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This paper requires several main attentions, namely:

1. Novelty, Does the paper contain sufficient new and significant information to justify publication?:
This research only repeats the research model from Tabrani and Nizam (2018) with different
objects, namely conventional banks in difference countries. Can it be called novelty? The originality
of the research should be manifested clearly in filling the research gap from previous research.

2. Each construct presented and discussed in the paper must be well-defined and supported by
findings from the relevant literature. The relevance of each construct to research must be well-

3. The research model and hypothesis developed in this study are accepted the same as the research
model and hypothesis developed by Tabrani and Nizam (2018). What contribution will made to
this research? So this research is different and unique compared to previous studies. Furthermore,
It is necessary to discuss sufficient literature reviews related to the variables studied. Also, the
author must use updated references in the study.

4. Research methodology: the indicators for measuring each research variable are the same as those
of Tabrani and Nizam (2018), so there is nothing new to make this research unique. Then for data
collection, is the convenience sampling method appropriate? Because to measure consumer
loyalty, certain criteria are needed and have transacted with a bank in a certain period.

5. The results need to explain the descriptive analysis related to the respondents' perceptions of the
indicators for each variable. The results of hypothesis testing need a more detailed explanation, of
why they are significant and not significant. These findings can be explained qualitatively using
thematic content analysis, which requires further explanation.

6. Research implications, is the research contribution consistent with the findings and conclusions?
The implication of this research require further discussion.

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