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• as much of the salaries, wages or earnings within the four months preceding the levy as

are necessary for the support of the family;
6. A Schedule of Payments and Disposition of Assets which the debtor may have effected
• lettered gravestones;
within three (3) months immediately preceding the filing of the petition;
• monies, benefits, privileges or annuities accruing or in any manner growing out of any
7. A Schedule of Cash Flow of the debtor for three (3) months immediately preceding the
life insurance;
filing of the petition, and a detailed schedule of the projected cash flow for the
• the right to receive legal support, or money or property obtained as such support, or
succeeding three (3) months;
any pension or gratuity from the government
8. A Statement of Possible Claims by or against the debtor which must contain a brief
statement of the facts which might give rise to the claim and an estimate of the
probable amount thereof;
Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim or claims totaling at least P500,000 may file a
9. An Affidavit of General Financial Condition
petition for the liquidation of the individual debtor with the court of the province or city in
10. At least three (3) nominees for the position of rehabilitation receiver as well as
which the individual debtor resides.
their qualifications and addresses, including but not limited to their telephone
numbers, fax numbers and e-mail address; and
11. A certificate attesting under oath that (i) the filing of the petition has been duly
1. Filing of PETITION
authorized; and (ii) the directors and stockholders of the debtor have irrevocably
IMPORTANT: the petitioning creditor must post a bond the court will set. If the approved and/or consented to, in accordance with existing laws, all actions or matters
petition is dismissed or withdrawn by the petitioner, the creditor will pay the costs and necessary and desirable to rehabilitate the debtor including, but not limited to,
damages incurred by the debtor including his legal costs. amendments to the articles of incorporation and by-laws or articles of partnership;
increase or decrease in the authorized capital stock; issuance of bonded indebtedness;
The minimum evidence to be presented would be: alienation, transfer, or encumbrance of assets of the debtor; and modification of
a. Schedule of debts and liabilities shareholders' rights.
b. Inventory of assets;
2. Court will issue a liquidation order and appoint a liquidator 4. REHABILITATION PLAN - CONTENTS
3. The assets will be liquidated and the proceeds will be used to pay creditors 1. Desired business targets or goals
2. Duration and coverage of the rehabilitation
ACTS OF INSOLVENCY 3. Terms and conditions of such rehabilitation
The following shall be considered acts of insolvency, and the petition for liquidation shall set forth 4. Means for the execution of the rehabilitation plan
or allege at least one of such acts: 5. Other relevant information to enable a reasonable investor to make an informed
(a) That such person is about to depart or has departed from the Republic of the Philippines, decision on the feasibility of the rehabilitation plan
with intent to defraud his creditors;
(b) That being absent from the Republic of the Philippines, with intent to defraud his creditors,
he remains absent; “CRAM-DOWN” is the power of the rehabilitation court to approve and implement a
(c) That he conceals himself to avoid the service of legal process for the purpose of hindering or rehabilitation plan notwithstanding the objection of the majority of creditors. The “cram-down”
delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his creditors; clause, is necessary to curb the majority creditors’ natural tendency to dictate their own terms and
(d) That he conceals, or is removing, any of his property to avoid its being attached or taken on conditions to the rehabilitation, absent due regard to the greater long-term benefit of all
legal process; stakeholders. Hence, it forces the creditors to accept the terms and conditions of the rehabilitation
(e) That he has suffered his property to remain under attachment or legal process for three (3) plan, preferring long-term viability over immediate but incomplete recovery.
days for the purpose of hindering or delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his creditors;
(f) That he has confessed or offered to allow judgment in favor of any creditor or claimant for Under the Cram-Down rule, the court may confirm the Rehabilitation Plan if all of the following
the purpose of hindering or delaying the liquidation or of defrauding any creditors or circumstances are present:
claimant; 1. The Rehabilitation Plan complies with the requirements specified under the FRIA
(g) That he has willfully suffered judgment to be taken against him by default for the purpose of 2. The rehabilitation receiver recommends the confirmation of the Rehabilitation Plan;
hindering or delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his creditors; 3. The shareholders, owners or partners of the juridical debtor lose at least their controlling
interest as a result of the Rehabilitation Plan; and
4. The Rehabilitation Plan would likely provide the objecting class of creditors with
(h) That he has suffered or procured his property to be taken on legal process with intent to give
compensation which has a net present value greater than that which they would have
a preference to one or more of his creditors and thereby hinder or delay the liquidation or
received if the debtor were under liquidation.
defraud any one of his creditors;
(i) That he has made any assignment, gift, sale, conveyance or transfer of his estate, property,
rights or credits with intent to hinder or delay the liquidation or defraud his creditors;
If the court finds the petition for rehabilitation to be sufficient in form and substance, it
(j) That he has, in contemplation of insolvency, made any payment, gift, grant, sale, conveyance
shall, within five (5) working days from the filing of the petition, issue a
or transfer of his estate, property, rights or credits;
COMMENCEMENT ORDER. The rehabilitation proceedings shall commence upon
(k) That being a merchant or tradesman, he has generally defaulted in the payment of his current
the issuance of the Commencement Order.
obligations for a period of thirty (30) days;
(l) That for a period of thirty (30) days, he has failed, after demand, to pay any moneys
deposited with him or received by him in a fiduciary; and
1. Identity of the debtor, its principal business or activity/ies and its principal place of
(m) That an execution having been issued against him on final judgment for money, he shall have
been found to be without sufficient property subject to execution to satisfy the judgment.
2. Summary of the ground/s for initiating the proceedings
3. The relief sought under FRIA
4. The legal effects of the Commencement Order
II. REHABILITATION pertains to the process of recovery and reorganization, and is especially
5. Declaration that the debtor is under rehabilitation
applicable to a juridical entity, such as a corporation.
6. Directing the publication of the Commencement Order

