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Students still face certain disadvantages with smartphones, despite the fact that they have

changed communication, entertainment, and information access. As useful as mobile devices are

for teaching, they also pose serious distractions and obstacles to academic success due to their

widespread use. Now more than ever, examining how smartphone use affects academic

performance is crucial, particularly since Grade 9 may be a critical time in a young person's

development. Access to reasonably priced digital gadgets has significantly increased in recent

years. In 2011, only 35% of Americans owned a smartphone. Today, 77% of Americans own one.

92% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 own a smartphone, making them almost

universal among younger adults (Pew Research Center report, 2017).

The use of technology and multitasking are closely associated, especially for students who

frequently use texting applications to stay in touch with friends and family on social media while

completing homework and studying. It has been confirmed by a number of studies (most notably
Jacobsen and Forste, 2011; Junco and Cotton, 2012) that students report using many social media

platforms while completing schoolwork. Nevertheless, Wood et al. (2012) discovered a negative

correlation between multitasking on any of the examined technologies—including Facebook,

texting, and emailing—and the ability to learn successfully, as seen by poorer test scores.

Mobile phones have become the most popular way to communicate with other individuals. While

cell phones have become less of a status symbol and more of a fashion statement, they have

created an unspoken social dependency. Adolescents and young adults are more likely to engage

in SMS messing, making phone calls, accessing the internet from their phone or playing a mobile

driven game. Once pervaded by boredom, teenagers resort to instant connection, to someone,

somewhere. Sensation seeking behavior has also linked adolescents and young adults to have the

desire to take risks with relationships, rules and roles. Individuals seek out entertainment and

avoid boredom at all times be it appropriate or inappropriate. Cell phones are used for

entertainment, information and social connectivity. It has been demonstrated that individuals

with low self–esteem use cell phones to form and maintain social relationships. They form an

attachment with cell phone which molded their mind that they cannot function without their cell

phone on a day-to-day basis. In this context, the study attempts to examine the extent of use of

mobile phone and its influence on the academic performance of the students.


Statement of the Problem This study is designed to know the effects of mobile phones which
commonly used particularly by Grade 9 Students of La Concepcion College, wherein almost all
students are using mobile phones, this study aims to investigate the following issues:
1.What is the Demographic Profile of the respondent in terms of:
1.1 Name; ( optional )
1.2 Age;
1.3 Sex
1.4 Section

2.Do mobile phone really affects the school grades of Grade 9 Students?

3 .Does mobile phone have a negative effect in Academic performance Of grade 9 Students?

4.does mobile phones affect the everyday school activities in their daily activities as students of
Grade 9?

5. does mobile phone can help the students to excel their school performance?
in the digital age.


This research plays an essential role for students to understand the advantages and disadvantages

of mobile phones in society, particularly for all students. According to more recent studies,

modern cell phones enable students to interact with the subject matter, stay safe, communicate,

and develop their skills both inside and outside of the classroom. First off, using a cell phone can

help you learn more in class both at home and at school. According to Buzzle, children may stay

safer by using their phones to report bullying. For many students, this is a more convenient

approach, and using their phones may make them feel more at ease. While smartphones and

other mobile gadgets have a lot to offer today's students, we also need to be aware of their

drawbacks. To start off, Addiction to smartphones has an adverse impact on how well learners do

in the classroom and overall. The more negative consequences on learning, the more using a

phone while studying. Overuse of phones significantly impacts kids' cognitive and skill sets

required for success in educational settings. An addiction to smartphones has been linked to

physical health issues, including sleep disturbances, musculoskeletal issues, and neurological
issues. Smartphone addiction has also been found to have a negative correlation with academic

achievement, procrastination, impulsivity, self-esteem, decreased social engagement, solitude,

and suicide. As you observe, there are advantages and disadvantages to smartphones. The

purpose of this research is to help students understand their own limitations and the

consequences of their use of such advanced technology as mobile phones.


