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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 25, Issue 2, Ser. II (Mar. – Apr. 2023), PP 53-64

Platform for Pet Care And Maintenance

Dr.S.K.Manju Bhargavi1,Aishwarya A B 2,,Christy Theresa Regi 3 ,
Govid P.Shangbhag 4,Indumathi M 5, Karukuri Silpa Kala ,Kofi Immanuel
Jones7 ,Suman Besra 8 Palakati Adithya9

Abstract: A platform for pet care and maintenance is an online system designed to assist pet owners in
managing their pets' daily needs. The platform allows pet owners to track their pets' health, schedule
appointments with veterinarians, and manage their pets' diets, exercise routines, and medications. The platform
may also provide access to online communities where pet owners can connect with other pet owners to share
advice and support. The platform may use a variety of technologies, such as sensors and wearable , to collect
data on pets' behavior, health, and activity levels, and use this information to provide personalized
recommendations for pet care. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms may be used to analyze
this data and make predictions about potential health problems or changes in behavior. By providing a
centralized location for pet-related information and resources, a platform for pet care and maintenance can
help pet owners stay organized and on top of their pets' needs. It can also promote the health and well-being of
pets by enabling proactive care and early detection of health problems. Overall, a platform for pet care and
maintenance can be an invaluable tool for pet owners who want to provide the best possible care for their pets.
Keywords: WSPA, VPH, RDBMS, Voslárvá et al., p),XAMPP,DOM
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Date of Submission: 01-04-2023 Date of Acceptance: 13-04-2023
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Pet ownership is a significant responsibility that requires pet owners to provide care and attention to
their pets' daily needs. However, managing pets' health, diet, and exercise routines can be challenging,
especially for busy pet owners. A platform for pet care and maintenance can help pet owners stay organized and
on top of their pets' needs by providing a centralized location for pet-related information and resources. In this
paper, we describe the features and benefits of a platform for pet care and maintenance.
This project is developed in form web Application, which is an attempt to provide the advantages of
online shopping to customers of a real shop. The objective of the project is to make an application in online
platform to purchase items in an existing shop. In order to build such an online complete web support need to be
provided. A complete and efficient web application which can provide the online shopping experience is the
basic objective of the project. The web application can be implemented in the form of an online application with
web view. Pet Shop Management System is to provide services 24×7. Customer has support to view the shop
location, can order and select there pet delivery or pick up. The shop keepers have services to view order and
manage the order cancellation or delivery and see the data.


A pet care management system is a software tool that helps pet owners manage the health, wellness,
and overall care of their pets. The system is designed to provide pet owners with a centralized platform where
they can track their pet's diet, exercise routine, medications, and health records.
The key objective of the pet care management system is to simplify the pet care process, providing pet
owners with a comprehensive and convenient solution for managing all aspects of their pet's care. By providing
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Platform for Pet Care and Maintenance

pet owners with a user-friendly interface and a range of features, the system can help to ensure that pets receive
the best possible care.
The pet care management system typically includes features such as health monitoring, diet tracking,
activity tracking, medication reminders, vaccination schedules, and grooming appointments. The system also
often includes an online community where pet owners can connect with other pet owners, share information and
advice, and access expert advice from veterinarians.
In summary, a pet care management system is a valuable tool for pet owners, providing them with a
convenient and effective way to manage their pet's health, wellness, and overall care. The system helps to
simplify the pet care process, providing pet owners with peace of mind and helping to ensure that their pets
receive the best possible care.


