Visual Literacy Lesson Plan 2

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Objective: After conducting an art criticism using VTS on Claude Monets Water Lillies, second

grade students will be able to express three artistic reasons they liked or disliked the artwork.

Standard: 2.4.8. Evaluate artistic work by applying criteria 2. Use art vocabulary to express
preferences about artwork.


 Digital Image of Claude Monet’s Water Lillies

 Paper for each student
 Pencil for each student


Introduction 3-5 minuets

T: Today we will be evaluating Water Lillies by Claude Monet. Raise your hand if you have ever
heard of Monet before. (Give students time to think and raise their hands.)

S: Students are listening, thinking and raising their hands.

T: Before we begin looking at the artwork it is important to remember that it is hard to be a good
art observer if you are talking. So, make sure you are using your eyes not your voice to look at
the artwork. You should also be thinking in your head about what you notice about the artwork.
Are there any questions?

S: Students are listening and asking questions if they have any.

Evaluation 15-20 minutes

T: (Shows the image of Claude Monet’s Water Lillies on the board.) I am going to give you three
minutes to look at the artwork and see what you can notice about it.
S: Students are observing the artwork.

T: (After 3 minuets) Think about what you noticed about the artwork? (Give students think to
think.) Turn to a partner and share one thing you noticed. If you would like to share what you
noticed raise your hand. (Call on students with their hands raised to share.)

S: Students are thinking about what they noticed and sharing with a partner. Then they raise their
hands if they feel like sharing.

T: (Continue the conversations about the artwork asking the students follow up questions such as
‘What else can you find?’ ‘What do you see that makes you say/think that?’)

S: Engage in the conversation raising their hands to share what they observe/think.
T: What elements of art do you see in this artwork? (Give students time to think.) Raise your
hand if you would like to share.

S: Student are thinking about the elements of art in the piece and raising their hands to share.

T: (Continue the conversations about the artwork asking the students follow up questions such as
‘How does that element change the artwork?’ ‘How does it make you feel?’)

S: Engage in the conversation raising their hands to share what they observe/think.

Preferences of the Artwork 10 -15 minutes

T: Now I would like you to think about if you like this artwork and why you do or don’t. (Give
the students think to think about the question.) Turn and share with a partner what you think.
Now raise your hand if you would like to share with the whole class. (Call on students with their
hands raised to share.)

S: Students are thinking about if they like the artwork or not and why. They turn to a partner to
share if they like the piece or not. Then they raise their hands if they feel like sharing.

T: (Continue the conversations about the artwork asking the students follow up questions such as
‘What about the artwork makes you like/dislike it?’ ‘Is there anything you like/dislike about the
art?’ ‘How does this piece make you feel?’)

S: Engage in the conversation raising their hands to share what they observe/think.

Conclusion 2-3 minutes

T: Today we looked at Claude Monets Water Lilies and used our VTS to conduct an art criticism
of the piece. Everyone is going to have different feelings or judgments about the piece and that is
okay. We can all have different ideas and still respect each other's ideas.

S: Students are listening

Assessment: Student will write three sentences explaining why they did or didn’t like the


 Students give three artistic reasons why they did or didn’t like the work
 Students state whether they liked the work or not.
 The students' ideas are their own.

An explanation of how this activity exercises visual literacy skills and how it could relate to
a larger unit of study:

This activity asks students to look at the work of art and pick out the elements that were used in
the artwork to change the feeling of the piece. This gives the students the opportunity to create
their own ideas on how the elements or art are used in the piece. The students also create their
own understanding of the work by deciding if and why they like the artwork. Lastly, the students
must look deeper into the painting prompted by further questions from the teacher. This lesson
can connect to a science lesson on ecosystems. While analyzing the painting the students also
pick up on all aspects of a lake environment/ecosystem.



Criteria 10-9 8 7 6 5-0

Objectiv Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning
es/ objectives and objectives are all objectives are objectives are objectives are
learning tasks are aligned with each loosely or are not not aligned with missing and do
Standard clear, concise, other and in grade consistently each other and NOT align to the
s and consistently level appropriate aligned with each learning appropriate state
aligned with each language and other. objectives are learning
other and in grade learning Some Learning not measurable standards
level appropriate objectives are objectives are and many do
language. They measurable and measurable and NOT align to the
are clearly align to align to appropriate state
measurable, appropriate state appropriate state learning
realistic, and learning standards learning standards standards
attainable and
align to
appropriate state
Material A list of all A list of most of A list of some of A list of a few of Little to none of
s materials needed. the materials the materials the materials the materials
Demonstration needed. 1 of the needed. 1 or 2 of needed. 2 of the needed are listed.
resource or listed criteria not the listed criteria listed criteria not All 3 of the listed
instructional considered. A not considered. considered. A criteria not
materials were good Some little considered.
strongly understanding of understanding of understanding of Very little
considered. An what you will what you will need what you will understanding of
obvious need and what the and what the need and what what you will
understanding of students will need. students will need. the students will need and what
what you will need. the students will
need and what the need.
students will
Procedur Organization of Organization of Organization of Organization of Organization of
e instruction to instruction to instruction to instruction is the steps id
ensure content is ensure content is ensure content is difficult to missing and no
comprehensible, comprehensible comprehensible for follow. time is
relevant, and and relevant for learners AND/OR considered.
challenging for learners Time Expectations Time Entire procedure
learners Time are included but Expectations are is unfinished or
Time Expectations are not realistic NOT included missing. Sub
Expectations are included and are A substitute A substitute could not use
included and realistic teacher would need teacher would this lesson to
realistic A substitute to ask multiple find the lesson teach from for
A substitute teacher could questions in order plan difficult to the day.
teacher could follow the lesson to deliver the follow and
easily follow the plan, and with a lesson would need
lesson plan, and few inferences, successfully. extensive support
both teacher and the lesson would in order to
learners would generally be deliver the lesson
experience a viewed as successfully.
successful lesson. successful.

Assessme Every objective Most objectives Some objectives Few objectives No objectives
nt has an assessment have an have an assessment have an have an
aligned to it. The assessment aligned to it. Some assessment assessment
criteria for each aligned to it. of the criteria for aligned to it. aligned to it.
assessment is Most of the each assessment is Little of the Little to none of
listed and makes criteria for each listed and criteria for each the criteria for
sense for the assessment is somewhat make assessment is each assessment
objective. listed and mostly sense for the listed and is listed and
make sense for the objective. doesn’t make doesn’t make
objective. much sense for much sense for
the objective. the objective.
Visual You defend that You defend that You somewhat You don’t You don’t
literacy this is a visual this is a visual defend that this is a defend that this defend that this
literacy activity literacy activity visual literacy is a visual is a visual
Explanat with all three with all three parts activity. 2-3 parts literacy activity literacy activity
ion and parts very well. well. There are a are explained. well. 1-2 parts at all. 0-1 part is
Related There are quite a few There are a 1-2 are explained. explained. There
Unit or few elements/principle elements/principles There is 1 are no elements
Project elements/principl s used, and the used, and the elements or or principle used,
es used, and the unit/project and unit/project and principle used, and the
unit/project and timing seems timing are and the unit/project and
timing seems appropriate. somewhat unit/project and timing is
very appropriate. appropriate. timing are inappropriate.

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