider a pseudo-one-component
system in a situation where the flux result- In the solid-state diffusion literature Eq.
ing from an applied force on the particles (3-124) is generally called the Nernst – Ein-
(which are completely noninteracting) ex- stein relation. Because the d.c. ionic con-
actly counterbalances the flux due to diffu- ductivity is related to the mobility by s =
sion. That is, from Eq. (3-2) C Z e u, Eq. (3-124) can be rewritten as

dC s C Z 2 e2
〈v 〉 C = D
˜ (3-118) = (3-125)
dx D̃ kT
It is important to note that the diffusion co- More generally, interactions are present
efficient here refers to a chemical composi- between the particles and it can be shown
tion gradient and is most definitely con- that the general form of the Nernst – Ein-
ceived as a chemical diffusion coefficient, stein equation is in fact (Murch, 1982 b)
not a tracer or self-diffusion coefficient.
Lack of appreciation of this fact leads to s C Z 2 e 2 ⎛ ∂ ln c ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ (3-126)
misunderstandings and inconsistencies. ˜
D k T ⎝ ∂m ⎠
The external force Fd is a result of a po-
where m is the chemical potential of the
tential so that
particles and c is the site fraction.
df Now let us discuss this equation in detail
Fd = − (3-119)
dx by exploring some particular cases. When
At equilibrium the distribution of com- the distribution of particles is completely
pletely noninteracting particles follows a ideal, meaning that the particles do not feel
Boltzmann distribution such that one another, not even site blocking, the
thermodynamic factor drops out of Eq. (3-
C (x) = C0 exp [– f (x)/k T ] (3-120) 126) and s /D̃ reduces to Eq. (3-125). In this
very special case, and only in this case, the
Eq. (3-120) must be the solution of Eq. (3-
tracer diffusion coefficient D* equals D̃, so
120) at steady state. We then have that
dC C df C Fd
=− = (3-121) s C Z 2 e2
dx k T dC k T = (3-127)
D* kT
With Eq. (3-118) we find that
When the particles are ideally distributed
〈v 〉 Fd but subject to the condition that no more
= (3-122)
D̃ k T than one particle can occupy one site, then
212 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

the thermodynamic factor in Eq. (3-126) i.e., formally the same as Eq. (3-129). This
equals (1 – c)–1. However, for this situation route to Eq. (3-132) is clearly a case of two
the tracer diffusion coefficient is related to wrongs ending up making a right. How-
D̃ by (see, for example, Murch (1982 c)) ever, the real danger lies in the fact that Eq.
D* = D̃ (1 – c) f (3-128) (3-132) obtained in this way blinds us to its
limitations, limitations which are clearly
where f is the tracer correlation factor, so stated in the derivation of Eq. (3-129).
that In practice, Eq. (3-132) has often been
s C Z 2 e2 used to describe situations where the par-
= (3-129) ticles are interacting and many sites are
D* kT f
vacant, such as in fast ion conductors. In
Ionic solids having virtually a perfect lat- such cases, we cannot necessarily expect a
tice of particles (charge carriers) fall into meaningful interpretation. What is the cor-
this category and Eq. (3-129) is appropriate rect way to proceed? We already have the
to such solids. Similarly, when the particles Nernst – Einstein equation to cover the situ-
are extremely dilute, Eq. (3-129) is again ation of interacting particles (Eq. (3-126)).
appropriate. However, this normally cannot be applied
In the solid-state diffusion literature we to real materials because local charge neu-
very often see Eq. (3-125) used directly trality prevents composition gradients be-
to calculate another diffusion coefficient, ing set up in ionic conductors by the con-
sometimes called the “charge” diffusion co- ducting ions themselves. What can be done
efficient and given the symbol Ds . Thus we is to return once again to Eq. (3-130) and use
encounter the following equation, which is it purely as a definition of Ds , recognizing
also called the Nernst – Einstein equation at the same time that Ds has no Fickian
s C Z 2 e2 meaning. Eq. (3-129) is then being used
= (3-130) purely as a means of changing s to a quan-
Ds kT
tity which has the dimensions of a diffusion
Ds is dimensionally correct but it does not coefficient. It is clear that it would be inap-
correspond to any diffusion coefficient that propriate in these circumstances to call this
can actually be measured by way of Fick’s equation the Nernst – Einstein equation.
laws for a solid system. Recall that the We can now define the Haven ratio,
identical Eq. (3-125) requires that the parti- which is simply the ratio of D* to Ds :
cles are completely noninteracting for it to
be meaningful. We frequently then see the D*
HR ≡ (3-133)
following equation relating D* and Ds Ds
D* = f Ds (3-131) In view of what has been said above about
with Ds often being called a self-diffusion Ds , it is appropriate to ask whether HR has
coefficient or the diffusion coefficient of any physical meaning. This can be partially
the (random walking) charge carriers. Eq. answered by examining hopping models
(3-131) is generally given as if it is self-ev- for conduction. It can be shown quite gen-
ident or similar to Eq. (3-73). Eqs. (3-130) erally for hopping models using the va-
and (3-131) are then combined to give cancy mechanism that
s C Z 2 e2 f f
= (3-132) HR = = (3-134)
D* kT f fI f + c g
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 213

where f I is the physical or conductivity cor- Much less satisfactorily interpreted are
relation factor and g is a two-particle corre- fast ion conductors where the defect con-
lation factor (see Sec. For specific centration is high and f I must be included
models of interacting particles f I ≤ 1 (see in the analysis of HR . A review of HR for
Murch and Dyre (1989) for a detailed re- such materials has been provided by Murch
view). At the limits of an almost full or (1982 d). Further comments on the subject
empty lattice of charge carriers, f I Æ 1 and can be found in the review on correlation
HR = f. This is compatible, of course, with effects in ionic conductivity by Murch and
Eq. (3-131) for these conditions. Dyre (1989). An introduction to the subject
Accordingly, a measurement of the may be found in the book by Philibert
Haven ratio (obtained by measuring s and (1991).
D*, preferably in the same sample) can in
some cases give f alone and therefore the 3.3.3 The Isotope Effect in Diffusion
mechanism of diffusion can be exposed.
The isotope effect, sometimes called the
However, the interstitialcy mechanism adds
mass effect, is of considerable importance
a minor complication because the “charge”
in diffusion because it provides one of the
moves two jump distances whereas the
two experimental means of gaining access
tracer moves only one (see Fig. 3-6). This
to the tracer correlation factor, f (the other
is easily taken care of in the analysis so that
is the Haven ratio; see Sec. 3.3.2). Since f
HR is now written generally as (see for ex-
depends on mechanism (see Sec., a
ample, Murch (1982 d))
measurement of the isotope effect can, in
f ⎛r⎞ principle, throw light on the diffusion
HR = ⎜ ⎟ (3-135)
fI ⎝ rq ⎠ mechanism operating.
The measurement of the isotope effect
where r and rq are the distances moved by
depends on accurately measuring a small
the tracer and charge respectively. Pro-
difference between the diffusion coeffi-
vided we focus on cases where f I = 1 (either
cients of two tracers a and b (Peterson,
almost empty or full lattice of charge car-
1975). This small difference can be related
riers), then HR still has a unique value for
to f in the following way. For isotropic
each mechanism. The classic example of
tracer and impurity diffusion, the diffusion
the value of HR in identifying the mecha-
coefficients of a and b can be written as
nism is Ag motion in AgBr (Friauf, 1957).
It was found that HR varied from 0.5 at low Da = A wa fa (3-136)
temperature to 0.65 at high temperature. Db = A wb fb (3-137)
Frenkel defects (see Sec. 3.4.4) are ex-
pected and therefore a temperature depen- where A contains geometrical terms and
dence of HR . But HR is not consistent with defect concentrations which do not depend
a combination of vacancy and direct inter- on the atom/defect exchange frequency w.
stitial jumps. This would require that HR The correlation factors fa and fb have the
varies from 0.78 to unity. The lower values mathematical form of impurity correlation
of HR obtained require a contribution from factors because the tracers (i.e. isotopes) in
interstitialcy jumps. It was found that both real experiments are formally impurities in
collinear and noncollinear interstitialcy the sense that their jump frequencies differ
jumps were required to fit the behavior of from the host atoms. Most impurity corre-
HR . lation factors for impurity diffusion in oth-
214 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

