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THE ANTS Ants are animals whose taxonomy corresponds to the Formicidae family within the phylum of arthropods,

s, in the animal
kingdom. They are social animals just like bees or termites and undergo a metamorphosis during their life, Ants are divided into
different castes, these being:

-Queen: the fertile female in charge of keeping alive the colony by laying more eggs.

-Worker: they are sterile females that are in charge of different functions, among these are exploration, cleaning or caring for
eggs and larvae.

-Soldier: like the workers, they are sterile females, but Unlike these, they are in charge of defending the anthill from possible

Male: as its name says, they are the males of the colony and their function is to fertilize the queen so that she can lay more eggs.
Ants have a morphology similar to that of other insects, they have 6 legs and two antennae, their body is divided into 3 parts:
head, thorax and abdomen, some ants can also have stingers and measure from one millimeter to 4 centimeters.

Many species of ants can communicate with sounds, the adult ants make them by clicking with their jaw while the larvae and
pupa make the same sound, but with less intensity since their jaw is weaker, this sound can serve as a call for help in some task or
as a call for help, the latter is evidenced in a study in which the ability to make sound of some larvae and pupa was inhibited and
these, along with others whose ability was not inhibited, were extracted from the anthill next to some workers, what was
observed was that the workers went to protect the pupa and larvae that could make sounds while ignoring those that could not,
as if they did not exist, so the ability to make sound is fundamental in the survival of a young ant.
Ants are also capable of producing vibrations in their abdomen that are then picked up by their legs. These vibrations, like
sounds, have the function of transmitting messages.

Ants can communicate using their antennae, which are one of their most sensitive organs and serve to detect different types of
pheromones, these compounds are transmitted as if they were phrases between the ants and when they communicate they can
emit a potentially unlimited amount of messages, including numerical quantities, these pheromones are used for things such as
recognition of a specific place, recognizing the function of an ant, to mark paths already explored or point out a dangerous place
or with food, they even serve to see if an ant belongs to another colony , so no colony will have ants producing the same
pheromones as another.

How do ants get food?

Ants individually explore for food, leaving behind a pheromone trail as they do so, which attracts other explorers. If they enter the
house, they will leave a scent trail causing more ants to appear.

1.Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing and classifying organisms and includes all plants, animals and microorganisms of
the world.

2.Antennae are sensory organs located on the head of insects, used for touch and smell.

3.A pupa is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation between immature and mature stages.

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