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Freslyn Lim-Saco

Rozzano Locsin Cliford Masayon Kilat

Synchronicity in Human-Space-Time:
A Theory of Nursing Engagement in a
Global Community
The four life principles of the Synchronicity in the
Human-Space-Time Theory of Nursing Engagement
(SHSTTNE) are:
o Interconnectivity
o Equitability
o Emancipation
o Human transcendence
 They guide the nurses in translating the theoretical
assumptions and caring elements of the SHSTTNE
into practice
4 Life Principles of the Synchronicity in the
Human-Space-Time Theory of Nursing
Engagement (SHSTTNE)

 Interconnectivity is a  Interconnectivity leads
principle of human to the understanding of
interconnectedness of holism that the bio-
energy. Energy is psycho-social-spiritual
continuously moving from dimensions of persons
“subatomic particles to the are interrelated and that
biosphere, including the the whole being is more
planet Earth, all forming a than the sum of its
whole” organs or systems.

 Applying the principle of interconnectivity through

Interpersonal Relating (IR), Technological Knowing
(TK), Rhythmical Connecting (RC) & Transformational
Engaging (TE).

Equitability is a principle of justice and fairness
in human caring across healthcare systems. It
revolves around the value-based concept of equity
implying fairness in access to health care related to
the situated context despite differences in
methods, utilization, and outcomes
 In applying equitability, the nurse is cognizant of
the difference between equality and equity.

Emancipation is a principle of liberating the self
and others from the limits of human-space-time
 The human-space-time realities of health care
could include human factors or attributes such
as fear, shame, lack of communication skills,
lack of knowledge, powerlessness and human

 In the application of the NEP, to emancipate is to

know what the nurse can know, doing what one can
do, and be with the patient in the present given the
limitations of the HST.

Human transcendence indicates personal growth
of persons and professional growth among nurses.

 Pharris (2015) described the characteristics of

growth as “assertion of self, to emancipation of
self, to transcendence of self”.


“When people transcend their
own egos, dedicate their energy
to something greater than the
individual self, and learn to build
order against the trend of
disorder” (Pharris, 2015)

Theory of Nursing
Practice and Career

Cecilia Laurente
Cecilia Laurente is a
Filipino Nursing theorist
whose works focused
primarily on helping a
patient through support
systems, specifically the

The theory was from her
study, the Categorization of
Nursing Activities as
Observed in Medical-
Surgical Ward Units in
Selected Government and
Private Hospitals in Metro
Manila, which was
conducted from January to
June year 1987.

Anxiety - a mental state of fear
or nervousness about what
might happen.

Nurse’s Caring behavior that affect patient anxiety:

PRESENCE- person to person contact between the

client and the nurses

CONCERN- development in the time through mutual

trust nurse and the patient.

STIMULATION- nurse stimulation through words

tops the powerful resources of energy of person for

Enhancing factors

 One’s caring experience, beliefs and attitude

 Feeling good about work
 Learning caring at school
 What patients tell about the nurse coping
mechanism to problems encountered.
 Communication
Predisposing Factors

Civil Status
Educational Background
Length of work

Strategies describe how patient and
families, working with hospital staff, can:
be advisors: promote better
communication at the bedside to improve
quality; participate in bedside shift reports;
and prepare to leave the hospital.

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