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Herat & Northwestern

‫ﻫ ﺮات و ﺷﻤﺎل ﻏﺮب اﻓﻐﺎﻧﺴﺘﺎن‬
‘Khorasan is the oyster shell of the world, and Herat is its pearl’, says an old proverb,
referring to this Afghan city’s pre-eminence in a region that covered much of medieval
Iran and Turkmenistan. It’s a saying that still holds much truth, for Herat still shines as
the cultural centre of Afghanistan, a seat of poetry, learning and architecture. Invaders
from Genghis Khan to the Russians have all taken turns at flattening it, but Herat still
manages to hold its head high, offer its visitors tea and suggest they sample its attrac-
tions. And there’s much to take in, from the Citadel that towers over the Old City to
its glorious Friday Mosque and many shrines. Those coming from Kabul will be equally
amazed by the efficiency of its infrastructure, not least the electricity supply.
From this ancient Silk Road oasis, the road crosses the Safed Koh mountains – the
last outpost of the Hindu Kush – to reach the northwest. Here the land flattens out to
form part of the Central Asian steppe, a semidesert that’s home to Kuchi nomads and
Turkmen and Uzbek farmers. This is the main centre for the greatest of the country’s
folk arts, the Afghan carpet, and the bright swatches of knotted wool contrast sharply
with the dusty landscape that produces them.
H E R AT &

 Gaze in awe at the dazzling mosaic tiling
of the Friday Mosque (p136) in Herat Andkhoi

 Contemplate poetry with the Sufis at

Gazar Gah (p138), one of Afghanistan’s
holiest sites
 Climb the battlements of Herat’s Citadel
(p137) for sweeping views across the city Gazar Gah
 Haggle for carpets at the bazaar in And- Herat

khoi (p144), the northwest’s most tradi-

tional market town
Mary Bayram-ali 0 Mukry 200 km
Dzhu- Karlyuk
Murgab 0 120 miles
Tedzhen To Mary Krasnyy Oktyabr Qarqin
Iolotan Imam Nazar Dali

Qarchi Gak
Chahar Bagh
Krasnaya Zvezda Andkhoi
Miana Chub Bash-e
Yusof Khvajeh Kalan Fazelabad
Mirzai Do Kuh
Yangi Aregh Pashmi To
TURKMENISTAN Shiberghan Qaleh Mazar-e

Northwestern Afghanistan
Chahchaheh Sharif (50km);
Dasht-e Laili Kabul (480km)
Sarakhs Daulatabad Desert
Serakhs Sary Yazy

Sari Pul
Ortepa Kariz
Malay- Yangi Qaleh
Shurak Adzhi Takhta
Maleki Bazar
Natu Almar Maimana Jarghan
Mari Chaq Belcheragh Bakhtgan-
Ghormach e Bala
Fariman Khaval
Chechaktu Qaysar
To Sar-e Howz
IRAN Bala Murghab Sar-e Pol
Faryab Tarkhoj

Torbat-e jam Torghundi Gazak
Chalkhi Serkhetabat Darreh-
Golran ye Bum

Shahr-e now Qala-e Darrahe Awd
Kushki Nau
Kariz Khwaja Ab-i Barik-
Gul Bed Do Ab i Qudi Besa Khar Bid
Salami Islam
Taybad Qala Deh Berenj
Qaleh Syahkhaki
Darrah Sabzak Pass Dowlat Yar To
(2400m) Chaghcheran Bamiyan
Kusurmand Chist-e Badgah Lal-o-Sar
Herat Obey Sharif Jangal
Sangan Ghurian Shekiban Hari Rud
Zendeh Jan Minaret
of Jam
To Kandahar Kort Harirud Marveh Ghowr Qos Tirdawan
Majnabad (500km); Qaleh-ye
Kabul (988km) Herat Qocanghi
Tagab Eshlan Masjed Negar
N O R T H W E S T E R N A F G HA N I S TA N 131

H E R AT &
132 H E R AT

Cross-border travel is relatively straight-

RISK ASSESSMENT forward, with direct bus links connecting
Herat has traditionally been an area of peace Herat to Mashhad in Iran. Onward travel
and prosperity, but since the removal of Is- to Turkmenistan is possible, although the
mail Khan it has exhibited regular signs of paperwork and permits can take some
instability, including a number of bombs and arranging.
riots. Although the city was calm at the time

HERAT ‫ﻫﺮات‬
of going to press, check the situation before
travelling. Iranian penetration of the city may
also cause problems in the event of Western
military activity towards Iran. x040 / pop 250,000
The route northwest from Herat to Maim- Perhaps more than any other city in Af-
ana should be avoided due to chronic law- ghanistan, Herat speaks of the country’s
lessness and anti-government armed groups position at the heart of the Silk Road. At
in Badghis province, which is particularly the crossroads of trade routes leading to the
remote. Attacks against police in the Bala Middle East, Central Asia and India, Herat
Murghab district are common. has often been coveted by neighbouring
powers as a valuable prize. It has flourished
throughout history as a rich city-state, a
CLIMATE centre of learning and commerce and even
Western Afghanistan feels a world away one-time capital of the Timurid empire.
from the high peaks that otherwise domi- Such history has given the city a cultured air
nate much of the country. Crossed by the of independence that can sometimes make
low Safed Koh mountains, the land is flat Kabul seem a long way away. In the 1970s,
and open, stretching out to the Iranian Herat was a popular stop on the Hippy
Plateau and Central Asian steppe. The cli- Trail for its relaxed air, and rightly so.
mate is accordingly hot and dry, dominated Herat’s place in history has often been
around Herat by the Bad-e Sad o Bist (Wind overlooked in favour of Samarkand and
of 120 Days) that blows from the end of Bukhara, but its inhabitants are proud
spring to the start of autumn, carrying a of their past and the city’s reputation as
desiccating dust. Summer temperatures can a place of culture. Although many of the
reach 38°C, dropping to just below freezing monuments to Herat’s glorious past are in

from December to February. a sorry state, ruined by British and Russian

invaders, the city is still the most rewarding
GETTING THERE & AWAY sightseeing location in Afghanistan. With
Transport connections around the north- its Friday Mosque the city still possesses
H E R AT &

west and to the rest of Afghanistan can be one of the greatest buildings in the Islamic
patchy. From Herat, the highway to Kabul world, while the Old City is one of the
runs through the restive south via Kanda- few in Afghanistan to retain its medieval
har, making travel extremely dangerous street plan.
for foreigners. Alternative road routes are Herat’s post-Taliban recovery has been
challenging for different reasons: either the less rocky than other parts of the country,
central route through the Hindu Kush to due in no small part to the customs rev-
Bamiyan, or the northwest route to Mai- enues from trade with nearby Iran. Visitors
mana, Andkhoi and Shiberghan along prob- coming from Kabul will instantly notice the
ably the worst road in the country. Both difference: a reliable power supply, street-
choices are rough and uncomfortable rides, lights and public parks. Although street
and highly susceptible to the changing sea- crime can occasionally be a problem, it sud-
sons. Andkhoi and Shiberghan are both on denly seems remarkable to see families out
the tarmac highway to Mazar-e Sharif. on the streets at 10pm going to ice-cream
Daily flights link Herat and Kabul, with parlours.
regular flights between Herat and Mazar-e Things haven’t been a bed of roses, how-
Sharif, as well as a less reliable service ever. Despite his removal by Hamid Kar-
linking Maimana and Shiberghan to the zai, Herat’s longtime ‘amir’ Ismail Khan
capital. continues to dominate the city’s political
0 500 m
HERAT 0 0.3 miles