3. General familiarity with the rights of creditors in suspension of payments or rehabilitation
exclusively for agricultural purposes. Trailers having any number of wheels, when
and general understanding of the duties and obligations of a rehabilitation receiver
propelled or intended by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be classified as separate
4. Good moral character, independence and integrity
motor vehicle with no power rating;
6. Willingness and ability to file a bond in such amount as may be determined by the court.
(k) NONCONFORMITY refers to any defect or condition that substantially impairs the use, value
or safety of a brand new motor vehicle which prevents it from conforming to the
There is CONFLICT OF INTEREST on the part of the receiver if:
manufacturer’s or distributor’s standards or specifications, which cannot be repaired, but
1. He/she is creditor or stockholder of the debtor excluding conditions resulting from noncompliance by the consumer of his or her
2. He/she is engaged in a line of business which competes with the debtor obligations under the warranty, modifications not authorized by the manufacturer or
3. He is, or was within two (2) years from the filing of the petition, a director, officer, or distributor, abuse or neglect, and damage due to accident or force majeure;
employee or the auditor or accountant of the debtor;
4. He is or was within two (2) years from the filing of the petition, an underwriter of the (l) Purchase price refers to the invoice price or the amount of money which the dealer or retailer
outstanding securities of the debtor; actually received for the brand new motor vehicle, in consideration of the sale of such
5. He is related by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil degree to any creditor, brand new motor vehicle;
stockholder, director, officer, employee, or underwriter of the debtor; or
6. He has any other direct or indirect material interest in the debtor or any creditor. (m) Warranty refers to the written assurance, so labeled, of the manufacturer of a brand new
motor vehicle including any term or condition precedent to the enforcement of obligations
OR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. – Upon motion of any interested party, the court
may appoint and direct the rehabilitation receiver to assume the powers of management (n) Warranty rights period refers to the period provided for under the contract of sale when the
of the debtor, or appoint a management committee that will undertake the management manufacturer would guarantee the materials used, the workmanship and the
of the debtor. upon clear and convincing evidence of any of the following circumstances: roadworthiness of a brand new motor vehicle for ordinary use or reasonable intended
1. Actual or imminent danger of dissipation, loss, wastage or destruction of the debtor’s
assets or other properties
2. Paralyzation of the business operations of the debtor; or
3. Gross mismanagement of the debtor. or fraud or other wrongful conduct on the part of, or
gross or willful violation of this Act by. existing management of the debtor Or the owner, "REASONABLE ALLOWANCE FOR USE" shall mean twenty percent (20%) per annum deduction
partner, director, officer or representative/s in management of the debtor. from the purchase price, or the product of the distance traveled in kilometers and the
purchase price divided by one hundred thousand (100,000) kilometers, whichever is
The court shall, upon motion or upon recommendation of the rehabilitation receiver, terminate
the proceeding when:
1. The petition is dismissed,
2. The debtor fails to submit a rehabilitation plan or the same is disapproved,
3. Successful implementation of an approved rehabilitation plan.


