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Class code: AV 39

Student’s name: Trần Thị Khánh Vi

Date: 30/11/2023


Unit: 8

Should cell phones be allowed in classrooms? Why (not)?

 1st draft

Topic sentence: I think student should be allowed to use cell phones in classrooms because
of many reasons.
- Support sentence 1: Cell phones can serve as valuable educational tools, enhancing learning
experiences and providing access to a wealth of information.
- Detail: Smartphones can facilitate quick access to educational apps, online resources, and e-
books, offering students a broader and more interactive learning experience.
- Support sentence 2: Allowing cell phones in classrooms can improve communication and
connectivity among students, teachers, and parents.
- Detail: Cell phones enable instant communication, allowing teachers to share important
announcements, updates, and assignments efficiently. Additionally, parents can stay
informed about their child's academic progress through communication apps, fostering a
collaborative and transparent relationship between educators and parents.
- Support sentence 3: Restricting cell phone use in classrooms may contribute to a lack of
digital literacy and preparedness for real-world scenarios.
- Detail: Allowing controlled and purposeful use of cell phones in the classroom can help
students navigate the digital landscape responsibly, preparing them for the demands of the
modern workforce
- Concluding sentence: the decision to permit or prohibit cell phones in classrooms
necessitates a balanced approach that considers the potential benefits for education and

 Self-assessment (checklist)

Content Y/N Comments/ Suggestions

Task Response
Is the paragraph at least 80 words? Y
Does the topic sentence clearly state the writer's
Does the paragraph have a concluding
sentence that summarizes main points and Y
gives the writer's opinion?
Coherence & Cohesion
Are there one topic sentence, at least two
supporting sentences, and one concluding Y
sentence in the paragraph?
Are relevant examples and/or other supporting
details (facts or explanations) included?
Are the supporting sentences and details related
to the topic?
Does the paragraph follow a logical order? Y
Is there at least 1 transition word used to link the
sentences? (First of all, In addition, Also, In Y
conclusion, ...)?
Lexical Resource
Is there any spelling error? Y
Does the paragraph contain vocabulary specific
to the topic?
Grammar Range and Accuracy
Do verb tenses and subject-verb agree? Y
Does the writer use correct punctuation? Y

 Final version

I think student should be allowed to use cell phones in classrooms because of many reasons.
Firstly, cell phones can serve as valuable educational tools, enhancing learning experiences
and providing access to a wealth of information. Smartphones can facilitate quick access to
educational apps, online resources, and e-books, offering students a broader and more
interactive learning experience. Secondly, allowing cell phones in classrooms can improve
communication and connectivity among students, teachers, and parents.Cell phones enable
instant communication, allowing teachers to share important announcements, updates, and
assignments efficiently. Additionally, parents can stay informed about their child's academic
progress through communication apps, fostering a collaborative and transparent relationship
between educators and parents. Moreover,restricting cell phone use in classrooms may
contribute to a lack of digital literacy and preparedness for real-world scenarios. In today's
technologically driven society developing digital literacy is crucial for students. Allowing
controlled and purposeful use of cell phones in the classroom can help students navigate the
digital landscape responsibly, preparing them for the demands of the modern workforce
In conclusion, the decision to permit or prohibit cell phones in classrooms necessitates a
balanced approach that considers the potential benefits for education and communication.
While challenges such as distractions exist, implementing clear guidelines and harnessing the
educational potential of cell phones can contribute to a more enriched and connected
learning environment.

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