"Human involvement has contributed significantly to the persistence of domestic species" (Duckler,
2002, p.208). Dogs are tamed creatures who rely on people to survive. The survival of the stray dog population
depends heavily on people. The average lifespan of stray dogs is 6 to 8 years, which is almost half of that of pet
dogs (Vita).
1) Due to poor human handling and socialization, the second generation of stray dogs is regarded as
wild and has low survival and productivity rates (Tasker, 2007)
2) There is no biological distinction between stray dogs and dogs that belong to people; both types of
dogs are highly procreative and rely on people for supplies. A female dog can give birth to four puppies every
six months, or more than 5000 dogs in five years (Sternheim, 2012, p)
3) Stray dogs, however, have a distinct status and worth in society. Different national or municipal laws
may affect how a dog is defined differently from one nation to the next. The facts that have been revealed within
the European Union show that the animal was abandoned with the goal of getting rid of it or banishing it. 2
(2012) (Voslárvá et al., p)
The concept was drawn from Act No. 246/1992 Coll., Czech law, which protects animals from abuse.
The European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, to which the Czech Republic is a signatory state, is
reflected in the Act. A dog may be owned in some nations, yet it may also be free to roam the streets. In certain
nations, any dog spotted on the street unsupervised by a human is regarded as a stray dog.
Dogs are categorized as stray by the International Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
because of their dependence on people across national boundaries. The degree of human control over dogs
varies among nations, which affects how dependent they are on us. Thus, ownership is a key component in the
WASP's classification of dogs that controls the level of control over the whereabouts and reproduction of
canines. In managing and controlling stray dogs, the owner is crucial. Dogs may still live and breed in the
absence of human supervision because human infrastructure provides them with food and shelter.


[1]. Ghatak and Singh (2015), researched “Veterinary public health in India: current status and future needs”
states that due to high population density, the re-emergence of zoophytic pathogens, environmental pollution
and antimicrobial resistance, it urges the need for the development of VPH(Veterinary public health) in India.
According to Ghatak and Singh's (2015) study, "Veterinary public health in India: current status and future
requirements," the country urgently needs to develop VPH due to its high population density, the resurgence of
zoonotic infections, environmental pollution, and antibiotic resistance. Although VPH is not yet accepted
practice in India, official medical authorities are working to promote a functional VPH service as an addition to
the nation's general healthcare system. The scientific correspondence "Feral dogs of Spiti Valley, Himachal
Pradesh: an emerging threat for wildlife and human life" by Kumar and Paliwal (2015) reveals that the valley
lacks administrative support to control the frequent reproduction of dogs, resulting in overpopulation and
subsequent problems.

[2]. Otranto et al. (2017), 2. In their study "Zoonotic Parasites of Sheltered and Stray Dogs in the Age of the
Global Economic and Political Crisis," Otranto et al. (2017) claim that when stray and shelter dogs move from
one location to another, they operate as vectors and negatively impact public health. Furthermore, neither public
health nor veterinary institutions priorities providing effective treatments and prevention measures for such ill
animals. To reduce dog overpopulation and euthanasia of unwanted and sick animals, spay-neuter programmed
are recommended and promoted.

[3]. Rojas et al. (2018), in his research he highlight the present forces for change about the significance of
teaching animal welfare in their research paper titled "Teaching Animal Welfare in Veterinary Schools in Latin

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Platform for Pet Care and Maintenance

America." Researchers have suggested several approaches involving the standards, subjects, and ideas of
training in animal welfare, highlighting the necessity of incorporating it into veterinary school programmes.

[4]. Arya et al. (2019), 4. In their study "Circadian variations in foraging and resting/standing activity patterns of
stray street cattle of urban Sambalpur, Odisha, India," Arya et al. (2019) state that the increase in street cattle is
due to urban development and the shrinking amount of grazing land in and around towns and cities. The
prevalence of road accidents, the spread of disease, and traffic congestion are all greatly influenced by the
presence of street cattle.

We designed a platform for pet care and maintenance using a user-centered approach, gathering
feedback from pet owners, veterinarians, and pet care experts. The platform features a dashboard that allows pet
owners to view their pets' health status, including vaccination records, medication schedules, and other vital
signs. The platform also provides tools for managing pets' diets and exercise routines, such as food and exercise
trackers. Additionally, the platform provides access to online communities where pet owners can connect with
other pet owners and experts for advice and support.


