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Situation :
Rahma has just got the first prize in the “Poetry Reading contest” to celebrate Indonesia
Independence day. Reni congratulates her.

What does Reni say to congratulate Siti?

Reni : ” ......................................”
Rahma : ”Thank you.”
A. Sure, Good luck
B. Congratulate to Rahma
C. Congratulations, Rahma
D. Thanks, I will do my best

2. Situation :
Ade : I got A for the English test.
Maya : Good job, Ade. Congratulations !
Ade : Thanks a lot , Maya.
Maya : I hope you’ll get A for the other test
Ade : I hope so.

Which expression shows the expression of hope ?

A. Good job.
B. Congratulations !
C. Thanks a lot, Maya.
D. I hope you’ll get A for the other test.

3. Ryan : The government plans to raise the electricity bill next month.
Hani : ........It will increase the amount of poor people.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is . . .
A. I agree with you.
B. I don’t know.
C. I disagree.
D. I agree

4. We clean the house . . . we prevent the bacteria coming.

A. in order to
B. so that
C. need
D. will

5. ... be brave, the students are supported to perform in front of the class.
A. In order to
B. So that
C. Need
D. will

6. My grandfather agrees to go jogging every morning. This sentence uses the expression of …
A. disagreement.
B. agreement
C. intention
D. purpose

7. We need to wash our hands before having breakfast in order to . . .

A. save the water.
B. beautify our hands.
C. clean the surrounding.
D. prevent the bacteria coming.

Read the following text and answer questions 8 to 10.

Fast relief for :
Congestion 100 tablets :
Runny nose USP :
Coughs 200 mg :
Headache :
Fever :

8. Which of the following sickness cannot be relieved by this medicine?

A. Headache.
B. Coughs.
C. Cancer.
D. Fever.

9. What's the writer's purpose to write the text above?

A. To persuade people to use the product.
B. To explain the ingredients of the product.
C. To describe the illnesses that can be cured.
D. To inform the process of making Cold Breaker.

10. Where will we find this medicine?

A. Every store in American
B. B. Every store in Australia
C. Every store in Indonesia
D. Every store in Papua

This text is for no 11 – 13

It’s so hot day. Alya wants to make a glass of ice tea. She prepares a spoon, a straw, a sachet of tea bag,
two tablespoons of sugar, a glass of hot water, and ice cubes.

First she takes a glass of hot water, then she dips the tea bag until the water color changes. After that
she puts two tablespoons of sugar into the glass, and then she stirs it well. Next she puts ice cubes into
the glass. And finally she drinks a glass of ice tea

11. What does Alya want to make?

A. A glass of hot tea.
B. A glass of ice tea.
C. A glass of coffee.
D. A glass of tea.

12. “…and then she stirs it well (the second paragraph).” The underlined word has the closest meaning
to … .
A. put
B. cut
C. place
D. beat

13. What will Alya do after she puts two tablespoons of sugar into the glass?
A. She takes a glass of hot water.
B. She dips the tea bag.
C. She puts ice cubes.
D. She stirs it well.The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

1. Why does Lois Lane write the message?

A. To request Mr. Clark Kent to be her mentor.
B. To show her appreciation to Mr. Clark Kent.
C. To ask Mr Clark Kent about the lessons.
D. To invite Mr. Clark Kent to her classes.
2. Lois Lane is Mr. Clark Kent’s ....
A. teacher
B. mentor
C. model
D. pupil

The text is for questions number 3 to 5.

My favourite thing has to be my bike. It was a present from my father since for I had won an
Award for The Best Student. I enjoy riding my bicycle daily. I go to school by bicycle. I am
not only riding it to school but also to hang around with my friends. I ride it gently though it
can run very fast.
My bicycle is a sport bicycle. It is made of carbon fibre so that it is weightless yet
strong. It has dual tone colours; white pearl and a dark blue. The handlebar is black. It has two
wide wheels and a comfortable rubber seat. It has fenders to protect me from water splash,
dirt, or mud, especially during the rainy season. It also has level shifters to help me change the
gears, if necessary.
To keep my bicycle clean and gleaming, I clean it before going to school every
morning and in the afternoon after riding it. My father says that in order to keep its colour
nice, I must clean it carefully and not using rough cloth. I always check the tires, pedals and
gears to ensure my safety. I really like my bike.