To Jami’s 18 To Takht-e
Tomb (2km) Safar (1.5km);
1001 Wight
INFORMATION SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Marco Polo Hotel.................. 23 D4 Toos Restaurant.....................33 E3 Restaurant
17 ATO...................................... 1 D3 Chahar Su Cistern......................12 B4 Mowafaq Hotel.....................24 C3 Yas Restaurant.......................34 F3 (1.8km)
Herat Hospital.......................2 D3 Friday Mosque...........................13 C4 Park Hotel..............................25 F4

16 Iran Consulate........................3 E3 Herat Citadel..............................14 B3 SHOPPING

To Gazar
Kabul Bank............................4 D3 Malik Cistern..............................15 B3 EATING Carpet Merchants..................35 C4 Gah (2km)
Lord Coffeenet.......................5 E3 Mausoleum Minaret...................16 B1 Al Capon Restaurant..............26 E4 Sultan Hamidy.......................36 C4

Sarakh-e Shahzadah
19 Microsoft Internet..................6 E3 Mausoleum of Gowhar Shad......17 B1 Arghawan Restaurant............ 27 D3
Moneychangers.....................7 B3 Minarets of Musalla Brothers Mohabbat Gaznavi TRANSPORT
Police.................................... 8 D4 Complex.................................18 B1 Restaurant.........................28 D4 Ariana Afghan Airlines...........37 C3
Post Office.............................9 F2 Mosque Minaret........................19 A1 Ice Cream Parlour...................29 B4 Kam Air.................................38 C3
Turkmenistan Consulate.......10 E3 Shahzada Abdullah.....................20 B2 Juice in 4 Fasl.........................30 C3 Taxis......................................39 B4
Valentin Internet Club.........11 C3 Kebab sellers..........................31 D4 Taxis & Buses to Airport........ 40 D4
Western Union....................(see 4) SLEEPING Khorram Borthers Store..........32 C3 Taxis to Islam Qala.................41 B3
To Torghundi Green Place Guest House...........21 E2 Shahiste Restaurant.............(see 23) Ticket Office for Mashad
(121km) Jam Hotel.................................. 22 C4 Supermarket........................(see 23) Buses...............................(see 42)
Transport to Torghundi..........42 B2
jad-e Mahbas



jad-e Bihzad
To Obey (105km);

g h-e A
Minaret of Jam (320km);

jad-e Bank Khun

Maimana (460km) 9

jad-e Lycee Mahri


e Ba
24 38
To Maimana (3km); Chowk-e 6 3

7 37 27 2
Islam Qala (140km) Gulha jad-e Walayat 10 charahi
41 Park-e Mostofiat
Gulha 32 11 Chowk-e 5 33 34
Darb 30 4 Cinema
Sarakh-e Mukhabarat
14 1


39 13

jad-e Ghomandani

City 28

Bazaar-e Malek Zagarha

35 31 23
40 jad-e Badmurghan
Darb To Pul-e Malan (2.5km);
Darb Chahar 26 Main Bus Station (3.5km;
Su 12 Khosh
I Iraq Airport (8.5km);
Kandahar (565km)
H E R AT 133

H E R AT &
134 H E R AT • • H i s t o r y

and economic scene, and the city’s links to to find itself swept up in the superpower
neighbouring Iran play an important role. rivalry of the Great Game.
The insecurity along the Herat–Kandahar The Persians were the first to make a
highway occasionally ripples back to the move on the city, laying siege to it in 1837.
city, although the presence of an Italian-led Russian officers aided the Persian army,
PRT has generally been well received. while a single British officer, Eldred Pot-
tinger, rallied Herat’s defenders. The Af-
HISTORY ghans held the day, but the siege influenced
Herat’s history begins as Aria, an outpost British policy for the remainder of the 19th
of the Achaemenid empire, overrun in Al- century. Herat was dubbed the ‘Gateway
exander the Great’s eastward expansion. In to India’ and the British were insistent it
typical fashion he renamed it Alexander should stay in their realm of influence – and
Arian in his own honour. The city grew and out of Russian hands.
reaped the benefits of the new Silk Road Dost Mohammed incorporated Herat
under the Kushans and Sassanids and into into the Afghan kingdom in 1863, but trou-
the Islamic era. ble was never far away. Russian expansion
Herat’s expansion was checked by the towards the border in 1885 nearly brought
visitations of Genghis Khan in 1221, who the imperial powers to war. The British
characteristically levelled the place, killing ordered Herat be prepared for an attack
all but 40 of the populace after they rebelled and many of Gowhar Shad’s buildings were
against his power. But this just proved to be demolished to allow a clear line of artillery
the preface for the city’s greatest period, as fire for the defenders, although war was
a new power thundered out of the steppe ultimately averted.
150 years later. After this, Herat’s population were happy
Timur founded his empire at Samarkand, to be left alone for most of the 20th cen-
but following his death in 1405, the capital tury, but still resented Kabul’s influence. It
moved southwest to Herat. Under Timur’s declared support for the rebel Bacha Saqao
son, Shah Rukh, Herat became one of the when he seized the throne from Amanul-
greatest centres of medieval Islamic culture lah in 1929 and increasingly resented the
and learning. A patron of the arts, Shah communist influence from the capital in the
Rukh packed his court with scholars, poets 1970s. Events came to a head in March 1979
and painters. Jami composed his greatest when the city rose in open revolt. Led by local

poems here and Bihzad’s refined miniature mullahs and a mutinous army garrison com-
painting would later go on to influence In- manded by Ismail Khan, around 100 Russian
dian art. The ruler’s wife, the extraordi- advisors were killed with their families. The
nary Gowhar Shad (see boxed text, p138), Russians helped the government quell the
H E R AT &

commissioned many fine buildings from rebellion – by carpet-bombing the Old City.
mosques to madrassas. Around 20,000 civilians were killed.
Such glory couldn’t last. After Shah Rukh’s Following invasion, the mujaheddin har-
death, there was a debilitating squabble for ried the Russians, in one of the most hidden
succession and Timurid power started to corners of the war. Iran provided crucial sup-
wane. Sultan Baiqara provided one last hur- port. After the Russian withdrawal in 1989,
rah at the start of the 16th century, but the the city quickly fell to the mujaheddin, with
rot had set in. The future Mughal emperor Ismail Khan installed as Herat’s ruler.
Babur visited Herat at this time and left a Nothing could save the city from the as-
lively description of the city, joking that cendant Taliban, however. In 1995 the city’s
you only had to stretch your leg to kick a army crumbled in the teeth of a Taliban
poet, and complaining of the royal court’s advance and Herat was captured without a
drunkenness. In fact, Baiqara so preferred to fight. Ismail Khan himself was taken pris-
drink wine rather than exercise power that oner, but later escaped to Iran.
Timur’s empire soon fell under the arrows of The educated Heratis chafed under the
Uzbek invaders. occupation and Iran closed its borders.
Herat spent the next centuries being Herat’s population swelled with an influx
fought over by the Mughals and Safavids. of internally displaced people (IDPs) flee-
It finally regained its independence only ing drought. H E R AT • • O r i e n t a t i o n 135