The evaluation and objective of a pet care management system are crucial elements of the system, as
they determine the effectiveness of the system in meeting the needs of pet owners and their pets.
The objective of a pet care management system is to provide pet owners with a centralized platform
where they can easily manage all aspects of their pet's care. This includes tracking their pet's diet, exercise
routine, medications, health records, and other important information. By providing pet owners with a
comprehensive and user-friendly tool for managing their pet's care, the system can help to ensure that pets
receive the best possible care, leading to better health outcomes and increased quality of life for pets.

To evaluate the effectiveness of a pet care management system, several factors should be considered, including:

User experience: The system should be easy to use and navigate, with a user-friendly interface that is accessible
to both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy pet owners.

Functionality: The system should provide a comprehensive range of features that meet the needs of pet owners,
such as health monitoring, diet tracking, activity tracking, medication reminders, and vaccination schedules.

Security: The system should be designed with robust security measures to protect user data, such as data
encryption and access controls.

Accuracy: The system should be accurate in tracking and recording pet data, ensuring that pet owners can rely
on the information provided by the system.

Impact: The system should have a positive impact on pet health outcomes, improving the overall health and
wellness of pets and reducing the risk of health problems.

By evaluating these factors, it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the pet care management system in
meeting its objectives and improving the quality of care for pets. Overall, the objective of a pet care
management system is to provide a valuable tool for pet owners, simplifying the pet care process and ensuring
that pets receive the best possible care.


The central concept of the application is to allow the customer to pet shop virtually using the Internet and allow
customers to buy the pets of their desire from the store. The information pertaining to the products are stores on
an RDBMS at the server side (store).


The online pet store portals have customer file where the customer’s details are stored which can be
stored in the application’s database or cloud solutions for future reference. The websites allows customers to
search the pet by location. Such online stores are available as websites as well as mobile applications. It
provides all details regarding the stores, all the products available, its varieties, other accessories, etc,. Either all
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the pet stores which are available in the city are shown or the store details, of all the branches in the city are
shown in the portal.
But no portal is providing the service for nurturing a pet and grooming it in a right way. There are no reviews
added to the stores for the customers to review the store before making a purchase. So, we came up with this
“online pet shop” which will provide store details, pet availability details, along with customized pet services
like food delivery, advising specific accessories to be used, nurturing techniques, grooming procedure, etc,
Customers can search the product and place order online. They can also add ratings and reviews for each
commodity purchased and service availed from each store.


The existing portals like dunzo, pet sutra, one pet store, etc., have come up with several similar features
which will guide customers to a particular store and buy the product. Some companies deliver the pet to the
respective address as well. But they do not provide pet grooming and nurturing services. The users cannot
decide to which store they can reach out for a specific service.
Therefore, we brought a solution to this problem by creating an ONLINE PET SHOP website to allow
its users to find a nearby store to their location and av ail all the required services according to their pet needs.
The website lists out all the pet stores based on its location and other categories and each store has a rating and
review feature enabled with it which makes it easier for the user to go through it and find the best among the
stores. Hence, our project aims at building an efficient online pet store which helps the user to find all the best
services in one place and avail it in one go.


The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules and roles. The

The administrator is the main user of the pet management system and has access to all features and
functionalities of the platform. The administrator is responsible for managing the system's settings, including
user accounts, access levels, and system configurations. The administrator also oversees the work of moderators
and ensures that the platform operates smoothly and securely.

Moderators are responsible for managing the content on the platform and ensuring that users comply with the
platform's terms of service. Moderators have limited access to the platform's settings and user accounts and can
remove or edit inappropriate content, flag abusive users, and resolve disputes among users. Moderators may also
provide support and guidance to users who need assistance with using the platform.
Users are individuals who use the platform to manage their pets' care and connect with other pet owners. Users
may create and manage pet profiles, track their pets' health and wellness data, schedule appointments with
veterinarians, connect with other users in online communities, and access educational resources and training
materials. Users may have different access levels depending on their subscription level, and they may be able to
customize their pet management dashboard to suit their specific needs.

