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Elite Afghan Empowerment and Development Organization (EAEDO)

Volunteer Agreement
This Agreement is entered into between [Volunteer Name] (“Volunteer”) and the Elite Afghan Empowerment and
Development Organization (“EAEDO”), collectively referred to as the “Parties.”

The purpose of this Agreement is to outline the commitment and expectations between EAEDO and the Volunteer,
ensuring a mutual understanding and fostering an environment of integrity, transparency, and collaboration in furthering
EAEDO’s mission to empower and develop Afghan society.

This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date] unless terminated earlier by either Party
in accordance with this Agreement.

Volunteer Role and Responsibilities

1. Description of Volunteer Services: Volunteer agrees to perform services as described in the attached Exhibit A.
2. Compliance with EAEDO Policies: Volunteer commits to adhere to EAEDO’s operational policies, including
but not limited to the Anti-Corruption Policy, ensuring zero tolerance for bribery and corruption in any form.

3. Participation and Engagement: Volunteer will actively engage in tasks and initiatives, fostering a sense of
ownership and contributing to collective impact as part of EAEDO’s mission.

EAEDO’s Commitment
1. Support and Guidance: EAEDO agrees to provide necessary support, information, and guidance to enable the
Volunteer to effectively perform their assigned tasks.

2. Respect and Integration: EAEDO values each volunteer’s contribution and commits to integrating them within
its dynamic and collaborative environment, ensuring their role plays a part in the empowerment and development of

Volunteer agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information encountered while volunteering with
EAEDO, except when such disclosure is authorized or legally mandated.
Conflict of Interest
Volunteer agrees to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to EAEDO as per the Conflict-of-Interest
Policy and to refrain from any actions that could detrimentally affect EAEDO’s integrity or objectives.

Either Party may terminate this Agreement with or without cause by providing [Notice Period] written notice to the
other Party.

Volunteer agrees to perform volunteer services at their own risk and indemnifies EAEDO against any claims arising out
of their volunteer activities, except in cases of EAEDO’s willful misconduct.

By signing below, the Parties agree to the terms outlined in this Volunteer Agreement.


Name: _____________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: _____________________________


Name: _____________________________

Title: _______________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: _____________________________
Exhibit A: Description of Volunteer Services

(Here, describe in detail the specific services, tasks, and responsibilities the volunteer will undertake.)

Please be reminded that this is a draft and should be reviewed by legal expertise to ensure compliance with
local laws and EAEDO’s specific requirements and policies.

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