Ismail Khan returned at the end of 2001 as Internet

the Taliban were swept from power. Increas- Prices are around 50Afg per hour.
ingly conservative with age, he retained his Lord Coffeenet (Jad-e Walayat)
own army and a version of the Taliban’s Vice Microsoft Internet (Jad-e Walayat)
and Virtue Police, styling himself as the Emir Valentin Internet Club (cnr of Park-e Gulha & Jad-e
of Herat. The city, however, boomed on cus- Ghomandi)
toms revenues from trade with Iran, once
again becoming a quasi-independent city- Medical Services
state, as it has been for much of its history. The area around the main hospital has
Central control over Herat (and its taxes) plenty of pharmacies.
finally came in late 2004 with Ismail Khan’s Herat Hospital (x040 223412; Jad-e Walayat)
replacement as governor, an event accompa-
nied with much rioting. Local politics have Money
trodden a sometimes uneasy path since, but Street moneychangers remain the best op-
the city still remains a beacon of progress tion in Herat: there are stands between
compared with much of the country. Darb Malik and Chowk-e Gulha.
Kabul Bank (cnr of Park-e Gulha & Jad-e Ghomandi) Has
ORIENTATION a branch of Western Union inside.
Herat sits in a wide plain, watered by the
Hari Rud. To the north the ridges of the Post & Telephone
Safed Koh mark the boundary with the Cen- Phone stands and PCOs are everywhere in
tral Asian steppe; to the south the road leads Herat.
to Kandahar and the Indian subcontinent. FedEx (x040 220301; charahi Haji Ayoub)
Only the core of Herat’s Old City remains, Post Office (charahi Mostofiat)
around the crossroads of Chahar Su and the
Friday Mosque. The Citadel dominates the Tourist Information
northern edge of the Old City, looking out to ATO (Afghan Tourist Organisation; x040 223210;
the minarets of the ruined Musalla Complex. Sarakh-e Mukharabat) Can provide drivers and guides for
West of this is the wasteland created by Soviet US$40 a day each (US$20 for half a day) and also arrange
carpet-bombing. Much of this area is under- transport to the Minaret of Jam.
going a boom of new building, with glass-
fronted villas sprouting up almost daily. DANGERS & ANNOYANCES
The New Town (Shahr-e Nau) is east Since Ismail Khan left Herat, security has de-
and north of the walled city, home to the creased slightly. Political problems have oc-
majority of government and NGO offices. casionally spilled onto the streets, usually in
The streets are lined with tall pine trees and the form of quick-to-fire demonstrations. As
H E R AT &

decorated with parks, considerably improv- always, keep an ear very close to the ground.
ing the urban environment. Watch out for In 2006, violence also flared between Sunni
the working traffic lights – almost unheard and Shiite groups during Ashura.
of in Afghanistan. Crime has reportedly become more of a
Herat’s airport is 8km south of the city. If problem in Herat, with an increase in street
arriving overland from Iran, Herat’s mina- robberies. Several female international
rets make a ready landmark. Most road workers have reported severe harassment,
transport leaves from the area south of the bordering on violence, so particular care
minarets, near Darb Malik on the edge of should be taken when walking in the city.
the Old City.
Emergency Herat’s Old City, measuring approximately
Ambulance (x040 223413) 1200 sq metres, is the most complete tradi-
ANSO West (x070 405 697/079 9322 192) tional medieval city in Afghanistan. Four
Fire Brigade (x040 445721) main streets branch out from the bazaar
ISAF (x079 9885 181) of Chahar Su (literally ‘four directions’),
Police (x040 222200; Jad-e Ghomandani, opposite the quartering the city and leading to the old
Friday Mosque) gates that once pierced the city walls (they
136 H E R AT • • S i g h t s

were pulled down in the 1950s). Charac- they provided year-round clean water for
teristic of medieval urban design, the Old the city’s residents, even during the Persian
City has three focuses – the commercial siege of 1837–8. They only ran dry during
centre (Chahar Su), the Royal Centre (the the 1980s. Both have gorgeous brick vaulted
Citadel, opposite) and the Religious Centre ceilings, with the octagonal Chahar Su Cis-
(the Friday Mosque, right). tern having a span of over 20m. Surrounded
The four main roads leading from Cha- by bazaars and mosques, the cistern’s resto-
har Su are lined with booths and shops. ration should hopefully provide a focus for
Until the 1930s, these roads were covered, further economic regeneration in the Old
with Chahar Su itself crowned with a large City, although at the time of writing their
dome. Only small portions of the old vault- exact future use was under discussion with
ing survive, in the southeast corner of the community leaders.
city. Behind the shops there are plenty of
serais – enclosures for caravans that served Friday Mosque
as warehouses and inns for traders and Over 800 hundred years old, Herat’s Friday
craftsmen. Mosque (Masjid-e Jami; hclosed to non-Muslims dur-
Away from the main thoroughfares, the ing Fri prayers) is Afghanistan’s finest Islamic
streets turn into a labyrinth of unpaved building, and one of the greatest in Central
lanes, hiding the city’s houses behind high Asia. A master class in the art of tile mosaic,
mud walls. Wandering the streets and serais its bright colours and intricate detailing are
is one of the best ways to get a taste of tradi- an exuberant hymn in praise of Allah.
tional Herati – and Afghan – urban life. Most visitors enter the mosque via the
That the Old City survived the Soviet park on its eastern side, which leads up
carpet-bombing of Herat is a miracle, but to a huge and richly tiled façade. The en-
its fabric is now under threat from the city’s trance corridors are to either side of this,
construction boom. Unlike Kabul, where but they are frequently locked outside the
an official ban on new construction in the main prayer hours, forcing visitors to gain
Old City prevails, Herat’s historic quarter is access to the mosque proper via the small
undergoing ‘redevelopment’ on an unprec- street entrance on its northern wall. This is
edented scale. In the absence of building actually a more atmospheric choice, as the
controls, owners are demolishing historic cool dark of the entrance corridor suddenly
properties to rebuild in the popular modern gives way to a bright sunburst of colour as

glass-and-concrete style, with little thought you enter the main courtyard. Don’t forget
for the city’s character. to remove your shoes at this point.
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) The mosque is laid out in a classical plan
is currently working with Herat’s govern- of four iwans (barrel-vaulted halls) with
H E R AT &

ment to rescue buildings and create a sus- arcaded walls around a central courtyard
tainable development plan for the Old City. nearly 100m long. Two huge minarets flank
Using a mix of satellite imagery and door- the main iwan. Almost every square centre is
to-door surveys, they produced the first covered in breathtaking mosaic, surrounded
detailed map of the Old City, showing over by blue bands of Quranic script. Only the
15,000 buildings with 62,000 residents, but simple whitewash of the iwans adds a note of
with old buildings being lost on a weekly modesty. The minarets, with their repeated
basis. AKTC has launched a conservation bands of stylised flowers, arabesques and
programme for several historic houses that geometric patterns are simply dizzying.
promotes traditional building techniques, The mosque was originally laid out by
encourages self-built repairs and shows the the Ghorid Sultan Ghiyasuddin in 1200.
potential for improving living conditions Originally it would have had quite a differ-
within traditional city homes. ent appearance, as the Ghorids preferred
AKTC has also helped restore Herat’s plain brick and stucco decoration. The
traditional cisterns. The Chahar Su Cistern, at Timurids restored the mosque in the 15th
the centre of the Old City, and the Malik Cis- century and introduced the bright mosaic,
tern, opposite the western gate of the Cita- but by the early 20th century so much of
del, are what remain of Herat’s medieval this had been lost that visitors remarked on
water-supply system. Filled by aqueducts, the mosque’s dullness. H E R AT • • S i g h t s 137