3. What does the writer tell us about?

A. His nice school.
B. His favourite sport.
C. His best award.
D. His sport bicycle.

4. Among the statements below, which are true about the writer’s bike?
(1) It is made of carbon fibre.
(2) It has dual tone colours.
(3) It has two narrow wheels.
(4) It has colourful handlebar.
A. (1) and (2)
B. (2) and (3)
C. (3) and (4)
D. (1) and (4)

5. Why does the writer always check the tires, pedals and gears? A. To protect the
writer from water splash.
B. To make sure the bike is safe to ride.
C. To prevent the bike from broken.
D. To keep the bike’s cleanliness.

The text is for questions number 6 to 8.

It was the time when I learned to drive a car. I never imagined that the chance would
come to me. At that time, I was 18 years old but my body was not as big as other people at this
age. I was not tall at all, because I was only 163 cm. Because of that reason, my parents bought
me a small car, a Japanese car which suits me.
I registered to a driving school by paying some money. The instructor was an old man
who had years of experience. The car used for my lesson was the school’s car. It was specially
designed for teaching a new young driver. At the first moment, the instructor gave me some
instructions. He explained the components of the car and the importance of wearing seat belt to
After spending some hours on the driving theory, it was the time for me to hold the
steering wheel. I was a little bit nervous. However, the instructor told me to control my stress
and nerve. He asked me to relax and focus. The lessons ran smoothly, and finally, after many
days I got my driving license. Since then I can drive anywhere I want to. It was such a memorable
experience to me.

6. The text tells us about the writer’s experience of ....

A. buying a small Japanese car
B. studying the theory of driving
C. looking for a driving instructor
D. learning to drive in a driving school
7. What did the instructor do before he trained the writer to drive? A. Asking the writer
to relax and focus.
B. Explaining the driving theory to the writer.
C. Registering the writer to a driving school.
D. Telling the writer to control his stress and nerve.

8. ... the writer was 18 years old, his body was not as big as other people at this age. The
appropriate word to complete the sentence is ....
A. while
B. besides
C. because
D. although
The text is for questions number 9 to 11.

How to Make Jamu Kudu Laos (Noni and Galangal Jamu)

The main ingredient of this jamu is mengkudu (also known as Noni or Indian
mulberry). Jamu Kudu Laos helps to lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation,
increase appetite and warms the body.
• 100 gram ripe Noni fruit
• 20 gram galangal (lengkuas)
• 100 gram tamarind
• A pinch of black pepper
• A clove of garlic
• Kedawung seeds (tree bean)
• Half a lemon
• Fermented cassava or tapai singkong (optional)
• 100 gram brown sugar (optional, can be substituted with raw honey)
• 1 liter spring water

• A pinch of salt Instruction:

• Finely grate the galangal and tamarind.
• Use mortar and pestle to pound the Noni fruit, garlic clove and kedawung seeds into a
fine pasta consistency.
• Add water to a pot and add the grated galangal, tamarind, and Noni pasta. Simmer on
a low heat.
• Add in sugar, lemon juice, fermented cassava, pepper and salt. Bring the liquid to boil
or until desired concentration.
• Strain and press the Jamu using a muslin cloth.
• Pour the potion into a glass or bottle and drink immediately.

