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IHC Important long and short questions

Short Questions

1. Discuss the significance of Indian Culture

2. Write short note on Emperor Ashoka
3. Write short note on Sathavahanas?
4. Write about Bakti Movement?
5. Write short note on Kakatiyas?
6. Explain about Sufi Movement
7. Discuss about Qutubshahis
8. Write about English Education?
9. Write about Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
10. Write short note on Jyothi Rao Phule ?
11. Write short note on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar?
12. What is communalism explain
13. Explain what is Democracy?
14. Write short note on Constitution?
15. Explain about Women’s rights
16. Write short note on LGBTQ?

Long Questions

1. What is Culture and discuss about the Characteristics of Indian Culture?

2. What is Civilization? Write an essay on Indus Valley Civilization?
3. Write about Aryan Culture or Vedic Culture?
4. Write about Mauryas and Guptas?
5. Discuss about the Ashoka the great and Harshavardhana
6. Discuss the Art and Architecture the contributions of Buddhism and Jainism in Ancient

7. Explain how Islam Culture influenced on Indian Culture

8. Write about Sufi and Bhakti Movement in Medieval period
9..Discuss about the Cultural achievements of Kakatiyas and Qutubshahis?
10. Discuss Art and Architecture during Medial Period

11. Explain How Western Culture influenced on Indian Society

12.. Write an essay on socio-religious reform movement- Raja Ram Mohan Roy,
Iswarachandra Vidya Sagar and Veereshalingampanthulu
13. Discuss about the Subaltern Movement in India (Jyothi rao phule, Savitri Bai Phule,
Periyar Ramaswami Naiker, Narayana Guru and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar)

14. Write about the Indian National Movement(moderate phase, Extremists phase and
Gandhian Era
15. Explain all major religions in India
16. Discuss about the Rise of Communalism in Indian Society
17.. Write an essay on Democratic system in India and functions of Parliament?

18. Explain the Fundamental Rights

19. Write about Women and children Rights?
20. Discuss about the Tribal Culture and their problems.

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