The lavish tiling that now covers the this time, the exterior was covered with the
mosque is the product of the mosque’s tile monumental Kufic script of a poem pro-
workshop, an ongoing restoration project claiming the castle’s grandeur, ‘never to be
since the 1940s. While many of the mosaics altered by the tremors of encircling time’.
are based on Timurid originals, the work- Sadly, most of this tiling has been lost bar
shop has also introduced its own designs, a small section on the northwest wall, the
colours and calligraphy. This traditional- so-called ‘Timurid Tower’.
meets-modern approach has led to the Time’s tremors inevitably did great dam-
creation one of the gems of contemporary age to the Citadel. Repeated conquerors pil-
Islamic abstract expressionism. laged the Citadel, with locals prizing the
The workshop is in a courtyard to the left valuable roof-beams and baked bricks. The
of the main portal entrance in the garden – greatest indignity came in 1953 when Her-
ask to visit it at the small office of the Min- at’s army commander ordered its complete
istry of Information, Culture and Tourism, demolition in order to move his military
just inside. The courtyard also contains one base on the outskirts of the city. Only the di-
of the few remnants of the original Ghorid rect intervention of King Zahir Shah halted
decoration, overlaid with Timurid tiling – a the destruction. Subsequent neglect caused
demonstration of the continuum of artistic several sections to collapse. An extensive
styles that the mosque has witnessed. The renovation programme was launched in the
craftsmen are normally happy to show off 1970s, completed just two months before
their work, from glazing the raw tiles to the Soviet invasion.
laying out the intricate mosaics. Visitors enter through the modern west-
It’s normally not a problem to take ern entrance to the Citadel’s lower en-
photos in the mosque, but this should be closure. Most of this section is currently
avoided during prayer times. Early morn- closed, so you are instead led through an
ing is the best time to catch the light on the imposing wooden gate and atrium to the
tiles. Donations for the mosque’s upkeep upper enclosure. This is the most heavily
can be placed in the ceremonial bronze fortified part of the Citadel and has its own
cauldron in the eastern arcade. Cast in the wells, which were used to allow defenders
13th century, it would have originally been to withstand sieges. Archaeological excava-
filled with sweet drinks for worshippers on tions are still ongoing in the main court-
religious holidays. yard. To the left, there is a small hammam
with beautifully painted but damaged walls,
Herat Citadel showing flowers and peacocks.
Towering over the Old City, the Herat Citadel The biggest attraction is the Citadel’s
(Qala-ye Ikhtiyaruddin; admission 250Afg;h8am-5pm) huge curtain wall topped with battlements.
H E R AT &

has watched over Herat’s successes and set- These offer tremendous views over Herat,
backs with its imposing gaze for centuries. looking south towards Chahar Su, and
The oldest building in Herat, it is believed north to the minarets of the Musalla Com-
to stand on the foundations of a fort built plex. It’s also possible to make out the last
by Alexander the Great. It has served as a remains of the Old City walls.
seat of power, military garrison and prison Leaving by the western gate there is a
since its construction until 2005, when the small museum, which is planned to open
Afghan army presented it to the Ministry of in 2007.
Information, Culture and Tourism, open-
ing its doors to outsiders for the first time. Musalla Complex & Minarets
The Citadel is built on an artificial mound Herat’s Musalla was Gowhar Shad’s master-
and stretches 250m east to west. Its 18 tow- piece, comprising a mosque, madrassa, mau-
ers rise over 30m above street level, with soleum and over 20 minarets. At its height,
walls 2m thick. A moat once completed the it rivalled any of the great showpieces of Is-
defences, although this was drained in 2003 lamic architecture from Samarkand to Esfa-
to lay out a public park in the grounds. The han. Today, only five minarets and Gowhar
present structure was largely built by Shah Shad’s mausoleum remain. The loss of the
Rukh in 1415, after Timur trashed what rest is a testament to the sorrier type of im-
little Genghis Khan had left standing. At perial meddling in Afghan politics.
138 H E R AT • • S i g h t s

The Mausoleum of Gowhar Shad (Bagh-e Gowhar The loss of the complex rivals the destruc-
Shad; admission free; h8am-sunset) sits in a small tion of the Bamiyan Buddhas for deliberate
park, currently undergoing extensive re- cultural vandalism. In 1885, when the Brit-
planting. It’s a textbook example of Timurid ish feared a Russian invasion of Afghani-
architecture, with its square box topped with stan, they persuaded Abdur Rahman Khan
a high drum and ribbed melon dome, albeit to prepare Herat for defence. In a matter
one largely denuded of its turquoise tiling. of days, British engineers dynamited almost
The door to Gowhar Shad’s tombstone is the entire complex, to give a free line of fire
normally locked, but the chowkidar (care- for artillery. The invasion never came, but
taker) can unlock it for you. The inside dome the damage was done. Two further minarets
is beautifully painted in blue and rust-red. fell to earthquakes in the early 20th century,
Shah Rukh was also originally buried here, while the Soviets turned the whole area into
until Ulughbek removed his body to Samar- a free-fire zone in the 1980s.
kand. Also inside are the broken remains of Opposite the park, four huge minarets
the mosaic that covered the exterior, mostly mark the corners of Baiqara’s long-gone
knocked off by Soviet shelling. The building madrassa. The minarets were covered in a
next door holds the tomb of Mir Ali Shir delicate blue mosaic framed in white and set
Nawai, Sultan Baiqara’s prime minister. with flowers. Some tiling remains – war and
The mausoleum is at the heart of the old abrasive wind has wiped out the rest. The
complex. By the park entrance is the sole towers now lean like drunken factory chim-
standing minaret of her madrassa, tilting at a neys and exert a particularly mournful air
worrying angle and braced with steel cables. at sunset. A road between the minarets still
The tiling, a series of blue lozenges filled allows traffic to trundle past, the vibrations
with flowers, only survives on its one side, damaging the fragile foundations. Several
where it is protected against Herat’s abrasive tombstones lie abandoned in the area, in-
wind. There are two balconies – just below cluding an exquisite yet eroded black mar-
the lower storey, mortar has taken a horrible ble tombstone, carved in the intricate Haft
bite out of the minaret. Qalam (Seven Pens) style. Long abandoned
On the southern edge of the park, the to the elements, a better-cared-for example
stump of another minaret is the only sign can be seen at Gazar Gah (below).
of Gowhar Shad’s mosque. It was destroyed
by Soviet artillery. Tantalising fragments re- Gazar Gah

main of the beautiful mosaic and its white This shrine, 5km northwest of Herat, is one
marble facings. Noting that minarets are of Afghanistan’s holiest sites, dedicated to the
usually the simplest parts of a building, 11th-century saint and poet Khoja Abdullah
Robert Byron was so moved by its fine Ansari. Run by Sufis from the Qadirriyah
H E R AT &

decoration to write ‘if the mosaic on the rest order, it receives hundreds of pilgrims from
of the Musalla surpassed or even equalled across Afghanistan daily; Gazar Gah’s name
what survives today, there was never such means ‘the Bleaching Ground’, a Sufi allusion
a mosque before or since.’ to the cleansing of one’s soul before Allah.