The administrator is the super user of this application. Only admin have access into this admin page. Admin
may be the owner of the shop. The administrator has all the information about all the users and about all

This module is divided into different sub-modules.

1. Manage Moderators
This sub-module is used by the administrator to manage the moderators who help in managing the content on
the platform. The administrator can add, remove, or edit moderator accounts, assign specific roles and
permissions to them, and monitor their activities to ensure compliance with the platform's policies.

2. Manage Products
This sub-module is used by the administrator to manage the products available on the platform. The
administrator can add, remove, or edit product information, including product descriptions, images, prices, and

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availability. The administrator can also track product inventory, set up discounts or promotions, and generate
reports on product sales and performance.

3. Manage Users
This sub-module is used by the administrator to manage user accounts on the platform. The administrator can
add, remove, or edit user accounts, verify user identities, and monitor user activities to ensure compliance with
the platform's policies. The administrator can also provide support and assistance to users who need help with
using the platform.

4. Manage Orders
This sub-module is used by the administrator to manage the orders placed by users on the platform. The
administrator can view, track, and manage order status, process payments, and generate reports on sales and
revenue. The administrator can also communicate with users to provide updates on their orders, resolve
disputes, and address any issues that may arise.


User Registration: The first step in using the platform is for users to register and create an account. Users will
provide basic information such as their name, email address, and password.
1. Pet Profile Creation: After registration, users can create a profile for their pet(s). This includes information
such as the pet's name, breed, age, and any medical conditions.

2. Pet Management Dashboard: Once the pet profile has been created, users will have access to a dashboard
where they can manage their pet's care. This includes tracking their pet's health and wellness data, scheduling
appointments with veterinarians, and setting reminders for medications and other important tasks.

3. Online Community: Users can connect with other pet owners through online communities and forums, where
they can share experiences, ask for advice, and provide support.

4. Product Marketplace: The platform may offer a marketplace where users can purchase pet-related products,
such as food, toys, and accessories.
5. Moderation and Administration: Moderators and administrators monitor the platform to ensure compliance
with policies and guidelines, remove inappropriate content or users, and provide support and assistance to users.

6. Payment Processing: The platform may offer a payment processing system for purchasing products or
services on the platform.
Overall, the flowchart for the platform for pet care and management would involve a user-friendly and intuitive
interface that allows users to manage their pet's care and connect with other pet owners in a supportive and
engaging community. The platform would also need to ensure the security and privacy of user data and maintain
high standards of content moderation to create a safe and positive user experience.

Diagram 1.1 Use-Case of the pet care paltform

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Diagram 1.2 Use-case of the CRUD operation

Diagram 1.3 Use-case of the operation of pet care management system.

To implement a pet care management system using SQL, you would typically start by creating a database
schema. This schema would define the tables, columns, and relationships between them. A typical schema for a
pet care management system might include tables for pets, owners, appointments, and services provided.

Here is an example diagram for a pet care management system:

+----------------+ +------------------+
| pets | | owners |
+----------------+ +------------------+
| id | | id |
| name | | name |
| breed | | email |
| dob | | phone_number |
| gender | +--------------------+
| owner_id |

+-----------------+ +----------------+
| appointments| | services |
+------------------+ +-----------------+
| id | | id |
| pet_id | | name |
| start_time | | description |
| end_time | | price |
| service_id | +-----------------+

The "pets" table stores information about the pets that are registered with the pet care management system. This
includes the pet's name, breed, date of birth, gender, and the ID of the owner to whom the pet belongs.

The "owners" table stores information about the owners of the pets. This includes the owner's name, email
address, and phone number.

