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Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Lesson 3: Development of Educational Technology

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you are expected to trace the development of Edtech and
information and communication technology.

A. Stone Age

- Ignition of fire by rubbing two stones, hand-made

weapon, utensils making using stones, and the use of
clothing from animal skin and fur. They also developed
canoe-ship technology, learned ocean currents, weather
conditions, sailing techniques, Astro navigation and star

B. Bronze Age

- Development of agricultural technology, fishing techniques and

domesticating animals and establishment of permanent homes.

- Developed metal technology using copper and bronze

C. Iron Age

- People made progress by resorting the

iron smelting technology since iron was
the last period period to the discovery
of writing.

D. Ancient Civilization

Paul Saetller- traced the development of Edtech during the ancient civilization when the tribal
priests introduced bodies of knowledge and ancient culture, and introduced sign writing or
pictographs to record or transmit information

- The greatest advances in technology and engineering came with the rise of the ancient
civilization which stimulated and educated people and societies in the world to adopt new
ways of living

Harappan People- writing was described as pictographic script

- The script contained 400 basic signs with variations

- The writing is done from right to left found on seals used in trade and official and
administrative activities

Chinese Civilization
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

- Contributed technology like paper, seismological detectors , toilet paper, matches, iron
plough, suspension bridge, wheelbarrow, parachute, natural gas as fuel, magnetic compass,
elevated relief map and gun powder

- Culturing different handmade paper products as means of visual aids

Ancient Egyptian language

- One of the longest surviving and used language in the world

- Script was made up of pictures of the real things like birds, animals, different tools. These
pictures are known as hieroglyph.

Hieroglyphics- a writing system invented in Egypt and is the second oldest form of writing.
It takes the form of pictures, each representing an entire word, syllable, or phoneme.

E. Medieval and Modern Period

- Invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenburg, a German inventor. This event
was a prime development factor in the history of educational technology to convey the
instruction as per the need of the complex and advanced-technology cultured society

Pre-industrial Phases

Utilization of gadgets like Slate, Horn book, Blackboards, and Chalk. Textbook was used
with few illustrations. Edtech during those times was associated with simple aids like charts
and pictures.


Horn Book

Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

- Edtech paved its way to be known as audio-visual education when an international

exhibition held in Vienna showcased the winning American exhibition of maps, charts,
textbooks and other equipment.

- Maria Montessori (1870-1952) an internationally renowned child educator, when she

introduced the Montessori Method, which developed graded design activities to provide for
the proper sequencing of subject matter for each individual learner

- In 1929, the first practical use of regular television broadcast was done in Germany.
The Olympic Games in 1936 were shown on television in Berlin. Then open circuit television
began to broadcast entertainment in 1950. In 1960, television was used in education.

- In 1943 Charles Babbage designed the first computing machine

- In 1966, O.K. Moore developed a talking type tutorial Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).
Since 1947, computers are interestingly used in schools, colleges, and universities.
- In 1956, Benjamin Bloom from USA introduced the taxonomy of educational objectives
through his publication, "The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The classification of
Educational Goals, Handbook I.: Cognitive Domain".
- In 1961, Micro teaching technique was first adopted by Dwight W. Allen and his co-
workers at Standford University in USA.
- Electronics is the main technology being developed in the beginning of the 21st century.
Broadband Internet access became popular and occupied almost all the important offices
and educational places and even in common places in developed countries with the
advantage of connecting home computers with libraries and mobile phones.


The UNESCO uses the term ICTs to describe “the tools and the processes to access,
retrieve, store, organize, manipulate, produce, present, and exchange information by electronic
and other automated means.

Five Phases of Using Computer in Education

1. Late 1970’s- Early 1980: Programming, Drill, and Practice

- Teachers teaching “ADP”– Automated Data Processing”

- Nokia MikroMikko- released by Nokia Corporation’s computer division Nokia Data from
1981 through 1978. MikroMikko was Nokia Data’s attempt to enter the business
computer market.
- The reason to teach programming was not to train programmers but the believe that it
will develop students’ logics and math skills.
- Software developed by teachers for simple drills and practice exercises for math and
language learning.
- These exercises didn’t help much students to reach any deeper understanding, as they
were mainly simulating students’ short term memory and “trial, error, trial, error, trial,
past” kind of activity.

2. Late 1980’s – early 1990’s: computer-based training (CBT) with multimedia

- It was said that students would learn if they could watch animations in colors, small
video clips and then do the exercises.
- Golden era of CD-ROMs and multi media computers.

3. Early 1990’s: Internet-Based Training (IBT)

-The 3rd wave of using computer in education came with the raise of the world wide
-The promoters of this new paradigm claimed that information changes so fast that one
should update it almost everyday. And the solution: The Internet and Internet-based
-All you could do on the Internet that time was text and pictures and some early
experiments with animations, video and audio.
-The purpose and reason to promote this was the believe that it is cost-efficient as there
were no more travelling to training or absence from workplace.

4. Late 1990’s-Early 2000: E-Learning

Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

-The markets for e-learning courses and especially for Learning Management Systems
(LMS) were created.
-The point of e-learning is to deliver courses for the students.
-Later on, the learning platform developers has become more aware that learning
requires social activities among the learners themselves and the teacher.