erwise pure and nearly perfect crystals From Eqs. (3-140) and (3-141), we find
have the mathematical form that
fa = u /(wa + u) (3-138) ( Da − Db )/ Db
f DK = (3-142)
( mb / ma )1/ 2 − 1
fb = u /(wb + u) (3-139)
Eq. (3-142) refers to a process where only
where u contains exchange frequencies
one atom jumps. The more general case of
other than the tracer. After taking the ratio
n atoms jumping simultaneously, e.g., the
of Eqs. (3-136) and (3-137) and eliminat-
interstitialcy mechanism (where n = 2) (see
ing u and fb (say) from Eqs. (3-136), (3-
Fig. 3-6), is described by
138), and (3-139), we find that
(Da – Db ) /Db = f [(wa – wb ) /wb ] (3-140) f DK (3-143)
[( Da − Db )/ Db ]
At this point, the formal distinction be- =
[( mb + ( n – 1) m0 ) /( ma + ( n – 1) m0 )]1 / 2 – 1
tween fa , fb and the tracer correlation fac-
tor f, the latter referring to a hypothetical where m0 is the average mass of the non-
tracer with the same jump frequency as the tracers. It is common to refer to f DK in
host, can be dropped since they are very Eqs. (3-142), (3-143) as the “isotope ef-
similar in numerical value. Knowledge of fect” E (n). Because f and DK are ≤ 1 then
the experimental jump frequencies, wa and this also applies to E (n). Accordingly, al-
wb , is usually not available, of course. Ac- though a measurement of the isotope effect
cordingly, they are expressed in terms of may not uniquely determine the mecha-
quantities which are known, such as the nism, it can be invaluable in showing
masses of the tracers. which mechanisms (through their values of
Application of classical statistical me- f and n) are not consistent.
chanics to describe the dynamics of the There are some mechanisms for which
jumping process leads to the result the appropriate correlation factor does not
have the simple form of Eq. (3-136), for
⎡⎛ mb ⎞ 1/ 2 ⎤ example a mechanism which has several
(wa − w b )/w b = DK ⎢⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ (3-141) jump frequencies. Nonetheless, it is always
⎢⎣⎝ ma ⎠ ⎥⎦
possible to derive equations equivalent
where ma and mb are the masses of the to Eqs. (3-142), (3-143) for such cases (see
tracers a and b, DK is the fraction of the the review by Le Claire (1970) for details).
total kinetic energy, associated with the In the discussion above, there has per-
whole motion in the jump direction at the haps been the implication that the theory
saddle point of a jump, that actually be- described here applies only to tracer diffu-
longs to the diffusing atom. The conversion sion in “simple” materials, e.g., pure met-
of jump frequencies to masses has unfortu- als, and alkali metal halides. Certainly the
nately led to the introduction of this new theory was originally developed with these
quantity DK, about which detailed informa- cases in mind, but it can be used, with cau-
tion is difficult to obtain. If the remainder tion, in other more complex situations. One
of the lattice is not involved in the jump, of the earliest of these was application to
DK = 1 (this is the upper limit for DK). impurity diffusion. In this case the tracers
More usually, there is a certain amount of a and b now refer to isotopes of an impur-
coupling between the diffusing atom and ity which is chemically different from the
the remainder of the lattice and DK < 1. host. When the mechanism is not in any
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 215

doubt, and frequently it is not to the experi-

enced researcher in the field, a measure-
ment of the isotope effect for self-diffusion
yields DK. If the impurity is substitutional,
and provided that DK is assumed to be the
same as for self-diffusion, then an isotope
measurement for the impurity can give the
correlation factor for impurity diffusion.
Since the impurity correlation factor is a
function of local jump frequencies, e.g., the
five-frequency model in the f.c.c. lattice
(see Fig. 3-11), then a knowledge of f com-
bined with other knowledge of the same
jump frequencies can lead to a knowledge
of some of their ratios (see, for example, Figure 3-21. Arrhenius plot of Monte Carlo results
for the tracer correlation factor in the simple cubic
Rothman and Peterson (1967), Bocquet lattice. 첸 represents the actual tracer correlation fac-
(1972), and Chen and Peterson (1972, tor; 쑗 represents the tracer correlation factor forced
1973)). to follow the impurity form; after Zhang et al.
The “impurity form” of the tracer corre- (1989 b).
lation factor is also implied for Manning’s
theory for vacancy diffusion in the random
alloy model (see Sec. Therefore, countered at low temperature in fast ion
isotope effect measurements in concen- conductors (Zhang and Murch, 1997). The
trated alloys which are reasonably well implication of these and other findings is
described thermodynamically by the ran- that the isotope effect measured in ordered
dom alloy model can be interpreted along materials does not contain the usual tracer
traditional lines. Similarly, it has been correlation factor but some other correla-
shown by Monte Carlo computer simula- tion factor defined only by way of the im-
tion that the impurity form of f is also valid purity form, Eq. (3-136). This does not
for vacancy diffusion in a lattice containing mean that isotope effect measurements in
a high concentration of randomly distrib- ordered materials are intrinsically without
uted vacancies, up to 50% in fact (Murch, meaning, but simply that they cannot be
1984 b). easily interpreted.
When order is increased among the com- The actual measurement of the isotope
ponents, the impurity form for f even for effect in diffusion requires the very accu-
vacancy diffusion is increasingly not fol- rate measurement of (Da – Db )/Db . This
lowed. For example, in the stoichiometric quantity typically lies between 0.0 and
binary alloy AB with order, the correlation 0.05. Because of the inaccuracies in mea-
factor, forced to follow the impurity form, surements of D it is not feasible to measure
diverges from the actual f below the or- Da and Db in separate experiments. Nor-
der/disorder temperature (Zhang et al., mally the isotopes a and b are co-de-
1989 b) (see Fig. 3-21). A very similar situ- posited in a very thin layer and permitted
ation arises for the case of ordered atoms to diffuse simultaneously into a thick sam-
diffusing by the vacancy mechanism on a ple. The geometry of the experiment per-
highly defective lattice such as is often en- mits Eq. (3-8) to be used for each isotope.
216 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

With a little manipulation it is soon found “wait” until a defect arrives. The probabil-
that ity of a defect, say a vacancy, arriving at a
particular neighboring site to a given atom
⎛C ⎞ is simply the fractional vacancy concentra-
ln ⎜ a ⎟ = const. − ln Ca [( Da − Db )/ Db ]
⎝ Cb ⎠ tion cv . However, in certain situations such
(3-144) as alloys showing order, or fast ion conduc-
This means that by plotting ln (Ca /Cb ) vs. tors showing relatively high defect order-
ln Ca , (Da – Db )/Db can in fact be obtained ing, the availability of vacancies to the
very accurately, avoiding errors due to time atoms can be enhanced or depressed from
and temperature of the diffusion anneal and the random mixing value which cv signi-
errors in sectioning. The separation of the fies. This topic is discussed further in Secs.
isotopes is normally achieved by half-life, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3.
energy spectroscopy, or the use of different The probability of a given atom being
kinds of radiation. Details of how to carry next to a vacancy is thus g cv where g is the
out careful experiments in this area can be coordination number. The jump frequency
found in the very comprehensive review of G can we decomposed to
experimental techniques in diffusion by
G = g cv w (3-145)
Rothman (1984). A more detailed review
of the isotope effect in diffusion has been where w is usually called the “exchange”
provided by Peterson (1975); see also Le frequency to signify the exchange between
Claire (1970). an atom and a neighboring vacant site and
to distinguish it from the actual jump fre-
quency G . It is permissible at low defect
3.3.4 The Jump Frequency
concentrations to call w the defect jump
In Sec. we showed that a tracer frequency, since the defect does not have to
diffusion coefficient is, in essence, a prod- “wait” for an atom.
uct of an uncorrelated part containing In, say, f.c.c. crystals where the jump

the jump frequency and a correlated part distance r is given by a /÷2, where a is the
containing the correlation factor, see Eq. lattice parameter and g = 12, the tracer dif-
(3-76). The Arrhenius temperature depen- fusion coefficient from Eq. (3-76) can now
dence of the diffusion coefficient arises be written as
largely from the jump frequency, although
D* = 12 cv w (a 2/2) f /6 = cv w a 2 f (3-146)
some temperature dependence of the corre-
lation factor in some situations, e.g., al- The same equation is also valid for b.c.c.
loys, cannot be ignored (see Secs. crystals. Other examples have been given
to In this section we will study the by Le Claire (1975).
make-up of the atomic jump frequency. In many solids, such as metals, alloys
First, for an atom to jump from one site and ionic crystals, cv is said to be “intrin-
to another, the defect necessary to provide sic” with an Arrhenius temperature depen-
the means for the jump must be available. dence. The vacancy formation enthalpy is
For the interstitial diffusion mechanism contained in the measured activation en-
there is essentially always a vacancy thalpy for the tracer diffusion process (see
(really a vacant interstice) available except Eq. (3-149)). In some solids, notably ionic
at high interstitial concentrations. For other crystals and certain intermetallic com-
mechanisms, however, the atom has to pounds, apart from the inevitable tempera-
3.3 Microscopic Diffusion 217

ture-dependent intrinsic concentration, the In Sec. we show that the defect
vacancy concentration can also be manipu- concentration in many cases depends on
lated by doping or by changing the degree temperature in an Arrhenius fashion (Eq.
of nonstoichiometry. In such cases this va- (3-159)). In such cases, the atomic jump
cancy concentration is sometimes said to frequency G, being the product of w , the
be “extrinsic”, and this contribution to the defect concentration, and the coordination
total vacancy concentration can easily number, is written as from Eq. (3-145)
swamp the intrinsic vacancy contribution. G = g n– exp [(S m + S f )/k]
The extrinsic vacancy concentration is in-
¥ exp [– (H m + Hvf )/k T ] (3-149)
dependent of temperature. However, in the
m f
case of a change in stoichiometry, tempera- The sum of H and H is more accurately
ture independence of cv requires adjust- called the activation enthalpy. We empha-
ment of the external partial pressure (see size again that the activation enthalpy
Sec. 3.4.4). measured in a diffusion experiment can, for
some solids such as ordered alloys, contain
other contributions such as from correla- The Exchange Frequency
tion effects or defect availability terms.
With the defect immediately available, The enthalpy of migration and the en-
the atom can jump when it acquires suffi- thalpy of defect formation are now rou-
cient thermal energy from the lattice for it tinely calculated by Lattice or Molecular
to pass over the energy barrier between its Statics methods; see Mishin (1997) and
present site and the neighboring site. The references therein for examples of such
probability of the atom having this thermal calculations in grain boundaries.
energy is given by the Boltzmann probabil- Although it is straightforward to couch
ity exp (– G m/k T ), where G m (a Gibbs en- the argument above concerning w in statis-
ergy) is the barrier height, k is the Boltz- tical mechanical terms, this would still be
mann constant, and T is the absolute tem- inadequate because we have neglected the
perature. The attempt frequency, i.e., the participation of the remainder of the lattice,
number of times per second the atom on its especially the neighbors of the jumping
site is moving in the direction of the neigh- atom, in the jump process. A more satisfac-
boring site, is the mean vibrational fre- tory treatment has been provided by Vine-
quency n–. Accordingly, the “jump rate”, yard (1957). This puts n– on a sounder basis
i.e., number of jumps per second, w , is and gives physical significance to the en-
given by tropy of migration S m.
Vineyard (1957) took a classical statisti-
w = n– exp (– G m/k T ) (3-147)
cal mechanical approach by considering
Because G m is a Gibbs energy, the ex- the phase space of the system comprising
change frequency can be partitioned as all of its N atoms and one vacancy. Each
point in this phase space represents an
w = n– exp (S m/k) exp (– H m/k T ) (3-148)
atomic configuration of the system. All
where S m is the entropy of migration and possible configurations are represented.
H m is the enthalpy of migration. H m is We are concerned with two neighboring
sometimes loosely called the “activation” energy minima in this phase space. These
enthalpy, but this can lead to misunder- minima are centered on two points, P and
standings, as we shall now see. Q. Point P is the phase space point repre-
218 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