9. What is likely the benefit of reading the text?

A. Readers recognize the function of Jamu Kudu Laos.
B. Readers know the material to make Jamu Kudu Laos.
C. Readers are able to make Jamu Kudu Laos by themselves.
D. Readers get information about the specialty of Jamu Kudu Laos
10. What should you do after pounding the Noni fruit, garlic clove and kedawung seeds? A.
Boilng the sugar, lemon juice, fermented cassava, pepper and salt.
B. Bring the liquid to boil or until desired concentration.
C. Mixing the blended ingredients in some water.
D. Pounding the galangal and tamarind.

11. “Use mortar and pestle to pound the Noni fruit, garlic clove and kedawung seeds into a fine
pasta consistency.”
The word “fine” has closest in meaning to ....
A. smooth
B. good
C. soft
D. thin

Read the text below to answer questions number 12 – 14.

Long time ago, a villain named Bandung Bondowoso won over a peaceful Prambanan
Kingdom and killed the king. He quickly had an eye for Roro Jonggrang, the princess of Prambanan
and asked for her hand. Roro Jonggrang wanted to turn him down but she could not be too obvious. It
was because Bandung Bondowoso was rumored for having a genie troop. Therefore, she smartly asked
him to make a thousand of statues in one night in exchange for her hand in marriage.
It happened to be a small deal for Bandung Bandawasa since he had a genie troop on his hand.
The genie quickly did the job. It made Roro Jonggrang who carefully watched over their work panic.
She told her own ladies to burn good amount of straw and make noises as if dawn was going to come
soon. The genies who were much like vampire couldn’t stand sun shine. They left their work
The next morning Roro Jonggrang and Bandung Bondowoso were counting the statues together.
There were only 999 statues there. Roro Jonggrang used it to refuse Bandung Bondowoso’s marriage
offer. It made him very mad. He said Roro Jonggrang that she herself could make it a complete
thousand. He changed her into a statue that we now can see in Prambanan area.

12. Which of the statements below are correct based on the story?
(1) Bandung Bondowoso asked Rara Jonggrang to make a thousand of statues.
(2) Rara Jonggrang asked the genie troop to leave their unfinished work.
(3) Rara Jonggrang ordered her own ladies to make a fake dawn.
(4) Bandung Bondowoso cursed Rara Jonggrang into a statue.
A. (1) and (2).
B. (2) and (3) C. (2) and (4)
D. (3) and (4)

13. What is the main conflict of the story?

A. Bandung Bandawasa asked Rara Jonggrang to marry him.
B. Jonggrang’s father was killed by Bandung so she refused the proposal.
C. Bandung was mad since Rara Jonggrang refused his marriage offer.
D. The genie troop of Bandung failed in making a thousand of statues.

14. “It happened to be a small deal for Bandung Bandawasa ...” (paragraph 2) The word “it”
refers to ....
A. making a thousand of statues in a night
B. turning Bandung Bandawasa down
C. winning over Prambanan kingdom
D. having a genie troop to help

Read the dialogue below to answer questions number 15 and 16.

Jenny : Hi Jackie. You are reading but you look messy. Are you okay?
Jacky : Pssst... lower your voice. We are in the reading room. I'm just a little stressed out.
Jenny : What's stressing you out?
Jacky : School. We have exams coming up next week, I'm totally freaking out.
Jenny : The best thing to do is study as much as we can. Let’s study together.
Jacky : Yes, you are right. Let’s make an appointment then. I hope we will get the best mark.
Jenny : I’m sure we will if we study hard. Listen, the bell’s ringing. Let’s go, don’t be late for
Mr. David’s lesson.
Jacky : Yes, you are right. Let’s go.

15. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. They are teacher and student.
B. They are father and daughter.
C. They are classmates.
D. They are siblings.
16. Study the statements below.
(1) The dialogue takes place in the library.
(2) The speakers are going to have exams on that day.
(3) Jacky and Jenny go to the library for Mr. David’s lesson.
(4) Jacky and Jenny have the dialogue during the break time.
Based on the dialogue, which statements are correct?
A. (1) and (2)
B. (1) and (4)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)
The text is for questions number 17 to 19.
An aurora is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude (Arctic and
Antarctic) regions. It is caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the
high-altitude atmosphere (thermosphere). The charged particles originating in the
magnetosphere and solar wind are directed by the Earth`s magnetic field into the atmosphere.
Most auroras occur in a band known as the aurora zone which is typically 3 to 6 in latitudinal
extent and at all local times or longitudes.
Aurora is classified as diffuse or discrete aurora. The diffuse aurora is a featureless glow
in the sky which may not be visible to the naked eye even in a dark night and defines the extent
of the aurora zone. The discrete aurorae are sharply defined feature within the diffuse aurora
which vary in brightness from just barely visible to the naked eye to bright enough to read a

newspaper at night. Discrete aurorae are usually observed only in the night sky because they are
not as bright as the sunlit sky.

17. “The diffuse aurora is a featureless glow in the sky which may not be visible to the ....”
(paragraph 2)
The word “visible” has similar meaning to ....
A. traceable
B. capturable
C. observable
D. Distinguishable

18. What is the difference between the two types of aurora?

A. The diffuse aurorae are more visible than the discrete ones.
B. The discrete aurorae are less noticeable than the diffuse ones.
C. The discrete aurorae are easier to observe than the diffuse ones.
D. The diffuse aurorae have more variants of brightness than the discrete ones.

19. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The diffuse aurorae are brighter.
B. The discrete aurorae are more varied.
C. The types of aurora are based on their visibility.
D. There are two types of aurora, diffuse and discrete.
The following text is for questions 20 and 21.

The Chainsmokers, Kygo
I know water that's thicker than blood
That's deeper than love with my friends
People come and some people go
And some people ride to the end
When I am blind, in my mind
I swear they be my rescue, my lifeline
I don't know what I'd do if I, if I'd survive
My brothers and my sisters in my life, yeah
I know some people, they would die for me
We run together, they're my family
When I get up they gon' be high with me
I'll say forever my family
20. The song describes the writer’s ....
A. loyalty to his family
B. friendship with his siblings
C. closeness to his fellows
D. relationship with his children

21. “When I am blind, in my mind” (line 5) The expression shows that the
writer ....
A. looks for his idol
B. faces some troubles
C. wants to change their life
D. tries to make up his mind
The following text is for questions 22 and 23.

22. The University of Alabama Museums wrote the text in order to....
A. give information about Coronavirus spreading in the museums
B. announce about the health service provided by the museums
C. tell about the opening hours of the museums
D. inform about the closure of the museums only

23. What do the museums do to prevent the spreading of Coronavirus?

A.Cancelling all the programs.
B. Closing some buildings.
C. Practising regular actions.
D. Cleaning all the touched objects.
The text is for questions number 24 to 26.

Changing Zoom Background on the Desktop App

1. In the Zoom app, click your profile in the top right corner, and click Settings.
2. On the menu to the left, click Virtual Background.
3. You'll see a few default background options provided by Zoom, including an outer space scene
or blades of grass. You can choose one of those by clicking on it, and it will automatically change
your screen as well. There's also an option for if you have a green screen and want to use that.
4. If you want to upload a photo to use as your background, on the same Virtual Background Page,
click the + icon next to where it says Choose Virtual Background. A box will pop up allowing
you to upload a photo from your computer. Click on the one you want, and it will appear
alongside the other pictures as an option for you to choose from.
5. To get rid of any photos you upload, tap the X in their top left corner
24. The text is written to ... Zoom background on the desktop app.
A. ask readers to design
B. persuade readers to maintain
C. tell readers about how to create
D. show readers on how to change

25. What should we do before clicking on the photo we want to upload as

A. Selecting the default background provided by Zoom.
B. Clicking the + icon on Virtual Background Page.
C. Tapping the X in the top left corner of the photos.
D. Choosing the profile in the top right corner.

