(ERASMUS+) Ka103-Kit-Mobilite-De-Stage-2021 - ABG

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Table D - Traineeship Certificate by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise

Tableau D – Attestation de stage de l’organisme/l’entreprise d’accueil

Name of the trainee / Nom du stagiaire :


Name of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise / Nom de l’organisme/l’entreprise d’accueil :

Chalmers Université de Technologie

Sector of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise / Secteur d’activité de l’organisme/l’entreprise d’accueil :

Département de Chimie et Ingénierie chimique

Address of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise [street, city, country, phone, e-mail address], website:
Coordonnées de l’organisme/l’entreprise d’accueil [rue, ville, pays, téléphone, adresse mail], site internet :
Chalmers University of Technology
412 96 Gothenburg, Suède

Start date and end date of traineeship: from [day/month/year] …………………. to [day/month/year] ………………..
Dates de début et de fin de stage : du 13/03/2023 au 25/08/2023

Traineeship title: / Intitulé du stage :

Synthesis of water-soluble coordination cages for biological application

Detailed programme of the traineeship period including tasks carried out by the trainee:
Programme détaillé de la période de stage, y compris les tâches réalisées par le stagiaire :
Literature review on heteroleptic cages, and more specifically how to assemble them. Screened conditions for preparing a sandwich-type heteroleptic
coordination cages, including template-driven, charge-driven, and sterics-driven self-assembly. Was trained how to prepare and submit NMR samples, and
participated in an NMR rota taking samples to the Swedish NMR centre 1 x per week. Training in writing and communication skills through a written report and
final presentation for the host group.

Knowledge, skills (intellectual and practical) and competences acquired (achieved Learning Outcomes):
Connaissances, aptitudes (intellectuelles et pratiques) et compétences acquises (résultats d’apprentissage obtenus) :
Acquired knowledge related to the field of supramolecular chemistry, and to the self-assembly of coordination cages in particular. Acquired experimental
skills related to organic synthesis, and analytical skills associated with interpretation of 1D and 2D NMR spectra. Practiced writing and communication skills.

Evaluation of the trainee / Evaluation du stagiaire :

Arkecia is an enthusiastic student and a very good experimental chemist. For her educational level, she is particularly skilled in organic chemistry, and has
contributed some nice ideas to my group. She has been very productive, independent, and resilient in the face of a challenging research project. Furthermore,
she took responsibility for looking after a junior member of the group during her internship, which showed good initiative. She is easy to communicate with
one-on-one, but finds formal presentations challenging. Like many students at her level, the quality of her scientific writing in English could be improved. But
she responds well to feedback, which is a good start!

Date : 18/08/2023

Name and signature of the Supervisor at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise:

Nom et signature du superviseur de l’organisme/l’entreprise d’accueil :
Angela Beth Grommet

KA103 - Kit mobilité de stage (SMP) 2018 V2

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