senting an atom adjacent to a vacancy; all where ni0 is the frequency of the ith normal
atoms are in their equilibrium positions. mode with the system constrained to move
Point Q is the corresponding point after the normal to the direction joining point P to
atom – vacancy exchange. Between the the saddle point.
points P and Q there is a potential energy There have been many further considera-
barrier. In order to jump, the atom must tions of the detailed dynamics of the jump
pass over this barrier at its lowest point, a process, the most notable of these being the
saddle point. work carried out by Jacucci, Flynn and co-
Vineyard (1957) was able to calculate workers (see reviews by Jacucci (1984)
the jump rate, i.e., the number of crossings and Pontikis (1990)).
per unit time at the “harmonic approxima- For general purposes it is often sufficient
tion”. This entailed expanding the potential to focus on Eq. (3-148) and to note that the
energy at point P and also at the saddle Debye frequency is an adequate represen-
point in a Taylor series to second order to tation of the mean vibration frequency n–.
give for w
⎛ N ⎞ Vacancy Concentration
⎜∏ ni ⎟
i =1
w = ⎜ N ⎟ exp ( − U / k T ) (3-150) The change in Helmholtz energy FVf as-
⎜ n ′⎟ sociated with the formation of one vacancy
⎜∏ i⎟
⎝ i =1 ⎠ is given by

where the ni are normal frequencies for vi- FVf = EVf – T SVf (3-154)
bration of the system at point P, ni¢ are the
where EVf and SVf are the energy and en-
normal frequencies at the saddle point and
tropy of formation, respectively. The for-
U is the difference in potential energy
mation process itself is conceived to be the
between the saddle point and the equilib-
removal of an atom from the interior of the
rium configuration point, P.
crystal to the surface. The entropy part has
It is possible to transform Eq. (3-150)
two contributions: a vibrational or thermal
into the form of Eq. (3-148) by writing f
part S vib arising from the fact that atoms
close to the vacancy have a different vibra-
∏ ni tional frequency from those far from the
i =1
N −1
= n exp ( S m / k T ) (3-151) f
vacancy, and a configurational part S config
∏ n i′ which is usually thought to be an ideal mix-
i =1
ing entropy, at least for pure metals – but it
where the entropy of migration can be is rather more complicated for alloys. The
identified with configurational part for pure metals is eas-
3N ily found from elementary classical statisti-
Sm = k ∑ ln (n i0 /n i′ ) (3-152) cal mechanics (see, for example, Peterson
i =2 (1978)). The number of different ways W
and of putting n vacancies and N atoms on N + n
3N sites assuming indistinguishability within
∏ ni each group is
i =1
n= (3-153)
3N ( N + n )!
∏ n i0 W=
N! n!
3.4 Diffusion in Materials 219

The configurational entropy is given by ation techniques with computer codes such
as DEVIL and CASCADE (these tech-
f ⎡ ( N + n )! ⎤
Sconfig = k ln W = k ln ⎢ ⎥ (3-156) niques are described in the book edited by
⎣ N! n! ⎦ Catlow and Mackrodt, 1982) and lattice
which, with Stirling’s approximation ln N ! dynamics and Monte Carlo methods (see,
= N ln N – N for large N, results in for example, Jacucci, 1984).
Vacancy concentrations in metals are con-
⎛ n ⎤⎞
= − k ⎜ N ln ⎡⎢
N ⎤
Sconfig ⎥ + n ln ⎡⎢ ⎟ ventionally measured by quenching, dila-
⎝ ⎣N + n⎦ ⎣ N + n ⎥⎦⎠ tometry, and positron annihilation. An intro-
(3-157) duction to these techniques has been pro-
The total change in free energy when n va- vided by Borg and Dienes (1988), and a de-
cancies are produced is tailed review is also available (Siegel, 1978).

n FVf = n EVf – T (n Sconfig

) (3-158)
After substitution of Eq. (3-157) and put- 3.4 Diffusion in Materials
ting the derivative ∂F/∂n = 0 to obtain the
equilibrium number of vacancies, we soon Probably every type of solid has, at one
find that time, been investigated for its diffusion be-
(3-159) havior. It is impossible in the space here to
= cv = exp ( Svib / k ) exp ( − EV / k T )
f f cover even the major findings. In this sec-
N+n tion we propose to discuss, at an introduc-
where cv is the site fraction of vacancies. tory level, diffusion in metals and alloys,
Note that the configurational term has dis- and, as an example of ionic crystals,
appeared. The vibrational contribution S vib oxides. Our emphasis here is on the usual
is considered to be small and the leading theoretical framework for a description of
term in Eq. (3-159) is usually ignored, and diffusion in these materials rather than on
data compilations or reviews. Diffusion
cv = exp (– EVf /k T ) (3-160)
data compilations for metals and alloys can
For low pressures we can also assume (not be found in the Smithells Metals Reference
always safely) that the energy of formation Book (Brandes, 1983) and in the extensive
EVf can be approximated by the enthalpy of compilations in Landolt-Börnstein (Meh-
formation H Vf . rer, 1990). The older tracer diffusion data
Divacancies are handled in a similar way up to 1970 on metals and oxides has been
(see, for example, Peterson (1978)). Fren- collected by Askill (1970) and data on
kel and Schottky defects in ionic crystals oxides up to 1970 on metals and oxides
(see Sec. 3.4.4) can also be analysed along has been collected by Askill (1970) and
similar lines (Kofstad, 1972). Alloys, how- data on oxides up to 1980 by Freer (1980).
ever, present a special problem because of Extensive compilations of diffusion data
uncertainties about reference states includ- in nonmetallic solids have been published
ing the typical surface site where an atom in Landolt – Börnstein (Beke, 1998 1999).
is to be symbolically placed (see, for exam- The journal Defect and Diffusion Form,
ple, Lim et al. (1990) and Foiles and Daw formerly Diffusion and Defect Data, regu-
(1987)). larly publishes abstracts of all diffusion-re-
Calculations of defect formation ener- lated papers and extensive indices are reg-
gies are frequently handled by lattice relax- ularly provided.
220 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

3.4.1 Diffusion in Metals diffusion measurements have been made

over a very wide temperature range, there Self-Diffusion is a slight curvature in the Arrhenius plots.
We have seen (Sec. 3.3.4) that the tracer This has been variously attributed to a con-
diffusion coefficient in solids normally fol- tribution to diffusion from divacancies (see,
lows an Arrhenius form. This is usually for example, Peterson (1978)), or from va-
written empirically as cancy double jumps (Jacucci, 1984). Be-
cause of the high activation energy, how-
D = D 0 exp (– Q /R T ) (3-161) ever, the latter is really only a candidate for
explaining curvature very close to melting
where D 0 is called the pre-exponential fac- temperature and not over a wide tempera-
tor, or sometimes the “frequency factor”, Q ture range.
is the activation energy for diffusion, R is There is still controversy over the cause
the ideal gas constant, and T is the absolute of the curvature in Ag and other f.c.c. met-
temperature. In most pure metals self-dif- als, with one view favoring a temperature-
fusion is characterized by a pre-exponen- dependent activation energy and diffusion
tial D 0 which falls in the range 10 – 3 to by single vacancies (see the review by
5 ¥10 – 6 m2 s –1. This corresponds to activa- Mundy (1992)), and the other tending to fa-
tion entropies which are positive and of the vor, in part, a contribution from divacan-
order of k, the Boltzmann constant. The ac- cies at high temperatures (Seeger, 1997).
tivation energy Q is given fairly closely The behavior of self-diffusion in b.c.c.
(± ≈ 10%) by Q = 34 TM.Pt. , where TM.Pt. is metals is quite varied. Some b.c.c. metals
the melting point. These values lead to a such as Cr show linear Arrhenius plots.
value of the self-diffusion coefficient at the The alkali metals show slightly curved
melting point of about 10 –12 m2 s –1. plots. Finally, there is a large group of
Careful dilatometric and quenching ex- “anomalous” metals including b -Zr, b -Hf,
periments on a large number of f.c.c. met- b -Ti, g -U, and e -Pu, which show a strong
als indicate the vacancy as being the defect curvature and show values of D0 and Q
responsible for “normal” diffusion in f.c.c. both of which are anomalously low. There
metals. For vacancy diffusion the tracer has been considerable controversy here
diffusion coefficient is written for cubic also. Again, the monovacancy mechanism
lattices as and a temperature-dependent activation en-
D* = g cv w r 2 f /6 (3-162) ergy have been strongly supported (Mundy,
1992) but this view alone does not seem to
where g is the coordination, cv is the va- be entirely consistent with the nature of the
cancy concentration, w is the vacancy – curvature. Other processes such as ring
atom exchange frequency, r is the jump mechanisms and Frenkel pair formation/re-
distance, and f is the tracer correlation combination may be operative (Seeger,
factor. The decomposition of cv into its 1997).
enthalpy/entropy parts is given by Eq.
(3-159). The decomposition of w is given Impurity Diffusion
in Eq. (3-148). The tracer correlation factor
is discussed in Sec. The appropriate diffusion coefficient for
For some f.c.c. metals, e.g., silver (Roth- an impurity A (at infinite dilution) in a host
man et al., 1970; Lam et al., 1973), where of B when the vacancy mechanism is oper-
3.4 Diffusion in Materials 221