An insolvent debtor may apply for liquidation by filing a petition for liquidation with the court.
The petition shall be verified, shall establish the insolvency of the debtor and shall contain, COOPERATIVE - is an autonomous and duly registered association of persons with a common
whether as an attachment or as part of the body of the petition: bond of interest who have voluntarily joined together to achieve their social, economic,
1. A schedule of the debtor’s debts and liabilities including a list of creditors with their and cultural needs and aspirations by making equitable contributions to the capital
addresses, amounts of claims and collaterals, or securities, if any required by patronizing their products and services, and by accepting a fair share of the
2. An inventory of all its assets including receivables and claims against third parties; and risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with universally accepted cooperative
3. The names of at least three (3) nominees to the position of liquidator. principles.
B. INVOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Federation of Cooperatives -Three or more primary cooperatives doing the same line of
Three (3) or more creditors the aggregate of whose claims is at least either One Million Pesos business organized from the municipal to the provincial level registered with the CDA to
(PhP1,000,000,00) or at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the subscribed capital stock or undertake business activities in support of its members.
partner’s contributions of the debtor, whichever is higher, may apply for and seek the
liquidation of an insolvent debtor by filing a petition for liquidation of the debtor with the PURPOSES of cooperatives:
court. (1) To encourage thrift and savings mobilization among the members;
The petition shall show that: (2) To generate funds and extend credit to the members for productive and provident
1. There is no genuine issue of fact or law on the claim/s of the petitioner/s, and that the purposes;
due and demandable payments thereon have not been made for at least one hundred (3) To encourage among members systematic production and marketing;
eighty (180) days or that the debtor has failed generally to meet its liabilities as they fall (4) To provide goods and services and other requirements to the members;
due; and (5) To develop expertise and skills among its members;
2. There is no substantial likelihood that the debtor may be rehabilitated. (6) To acquire lands and provide housing benefits for the members;
(7) To insure against losses of the members’
(8) To promote and advance the economic, social and education status of the members;