This research is focused on the impact of mobile usage on academic performances of grade 9

students at La Concepcion College Kaypian campus the search context of this study as it allows

us to know the impact of mobile phones mobile phones use is not only limited to texting and

calling but Internet use, email, and social-networking sites such as Facebook, it can potentially

increase multitasking and task switching during academic activities. Excessive use of

smartphones by grade 9 students had negative academic, psychological, and physical impacts

leads to decrease in academic performance.


The researchers used the null hypothesis in this study. This research would test and conclude

whether or not there is a relationship between the two measured variables.

H₀: Mobile phone use among ninth-grade pupils is positively correlated with a commitment to

failing academically.

Obstacle – a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.

Pervasive. especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect spreading widely throughout

an area or a group of people.

Diversions. an instance of turning something aside from its course.

Widespread. found or distributed over a large area or number of people.

Pervaded. especially of a smell spread through and be perceived in every part of.

Unprecedented. never done or known before.


Foreign Literature

Kaur (2018) in his study found that students' academic performance may suffer as a result of

their reliance on mobile phones during class. Additionally, the findings indicate that young

students have developed a smartphone addiction.

Needless to say, distractions are also an ongoing problem outside of the classroom as well, with

learners often being distracted by their digital devices as they attempt to complete homework or

study for tests (Flanigan & Kiewra, 2018).

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many countries to close schools and suspend in-person

classes, enforcing the transition to online learning. Carrillo and Flores (2020) suggested that

because of widespread school closures, teachers must learn to manage the online learning

environment. Online courses have distinct impacts on students and their families, requiring

adequate technological literacy and the formulation of new teaching or learning strategies

(Sepulveda-Escobar & Morrison, 2020). Since 2020, numerous studies have been conducted on

parents’ views regarding the relationship of online learning, using smartphones, computers, and

other mobile devices, with learning effectiveness. Widely inconsistent findings have been

reported. For instance, in a study by Hadad et al. (2020), two thirds of parents were opposed to

the use of smartphones in school, with more than half expressing active opposition (n = 220). By

contrast, parents in a study by Garbe et al. (2020) agreed to the school closure policy and

allowed their children to use smartphones to attend online school. Given the differences in the

results, further scholarly discourse on smartphone use in online learning is essential.

In 2019, approximately 96.8% of the global population had access to mobile devices with the

coverage rate reaching 100% in various developed countries (Sarker et al., 2019). Given their

versatile functions, smartphones have been rapidly integrated into communication and learning,

among other domains, and have become an inseparable part of daily life for many.



As of June 2019, the Philippines had 79 million Internet users and a 73% penetration rate,

according to Internet World Stats (, 2019). One in three Filipinos said in a

study published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer that they could not live without their

smartphones (Roa, 2012), and they use them for an average of 174 minutes (about three hours) a

day (Lucas, 2014).


1.What is the
Demographic Profile of
the respondent in terms
of: Assessment of The Assessed
1.1 Name; ( optional )
1.2 Age; Impact of Using Mobile
1.3 Sex
1.4 Section Phones in Academic

2.Do mobile phone really Perforamance of Grade 9

affects the school grades
of Grade 9 Students? Students of La

3 .Does mobile phone Concepcion College

have a negative effect in
Academic performance Kaypian Campus S.Y
Of grade 9 Students?
2023-2024 through:
4.does mobile phones
affect the everyday
school activities in their
daily activities as -Sampling method
students of Grade 9?

5. does mobile phone can

help the students to excel -Survey Questionnaire
their school
in the digital age.

Since using a smartphone for more than just messaging and calling,Use of social networking

sites like Facebook, email, and other online communication tools may enhance multitasking and

taskalternating throughout class activities. In the end, this results in lower academic
achievement. Even though students in higher education frequently use smartphones, the degree

to which this. The extent to which technology has aided in their academic success is still unclear.

Features on smartphonesIs no longer restricted to calling and texting alone; a variety of activities

must be taken into account. This research study was conducted to find out the degree of

smartphone of a grade 9 student at La Concepcion College and to look into the

effects of mobile phones on grade 9 students academic performance.

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