26. Why do we have to tap the X button on the top left corner?
A. To change the background we do not want.
B. To choose the best photo as background.
C. To discard the photo we do not select.
D. To adjust the background as its best.
The text is for questions number 27 and 28.
Rima : Hi Galuh. Why are you still at home? Why don’t you join your friends going on a
Galuh : I don’t feel so well today. What should I do?
Rima : You’d better go to the kitchen to get much nutritious food and take some vitamins,
and then take some rest.
Galuh : Thanks Rima. But I still have much asignment to do this week.
Rima : Oh no. Your must take some rest or you won’t be able to do more things. Have
some medical check if you need to.
Galuh : Quite reasonable. Thanks for your idea.

27. Where does probably the dialog take place?

A. On the way tour.
B. At the clinic.
C. In kitchen.
D. At home.

28. “Your must take some rest or you won’t be able to do more things”. Rima said
that expression to ....
A. ask Galuh to take some rest otherwise she won’t be able to do more things B.
allow Galuh to do more things then she will be able to take some rest C.
remind Galuh to continue the assignment before taking some rest D.
persuade Galuh to do more things better than taking some rest
The text is for questions number 29 to 32.
Phubbing is the act of ignoring someone you’re talking with in person for your phone. Quite
simply, it’s phone snubbing. This word is created by an Australian advertising agency. It describes
the growing phenomenon of people ignoring their friends and family who were right in front of
them. They keep scrolling through their phones instead.
Researchers stated that phubbing have significant impact on people relationships and mental
health. This is because when someone phubs or ignores you, you may feel rejected, excluded, and
not important. Moreover, people who are phubbed are more likely to grasp their phones and try to
engage with their social media network in order to fill that void.
The phubbing victims who go to social media tend to have a negative impact related to their
mental health. Study found that social media can make feelings of depression worse. The more you
use social media, the more likely you are to feel depression or anxiety.
There are several ways to stop phubbing. Those are to challenge our selves to keep away from
phone. It means being wise on when to use the phone. Avoid the phone when having other people
around us physically. Enjoy the conversation with them without being distracted by the phone.
Adapted from:

29. What is the text about?

A. Snubbing.
B. Phubbing.
C. Mental health.
D. Social media.

30. Why does phubbing impact on person’s mental health?

A. It makes people feel rejected, excluded and unimportant.
B. It manages people to have healthy relationship with others.
C. It is a way to direct people to be excluded from social media.
D. It is a growing phenomenon of people ignoring their friends and family
31. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Phubbing has negative impacts on people’s health.
B. People don’t enjoy having conversation with others.
C. Keeping away from phone distraction is suggested.
D. Several ways can be done to stop phubbing.

32. “... people who are phubbed are more likely to grasp their phones ...” (Paragraph 2) The
word “grasp” is similar in meaning to ... .
A. hold
B. touch
C. keep
D. bring
Study the graphic below to answer questions number 33 and 34.

33. Which statement matches the description presented in the text?

A. The total number of Coronavirus cases on January 8 is less than 10,000.
B. The total number of Coronavirus cases is not more than the 800,000.
C. The highest number of Coronovirus cases happens in early of 2021.
D. The lowest number of Coronavirus cases happens in early June.

34. What is the graphic published for?

A. To tell the readers about the total number of Covid cases in 2021.
B. To show to the readers about newly Covid cases in Indonesia in 2020.
C. To provide the readers with valid data about newly Covid cases in Indonesia.
D. To inform the readers about the number of Covid cases on March and January.
Daily Trend in Newly Coronavirus Cases in Indonesia on March 2020 – Jan 2021

35. Which statements go well with the texts?

(1) Text 1 is addressed to the park
(2) Text 2 is addressed to medical
(3) Text 1 can mostly be found in a supermarket.
(4) Text 2 can mostly be found in a school.
A. (1) and (2).
B. (2) and (3).
C. (3) and (4)
D. (1) and (4).

36. “If you are feeling unwell please do not enter the shop....” (Text 1) The word “you” refers
to ....
A. the assistants of the shop
B. the stakeholders of the shop
C. the visitors of the supermarket
D. the employees of the supermarket

The text is for questions number 37 and 38.

