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Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Second Semester, 2023-20224

Module 1: Introduction to Technology for

teaching and Learning
Lesson 1: Educational Technology

Educational Technology is a combination of two terms education and technology. Education

refers to the process of bringing up or leading out the inherent potentialities from the pupil. It is the
process by which the knowledge, skills and attitude are transmitted to the members of the
Technology refers to the techniques as well as technical contrivances which enhance a
process. It is a systematic way of applying the techniques to achieve an objective. Therefore,
Educational Technology can be defined as the systematic application of technology in the field of
education. Like any other term, Educational Technology has been defined variously. According to
G.O.M. Leith ‘Educational Technology is the application of scientific knowledge about learning and
the conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning’.
Concept of Educational Technology
Educational Technology is a wider term which is more than the sum of its parts. Educational
Technology is not a simple combination of these two words as shown below
Early developments referred to the role of technology in education which signifies the use of
audio-visual equipment that is hardware in educational process. Later development recognizes
the concept of technology of education that is techniques and methodologies of teaching and
learning. This is indeed the software aspect of educational technology. Educational technology
is also different from audio-visual aids. Educational Technology is a vast subject concerned with the
application of scientific knowledge about learning and conditions of learning in order to improve the
effectiveness of teaching, learning and evaluation.
Audio –visual aids are merely the aids or resources, i.e., materials which are employed to
improve the quality of the message. Audio-visual aids are only a part of educational technology.
Nature and Characteristics of Educational Technology
 Educational Technology is the application of scientific principles to education
 It lays stress on the development of methods and techniques for effective teaching-learning
 It emphasis the designing of measuring instruments for testing learning outcomes
 It involves input, output and process aspect of education
 Educational Technology is not to be taken as a synonym to audio-visual aids in education
 Educational Technology is a comprehensive term and is not to be viewed in terms of its parts
or processes. It includes instructional technology, teaching technology, programmed learning, micro
teaching and system etc.

Principles of Educational Technology

While using educational technology in classroom teacher should consider the following
1) Principle of Purposiveness
There shall be a definite purpose in using technological methods and devices in classrooms.
Use of it should not be considered as a substitute for teaching.
2) Principle of Economy
While suggesting a machine or method, the affordability must be considered.
3) Principle of ease in the use of an aid
When a teacher selects one aid from among a possible set, he should have the competency
to handle it. It is better to avoid complicated gadgets.
4) Principle of Availability
Availability must also be considered while selecting a hardware or software.
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Second Semester, 2023-20224

5) Principle of Simplicity
Easy to use or simple methods are recommended than the complicated ones. It should not
confuse the minds of pupil.
6) Principle of Stimulation
The technology used in the classroom should be inspirational. They are meant to supplement
oral and written presentation.
7) Principle of Self-preparation
It is preferred to use self- prepared learning materials and method for the transparency in


- Refers to the advancements in the methods and tools people use to solve problems and
achieve goal. In the classroom, technology can encompass all kinds of tools from low-tech
(pencil, paper, chalkboard) to high-tech (presentation, software, tablets, computer, etc.).
Wainwright (2016) posits reasons why technology should be implemented in the classroom.
1. Technology will help students in the future career especially those who need wireless
2. Technology addresses diversity in learning styles.
3. Technology gives students the chance to interact.
4. Technology helps teachers prepare students for the real-world environment.
5. Technology keeps students engaged.
6. Technology makes the classroom a happier place.
7. Technology allows students to access updated information faster than before.
8. Technology makes students more responsible.
9. Technology breaks the tradition of passive learning.
10. Technology allows students to access digital materials and databases.

Lesson 2: Basic Concepts in Understanding ICT in Education

What do we mean by ICT?

Information and communication Technology (ICT) in education is the mode of education that use
information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of
information. It can be defined as the technological tools and resources used for transmitting,
storing, creating, sharing or exchanging data or information. Broadly, ICT in education can
consist of computers and devices, network (including the internet and social networks),
application/tools, and digital content.

Introducing ICT into education is the answer for those who wants to increase the reach
of their institution, to a large number of students. Likewise, various new trending devices and e-
learning are rising where students can access information whenever and wherever they want.
Enabling ICT in education and making use of technology in education creates to easy-to –manage
learning environment where the delivery of information is so much smoother and the learning

Here are some terms and Concepts that you need to know and understand.
1. Technology
Technology is the set of knowledge, skills, experience and techniques through which
humans change, transform and use our environment in order to create tools, machines, products,
and services that meet our needs and desires. We apply technology in almost everything we do in
our lives, we use technology at work, use to extract materials, for communication,
transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data and so much more. The
term’ technology “is wide, and everyone has their way of understanding its meaning.
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Second Semester, 2023-20224

2. Educational technology
Educational technology is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and
educational theory and practice to facilitate learning. It also creates, uses, and manages
technological processes and educational resources to help improve user academic

Essentially, educational technology helps to improve the overall efficiency of the teaching and
learning process. This is done through the following ways:
 Increasing the quality of learning or the degree of mastery
 Decreasing the time taken for learners to obtain desired learning objectives.
 Increasing the efficiency of teachers in terms of numbers of learning taught reducing the
quality of learning.
 Reducing educational cost without affecting educational quality.

3. Technology, media and learning.

Media are defined as the means by which information is conveyed from one place to
another. In the past century, various forms of media have been used to convey instruction and
to support leaning. Examples of instructional media include the traditional means of
delivering instruction (chalkboards, textbooks, overhead projectors, and teachers), mass media
used for education (newspaper, movies, radio and television), and the newer electronic
instructional media (computers, interactive video, and multimedia systems. Technology and
media have transformed the process learning and interacting of learners with their environment.
4. Instructional system and instructional technology

Instructional Technology is the branched of education concerned with the scientific study
of instructional system also known as instructional design.

The main purpose of instructional designers is to create, engaging, effective learning

experiences and develop instructional products both digital and physical, in a consistent and
reliable fashion towards an efficient, appealing, engaging and inspiring acquisition of

5. Technology tools
Technology tools refers to software, primarily, they can be used to develop or support
online course content.

Educators have said the benefits that come with having and using technology in
schools includes expanding on and reinforcing lesson content and motivating students to
learn. It also gives teachers the option to reach students with different learning styles.
Moreover, with a variety of innovative ways to teach and learn, modern technology does
indeed offer methods for different students, including gaming for visual learners. This is where
technology can make a big difference.

Activity: Form a group of 4. Share what you have written in question 1 and 2. Share the result to
the class.

1. How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner?

2. How will I use Technology when I become a teacher?

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