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Committee- UNHRC

Agenda- Elimination of Racial Discrimination with special emphasis on Improved Treatment of

Migrants and Asylum Seekers, Questions on Discrimination against the Minority and Human Rights

Portfolio- Georgia


In a world marked by unprecedented challenges, the plight of racial discrimination

and suppressed minorities stands as a stark reminder of our shared responsibility to
protect the most vulnerable among us. Georgia believes in the overall socio-economic
and humanitarian elevation of the refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and other


1) Lack of Access to Healthcare, Education and Employment: A large

population among the children remain uneducated and those who do obtain the
same face language barriers, lack of recognition of prior education, financial
constraints, etc.
The healthcare sector often neglects/overlooks the mental health needs of the
asylum seekers and refugees. The issue does not only pertain to the lacking of
the sector but also in the government failing to provide adequate infrastructure
for the same.
Unemployment also remains a huge economic social barrier for the above
mentioned groups due to the lack of access to vocational trainings, informal
and low paying-jobs and limited legal work status.
2) Inadequate housing and Isolation: Lack of affordable and stable housing is a
common concern that also further leads to immigrants shifting to less-
developed areas facing social exclusion, leading to feelings of loneliness and
isolation, which can negatively impact mental health.
3) Loss of Cultural Identity: Communities are often forced by countries to
practice the culture of the host country disregarding their beliefs and their
4) Inadequate Legal Representation: Due to limited access to legal services,
long-waiting periods, complex procedures and financial constraints, refugees
and asylum seekers find it difficult to legally represent their community even
in potentially life-threatening situations.


The country of Georgia has proven its allegiance to cooperating and providing for the
refugees in various instances; the Russia-Ukraine War, accepting Russian immigrants
despite non-diplomatic relations with Russia and making development plans for cities
with large numbers of refugees would now propose the following solutions and
recommendations to the UNHRC-

1) Carrying out media advocacy to address issues like Xenophobia and Racism to
promote the contrary ideas to the masses.
2) Implementing Blockchain Technology as digital identification systems to
enhance aid distribution and ensuring transparency and accountability in
maintaining databases.
3) Collaborative Budgeting gives local communities a direct say in how
resources are allocated by incorporating them in the budget allocation
decision-making process.
4) Supporting inclusive and diverse curricula that incorporate the contributions of
all racial and ethnic groups in educational institutions, so assisting in the fight
against racism from an early age.
5) Promoting diversity in the workforce which can help counteract
discriminatory practices and promote inclusivity.
6) Introduce quotas for government contracts, requiring a percentage to be
awarded to businesses owned by people from underrepresented racial
backgrounds. This encourages economic empowerment.

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