ating is (for cubic lattices) interstitials and partly as substitutionals

(see Sec. For a full discussion of
DA = g pAV wA r 2 fA /6 all aspects of impurity diffusion we refer to
= DA0 exp (– QA /R T ) (3-163) Le Claire (1978).
where g is the coordination, pAV is the va-
cancy availability factor to the impurity, 3.4.2 Diffusion in Dilute Alloys
wA is the impurity – vacancy exchange fre-
quency, r is the jump distance, and fA is the Substitutional Alloys
impurity correlation factor (for details see Alloys containing something less than
Sec. Again, as for self-diffusion in about 1– 2% solute concentrations are con-
metals, in many cases we can discern “nor- sidered to be sufficiently dilute that the dif-
mal” behavior wherein the Arrhenius plots fusion of solute atoms can be considered in
are linear and DA0 and QA do not differ terms of isolated atoms or isolated group-
greatly from the self-diffusion values. As ings of atoms such as pairs. For many bi-
pointed out by Le Claire (1975, 1978), the nary dilute alloys, measurements of the
relative values are determined principally solute diffusion coefficient D2 (measured
by DQ = QA – QB , where QB is the self-dif- as a tracer diffusion coefficient) have been
fusion activation energy for the host. When made as a function of solute concentration
DA > DB , the impurity is a fast diffuser and (we use the subscript 2 to denote the solute
DQ is negative. It is often found that this is and 0 to denote the solvent). It is usual to
correlated to a situation where the valence represent the solute diffusion coefficient
of the impurity is greater than that of the empirically as
host. The converse is true when DA < DB .
The similarity between impurity and host D2 (c2) = D2 (0) (1+ B1 c2 + B2 c22 …) (3-165)
diffusivities suggest the vacancy mecha- where D2 (0) is the solute diffusion coeffi-
nism for both. For this mechanism it can cient for c2 Æ 0, c2 is the atomic fraction of
easily be shown that (see, for example, Le solute and B1 , B2 , … are termed solute en-
Claire, 1978) hancement factors. D2 (0) is also called the
impurity diffusion coefficient (at infinite
DQ = (HAm – HBm ) + EB – Q ¢ (3-164)
dilution) depending on the context of the
where HAm, HBm are the activation enthal- experiment.
pies of migration for the impurity and host, Similarly, solvent diffusion coefficients
EB is the vacancy – impurity binding en- D0 , also measured as tracer diffusion coef-
thalpy, and Q ¢ is the activation enthalpy ficients, are represented as
arising from the temperature dependence D0 (c2) = D0 (0) (1 + b1 c2 + b2 c22 …) (3-166)
of fA (see Eq. (3-90)). This is normally a
fairly small contribution. and b1 , b2 , … are termed solvent enhance-
There are “anomalous” impurity diffus- ment factors.
ers which have diffusion coefficients much Of interest are the solute and solvent en-
higher than the host. Well-known examples hancement factors. Naturally, also of inter-
are the diffusion of noble metals in Pb. As est is the composition (a) of values of the
has been discussed in conjunction with the solute and solvent diffusion coefficients
substitional-vacancy diffusion mechanism, and (b) of values of their respective activa-
the impurities probably exist partly as tion energies.
222 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

In Eq. (3-166) D2 (0) arises from isolated w 0 , the solvent exchange frequency far
solute atoms, while the term containing B1 from the solute. For the f.c.c. lattice the re-
arises from pairs of solute atoms which are sult for b1 is (Howard and Manning, 1967)
sufficiently close that the solute jump fre-
w 4 ⎡ c 1 w1 c ⎤
quency differs from the isolated solute – va- b1 = − 18 + ⎢ 4 + 14 2 ⎥ (3-168)
cancy exchange frequency w 2 . B2 arises w 0 ⎣ f0 w 3 f0 ⎦
from triplets of solute atoms.
where c 1 and c 2 are termed partial correla-
The solute enhancement factor B1 has
tion factors and are known functions of the
been calculated for the f.c.c. lattice by ex-
ratios w 2 /w 1 , w 1 /w 3 and w 4 /w 0 , and f0 is
tending the five-frequency model (see Sec.
the correlation factor in the pure lattice. to include three new frequencies.
Eq. (3-168) can be re-expressed as
These frequencies describe solute jumps
which create, i.e., associate, a new solute ⎡ c w c w ⎤
pair (w 23 ), dissociate a solute pair (w 24 ), b1 = − 18 + ⎢ 4 1 1 + 14 2 3 ⎥
⎣ f w0 f0 w 0 ⎦
and reorient an existing pair (w 21). Pairs of
solute atoms do not occur randomly when × exp( − E2B / k T ) (3-169)
solute atoms interact. When an interaction thereby showing the effect of an altered va-
energy E 22 between solute atoms is defined cancy concentration near a solute by virtue
it is straightforward to show that of the solute – vacancy binding energy E 2B .
w 24 exp (– E 22 /k T ) = w 23 exp (– E 2B /k T ) There are similar relations for the b.c.c.
lattice. For the impurity model described
where E 2B is the impurity – vacancy bind- in Sec. (Model I), b1 is given by
ing energy. If it is assumed that the impur- (Jones and Le Claire, 1972)
ity correlation factor does not depend on
solute concentration (Stark, 1972, 1974), b1 = − 20 + 14
then B1 is given by (Bocquet, 1972; Le f
w3 n 1
Claire, 1978) +6 exp( − E2B / k T ) (3-170)
w0 f
B1 = − [6 + 12 exp( − E22 / k T )] (3-167)
− exp( − E2B / k T ) and for Model II (see Sec.
⎡ w w ⎤ u2
× ⎢ 4 21 exp( − E22 / k T ) − 14 23 ⎥ b1 = − 20 + 6
⎣ w2 w2 ⎦ f
w n
If it is assumed that E 22 = 0 and that + 14 3 2 exp( − E2B / k T ) (3-171)
w 21 = w 23 = w 2 then B1 is reduced to w0 f
where u 1 , n1 (w 2 /w 3¢ , w 3 /w 3¢ ) and u 2 , n 2
B1 = 18 [exp (– E 2B /k T ) – 1] (3-167 a)
(w 2 /w 3 , w 4 /w 0 ) are called mean partial
There have been no calculations along sim- correlation factors and are known functions
ilar lines of B2 . of the frequencies given.
The solvent enhancement factor b1 can It is possible to express b1 in terms of the
be calculated by noting the number of jump ratio of the solute and solvent diffusion co-
frequencies close to the solute. For in- efficients. This aids in the discussion of the
stance, in the five-frequency model for the numerical values taken by the enhance-
f.c.c. lattice we need to count the number ment factors. For the f.c.c. lattice, b1 is
of solvent frequencies which differ from given by Le Claire (1978).
3.4 Diffusion in Materials 223

4 f0 D2 ⎡ 4 c 1 (w 1 /w 3 ) + 14 c 2 ⎤ sion for B1 . These comments are borne out

b1 = − 18 +
1 − f2 D0 ⎢⎣ f0 ( 4 w 1 /w 3 ) + 14 F ⎥⎦ by the data in Table 3-2.
(3-172) The relative values of the diffusion coef-
ficients of solute and solvent are dictated
where F has been given in Sec. (see largely by the difference in activation ener-
Eq. (3-80)) and f0 is the tracer correlation gies for solute and solvent diffusion rather
factor in the pure lattice. The term in brack- than by differences in the pre-exponen-
ets is roughly unity and the impurity corre- tial factors. The difference DQ = Q2 – Q0
lation factor f2 is about 0.5. The greater the (where Q 2 and Q 0 are the activation ener-
solute diffusion coefficient is compared gies for solute and solvent respectively) of-
with the solvent diffusion coefficient, then ten seems to be closely related to the differ-
the more likely it is that b1 is greater than ence in valencies of solute and solvent, Z 2
zero. On the other hand, for slow solute and Z 0 . When DQ is negative (fast solute
diffusers b1 will probably be negative but diffusion), Z 2 > Z 0 . On the other hand,
not less then – 18. A few examples taken when DQ is positive Z 2 < Z 0 . These matters
from Le Claire (1978) are given in Table are discussed further in a detailed review
3-2. by Le Claire (1978). The reader is also di-
The solvent enhancement factor b2 re- rected to a recent commentary (Le Claire,
sults from the change in the solvent jump 1992).
frequencies in the vicinity of pairs of An approximate approach which acts as
solute atoms. Expressions for b2 for the a transition between the models described
f.c.c. lattice have been given by Bocquet above and the concentrated alloy models of
(1972). Sec. 3.4.3 is the complex model initiated
As noted by Le Claire (1978), the ex- first by Dorn and Mitchell (1966) and de-
pressions for b1 and B1 are similar in form. veloped by Faupel and Hehenkamp (1986,
Provided that the frequency ratios in one 1987). When impurities (B) have a positive
equation do not greatly differ from the excess charge, vacancy – impurity com-
other, as might be expected from relatively plexes of one vacancy and i impurity atoms
weak perturbations caused by the solute, are likely to form. Assuming that the bind-
then b1 and B1 tend to have the same sign ing free energy (– GBi ) is independent of
and roughly comparable magnitudes, apart the configuration of the impurity atoms,
from the exp (– E 22 /k T ) term in the expres- Dorn and Mitchell (1966) wrote for the

Table 3-2. Some values of solute and solvent enhancement factors, from Le Claire (1978).