12. Electric Cooperative. Organized for the primary purposed of undertaking power
generations, utilizing renewable energy sources, including hybrid systems, acquisition
(2) Special meeting of the general assembly may be called at any time by a majority vote of the
and operation of subtransmission or distribution to its household members.
board of directors or as provided for in the bylaws. However, a special meeting shall be called by
the board of directors after compliance with the required notice within from at least ten per
13. Financial Service Cooperative. One organized for the primary purpose of engaging
centum (10%) of the total members who are entitled to vote to transact specific business covered
in savings and credit services and other financial services.
by the call.
14. Fishermen Cooperative. Organized by marginalized fishermen in localities whose
(3) In the case of a newly approved cooperative, a special general assembly shall be called within
products are marketed either as fresh or processed products;
ninety (90) days from such approval
15. Health Services Cooperative. Organized for the primary purpose of providing
Voting System . – Each member of a primary cooperative shall have only one (1) vote.
medical, dental and other health services.
in case of secondary or tertiary cooperatives the members shall have one (1) basic vote and up to
five (5) incentive votes.
16. Housing Cooperative. Organized to assist or provide access to housing for the benefit
Composition and Term of the Board of Directors.
of its regular members who actively participate in the savings program for housing. It is
Board of directors which shall be composed of not less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15)
co-owned and controlled by its members.
members elected by the general assembly for a term of two (2) years and shall hold office until
their successors are duly elected an qualified, or until duly removed for caused.
17. Insurance Cooperative. Engaged in the business of insuring life and poverty of
cooperatives and their members.
Powers of the Board of Directors. The board of directors shall be responsible for the
strategic planning, direction-setting and policy-formulation activities of the cooperatives.
18. Transport Cooperative. Includes land and sea transportation, limited to small
Meeting of the Board and Quorum Requirement.
vessels, as defined or classified under the Philippine maritime laws, organized under the
(1) Regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held at least once a month.
provisions of this Code;
(2) Special meetings of the board of directors may be held at any time upon the call of the
chairperson or a majority of the members of the board
19. Water Service Cooperative. Organized to own, operate and manage waters systems
(3) A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum or the conduct of business,
for the provision and distribution of potable water for its members and their households.
unless the bylaws proved otherwise.
(4) Directors cannot attend or vote by proxy at board meetings.
20. Workers Cooperative. Organized by workers, including the self-employed, who are at
same time the members and owners of the enterprise. Its principal purpose is to provide
Vacancy in the Board of Directors. Any vacancy in the board of directors, other than by
employment and business opportunities to its members and manage it in accordance with
expiration of term, may be filled by the vote of at least a majority of the remaining directors,
cooperative principles.
if still constituting a quorum; otherwise, the vacancy must be filled by the general assembly
in a regular or special meeting called for the purpose.
Categories of Cooperative.
A. In terms of membership –
A director so elected to fill a vacancy shall serve only the unexpired term of his predecessor in
1. Primary – Members are natural persons
2. Secondary – Members are primaries
An elective officer may be removed by three fourths (3/4) votes of the regular members present
3. Tertiary – Members are secondary cooperatives
and constituting a quorum, in a regular or special general assembly meeting called for the
B. In terms of territory, cooperatives shall be categorized according to areas of operations
which may or may not coincide with the political subdivisions of the country. Officers of the Cooperative.
Organizing a Primary Cooperative . – Requirements:
1. The board of directors shall elect from among themselves the chairperson and vice-chairperson
1. Fifteen (15) or more NATURAL persons
2. Elect or appoint other officers of the cooperative from outside of the board in accordance with
2. FILIPINO citizen their bylaws.
4. ACTUALLY residing or working in the intended area of operation Compensation.
5. PROVIDED, a prospective member of a primary cooperative must complete a pre- (1) In the absence of any provisions in the bylaws fixing their compensation, the directors shall
membership education seminar (PMES). not receive any compensation except for reasonable per diems, EXCEPT when, in the
preceding calendar year, the cooperative reported a net loss or had a dividend rate less than
Capital requirement for Cooperatives. the official inflation rate for the same year.
No cooperative, other than a cooperative union, shall be registered unless the articles
of cooperation is accompanied with the bonds of the accountable officers and a sworn (2) Any compensation other than per diems may be granted to directors by a majority vote of the
statements of the treasurer elected by the subscribers showing that at least twenty-five per members with voting rights at a regular or special general assembly meeting specifically
centum (25%) of the authorized share capital has been subscribed and at least twenty-five per called for the purpose
centum (25%) of the total subscription has been paid. No additional compensation other than per diems shall be paid during the first year of
existence of any cooperative.
The minimum paid-up share capital is PhP15,000, subject to increase by the CDA upon
consultation with the cooperative sector and the NEDA. REPORTS REQUIRED FOR COOPERATIVES • Submit annual Cooperative Annual
Progress Report (CAPR) with the following attachments:
The par value of shares of a primary cooperative shall not exceed PhP1,000. 1. Social Audit Report including its program of activities pursuant to its socio-civic
goals of the cooperative;
No member of primary cooperative other than cooperative itself shall own or hold more than 10% 2. Performance Audit Report, including copies of the semi-annual Report on
of the share capital of the cooperative. mediation and conciliation
3. Audited Financial Statements;

certificates, permits, licenses which include primary and secondary, clearances and such similar
authorization or documents which confer eligibility to operate or continue to operate as a
Liquidation of a Cooperative legitimate business
three (3) years after the time it is dissolved
at any time during the said three (3) years, the cooperative is authorized and empowered 3. Complex transactions - applications or requests submitted by applicants or requesting
to convey all of its properties to trustees for the benefit of its members, creditors and other parties of a government office which necessitate evaluation in the resolution of complicated issues
persons in interest. From and after any such conveyance, all interests which the by an officer or employee of said government office, such transactions to be determined by the
cooperative had in the properties are terminated. office concerned
Upon the winding up of the cooperative affairs, any asset distributable to any
creditor, shareholder or member who is unknown or cannot be found shall be given to the 4. FIXER - any individual whether or not officially involved in the operation of a government
federation or union to which the cooperative is affiliated with. office or agency who has access to people working therein, and whether or not in collusion with
them, facilitates speedy completion of transactions for pecuniary gain or any other advantage or

5. Highly technical application - an application which requires the use of technical

knowledge, specialized skills and/or training in the processing and/or evaluation thereof

6. RED TAPE - any regulation, rule, or administrative procedure or system that is ineffective
or detrimental in achieving its intended objectives and, as a result, produces slow, suboptimal.
and undesirable social outcomes

7. Simple transactions - applications or requests submitted by applicants or requesting

parties of a government office or agency which only require ministerial actions on the part of the
public officer or employee, or that which present only inconsequential issues for the resolution by
4. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Law (R.A. 3591) an officer or employee of said government office