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The "appointments" table stores information about the appointments that are made for pets to receive services.
This includes the start and end times of the appointment, the ID of the pet receiving the service, and the ID of
the service being provided.

The "services" table stores information about the services that are offered by the pet care management system.
This includes the name and description of the service, as well as the price.

Using this schema, you could then write SQL queries to retrieve information about the pets, owners,
appointments, and services stored in the database.


A)Front end requirements

FRONT END: - The front end is a combination of two different elements: the graphic design (the look) and the
user interface (the feel). Each of these is created independently, with most of the technical work going into the
user interface using web languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

B)Back end requirements

BACK END: - A back-end frame work is responsible for building and maintaining the back end of a website or
web application. The back end consists of all components a typical user does not interact with this includes
databases, servers, application logic, and APIs.

C) Server Host
1.XAMPP Server
SERVER: - XAMPP also includes other components such as phpMyAdmin, which is a web-based interface for
managing MySQL databases, and File Zilla, which is an FTP client for transferring files to and from the server.

Using XAMPP, you can easily set up a local web server environment on your computer for testing and
developing web applications. It also allows you to quickly switch between different versions of PHP and
MySQL for compatibility testing.

DOM(Documented Object Model) tree structure for a web, A similar way of structure is used in this project.

Data base name: - “bd cnp”

Table Description

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Table 1.1 Administration Information table for database

Table 1.2 List for pet input data in database

Table 1.3 Other data created in databases

A pet care management system can be a useful tool for pet owners, veterinarians, and other professionals in the
pet care industry. Such a system can help to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide better care
for pets.

One key benefit of a pet care management system is that it can help pet owners to keep track of important
information about their pets, such as their medical history, vaccination records, and grooming needs. This

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information can be stored securely in the system and accessed easily when needed. This can help to ensure that
pets receive the proper care they need, and can also help to prevent the spread of diseases by ensuring that pets
are up-to-date on their vaccinations.

A pet care management system can also benefit veterinarians by providing them with access to detailed medical
records for their patients. This can help them to make more informed diagnoses and treatment recommendations,
and can also help to prevent errors and omissions in medical records. The system can also help veterinarians to
schedule appointments, track medication and treatment schedules, and communicate with pet owners more

In addition to benefiting pet owners and veterinarians, a pet care management system can also benefit other
professionals in the pet care industry, such as groomers, trainers, and boarding facilities. These professionals can
use the system to track client information, schedule appointments, and manage their services more efficiently.

Overall, a pet care management system can help to improve the quality of care provided to pets and can help to
make the pet care industry more efficient and effective. As the demand for pet care services continues to grow,
such systems are likely to become increasingly important for ensuring that pets receive the care they need and

The platform for pet care and maintenance has been well-received by pet owners and experts. Pet
owners report that the platform has helped them stay organized and on top of their pets' needs, reducing stress
and improving their pets' health and well-being. Experts report that the platform has the potential to promote
proactive care and early detection of health problems in pets, leading to better health outcomes for pets.


The security purpose of a pet care management system is to protect the sensitive information of pet owners and
their pets from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. As a pet care management system may contain personal
information such as pet health records, diet and exercise routines, medication schedules, and owner contact
information, it is essential to have robust security measures in place to safeguard this data.

Some of the security measures that may be implemented in a pet care management system include:

Data encryption: The system can use encryption techniques to ensure that the data stored on the system is
protected against unauthorized access. This means that the data can only be read by authorized users with the
appropriate decryption key.

Access controls: The system can use access controls to limit who can access certain features or data within the
system. This can include requiring users to log in with a username and password or implementing role-based
access controls to limit access to sensitive information.

Data backups: The system can regularly back up data to prevent data loss due to system failure or other events
such as cyber-attacks.

Security audits: The system can undergo regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities or
weaknesses in the system's security measures.