Alloy system Lattice D2 /D0 b1 B1 T (°C)

(Solvent – solute)

Ag – Pd f.c.c. 0.04 – 8.2 – 7.5 730

Ag – Au f.c.c. 3.7 7.0 5.5 730
Ag – Cd f.c.c. 5.3 13.0 8.5 730
Ag – In f.c.c. 8.4 37 30 730
Ag – Tl f.c.c. 0.26 – 1.2 – 0.56 730
b -Ti – V b.c.c. 1.26 – 4.3 – 2.5 1400
V – Ti b.c.c. 1.66 16 27 1400
a -Fe – Si b.c.c. 1.64 20.4 12.4 1427
224 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

mole fraction of vacancies in the ith com- enhanced in a nonlinear way (Hehenkamp
plex cvi et al., 1980; Hehenkamp and Faupel, 1983).
Moreover, independent measurements of
⎛ g⎞
cvi = cv ( 0 ) ⎜ ⎟ c0g − i c2i exp( GBi / k T ) (3-173) the vacancy concentration on alloying have
⎝ 0⎠
shown a linear dependence between nor-
where cv (0) is the mole fraction of vacan- malized vacancy concentration and the
cies in the pure metal (A) and c0 and c2 are normalized solvent diffusion coefficient
the mole fractions of solvent (A) and solute (Hehenkamp et al., 1980; Hehenkamp and
(B) respectively, and g is the coordination. Faupel, 1983). The nonlinear enhancement
Bérces and Kovács (1983) modified Eq. (3- of solvent diffusion upon alloying is thus
173) to take into account possible configu- apparently due to a corresponding nonlin-
rations of the complexes. ear increase in the vacancy concentration
Within this complex model framework on alloying. These findings are very nicely
Faupel and Hehenkamp (1986, 1987) have described by the complex model.
introduced average effective jump fre- Despite its obvious limitations, the com-
A plex model can be useful quantitatively up
quencies per solvent (A) atom ·w eff Òi and
average effective jump frequencies per to 5 at.% of solute and qualitatively even
B higher; see Le Claire (1992).
solute (B) atom ·w eff Òi in the ith complex
(the latter specifically includes correlation
effects – which are always important for Interstitial Alloys
the solute). The normalized solvent diffu-
sion coefficient can now be written as Elements such as H, N, O, and C dis-
solve interstitially in metals and diffuse by
g −1
D0 ( c2 ) 〈w eff
〉 i ⎛ g − 1⎞ the interstitial mechanism. The diffusion
= c0g −1 − ∑ ⎜ ⎟
D0 ( 0 ) i =1 f0 w 0 ⎝ i ⎠ coefficients here are often measured by re-
laxation techniques or outgassing. Tracer
× c0g −1 − i c2i exp( GBi / k T ) (3-174)
diffusion is difficult to measure in the case
Similarly, the normalized solute diffusion of N and O because of the lack of suitable
coefficient can be written as radioisotope; however, other techniques
are available (see Sec. 3.5.1).
D0 ( c2 ) g
i 〈w eff
〉i ⎛ g⎞
= c0g −1 − ∑ ⎜ ⎟ (3-175) For interstitials at infinite dilution, the
D0 ( 0 ) i = 2 g f2 w 2 ⎝ i ⎠ interstitials move independently (by the
× c0g −1 c2i −1 exp[( GBi − GB1 )/ k T ] interstitial mechanism, see Fig. 3-5). The
vacancy concentration (vacant interstice) is
These equations for the normalized solute unity, the correlation factor is unity (a com-
and solvent diffusion coefficients can be plete random walk), and the tracer diffu-
expanded in terms of c2 to give explicit ex- sion coefficient is given simply by (from
pressions for the various solute and solvent Eqs. (3-76) and (3-145))
enhancement factors by way of comparison
D* = g w 0 r 2/6 (3-176)
with Eqs. (3-165) and (3-166); see Le
Claire (1992). where w 0 is the interstitial/vacant interstice
It has been found, in a number of careful “exchange” frequency.
studies in f.c.c. systems (Ag – Sb, Ag – Sn) In a number of cases the interstitial con-
where the impurities have excess positive centration can become sufficiently high for
charge, that solvent diffusion on alloying is the interstitials to interfere with one an-
3.4 Diffusion in Materials 225

other and this interference may have an im- (McKee, 1981)

portant effect on diffusion. An example is
D̃ = –13 r 2 [12 k0 + 12 u4 /u3 ]
C in austenite where the carbon interstitials
can fill roughly 8% of the octahedral voids. ¥ [4 u1 + 7 u3 – 12 k0 + 7 (u4 – k0 ) u3 /u4 ]
The two theoretical approaches taken to ¥ c {1 + c [1 + 12 (1 – u4 /u3 )]} (3-178)
cope with the problem are reminiscent of
where r is the jump distance. Eq. (3-178)
the situation found in the modeling of sub-
contains a thermodynamic factor.
stitutional alloys (see Sec. In the
The above model, where the frequencies
first, the exchange frequencies for the so-
are specified explicitly, is probably only
lute are specified. In the second, the ex-
valid for 1– 2% of interstices occupied. At
change frequencies are specified indirectly
higher concentrations many more frequen-
by way of interaction energies.
cies are required with the result that this
For the first approach, McKee (1980 a,
approach becomes unwieldy. For the sec-
b) and Le Claire (1981) conceived a four-
ond approach a lattice gas model is used to
frequency model for interstitial solute dif-
represent the solute interstitials and their
fusion in the f.c.c. lattice (the octahedral
lattice of interstices. High concentrations
voids of the f.c.c. lattice). Two distinct spe-
of interstitials can in principle be handled
cies are considered: the isolated interstitial
with this model. In this rigid model the at-
with a jump frequency of k0 , and paired
oms are localized at sites and pairwise
interstitials, which rotate with frequency
interactions among atoms are specified.
u1 , dissociate with frequency u3 , and asso-
The exchange frequency of a solute atom to
ciate with frequency u4 . The following ex-
a neighboring site can be written as (Sato
pression for the tracer diffusion coefficient
and Kikuchi, 1971)
of the interstitial solute can then be derived
(Le Claire (1981) using Howard’s (1966) w = n exp (gnn fnn /k T ) exp (– U/k T ) (3-179)
random walk method)
although many other choices are possible.
⎡ cp ⎛ In Eq. (3-179) n is the vibration frequency,
D* = 4 r 2 ⎢ k0 + ⎜ 4 u1 + 14 u3 (3-177)
⎣ 6c ⎝ gnn is the number of occupied interstices
that are nearest neighbors to a solute, fnn is
( 2 u1 − 3 u3 )2 u ⎞⎤ the solute – solute “binding” energy (posi-
− − 12 k0 − 7 k0 3 ⎟ ⎥
( 2 u1 + 7 u3 ) u4 ⎠ ⎦⎥ tive or negative), and U is the migration en-
ergy for an isolated solute atom. In effect
where cp is the site fraction concentration
the solute neighbors can assist or impede
of paired interstitials and c is the site frac-
the diffusion process depending on the sign
tion of interstitials. Using the pair associa-
of fnn .
tion method, McKee (1980 a, b) derived a
By its nature this model requires a statis-
similar result valid for weak binding of the
tical mechanical approach for its analysis.
paired interstitials. Explicit expressions for
One method used is the PPM (Sato and
the tracer correlation factor can be found in
Kikuchi, 1971; Sato, 1989, see also Sec.
the original papers.; another is the Monte Carlo com-
It was also possible to determine an ex-
puter simulation method (Murch, 1984 a).
pression for the chemical diffusion coeffi-
It is convenient to decompose the tracer
cient, D̃, relating to diffusion of the solute
diffusion coefficient into
in its own concentration gradient. In the
weak binding limit the expression for D̃ is D* = g r 2 V W f exp (– U/k T )/6 (3-180)
226 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