The wife of Shah Rukh, Gowhar Shad, was one of the most remarkable women in Afghanistan’s
history. Although her name meant ‘joyful jewel’, she was anything but the trophy wife her name
suggests. She was a great patron of the arts and commissioned some of Islam’s finest buildings,
including Herat’s Musalla Complex and the Great Mosque in Mashhad (Iran). She also paid an active
part in politics. Her son, Ulughbek, was made the viceroy of Samarkand and following her husband’s
death, she was heavily involved in the manoeuvrings over his succession. Her other son, Baisanghor,
drank himself to death, so Gowhar Shad planned to make Ulughbek the ruler of Herat. Years of
disputes followed, with her various sons and grandsons fighting for power, ultimately sowing the
seeds of the empire’s downfall. She finally met her end at the ripe age of 80, murdered by a rival
after plotting to install her great-grandson on Herat’s throne. Her gravestone reads she was ‘the
Bilqis [Queen of Sheba] of the time’. H E R AT • • S i g h t s 139

The shrine is the most complete Timurid There’s no entrance fee at Gazar Gah, but
building in Herat and is dominated by its the Sufis who tend the shrine will welcome
30m-high entrance portal, decorated with a small donation. Don’t forget to remove
restraint with blue tiles on plain brick. More your shoes on entering.
tiling fills the inside, much of it showing a Buses run regularly to Gazar Gah from
distinctly Chinese influence – possibly a by- Chowk-e Cinema (5Afg, 15 minutes). A
product of the embassies that Shah Rukh taxi costs around 50Afg.
(who commissioned the shrine in 1425)
exchanged with the emperor of China. The Jami’s Tomb
courtyard is filled with the gravestones of Mawlana Abdur Rahman Jami was Her-
the many of Herat’s old ruling families. at’s greatest poet and one of the greatest
The saint’s tomb is at the far end be- Sufi poets who wrote in Persian. He was
neath a large ilex tree. An intricately carved a regular at the court of Sultan Baiqara,
5m-high white marble pillar also stands where he composed many treatises on the
guardian, contained behind a glass case. soul’s meditation of the divine. He died in
It’s fascinating to sit and watch men and 1492 and is still revered by modern Hera-
women offering prayers to the tomb before tis, who can often quote from his greatest
turning around to perform the full prayer work, Haft Awrang (Seven Thrones), and
ritual facing Mecca. Prayers are also tied regularly visit his grave (Sarakh-e Tanki Mawlawi;
in rags to the ilex tree, usually by women donation welcome, hsunrise-sunset).
having problems conceiving. The tomb is a quiet and contemplative
There are several other graves worth place, inside a modest enclosure under a
noting in the shrine. Amir Dost Mo- pistachio tree, with a finely carved head-
hammed, that great survivor of the First stone. A large pole is hung with green ban-
Anglo-Afghan War, is buried to the left ners and has had many nails hammered
of Ansari’s tomb, having died soon after into it as prayer offerings. The tomb is
capturing Herat in 1863. His grave is sur- visited by both men and women, who sit
rounded by a white balustrade and marked either side of the grave, in prayer or medi-
with another marble pillar. One of Sultan tation. It’s commonplace to walk around
Baiqara’s sons also lies here. His tombstone the grave and to take a pinch of earth as
is an incredible example of the Haft Qalam a blessing. There is also a small donation
style of carving – interlaced flowers and box here.
arabesques painstakingly carved into seven A larger mosque stands adjacent to the
layers of relief. The tombstone is kept in a grave. Both are modern, rebuilt after being
locked side room, so you’ll have to ask to severely damaged by Soviet shelling in
be shown it. 1984. A taxi ride from the centre of Herat
H E R AT &

There are more graves outside the portal costs 80Afg.

entrance. Look for the much worn statue of
a dog immediately outside. Local tradition Shahzada Abdullah
ascribes this to the grave of Gazar Gah’s Two shrines sit on the main road just south
architect, who wished to sit humbly before of the Musalla Complex. Built in the late
the Sufi master into the next life. 15th century, they contain the tombs of two
Slightly to the southwest of the main princes, Abdullah and Qasim, who died in
shrine is the Zarnegar Khana (‘Golden Pa- the 8th century. Abdullah’s tomb is the one
vilion’). Built during Baiqara’s time, it is a nearer the road. The exteriors are plain fired
retreat for the shrine’s Sufi adherents, who brick with ogee portal arches, while the
hold their zikr rituals inside. The interior interiors are richly decorated with tiling –
has a fine domed ceiling, painted in blue probably the best surviving tilework from
and red, and picked out in gold leaf. The medieval Herat.
Zarnegar Khana was closed for restoration Even a couple of years ago, the tombs
at the time of research. The grounds of the were clearly visible from the road, but they
shrine also contain a second domed build- have now been largely obscured by Herat’s
ing, the Namakdan pavilion, and a cistern construction boom. The tombs’ guardians,
containing water from the holy Zam Zam who also tend the many pigeons outside,
spring at Mecca. appreciate a small donation from visitors.
140 H E R AT • • S l e e p i n g Book accommodation online
l o nate

Takht-e Safar ous, colonial-style place complete with

Spread across a hill 5km north of Herat, creaky beds and overstuffed chairs, and
Takht-e Safar is a popular place for picnics. surrounded by pine trees. All rooms are
Built as a pleasure garden for Sultan Baiqara en suite. The hotel was being used mainly
in the 14th century, it’s an oasis of green, as a wedding hall when we visited. Full of
with good views to the city. It’s a popular potential, it just needs a little love (and
place for picnics and to catch the sunset money) spent on its upkeep.
(when cars full of wedding parties often Mowafaq Hotel (x040 223503; Chowk-e Gulha;
descend on the scene). with bathroom s/d US$20/30) Currently Her-
At the bottom of the hill is a small theme at’s largest hotel, the Mowafaq is a trusty
park, complete with rides and a giant con- standby and conveniently located between
crete pigeon. As you go up the hill, you pass the Old City and the New Town. The good-
a large swimming pool, popular with men sized rooms are clean but everything feels
species in the summer months. There’s a a bit tired and dusty. The pool hasn’t seen
small café offering drinks and ice cream. water in years. Get a room looking out to
Further up the hill is a wedding club, the minarets if you can.
backed by a large mural of Ismail Khan with Marco Polo Hotel (x040 221944; heratmarcopolo@
Ahmad Shah Massoud. Climbing these; Jad-e Badmurghan; s/d from US$41/51, with
steps provides the best views of Herat. bathroom US$72/82; ai) This friendly and
ever-expanding hotel is a great option. The
Pul-e Malan rooms aren’t elaborate, but there’s 24-hour
This fine old 22-arched bridge is a few hot water, free internet, and helpful staff.
kilometres south of the city, visible from The more expensive rooms also come with
the road when driving from the airport. a free (nonalcoholic) minibar and laundry.
Believed to have been constructed by the Breakfast is included – a huge spread of
Seljuks in the early 12th century, it has bread, cheese, yogurt, eggs and fruit.
survived the floods that have washed away Green Place Guest House (x070 405905; Jad-e
countless other bridges on the Hari Rud. Mahbas, lane 2; r US$50; ai) A small family-
According to legend, two sisters, Bibi Nur run guesthouse with a friendly atmosphere,
and Bibi Hur, collected egg shells to mix the Green Place (there is a garden) is a
with the clay of the bricks, making the pleasant escape from the city. There are half
structure stronger than steel. It’s no longer a dozen rooms, all spotlessly clean and with

used for motor traffic, but is worth a visit shared bathroom. Prices include breakfast –
for its picturesque setting. dinner is available on request.