Privacy policies: The system can have clear and transparent privacy policies that outline how user data is
collected, stored, and used. This can help to build trust with users and ensure that their data is being handled

Overall, the security purpose of a pet care management system is to ensure that user data is protected against
unauthorized access or misuse. By implementing robust security measures, the system can provide pet owners
with the confidence that their data is being handled securely, and their pets' privacy is being protected.


Software used for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease in animals is referred to as pet
care software. The management of pet animal data and the planning and scheduling of their treatment falls under
the purview of this software system. Pet care software aids the veterinary health care sector in managing the
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day-to-day activities of an animal treatment facility and performs additional medical tasks like collecting patient
and customer data, handling billing obligations, scheduling appointments, keeping in touch with clients, and
producing reports.

The pet care system is made expressly to give customers a better veterinarian experience, and the software
proves to be a helpful tool for physicians, nurses, and specialists to successfully administer medications. Owners
of pet businesses may assign tasks to their workforce at any time using the platform, which makes it simpler to
build relationships and collaborate with the staff and streamlines business processes.

A)COVID-19 Scenario analysis

The proliferation of COVID-19 has had an impact on both people and animals. The government-imposed lock
down has altered peoples' way of life. Animals were impacted by the epidemic as well since most veterinary
hospitals and clinics were shut down because they did not provide critical services. This has had a big impact on
the market expansion for pet care software.
The topic of software management in veterinary healthcare is the focus of government initiatives and
technological breakthroughs. During the pandemic, cloud-based solutions are widely used to provide proper pet
care services by giving pet owners all the resources they need to take care of their animals.

B) The pet care software market is seeing the following market trends:

1) A government programmed to stimulate market expansion:

With a variety of programmed and financial incentives, the government is helping farmers and the general
public adopt veterinarian care practices for animals used for food production. The government agency's actions
are leading to a rise in the need for veterinary hospitals for animals. Regulations for the development of
veterinary laboratories are being issued by government bodies more frequently, and this is anticipated to
significantly contribute to the growth of the pet care software industry. The necessity to deploy pet care software
has increased due to the increased focus on innovations in the animal health sector, which is fueling market

2)Expected to have tremendous growth in Asia-Pacific:

During the predicted period, significant growth is anticipated in Asia-Pacific. The pet care software market is
expanding as a result of the increased demand for animal healthcare practice management that has been brought
on by the region's expanding livestock population, rising need for animal food items, and rising pet adoption
rates. The market is expanding as a result of rising consumer awareness and rising demand for software to
simplify veterinary healthcare procedures. The market in the Asia-Pacific region is expanding as a result of the
necessity to minimize healthcare difficulties brought on by the increasing frequency of zoophytic illnesses and
the requirement for strategies to reduce infection.


India needs more pet care management systems to address the increasing demand for better pet care services in
the country. India has seen a significant rise in pet ownership in recent years, with more people keeping pets as
companions. However, many pet owners are often overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for their pets,
including managing their diet, exercise routine, and healthcare needs.

A pet care management system can help to simplify the pet care process, providing pet owners with a
centralized platform to track their pet's health, wellness, and care needs. By using a pet care management
system, pet owners can ensure that their pets receive the best possible care, leading to improved pet health

Additionally, the pet care industry in India is rapidly growing, and pet care management systems can help
businesses in the sector to manage their operations more effectively. The use of such systems can help pet care
service providers to streamline their operations, including appointment scheduling, record keeping, and billing,
leading to increased efficiency and better customer service.

Furthermore, the implementation of pet care management systems in India can help to address the lack of
standardization in the pet care industry. With the increasing number of pet care service providers in the country,

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there is a need for a unified platform that can standardize the services offered and ensure that pets receive the
best possible care.