where V is the vacancy availability factor some loss of realism. The first of these is
(the average availability of neighboring va- the random alloy model introduced by
cant interstices to an interstitial solute Manning (1968, 1970, 1971). The second
atom, and is a more general quantity than is the interacting bond model which has
cv ), and W represents the effect of the envi- been extensively developed by Kikuchi
ronment on the jump frequency. It is in ef- and Sato (1969, 1970, 1972).
fect the statistical average of the first term In the random alloy model, the atomic
in Eq. (3-179). The same lattice gas model components are assumed to be mixed ran-
has also been applied extensively to fast domly and the vacancy mechanism is as-
ion conductors (see, for example, Murch sumed. The atomic jump frequencies wA
(1984 a)). and wB for the two components A and B
Chemical diffusion can readily be ex- are specified and these do not change with
pressed along similar lines (Murch, 1982 c) composition or environment. The tracer
as diffusion coefficient of, say, A is given by
D̃ = g r 2 V W n f I (3-181) * = g wA r 2 cv fA /6
DA (3-182)
¥ exp (– U/k T ) (∂m /k T/∂ ln c)/6 where g is the coordination, r is the jump
distance, and cv is the vacancy site fraction
where m is the chemical potential of the
(see Sec. The only theoretical re-
solute and f I is the physical correlation fac-
quirement here is to calculate the tracer
tor (see Sec. The physics for f I
correlation factor fA ; this has been de-
are not contained in the first approach (Eq.
scribed in Sec. on correlation ef-
fects in diffusion. The random alloy model
These approaches seem to describe C
performs very well in describing the diffu-
tracer and chemical diffusion in g -Fe fairly
sion behavior of many alloy systems which
well (McKee, 1980 a, b, 1981; Murch and
are fairly well disordered. This subject is
Thorn, 1979) but other applications have
discussed extensively in the review by
not been made because of the lack of suit-
Bakker (1984) to which we refer. A much
able data, especially for D*.
more accurate method for dealing with fA
Quantum effects are an important ingre-
has been given by Moleko et al. (1989).
dient in the description of H diffusion in
For alloys which exhibit order, Man-
metals; see the reviews by Völkl and Ale-
ning’s theory, based on the random alloy
feld (1975), Fukai and Sugimoto (1985),
model, still performs reasonably well in
and Hempelmann (1984).
describing certain aspects of diffusion be-
havior, notably correlation effects which
3.4.3 Diffusion in Concentrated Binary can be expressed in terms of the tracer dif-
Substitional Alloys fusion coefficients, see Sec. and the
review by Murch and Belova (1998). A
Dilute alloy models, see Sec., wholly different approach pioneered by
cannot be extended very far into the con- Kikuchi and Sato (1969) is the PPM (see
centrated regime without rapidly increas- Sec. in which the tracer diffusion
ing the number of jump frequencies to an coefficient is expressed in terms of quan-
unworkable level. As a result, models have tities which are statistically averaged over
been introduced which limit the number of the atomic configurations encountered in
jump frequencies but only as a result of the alloy. The tracer diffusion coefficient
3.4 Diffusion in Materials 227

of, say, A is now written as from w – because the configurations change


D* = g w – r 2 p– –f /6 (3-183)
with temperature. We also have contribu-
A A Av A
tions from p–Av and the tracer correlation

where wA is an averaged exchange fre- factor. In order to make sense of the experi-
quency which includes the effect of the en- mental activation energies, we need to
vironment on the jump frequency, p–Av is the model the system in question; there seems
vacancy availability factor, i.e., the prob- to be no alternative. Few detailed applica-
ability of finding a vacancy next to an A tions of this model have yet been made.

atom (see below), and f A is the tracer corre- One detailed application has been made to
lation factor. We have discussed the corre- b -CuZn (Belova and Murch, 1998). Fur-

lation factor f A in Sec., to which we ther details can be found in the review by
refer. The quantity w – is the average of the
A Bakker (1984), see also the review by
exchange frequency for an A atom with a Murch and Belova (1998).
vacancy in particular configuration: Interdiffusion in binary concentrated al-
wA = nA exp (– UA /k T ) (3-184) loys has been dealt with largely in Secs. and Some recent calcula-
¥ exp [(gA EAA + gB EAB )/k T]
tions (which use the “bond model” de-
where nA is the vibration frequency, UA is scribed above) have been performed by
the migration energy (referred to some ref- Zhang et al. (1988) and Wang and Akbar
erence) for a jump, gA is the number of A (1993), see also the review by Murch and
atoms that are nearest neighbors to a given Belova (1998).
A atom (itself next to a vacancy), gB is the
number of B atoms which are likewise
3.4.4 Diffusion in Ionic Crystals
nearest neighbors to the A atom, and EAA
and EAB are nearest neighbor interactions In this section diffusion in ionic crystals
(assumed negative here). This equation is (exemplified here by oxides) will be briefly
essentially the binary analogue of Eq. (3- discussed. A more detailed discussion has
179). We see that the neighbors of the atom been provided by Kofstad (1972) and
A can increase or decrease the apparent mi- Schmalzried (1995). Diffusion in other
gration energy. ionic crystals, especially alkali metal ha-
The use of cv alone in the expression for lides and silver halides, has been reviewed
DA in Eq. (3-182) implies that either com- by, for example, Fredericks (1975), Laskar
ponent “sees” the vacancy equally. This (1990, 1992), Monty (1992).
obviously cannot generally be true. The in-
troduction of the quantity p–Av in Eq. (3- Defects in Ionic Crystals
183) (and p–Bv ) is a recognition that vacan-
cies are somewhat apportioned between the In order to discuss diffusion in ionic
two atomic components. This is not a small crystals, we need first to discuss at an ele-
effect, particularly in alloys which show mentary level the types of defects which
separate sublattices. arise. Of almost overriding concern in
The overall activation energy for diffu- ionic crystals is the requirement of charge
sion is now rather complicated. Apart from neutrality.
the usual contribution from the vacancy Let us first consider stoichiometric crys-
formation energy and reference migration tals, say the oxide MO, and “intrinsic” de-
energy, we have a complicated contribution fect production. The Schottky defect (actu-
228 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

ally a pair of defects) consists of a vacant where MM is a metal atom (M) on a metal
anion site and a vacant cation site. It arises site (M), M ••
i is an effectively doubly posi-
as a result of thermal activation and not tively charged metal ion on interstitial i site
through interaction with the atmosphere. and V≤ M is an effectively doubly negatively
The Schottky defect generation is written charged metal ion vacancy. We have as-
as a chemical reaction, i.e., sumed double charges here purely for illus-
0 [ V≤ •• trative purposes.
M + VO (3-185)
The equilibrium constant for the Frenkel
where 0 refers to a perfect crystal, V≤ M is a defect reaction can be written as
vacant (V) metal (M) site, the primes refer
to effective negative charges (with respect KF = [M •• M]
i ] [V≤ (3-189)
to the perfect crystal), VO•• is a vacant (V)
provided that the defect concentration is
oxgen (O) site and the dots refer to effec-
low. This equation is often called the Fren-
tive positive charges. This is the Kröger-
kel product. Again, the equilibrium con-
Vink defect notation (see, for example,
stant KF can be expressed as exp (– GFf /k T )
Kofstad (1972)).
where GFf is the Gibbs energy of formation
We can write an equilibrium constant Ks
of the Frenkel defect, which again can be
for the reaction in the following form, valid
partitioned into its enthalpy H Ff and en-
for low defect concentrations:
tropy SFf parts.
Ks = [V≤ ••
M ] [VO ] (3-186)
where the brackets [ ] indicate concentra-
tions. Eq. (3-186) is usually called the Diffusion Theory in Ionic Crystals
Schottky product. Ks can be expressed in
In most mechanisms of diffusion except
the usual way
the interstitial mechanism, an atom must
Ks = exp (– Gsf /k T ) (3-187) “wait” for a defect to arrive at a nearest
where Gsf is the Gibbs energy of formation neighbor site before a jump is possible (see
of the Schottky defect, which can be parti- Sec. 3.3.4). Thus the jump frequency in-
tioned into its enthalpy Hsf and entropy Ssf cludes a defect concentration term, e.g., cv ,
parts. the vacancy concentration. Let us examine
The other type of defect occurring in the an example for diffusion involving the
stoichiometric ionic crystal is the Frenkel Frenkel defect. Although both an intersti-
defect. The Frenkel defect (actually a pair tial and a vacancy are formed, in oxides
of defects) consists of a cation interstitial one of them is likely to be much more mo-
and cation vacancy or an anion interstitial bile, i.e., to have a lower migration energy,
and anion vacancy. In the latter case it has than the other. (In the case of stoichiomet-
also been called an anti-Frenkel defect, al- ric UO2 , for example, theoretical calcula-
though this nomenclature is now relatively tion of migration energies suggests a much
uncommon. Like the Schottky defect, the lower migration energy for the oxygen va-
Frenkel defect is thermally activated. The cancy than for the interstitial (by either
Frenkel defect generation is also written as interstitial or interstitialcy mechanisms)
a chemical reaction, for example for cat- (Catlow, 1977).) At the stoichiometric
ionic disorder: composition,
MM [ M •• i + V≤ M (3-188) [M •• M]
i ] = [V≤ (3-190)
3.4 Diffusion in Materials 229

so that the cation vacancy concentration is Mn1– y O. As an example we will deal with
given by an anion excess accommodated by metal
f vacancies.
M ] = cv = exp (– G F / 2 k T )
[V≤ (3-191)
The degree of nonstoichiometry and
= exp (– H Ff /2 k T ) exp (SFf /2k) (3-192) therefore the defect concentration accom-
panying it are functions of temperature and
The measured activation enthalpy for dif- partial pressure of the components. The de-
fusion will be the migration enthalpy plus fects produced in this way are sometimes
half the Frenkel defect formation enthalpy. said to be “extrinsic”, but this terminology
The reader might well ask how we know is probably to be discouraged since they
we are dealing with a Frenkel defect and are still strictly intrinsic to the material. In
not a Schottky defect, and if we do know it an oxide it is usual, at the temperatures of
is the Frenkel defect then how do we know interest, to consider only the partial pres-
it is the vacancy mechanism that is operat- sure of oxygen since it is by far the more
ing and not the interstitialcy mechanism? volatile of two components. In carbides,
In general, we have to rely on independent where the temperatures of diffusion of
information, principally computer calcula- interest are much higher, the metal partial
tions of defect formation and migration en- pressure can be comparable to the carbon
thalpies, but structural information such as partial pressure and either can be manipu-
is provided by neutron diffraction and ther- lated externally.
modynamic information is also useful. The simplest chemical reaction generat-
Another process of interest here is the in- ing nonstoichiometry is
trinsic “ionization” process whereby an
electron is promoted from the valence band –12 O2 (g) [ OO
¥ ¥
+ VM (3-194)
to the conduction band leaving behind a where OO ¥
is a neutral (¥) oxygen ion on an
hole in the valence band. In the Kröger- oxygen site and VM ¥
is a neutral metal va-
Vink notation, we write for the intrinsic cancy. Physically, this corresponds to oxy-
ionization process (the electrons and holes gen being adsorbed on the surface to form
may be localized on the metal atoms) ions and more lattice sites, thereby effec-
0 [ e¢ + h• (3-193) tively making metal vacancies. These va-
cancies diffuse in by cation – vacancy ex-
All ionic crystals are capable, in princi- change until the entire crystal is in equilib-
ple, of becoming nonstoichiometric. The rium with the atmosphere. Excess oxygen
limit of nonstoichiometry is largely dic- nonstoichiometry corresponds also to oxi-
tated by the ease with which the metal ion dation of the metal ions. Here in this exam-
can change its valence and the ability of the ple, the holes produced are conceived to be
structure to “absorb” defects without re- associated very closely with the metal va-
verting to some other structure and thereby cancies. The holes can be liberated, in
changing phase. Nonstoichiometry can be which case the reaction can now be written
achieved by either 1) an anion deficiency,
–12 O2 (g) [ V¢M + OO
+ h• (3-195)
which is accommodated by either anion va-
cancies, e.g., UO2 – x , or metal interstitials, If the hole is then localized at a metal ion,
e.g., Nb1+ y O2 or 2) an anion excess, which we can consider this as the chemical equiv-
is accommodated by either anion intersti- alent of having M 3+ ions formally present
tials, e.g., UO2 + x or metal vacancies, e.g., in the sublattice of M 2+ ions.
230 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