37. What is likely the benefit of reading the text?

A. Pediatricians may prescribe this medicine for babies of 2 months only.
B. A mother of 5-month old baby could treat her baby’s cough properly.
C. Nutritionists may recommend the medicine as a healthy drink.
D. Babies may take this medicine for relieving cough only.

38. Which of the following statements are TRUE about the dosage of the product?
(1) In 24 hours baby may take the medicine 5 times at maximum.
(2) This medicine is indicated for babies who suffers from nasal congestion.
(3) To assure the precise dosage, the product is accompanied with dosing device.
(4) A new born baby may consume the product without phycisian’s control.
A. (1) and (4)
B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4)
D. (2) and (3)
Green Miles West
The substitution of “West” in our name replacing “California” is the result of an agreement we reached
with California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of “California” in our
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal customers. While this represent a change
from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer our customers
5. The company assures its customers that they will always maintain the ... of their products.
A. Quality
B. Quantity
C. Price
D. Sale

6. The name “Green Miles West” is ... .

A. A new name that is given to Green Miles California
B. A new name that is given to the share holders
C. A new name that deals with California Gardening Association
D. A new product being advertised by California Association.

7. The announcement is written to ... .

A. Introduce a new manager of a company.
B. Avoid any confusion among its loyal customers
C. Inform publicly about its budget report
D. Inform publicly about growth level a company has achieved

Read the reading text 2 to answer questions numbers 8-10.

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a
small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise
man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she
was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition. Unfortunately, the
wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him
unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him
and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept this, so
she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy
took her to the Kahyangan.
8. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in the
earth at that time?
A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan
B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
C. Raden Begawan will not die
D. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life

9. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2)

The word her in the sentence refers to…
A. The wicked fairy
B. The nice fairy
C. Princess Nirmala
D. The prince of Blambangan

10. Why did the wicked fairy use her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?
A. She didn’t like Raden Begawan
B. She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
D. She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess

Read the song lyrics below to answer questions numbers 11-12.

“You Raise Me Up”
Singer : Josh Groban
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened me
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up ... to more than I can be
11. What is the theme of the song ?
A. A social life
B. A love story
C. A motivation
D. A nature lover

12. “When I am down and ,oh my soul, so weary”

“When troubles come and my heart burdened me”
From the lyric we know that the writer .....
A. is sad
B. is doubting her or himself
C. feels so frustrated about his life
D. is so pessimistic about his or her life

Reading text 3 for questions numbers 13-15.

The forest and peat land fires and smog, billed the worst in Indonesian history, still dominated media
headlines this week, with thousands of hot spots covering Sumatra and Kalimantan. At least 19 people
in Sumatra and Kalimantan have died, and mostly children, have been hospitalized because of severe
respiratory illness cause by the haze. According to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB),
the ongoing haze crisis has resulted in more than 500,000 people in six provinces – Riau, Jambi, South
Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and South Kalimantan – suffering from respiratory
As evidence indicates that most hot spots are related to oil and palm and pulpwood plantations,
President has instructed the Forestry and Environment Ministry to stop issuing new permits for peat
land cultivation for monoculture restore damage peat land and review all peat land licenses that have
been issued. Put bluntly, companies can no longer convert active forests and deep peat or any peat area
into monoculture plantations, such as acacia for pulp and oil palm plantations.
Recent research by forest scientists at the Bogor, West Java-based Center for International Forestry
Research (CIFOR) found that peat swamps in their natural state are resistant to fire because they are
wet underground, but they can be highly flammable when they dry out and are degraded.
13. What is the text about ?
A. The forest fire and the effect in Indonesia
B. The worst condition of forest fire in Indonesia.
C. The victims of the forest fire in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
D. The research evidence that peat swamps in nature is resistant to fire.