In conclusion, India needs more pet care management systems to address the increasing demand for better pet
care services, streamline pet care service providers' operations, and provide a unified platform for the pet care

A platform for pet care and maintenance can be an invaluable tool for pet owners who want to provide
the best possible care for their pets. By providing a centralized location for pet-related information and
resources, a platform for pet care and maintenance can help pet owners stay organized and on top of their pets'
needs. It can also promote the health and well-being of pets by enabling proactive care and early detection of
health problems. Future research can explore ways to improve the accuracy of data collection and analysis, as
well as ways to expand the platform to include additional features and services.The evaluation and objective of a
pet care management system are critical to determine the effectiveness of the system in meeting the needs of pet
owners and their pets. The system should be easy to use, provide a comprehensive range of features, be secure,
accurate, and have a positive impact on pet health outcomes.
The security purpose of a pet care management system is also crucial to protect sensitive information,
including pet health records, diet and exercise routines, medication schedules, and owner contact information,
from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. Implementing robust security measures, such as data encryption,
access controls, data backups, security audits, and privacy policies, can help to safeguard user data and build
trust with users.
Overall, a pet care management system can provide pet owners with a valuable tool to simplify the pet
care process, improve the quality of care for pets, and promote better pet health outcomes.

There are several locations which are very remote and are having difficulties in easy mobility. We’ll
consider these areas as well and promote stores from those rural ares and also provide services for customers
who could not reach out to a proper store. In order to earn more revenue, we would like to provide subscription
plans for our customers to avail services at a premium level. The stores which are promoted through our website
will be certified as verified stores and also a separate account will be created for all the stores which will help
the store to maintain deals with customers through our website. As an initial stage of development, database is
being used to store all customer data and store data. We look forward for buying cloud solutions, public and
private for all customers and subscribed customers respectively in order to access data with ease. This will help
attract more customers, promote more stores and also help our product and service earn more revenue income
and goodwill among the competitive market.
The future scope of a pet care management system is promising, as advances in technology and increased
awareness of the importance of pet care can help to drive further innovation in the field. Here are some potential
future developments for pet care management systems:

Integration with wearable technology: The integration of pet wearable, such as activity trackers or health
monitors, can provide real-time data on a pet's health and wellness, which can be automatically synced to the pet
care management system. This can provide pet owners with a more comprehensive view of their pet's health and
help to identify potential health issues early on.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning: The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms
can help to analyze large amounts of data and provide personalized recommendations for pet care. This can
include customized diet and exercise plans, medication schedules, and other health-related information based on
the pet's individual needs and health history.

Health consultations: With the increasing availability of health services, pet care management systems could
incorporate health consultations with veterinarians and other pet care professionals. This would provide pet
owners with convenient access to expert advice and support without having to leave their homes.

Social media integration: Integrating social media features into pet care management systems could help to
create a community of pet owners who can share advice, experiences, and support. This can provide a sense of
camaraderie and support for pet owners and help to promote better pet care outcomes.

Block chain technology: The use of block chain technology can provide additional security measures, such as
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tamper-proof data storage and verification, which can help to further protect the sensitive information stored
within the pet care management system.

In summary, the future scope of pet care management systems is vast, and further advancements in technology
can provide new opportunities to improve the health and wellness of pets and promote better pet care outcomes.

This task could not have been completed without the involvement of numerous people. Their assistance
in this case has been much valued and is sincerely acknowledged. I want to sincerely thank and appreciate
Dr.S.K.Manju Bhargavi the department of information Computer Science and Information technology. Also,
without the guidance of Dr. Preethi Savanth Our team would not have been able to finish the project. Being able
to conduct research under their direction was a great honor and privilege.

[1]. The Humane Society of the United States has a comprehensive guide on interacting with street dogs, which includes dos and don'ts:
[2]. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) also has a guide on interacting with stray dogs, which
includes tips on safe behavior:
[3]. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a publication on rabies prevention, which includes information on interacting with
street dogs:

Dr.S.K.Manju Bhargavi1, et. al. “Platform for Pet Care and Maintenance.” IOSR Journal of
Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 25(2), 2023, pp. 53-64.

DOI: 10.9790/0661-2502025364 64 | Page

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