CONCEPT OF INSURED DEPOSITS CITIZEN'S CHARTER - All government agencies shall set up their respective most current, and
Insured deposit means the amount due to any bona fide depositor for legitimate deposits in an updated service standards to be known as the Citizen's Charter in the form of information
insured bank net of any obligation of the depositor to the insured bank as of the date of closure, billboards, that detail;
but not to exceed 500,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency. 1. A comprehensive and uniform checklist of requirements for each type of application or
Whenever an insured bank shall have been closed by the Monetary Board, payment of the insured 2. The procedure to obtain a particular service;
deposits on such closed bank shall be made by the PDIC as soon as possible either: 3. The person/s responsible for each step:
(1) by cash; or 4. The maximum time to conclude the process;
(2) by making available to each depositor a transferred deposit in another insured bank in an 5. The document/s to be presented by the applicant or requesting party, if necessary;
amount equal to insured deposit of such depositor 6. The amount of fees, if necessary; and
7. The procedure for filing complaints.
Note: ‘Transfer Deposit’ means a deposit in an insured bank made available to a depositor by the
PDIC as payment of insured deposit of such depositor in a closed bank and assumed by another ZERO-CONTACT POLICY.- Except during the preliminary assessment of the request and
insured bank evaluation of sufficiency of submitted requirements, no government officer or employee shall
have any contact, in any manner, unless strictly necessary with any applicant or requesting party
DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NOT ENTITLED TO PAYMENT concerning an application or request.
(1) Investment products such as bonds and securities, trust accounts, and other similar
instruments; Automatic Approval or Automatic Extension of License, Clearance, Permit, Certification or
(2) Unfunded, fictitious or fraudulent deposit accounts or transactions; Authorization:
(3) Deposits accounts or transactions constituting, and/or emanating from, unsafe and unsound If a government, office or agency fails to approve or disapprove an original application or request
banking practice/s, as determined by the PDIC, in consultation with the BSP, after due notice and for issuance of license, clearance, permit, certification or authorization within the prescribed
hearing, and publication of a cease and desist order issued by the PDIC against such deposit processing time, said application or request shall be deemed approved.
accounts or transactions; and
(4) Deposits that are determined to be the proceeds of an unlawful activity

Notice and publication requirement

(1) The PDIC shall give notice to the depositors of the closed bank of the insured deposits due
them by whatever means deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
(2) The PDIC shall publish the notice once a week for at least three (3) consecutive weeks in a
newspaper of general circulation or, when appropriate, in a newspaper circulated in the
community or communities where the closed bank or its branches are located

CALCULATION OF LIABILITY - Per depositor, per capacity rule

d. as interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with the profits of
the business;
e. as the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or other property
1. Any loan, mortgage, deed of trust, advance, or discount;
by installments or otherwise.
2. Any conditional sales contract;
3. Any contract to sell, or sale or contract of sale of property or services, either for present or
future delivery, under which part or all of the price is payable subsequent to the making of GENERAL PARTNERSHIP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
such sale or contract;
1. composed of general partners 1. composed of at least one general partner and one
4. Any rental-purchase contract; limited partner
5. Any contract or arrangement for the hire, bailment, or leasing of property;
2. as a general rule may be constituted in any 2. must be contained in a certificate of limited
6. Any option, demand, lien, pledge, or other claim against, or for the delivery of, property or form partnership
3. must operate under a firm name 3. must operate under a firm name followed by the
7. Any purchase, or other acquisition of, or any credit upon the security of, any obligation of word ‘limited’
claim arising out of any of the foregoing;
8. Any transaction or series of transactions having a similar purpose or effect GENERAL PARTNER LIMITED PARTNER
1. Liable personally for partnership obligations after all 1. Cannot be held liable
EXCLUDED TRANSACTIONS: partnership assets are exhausted
1. Credit transactions which do not involve the payment of any finance charge by the debtor; 2. Can participate in the management of the partnership 2. Cannot participate
2. Credit transactions in which the debtor is the one specifying a definite and fixed set of credit
3. May contribute money, property or industry to 3. Can contribute money or other
terms such as bank deposits, insurance contracts, sale of bonds, etc. common fund property only
4. Name of the general partner may appear in firm name 4. Name of limited partner does not
5. Limitation on the right to engage in another business 5. No such limitation in limited
UNDER TILA: or in the same kind of business as that of the partnership partnership
a. Failure to disclose information: Php100 or 2x the finance charged max of Php2000
b. Violation of TILA: Php1,000 to Php5,000 or imprisonment of 6 months to 1 year or both. Obligations of the partners with respect to contribution of money or property:
1. Contribute at the beginning of the partnership or at the time stipulated
2. Answer for eviction
3. Answer for the fruits of the property contributed in case of delay in the delivery
4. Exercise diligence over the property pending delivery
5. Indemnify the partnership for any damage or interest in case of money, caused by
the retention of the same or delay in the delivery