5. Late 2000: Social Software + Free and Open Content

social software and free and open content will make a real breakthrough in the field of
educational technology. Blogs and wikis have already brought web back to its original
idea: simple tool for your personal notes that are easily accessible and even editable by
your peers and your potential peers.

Activity 1: What do you think are the contributions of Educational Technology to teaching and

Lesson 4: Importance of Educational Technology

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:

a. Identify the benefits of Technology in Education
b. Establish the importance of Edtech in facilitating teaching and learning


1. Instructional Effectiveness- Increase student’s achievement.
2. Active Learning- encourage student’s involvement in the learning process.
3. Critical Thinking- promote higher-level thinking skills.
4. Cooperative Learning-foster the development of leadership abilities, teamwork, and
improved self-esteem.
5. Communication Skills- integration of telecommunications in the curriculum,
students are exposed to correct pronunciation, diction, and enunciation.
6. Multisensory Delivery- allows students with various learning styles to assimilate
and apply knowledge
7. Multicultural Education – link students and teaches in national and international
1. Children conversant with technology show improvements in their writing, reading and
math skills.
2. Technology has also contributed to the decrease in drop out rates, improvement in the
student’s attendance and enhancement in their learning abilities.
3. Technology in school benefits the children during their higher education. It lays a strong
foundation of the successful professional life of an individual.
4. Computers can offer livelier explanations of various subjects. The internet is an ocean of
information, which can be harnessed for the rendition od information school.
5. The inclusion of technology in the process of learning makes learning an enjoyable
activity, thus inviting greater interests from kids.
6. The knowledge from all around the world can be better brough about for the children and
can be better assimilated by them.
7. The administration processes, the official procedures of school can be simplified by
means of technology.
8. The school could have a library system, which, by the utilization of technology, can be
maintained in an efficient manner.
9. The attendance records of the pupils and teachers can be maintained by means of
student database.
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

10. The school can host a website of its own, holding information about the school.
1. Technology provides important tools to support knowledge construction for presenting
learner’s ideas, understanding and beliefs and for producing organized, multimedia
knowledge bases for learners.
2. Technology serves as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-
3. Technology is important when used for comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views.
4. Technology supports in presenting and simulating real-world problems, situations and
context. Technology provides varied materials that cater to the different senses that are
stimulated by the activities and technology used to better understand the lesson
5. Technology supports in representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments, and stories of
others in the form of documentation and picture taking can show some religious beliefs .
6. Technology helps learners to articulate and represent what they know reflecting on what
they have learned and how they come to know it.

Lesson 5: Roles of Educational Technology

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Infer the roles of Edtech in the 21st century classroom.


Edtech is closely related to the four pillars because technology skills and tools help the learner
attain them.
A. Learning to Learn
- Enables one to address coping with situations that need knowledge, greater
intellectual curiosity, shapes the mental faculties and enables one to make judgement
on the things and situations they experienced.
-Learning to learn is composed of the necessary whole of learning to know and
requires the constant updating in exercising memory and thinking, in addition to
paying attention to things and people.
B. Learning to do
- Equips one with certain skills to undertake certain tasks to be productive and
competent. The learners put into action what they learned and the task is translated
to actual manipulation or productivity.
C. Learning to live together
- Provides the individual the potential for harmonious relationship with people around
them. It also emphasizes the idea about unity in diversity in terms of race, religion,
and personal beliefs.
D. Learning to be
- Gives an individual a picture of what he plans to be after certain periods in his
lifetime. The learners outlook about himself may vary from time to time as he realizes
certain episodes in his life.


Element 1. Motivation
a. Gaining Learner Attention
- Substantial evidence indicated that teachers frequently capitalize on the
novelty and television-like attraction of computers and multimedia to achieve
the essential instructional goal of capturing and holding student’s attention.
b. Encouraging the Learner through Productive Work
- Teachers encourage students create their own technology-based products
c. Increasing Perceptions of Learner Control
-students are motivated by feeling that they in control of their own learning.
d. Technology Use as Motivation
-students enrolled in schools where teachers teach using technology

Element 2. Unique Instructional Capabilities

-Element 2 which deals with instructional capabilities is closely related to the four pillars
of education, namely: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live

a. Linking Learner to Information sources

b. Enabling Learners Visualize Problems and Solutions
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

c. Tracking Learners’ Progress

d. Linking Learners to Learning Tools

Element 3. Support for New Instructional Approaches

a. Cooperative Learning
b. Shared Intelligence
c. Problem Solving and Higher-level Skills
Problem solving can be done by:
Sensing the problem
Researching the problem
Formulating the problem
Finding the alternatives
Choosing the solution
Building acceptance

Element 4. Increased Teacher Productivity

- Provide more accurate information
- Produce better-looking, more “student friendly” materials
- Any technology resource can help teachers increase their productivity;
word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, publishing, etc.

Element 5. Required Skills for an Information Age

The final and most compelling reason for integrating technology into teaching and learning is
the need for students to learn skills that will prepare them to become lifelong learners in an
information society.

Activity 1. This activity will allow you to get information from teachers and students on the
importance of technology in teaching and learning.

A. Teachers (at least 2 teachers)

Interview Questions: What are the behaviors you observed from your students after
using technology in teaching?

Teacher’s Name: _____________________________________________________


B. Students (at least 2 students)

Interview Questions: Why do you think it is important for teachers to use technology in

Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________


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