H E R AT &

Sleeping options should change dramati- The Persian influence on Herati culture can
cally in Herat during the life of this book, easily be seen when you go out for a meal.
with the opening of the city’s first five-star Iranian-style rice (steamed and topped with
hotel under construction on the outskirts sour sumac berries) is served as much as
near Takht-e Safar. Afghan pulao. Locals also have a prefer-
Jam Hotel (x040 223477; Darb Khosh; s/d 300/ ence for black tea (sucked through a sugar-
600Afg) Tucked away in the Old City, this cube) over the green tea drunk in the rest of
is Herat’s best budget option. The rooms Afghanistan.
are basic, but have had a bit of a spruce-up Arghawan Restaurant (x040 221919; Chowk-e
since we last visited, making them good Cinema; kebab meal 200Afg; h10am-10pm) Popular
value for the price. The shared bathrooms with middle-class Heratis and internationals
are very simple and there’s a restaurant for alike, the attraction here isn’t so much the
pulao (a rice dish) and kebabs. Rooms at formal dining room as the outside seating
the back have a great view of the Old City, area, strewn with bolsters to slump against
overlooking the Friday Mosque. for shade from the daytime. The set meals
Park Hotel (x040 223010; Park-e Girdha, r US$20) are excellent value, comprising soup, salad,
Built in the 1930s, the Park is Herat’s old- bread, rice, kebabs, tea and a soft drink.
est hotel – Robert Byron stayed here while Yas Restaurant (Park-e Girdha; menu from 60-
writing The Road to Oxiana. It’s a cavern- 200Afg) One of the few places we found H E R AT • • S h o p p i n g 141

in Herat serving mantu (a type of ra- there’s hardly room to sit down – but these
violi), Yas also has a decent range of ke- hole-in-the-wall joints are perfect if you’re
babs with rice, salad and yogurt. The in need of a quick kebab.
pizzas are disappointing in comparison. Itinerant fruit sellers push carts around
The restaurant always seems to be busy – the Old City and there’s also a market next
its success has allowed it to buy what could to the Friday Mosque. If you’re after im-
be Herat’s largest TV. ported goods, there’s a good supermarket
Shahiste Restaurant (Jad-e Badmurghan; meals (Jad-e Badmurghan) near the Marco Polo Hotel.
200Afg) On the 1st floor of the Marco Polo It even has its own shopping trolleys.
Hotel, this restaurant offers good Iranian-
style food. The menu often only has a cou- SHOPPING
ple of dishes, but makes up for this with Herat is famous for its blue glass, hand-
generous plates of salad, pickled vegetables made in a rough and chunky style. If you’re
and yogurt. lucky enough for it to survive Afghanistan’s
Brothers Mohabbat Gaznavi Restaurant (Darb roads, it makes a great souvenir.
Khosh; meals from 50Afg) One of the better large Sultan Hamidy (north side of Friday Mosque) Sultan
kebab joints, busy at any time of day or Hamidy (or Ahmad) and his family have
night. It serves up an endless procession of been making Herati glass for generations.
kebabs, pulao and chai. Female travellers The tiny factory is two doors down from
may find themselves directed upstairs to the the shop, with glass-blowing every couple of
family dining room. days. The shop itself is an Aladdin’s Cave,
Al Capon Restaurant (Jad-e Badmurghan; meals from with everything from glass and metalwork
100Afg) According to the sign, ‘Al Capon’ was to rugs, beads and embroidery, all displayed
a cowboy, but he rustles up a decent plate of as an anarchic explosion of stock. Prepare
rice and kebabs. Salads and a few Western- to spend hours looking for antiques, both
style fast-food items fill out the menu. old and new.
Toos Restaurant (Jad-e Walayat; pizzas 150Afg) Carpet Merchants (Darb Khosh) One of the best
Good for those wanting a break from Af- places to buy carpets from the region is di-
ghan fare, this place does a good imitation rect from the wholesale merchants who oc-
of Western fast food. Tasty pizzas are eat-in cupy this serai on Darb Khosh. Carpets and
or takeaway, along with a few interesting gilims festoon the balconies and courtyard,
variations on the hamburger theme. indicating that you’re in the right place.
Ice cream parlour (Bazaar-e Malek Zagarha; ice cream Herati carpets are usually deep red, although
from 40Afg) This is the best place for ice cream the merchants buy from across the west and
in the Old City. With its low ceiling, wall northwest as well as eastern Iran – Baluchi
carpets and Bollywood posters, it’s a cosy styles are also sold in large numbers.
H E R AT &

place to tuck into a bowl of rosewater and

pistachio ice cream. Afghan women eat GETTING THERE & AWAY
here too. Kam Air (x040 228951; Park-e Gulha) flies daily
Juice in 4 Fasl (Chowk-e Gulha; juice from 20Afg) to Kabul (3250Afg, one hour), and every
Bright and shiny, this juice bar has wonder- Monday and Thursday to Mazar-e Sharif
ful juices and smoothies, from thick banana (2500Afg, 50 minutes). Ariana Afghan Airlines
to tart pomegranate. There’s ice cream too, (x040 222315; Park-e Gulha) also has a daily serv-
slathered with mango puree, and an up- ice to Kabul (3200Afg).
stairs seating area that’s perfect for watch- At the bottom of Sarakh-e Shahzada,
ing Herat go about its business. there are large buses to Kabul (600Afg, one
Khorram Brothers Store (Park e-Gulha; snacks from day), which continue onto Mazar-e Sharif
30Afg) In the small park by Chowk-e Gulha, (1000Afg, two days). Note, however, that
this snack bar sells a few kebabs plus hot and these travel to the extremely dangerous
cold drinks including, unusually, coffee. It’s southern highway through Kandahar and
almost worth visiting just for the fountain cannot be recommended. In the same area
opposite – a concrete kitsch masterpiece of you’ll also find transport offices with buses
towering bears, goats and waterbirds. to Iran, with daily departures to Mashhad
Kebab sellers (Darb Khosh) Calling these (270Afg, seven hours) and Tehran (700Afg,
places chaikhanas would be far too grand – two days).
142 T H E N O R T H W E S T • • H e r a t t o M a i m a n a

Transport to Maimana is found 3km

west of Herat’s centre on Sarakh-e Fargha. WARNING
HiAces leave daily at around 4am (1100Afg, At the time of going to press, Badghis
two days). For more on this route, see province was considered too dangerous
right. for travel, due to activity of criminal and
Minibuses to Obey (80Afg, two hours), anti-government elements. Travellers are
Chist-e Sharif (180Afg, four hours) and currently advised to fly between Herat and
Chaghcheran (800Afg, 1½ days) leave from Mazar-e Sharif (p141).
the bus station 3km south of Herat on the
road to the airport. This is also the general
transport depot for HiAces to most other There’s a small international presence in
destinations from Herat. the northwest, but Badghis province in par-
Transport for Torghundi on the Turk- ticular remains a wild area. Once in Faryab
menistan border leaves on an ad hoc basis province security is generally better, han-
from the same area as the Mashhad buses. dled by General Dostum’s Uzbeks.
For more information see p216.
HERAT TO MAIMANA ‫ﻫﺮات اﻟ ﻣﻴﻤﻨﻪ‬
GETTING AROUND While scenically dramatic, travelling this
Millie buses leave irregularly from Darb route through the northwest is not a trip
Khosh to the airport (6Afg, 50 minutes), to be taken lightly. The road is probably the
although shared taxis (50Afg) from the worst in Afghanistan, and there’s some stiff
same spot can be a better bet. The whole competition. A 4WD is essential, as there
taxi should cost 300Afg or less. are large stretches of off-road driving and
Most taxi rides in Herat will cost between fording of rivers. In spring, rains can make
50Afg and 80Afg. Until the last couple of this route almost impossible as swathes of
years, a highly enjoyable way of seeing Herat the track turn to mud; in winter snow on
was to hire a gari (horse-drawn buggy). The the Sabzak Pass near Herat can cause its
drivers take great pride in decorating their own problems. In the best of conditions,
carriages, dressing their horses with bells it’s a drive of two very long days. By public
and red pom-poms, but they are disap- transport, it’s well worth buying an extra
pearing fast: on our most recent visit we seat in the vehicle for comfort.
only spotted a couple, having been largely On top of this, Badghis has a poor reputa-