Assuming reaction Eq. (3-194) is the gen partial pressure will expose the actual
preferred one, we find that the equilibrium charge state of the vacancy, i.e., VM or V¢M .
constant for this reaction is In practice, this kind of differentiation
between charge states and even defect
[VM× ]
K1 = 1/ 2 (3-196) types does not often occur unambiguously.
pO 2 The result of plotting log D* versus log pO2
thereby immediately showing that the often does not show precisely one slope
metal vacancy concentration depends on and often there is also some curvature.
the partial pressure of oxygen in the fol- These effects can sometimes be associated
lowing way: with contributions to the diffusion from the
three types of vacancy, VM , V¢M , and V≤M,
[VM ] = K1 p1/2
O2 (3-197) e.g., Co1– d O (Dieckmann, 1977). Probably
Accordingly, the metal vacancy concentra- the most successful and convincing appli-
tion is directly proportional to p1/2 cation of this mass-action law approach has
O2 .
Assuming that the reaction in Eq. (3- made the defect types in Ni1– d O compat-
195) is the preferred one, we find that the ible with data from tracer diffusion, electri-
equilibrium constant for this reaction is cal conductivity, chemical diffusion, and
deviation from stoichiometry/partial pres-
[ h•] [O O× ] [VM
′] sure (Peterson, 1984).
K2 = 1/ 2
pO2 At higher partial pressures of oxygen,
which in some cases such as Co1– d O,
The concentration of [OO ] is essentially Mn1– d O, and Fe1– d O can result in large
constant and is usually absorbed into K2 . deviations from stoichiometry, we can log-
The condition of electrical neutrality re- ically expect that defect interactions could
quires that play an important role. First, the concentra-
[h• ] = [V¢M ] (3-199) tions in the mass-action equations should
be replaced by activities. This so greatly
thereby showing that the metal vacancy complicates the analysis that progress has
concentration depends on the partial pres- been fairly slow. The retention of concen-
sure of oxygen in the following way: trations rather than activities may be per-
[V¢M ] = K21/2 p21/4 (3-200) missible, however, because there is some
evidence that non-ideal effects tend to can-
Accordingly, the metal vacancy concentra- cel in a log D/log pO2 plot (Murch, 1981).
tion is directly proportional to p1/4
O2 . At high defect concentrations, defect clus-
Let us assume that the migration of tering to form complex defects which
metal ions will principally be via vacancies themselves might move or act as sources
in the nonstoichiometric region, since they and sinks for more mobile defects, is pos-
are the predominant defect. Since the tracer sible. Two very well-known examples,
diffusion coefficient of the metal ions de- identified by neutron scattering, are the
pends directly on vacancy concentration Koch – Cohen clusters in Fe1– d O (Koch
(see Sec. 3.3.4), then the tracer diffusion and Cohen, 1969) and the Willis cluster in
coefficient will depend on oxygen partial UO2 + x (Willis, 1978). Although attempts
pressure in the same way that either [VM ] have been made to incorporate such defects
or [V¢M ] does. A measurement of the tracer into mass-action equations, it is probably
diffusion coefficient as a function of oxy- fair to say that the number of adjustable pa-
3.5 Experimental Methods for Measuring Diffusion Coefficients 231

rameters thereby resulting and the lack of stoichiometry (cation vacancies) in the cat-
any precise independent information on the ion sublattice) is generally well understood
mobility or lifetime of the defect complexes except at large deviations from stoichiome-
make any conclusions reached rather spec- try (see the review by Peterson (1984)).
ulative. New statistical mechanical ap- Other oxides such as MgO and Al2O3 , al-
proaches have considerable promise, how- though apparently simple, are less well
ever (see the review by Murch (1995)). understood because of the low intrinsic de-
Somewhat analogous to changing the de- fect population and the presence of extrin-
fect concentration, i.e., deviation from stoi- sic defects coming from impurities (Subba-
chiometry by changing the oxygen partial Rao, 1985). An understanding of oxygen
pressure, is the doping of ionic crystals diffusion in oxides has been hampered by
with ions of a different valence from the the lack of suitable radioisotopes, but
host metal ion in order to produce defects. methods using 18O and secondary ion mass
As an example, consider the solubility of spectrometry (SIMS) have rapidly changed
an oxide ᑧ2O3 in an oxide MO2 . The im- the situation (Rothman, 1990). Ionic con-
plication in the stoichiometry ᑧ2O3 is that ductivity (where possible) (see Sec. 3.3.2
the ᑧ ions have a valence of + 3, compared for the relation to diffusion) has tradition-
with + 4 for M in the oxide MO2 . For ally been the measurement which has given
charge neutrality reasons the doped oxide much more information on oxygen move-
adopts either oxygen vacancies, metal in- ment; see, for example, the review by
terstitials, or some electronic defect, the Nowick (1984).
choice being dictated by energetics. Let us
consider the first of these:
ᑧ2O3 Æ VO•• + 2 ᑧ M
¢ + 3 OO (3-201) 3.5 Experimental Methods for
Measuring Diffusion Coefficients
where ᑧ M ¢ is a ᑧ ion on a M site. The site
fraction of oxygen vacant sites is not quite In this section we briefly discuss the
directly proportional to the dopant site more frequently used methods of measur-
fraction because extra normal oxygen sites ing diffusion coefficients.
are created in the process. The diffusion
coefficient of oxygen here is proportional
3.5.1 Tracer Diffusion Methods
to the concentration of vacant oxygen sites.
For very large deviations from stoichiom- By far the most popular and, if per-
etry, or high dopant concentrations, those formed carefully, the most reliable of the
extrinsic defects greatly outnumber the in- experimental methods for determining
trinsic defects. However, at low dopant con- “self” and impurity diffusion coefficients
centrations (or small deviations from stoi- is the thin-layer method. Here, a very thin
chiometry), all the various mass-action laws layer of radiotracer of the diffusant is de-
must be combined. This complicates the posited at the surface of the sample. The
analysis, and space prevents us from dealing deposition can be done by evaporation,
with it here. For a more detailed discussion electrochemical methods, decomposition
of this and the foregoing, we refer to Kof- of a salt, sputtering, etc. The diffusant is
stad (1972) and Schmalzried (1995). permitted to diffuse for a certain time t at
Generally, cation diffusion in the oxides high temperature, “high” being a relative
of the transition metals (which show non- term here. If the thickness of the layer de-
232 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

posited is much smaller than ÷D t , then Eq. hard radiation the method can give com-
(3-8) describes the time evolution of the parable accuracy to the counting of sec-
concentration – depth profile. After diffu- tions.
sion, the concentration – depth profile in A few elements do not have convenient
the sample is established by sectioning and radioisotopes. The diffusion part of the ex-
counting the radioactivity in each section. periment is still performed in much the
A number of techniques are available for same way but now with stable isotopes. In
sectioning. For thick sections ≥ 3 µm, me- some cases, e.g., 18O, the diffusant source
chanical grinding is the standard method. is in the gas phase, although a thin source
Microtomes can be used for sections of of oxide containing 18O can be deposited in
about 1 µm, electrochemical methods for some cases. After diffusion, nuclear reac-
≥ 5 nm, and sputtering for ≥ 1 nm. The dif- tion analysis of 18O can be used (see, for
fusion coefficient is obtained from the example, the review by Lanford et al.
slope of the ln C (x, t) versus x 2 plot (see (1984)), in order to establish the concentra-
Eq. (3-8)). Fig. 3-22 shows an exemplary tion profile. Much more popular recently,
tracer concentration profile of this type especially for oxygen, is SIMS (see, for ex-
(Mundy et al., 1971). ample, the reviews by Petuskey (1984),
A variant of the method is the “residual Kilner (1986) and Manning et al. (1996)).
activity” or “Gruzin (1952) method”. Excellent detailed (and entertaining) ex-
Rather than counting the activity in each positions and critiques of all methods
section, the activity remaining in the sam- available for measuring tracer diffusion co-
ple is determined. This requires an integra- efficients in solids have been provided by
tion of Eq. (3-8) and a knowledge of the ra- Rothman (1984, 1990).
diation absorption characteristics of the
material. At the limits of very soft or very
3.5.2 Chemical Diffusion Methods
The chemical or interdiffusion coeffi-
cient can be determined in a variety of
ways. For binary alloys, the traditional
method has been to bond together two sam-
ples of different concentrations. Interdiffu-
sion is then permitted to occur for a time t
and at high temperature. The concentration
profile can be established by sectioning
and chemical analysis, but since about the
late 1960s the use of an electron micro-
probe has been the usual procedure for ob-
taining the concentration profile directly. If
the compositions of the starting samples
are relatively close, and the interdiffusion
coefficient is not highly dependent on com-
position, then analysis of the profile with
Figure 3-22. A tracer concentration profile for self- Eq. (3-12) can lead directly to the interdif-
diffusion in potassium at 35.5 °C (Mundy et al., fusion coefficient D̃ at the average compo-
1971). sition. The more usual procedure is to use
3.5 Experimental Methods for Measuring Diffusion Coefficients 233

