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Deadline #___1_ Date___12/18/23_______ NAME:__________________________________

* Use this checklist to ensure that you don’t forget anything when producing your pages.
* Put a check mark next to each item you have addressed and completed.
*Plan early, anticipate problems and solve them- Talk to your advisor and teammates if you need help.

* Pages submitted one late will drop one letter grade. All other late pages will recieve an F.
* If you submit on-time, but most of what is listed below is not included or addressed, you will be marked down as indicated and you will
need to finish the incomplete work.
* We cannot submit D OR F pages to our publisher. All pages are required to meet publishable standards of excellence.

Points Points
CAPTIONS (135pts)
Possible Earned
Captions are PRESENT on a minimum of 3 photos and identify the people by grade, first,
and last name
Include three sentences (minimum) describing the action. 15
They are interesting and add value to telling the story of the page. They show you did
interview people.
ABCD format for captions is followed. 30
Captions include facts and quotes gained from interviews and/or firsthand experience.
Quotes contribute details to the story without stating the obvious.
Student/staff highlights (minimum of 3) are present and contribute details to the story
without stating the obvious. They are not made-up as you go.
Captions are formatted in "Primer Print" font, size 12, Color # ___________. 15
PICTURES (170 pts)
Page has a dominant photo that captures the essence of the page 15
Photos are placed well; high quality pictures selected; significant editing aparent; relevant
to subject matter
Includes 5-7 photos that capture a wide variety of students 50
All photos are appropriately cropped. 15
Number of subjects in photos varies. 5
All photos have been COMPLETELY “tagged” through the image library—this is CRUCIAL! 50
Photos have appropriate border width of 4pt and in color # ____________ 10
COPY (150 pts) - (note: the majority of pages MUST include a story, even if short; you must write what your page is
The main copy tells the story of the page, and is relevant to the theme and headline. 25
The copy is formatted in ____________ font 12pt. Color# ___________ 15
Writing, in addtition to the qualifications to meet expectations, maintains a consistent,
engaging, entertaining tone
Copy is spell-checked, proofread for accuracy of information, names, spelling and style. 20
Story answers the 5Ws and H 30
Feature story includes facts and figures gained from background research, poll/survey
results, focus groups and/or one-on-one interviews.
3 Quotes contribute details to the story without stating the obvious and appear to have
resulted from effective interviewing techniques. A variety of sources have been included.
HEADLINE (40 pts)
The headline is large and easy to read 30
Secondary headline is present and in _____________ font 30pt. Color # ____________ 10
Secondary Headline is creative, written with active verbs, catches the reader’s attention,
5 EC
and relates to our theme.
DESIGN/COLOR (135 pts)
Page design maintains the style and look that is consistent with our book and the other
pages of the section.
Page follows the designated color scheme (Unleashed) and matches your sections
MOST pages use a agreed upon background color to give the book a
trendy/professional/easy to read look; they also include an agreed upon page number 20
(font, style and size)
Clickart goes with the flow and theme of the page 15

All photos are appropriately cropped and placed in a logical manner.
Typography, color, photographs, and other design elements combine to create an
aesthetically pleasing page
OTHER (265 pts)
Names in captions and on pages have been TRIPLE checked for correct spelling. 15
Grade levels (if used) have been TRIPLE checked for accuracy. 15
Covers many different students in different grades. 15
ALL photo images are tagged in image library. 30
Behavior demonstrates a consistent work-ethic. 50
Behavior was conducive to a productive team environment 30
All writing is grammatically sound and mechanically correct. 25
Style and page is aesthetically pleasing. 50
Spread submitted on time and complete 35



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