replaced by scores of autorickshaws. Both tion for lawlessness, with a low police pres-
cost around a third less than a taxi over the ence. Banditry against vehicles and NGOs is
same distance. not uncommon, as well as tension between
Millie buses also ply the streets on set the Tajik and minority Pashtun popula-
H E R AT &

routes, which can be hard to fathom. Stops tions that sometimes spills into violence.
are on the main roundabouts, with tickets The stretch of road between Qala-e Nau
usually costing about 3Afg. and Bala Murghab (where public transport
overnights in both directions) is the worst

THE NORTHWEST for lawlessness. When we took this route we

were made to sleep in a local police station
for security reasons. Checking the security
Where Herat looks toward the Iranian Pla- situation with reliable sources is essential
teau, northwest Afghanistan turns its face before planning a trip. Qala-e Nau is cur-
to the dry semi-desert landscapes of Central rently the only place on this road with mo-
Asia. Skirting the length of the Turkmeni- bile phone reception, making a Thuraya a
stan border, it’s a place of oases, seasonal good idea for staying in touch.
rivers and dusty brown hills that sprout If all this sounds too much, take heart
into life at the hint of rain. The same rains that there’s a Kam Air service between
can make travel near impossible at these Herat and Mazar-e Sharif twice a week.
times – even gravel roads are largely an
aspiration and you’re just as likely to find Qala-e Nau ‫ﻗﻠﻌﻪ ﻧﻮ‬
yourself bumping along dry riverbeds and From Herat, the road heads north over the
over sand dunes. Safed Koh mountains, zigzagging its way
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at T H E N O R T H W E S T • • M a i m a n a 143

over the Sabzak Pass (2400m). The land- vincial air. Horse-drawn taxis are the order
scape is harsh but dramatic, all rough peaks of the day as much as cars, bumping along
and escarpments studded with low trees. the rough roads and throwing up plumes
As you descend, the country becomes drier of dust. Respite only comes with the spring
and drier until you reach Qala-e Nau, about rains, when the streets become a mess of
seven hours from Herat. sticky mud.
Qala-e Nau is the capital of Badghis, big According to early Arab accounts,
enough to have a roundabout and some Maimana was founded by Israelites exiled
fancy Victoriana street lights that at least from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, al-
show an aspiration towards electricity. Most though archaeological digs have uncovered
public transport stops for a meal break in the Neolithic beads in the area indicating much
town and there are some decent chaikhanas, older habitation. The city grew and pros-
with low barrel-vaulted ceilings. Bizarrely, pered, even taking the obligatory levelling
several claimed to serve spaghetti alongside by Genghis Khan in its stride.
the usual pulao-shaped offerings. Maimana rose again to become a power-
There’s a Spanish-led PRT on the south- ful khanate, which spent much of its time
ern outskirts of Qala-e Nau. The road be- playing off the rivalry between Kabul and
tween Herat and Qala-e Nau is currently Bukhara to its own advantage. It was a
being upgraded, but at the time of research thorn in the side of Afghan amirs through-
the tarmac finished about 80km after leav- out the century, only being forced into the
ing Herat. Afghan state at the end of a gun wielded by
Abdur Rahman Khan in 1884, the last of the
Bala Murghab ‫ﺑﺎﻻ ﻣﺮﻏﺎب‬ independent Uzbek city states.
All transport between Herat and Maimana Modern Maimana is a lot more relaxed
stops overnight in this small farming town, now. The town is centred on a large park
a full day’s drive from both. It’s an anom- surrounded by pines, once the site of
aly in the area in having a mainly Pashtun Maimana’s Citadel. The main bazaar areas
population, due to Abdur Rahman Khan’s are to the north, between the park and the
experiments in population movement in the Maimana river. Monday and Thursday are
1880s. The town itself has little to draw visi- the busiest bazaar days. Look out for the
tors, but the surrounding farmland along bright chapans and gilims for sale. A Nor-
the Murghab river is green and attractive. wegian PRT is based on the east side of
There are a couple of chaikhanas on the the park.
town square, but police are unlikely to let
foreigners sleep in them for security rea- Sleeping & Eating
sons. Instead, you’re likely to be redirected At the time of research, police were only
H E R AT &

to the Governor’s Hotel – also known as allowing foreigners to stay in one hotel
the police compound. There are a couple of in Maimana, although in theory there are
rooms, otherwise you bed down under the several chaikhanas with private rooms on
stars with whoever’s on night-watch. It’s offer.
not great, but it’s fairly secure. Prices seem Maimana Municipal Hotel (x079 915 8353; south
to vary according to whim: some people of Maimana park; s/d 500/1000Afg) is a dusty 1930s
haven’t been charged, others hit for dollars edifice, with reasonable rooms filled with
in double-figures. creaking furniture. The hotel is woefully
As with much of this region, the landscape low on bathrooms – just two for nearly 20
is dominated by rounded hills of loess – bedrooms. If it’s full (it was block-booked
the fertile dust blown from Central Asia. with Indian and Chinese construction
Arid for most of the year, they suddenly turn workers when we visited), the management
green with the onset of the spring rains. At is usually happy to let you stay in the plush
other times, Kuchi caravans are liable to pro- conference room, which has surprisingly
vide the only colour in the landscape. comfy sofas. Some locals know it as the
Daulat Hotel.
MAIMANA ‫ﻣﻴﻤﻨﻪ‬ Aside from the chaikhanas in the ba-
The capital of Faryab, the largely Uzbek zaar, Turkestan Restaurant (northeast cnr of park)
town of Maimana has an easy-going pro- is the only sit-down option for eating. The
144 T H E N O R T H W E S T • • A n d k h o i l o nate
Book accommodation online