14. What can we infer from the text?

A. Many people suffered from serious illness because of the haze
B. Only children have been hospitalized from severe respiratory illness
C. The main cause of haze in Riau came from the slashing and burning of forest areas
D. Companies could convert active forest and deep peat into monoculture plantation

15. “companies can no longer they are wet underground,....” (Paragraph 2,line 7)
The bold-typed word in the sentence refers to ....
A. Peat land licenses
B. Peat swamps
C. Active forests
D. Foreign companies.

Read the song lyrics below to answer questions numbers 16 and 17.
“You Raise Me Up”
Singer : Josh Groban
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened me
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up ... to more than I can be

16. What is the theme of the song ?

A. A social life
B. A love story
C. A motivation
D. A nature lover

17. “ When I am down and ,oh my soul, so weary”

“When troubles come and my heart burdened me”
From the lyric we know that the writer ... .
A. is sad
B. is doubting her or himself
C. feels so frustrated about his life
D. is so pessimistic about his or her life

Read the reading text 1 to answer questions numbers 18 up to 20.

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100 kilometers an hour. It is now rare and is one of
the animals which is in danger of extinction.
The cheetah has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on
open ground.
This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They like to stay in and near trees to catch
their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.
(Source: Abbs, Brian, Take Off. Student Book 2, p. 52)
18. Paragraph two tells us about ... .
A. Physical Description of a Cheetah.
B. The way how a cheetah hunts its prey.
C. What makes a cheetah different from other animals.
D. The reason why cheetah belongs to rare animals.

19. “It is now rare and is one of the animals which is in danger of extinction.” ( Paragraph 1 ).
The information’s implies that ... .
A. We can still see so many cheetahs roaming in thick forest nowadays.
B. People must prevent cheetahs from extinction due to irresponsible people’s activities.
C. Cheetah can be exploited to be a domestic animal.
D. Cheetah can run very fast therefore it can avoid any harmful predators.

20. What is the purpose of writing the above text ?

A. To persuade people not to hunt cheetahs
B. To describe cheetah in general
C. To amuse readers with a story of a cheetah
D. To tell people the right way to protect the rare cheetahs.

Reading text 7 for answering questions numbers 21 to 25.

A donkey and a rabbit were good friends. One evening, they were looking for some food. After
walking for some time, they finally found a watermelon field .After making sure that there was nobody
around, they went into the field. The donkey directly ate a juicy watermelon. He finished it quickly.
Then, he recklessly went to another watermelon, and ate it. He ate a lot of watermelons until he felt
“Oh, I feel like I want to sing a song, ”said the donkey merrily.
“No! You are going to wake the farmer ,”warned the rabbit.
But, the reckless donkey did not listen to the rabbit. It started to sing a song loudly. Knowing that he
could not stop the donkey, the rabbit left him alone in the watermelon field.
The donkey kept singing and singing until the farmer came up to him, and ...,”Wham!” the farmer
caught the donkey and tied him to the fence. The rabbit was hiding behind a big tree, he saw what was
happening. When the farmer left the field, the rabbit released the donkey. The donkey realized his
mistake and thanked the rabbit.

21. How did the donkey feel when he saw so many watermelons in the field?
A. Sad
B. Touched
C. Surprised
D. Overjoyed

22. “Then he recklessly went into the watermelon field...”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... .
A. Carefully
B. Proudly
C. Responsibly
D. Thoughtlessly

23. What can we learn after we have read the story ?

A. Stealing is forbidden
B. Singing is a dangerous thing to do
C. Be careful before you pick watermelons from other people’s field.
D. We have to think very carefully before doing / deciding something.

24. “When the farmer left the field, the rabbit released the donkey.”
The bold - typed word is similar in meaning to ... .
A. Escape
B. Set free
C. Reported
D. Supported

25. What is the purpose of writing the text ?

A. To give detailed information to customers
B. To persuade people to appreciate fables
C. To describe a donkey in general
D. To entertain people with fables

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