the Boltzmann –Matano graphical integra- of 18O (exchanging with 16O) can be moni-
tion analysis (see Eqs. (3-13) and (3-14)) to tored in the gas phase with a mass spec-
obtain the interdiffusion coefficient and its trometer in order to lead to the tracer diffu-
composition dependence. If fine insoluble sion coefficient of oxygen (see, for exam-
wires (to act as a marker) are also incorpo- ple, Auskern and Belle (1961)). A draw-
rated at the interface of the two samples, back of methods which do not rely on sec-
then the marker shift or Kirkendall shift tioning is the necessary assumption of
with respect to the original interface can rapid gas/surface reactions.
be measured. This shift, in association
with the interdiffusion coefficient, can be
3.5.3 Diffusion Coefficients
used to determine the intrinsic diffusion
by Indirect Methods
coefficients of both alloy components at
the composition of the marker (see Sec. There are a number of methods for ob- taining diffusion coefficients that do not
The rate of absorption or desorption of depend on solutions of Fick’s Second Law.
material from the sample can also be used Unfortunately space does not permit a de-
to determine the chemical diffusion coeffi- tailed discussion of these. We shall men-
cient. This method is useful only where one tion them here for completeness and direct
component is fairly volatile, such as oxy- the reader to the appropriate sources. Often
gen in some nonstoichiometric oxides and these methods extend the accessible tem-
hydrogen in metals. The surface composi- perature range for diffusion measurements.
tion is normally assumed to be held con- In all cases specific atomic models need to
stant. The concentration profile can be de- be introduced in order to extract a diffusion
termined by sectioning or electron micro- coefficient. Inasmuch as there are inevita-
probe analysis and can be analysed with bly approximations in a model, the result-
the aid of Eq. (3-9) to yield the interdiffu- ing diffusion coefficients may not be as re-
sion coefficient. The Boltzmann – Matano liable as those obtained from a concentra-
analysis can be used if there is a composi- tion profile. In some cases additional corre-
tion dependence. lation information can be extracted, e.g.,
The amount of material absorbed or de- nuclear methods. The diffusion coefficients
sorbed from the couple, e.g., weight found from these methods are essentially
change, can be used with Eq. (3-11) to “self” diffusion coefficients but chemical
yield the interdiffusion coefficient. Eqs. (3- diffusion coefficients for interstitial solutes
9) and (3-11) refer to situations when ÷D t are obtained from the Gorsky effect.
is very small compared with the geometry
of the sample, i.e., diffusion into an infinite Relaxation Methods
sample is assumed. When the sample must
be assumed to be finite, e.g., fine particles, In the relaxation methods net atomic mi-
other, generally more complex, solutions gration is due to external causes such as
are required; see Crank (1975). A closely stress of magnetic field (Nowick and Berry,
related experiment can be performed where 1972). The best known phenomena are (a)
the gas phase is chemically in equilibrium the Gorsky effect (Gorsky, 1935); for a re-
with the solid, but is dosed with a stable view see Alefeld et al. (1970) and for an in-
isotope. An example is 18O, a stable iso- troduction see Borg and Dienes (1988); (b)
tope of oxygen. The absorption by the solid the Snoek effect (Snoek, 1939); for an ex-
234 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

position see Wert (1970) and for an intro- Most applications have been to solids in-
duction see Borg and Dienes (1988); and corporating the rather ideal isotope 57Fe.
(c) the Zener effect (Zener, 1947, 1951); See Mullen (1984) for a detailed discus-
for an introduction see Bocquet et al. sion of MBS and Vogl and Feldwisch (1998)
(1996). for several recent examples of applica-
tions. Nuclear Methods
3.5.4 Surface Diffusion Methods
A number of nuclear methods have be-
come of increasing importance for deter- The techniques for measuring surface
mining diffusion coefficients in solids. The diffusion are generally quite different from
first of these is quasielastic neutron scat- solid-state techniques. For short distance,
tering (QNS), which has often been used microscopic or “intrinsic” diffusion (see
for situations where the diffusion coeffi- Sec., the method of choice is the
cients are larger than about 10–11 m2 s –1 field ion microscope. Much elegant work
and the diffusing species exhibits a reason- has been carried out with this technique by
ably high scattering cross-section. Most Erlich and co-workers; see for example Er-
of the applications have been to hydrogen lich and Stott (1980) and Erlich (1980).
(protonic) in metals (see, for example, With this method single atoms can be im-
Janot et al., 1986). For a detailed introduc- aged and followed. Another method, this
tion to the subject see Lechner (1983) and time using the field electron microscope
Zabel (1984). The second method is nu- (Lifshin, 1992), correlates fluctuations of
clear magnetic resonance (NMR). NMR is an emission current from a very small area
especially sensitive to interactions of the with density fluctuations arising from
nuclear moments with fields produced by surface diffusion in and out of the probe
their local environments. Diffusion of a nu- area (Chen and Gomer, 1979). Other meth-
clear moment can cause variations in these ods include quasi-elastic scattering of
fields and can significantly affect the ob- low energy He atoms (formally analogous
served resonance. In particular, diffusion to quasi-elastic neutron scattering) and re-
affects a number of relaxation times in laxation measurements, making use of dep-
NMR. In favorable cases diffusion coeffi- osition of the adsorbate in a non-equilib-
cients between 10–18 and 10–10 m2 s –1 are rium configuration, followed by annealing
accessible. For a detailed introduction to which permits relaxation to equilibrium.
the subject see Stokes (1984) and Heitjans Techniques useful for following the relaxa-
and Schirmer (1998). We make special tion process at this microscopic level in-
mention of pulsed field gradient (PFG) clude pulsed molecular beam combined
NMR, which has been found to be espe- with fast scanning IR interferometry
cially useful for studying anomalous diffu- (Reutt-Robey et al., 1988) and work func-
sion (Kärger et al., 1998). Finally, we men- tion measurements (Schrammen and Hölzl,
tion Mössbauer spectroscopy (MBS), which 1983).
shows considerable promise for under- Many methods exist for long distance or
standing diffusion processes in solids. The macrosopic diffusion. When the diffusing
general requirement is that the diffusion species is deposited as a source and the ap-
coefficient of Mössbauer active isotope propriate geometries are known then scan-
should be larger than about 10–13 m2 s –1. ning for the concentration profile followed
3.7 References 235

by processing with the appropriate solution 3.7 References

to Fick’s Second Law (the Diffusion Equa-
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mined using scanning SIMS, local XPS, Allnatt, A. R., Allnatt, E. L. (1991), Phil. Mag. A 64,
scanning Auger, scanning EM and scan- 341.
ning STM (Bonzel, 1990). Of interest when Allnatt, A. R., Lidiard, A. B. (1987), Rep. Prog.
Phys. 50, 373.
the atoms are weakly adsorbed is laser Allnatt, A. R., Lidiard, A. B. (1993), Atomic Trans-
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nally, the “capillary method”, probably the Auskern, A. B., Belle, J. (1961), J. Nucl. Mater. 3,
best known of the macroscopic methods, 267.
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ids: Murch, G. E., Nowick, A. S. (Eds.). New
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Beke, D. L. (Ed.) (1998), Diffusion in Semiconduc-
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fine reviews in the area, e.g., Rhead Börnstein New Series, Berlin: Springer.
Beke, D. L. (Ed.) (1999), Diffusion in Semiconduc-
(1989), Bonzel (1990), and the book edited tors and in Non-Metallic Solids, Vol. 33 (Sub-
by Vu Thien Binh (1983). The first of these volume B: Diffusion in Non-Metallic Solids),
relates surface diffusion to a number of Landolt-Börnstein New Series, Berlin: Springer.
Belova, I. V., Murch, G. E. (1997), Phil. Mag. A 75,
technologically important processes such 1715.
as thin film growth, sintering, and cataly- Belova, I. V., Murch, G. E. (1998), Acta Mater. 46,
sis. The second is a comprehensive compi- 849.
Belova, I. V., Murch, G. E. (2000), Phil. Mag. A 80,
lation of surface diffusion data on metals 1469.
and a detailed survey of experimental Bénière, M., Chelma, M., Bénière, F. (1976), J. Phys.
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Binh, Vu Thien (Ed.) (1983), Surface Mobilities on
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3.6 Acknowledgements Bocquet, J. L. (1972), Rep. CEA-R-4292. Saclay
(France): Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique.
I thank my colleagues in diffusion from Bocquet, J. L. (1987), Res. Mech. 22, 1.
whom I have learnt so much. This work Bocquet, J. L., Brébec, G., Limoge, Y. (1996), in:
Physical Metallurgy, 4th edn.: Cahn, R. W., Haa-
was supported by the Australian Research sen, P. (Eds.). Amsterdam: North Holland, p. 535.
Council. Boltzmann, L. (1894), Ann. Phys. 53, 960.
236 3 Diffusion Kinetics in Solids

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