Timur visited in 1380 where he received

THE DASHT-E LAILI an omen to conquer Herat. Now a mixed
The Dasht-e Laili desert takes its name from Turkmen and Uzbek farming community
the story of Majnun and Layla, the Romeo on the edge of the Dasht-e Laili it feels far
and Juliet of Persian literature. Their love for- removed from the bustle of most Afghan
bidden by Layla’s father, Majnun wandered towns, and a long way from anywhere.
the desert alone until he lost his mind. Layla The old street plan is yet to be despoiled
was forced to marry another. Years later, fol- by the ugly glass-and-concrete buildings
lowing her death, Majnun made a pilgrimage so popular elsewhere in Afghanistan and
to her grave, whereupon he lay down next to there’s barely a scrap of Western clothing
her and expired. The two lovers were finally in evidence. You’ll never have seen so many
reunited in the afterlife. people wearing chapans (robes).
Every spring, the Dasht-e Laili springs Bazaar days (Monday and Thursday) are
briefly into life with the rains, turning an the best time to visit. The main bazaar area
electric green and studded with flowers. Its is between the streets west and north of the
name may also be a spin on laleh, the Dari town square. Huge piles of melons line the
word for the tulips that bloom so brightly streets when in season, competing for space
here at this time. amid the blacksmiths, dried goods and tea
stalls. Although there’s no animal market,
it can still sometimes feel like the town has
breeze-block architecture lends the place a more donkeys and camels than motor vehi-
certain awkward ambience, and although cles. The real reason to come here however
the menu promises a choice of dishes, you’ll is for the carpets and textiles.
end up with kebabs whatever you go for. Andkhoi has been a carpet centre since
Not signed in English, look for the glass the 1920s, when floods of Turkmen refugees,
kiosk outside with the brazier, next to the fleeing from the aftershocks of the Russian
UNHCR compound. Revolution, entered north Afghanistan.
There are several snack and juice stalls The flocks of karakul sheep they brought
clustered around the south gate of the with them transformed the local economy,
park; if you’re lucky they’ll be selling boloni producing high-quality skins and rugs.
and mantu. The main road west from the town
square, surrounded by shops selling wool,

Getting There & Away is where you’ll find most of the carpets.
Ariana operates an erratic flight to Kabul: Dealers from Kabul and Mazar-e Sharif buy
check at the office on the northeast corner of and commission much of their stock from
the park, although it’s frequently closed. here. Watching the traders make a deal is
H E R AT &

Minibuses to Shiberghan (300Afg, six a fascinating process. Although the carpet

hours) and Mazar-e Sharif (400Afg, eight sellers are mainly wholesale, they’re always
hours) leave every morning from a stand happy to make a sale and the prices are
by the river, 500m north of the main square considerably less than you’ll find elsewhere.
near the police station. The road follows the Tucked amid the carpets, you’ll also find
direct route via Daulatabad and the Dasht-e people selling textiles – hand-woven silks,
Laili desert. Transport to Andkhoi (280Afg, suzanis (spreads embroidered with silk or
five hours) leaves from the same area, but wool) and clothes. The haggling is about as
is less frequent. laidback as it comes and if you can throw
HiAces make the epic trip to Herat in a few words of Uzbek or Turkmen, don’t
(1000Afg, two days) daily at around 4am, be surprised if your purchase comes with an
leaving from the Sadam Yush depot, near invitation home for dinner.
the Municipal Hotel.
Sleeping & Eating
ANDKHOI ‫اﻧﺪﺧﻮ‬ The only hotel in town is the Andkhoi Hotel
Visiting Andkhoi feels a little like stepping (Muncipal Hotel; Main square; r 500Afg), a big pink-
back in time to a part of Central Asia that and-blue building on the northeast corner
no longer exists. It’s a modest place given its of the square. Rooms are basic but big, with
history – it thrived in the medieval era and simple shared bathrooms. Staff are friendly
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at T H E N O R T H W E S T • • S h i b e r g h a n 145

and usually surprised to see any foreigners Tillya Teppe outside the city uncovered a
pitching up. major Kushan gravesite containing a wealth
There are plenty of chaikhanas in the of gold artefacts – the so-called ‘Bactrian
bazaar – the height of Andkhoi’s dining Gold’ (see p89).
experience. Other visitors commented on a dif-
ferent sort of treasure. When Marco
Getting There & Away Polo stopped in Shiberghan he noted
A smooth tarmac highway leads to Shiber- that ‘here are found the best melons in
ghan (70Afg, one hour) and Mazar-e Sharif the world in very great quantity.’ Mod-
(150Afg, 3½ hours). HiAces and shared ern travellers may well agree. In addi-
taxis leave throughout the day from a tion to farming, Shiberghan’s economy
stand on the road, east of the town square. is now boosted by its natural gas fields –
Heading south, HiAces leave most morn- the pipeline to Mazar-e Sharif follows the
ings to Maimana (280Afg, five hours) on main highway. The city has many Turkish
a poor desert road. In theory it should be NGO offices, evidence of Dostum’s period
possible to cross into Turkmenistan from in exile there in the late 1990s. Posters of
here via the border town of Imam Nazar, the big man himself are everywhere.
although the border is currently under dis- There’s not much to see in Shiberghan
pute and no transport was running when itself and although you might spend a night
we visited (for more information, see here if you’ve come from Maimana, it’s just
p216). as easy to push on to Mazar-e Sharif. The
small Turkmen town of Aqcha lies 50km to
SHIBERGHAN ‫ﺷﺒﺮﻏﺎن‬ the east off the main highway and has an
Another of the old khanates that ran across interesting traditional bazaar every Mon-
the north like knots on a string, the city of day and Thursday, with carpet and jewel-
Shiberghan is the centre of Uzbek power lery sellers.
in Afghanistan and the hometown of Gen-
eral Abdul Rashid Dostum (see boxed text, Sleeping & Eating
below). A nondescript sort of a place, its If you need to stay the night, the Shibirghan
lowslung appearance belies its history. Shi- Hotel (Main Square; r US$20) is the best option. It’s
berghan was part of ancient Bactria, the on the northern edge of the main square –
great range of steppe that hosted the war- look for the phone towers and football
ring city states of the Greeks and later, the pitch. Rooms are adequate, but nothing
Kushans. In 1978 archaeologists working at fancy.

H E R AT &

In the towns of the northwest, Ahmad Shah Massoud posters have been replaced with pictures of
a stocky bullish man with a heavy moustache. This is General Abdul Rashid Dostum, undisputed
heavyweight of Afghanistan’s Uzbeks.
Dostum was a paratrooper for the Afghan army when the Soviets invaded and commanded
a large Uzbek militia that fought the mujaheddin across the north. In 1992, he sensed the wind
was changing and switched sides – a defection that precipitated Najibullah’s ultimate downfall.
Dostum helped Massoud capture Kabul, but once in the capital the Uzbek militias became feared
for their orgies of rape and pillage. Within two years he switched sides again and teamed up with
Hekmatyar to bombard the city with heavy artillery.
Dostum’s control of the Salang Pass meant almost total control of the north, which he ran like
a private fiefdom, printing his own money and even running his own airline, Balkh Air. Newly
independent Uzbekistan provided much backing until Dostum’s world collapsed with the Taliban
capture of Mazar-e Sharif in 1997.
In 2001, Dostum became just another warlord back on the make after the Taliban’s col-
lapse, but has had to share the northern spoils with more powerful Tajik rivals. At the time
this guidebook was researched, he was Chief of Staff of the Afghan army, personally appointed
by Hamid Karzai.
© Lonely Planet Publications
146 T H E N O R T H W E S T • • S h i b e r g h a n

There are several cheap restaurants and Minibuses to Mazar-e Sharif (100Afg, two
chaikhanas immediately to the south and hours) fill up quickly from a small terminal
east of the main square, serving kebabs, on the eastern edge of Shiberghan – look
pulao and mantu. for the brick factories nearby. Transport
to Aqcha (40Afg, 30 minutes) also leaves
Getting There & Away from here.
There should be a weekly flight to Kabul, Andkhoi transport (70Afg, one hour)
provided Ariana wants to operate it – it was leaves from west of the square, past one
out of action when we asked around. The of Dostum’s gauche terracotta-and-lobster-
airport is 10km east of the city. pink palaces.
H E R AT &

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