Other obligations of a partner:

7. LAW ON. PARTNERSHIPS 1. Pay for interest and damages for any sum of money which he may have taken from
(Art. 1767 – Art. 1867 Civil Code) the partnership coffers;
2. Contribute additional share to the capital in case of imminent loss;
3. Bring to the partnership capital his share of a partnership credit which he received
PARTNERSHIP from a debtor who subsequently became insolvent;
- Two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a 4. Indemnify the partnership for damage caused by his fault and he cannot compensate
common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. them with the profits or benefits he may have earned for the partnership;
- Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of a profession. 5. Render true and full information of all things affecting the partnership upon demand
of any partner or his representative;
Essential Characteristics: 6. Account to the partnership and hold as trustee any benefit derived by him without the
a. Consensual e. Principal consent of the other partners form any transaction relating to partnership business;
b. Bilateral f. Nominate 7. Share in the loss of the partnership.
c. Onerous g. Preparatory
d. Commutative Rights of a partner:
1. Receive his share of profits of the partnership
Essential requisites: 2. Participate in the management of the firm
a. There must be a valid contract 3. Associate another person in his share of the profits
b. The parties must have legal capacity to enter into the contract 4. Inspect the partnership books at any reasonable hour
Persons incapacitated to enter into a contract of universal partnership: 5. Demand formal accounting even before dissolution:
1. spouses during the existence of the marriage a. If the partner is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or
2. between persons who are guilty of adultery or concubinage profession of its property by his co-partners
3. between persons guilty of the commission of the same offense in consideration b. If the right exists under the terms of any agreement
thereof c. If a partner has derived profits from any transaction connected with the
4. between public officer or his wife or some other person by reason of the public formation, conduct, or liquidation of the partnership or from any use by him
office. of its property
d. Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable
6. Ask for dissolution of the firm by court decree

1. after the termination of the specified term or particular undertaking
2. at any time if the firm was a partnership at will when the interest was
assigned or when the charging order was issued
- the process of settling the business or partnership affairs under dissolution.

Judicially – a way of winding up a dissolved partnership under the control and direction
of the proper court upon cause shown by any partner, his legal representative of
his assignee

Extra-judicially – way of winding up by the partners themselves without the intervention

of the court.

Partnership assets:
1. Partnership property including goodwill
2. Contributions of the partners necessary for the payment of all liabilities

- the point in time when all partnership affairs are wound up or completed and is the end
of the partnership life.

Order of payment in the winding up of partnership liabilities:

a. those owing to creditors other than partners
b. those owing to partners other than for capital or profits
c. those owing to partners in respect of capital
d. those owing to partners in respect of profits

Limited Partnership - formed by two or more persons having as members one or more
general partners and one or more limited partners.

- the limited partners shall not be bound by the obligations of the partnership
- the limited partners do not participate in the control or management of the business of
the partnership
- partnership debts shall be paid out of the common fund and the separate properties of
the general partners
- a limited partner can only contribute money or property
- a limited partner’s name cannot appear in the partnership name, otherwise he will be
liable as a general partner, except:
1. the surname of the limited partner is the same as the surname of a general
2. before the limited partner became as such, the business had been carried on
under a name in which his surname appeared
3. third persons extended credit to the partnership with the knowledge that he is
limited partner

Dissolution may be caused by:

1. Retirement of a general partner
2. Death of a general partner
3. Insolvency of a general partner
4. Insanity of a general partner
5. Civil interdiction of a general partner

Order of payment in the winding up of partnership liabilities:

a. those owing to creditors, except those to limited partners on account of their
contribution, and to general partners
b. those to limited partners in respect to their share of the profits and other compensation
by way of income in their contributions
c. those to limited partners in respect of their capital contributions
d. those to general partners other than for capital and profits
e. those to general partners in respect to profits
f. those to general partners in respect to capital


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